Presentation for reading lesson fat shark. Presentation for the lesson of literary reading L.N.

Reading lesson

slide 2

Lesson Objectives

  • Educational: to develop the technique of reading, to teach how to characterize the hero, to continue to acquaint children with the work of L.N. Tolstoy.
  • Developing: to develop the ability to analyze a work of art, to develop voluntary attention, mental operations (analysis, synthesis) through drawing up the characteristics of heroes.
  • Educational: to cultivate interest in reading works of art, through compiling the characteristics of heroes, to cultivate courage, determination.
  • Equipment: a geographical map of the world, object pictures depicting a ship, guns.
  • slide 3

  • slide 4

    During the classes

    Today in the lesson we will continue to study the work of the great Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy, let's get acquainted with a very interesting exciting story "Shark", the author of which is L.N. Tolstoy.

    During the classes

    slide 5

    Checking homework

    Checking homework.

    Before proceeding to study new topic, let's recall some facts from the biography of L.N. Tolstoy.

    slide 6

    To do this, let's return to the story "Childhood" by L.N. Tolstoy.

    Please answer the following questions:

    1. In what family did L.N. Tolstoy? How did the "Ant" brothers appear?
    2. Read what was the secret?
    3. How does this characterize the brothers?
    4. What do you think, with what feeling did the author write this work?
  • Slide 7

    Now I will tell you about such a wonderful continent as Africa. Listen carefully.

    Africa, the second largest continent after Eurasia. Its area is 29.2 million square kilometers. The longest river in the world, the Nile, runs through Africa. Africa has the largest desert, the Sahara. Africa is a warm continent, the temperature there in summer is +20 - 25 degrees, and in winter high positive temperatures also prevail (10 - 16 degrees).

    In Africa there are elephants, rhinos, zebras, hippos, many birds including ostriches, flamingos. Sharks live in the seas of Africa. These are giant predatory fish. They have an amazing sense of smell, which they use to get food, in addition, they have many rows of sharp, backward-curved teeth.

    Slide 8

    • Africa
    • Sahara Desert
  • Slide 9

    Guys, we talked about such a continent as Africa. And now let's see how Tolstoy describes Africa in his story "The Shark"

    Vocabulary work.

    To better understand the story, let's get acquainted with new words, learn how to use them in speech. To do this, we will conduct vocabulary work.

    Slide 10

    • Deck - horizontal overlap in the ship's hull.
    • Anchor - a metal rod with paws, mounted on a chain and lowered to the bottom to hold the vessel in place.
    • The trunk is the rear part of the cannon resting on the ground.
  • slide 11

    • A wick is a combustible cord for igniting charges.
    • Artilleryman - a soldier with a firearm.
  • slide 12

    Now I will read the story, you listen to me carefully and tell me at what point in the story did you worry about the boys the most?

    slide 13

    So, at what point were you the most worried about the boys?

    1. When was the shark spotted from the deck?
    2. When did the boys try to swim away from the shark?
    3. When did the gunner fire?
  • Slide 14

    Let's practice reading difficult words from the story so that you don't make mistakes when reading on your own.

    1. Beautiful - beautiful - beautiful.

    Melted - melted - melted.

    I heard - I heard - I heard.

    fall behind


    slide 15

    Let's create a table for this:

    Let's create a table for this:

    slide 16

    So let's read part 1:

    1. Who is the hero of this story?
    2. Why did the characters in the story decide to bathe before sunset?
    3. What do you think, how does the author feel about the fact that the boys began to swim in the open sea? Read paragraph 3 to answer this question. He writes, "what they thought", what does this mean? Why didn’t they decide, didn’t become, namely, they decided. So the boys began to swim in the open sea, the old artilleryman looked at them. How do you think he treated his son? Prove it with text.

    Do you think that in this part Tolstoy somehow shows that something portends trouble? Reread 1 paragraph. What author's words foreshadowed this moment?

    So, the shark swam right at the boys. What actions did the people take to save the boys? How effective was this solution? What feelings does the artilleryman experience at this moment?

    How did the boys feel when they saw the shark? How does the author convey it?

    As you understand, “the screech woke up the artilleryman, why does the author use this particular expression? What did the author want to convey with the words “fell off the spot?” What was everyone else doing during this time? How does the author speak of their inaction?

  • Slide 18

    1. What did the author want to show with these words?
    2. What conclusion can be drawn from this?
    3. How does this characterize an artilleryman? Why can we say that the gunner is resourceful?

    Reading the fourth part:

    1. Why did the gunner fall down near the cannon and cover his face with his hands?
    2. Was it immediately clear whether the gunner had helped the boys?

    Illustration analysis.

    Now we will learn how to analyze the illustration to the text and highlight in it what the artist has brought his own.

    Look closely at the illustration on page 129

    1. What episode of the story do you think the artist drew this illustration for?
    2. Why did you decide so?
  • Slide 19

    1. What do you think the artist drew based on the text of the work, and what did he bring his own?

    Reading the fifth part:

    1. Why does Tolstoy write that at first a quiet murmur was heard, then the murmur became stronger, and finally, a loud joyful cry was heard from all sides?
    2. What can you say about the artilleryman at this moment?
    3. What did he feel at that time?
  • View all slides

    Lesson literary reading in 3rd grade

    Subject: L.N. Tolstoy "Shark".

    Target: to acquaint with the work of L.N. Tolstoy "Shark";

    Lesson objectives:


    To contribute to the formation of the ability to analyze the text;

    Learn to express their own attitude to the depicted events, heroes, their actions.


    Develop speech, help clarify and enrich the vocabulary of students;

    Develop the ability to compare, group, highlight the right, analyze.

    Develop the ability to ask the right questions


    Create conditions for emotional response to events in the text when reading;

    To create conditions for the formation of a positive attitude towards learning, to promote the development of communication culture skills in the classroom,

    To promote the instillation of ethical qualities of a person - kindness, compassion, complicity.

    Equipment: texts for students, multimedia projector, presentation for the lesson, image of a sailboat and a sail of 2 colors, cut pictures, parts of a cluster.

    Lesson type : discovery of new knowledge.

    Form of organization : conversation.

    Technologies used : Technology for the development of critical thinking through reading and writing.

    During the classes

    SLIDE 1 (black)

    1. Organizational moment.

    Guys, turn around, guests have come to our lesson. There are many strangers, but the eyes during the lesson should look only at me.

    The bell rang and fell silent,The lesson starts.Now sit down quietly

    And look at the board.

    2. Actualization of basic knowledge.

    What do you see?(sailing ship)

    How is a sailing ship moving?(The movement of a sailing ship is carried out with the help of sails. In calm weather, you had to row with oars. As a result of technological progress, sailboats have replaced ships with powerful engines.)

    Where can we see such ships?(In our time, sailboats are used as pleasure boats for tourists, and they can also be found in shipbuilding museums.)

    Who controls the ship?(captain)

    Who works on deck?(sailors)

    Why do you think there is an illustration of an object related to the sea on the board?(today in the lesson there will be a work related to the sea)

    "Surprise Box"

    Tell me which writer's biography we met in the last lesson(Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy) .

    Let us recall some facts from his biography.

    For this I have a "Box with a surprise". I will take out the cards, and you will tell me how this material is related to the writer?

    Yasnaya Polyana in this village Lev Nikolaevich spent his childhood.

    5 The Tolstoy family had 5 children: Nikolai, Sergey, Dmitry, Lev, Maria.

    Sport the writer went in for sports all his life, until old age.

    ABC L.N. Tolstoy wrote the alphabet for peasant children, whom he himself taught in the school he created.

    "Ant Brotherhood" - game of L. Tolstoy and his brothers in childhood

    Ant Brotherhood.

      Why are these insects interesting?(weight 1-2 mg, lifts a load weighing 50 times more)

      When they say, he works like an ant?(industriousness, joint work, mutual assistance)

      What can a person learn from these insects?

      How can we work?(together like ants, taking care of each other)

    We are just starting to get acquainted with the work of Tolstoy, so I have prepared for you an exhibition of books from the school library, which you can always take and read.

    The writer in many of his works tried to tell children about how to act in different life situations.

    3. Working with new material.

    After watching the video clip, you can guess the name of the story that we will read in the lesson.

    SLIDE 2)

    What is the name of the work with which we will work today?(get out of the SHARK box)

    A few words about the shark will say ...

    These are very ancient fish. Due to their streamlined body shape, they are very fast swimmers. The mouth of a shark is lined with several rows of sharp teeth. Sharks often attack people.

    SLIDE 3

    In accordance with the topic, formulate the objectives of the lesson. Use screen recording for this.

    1) get acquainted with the work of ___________________ "_______________".

    2)read correctly, expressively read _____________________________ andanalyze it.

    Lesson objectives: to get acquainted with the work "Shark"; learn to read the work correctly, expressively and analyze it.

    To fulfill the tasks set, I invite you on a journey to the shores of Africa, where the event described in the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Shark".

    SLIDE 4 (black)

    What transport will we use?(On a sailboat.) (A ship with sails is a sailboat.)

    When do you think these events took place?(A long time ago, when ships were sailed with the help of the wind, 17-18 centuries, Peter I , Ekaterina II ).

    4. Vocabulary work

    In this work we will meet new words. Let's explain the meaning of these words. To do this, on the board we find the words of their lexical meaning.

    Sahara desert in Africa

    sail - wind-blown cloth made of canvas, dense fabric.

    gunner - firearms soldier

    deck - horizontal overlap in the ship's hull

    canvas - smooth linen orcotton fabric

    trunk (in this context) - cannon muzzle

    wick - burning cord to ignite charges

    murmur - dissatisfaction expressed in a low voice

    5. Primary reading

    Open the tutorial on the page.

    Let's start reading the text.

    Reading by the teacher of the text until the words "... The shark swam right at the boys ..."

    Continued reading of the text by well-read students.

    6. Conversation on reading

    Were our assumptions correct?(Answers of children).

    What did you experience while reading this story?(fear, despair, joy)

    SLIDE 5

    I suggest you get some rest. Get up from your seats.

    7. Physical Minute (to the sound of the sea)

    We will move our hands -It's like we're swimming in the sea.One two three four -Here we come to the shoreTo break the bonesLet's start doing slopes -Right, left, right, left.Let's not forget to sit down -One two three four,On the count of five, sit down at the desk.

    SLIDE 6 (black)

    8. Selective reading

    Let's analyze this work by answering questions about the content of the text.

    What's wrong with the boys?(they were almost eaten by a terrible predator - a shark)

    Find and read how the boys ended up on the high seas.

    How did the old artilleryman react to the amusements of his son and his comrade?(The boy's father, an old gunner, stood on the deck and admired his little son. When the son began to lag behind, the father shouted to him: "Don't give out! Push yourself!")

    What do these words mean?(Do not give in, try to win, overtake).

    Did he imagine what kind of trouble could happen to his son?(children's answers)

    When did the father get scared?(When they shouted on deck: "Shark")

    Why did he turn pale and not move? (greatly scared for a loved one)

    Read what the sailors were doing at that moment.

    Can we say that the act of the sailors was brave?

    Why didn't they succeed? (They were already close to the goal, but there was little time left)

    Guys, why, when the sailors tried to save the boys, did the old artilleryman stand by doing nothing? (He was shackled by fear for the children, for the son).

    Indeed, when a person is very scared, in the first seconds he falls into a stupor, cannot do anything, especially when it concerns the closest and dearest person.

    When did he start acting? Read this episode.

    Why is everyone frozen in fear? (Everyone was scared, because he could hit the boys.)

    How did the artilleryman behave after the shot? (He fell down near the cannon and covered his face with his hands.)

    Why did he act like this? (He was scared to see what was there after his shot.)

    Let's characterize the father of the boys, what is he like? (He is a very strong-willed person, courageous, resourceful, determined, experienced.)

    Why experienced? (because, despite his fear, he aimed correctly and quickly)

    And what about the boys? (They acted carelessly, irresponsibly.)

    What is the idea behind this story? (In a moment of danger, courage and determination save. When children are on the verge of death, fatherly feelings always help to act decisively, not to lose self-control. Native people will always come to the rescue. )

    What has the story told in the story taught us? (Never get lost in different situations, try to find the right quick solution, cherish loved ones , think before doing something, undertake.)

    Who is the real protagonist of the story? (Old gunner)

    Why then is the story called "The Shark"? (The shark is the reason for the situation in which the artilleryman behaved decisively, in a heroic way.)

    What is another name for this story? ("Father's act", "Love's act".)

    9. Reflection

    SLIDE 7

    Our lesson ends. I invite you to evaluate your own work. Let's return to the tasks set at the beginning of the lesson. Have we completed our tasks?

    SLIDE 8

    Let's fill "Ladder of Success". Put a plus sign on the bottom step if you didn’t learn anything new for yourself in the lesson. Put a plus sign on the second step if the lesson was useful and interesting for you.

    Raise your hand if you haven't learned anything new in class.

    Raise your hand for whom the lesson was useful and interesting.

    Thank you for your work.

    Worked well today...

    10. Homework

    with. 155 No. 6

    The lesson is over.

    Class: 4

    Presentation for the lesson

    Back forward

    Attention! The slide preview is for informational purposes only and may not represent the full extent of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

    Lesson Objectives:

    • Educational: continue to acquaint children with the work of L. N. Tolstoy, improve the reading technique, learn to draw up a characterization of the hero.
    • Educational: to develop the ability to analyze a work of art, to develop voluntary attention through the formulation of a target question, to develop mental operations (analysis, synthesis) through the compilation of characters' characteristics, to develop positive motivation through the formulation of clear didactic tasks, to expand and enrich vocabulary.
    • Educational: to cultivate interest in reading works of art through drawing up a characterization of the hero, to cultivate courage, determination.

    Equipment: computer support, geographical map of the world, textbook, subject pictures depicting a ship, a gun, a deck, an anchor, a trunk, an artilleryman.

    During the classes

    Stage 1: setting goals and objectives of the lesson.

    ODZ: to inform the children about the topic and the main objectives of the lesson, to intensify cognitive activity, to create positive motivation.

    KM for students:- Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the story of L. N. Tolstoy “Shark”, we will read the story, learn to analyze it in order to determine the main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis work and draw up a description of the main character.

    Stage 2: checking homework.

    ODZ: check the quality of student work.

    Type of work: frontal conversation on the content.

    KM for the teacher: check the degree of assimilation by children of the biography of L. N. Tolstoy.

    KM for students: - Before moving on to the study of a new topic, let's recall some facts from the biography of L.N. Tolstoy.

    Practical task:- To do this, let's return to the story “Childhood of L.N. Tolstoy"

    Organization:- Please answer the following questions.

    How did the "Ant Brothers" appear? (due to secrecy).

    Read what was the secret?

    How does this characterize the brothers? (sensitive, kind, sympathetic).

    ORC:- Well done, you did a good job at home, carefully read the story.

    Stage summary:- What do you think, with what feeling did the author write this work? (warmth, tenderness, love for brothers, pleasant memories).

    Stage 3: preparation for the perception of the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Shark".

    ODZ: create an emotional mood, introduce into the atmosphere of what is being described, arouse interest in what is being read.

    Type of work: teacher's story.

    KM for the teacher: to introduce children to such a continent as Africa, to form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsharks.

    KM for students:- Now I will tell you about such a wonderful continent as Africa.

    SW:- Listen carefully.

    Africa, the second largest continent after Eurasia. Its area is 29.2 million square kilometers. The longest river in the world, the Nile, runs through Africa. Africa has the largest desert - the Sahara. Africa is a warm continent, the temperature there in summer is + 20 - 25 degrees C, and in winter high positive temperatures also prevail (+ 10 - 16 degrees C). In Africa there are elephants, rhinos, zebras, hippos, many birds, including ostriches, flamingos. Sharks live in the seas of Africa. These are giant predatory fish. They have an amazing sense of smell, which they use to get food; in addition, they have many rows of sharp, backward-closed teeth.

    Outcome:- Guys, we talked about such a continent as Africa. And now let's see how Tolstoy describes Africa in his story "The Shark".

    Type of work: vocabulary work.

    KM for the teacher: expand students' vocabulary, teach them to use new words in speech.

    KM for students:- To better understand the story, let's get acquainted with new words, learn how to use them in speech.

    SW: For this we will conduct vocabulary work.

    Look at the blackboard, read the new words, think about what they mean.

    • Africa - showing
    • Sahara Desert - on the map
    • Deck - horizontal overlap in the ship's hull.
    • Anchor - a metal rod with paws, mounted on a chain and lowered to the bottom to hold the vessel in place.
    • The trunk is the rear part of the cannon resting on the ground.
    • A wick is a combustible cord for igniting charges.
    • Artilleryman - a soldier with a firearm.

    (Show subject pictures.)

    Stage summary:- So, we have found out the lexical meaning of some words, thereby preparing for reading the story.

    Stage 4: primary perception of L.N. Tolstoy "Shark".

    ODZ: organize a holistic emotional perception of the work.

    Type of work: teacher reading.

    KM for the teacher:(coincides with ODZ)

    KM for students:- Now I will read the story, you will listen to me carefully and tell me, at what point in the story did you worry about the boys the most?

    Type of work: target conversation.

    KM for the teacher: find out the degree of emotional perception of the work.

    KM for students:- So, at what point did you most worry about the boys?

    (- when they noticed a shark from the deck;

    When the boys tried to swim away from the shark;

    when the gunner fired.

    Stage summary:- I see that you listened to me attentively, so you were able to answer the question posed.

    Stage 5: re-reading, analysis.

    ODZ: to form reading skills through repeated re-reading, to teach to analyze a literary work, to form an idea of ​​the unity of form and content.

    Type of work: reading technique.

    KM for the teacher: to improve reading technique, to develop the ability to determine the place of stress in a word by ear.

    KM for students:- Let's practice reading difficult words from the story so that when you read it on your own, you make mistakes.

    Practical task:- To do this, perform the following exercises:

    Let's look at the board.

    You didn't notice anything.

    What is needed in these words?

    a) Beautiful - beautiful - red - beautiful.

    b) Fuel "noe - then" captive - melted "th.

    c) Heard "was heard - was heard" was heard - was heard.

    Organization:- We read the pyramid of words, be careful.

    • sunset
    • shouted
    • fall behind
    • race

    Guess what words are written (reading noisy words).

    vy t i g i v a l i s p e r e g n a l

    p r i c e l i l s i

    Organization:- Try to do the exercises carefully.

    ORC:- Well done, we have worked out all the words, now you can start reading.

    Type of work: reading the story in parts and analysis.

    KM for the teacher: learn to analyze the text, to make a characterization of the characters.

    KM for students:- Now we will read the story in parts, answer questions and draw up a description of one of the heroes - an artilleryman.

    SW: Let's create a table for this.

    So let's read part 1.

    Why did the characters in the story decide to bathe before sunset? (the weather changed, it became stuffy).

    What do you think, how does the author feel about the fact that the boys began to swim in the open sea? Read paragraph 3 to answer this question. He writes what he wants. What does it mean? Why didn’t they decide, didn’t become, namely, they decided? (reckless behavior)

    So, the boys began to swim in the open sea, the old artilleryman looked at them.

    How do you think he treated his son? Prove it with text. (admired the son, loved him)

    Do you think that in this part Tolstoy somehow shows that something portends trouble? Reread 1 paragraph.

    What does Tolstoy call a shark? (sea monster)

    Why? (fear, danger).

    We read part 3.

    So, the shark swam right at the boys. What actions did the people take to save the boys? (the artilleryman began to shout for the boys to return).

    How effective was this solution?

    What feelings does the artilleryman experience at this moment? (Caught by horror, numb with horror, fear)

    Find the words in the text that show how the sailors act (quickly, rushed).

    Could their actions have saved the boys? (No).

    How did the boys feel when they saw the shark? How does the author convey it? (the boys were frightened, a piercing screech and the boys swam in different directions).

    How do you understand “the screech woke up the gunner”, why does the author use this particular expression? (the gunner seemed to wake up from a state of stupor).

    What was everyone else doing during this time? How does the author speak of their inaction? (were frozen in fear and waited for what would happen).

    What conclusion can be drawn from this? (that this screech woke up only one gunner).

    How does this characterize an artilleryman? Why can we say that the gunner is resourceful (found the only correct solution), resolute (decided to fire a shot), self-control (could do all the actions for a shot)

    We read part 4.

    Why did the gunner fall down near the cannon and cover his face with his hands? (could not stand from everything experienced, did not know about the result of the shot)

    Let's write it down in a table.

    Did it immediately become clear whether the gunner helped the boys? (no, as the author says, “what we didn’t see, because for a minute the smoke covered our eyes”)

    Type of work: illustration analysis.

    KM for the teacher: learn to extract and analyze information.

    KM for students:- Now we will learn how to analyze the illustration to the text and highlight in it what the artist has brought his own.

    SW:- Look carefully at the illustration on the page.

    Why did you decide so? (the shark is in the foreground, the boys are swimming in different directions, the smoke from the shot is visible)

    What do you think the artist drew based on the text of the work. And what did he bring? (text - the location of objects, its own - color, furnishings).

    Reading part 5

    Why does Tolstoy write that at first a quiet murmur was heard, then the murmur became stronger, and finally, a loud joyful cry was heard from all sides?

    What can you say about the artilleryman at this moment? (he got up and opened his eyes, because when he heard a joyful cry, he realized that everything was fine).

    What did he feel at that time? (relief)

    Stage 6: summary conversation.

    ODZ: lead to the formulation of the main idea of ​​the work.

    Type of work: summarizing conversation

    KM for the teacher: make a characterization of the hero and, with the help of the characterization, lead the children to formulate the main idea of ​​the work.

    KM for students:- Now we will learn how to write a description of the hero and formulate the main idea of ​​the work.

    SW:- Back to the table, what can you say about the gunner?

    What was he like?

    What character traits helped the gunner in an emergency situation? (decisiveness, resourcefulness, self-control)

    What then is the main idea of ​​the story? (in that these character traits (decisiveness, resourcefulness, self-control) help a person in extreme situations).

    Stage 7: homework.

    Stage 8: summarizing the lesson.

    ODZ: give the lesson a logical conclusion.

    Is there a need for such people in our time? (yes, because in our life there are very often situations in which it is required to show resourcefulness and determination, in which the courage and courage of individuals is of decisive importance in difficult extreme situations).

    • ODZ is a general didactic task.
    • UZ- learning task.
    • PZ is a practical task.

    "When I hear - I forget , When I see - I remember , When I do - I I see

    Chinese proverb

    Surname of the writer

    Y N T QW O R S L U With Y T V O Z Y

    The works of L.N. Tolstoy

    About nature

    About people, about children


    Story title

    BUT freak

    to fell down

    at floated

    l admired

    a gunner

    Lesson topic:

    Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy "Shark"

    The purpose of the lesson

    1) get acquainted with the work of ____________________ and his work


    _____________________________ and analyze it;

    3) compose ____________ retelling of the work.


    vocabulary work

    DECK- horizontal overlap in the hull of a ship, aircraft, as well as a part of such overlap adjacent to the outer wall of the vessel.

    SAILOR- a sailor who does not belong to the command staff, an ordinary fleet, as well as an employee of the team.

    ARTILLERIST - artillery soldier.

    ARTILLERY - firearms (guns, mortars, howitzers), type of troops.

    SAIL- fastened on the mast of the vessel and inflated by the wind, a cloth made of canvas, dense fabric.

    WICK- a tourniquet made of soft material, impregnated with some kind of composition. Burning cord to ignite charges

    1. Swimming pool / tranquility

    4. Shot / horror

    2. Boys on the high seas / excitement

    5. Silence / excitement, despair

    6. Children are saved / joy and relief

    3. Shark / anxiety, fear

    Plan for retelling the work

    1. Stop the ship.

    Team: Swim!

    • Swimming in the sea .

    3. The appearance of a shark.

    4. Artilleryman fires a cannon

    5 Rescue The Boys .

    Characteristics of the hero

    • strong-willed
    • wise
    • experienced
    • courageous
    • resourceful
    • decisive
    • brave
    • experienced

    Group work Selection of synonyms

    1st group 2nd group 3rd group

    Bold Wise Joy

    Experienced Agile Fear


    • Retell the text, reflecting only the main events, the development of the storyline.

    2) Retell the text. During the retelling, try with your voice, intonation to show your attitude towards the characters (whom do you sympathize with, for whom do you worry; when you are happy or upset).

    3) Come up with and draw an illustration for a particular episode.

    Lesson summary

    What did we learn in the lesson?

    What have you learned?

    What did you think about after reading the story "Shark"?

    Thank you for the lesson!


    1. Continue to acquaint children with the work of Leo Tolstoy.
    2. To teach expressive reading for a deeper and more accurate transmission of thoughts and feelings embedded by the author in the work.
    3. Create conditions for improving the artistic and aesthetic activities of students through the analysis of a work of art.
    4. To create conditions for the development of oral (monologue) speech of students, for the development of creative abilities of students, their artistic and aesthetic taste, emotional responsiveness.
    5. To cultivate a culture of communication, universal values ​​(love, compassion, heroism, kindness).


    1. Textbook "Native speech", part 1.
    2. Dictionary S.I. Ozhegova.
    3. Candle.
    4. Exhibition of books by Leo Tolstoy.
    5. Presentation for the lesson:
      • Exhibition of children's drawings.
      • Portraits of L.N. Tolstoy by I.N. Kramskoy, I.E. Repin.
      • Reminders with an explanation of new words.
      • Portrait of the main character (artilleryman).
      • Synonyms and antonyms game.
      • Video recording of children's statements about the writer.
      • Audio recording of classical music L. Beethoven "Adagio contabile", F. Liszt "Dreams of love".
      • Big multimedia encyclopedia of Cyril and Mifody.

    During the classes

    I. Organizational moment.

    Emotional mood. (On the board is the image of the sun)

    Smile at each other, wish your neighbor a good lesson. Look at our guests, smile at them. Guys, I'm glad to see you too. Sit down.

    II. Learning new material.

    1. Motivation. Setting lesson goals.

    To find out which writer will be discussed in the lesson, please watch the video. (Video recording of children's statements about the writer).

    What do you think the writer was? Explain why?

    Why did we decide to talk about it today?

    The name of the writer and his portrait are revealed on the board. Children look at the portrait of the writer. Listen to additional information about the writer and artist prepared by the teacher.

    This wonderful portrait of Leo Tolstoy was painted by the great Russian artist I.N. Kramskoy in 1873, during the life of the writer. This is the best portrait created by the artist. The second portrait was painted by the great Russian artist I.N. Repin.

    Guys, pay attention to the wonderful illustrations that you drew back in grades 1 and 2. What can you say about them? (All illustrations to the studied works of Leo Tolstoy)

    2. Preparation for perception.

    Guys, I really love the works of Leo Tolstoy, I think you do too. But most of all I remember one of his stories, with which I want to introduce you today.

    3. Preliminary vocabulary work.

    In this work you will meet new words.

    Guys, pay attention to the board.

    Where can one find an explanation for these words? (Ask the teacher, parents, look in the dictionary, on the Internet ...).

    Task: 1 row looks for the meaning of the words in the explanatory dictionary: artilleryman and deck - read to the whole class.

    Assignment for the rest of the students: you have notes on the tables with an explanation of the meaning of the remaining words (wick, murmur). Read them on your own, aloud.

    4. Primary reading of the work by the teacher.

    Under musical accompaniment. (L. Beethoven "Adagio contabile".)

    Pause for emotional perception.

    5. Fizminutka - relaxation. (Music sounds)

    Close your eyes. Imagine that you are sailing on a ship on a warm blue sea. The gentle sun shines, you feel good and warm. Children with their eyes closed listen to quiet music.

    6. Post the topic of the lesson.

    What would you call this work?

    L.N. Tolstoy called him "Shark". We leave this right to the author.

    The title of the story is displayed on the board.

    7. Working with the Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius (multimedia).

    Let's watch and listen to the material about sharks from the Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius.

    I think that many have learned something new and interesting about sharks.

    Guys, tell us what feelings you experienced while reading the story and when you listened to and watched the message about sharks?

    Did you feel the same way or not?

    LN Tolstoy made us experience anxiety and excitement, which turn into fear.

    8. Repeated independent reading by students of a work of art in an undertone.

    9. Electronic physical exercise for the eyes "Chunga-Changa".

    10. Analysis of a work of art.

    Why is the story called "Shark"?

    Who do you think the protagonist paintings? Justify your answer. (gunner)

    What meaning does Tolstoy hide behind the words "old gunner"?

    Read the passage from the story that you think is the most exciting, disturbing.

    Find in the text how Tolstoy conveyed the experiences of the “old gunner”?

    Why did the "old gunner" cover his face with his hands? Discuss.

    See how the artist portrayed him?

    A portrait of an artilleryman opens on the board.

    What can you say about the portrait? Who wants to express their opinion?

    Characteristics of the hero appear on the board:

    • strong-willed
    • wise
    • courageous
    • experienced
    • resourceful
    • decisive
    • brave
    • experienced

    11. The game "Pick up synonyms and antonyms"

    Guys, let's remember what are synonyms and antonyms?

    Rules and tasks appear on the board in rows (work in groups):

    Find synonyms for these words:

    Find antonyms for these words:

    1 row 2 row 3 row
    brave save joy


    12. Conclusion.

    So who is the main character in this story?

    What is this story about? (About the love of a father for his son, this prompted him to commit an act. About courage, courage, heroism.)

    Folk wisdom says "Love conquers all!"- an inscription appears on the board. - Do you agree?

    III. Summary of the lesson.

    What did you find particularly interesting?

    Who had a hard time in class? Why?

    Evaluation of students' answers (with reasoning).

    IV. Homework.

    To the whole class: expressive reading of the story.

    Students' choice:

    • come up with a continuation of the story
    • prepare a picture summary
    • draw illustration
    • retell according to the plan of the textbook
    • write a poem about a shark

    V. Reflection. (The quiet music of F. Liszt “Dreams of Love” sounds.)

    On the board slide: a girl with a candle.

    Russian people have a tradition: everything good, bright will come true if you wish it while the candle is burning.

    Light a candle.

    Wish in your heart to the closest, dearest people what you would like to wish. Remember, love conquers all!

    It was a pleasure for me to talk with you. Thank you for the lesson.