Presentation to Elena Ivanovna Belyanushkina, Deputy Director for Department. Characteristics for a deputy director for awarding a diploma Characteristics for a deputy director for administration


to Belyanushkina Elena Ivanovna,

Deputy Director for Internal Affairs

She graduated from the Moscow Regional Institute of Higher Socio-Economic Education with a degree in educational psychology. The work experience of the MBOU Izmailovskaya secondary school is 20 years. In 2008, she was transferred to the position of deputy director for educational work.

position:absolute;z-index: ;margin-left:731px;margin-top:229px;width:26px;height:422px"> During her work, Elena Ivanovna has established herself as a competent and creative specialist with a good level of methodological training.

The teacher defines his goals as the educational results of students, which he formulates in the ideology of teaching competencies, focusing on social expectations and requirements for the educational results of a graduate.

In her work, Elena Ivanovna uses innovative technologies: use of new generation electronic educational resources;

pedagogical technologies based on the activation and intensification of students’ activities; interactive technologies; pedagogical technologies based on didactic improvement and reconstruction of material; nature-compatible technologies.

She effectively organized intra-school control, creating a system for monitoring the educational process, and has an analytical approach to planning the educational program. Open to criticism and alternative points of view.

Effectively organizes innovative and experimental activities (the school employs: the winner of the federal level PNPO in 2009, the winner of the regional PNPO in 2010, the winner of the PNPO for a municipal grant in 2008).

Actively implements a system of work to prepare students and teachers for state (final) certification in the form of the Unified State Exam and the new form (GIA). Elena Ivanovna is characterized by a high level of organization of work to prevent students from missing lessons without good reason.

At the school, he supervises the work of the methodological council, participates in scientific and practical conferences on the topic “Implementation of PNPE and RCPME”, organizes work to introduce and disseminate the innovative experience of the best teachers and innovators among the school’s teachers. Under the leadership of Elena Ivanovna, the educational institution held seminars: “Applied museum pedagogy: Club of lovers of the history of the Fatherland”, “Implementation of the regional component of the curriculum through teaching the subject “Spiritual local history of the Moscow region”, “Year of youth: ... and they are in a hurry to live and in a hurry to feel.” By organizing pedagogical readings for teachers, lectures for parents, it creates a health-saving socio-cultural environment at school.

In her work, she devotes most of her class time to practical activities of students, creating conditions for the comprehensive development of children’s abilities through the development of research activities of schoolchildren. The active participation of students in the international competitions “Mathematics and Design”, “Young Researcher”, “II All-Russian Children's Creative Competition”, “Our Land” testifies to Elena Ivanovna’s fruitful work in providing students with the opportunity to discover their abilities and navigate the high-tech competitive world. Strengthening the educational potential of Elena Ivanovna is aimed at providing individualized psychological and pedagogical support for each student. Organizes independent individual and collective productivitynew motivated activity of students is member of the expert commission to carry out the procedure for objective external assessment of the results of professional activities of teachers.

Conducts effective work on organizing pre-profile and specialized training, pays attention to the development of contractual relations with institutions of additional education, the vocational education system (GNU VTISP Rosselkhozakademiya, MOUDOD CDT "Harmony", MOUDOD. SDYUSHOR "Olympus", Children's School of Arts in the village of Razvilka, GOU SPO PC No. 33, State Educational Institution Pedagogical College No. 15).

Elena Ivanovna uses tasks and situations that allow students with different abilities to gain satisfaction from their studies and achieve maximum results.

Elena Ivanovna is a member of the Governing Council of the Izmailovskaya Secondary School, a member of the school management team.

enjoys the respect of colleagues, parents, and students.

awarded the Certificate of Education of the Leninsky District in 2002, the Gratitude of the Head of the Leninsky Municipal District in 2009, the Certificate of MOMO in 2010.

Director of MBOU Izmailovskaya secondary school

APPLICATION for the highest qualification category is Tatyana Ivanovna Chistova, deputy director for scientific and methodological work of the municipal educational institution Lyceum No. 7 of the city of Chulym, Novosibirsk region.

Chistova Tatyana Ivanovna was appointed deputy director for scientific and methodological work on August 13, 2001.
Higher education.
Pedagogical experience - 25 years, management experience 7 years. Work experience at the lyceum - 4 years. She was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (2002), a prize from the head of the administration of the Novosibirsk region “Best Teaching Worker” (2003), a diploma from the exhibition “UCSIB - 2005” in the competition of methodological developments “Learning Tolerance”, certificates from the head of the administration of the Chulym region, department education of the Chulym region.
The main directions of her activities in accordance with her job responsibilities are: coordination of the activities of the teaching staff in organizing experimental and practical activities; management of the work of the methodological council of the lyceum; participation in the development and implementation of the concept of pedagogical activities of the lyceum; drawing up project proposals for the formation of a curriculum for specialized and pre-profile classes; drawing up project proposals for the placement of teaching staff; monitoring educational work at the stage of analyzing the results and drawing up recommendations for its improvement; organizing and conducting thematic pedagogical councils, methodological seminars; organization of admission to specialized and pre-profile classes; organizing communications with universities; organization of design and research activities of students.

Tatyana Ivanovna is a serious and highly qualified specialist who is technologically proficient in the basics of school management. She has a system of knowledge about the laws of the pedagogical process and modern psychological and pedagogical theories and teaching technologies. Knows the main ways to solve the problem of the connection between training and development, the structure and functions of educational activities, strategic principles of organizing training, methods for enhancing personal development in training. She knows how to organize her work on a scientific basis, has modern methods of searching, collecting, storing, processing and using information used in her professional activities. Knows the basics of developing educational program documentation and knows how to use them to create educational concepts and programs. Able to analyze the internal capabilities of an educational institution and find effective ways to solve emerging problems. She knows methods of effective personnel management, is familiar with various models and methods of motivating employees, creates and maintains a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team.

The main results of its administrative activities are:
  • Creation of a system of scientific and methodological work at the lyceum, promoting the disclosure and realization of the creative potential of members of the teaching staff. The result of this is that during the period from 2001 to 2005, three teachers of the lyceum became winners of regional competitions “Teacher of the Year” and “Coolest Class”, and diploma winners of similar regional competitions; all members of the teaching staff, without exception, have completed courses in the INTEL program and are currently widely using computer technologies in organizing the educational process; Methodological days “Teacher's Creative Workshop” have become traditional at the Lyceum, during which experience is exchanged between teachers of various methodological associations, including at the district level.
  • Creation of a monitoring system that allows for a sufficiently deep and comprehensive analysis of the state of the educational process in the lyceum, which undoubtedly contributes to the growth of the efficiency and quality of the educational institution.
In 2001 - 2002, Tatyana Ivanovna, being one of the authors of the concept for the development of the lyceum, developed, as part of her participation in the federal experiment on restructuring a network of educational institutions located in rural areas, the model “Lyceum - a school for civic personal development”, focused on understanding the essence of the educational institution , capable of providing gifted rural schoolchildren with modern, high-quality education.
Materials describing the model were presented at the board of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in August 2002 and included in the demonstration slides of the Academy for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers on the problem of restructuring rural schools. In March 2004, the lyceum model was awarded a diploma from the “Gold Medal of the Siberian Fair” competition. Currently, the concept of development of the lyceum is being finalized in the direction of transition to specialized education.
In March 2005, Tatyana Ivanovna was involved in organizing the work of the stand at the UCHSIB - 2005 exhibition. Based on the results of participation in this exhibition, the lyceum was awarded several diplomas, including a diploma from the “Gold Medal of the Siberian Fair” competition in the “Exhibition Culture” category.
Tatyana Ivanovna has high innovative potential, understands the requirements of state standards for the life process of an educational institution, and enjoys well-deserved authority and respect in the team.
Based on the above, we recommend assigning Tatyana Ivanovna Chistova the highest qualification category for the position of “head of an educational institution.”

Head of Education Department
Chulymsky district N.P. Kochenevskaya

Director of Municipal Educational Institution Lyceum No. 7 T.A. Shalonko

In document management, the concept of a recommendation in the form of a letter comes into use in our everyday life. We have found a sample that will leave time to print a good document. In the socialist past, a recommendation was replaced by an issued characteristic. Everyone has had to deal with such a concept as a characteristic. There is a difference between requesting specifications and making them up. As a rule, you had to go to the HR manager with a reference. When the time came to choose a job, or take an honorable position. Now characteristics have begun to be called letters of recommendation.

Positive characteristics of the Deputy General Director for Production (example sample)

Such a characteristic may be needed to add to a resume, or to decide on a promotion to a career position, make a decision on dismissal, or trust a new position.

An example of a positive characteristic of a Deputy General Director for Production

In the position of Deputy General Director for Production - since January 2009. He performs the duties of the Deputy Director conscientiously, proactively, at a high professional level, in full compliance with the job description.

With knowledge of the matter, he carries out general management of the production divisions of the enterprise. In cooperation with the chief engineer, he organizes clarification of the enterprise’s technical policy, promptly and correctly determines the most promising areas for re-equipment and reconstruction of its production base.

Takes comprehensive measures to ensure the required level of technical preparation of production. Particular attention is paid to increasing production efficiency and reducing costs.

Exercises effective control over the development and subsequent implementation of plans for the introduction of new technologies, and the implementation of relevant organizational and technical activities in departments. Personally and through subordinate officials, monthly checks compliance with design, engineering and technological discipline, rules and regulations on labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire safety, requirements of environmental, sanitary authorities, as well as bodies exercising technical supervision, assigns to heads of production departments tasks to eliminate identified deficiencies, if necessary, organizing the provision of assistance to them.

Carrying out significant work to improve the organization of production based on the introduction of the latest technical technologies, incl. telecommunications facilities. Analyzes the results of basic scientific research and experiments, testing of new equipment in the production profile of the enterprise.

Organizes training and advanced training for production department personnel in full accordance with programs and plans.

Effectively coordinates the work of services and officials ensuring the production activities of the enterprise.

Competently advises the General Director on the most pressing issues of production organization. Performs other duties of the deputy director in a timely manner, in full and with high quality.

Systematically works to improve personal professional training and persistently acquires new knowledge. Has in-depth knowledge of best practices in production management and skillfully applies this knowledge in daily work.

He carries out his duties extremely responsibly and zealously defends the interests of the enterprise. Has high performance. Has an exemplary appearance.

Physically healthy.

In the event of sudden changes in the business environment, he maintains self-control and self-control; he makes management decisions correctly and quickly. Methods of communication and processing of business information, incl. documented, masters it perfectly.

In relations with colleagues, he is businesslike, correct, and benevolent. Rules and norms of everyday business ethics and decency are strictly observed. I am not inclined to commit unseemly and unworthy acts.

He takes criticism addressed to him calmly and strives to completely eliminate shortcomings in his work.

1. Complies with the position held.

2. Due to the upcoming expiration of the employment contract, he is worthy of re-appointment to the position of Deputy General Director for Production.


Other sample characteristics

  • Sample characteristics of a student undergoing internship

Popular document samples and templates

  • Settlement agreement sample on determining the method of participation in raising a child
  • Statement of claim to change the apartment rental agreement
  • Inheritance cases
    Inheritance often comes with sudden problems. Inheritance by will and law differs in its mechanism. Samples of statements regarding litigation related to the entry into inheritance rights.

    Ownership and right of residence
    Samples of statements of claim in civil litigation regarding housing. The right to housing constitutes the right to use the ownership of residence. There are a lot of disputes and disagreements regarding this. There is a difference between a private house and a residential apartment. On the same basis, litigation arises regarding the division of personal accounts and the determination of the procedure for using the apartment. Examples of statements will help you understand what exactly is required to be included in the application to the court.

    Damage and compensation
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    The deputy director performs the duties of the deputy director conscientiously, proactively, at a high professional level, in full compliance with the job description.

    With knowledge of the matter, he carries out general management of the production divisions of the enterprise. In cooperation with the chief engineer, he organizes clarification of the enterprise’s technical policy, promptly and correctly determines the most promising areas for re-equipment and reconstruction of its production base.

    Takes comprehensive measures to ensure the required level of technical preparation of production. Particular attention is paid to increasing production efficiency and reducing costs.

    Exercises effective control over the development and subsequent implementation of plans for the introduction of new technologies, and the implementation of relevant organizational and technical activities in departments. Personally and through subordinate officials, monthly checks compliance with design, engineering and technological discipline, rules and regulations on labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire safety, requirements of environmental, sanitary authorities, as well as bodies exercising technical supervision, assigns to heads of production departments tasks to eliminate identified deficiencies, if necessary, organizing the provision of assistance to them.

    Carrying out significant work to improve the organization of production based on the introduction of the latest technical technologies, incl. telecommunications facilities. Analyzes the results of basic scientific research and experiments, testing of new equipment in the production profile of the enterprise.

    Organizes training and advanced training for production department personnel in full accordance with programs and plans.

    Effectively coordinates the work of services and officials ensuring the production activities of the enterprise.

    Competently advises the General Director on the most pressing issues of production organization. Performs other duties of the deputy director in a timely manner, in full and with high quality.

    Systematically works to improve personal professional training and persistently acquires new knowledge. Has in-depth knowledge of best practices in production management and skillfully applies this knowledge in daily work.

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    He carries out his duties extremely responsibly and zealously defends the interests of the enterprise. Has high performance. Has an exemplary appearance. Physically healthy.

    In the event of sudden changes in the business environment, he maintains self-control and self-control; he makes management decisions correctly and quickly. Methods of communication and processing of business information, incl. documented, masters it perfectly.

    In relations with colleagues, he is businesslike, correct, and benevolent. Rules and norms of everyday business ethics and decency are strictly observed. I am not inclined to commit unseemly and unworthy acts. He takes criticism addressed to him calmly and strives to completely eliminate shortcomings in his work.

    1. Complies with the position held.

    2. Due to the upcoming expiration of the employment contract, he is worthy of re-appointment to the position of Deputy General Director for Production.

    Free legal advice:

    Example of characteristics for awarding a certificate of honor to an employee

    The procedure for awarding an employee with any distinction requires the preparation of certain documents, and here an example of a characteristic for awarding a certificate of honor, which occupies one of the most important places in the package of documents, can help here, since it is an official recommendation for rewarding a conscientious specialist. The characterization must reflect, along with high production indicators, impeccable execution of assignments, moral character, and human qualities.

    Types of characteristics

    If there is a need to recognize a specialist at the local level - in a department, in a city - you will need an example of characteristics for awarding an internal certificate of honor. Here the free way of writing predominates, taking into account, however, specific requirements for the language, the order of presentation and the structure of the text. If an employee is planning to present a state award, then an example of characteristics is needed for awarding a certificate of honor in appearance.

    Everything is strict here: general rules apply, legalized standards of office work are used. Although, both of these examples are essentially positive professional letters of recommendation. There is no single example for drawing up such a document, and therefore the example of characteristics for awarding a diploma of honor requires only general rules of writing and design, since it is a business paper.

    General rules

    All documents are drawn up according to generally accepted principles. Any example of a characteristic for awarding a certificate of honor from a ministry or department, even the presidential administration, must be written in an official business style, where the content is consistently, but briefly and accurately stated. Information must be submitted from a third party in the present and past tense. In the description you must indicate the name of this document, then personal information about the employee nominated for the award.

    After this, his professional and service activities are assessed, and the business and moral qualities of this person are described. The description ends with an indication of the purpose of writing this document and its purpose. At the bottom is the date of execution of the document with the names and initials of the officials who endorse the document. An example of a characteristic for awarding a ministry certificate of honor will differ significantly from any other sample that is not intended to go beyond the institution where the employee works.

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    To fill out the characteristics, you need a letterhead (A4 paper). The recommendation can be created either by the immediate supervisor of the awarded employee or by an employee of the HR department. It happens that the applicant for the award himself receives such an assignment.

    The signed form is signed by the heads of the organization, the general director, and the characteristics are certified by the seal of the given enterprise. It is even easier to draw up an official description for a ministry than any other, since for external documents there is a State Standard with unified design rules and ready-made necessary details. This is an almost ready-made characteristic for awarding a certificate of honor.


    Teachers, for example, are characterized this way. The “header” of the form is already ready, where it is indicated that the document is intended to be sent to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in order to award a certificate of honor from the ministry, for example, to Pyotr Sidorovich Ivanov. You only need to enter your last name, first name and patronymic, year or full date of birth. It must be said that this example is a characteristic for awarding a diploma of honor - an example that is quite suitable for many related professions: librarian, methodologist, artist, musician, etc.

    Next comes the line where education should be reflected. For example: higher education, graduated with honors from Moscow State Pedagogical University in 1978 with a degree in physics with the qualification of a secondary school teacher. Total experience - thirty-one years. Pedagogical - also thirty-one. Work experience in this institution, for example, twenty-five years. The following lists the scientific works and methodological developments that were created by Pyotr Sidorovich Ivanov over many years of work. It is advisable to indicate them by publication date. (The characteristics for awarding a certificate of honor to a teacher are also precisely drawn up; the example is completely suitable.)

    Further registration

    The enumeration is formatted something like this:

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    1. 1979 “Methods of didactic and psychological support when teaching children physics.”

    2. 1983 “Laboratory classes as a mechanism for introducing children to research in the field of physics.”

    The characterization of a librarian for awarding a certificate of honor will have a different example in this regard, since the occupation is different, and scientific works were probably written on other topics. This also applies to any other specialization. The next paragraph of the description sent to the ministry contains data on awards, incentives and titles received.

    They are probably all listed in the personal file materials and work book, which must be carefully, by date, transferred to the appropriate column: teacher-methodologist, awarded the highest category, certificates, gratitude, diplomas, etc. For each award, an explanation must be given - for what specific merits it was received.

    Personal data

    In the column related to marital status, you should note, for example: married, has four children. The following is a free text. The start date of Pyotr Sidorovich Ivanov’s work at school (indicate the number), during this period of time he proved himself to be an innovative teacher, actively conducted scientific and methodological activities, improved his teaching skills, and enjoyed the great love of schoolchildren for the subject, which he managed to awaken. He devoted a lot of time to solving the issues of teaching exact sciences to children with developmental disabilities, constantly creating individual programs, improving educational and methodological materials.

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    His developments were published then and there (specify electronic and printed publications). He willingly shares his knowledge and pedagogical skills at methodological and pedagogical councils and pedagogical conferences. Thanks to the responsiveness of Pyotr Sidorovich and other teachers, the lessons are held at the proper level with a good understanding of the material. He also works a lot with parents, helping to solve all the social and humanitarian problems that stand in the way of the child to knowledge.


    Ivanov Pyotr Sidorovich enjoys great respect from his colleagues, love from his students and their parents. That is why the school staff recommends Ivanova P.S. to be awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science. Next - signatures and seal. The key to the successful receipt by Petr Sidorovich Ivanov of a well-deserved award will be a well-written reference for awarding a certificate of honor.

    An example of a nurse working in a school medical center will differ from the example of a physics teacher only in the content of some points related to professional activities. The same applies to any employee in the education system.

    Other professions

    The characteristics of a driver for awarding a certificate of honor are compiled in almost the same way. The example will not contain data on methodological work, since it does not concern the school bus driver. Instead, it is necessary to reflect the reliability of his professional skills, desire to master new technical knowledge, ability to communicate with children, and so on.

    In the education system, any characteristic for awarding a diploma will be practically no different. Example: an accountant working somewhere in the city department of public education. In the same way, this person is far from the educational process and does not write methodological developments. This column should indicate trouble-free operation and specific professional achievements.

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    Internal characteristics

    Such characteristics are intended to reward employees within an enterprise or organization, which must be reflected in the work book entries. The employee whom it was decided to nominate for the award has already achieved visible success during his career, which the characteristics reflect in all details.

    First of all, those personal qualities that helped the employee achieve his goal are identified, then those professional achievements that it was decided to recognize with a certificate of honor are listed by date. The decision on the award is made by the director or head of the institution or enterprise. He compiles the characteristics himself if the enterprise is small. If the institution has a personnel department, this is entrusted to specialists. There are no strict rules for drawing up characteristics for internal use; a document written by hand is also quite valid here.

    In jurisprudence

    The characteristics for awarding a lawyer with a certificate of honor do not have a firmly established form. An example of compilation can be taken as a basis from those proposed above. Naturally, this does not apply to award documents provided outside the institution - to the ministry or even higher, for them the form exists unshakably. And for internal characteristics, it is important to briefly talk about the job responsibilities, the competence of this specialist in solving legal problems at the enterprise, his role in court proceedings, if they happen.

    The reference is signed by the head of the company, then it is certified with a round seal. The title of the document, that is, the word “Characteristics” is placed at the top center of the A4 sheet. The first paragraph most often introduces the lawyer’s personal data in the same way as it is written in the characteristics for a physics teacher: first name, patronymic, last name, date of birth, education, information about work activity. Next is specific material about the reasons for the award, listing successes and personal qualities.


    You cannot abbreviate words in an official document. Personal information is always indicated before describing the personal and professional qualities of the employee nominated for the award. After the personal data, you should indicate specifically the place of study and advanced training courses completed - with dates, if any. The employee’s activities are characterized according to the situation at the enterprise.

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    In information about the length of service, which must include the date the employee was hired, promotions are noted, changes in positions are listed, it is necessary to cover not only the activities at this enterprise, but also everything else, if it happened in other places. The employee’s recent career movements and achievements dominate the characterization, but it should reflect the entire career path as fully as possible.

    Business qualities

    The main part of this document is an assessment of the professionalism and business qualities of this employee. The level of skills, application of theoretical knowledge, building relationships in a team, teamwork, commitment and other abilities of the employee - all this should have a clearly positive character in the description.

    In addition to business qualities, it is necessary to dwell on personal ones: how well a person gets along with the team, what is his level of stress resistance, self-control during conflicts. You can write about his responsiveness, moral qualities and desire for mutual assistance, listing all the encouragement that took place.

    Differences in office work

    This type of idea, as a characteristic for encouragement, is widespread and is provided for in the personnel records management of a huge number of government bodies and large organizations. Therefore, such a document is by no means always drawn up entirely from scratch. There are instructions for office work, and in each company they have their own forms, different from others, like all local regulations of a particular organization.

    In some institutions, preparing such a presentation for an award has a much longer path, including drawing up letters of application, filling out award sheets and much, much more. It also happens that the incentive system involves the coordination of ideas that are drawn up by immediate managers. They are reviewed by personnel services and various committees and commissions, after which the employee’s nomination for an award with a certificate of honor is endorsed by the general director.

    Free legal advice:

    Characteristics for a deputy director for awarding a diploma

    To the main certification commission

    for the highest qualification category

    Chistova Tatyana Ivanovna,

    Free legal advice:

    Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work

    Municipal educational institution Lyceum No. 7

    city ​​of Chulym, Novosibirsk region.

    Pedagogical experience – 25 years, management experience 7 years. Work experience at the lyceum – 4 years. She was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (2002), a prize from the head of the administration of the Novosibirsk region “Best Teaching Worker” (2003), a diploma from the exhibition “UCSIB - 2005” in the competition of methodological developments “Learning Tolerance”, certificates from the head of the administration of the Chulym region, department education of the Chulym region.

    The main directions of her activities in accordance with her job responsibilities are:

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    coordination of the activities of the teaching staff in organizing experimental and practical activities;

    management of the work of the methodological council of the lyceum;

    participation in the development and implementation of the concept of pedagogical activities of the lyceum;

    drawing up project proposals for the formation of a curriculum for specialized and pre-profile classes;

    drawing up project proposals for the placement of teaching staff;

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    monitoring educational work at the stage of analyzing the results and drawing up recommendations for its improvement;

    organizing and conducting thematic pedagogical councils, methodological seminars;

    organization of admission to specialized and pre-profile classes;

    organizing communications with universities;

    organization of design and research activities of students.

    Tatyana Ivanovna is a serious and highly qualified specialist who is technologically proficient in the basics of school management. She has a system of knowledge about the laws of the pedagogical process and modern psychological and pedagogical theories and teaching technologies. Knows the main ways to solve the problem of the connection between training and development, the structure and functions of educational activities, strategic principles of organizing training, methods for enhancing personal development in training. She knows how to organize her work on a scientific basis, has modern methods of searching, collecting, storing, processing and using information used in her professional activities. Knows the basics of developing educational program documentation and knows how to use them to create educational concepts and programs. Able to analyze the internal capabilities of an educational institution and find effective ways to solve emerging problems. She knows methods of effective personnel management, is familiar with various models and methods of motivating employees, creates and maintains a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team.

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    The main results of its administrative activities are:

    Creation of a system of scientific and methodological work at the lyceum, promoting the disclosure and realization of the creative potential of members of the teaching staff. The result of this is that during the period from 2001 to 2005, three teachers of the lyceum became winners of regional competitions “Teacher of the Year” and “Coolest Class”, and diploma winners of similar regional competitions; all members of the teaching staff, without exception, have completed courses in the INTEL program and are currently widely using computer technologies in organizing the educational process; Methodological days “Teacher's Creative Workshop” have become traditional at the Lyceum, during which experience is exchanged between teachers of various methodological associations, including at the district level.

    Creation of a monitoring system that allows for a sufficiently deep and comprehensive analysis of the state of the educational process in the lyceum, which undoubtedly contributes to the growth of the efficiency and quality of the educational institution.

    In 2001 – 2002, Tatyana Ivanovna, being one of the authors of the concept for the development of the lyceum, developed, as part of her participation in the federal experiment on restructuring a network of educational institutions located in rural areas, the model “Lyceum - a school for civic personal development”, focused on understanding the essence of the educational institution , capable of providing gifted rural schoolchildren with modern, high-quality education.

    Materials describing the model were presented at the board of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in August 2002 and included in the demonstration slides of the Academy for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers on the problem of restructuring rural schools. In March 2004, the lyceum model was awarded a diploma from the “Gold Medal of the Siberian Fair” competition. Currently, the concept of development of the lyceum is being finalized in the direction of transition to specialized education.

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    In March 2005, Tatyana Ivanovna carried out activities to organize the work of the stand at the exhibition UCHSIB - 2005. Based on the results of participation in this exhibition, the lyceum was awarded several diplomas, including a diploma from the competition “Gold Medal of the Siberian Fair” in the category “Exhibition Culture”.

    Tatyana Ivanovna has high innovative potential, understands the requirements of state standards for the life process of an educational institution, and enjoys well-deserved authority and respect in the team.

    Guide to writing employee references for awards: 6 key points

    The procedure for awarding a specialist with a distinction is associated with the preparation of certain documents. Among them, an important place is occupied by the characteristic for nominating an employee for an award. So, how to correctly write a reference for an employee for awarding a certificate of honor?

    Free legal advice:

    What is the characteristic for awarding a certificate of honor?

    A guide to independently calculating the profitability of an enterprise with examples is here.

    Types of characteristics per employee

    If it is necessary to mark an employee within the department or city, an internal reference is drawn up for the employee for awarding a certificate of honor. The recording method is free, but takes into account specific requirements for language, structure and order of presentation of thoughts.

    In form and content, both characteristics are professional letters of recommendation of a positive nature.

    You can find out what a positive reference from a place of work is and how to compose it correctly by following the link.

    An example of the correct design of a specification.

    Free legal advice:

    Characteristics for awarding a diploma of honor: sample and procedure for drawing up

    There is no single template for creating an award document. The contractor is guided by the general rules of writing and requirements for the design of business paper.

    General rules for writing text

    1. The text is written in a formal business style of speech. The content is presented briefly, accurately, consistently.
    2. Information is reported in the present, past tense from a third person.
    3. The characteristics indicate:
    • document's name,
    • personal information about the employee,
    • assessment of professional or service activities,
    • description of a person’s business and moral qualities,
    • the purpose of writing the document, its purpose,
    • date of registration,
    • surname and initials of the officials who endorsed the document.

    How to staple documents correctly? Step-by-step instructions with photos are contained in our new article at the link.

    Requirements for document execution

    1. The specification is prepared on A4 paper, letterhead.
    2. A recommendation is made by a low-ranking manager who knows the employee well. It is possible for the text to be written by an employee of the HR department, the applicant for the award himself.
    3. The document is signed by the executor of the order, the head of the organization or only the director. Certified with the seal of the enterprise.

    A sample description for awarding a certificate of honor can be downloaded from this link.

    Example of characteristics for awarding a certificate of honor:

    An example of a reward characteristic.

    Free legal advice:

    What are the characteristics for awarding a certificate of honor from the Ministry?

    It is created on the basis of State Standard R 6., which provides unified rules for drawing up documents. The necessary details are indicated on the A4 format form.

    An example of an incorrect description.

    Components of a document form

    1. Certificate of the organization that issued the reference: postal address, email address, telephone number, etc.
    2. The title of the document in capital letters, including a summary of the characteristics.
    3. Outgoing number, signature date.
    4. Personal information about the employee.
    5. Description of career growth, employee qualities: professional, business, personal.
    6. Detailed information about achievements in the implementation of projects, contributions to the development of production, and innovative developments.
    7. Participation in symposia and conferences.

    What is more profitable for a novice businessman to open: an individual entrepreneur or an LLC? The detailed answer is contained in this article.

    We detail the personal data of the award applicant:

    • Full Name;
    • year of birth;
    • education that I completed;
    • family situation;
    • position, work responsibilities;
    • general work experience;
    • length of service at this enterprise;
    • previous awards, titles;
    • scientific works.

    What primary documentation is, how to properly maintain and store it, you can read here.

    An example of characteristics for awarding a certificate of honor to an accountant.

    Specialty: Russian language and literature

    Qualification: secondary school teacher

    Teaching experience: 33 years

    Work experience in the specified institution: 22 years

    Scientific works: “Methodology of psychological and didactic support in teaching children with disabilities”, “Problems of integration of children with special needs (needs and reality)”, “Mechanism and means of education for children with special needs”.

    Awards, incentives, titles: “Specialist of the highest category”, “Teacher-methodologist”. (List gratitude, certificates, diplomas; for what merits received).

    Marital status: married, has a daughter

    Svetlana Pavlovna Vorobyova has been working at secondary school No. 99 since 1988. During her career, she proved herself to be an innovative teacher.

    The scientific and methodological activities of the teacher are aimed at improving the psychological and pedagogical support for the training and education of students with complex developmental disorders, and at solving problems in the study of the subject.

    Based on an individually differentiated approach, the teacher draws up individual programs, develops methodological, educational and didactic materials, and recommendations. Developments are published in printed and electronic publications.

    Fulfilling the requirements of state policy regarding children with special educational needs, Vorobyova S.P. directs her pedagogical activities to providing such students with opportunities to realize their constitutional rights.

    Thanks to the skillfully organized educational process, students’ assimilation of educational material in her lessons is at the proper level.

    Svetlana Pavlovna shares her work experience on issues of inclusive education during speeches at teacher councils, at meetings of methodological commissions, pedagogical readings, and scientific conferences.

    Vorobyova Svetlana Pavlovna solves social and humanitarian problems of a family in which a child with disabilities is being raised, provides advisory services to parents, awakens in them wisdom, a sense of responsibility for the upbringing and education of the child.

    Svetlana Pavlovna is respected and loved by her students and colleagues.


    for Deputy Director for Education

    primary school work

    …….. for compliance with the position of “head teacher”

    . During her work as a deputy school director for educational work, she showed herself to be a qualified and proactive leader who knows the regulatory documentation on the organization of the educational process, as well as the theory and methods of managing educational systems. Working style…. are distinguished by high demands, methodicality, the ability to intensify the creative activity of teachers, skillful use and variation of forms and methods of personnel management.

    .. knows well the processes of implementation and determination of the results of innovative activities and is able to show the results of these activities and justify their effectiveness.

    .. pays a lot of attention to organizing work to improve the qualifications of teaching staff, creating conditions under which teachers are interested in improving the level of their skills. Under her leadership, self-educational work of teachers and their certification are carried out. She correctly and wisely organizes the training of teachers in the area she supervises through motivation, and then is able to demonstrate qualitative growth in their activities.

    A system of working with gifted children has been created in elementary schools. The result of this work is the annual winners of district and regional Olympiads and competitions.

    Together with the school administration, it has created a structure for organizing intra-school control. Particular attention is paid to the control of teaching subjects, which addresses the most important, pressing issues of teaching in primary school.

    .. - member of the pedagogical club “First of September”, maintains his own website (Certificate No. 44676, confirming that Elena Lvovna Vikhareva created a personal teacher website)on the “Teacher Portal”, has five publications on this site (Presentation for 1st grade. Project “Our Zoo”, Primary School Classroom Passport, Presentation “Congratulations on the Anniversary”, Presentation “Our 1st “A” class”, Diary of the 1st grade class teacher). Participates in online vibenars on the topic"Current problems of teaching the Russian language and literary reading in grades 1-4 for children of migrants and migrants in a bilingual environment" ( ).

    For significant success in organizing and improving the educational process, and for her great personal contribution to the practical training of students, she was repeatedly awarded with diplomas from the education department. Completes advanced training courses in a timely manner.

    Has the first qualification category.