Woodpecker, abstract of a lesson on familiarization with nature. Fairy tales and stories about nature Re-reading the fairy tale

The woodpecker is a master of different things.

It can hollow out. Smooth, round, like a piglet.

Can make a machine for cones. Squeeze a cone into it and knock out the seeds.

The woodpecker also has a drum - a sonorous elastic knot.

He will get drunk, he will drum - he will want to drink.

In this case, the woodpecker has a drinking ring. He also makes it himself.

The woodpecker does not like to descend to the ground: he is short-legged - it is awkward for him on the ground. He does not fly to a watering place either - to a river or a stream. Drinks as needed. In winter it will grab a snowball, in summer it will lick off a dewdrop, in autumn - a drop of rain. The woodpecker needs a little. And only in the spring is a special case. In spring, the woodpecker likes to drink birch sap. For this, the woodpecker makes a drinking ring.

Everyone has probably seen the ring. Even on birch logs. Hole to hole on the birch bark - a ring around the trunk. But few people know how the woodpecker makes this ring. And why is it made not somehow, but always with a ring ... I began to follow and realized that the woodpecker ... and does not think of making rings!

He just punches a hole in a birch and licks a drop of juice.

A little later, it will fly again: after all, juice swells on the hole. He sits so that it is convenient to lick, lick a swollen drop - delicious. Yes, it's a pity, the juice from the old prokluvinka quietly flows. The woodpecker will slightly take its head to the side and punches a new hole.

It will fly in again - it sits under a new hole, the old one swam. He will drink juice from a new one - next to it he will hollow out a fresh hole. And again, neither higher nor lower, but on the side, where, without moving, it is convenient to get it with your beak.

There are many things to do in the spring: a hollow, a drum, a machine tool. Hunting and shouting: right in the throat everything is dry! That's why every now and then it flies to a birch - wet the neck. He sits down, licks, adds a hook to the row. So it turns out a ring on a birch. And nothing else can happen.

Hot spring is coming.

The birch woodpecker rings. Lower the ring to the ring.

Master woodpecker on pieces.

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Nikolai Sladkov

Crossbill and woodpecker

I look, Woodpecker, at your nose and compare it with mine, - said Klest. - Yours is straight, like a chisel, and mine is like two crooked screwdrivers. And yet my curve will be better than your straight line.

And what is in it, crooked, good? the woodpecker turned away. - And from under mine, straight, only chips fly!

That's the trouble! Klest exclaimed. - You spoil the trees with your chisel, and with a curved screwdriver I just bend the scales on the cones, I get the seeds. You look, I drop one or two seeds, and it will germinate. It turns out that I plant a forest, and you are the enemy. And all because of your straight nose!

The woodpecker even stopped pecking out of resentment.

Admire your work! - Klest does not let up. - He scoured the aspen as if hewed it with an ax.

Aspen was sick. I saved her from drillers and grinders of various kinds. This very nose.

Thank you, Woodpecker, - Aspen creaked. - Saved from death - completely dried up.

The crossbill opened its curved beak in surprise.

But he, the dolt-nosed, cripples healthy trees! Look how he riddled Birch - as if shot through with a shot. The whole birch is in tears.

These are not tears, - Birch whispered. “Just droplets of juice came out of the holes. The holes will float, and I'll forget to think about them.

And I won't forget! squeaked the Mourning Butterfly. “These droplets saved me from hunger in the spring. Thanks Bereza!

Thank you, Woodpecker, - the ants waved their antennae. - Healing birch sap gave us back strength - we were very emaciated during the winter.

Thank you, Birch and Woodpecker, - white-cheeked, long-tailed and crested titmouse squealed. - Gloriously, we ate some sweet juice!

Everyone screamed, squeaked, whistled. Only the Woodpecker looked at Klest and was silent.

But Klest did not want to be silent, and twirled his crooked nose.

You, - shouts, - are hollowing out deep hollows in the trees! And how many of you woodpeckers are in the forest? Each in a hollow - and the whole forest is full of holes. I, then plant, and you make holes!

The more hollows in the forest, - Nuthatch shouted, - the more we, hollow-nesters! And the more of us - the less forest pests - the forest is better! And the better the forest, the better for everyone! And you, Klest, too!

Heard? - Woodpecker turned to Klest.

The crossbill only spread its wings.

Wow, the Woodpecker was good for me too! - Owl shouted. - I have freezers in the hollows. I freeze mice and voles in winter. About stock. And they harm the forest.

Heard? – Woodpecker Klesta asked again.

Here Titmouse-Gadget squeaks:

Guy, guy, where would we, birdies, hide in frost and blizzard in winter, where would we spend the winter night? Thanks to him, the builder-dolbonos!

Heard? - the Woodpecker turned to the crossbill.

And that was already gone.

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Clarify and expand children's knowledge about woodpeckers, about the meaning of trees.
Get to know forest pests.
To teach children to understand the phraseological unit "long tongue".
Develop a sense of rhythm, small muscles of the hands, thinking of children.


Pictures of woodpeckers, rulers, outline drawings of a woodpecker with missing details (beak, paws, tail), colored pencils, equipment for playing an audio recording with the voice of a woodpecker.


Lesson progress:

On an easel, a picture turned upside down.

Guys, today we again have to make a trip to wonderful world Crimean nature. But with whom we will get to know better today, a riddle will tell you.

Woodpecker Riddle

I knock on wood
I want to get a worm
Though hidden under the bark,
It will still be mine.

(Listen to the children's answers).
Of course it's a woodpecker. What in the riddle told you the correct answer? (Answers of children). What do you know about this bird? (Answers of children). (The child who gave a more complete or correct answer is invited to turn the picture over to the easel.

Here he is, a forest doctor - a woodpecker.

Forest pests - insects and their larvae - bark beetles, barbels, weevils skillfully hide under the bark and deep in the wood of trees. They will crawl into such narrow and deep cracks, where neither a person nor a single bird's nose, except for a woodpecker, will reach. First, the woodpecker will knock on the tree, "listen to the patient." A woodpecker will not touch a healthy tree, there is no food for him there. And if the tree is infected with pests, the woodpecker, like a doctor, will open the tree just above them, stick out its tongue and eat it. The woodpecker has a strong beak and a long tongue. Take a look at the rulers on your tables.

The red line marks the length of the woodpecker tongue. Does anyone of you know this number? (Answers of children).
A woodpecker can stick out its tongue by 13 centimeters. No wonder people say: "For a woodpecker, a long tongue is not a hindrance." What does this expression mean? (Answers of children). The woodpecker's long tongue helps to feed. And if they say about a person that he has a long tongue, what do they mean? (Answers of children). That this person talks a lot, and this can lead to trouble.

One woodpecker per day can destroy 700-800 bark beetles. It's a whole bunch of insects. Now you understand why the woodpecker is called the "forest doctor"? Why? (Answers of children).

Finger gymnastics "Woodpecker"

Now let's play with our fingers.

Suddenly there was a knock in the forest.
This is a woodpecker hammering a branch.
He doesn't cripple trees.
He heals trees with his beak.

(Children, following the example of a teacher, tap on the table with the index finger of their right hand. Then they do the same with their left hand and say the quatrain aloud).

Have you noticed what strange names the tree pests have? Let's think about why they got such names? bark beetle? (Answers of children). That's right, it eats the bark of trees. Barbel? (Answers of children). He has a long mustache. Weevil? (Answers of children). The weevil has a long nose. Woodworm? (Answers of children). He sharpens, gnaws wood. And these are just some of the pests, and you can’t list them all. How not to say “thank you” to the woodpecker for eating such a huge amount of pests, and thereby saving trees. After all, trees are very important for the life of people and animals. Let's think why? (Answers of children).

Trees provide us with clean air.
Trees provide shade on hot days.
Trees are homes for birds and some animals.
Trees give their fruits, give wood
for furniture and other products.
Trees decorate our land.

Now let's play a little. Get up.

Fizminutka "Good forest"

Good forest, old forest,
(Spread arms to sides)

Full of fabulous wonders!
(Turns left and right with outstretched arms)

We're going for a walk now
And we invite you with us!
(Walking in place)

Waiting for you at the forest edge
(Sit down)

Birds, butterflies, animals.
(Slowly get up, turns with waving of the arms)

Spider on a cobweb
(Fingers of the right hand to perform downward movements from the shoulder of the left hand)

And a grasshopper on a blade of grass
(Fingers of the left hand perform downward movements from the shoulder of the right hand)

Mouse, mouse,
Gray coat.
(Soft springy step, back slightly bent forward, “paws” in front of the chest)

The mouse walks quietly
Carries a grain into a mink.
And funny bunnies
Long haired guys
Jump and jump, jump and jump
(Jumping. Palms pressed to the head, depicting "ears")

Through the field for the woods.
In the air over a puddle
Dragonflies are spinning fast
They take off and land
(Running alternates with stops. During stops - sit down)

They frolic in the sun.
Birds in nests
woke up
Smiled, startled:
“Chick-tweet, hello friends!
We fly above all.
(Easy running in all directions; children imitate how birds clean their wings, wave them and their tails, fly)

Goodbye old forest
Full of fabulous wonders!
(Waving hand, turning left and right, walking)

We made friends with you
It's time for us to go home now.
(Spread your arms wide apart, sit down)

Amazing bird woodpecker. It is hard to believe that in the old days people did not like him. The fact is that when a woodpecker notices a person in the forest, it sharply cries out: "kiik-k, ki-i-k." And with curiosity it looks out from behind the trunk, flies from tree to tree, seeing off travelers. Superstitious people were frightened, believed that an evil spirit was watching them, and killed woodpeckers. Superstitious people are shy people who believe in various signs.

Before the wedding, the male woodpecker "plays music" - he chooses a dry branch and beats on it with his beak. The female bride flies to him and together they begin the hard work of gouging a hollow. They work for several days. Inside the hollow, the birds do not line anything, and the female lays her eggs right on the hard bottom. But the chicks are not so bad. They sit side by side, leaning on their heels. And on their heels they have special calluses to sit comfortably. Children's clamor is heard from the hollow all day long, and it can be heard far away. At first, when the chicks are still small, they hiss, and grow up a little, look out one or the other and shout: “te-te-te-te-te ...” The chicks of other birds usually lurk in the absence of their parents, and woodpeckers in a narrow, deep hollow predators are not terrible, so they scream from morning to evening.

When the chicks are still blind, naked and very weak, the mother and father fly into the hollow with food, later they sit on its edge and feed. Woodpecker eaters are excellent. Even before sunrise, they fly out for prey, and return when it is already dark. They eat everything: bugs, caterpillars, grasshoppers, and larvae.

When the woodpeckers grow up, they begin to climb the walls, later they get out of the hollow and train their legs outside. And a ponytail. The woodpecker's tail, along with the legs and beak, is the first worker. The woodpecker rests with its tail when it works with its beak; the woodpecker sleeps, sitting on its tail and clutching the walls of the hollow with its claws; during the jump, the woodpecker repels with its tail. Here's what interesting bird woodpecker.

Before you is a contour drawing of a woodpecker on which some details are missing (beak, paws, tail), finish them and color the whole drawing.


1. Why is a woodpecker called a "forest doctor"?
2. What do you know about forest pests?
3. Why is the woodpecker tongue amazing?
4. Why are trees so important for nature and humans?
5. Why did superstitious people dislike the woodpecker?
6. How does a woodpecker scream?
7. How do woodpeckers arrange housing for themselves?
8. How do chicks appear? How do they behave?
9. What do woodpeckers eat?
10. How do woodpeckers use their tail?

Listen to N. Sladkov's story "Zhaleikin and the Woodpecker".

"Zhaleykin and Woodpecker"

Zhaleikin came to the birch grove. He hears: someone is knocking like an ax. Zhaleikin crept up and sees: a woodpecker sits on a birch and hammers it with all his might. Only chips fly. I feel sorry for the birch.

Shout, noxious bird! shouted Zhaleikin. - You will spoil all the birches with your wear!

And he launched a woodpecker with a stick. The woodpecker drove away, but did not see that the woodpecker was hollowing a dry birch, clearing it of beetles, larvae and caterpillars.

Bark beetles, tree beetles, and wood borers have bred. The birch trees in the grove began to hurt and dry. And Zhaleikin, know, protects the grove from woodpeckers. Either with a stick in a woodpecker, or with a slingshot. There was a lively, cheerful grove, but now there is dead wood and deadwood.

Story questions:

Why did the writer call the boy Zhaleikin?
Why do you think Zhaleikin drove the woodpecker away?
Did he do the right thing? Why? What did Zhaleikin not know about?
What happened to the tree after Zhaleikin drove the woodpecker away?
Why were there no leaves on the birch? Who ate them?
Do you think Zhaleikin understood his mistake?
Do you always do the right thing in nature?

Kondratieva Marina Valerievna
Position: primary school teacher
Educational institution: MAOU "Secondary School "Native Land"
Locality: city New Urengoy, YaNAO
Material name: methodical development
Subject: Extracurricular reading lesson in grade 1 "N. Sladkov "Forest Tales"
Publication date: 17.02.2016
Chapter: elementary education

Extracurricular reading lesson in 1st grade.

Teacher Kondratieva Marina Valerievna

Topic: Extracurricular reading. N. Sladkov "Forest Tales".

 to acquaint students with N. Sladkov's fairy tale "Klest and Woodpecker";  Develop interest in fiction the ability to reason on the basis of observations, to draw conclusions;  to cultivate love for the native nature, disinterested attitude towards it.
multimedia system, books by N. Sladkov, cards, sheets for creating baby books, pencils, felt-tip pens.
During the classes.

I. Organizing moment
. Hello, forest, dense forest, Full of fairy tales and miracles! What are you talking about with foliage On a dark, stormy night? What are you whispering at dawn, Covered in dew, as in silver? Who is hiding in your wilderness? What kind of animal? What bird? Open everything, do not conceal, You see, we are our own!
II.Knowledge actualization.
-Where are we going to travel today? (Into the forest.) But who we will meet in the forest, you will find out by guessing the riddle. And who in the forest is called a nurse for a reason? About himself a riddle to us He wants to guess himself: - I jump through the trees, I check them, I fly. I knock with my beak: knock-knock. Where is, where is the harmful beetle? Do not try to escape from me, I have a special language. I have hooks on it. (Woodpecker) - What do you know about a woodpecker?


The woodpecker has a variegated coloration. He climbs trees well, they help him in this: short legs with tenacious claws, a wedge-like tail that serves as a support. The woodpecker's beak is straight, strong and sharp. In winter, the woodpecker feeds on the seeds of coniferous trees. The nest is made jointly by the male and female, hollowing it out in the trunk of an aspen, alder or birch. woodpeckers at night
they rest in an upright position, clinging their claws to a tree trunk or to the walls of a hollow. The woodpecker is a very useful bird, it saves trees from bark beetles. Eats 750-900 bark beetles per day. Every year he makes a new hollow for himself, and leaves the old one for other birds.
And the woodpecker is also called the orderly of the forest! Why? The woodpecker culls diseased, pest-infested trees. Woodpeckers move along the tree in a spiral and constantly tap, hollowing out the bark. The bird's tongue is covered with sticky saliva and small cloves with which it pricks insects.
Q: What is this riddle about? Who is jumping, rustling, gutting bumps with his beak? Voice eloquent, clean - Kle! Clue! Clue! - sings with a whistle. (Crossbill)

: What do you know about crossbills? Do you want to know?
Student's story.
This is a crimson-brown crossbill, It was not gloomy from birth It is ready to crack all day long: - I'm not afraid of the cold. D. Belous This is a kind of taiga bird, the size of a sparrow. The crossbill has an unusual structure of the beak, like that of a parrot: the lower and upper parts are bent in different directions. This beak is specially adapted to extract seeds from cones. But hooking appears only in adult birds. Crossbills build nests in dense branches on top of spruce. The nests are double, like frames in the windows, so that it is warm in the nest, as crossbills take their chicks to the most fierce winter frosts. When it is very cold outside, the living stove warms the chicks - the mother, and the father delivers the fuel (food). During their existence, crossbills have learned to deal with cones very deftly - after all, in a short winter day, an adult bird must extract up to 2000 small spruce seeds just for itself.
What discovery did each of you make for yourself after listening to the stories

-What do birds eat? (Klest - seeds of cones, woodpecker - insects.) This is probably why they have a beak different shapes. Describe. What do you think, who are we going to read about today? children's assumptions.
III. "Discovery" of new knowledge by children.
The famous writer and great connoisseur of nature Nikolai Ivanovich Sladkov wrote a fairy tale about forest dwellers. He teaches to love nature, observing and admiring her wisdom. In his books, the writer collected amazing stories about animals and birds, with which whole year all sorts of miracles happen.
Nikolai Ivanovich Sladkov was born in 1920 in Moscow, but lived all his life in Leningrad. Since childhood, he loved nature and was very interested in it. From the second grade, he began to keep diaries, where he wrote down his first impressions and
observations. Coming to the forest, he always had a camera, a notebook for notes, an album and paints, binoculars with him. He urged the people:
Open your eyes and

the beauty of the earth will rush into you with waterfalls of colors.
– How do you understand this expression? (You need to be able to observe, be attentive, inquisitive, and then nature will share its secrets.) You and I will also observe birds and explore what they do.
Reading the fairy tale by N. Sladkov "Klest and Woodpecker" by the teacher.

Do you agree with the words of Klest that “he plants a forest, and you (Woodpecker) cut it. And the forest, it turns out, I am a friend, and you are an enemy. -Who came out in defense of the Woodpecker? -And what else did Klest reproach the Woodpecker with? Guys, the Woodpecker is always on the move, he invites us to relax with him.
A spotted woodpecker in a bright hat. Korolkov, a friend of tits, Drums in a frozen trunk: "Hey, company, at the table!" Pick up for an initiative Who are beetles, and who are larvae, - The treasure is explored under the bark, Open a feast with a mountain!



x o d y

h t e n i i

fairy tales.
There are difficult words in the fairy tale, we will learn how to read them now. A chisel-tool for woodworking, pro-ras-tet curve screwdriver-tool is-to-dug out a hole - a hole pro-scree-pe-la fraction - metal balls pro-she-les-te-la with an ax hewed - they cut down the top layer of the birch tree - the birch bark trace caught cold and disappeared very quickly
Rereading the story.
Types of reading: in a chain, after the teacher, in paragraphs, buzzing reading.
Questions after reading.
-How did it all start? -What does the Woodpecker's beak and Klest's beak compare with? (With a chisel and curved screwdrivers).
-How does Klest plant a forest? - From whom did the Woodpecker save Aspen? And Bereza? -How did Woodpecker and Birch help Mourning Butterfly? Titmouse, ants? -Does the Woodpecker benefit or harm when it hollows out hollows? What birds did you learn about? (About the nuthatch, the owl, the titmouse) -How is the Woodpecker called in the course of the tale? (Enemy, dolbonos, builder) -Will Klest be convinced by all the inhabitants of the forest that the Woodpecker is a friend of the forest? Why do you think so? -What kind
did for themselves, having got acquainted with a fairy tale?
Guys, at home, conduct a study of the table in which you will try to find the encrypted words.

: Painfully, you, Woodpecker, take care of your nose, you clean everything about knots.
To me, Finch, without a nose, as if without hands. If you want spruce seeds, knock with your nose. Knock out the unfortunate bark beetle - and that one with the nose. Head spin. And in the spring, play the drum with your nose. Knock with all your might on a dry tree, otherwise the woodpeckers do not want to listen. That and look
stay with your nose.

Oh, Woodpecker, and your life is knocking. All with a nose, yes with a nose - that and look without a nose you will remain. What are the birds talking about? – How do you understand the meaning of the phrase “you will stay with your nose”? (nothing will get). -What catch phrases with the word NOSE do you know? hack on the nose - remember well and for a long time; hang your nose - become discouraged; turn up your nose - to be arrogant; lead by the nose - deceive; speak under your breath - speak very quietly, indistinctly; the mosquito will not undermine the nose - there is nothing to complain about.

Extracurricular reading lesson

based on the fairy tale by N. Sladkov "Klest and Woodpecker" Grade 2


to introduce students to N. Sladkov's fairy tale “Klest and Woodpecker”;

develop interest in fiction, the ability to reason based on observations, draw conclusions;

to cultivate love for the native nature, a disinterested attitude towards it.

During the classes

I. Organizing moment. Hello, forest, dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and wonders!

What are you making noise about?

On a dark stormy night?

What are you whispering at dawn,

All in dew, as in silver?

Who is hiding in your wilderness?

What kind of animal? What bird?

Open everything, do not hide,

You see, we are ours!

II. Knowledge update.

Where are we going to travel today? (In the forest). But who we will meet in the forest, you will find out by guessing the riddle.

And who in the forest is not without reason

Called a nurse?

About myself a riddle to us

He wants to guess himself:

I'm jumping through the trees

I check them, I treat them.

I knock with my beak: knock-knock.

Where is, where is the harmful beetle?

Don't try to escape me

I have a special language.

I have hooks on it.

Student's story. The woodpecker has a variegated coloration. He climbs trees well, they help him in this: short legs with tenacious claws, a wedge-like tail that serves as a support. The woodpecker's beak is straight, strong and sharp.

In winter, the woodpecker feeds on the seeds of coniferous trees. The nest is made jointly by the male and female, hollowing it out in the trunk of an aspen, alder or birch. At night, woodpeckers rest in an upright position, clinging their claws to a tree trunk or to the walls of a hollow.

The woodpecker is a very useful bird, it saves trees from bark beetles. Eats 750-900 bark beetles per day. Every year he makes a new hollow for himself, and leaves the old one for other birds.

Teacher: And the woodpecker is also called the orderly of the forest! Why?

The woodpecker culls diseased, pest-infested trees.

Woodpeckers move along the tree in a spiral and constantly tap, hollowing out the bark. The bird's tongue is covered with sticky saliva and small cloves with which it pricks insects.

Teacher: And what is this riddle about?

Who jumps there, rustles,

Clue! Clue! Clue! - sings with a whistle. (Crossbill)

Teacher: What do you know about crossbills? Do you want to know?

This crossbill is crimson-brown,

When he was born, he was not gloomy

Ready to crack all day long:

I'm not afraid of the cold.

This is a kind of taiga bird, the size of a sparrow. The crossbill has an unusual structure of the beak, like that of a parrot: the lower and upper parts are bent in different directions. This beak is specially adapted to extract seeds from cones. But hooking appears only in adult birds. Crossbills build nests in dense branches on top of spruce. The nests are double, like frames in the windows, so that it is warm in the nest, as the crossbills bring their chicks out in the most severe winter frosts. When it is very cold outside, the living stove warms the chicks - the mother, and the father delivers the fuel (food). During their existence, crossbills have learned to deal with cones very deftly - after all, in a short winter day, an adult bird must extract up to 2000 small spruce seeds just for itself.

What discovery did each of you make for yourself after listening to the children's stories?

What do birds eat? (Klest - seeds of cones, woodpecker - insects)

Perhaps that is why their beaks are of different shapes. Describe.

Who do you think we are going to read about today? children's assumptions.

III. “Discovery” of new knowledge by children.

The famous writer and great connoisseur of nature Nikolai Ivanovich Sladkov wrote a fairy tale about forest dwellers. He teaches to love nature, observing and admiring her wisdom. In his books, the writer collected amazing stories about animals and birds, with which a variety of miracles happen throughout the year.

Nikolai Ivanovich Sladkov was born in 1920 in Moscow, but lived all his life in Leningrad. Since childhood, he loved nature and was very interested in it. From the second grade, he began to keep diaries, where he wrote down his first impressions and observations. Coming to the forest, he always had a camera, a notebook for notes, an album and paints, binoculars with him. He called people: "Open your eyes - and the beauty of the earth will rush into you with waterfalls of colors."

How do you understand this expression? (You need to be able to observe, be attentive, inquisitive, and then nature will share its secrets). You and I will also observe the birds and explore what they do.

Reading the fairy tale by N. Sladkov “Klest and the Woodpecker” by the teacher.

Do you agree with the words of Klest that “he plants a forest, and you (Woodpecker) cut it down. And the forest, it turns out, I am a friend, and you are an enemy.

Who came out in defense of the Woodpecker?

And what else did Klest the Woodpecker reproach?

Guys, the Woodpecker is always on the move, he invites us to relax with him.


A spotted woodpecker in a bright hat.

Korolkov, tit buddy,

Drumming in the frozen trunk:

“Hey, company, to the table!”

Pick up for the occasion

Who are beetles, and who are larvae, -

The treasure is explored under the bark,

Open a feast with a mountain!

Vocabulary work is carried out in the course of reading a fairy tale. There are difficult words in the fairy tale, we will learn how to read them now.

Chisel - a tool for woodworking, pro-ras-tet

curved screwdriver - tool, is-to-vy-ryal

a hole - a hole, pro-cree-pe-la

shot - metal balls, pro-she-les-te-la

with an ax they cut down the top layer of a tree,

birch bark - birch bark,

the trace caught a cold - disappeared very quickly.

Rereading the story.

Questions after reading.

Where did it all start?

What does the Woodpecker's beak and Klest's beak compare with? (With a chisel and curved screwdrivers).

How does Klest plant a forest?

From whom did the Woodpecker save Aspen? And Bereza?

How did Woodpecker and Birch help Mourning Butterfly? Titmouse, ants?

Does the Woodpecker benefit or harm when it hollows out hollows?

What birds do you know about? (About the nuthatch, the owl, the titmouse)

What is the Woodpecker called in the course of the tale? (Enemy, dolbonos, builder)

Will Klest be convinced by all the inhabitants of the forest that the Woodpecker is a friend of the forest? Why do you think so?

What discoveries did you make for yourself when you got acquainted with the fairy tale?

Outcome. Creation of a baby book.

Let's try to create a baby book for children. What are the elements of a book? (Cover, pages). I have prepared the basis for creativity for you, and you will dream up. The teacher distributes sheets with blanks, the children color. Then the sheets are assembled into a baby book.


Who were you in class? (Listeners, dreamers, artists, storytellers, researchers, prospectors).

Do you know what birds talk about among themselves?