Proverbs about optimism. Optimism

There are people who are more pleased to think that bees sting than that they give honey. Emil Krotky

The pessimist, faced with a choice between two types of evil, chooses both. Oscar Wilde
An optimist is one who, being between two troubles, always makes a wish! :-)

An optimist is someone who always sees the good, even in the bad. A pessimist is someone who has not yet experienced the fullness of life.

An optimist is a person who knows exactly how bad the world can be; and the pessimist rediscovers it every morning.

The optimist claims that we live in the best possible world; the pessimist fears that this is true. B.Cable

Optimists differ from pessimists in that the former are convinced that there is no death, and the latter that there was no life. Boris Krutier

Optimism is the will to happiness. Ilya Shevelev

They can because they think they can. Maron Publius Virgil

Optimism does not order to live long, but promises. Leonid S. Sukhorukov

I believe in good luck.
I believe in my mind and that
That even if I cry
Then I won't give up on anything.

He fell to his knees - somehow you will get up yourself or a friend will lift you up, lost heart - no one will help. Veselin Georgiev

An optimist is a person who is so sure of success that he simply does not need it. Emmanuel Adolphe Essar

An optimist looks for virtues in shortcomings, and a pessimist looks for shortcomings in virtues. Valery Afonchenko

Optimism is the luxury of great people. Louis Aragon

An optimist is a person who buys a wallet with his last money...

An optimist is one who sees not crosses in the cemetery, but pluses.

Optimists consider falling down stairs to be a flight. Konstantin Kushner

An optimist looks at everything bad with hope, and a pessimist doubts everything good. Valery Afonchenko

The pessimist takes the worst out of the bad, and the optimist the best. Vadim Mozgovoy

The pessimist punishes himself, the optimist rewards himself. Ilya Shevelev

The optimist in his dreams defeats the enemy, and the satisfied one sleeps soundly. The pessimist, fighting in dreams with the enemy, suffers defeat and then suffers from insomnia. Valery Afonchenko

For the optimist, hope dies last, to rise from the ashes first. Leonid S. Sukhorukov

Pessimism does not give people anything, but it takes away a lot. Erian Schultz

Often in difficult life situations, pessimism takes away the remnants of courage. Alfred Adler

Optimists can make mistakes too, but they always succeed. Unknown author

Never give up. Lowering your arms, you will rather stretch your legs. Konstantin Kushner

When the roof over your head collapses, optimists clutch at the roof, pessimists at the head. Mikhail Mamchich

An optimist sees opportunity in every danger; a pessimist sees danger in every opportunity. Chinese wisdom

A pessimist is a person who thinks of others as darkly as he thinks of himself, and hates them for it. George Bernard Shaw

If you want to become an optimist and understand life, then stop believing what they say and write, but observe for yourself and delve into it. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

An optimist is a former pessimist whose pockets are full of money, his stomach is working perfectly, and his wife has gone out of town. Helen Rowland

I am a pessimist in my observations, but an optimist in my actions. Antonio Gramsci

Realism is cautious optimism: I do not believe, but I hope. Leonid Krainov-Rytov

Indulging in regrets and fears, we lose the only eternity in which a person can be absolutely sure - the eternal Present. Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

Accept everything when it comes to you, enjoy everything while it lasts, release everything when it has to go.

status of an optimist. How to become an optimist and why: quotes, poems, aphorisms, sayings.

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If everything went down the drain, try using it as a building material. (Vladimir Kotikov) ()

The lack of mood is compensated by the presence of the spirit. ()

A pessimist is an optimist who has visited a bureaucrat. ()

The hopes of an optimist, dying, reappear .. ()

The drowning optimist is happy that the sea was knee-deep. ()

Pessimist? This is a person who thinks that everyone is as bad as himself, and hates them for it. (George Bernard Shaw)

The future is when the most optimistic forecasts of pessimists begin to come true. (Boris Krutier)

If you want to become an optimist and understand life, then stop believing what they say and write, but observe for yourself and delve into it. (Anton Pavlovich Chekhov)

An optimist is always able to see good side in the misfortunes of your neighbor. ()

The optimist in his dreams defeats the enemy, and the satisfied one sleeps soundly. The pessimist, fighting in dreams with the enemy, suffers defeat and then suffers from insomnia. (Valery Afonchenko)

An optimist is a former pessimist whose pockets are full of money, his stomach is working perfectly, and his wife has gone out of town. (Helen Rowland)

Pessimism is a form of spiritual alcoholism, it rejects healthy drinks and is carried away by the intoxicating wine of reproof; it plunges him into a painful despondency, from which he seeks salvation in an even stronger dope. (Rabindranath Tagore)

A pessimist is a person who solves a crossword puzzle with a pencil, an optimist - with a pen. ()

Genuine Christianity is disgusted by pessimism, by inertia. (Jacques Maritain)

The optimist claims that we live in the best possible world; the pessimist fears that this is true. (B.Cable)

Sobriety does not add optimism ... But - the legs, and the head is also in place. (Eugene Skoblov)

Cautious optimism: I do not believe, but I hope. (Leonid Krainov-Rytov)

The pessimist says: the glass is half empty, and the optimist ... drinks it. (Dmitry Arkadin)

The pessimist says: the glass is half empty, and the optimist ... adds to the full. (Dmitry Arkadin)

Reasonable pessimism inspires optimism. (Gennady Malkin)

An optimist looks for virtues in shortcomings, and a pessimist looks for shortcomings in virtues. (Valery Afonchenko)

Optimists can make mistakes too, but they always succeed. ()

Laugh to tears - advice to optimists and pessimists. (Stanislav Jerzy Lec)

Many have become pessimists by funding optimists. (C.T. Jones)

The pessimist, faced with a choice between two types of evil, chooses both. (Oscar Wilde)

Not everything is as bad as it seems - a lot is much worse. (Mikhail Genin)

It hasn't happened yet, so it doesn't exist. (Yaroslav Gashek)

An optimist lives with meaning, a pessimist buries it.

People who know life are not prone to optimism.

Pessimism is a mood, optimism is a will.

Not everything is as bad as it seems - a lot is much worse.

Optimists can make mistakes too, but they always succeed.

An optimist is a pessimist who takes antidepressants.

Optimism and pessimism differ only in the exact date of the end of the world.

Life threatens a pessimist with death, an optimist with eternal memory.

Women are more optimistic than men, which is why they live longer.

Playing chess with himself, the optimist is happy that he won, and the pessimist is upset that he lost.

New aphorisms about optimism

Laugh to tears - optimists and pessimists.

Popular new aphorisms about optimism

Out of the bad, the optimist chooses the good.

Only two-faced optimists say that life is easy!

When humanity no longer produces happy people, it begins to produce optimists.

Only pessimism can be dumber than optimism.

If everything went down the drain, try using it as a building material.

To be an optimist, you have to be a terrible cynic.

A pessimist sees mud in a puddle, a realist sees water, an optimist sees a reflection of the sky.

Optimism does not order to live long, but promises.

The pessimist was drowned by disbelief that a straw can save, and the optimist was drowned by faith in its salvation.

True optimism rests not on the belief that everything will be fine, but on the belief that not everything will be bad.

You will not surprise an optimist with good news.

A pessimist is someone who won't get out of the tub when the phone rings.

It was already better.

What is commonly thought of as optimism is nothing more than a natural or acquired ability to see things in a rosy light.

If the pessimists are still dissatisfied, then I don’t know what else they need!

Instructive new aphorisms about optimism

The pessimist, faced with a choice between two types of evil, chooses both.

Believing that fools don't think is the most dangerous form of optimism.

In every person there is a germ of pessimism. To know and judge life, it is not even necessary to live a long time - it is quite enough to suffer.

On the silver tray, the pessimist expects to find nothing but a bill.

The loop broke again, but the young man did not despair - he was a great optimist.

No pessimist has yet penetrated the secrets of the stars, discovered an unknown land, and opened new heavens before the human spirit.

Optimist: a young man who rushes to a date, afraid of being late.

The pessimist thinks that the whole world is against him - and his come true.

An optimist looks for virtues in shortcomings, and a pessimist looks for shortcomings in virtues.

I am a pessimist in my observations, but an optimist in my actions.

The pessimist takes the worst out of the bad, and the optimist the best.

Reasonable pessimism inspires optimism.

What is optimism?" - "Alas," said Candide, "it is the passion to say that everything is good, when in reality everything is bad."

We'll still get back on our feet! In extreme cases - on four legs.

A pessimist is one who tells the truth prematurely.

Pessimism is the name that people with weak nerves give to wisdom.

Depression is when the castle in the air fell and crushed its creator.

Optimism is an antidepressant.

We are all ready to believe in others for the simple reason that we are afraid for ourselves. Optimism is based on pure fear.

You need to borrow money from pessimists. They know in advance that they will not be given back.

From every position there is a way up and a way down. An optimist sees only the first way, a pessimist only the second.

Very good - also not good.

Optimism is the religion of revolutions.

Cool new aphorisms about optimism

Optimists think their wives are faithful, pessimists know it.

Incorrigible optimism promises unexpected sympathy.

Genuine optimism ... consists in striving for a conscious ideal ...

Being positive means looking positively at the negative!

We prefer to think well of others because we are terribly afraid for ourselves. At the heart of our optimism is insane fear.

Youthful pessimism is a real disease of youth.

I have come to the conclusion that an optimist thinks everything is good except the pessimist, and a pessimist thinks everything is bad except himself.

A pessimist is a person who thinks that everyone is as bad as himself and hates them for it.

Psychiatrists are the first to see the shifts.

The pessimist believes that it cannot be worse; optimist - what could be worse.

An optimist is a person who is so sure of success that he simply does not need it.

Everything can be better, but everything can be worse, so everything is fine.

If you want to be an optimist, don't look into the future.

The future is when the most optimistic forecasts of pessimists begin to come true.

From optimism, everything around falls asleep with a marvelous, sweet dream, sleep calmly and soundly, sleep as your ancestors sleep in their graves.

Miscellaneous new aphorisms about optimism

Sixty years ago (in 1905) "optimist" and "fool" were not synonymous.

Traditionalists are pessimists about the future and optimists about the past.

There is no such misfortune that a true pessimist would not call on his head.

It hasn't happened yet, so it doesn't exist.

Pessimism ... has always seemed to me not only sophism, but stupidity, and, in addition, stupidity in bad taste. I always want to say to a pessimist: "If the world is not for you, do not flaunt your displeasure, leave it and do not bother others."

Optimist: A person who believes in everything he reads on the dust jacket of a new book.

Pessimism is when knowledge outweighs faith, while optimism is when faith outweighs knowledge.

He was an optimistic pessimist.

In whatever situation people may be, they can always find comfort and inconvenience.

The strong have the right to be optimists.

An optimist is someone who is friends with.

To become a good predictor, it is enough to be just a pessimist.

He fell to his knees - somehow you will get up yourself or a friend will lift you up, lost heart - no one will help.

Nothing motivates like the right slogans for the day. This fact is known to everyone: how you start the day is how you will spend it! So start your day right.

We invite you to recharge your batteries and spirit for the whole working day and watch 25 best statuses for this week!

1. Dreams must be either crazy or unrealistic... Otherwise, they are just plans for tomorrow!

2. Calmness is stronger than emotions. Silence is louder than screaming. Indifference is worse than war.

3. Probably, I will never grow up ... I still believe in miracles, love and good people.

4. I fell in love with you not for beauty, and I will not fall out of love for old age.

5. Learn to let go. The native will always find its way back.

6. An inexplicable thing - the soul. No one knows where it is, but everyone knows how it hurts.

7. Live in such a way that people, when faced with you, smile, and, communicating with you, become a little happier.

8. Sometimes in some strange ways in life everything gets better by itself.

9. Happiness is when your parents are healthy.

10. Humiliating others, you will not become higher!

11. Our biggest misconception is that we still have a lot of time ...

12. Never regret what you did if at that moment you were happy.

13. May the Almighty forgive us when we are dissatisfied with what we have ...

14. Do not try to sort things out with people who have disappointed you. Silently leave them alone with all the junk.

15. Everyone has their own problems - someone has stale bread, and someone has small diamonds. Appreciate what you have.

16. Sometimes the Almighty removes a person from your life for your protection. Don't run after him.

17. Do not be sad about anything in advance and do not rejoice in what is not yet.

18. If you haven’t hooked with your soul, you won’t hold it with your body for a long time.

19. God has everything on time, so learn to wait.

20. Here it is - real happiness, not your iPhones.

21. When your children achieve something, it is much more important than their own achievements.

22. Take care of your parents, because while they are alive - we are children!

23. Conscience - it is so ... It torments not those who should be tormented, but those who have it.

24. One of the strongest fears for a person is to realize that he was wrong for a long time.

25. Many consider it important in life to find a person, but only a few know that it is more important to find yourself.

Especially for you, a selection of the best inspirational and life-affirming quotes! You may not learn anything new from them, but they can make you think.

And not every one of them will be liked by everyone and will be to their liking. Choose for yourself those that are right for you, close to you in spirit.

  • “Why worry and worry, if you can not worry and not worry?” - Author unknown

  • “Understand that there is only one internal criterion: good is what makes you happier” - Osho

  • “Everything that a person wants always comes true. If it didn’t come true, the desire didn’t exist, if it did come true, but not that, the disappointment is only apparent, that’s exactly what came true ”- Vadim Zeland

  • “Every thought you have is a prayer. What are you praying for now?” —

  • “Everything people say about you is a projection of their own reality. If you develop in yourself, then you will avoid useless suffering." - Miguel Ruiz

  • “The phrases “I don’t want”, “I don’t know how”, “I don’t know”, “I’m afraid”, “I can’t”, “I don’t have money”, “I don’t have time”, “It doesn’t work”, “this is not for me”, “I this is not necessary” people simply create an alibi for their inaction, laziness and indecision! And you don’t whine, just start!” — Yandiana©

  • “Remember one simple truth: at the same moment in time you can think either positive or negative. You cannot have a negative and a positive thought in your mind at the same time. THE CHOICE OF WHAT TO THINK ABOUT, WHAT TO THINK ABOUT, BELONG ONLY TO YOU" — Vladimir Dovgan

  • “In life, like in a bathhouse - you want to take a steam bath, you want to not” - Author unknown

  • “I never doubted! And that gave me an advantage over the whole world.” — Napoleon Bonaparte

  • “If a person wishes everyone happiness, he destroys all his diseases” - Oleg Tursunov

  • “Sometimes you have to go around the whole world to understand that the treasure is buried in your own house” - Paulo Coelho

  • “In every person, two wolves oppose each other: angry, unhappy and eternally dissatisfied; and happy, contented and kind. The one you feed wins.” — Author Unknown

  • “Failure is just an excuse to start again, but more wisely.” - Henry Ford

  • “Take the money you saved for a rainy day and buy yourself some shoes. And, perhaps, then a rainy day will never come" - Evelina Khromtchenko

  • “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you have to keep moving.” – Albert Einstein

  • “All the limitations that we have in the outer space - in career, in business, in relationships, health - are always associated with the difficulties that we have inside. That is, the roots of all external life situations grow out of our inner world» — Oleg Gadetsky

  • “A man is a vessel, touch him: what he is filled with will spill out” -

  • “If your happiness depends on what others do, then perhaps you really have problems.” - Richard Bach

  • “Be busy. It's on Earth. And one of the most effective." - Dale Carnegie

  • “The bird of happiness doesn’t mind at all pecking grains from your palm, it’s not at all necessary to catch it - it’s enough just not to drive it away” -

  • “We live in a world ruled by faith. What you believe will work.”

  • “An optimist is someone who, between two troubles, always makes a wish.” — Author Unknown

  • “If you just want to take a spoon off the table, you can want forever, but nothing will happen. But if you intend to do this and act in accordance with your intention, then you will take a spoon and eat your fill. And this applies to all areas of life” — Yandiana©