Occupation code computer operator. Job description of a computer operator

Operator of electronic computers and computers, 2nd category. Characteristics of work. Arithmetic processing of primary documents on computers of various types with printing of initial data and calculation results on paper tape and without it. Perform summation and taxation of indicators of single-line and multi-line documents. Calculation of percentages, percentage ratios, operations with a constant, exponentiation, root extraction, storage and accumulation of numbers in memory registers. Maintaining sorting, layout, sampling, selection, combining arrays of punched cards on computers according to reference and reference-grouping criteria. Performing decoding of information encoded in the form of punched cards, transferring jammed punched cards for re-stamping, visual inspection of punched cards “to light” and “for puncture” and placing them in a sorted array of technical media. Checking the correct operation of machines using special control techniques and by passing a package of punched cards perforated according to the control pattern. External control of documents accepted for processing and their registration in a journal. Preparation of documents and technical media for transfer to the next operations of the technological process. Registration of the results of work performed in accordance with the instructions. Must know: rules of technical operation of computers; methods for monitoring machine operation; work instructions; layouts of mechanized information processing; forms of processed primary documentation; production standards. Operator of electronic computers and computers, 3rd category. Characteristics of work. Conducting the process of information processing on electronic computers according to work instructions from the control panel. Inputting information into electronic computers (computers) from technical storage media and communication channels and outputting it from the machine. Transmission of calculated data received on machines for subsequent operations via communication channels. Processing of primary documents on computers of various types by summing up the indicators of reports with folding and lining of tables, calculations according to engineering design calculations. Issuing invoices and drawing up statements, tables, summaries, reports in a mechanized way, with information output on punched tape. Control of calculations, reconciliation of discrepancies according to the primary document. Preparing the machine for work, installing a control bus or block diagram for this work. Perforating, verifying, duplicating, reproducing and tabulating punched cards. Reading and punching holes of encoded information contained in punched cards based on graphic marks. Checking the correctness of the transfer of information from primary documents to punched cards “to the light” and counting control and the correctness of interruption of incorrectly punched punched cards with correction of the corresponding indicators and totals in the tabulation chart. Control of tabulagrams compiled in a mechanized way, comparing their final data with control numbers; carrying out selective balancing with a mark in the margins of the tabs; recording the verified tabulation results in the control numbers journal; design and release of verified tabulagrams. Setting up the machine using simple switching schemes and independently performing simple re-switching. Installation of a ruler, stops and tabulation plates for multiple passes of punched cards. Working with mathematical reference books and tables. Preparation of accompanying documents and work orders for work performed. Must know: technical and operational characteristics of computers; design of the control panel and rules of technical operation of the computer; guidance materials defining the sequence and content of the technological process operations performed; valid ciphers and codes; methods of carrying out calculations and computational work, monitoring technical storage media; basics of switching and simple block diagrams for setting up machines; forms of source and issued documents; basics of programming in the scope of secondary special or general education and course training. Operator of electronic computers and computers, 4th category. Characteristics of work. Ensuring that the computational process is carried out in accordance with work programs. Preparation of technical storage media on data preparation devices and their control. Writing, reading and rewriting information from one type of media to another. Monitoring the operation of the computer. Establishing the causes of computer failures during information processing. A record of the use of machine time and noticed defects in machine operation in the machine time log. Must know: rules of technical operation of computers; work instructions and other information processing guidance materials; technical storage media; codes used on a computer; structure of output tables for detecting failures during computer operation.

Specialists who are fluent in personal computers are in demand today in almost all areas of activity. Many applicants wonder who a computer operator is. Today, people with this position work in computer centers; almost every enterprise, clinics and other organizations have their own specialist in this profile. But not everyone understands what job responsibilities are assigned to this professional.

In general, this is a profession that does not have clear concepts, and the boundaries of job responsibilities are blurred. Activities primarily involve performing certain tasks related to

As for the rest, the manager can come up with various options for his subordinate to perform during the working day.

Very often, such employees at the enterprise maintain databases. In addition, their responsibilities include printing and organizing documents, communicating with the client base in the form of information exchange and email. It turns out that the activity is limited to the technical part. A person who aspires to occupy such a position must have good computer skills, know its components and basic principles of operation.

One of the features of this profession is its versatility. This is where you should start the conversation when the question arises of who a computer operator is. There is a list of job responsibilities that must be performed, regardless of the specifics of the enterprise for which a person is employed.

To understand what kind of profession this is, you need to know the main points that an employee must perform:

  • monitoring the status of computers and peripheral devices;
  • carrying out instructions and assignments from superiors;
  • informing management that consumables are running out and it is necessary to purchase them;
  • providing assistance to colleagues;
  • maintaining the entrusted property in working order and monitoring its safety;
  • storage of commercial and official secrets;
  • compliance with safety regulations and internal regulations.

In total, such requirements can be applied to any position and vacancy in the enterprise, but the job description of an employee working with a computer will contain them one hundred percent.

Responsibilities of a computer operator

It is worth understanding the specifics of this specialty before going to study or choosing a vacancy. This is a specialist who is involved in entering information into databases or other programs, processing them, and is also responsible for their safety. Otherwise, this vacancy may sound like a PC (personal computer) operator. There is no fundamental difference.

But you should not think that in order to apply for such a vacancy, it is enough to simply be an experienced user of personal computers. It also requires knowledge of the principles of operation of some operating systems, specialized programs, as well as the need to master the basics of accounting, document management and personnel activities.

Thanks to these skills, an employee can not only enter information, but also monitor its accuracy, draw up various reports, make tables and presentations, fill out statements and journals. Now it has become a little clear who a computer operator is.

Important! The exact responsibilities are prescribed by the employer when drawing up the job description. For each organization, the document may be different to reflect the specifics of the enterprise’s activities.

Features of the job description

The legislation does not establish a clear structure for such a document as the job description of a computer operator, but it is still customary to be guided by the generally accepted option in personnel records when drafting it.

In total, the job description consists of three main sections:

  • General provisions. In that section, the employer indicates the basic requirements for the employee: professional skills; education; existing experience. It also describes a list of regulatory and local documents that should be followed. The procedure for hiring and dismissal is determined, and the place of the staff unit in the overall structure is determined.
  • Job responsibilities and rights. This section is the main one, as it defines in detail all the responsibilities of the person who will occupy the specified position. If you approach the development of this part correctly, you can take into account all the aspects of an employee’s work.
  • Responsibility. This section will outline a list of violations that a person can commit, as well as possible punishment options. But it is worth remembering that modern legislation prohibits imposing punishments that are harsher than those established by law. The operator's salary is also specified here.

Computer operator courses

It may seem to many that teaching computer skills is not relevant in our time, but in fact, in classes to master this specialty, they are taught not to turn on the computer or type text. These skills are taught in computer literacy courses. The training program offered by computer operator courses covers much more. Here a person will learn:

  • work with databases;
  • fill out statements, tables and other accounting documents;
  • work with personal data;
  • know the basic methods of protecting information on a computer;
  • proficient in word processing and email;
  • exchange data with clients with complete safety of entrusted information.

Such training is suitable for calm and diligent people, since the profession requires maximum attentiveness and concentration from a person.

There is a high responsibility here. Sometimes it can be moral if you simply make a typo in the text, and sometimes it can be very sad if you make a mistake in filling out statements, the numbers of which affect the calculations for enterprises.

Computer operator: ranks

According to ETKS, this specialty is divided into categories. Assignment of a certain category obliges an employee to possess skills and knowledge that differ in some respects:

  • 4th category. The specialist must monitor the functioning of the equipment, type texts, tables and enter other data using text editors. Write, read information from one medium to another, print the necessary data. Replace and refill cartridges, be able to use modern office equipment in work.
  • 5th category. A specialist with this rank processes information using a computer, and also enters information from any media and communication channels. Working with table and text editors, as well as the ability to test software products, for example, anti-virus programs. Naturally, the operator’s salary in this case should be higher.
  • 6th category. The responsibilities of a specialist at this level will include not only the use of programs installed on the PC, but also their installation. He will be required to ensure the functionality of the computer system and identify errors that arise during operation.
  • 7th category. In this case, the requirements for the employee are even higher; he must install the software, monitor its performance and perform certain actions.
  • 8th grade. The responsibilities of a computer operator with such qualifications include installing and configuring the operating system, using PC upgrade capabilities, restoring the operation of the operating system, software products, and drivers.

Important! The employee to whom the ranks are assigned must fully comply with a specific list of responsibilities.

The income of specialists in this field differs greatly from each other. At some enterprises, the operator's salary is minimal, while other specialists receive decent fees for their work. A lot depends on what the employee does during working hours. Salary primarily depends on the company where a person works.

Most often, a specialist of this level with a standard list of responsibilities will receive the minimum wage, especially in budgetary organizations.

Often managers, realizing the meager amount of remuneration for work, try to attract workers with bonuses and additional clauses in contracts. There are also situations when their responsibilities include additional work that brings higher income.

Where can a computer operator work?

Today it is very difficult to find an organization that does not have computers and office equipment. Most production processes are automated and mechanized. A qualified employee who is fluent in working on a computer will always be able to find a profession. A specialist with this profession can work:

  1. In accounting. No accounting department can do without an employee working with a PC. Here it is necessary to constantly generate statements, enter data, fill out directories and databases.
  2. Service staff. Many service points, cafes, restaurants, shopping centers, gyms need people who have such skills.
  3. MASS MEDIA. On television and in editorial offices, there is probably much more work for such specialists than in other organizations. It is necessary to form program and broadcast networks, type articles, draw up schedules and much more.
  4. Secretary. It is very difficult in this world to imagine the work of a manager’s reception office without a secretary, and such an employee without computer skills. Drawing up letters, registers, and other correspondence - these are all the duties of the secretary, and they cannot be performed without modern office equipment.
  5. Health care institutions. The importance of such employees in clinics is no less important, especially after various software systems began to be introduced for recording patients, admissions and other issues related to the work of a medical institution. Before taking such a job, it is worth finding out what a specific specialist of this profile does in the chosen organization.

Important! Wherever there is a computer, a professional in this field can work.

The responsibilities of a computer operator who works in a clinic will not fundamentally differ from the affairs handled by a similar specialist in other organizations. His responsibilities may include:

  • monitoring the working condition of office equipment;
  • entering patient data;
  • issuing coupons;
  • filling out forms;
  • a set of office work documents;
  • assistance in entering information in accounting and much more.

Previously, the “Unified Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers” contained such a position, and not only the responsibilities of the various categories of this profession were described in detail, but also the tariff rate and official salary were indicated.

Today, operator salaries are calculated differently. This issue is resolved exclusively at the enterprise where the specialist works. But the establishment of ranks remained practically the same, as suggested by the qualification directory.

Today, a specialist can have a rank from first to eighth. Each of them involves a different level of training and knowledge. Depending on the assigned rank, wages are calculated; it will differ for each employee.

Useful video

Let's sum it up

As you can see, for the modern world this profession does not lose its relevance. It is more correct, on the contrary, to say that not a single enterprise can operate without specialists of this class. Moreover, most organizations require not just operators, but employees who additionally have such knowledge.

In contact with

Computer operator and who is a computer operator. A computer operator is at a stage above an advanced PC user. Because this is already a profession that gives its owner qualified computer skills. In other words, a personal computer is the main tool of a specialist’s work. A computer operator is a master whose responsibilities include working with information and data. The vacancy itself is usually called “computer operator” or “PC operator.”

In contact with

Computer operator and his responsibilities

In order to work as a computer master, it is not enough to be a skilled user of a personal computer. To work in this specialty, you must have experience working with most operating systems and databases. In addition, the specialist must understand the basics of document management, accounting and personnel work.

Using the acquired skills, a computer specialist enters data, monitors the correctness of its display, compiles various tables, fills out logs, statements, etc.

Accurate responsibilities PC specialists are determined by the employer in accordance with the requirements of the enterprise. These requirements must be specified in the job description.

Basic requirements for a PC operator

There are usually no significant requirements for the education of a specialist. For employment in the vast majority of companies, a general secondary or secondary specialized education, but with experience, will be enough work in some databases and programs, for example:

  • office programs (Microsoft Office);
  • graphic editors (Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, Paint).

Also, some enterprises may require knowledge of English or the basics of programming, the basics of system administration.

Job description of a computer operator

As was written earlier, responsibilities are determined by the employer, but it is still possible to determine a list of requirements for the employee that are typical for most enterprises. Some large enterprises with high staff turnover have their own specialist training courses. These courses can be either paid or free, and upon completion the specialist receives a certain rank. As a rule, paid courses provide more valuable information and, accordingly, a higher rank with which you can work with a higher salary.

Workers responsibilities PC specialist:

Some organizations (for example, the media) may require working with graphic information.

The work rights of a computer specialist are directly related to his duties, since their purpose is to simplify the performance of his duties by the employee. To the main officials rights This specialist may include:

  • the right to access work information related to the performance of official duties;
  • the right to contacts with other services of the organization within the framework of the functions performed;
  • the right to a workplace that meets all safety requirements and labor legislation.

These rights must also be specified in the instructions. The instructions simplify the work process.

Where do they teach

To obtain the profession of a PC operator, you must graduate from a vocational school and obtain the specialty “master of digital information processing.” You can also take computer operator courses. But also by taking courses you can improve your rank and qualifications. It is recommended to regularly attend advanced rank courses. With increase category salaries increase accordingly.

Demand for the profession of computer operator

Nowadays it is very difficult to find an enterprise that does not have computers and office equipment. Most manufacturing processes are automated and computerized. A qualified computer specialist can find work in any field. If you have extensive experience and good education, finding a job will not take much time.

For example:

Profession computer operator: pros and cons

The profession of a PC master is quite prestigious; with it you can get a job in most enterprises. And also this profession can become a starting point in the career of an IT specialist and designer.

Any profession has both pros and cons. The work of a computer master is no exception.

Working at a computer for a long time causes irreparable harm to a person. All human organs suffer. Bad monitors cause shrinkage vision. The cardiovascular system, spine and pelvic bones suffer from constant immobility. To reduce the harmful effects of the computer, you need to regularly get up and stretch, and also do eye exercises.

Profession computer operator: salary

Income for computer specialists varies greatly. It can be either extremely low or quite decent. This largely depends on the experience and skills of the specialists, but, of course, partly depends on the organization. This profession has ranks. The higher the rank of a computer operator, the correspondingly higher the salary.

Previously, the profession of operator of electronic computers was included in the “Qualification Directory of Worker Professions for whom monthly salaries are established.” This document outlined the qualification requirements for this profession. As of 2017, the computer operator is included in the “Qualification directory of professions of workers not included in the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers, for whom monthly salaries are established.”

Having received the profession of a computer master, a person will always be in demand on the global labor market.

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1 Operator of electronic computers and computers Qualification 2nd category An operator of electronic computers and computers of the 2nd category must know: - rules of technical operation of computers; - methods for monitoring machine operation; - work instructions; - models of mechanized information processing; - forms of processed primary documentation; - production standards; - types of storage media, including punched cards and punched tapes, characteristics of peripheral devices, methods of connecting peripheral devices, options for eliminating simple failures; - fundamentals of legislation; - basics of professional ethics; - basics of typing; - a record of the use of machine time and noticed defects in machine operation in the machine time log; - rules of labor protection and health-saving technologies, electrical and fire safety, use of fire extinguishing equipment. An operator of electronic computers and computers of the 2nd category must be able to: - perform arithmetic processing of primary documents on computers of various types with printing of source data and calculation results on paper and without it; - perform summations and calculations of indicators of single-line and multi-line documents; - calculate percentages and percentage ratios, perform operations with a constant, exponentiation, root extraction, storage and accumulation of numbers and data arrays; - carry out sorting, layout, selection, selection, combination of arrays on computers according to reference and reference-grouping criteria;

2 - check the correct operation of the machines using special control techniques; - carry out external control of documents accepted for processing and their registration in the journal; - prepare documents and technical media for transfer to the next operations of the technological process; - formalize the results of work performed in accordance with the instructions; - install operating systems, connect peripheral devices, install anti-virus programs; - work with the template; - enter text information in fluent mode; - comply with labor protection and fire safety rules. Qualification 3rd category An operator of electronic computers and computers of the 3rd category must know: - technical and operational characteristics of computers; - design of the control panel and rules of technical operation of the computer; - guidance materials defining the sequence and content of the technological process operations performed; - current ciphers and codes; - methods of carrying out calculations and computational work, monitoring technical storage media; - basics of switching and simple block diagrams for setting up machines; - forms of source and issued documents; - personal computer (PC) device; - basic functions and messages of the operating system; - types and main characteristics of data carriers; - types of PC software and system software; - principles of working with specialized software packages; - the most common PC software;

3 - operating rules and software for working on the network; - principles of building local and global computer networks (including the Internet); - rules for technical operation of a PC; - safety requirements when working with a PC; - basics of programming in the scope of secondary special or general education and course training; - typewriting; - rules of labor protection, electrical and fire safety for the use of fire extinguishing means. An operator of electronic computers and computers of the 3rd category must be able to: - perform information processing on electronic computers according to work instructions from the control panel; - enter information into electronic computers (computers) from technical storage media and communication channels and output it from the machine; - transmit through communication channels the calculated data received on the machines for subsequent operations; - process primary documents on computers of various types by summing up the indicators of reports with folding and lining tables, calculations according to engineering design calculations; - issue invoices and prepare statements, tables, summaries, reports in a mechanized way, with information displayed on punched tape; - control calculations, verify discrepancies according to the primary document; - prepare the machine for work; - configure machines using simple switching schemes and independently eliminate simple faults; - work with mathematical reference books, tables; - draw up accompanying documents and work orders for work performed; - carry out the process of processing information on a PC; - enter information and output it to a printing device;

4 - write, read and copy information from one medium to another; - document the results of the work in accordance with the instructions; - identify and eliminate hardware and software failures; - work in local and global computer networks (including the Internet); - enter text information using the ten-finger method; - comply with labor protection and fire safety rules. CURRICULUM for professional training of workers in the profession “Operator of electronic computers and computers” for the 2nd 3rd grades Subjects Total for the course of study 1 Theoretical training Practical (industrial) training 175 Reserve training time 10 Consultations 4 Qualifying exam 8 TOTAL: 460 Duration of training 3 months

5 IMPROVEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS QUALIFICATION CHARACTERISTICS Profession Operator of electronic computers and computers Qualification 4th category Operator of electronic computers and computers of the 4th category must know: - rules of technical operation of computers; - work instructions and other guidance materials for information processing; - technical storage media; - codes used on a computer; - structure of output tables for detecting failures during computer operation; - rules of labor protection, electrical and fire safety, use of fire extinguishing means. An operator of electronic computers and computers of the 4th category must be able to: - ensure that the computing process is carried out in accordance with work programs; - prepare technical storage media on data preparation devices and control them; - write, read and rewrite information from one type of media to another; - monitor the operation of the computer; - establish the causes of computer failures during information processing; - eliminate identified defects; - improve personal computers; - comply with labor protection and fire safety rules.

6 SAMPLE CURRICULUM for advanced training of workers in the profession “Operator of electronic computers and computers” to the 4th category Duration of training 2.5 months Subjects Total for the course of study 1 Theoretical training Practical (industrial) training 264 Consultations 4 Qualifying exam 8 TOTAL: 400

1 2 Contents I. Explanatory note 3 II. Curriculum 4 III. Work programs of academic disciplines 1. Work program of the academic discipline "Fundamentals of Information Technology". Pr Appendix 1 2. Working



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Specialty 230115 Programming in computer systems basic training GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SAMPLE PROGRAMS OF PROFESSIONAL MODULES Basic professional educational program in

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1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the System Administrator. 1.2. The system administrator is appointed to the position

Computer science. Theory and practice. Ostreykovsky V.A., Polyakova I.V. M.: Onyx, 2008. 608 p. The training manual, in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard, discusses the processes

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The work associated with this position may involve a variety of skill areas and educational requirements for the job applicant.


Regardless of which company you submit your resume to for the position of computer operator, there are some general provisions and requirements that are typical for organizations working in absolutely any field of production. They can be separated into a separate group.

  • monitoring the condition of computer and copy equipment;
  • timely execution of instructions and tasks;
  • informing management about the need to purchase consumables;
  • assisting colleagues at work with the tasks assigned to them;
  • monitoring the safety of entrusted property;
  • commercial and storage;
  • knowledge and compliance with safety precautions when working with computer equipment;
  • compliance with internal work regulations.

Of course, such requirements can be applied to any vacancy, but in any case, the job description should also include them. When applying for this position, a computer operator will meet them in one hundred percent of cases. General provisions must be included in any employment contract concluded between the employer and the applicant.


As already mentioned, a computer operator works with vague standards. In general, this vacancy implies only one thing - working with a personal computer, but otherwise the management organization can come up with absolutely any tasks for the employee.

One of the most common responsibilities of computer operators is maintaining the enterprise database. In this case, what might the job description require? The computer operator is obliged:

  • work with email;
  • exchange information with;
  • print and organize documents.

As you can see, this work is not burdened with a technical component. The computer operator, whose responsibilities we have just described, must be careful when working with the database, as well as provide the necessary data on time at the request of his colleagues.

Underwater rocks

Sometimes not entirely conscientious organizations may advertise for a computer operator, but when a person comes for an interview or internship, it turns out that his responsibilities include not only standing at the reception desk and entering clients into the database or answering calls, as indicated in the job description . The computer operator in such companies must also search for new clients by calling numbers and harassing poor housewives.

Here's another case. The well-known Russian Post periodically recruits operators. It seems that it could be simpler and clearer? It is necessary to enter data from parcels into a computer and register them. However, in practice it turns out that these vacancies involve dragging heavy bags and boxes, up to 30 kilograms inclusive. After all, there are no vacancies for loaders at local post offices.

Based on the above, before submitting a resume for a PC operator vacancy, find out well about the organization and your future job responsibilities. Computer operator is a rather vague formulation that has many subtle nuances.


According to the qualification directory and federal standards (since 2014), the profession “computer operator” does not exist. However, the presence of the same skills implies the specialty “Master of Digital Information Processing”.

If you are going to submit a resume for a vacancy (computer), you should know that there are usually no special educational requirements. They will test your speed of working on a computer and mastering programs, your skills in handling office products, and that’s all. Most enterprises use unique applications developed by programmers, which you still have to learn to work with on site.

In order to get a job for this vacancy, even just an A in computer science at school will do. A good bonus would be graduating from a vocational school in any computer specialty.

Additional education

A computer operator is a specialty that is quite in demand on the labor market, but low-paid. At its core, this work can become a starting point for future specialists.

For example, pharmaceutical knowledge may be useful to work as a PC operator in a pharmacy. Such work can be good practice for 3rd year medical students at universities.

In addition to practice, the position of PC operator in large companies that require special knowledge may be the first job of a newly minted specialist. Having received a diploma in information security engineer and some theoretical knowledge in the field of technical security and alarms, and then got a job in a company that installs and sells security systems, you will become more familiar with the market, popular models and equipment configurations. This will allow the young specialist to take the first step up the career ladder.

In some cases, even employers confuse a PC operator with a database operator. Then the applicant is required to know PHP or 1C. In this case, it is not necessary to graduate from universities. It is enough to attend special courses and receive a diploma of completion. But prestige and quality of education already play a role here.

Other responsibilities

And finally, let's look at what other points the job description may contain. Computer's operator:

  • prepares documentation necessary for the operation of the company;
  • copies documents;
  • observes spelling and punctuation;
  • reprints documents in electronic form.

And this is not all that a computer operator should do. Responsibilities vary depending on the imagination of the employer. If, in his opinion, an employee works too little or too quickly, some of the responsibilities or tasks of other employees of the company or enterprise may be transferred to you.

A striking example is the Russian army. Chiefs of staff or unit commanders often hire so-called “staff officers”—conscripts with higher education—as assistants. Essentially, these are the same PC operators - their tasks include working on a computer (printing documents, working with colleagues’ data, preparing materials for classes). However, sometimes, when the boss is too lazy to carry out any actions on his own, he can delegate more responsible work, such as filling out officers’ personal files or preparing reports, to an incompetent conscript.

We hope our article helped you and you understood the analogies given. You shouldn't have any questions about the job responsibilities of PC operators.