Download presentation on organization. Presentation on the topic “Organization

A specific end state or desired result that a group strives to achieve by working together. An organization can have a variety of goals. They are short-term, long-term, and intermediate.

A means of converting raw materials (labor, information, materials) into final products or services. The technology used in the organization depends on the type of production: single, serial, mass.


A prescribed job, series or piece of work that must be completed in a predetermined manner within a predetermined time frame. The organization's tasks are divided by type of work: working with people, with objects and information.


This is a logical relationship and interdependence of management levels and departments, built in a form that allows you to most effectively achieve the goals of the organization.

Management achieves the goals of the organization through its employees. People are the central factor in any management system

Topic: “Organization as a management system.” Study questions:
1. The concept and essence of the organization.
2. Organization - open system
and its properties.
Author – Associate Professor Krikun V.P.

1. The concept and essence of the organization.

Organization means
legal form created
and united by a group of persons,
interacting with each other on
based on the adopted system and structure,
management methods and functions in the name of
achieving organizational goals and
solutions to social needs
society, by searching and implementing
organizing new economic

Signs of an organization

The main features of the organization
having a goal;
legal status;
organizational culture.

Organization processes

The life of an organization comes down to two types of processes:
Functioning. Under functioning
imply the activities of the organization related to
preserving it as a whole, based on maintaining
necessary relationships and connections, exchange of resources and
information both internally and with the external environment.
Development. Development means the creation
necessary conditions of the organization by
transformation of its individual elements, in accordance
with changing requirements of internal and external

Forms of organizational development:

Forms of organizational development

Conditions for creating an organization:

There are certain conditions
formation or creation of an organization:
presence of at least 2 people,
who consider themselves part of the organization;
presence of at least one goal
(mission), which is a group of these people
accepted as general;
existence of plans for the development of the organization.

Characteristics of the organization

Highlight the main characteristics
having a goal;
availability of necessary resources;
relationship with the external environment;
division of labor: horizontal (associated with
main production activity),
vertical (line of managers);
presence of organizational structure;
the presence of a management system, as the most important
subsystems of the organization.

Classification of organizations

By origin, organizations can
Based on the formalization criterion
stand out:
formal organizations;
informal organizations.

Classification of organizations

According to the functioning mechanism and
interactions between individual
elements of the organization are divided into:
mechanical organizations;
organic (adaptive) organizations.

Classification of organizations

By type of ownership, organization
can be private, public,
municipal and others.
By size, organization
divided into: large, medium and
In relation to profit, organization
divided into commercial and

Classification of organizations

By participation in various sectors
production, organizations are divided
for the following types:
organization of primary cycle industries;
organization of secondary cycle industries;
organization of the tertiary cycle.

2. “Organization - an open system and its properties”

Economic resources
at the entrance
Resource Conversion
Economic Products
at the exit

Organization properties

All modern organizations should
treated as complex open
socio-economic systems –
multifactorial and multipurpose
formations that have a number of

Organization properties

stability of the system;
property of “feedback”.

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1. The concept of organization drive of becoming, labor, management on p/p2.production structure p/p3.production process (p/p) and its organization-classification-structure and duration p/p-principles of national organization-methods of organization-types of organization4 .economic efficiency of improving production organization

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1. The essence of the concept of “organization” in a broad sense:

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    Organization of production - combining and ensuring the interaction of personal and material elements of production, establishing the necessary connections and coordinated actions of participants in the production process, creating conditions for realizing the goals of the enterprise The concept of organization

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    Organization of production - organization of management - organization of labor General structure of the company: - main production shops - bodies serving workers - auxiliary shops - management bodies - service farms - side shops

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    The production structure of a company is the composition and size of internal divisions, their relationship, forms of construction and relationships

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    Factors influencing the production structure of a company

    design features of the product, technology for its manufacture, production volume and labor intensity structure, form of specialization, level of cooperation with other companies, type of production, etc.

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    Specialization is based on three types:

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    With the technological type, certain homogeneous technological operations are performed in the workshop

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    In the object type, workshops specialize in the manufacture of a specific product or part of it.

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    With detailed specialization of workshops, one name of a part or homogeneous groups of parts is manufactured

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    2. Production process

    The production process is the totality of all actions of people and tools for the manufacture of specific types of products. Organization of the production process is the unification of people, tools, objects of labor into a single process for the production of material goods, as well as ensuring a rational combination in space and time of basic, auxiliary, servicing, information, service and other processes

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    Classification of production processes

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    Production cycle (PC) - a set of processes organized in a certain way in space and time for the manufacture of a type of product Duration of the production cycle (T pc) / - calendar period of time from the moment raw materials are launched into production until the receipt of the annual product

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    Economic significance of PC reduction

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    Ways to reduce T pc

    Introduction of flow methods Development of cooperation and concentration of production Deepening specialization Reducing the technological cycle Integrated mechanization and automation Increasing the manufacturability of the design Improving technological processes Reducing or eliminating interruptions Rational layout of equipment Selecting the type of movement of an item Optimizing the size of a batch of items Rational inventory management

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    Principles of production organization

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    Continuity is ensured by the maximum possible reduction of the time between operations and the achievement of uninterrupted operation of Knepr equipment. = Ttech.c./Tpr.c. Ttech.ts. - duration of the technological cycle Tpr.ts. – duration of the Knepr production cycle. 1

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    Presentation of a lesson on the discipline “Fundamentals of Management” for the specialty: “Land and Property Relations” Teacher of the Yamal Polar Agroeconomic College, Salekhard: Tazhitdinova Salima Timergazievna

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    Topic: Organization of enterprise work. Lesson plan: 1. Organizational structures of governing bodies (general concepts). 2. Types of organizational structures. 3. Features of constructing a linear, functional, mixed and matrix management structure.

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    The management structure of an organization is understood as an ordered set of interconnected elements that are in stable relationships with each other, ensuring their development and functioning as a single whole. A simple structure is a structure based on the production of a single product, direct management and no support services. Organizational structures of the company's management bodies: general concepts Elements of the management structure The management structure reflects the choice of the enterprise's strategy, its goals and objectives of the company; As the enterprise expands, the management structure also changes. Thus, growth strategies correspond to horizontal and organic organizational structures; defense strategies - more stable vertical ones; Matrix structures are more typical for the analysis strategy. Levels of implementation - single-level horizontal connections (joint decision-making by employees) and vertical connections - connections of power and subordination. The nature of the connection. Linear connections mean subordination to the immediate supervisor, that is, on all management issues, and functional connections - when distributing powers among functions. Principles for the formation of organizational structures The management structure is characterized by the presence of connections between its elements. Communications are classified on the following basis: Management employee - a person performing a specific management function; Management body - a group of workers connected by certain relationships, consisting of primary groups; The primary group is a group of management workers who have a common leader, but no subordinates.

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    Organizational management structures 1. Types of organizational management structures Achieving the best results of work is possible through its division. Improving the quality of enterprise management is achieved through the specialization of its managers and competent design of organizational management structures. Among the traditional organizational management structures, the following types can be distinguished: Linear organizational structures Functional organizational structures Combined organizational structures that are created with the aim of combining the advantages of various systems and eliminating their inherent disadvantages. They involve building a management system by hierarchy, that is, subordinating departments or individual employees to their immediate superior. For small departments where there is no need to quickly make important decisions, external connections are minimal, and the main task is maintaining stability, a linear structure is the best choice. The main advantage is simplicity. With significant information flows, the complexity of management work, and the need for high competence and responsibility, it is better to choose functional organizational structures that involve the formation of a staff of specialist units performing certain functions.

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    Continuation of Types of organizational structures Linear organizational structures Functional organizational structures Combined organizational structures Main features: Unity of command, complete manifestation of authority Promptness of action Comprehensive consideration of problems Cost-effectiveness and efficiency Division on a functional basis implies the creation of specialized special areas that are endowed with special functions. The implementation of which serves to achieve the main goals. Depending on the volume of tasks being solved, additional, even smaller structural formations can be created. Line-staff organizational structures are based on linear structures, where a headquarters has been created at each management level, developing draft decisions without the right to make them. Structures of limited functionalism also involve the creation of headquarters, but with limited decision-making rights. Linear-functional organizational structures are based on the division of both powers and responsibilities of management workers at different levels. Disadvantages of linear structures: Lack of functional specialization Poor information awareness of employees at individual levels Lack of competence of departments in solving complex problems Priority of current affairs, inertia, restrained perception of new things, etc.

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    2. Comparative table of structures Let’s give a table of organizational structures from the book by N.N. Treneva “Enterprise structure: diagnostics and management” Characteristics Types of structures Simple Functional Conglomerate Divisional World Strategy Single product Single product together with vertical integration Diversification Multiple related products, internal growth Multiple products in different countries Structure Simple, functional Centralized, functional - decentralized - profit centers divisions - small states - decentralized by product - profit centers by activity Decentralized production centers by region or activity Measuring productivity Personnel monitoring - subjective Impersonal: - costs and productivity - subjective Impersonal: - return on investment - profitability Impersonal: - return investments - profitability - contribution to the total structure Impersonal: Profit by: - ​​products - countries Strategic choice Need for an owner, not an institution Degree of integration, market share, length of product range Degree of diversification, types of activities, entry and exit of activities, potential acquisitions Placement resources by type of activity, exit from types of activity, growth rate Allocation of resources by type of activity

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    Organizational structures of the company's management bodies: linear structure, its advantages and disadvantages Linear structure of management bodies Features of construction Advantages Disadvantages The basis of linear structures is the “chessboard” principle of constructing and specializing the management process according to the functional subsystems of the organization (marketing, production, personnel, etc.). For each subsystem, a hierarchy of services (“mine”) is formed, permeating the entire organization from top to bottom. A linear structure is formed as a result of constructing a management apparatus only from mutually subordinate bodies in the form of a hierarchical ladder. Unity and clarity of management Coherence in the actions of performers A clear system of mutual connections between functions and departments Speed ​​of response in response to direct instructions Receipt by performers of interconnected orders and tasks provided with resources Clearly expressed personal responsibility of the manager for the results of the activities of his department High requirements for the knowledge and experience of the manager in all areas activities of subordinates and management functions Overload of top-level managers, a huge amount of information, flow of papers, multiple contacts with subordinates and superiors Excessive bureaucracy and delay in resolving issues relating to several departments Lack of links for planning and preparing management decisions

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    Continuation: Organizational structures of the company's management bodies: linear structure, its advantages and disadvantages Features of the structure Advantages Disadvantages Each department is headed by a manager who is vested with all management powers and is personally responsible for the work of his department to a top-level manager. The results of the work of each service are assessed by indicators characterizing the fulfillment of their goals and objectives. Accordingly, a system of motivation and reward for employees is built. A higher management body does not have the right to give orders to any performers, bypassing their immediate supervisor. In this case, the final result (the efficiency and quality of the organization as a whole) becomes, as it were, secondary, since it is believed that all services, to one degree or another, work to obtain it. The structure is common in small and medium-sized businesses, provided they do not use the highest technologies.

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    Organizational structures of the company's management bodies: line-staff structure, its advantages and disadvantages The line-staff structure is supplemented, in comparison with the linear one, by such units that help in performing the functions of strategic planning and analysis, but do not make decisions themselves. Features Advantages of the structure Disadvantages of the line-staff structure The main task of the headquarters units is to assist the line manager in performing individual management functions. The number of headquarters units includes: controlling service, coordination and analysis departments, economic planning department, accounting, marketing departments, personnel management, network planning group , legal service. Creation of headquarters structures - increasing specialization and division of labor of managers. Headquarters managers may be given functional leadership rights. deep and competent preparation of management decisions Freeing line managers from excessive workload efficiency of using specialists and experts in certain areas Inconsistency of authority with the level of responsibility excessive centralization maintaining high demands on senior management making decisions

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    Organizational structures of the company's management bodies: functional structure, its advantages and disadvantages Functional management structure Features of construction Advantages Disadvantages Functional organizational structure is a structure based on the consolidation of functional resources in specialized divisions. The strategic choice lies in determining the degree of integration, market share, and the extent of the range of products. The functional structure presupposes the specialization of each management body to perform individual functions at all levels of management. High competence of specialists responsible for the implementation of specific functions Freeing line managers from solving many special issues and expanding their capabilities for operational production management. A basis is created for the use of experienced specialists in the work of consultations, and the company’s need for general specialists is reduced. Difficulties in maintaining constant relationships between various functional services Lengthy decision-making procedure Lack of mutual understanding and unity of action between functional services Reduced responsibility of performers for work as a result of the fact that each performer receives instructions from several managers Duplication and inconsistency of instructions and orders received by employees, since each functional manager and the specialized division put their issues first. Structuration is used where the speed of unexpected, creative decision-making is necessary: ​​it is focused on performing repetitive routine tasks. The functional structure is appropriate when managing organizations with mass or large-scale production, as well as with a cost-based economic mechanism.

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    Director Shop manager Group manager Employees Functional type of organizational structure

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    Continuation: Organizational structures of the company's management bodies: functional structure, its advantages and disadvantages Design features Advantages Disadvantages Production units are required to follow all instructions of the functional bodies, otherwise the use of such a structure loses its meaning. General issues are discussed collectively and decisions on them are made collectively. The functional specialization of the management apparatus significantly increases its efficiency, since instead of universal managers who must understand the performance of all functions, a staff of highly qualified specialists appears.

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    Organizational structures of the company's management bodies: linear-functional structure, its advantages and disadvantages Linear-functional management structure Features Advantages Disadvantages Using a linear-functional structure, the enterprise ensures the division of managerial labor, since linear management links directly make decisions, and functional ones consult, develop specific issues and prepare decisions, programs, plans. Freeing line managers from resolving many issues related to planning financial settlements, logistics, etc. Building “manager-subordinate” relationships with the condition that each employee is subordinate to only one manager in the hierarchical ladder. Narrow specialization of each link Poor interaction at the horizontal level between production units Overly developed system of interaction vertically Accumulation at the top level of authority to solve not only strategic, but also many operational tasks Separators of functional departments do not give orders to direct production units, although their influence on the implementation of production activities is undoubted. It consists in technical preparation of production; developing options for resolving issues related to managing the production process. The role of functional services depends on the scale of activity and management structure.

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    Director Production planning departments marketing financial Shop 1 Linear-functional type of organizational structure

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    Organizational structures of the company's management bodies: matrix structure, its advantages and disadvantages Matrix structure of organization management Features of construction Advantages Disadvantages The matrix structure is built on the principle of double subordination of performers: on the one hand, to the immediate head of the functional service, which represents personnel and technical assistance, on the other, to the project manager , who has the necessary authority to carry out the management process in accordance with the planned timing, resources and quality. It ensures a clear division of managerial and professional responsibilities for the project. This system has advantages in terms of achieving company goals, clarity of functions of the project manager, head of a specialized department and developer. Simultaneous focus on project goals and demand The ability to reduce costs, improve the quality of products created and increase the efficiency of resource use. Involvement of managers at all levels and specialists in the sphere of active creative activity for accelerated technical improvement of production Flexibility and efficiency of maneuvering resources when implementing several programs in one company increased personal responsibility of the manager for the program as a whole and for its elements Possibility of using effective management methods Problems arising during the establishment priorities of tasks and distribution of time for specialists to work on projects can disrupt the stability of the company’s functioning Difficulties in establishing clear responsibility for the work of a department Possibility of violating established rules and standards adopted in functional departments due to the long separation of employees participating in the project from their departments. Difficulty in acquiring the skills necessary to work effectively in teams. Conflicts arise between managers of functional departments and project managers. Continuation: Organizational structures of the company's management bodies: matrix structure, its advantages and disadvantages Features of construction Advantages Disadvantages The ratios of managerial and professional needs established by a matrix organization represent a compromise, guaranteeing the energetic pursuit of the interests of the majority of the personnel, the preservation and strengthening of the scientific and technical potential of the company in the long term aspect. . The project manager simultaneously relies on employees of the project group and employees of functional departments who report to him temporarily and on a limited range of issues. The entire organization cannot be built on a matrix structure: it is impractical. As a rule, several departments engaged in complex technical and scientific developments and implementations operate in this mode. The relative autonomy of project teams contributes to the development of employees' skills in the field of business operations, decision-making, as well as their professional skills. Response time to project needs and customer desires is reduced.

    Src="" alt="> Presentation on the topic “Organization of the work of press services of law enforcement agencies in the body"> Презентация на тему «Организация работы пресс-служб правоохранительных органов в теле и радио компаниях информационными агентствами. Роль P. R. служб в повышении престижа и открытости правоохранительных органов» Выполнили: студенты 22 группы Перцев А. Пигин М. Ленчик М. Логинов Д. Розов Д.!}

    Src="" alt="> Work plan 1. Organization of the work of press services of law enforcement agencies in the body"> План работы 1. Организация работы пресс-служб правоохранительных органов в теле и радиокомпаниях информационными агентствами. n Определение «пресс-служба» n Внутренние принципы работы пресс-служб n Структура пресс-служб правоохранительных органов n Организация пресс конференций для теле и радио агентств 2. Роль P. R. служб в повышении престижа открытости правоохранительных органов. n Определение P. R. и его значение n Способы повышения престижа открытости правоохранительных органов n Проблематика организации работы P. R. служб в России!}

    Src="" alt="> Defining the press service By analyzing three main approaches to defining the press service , of them"> Определение пресс службы Путем анализа трех основных подходов к определению пресс-службы, из них можно выделить наиболее общее определение: Пресс-служба - это один из фундаментальных механизмов управления деятельностью организации, которому отводиться роль промежуточного звена между учреждением и внешними субъектами информационной деятельности.!}

    Src="" alt="> Internal principles of work of press services D 1. Principle of trust"> Внутренние принципы работы пресс-служб Д 1. Принцип доверия Организация ов ер Генеральный директор ие Доверие организации Пресс секретарь Народ Корректная информация 2. Принцип информированности Исчерпывающая информация Организация Народ 3. Принцип оперативности Информация с минимальной задержкой Организация Народ 4. Принцип сотрудничества Хорошие отношения Положительный имидж организации Организация СМИ Народ 5. Принцип профессионализма Положительный имидж Квалифицированные Компетентная работа организации СМИ Народ сотрудники!}

    Src="" alt="> Structure of press services of law enforcement agencies Head of the press center of the press service department for"> Структура пресс-служб правоохранительных органов Руководитель пресс-центра пресс-службы отдела по связям с общественностью P. R. Пресс-секретарь специалист Сотрудники пресс-центра пресс-службы отдела по связям с общественностью Прочие сотрудники, чья деятельность связана с информационной работой!}

    Src="" alt="> Organization of press conferences for television and radio agencies n Announcement of the goal"> Организация пресс-конференций для теле и радио агентств n Оглашение цели пресс-конференции n Определение даты и точного времени (с учетом даты выхода газет) n Создать список присутствующих журналистов!}

    Src="" alt="> Definition of P.R. n P.R. is a form of propaganda,"> Определение P. R. n P. R. – это форма пропаганды, призванная задать вектор общественного мнение относительно явления, события или конкретной организации!}

    Src="" alt="> Ways to increase the prestige and openness of law enforcement agencies n"> Способы повышения престижа и открытости правоохранительных органов n Создание полного перечня СМИ с их полной характеристикой с целью выбора более благонадежных и подходящих для решения конкретных задач n Создание фактически независимых СМИ n Создание благотворительных фондов n Проведение благотворительных мероприятий n Просветительная деятельность, особенно в отношении молодежи!}

    Src="" alt="> Problems of organizing the work of PR services in Russia n When the media stop"> Проблематика организации работы P. R. служб в России n Когда СМИ перестают придерживаться принципов объективной работы с информацией n Некомпетентность сотрудников службы по связям с общественностью n Частичное искажение фактов в связи с вертикальным подчинением!}