What is needed to open a sushi delivery business? We are opening delivery of sushi and rolls

Today, Japanese food is at the peak of popularity in our country. There are many chains and single establishments that offer rolls and sushi. But the market for delivery services for such food is still far from saturation. Therefore, this business can be very profitable if organized correctly.

Possible ways to organize a business

Before drawing up a business plan, think about what type of business you want to open. There are several ways to organize it:

  1. Delivery of rolls and sushi

Your only task is to accept the order and deliver it to the client. This is an ideal business to start from scratch with minimal investment. You need to enter into agreements with several popular establishments and organize the delivery of their food.

  1. Independent production with subsequent delivery of rolls and sushi

In this case, more start-up investments will be required. But in this case you get a greater guarantee and profit.

  1. Takeaway rolls and sushi

This can only work as an additional business to an already operating sushi bar. But you need to carefully calculate the business plan for such a service. It doesn't always turn out to be profitable. After all, in addition to the actual production of rolls and sushi, you need to purchase disposable containers in which they will be offered for takeaway, pay for the work of the courier, operator, and transportation costs. That is why there are separate companies that take care of delivery issues.

Case registration

To organize the delivery of rolls and sushi, you need to officially register your company. The easiest way to do this is to choose the “individual entrepreneur” form of organization. In this case, registration will cost 800 rubles. and five working days of waiting. When preparing documents, you must select the taxation form of the simplified tax system and OKVED 55.52 “Supply of public catering products.” If you wish, you can give this issue to a lawyer to resolve.

While the documentation is being prepared, it’s worth visiting nearby establishments that produce Japanese food and offering your delivery services. Be prepared that most of them, especially those who have been on the market for a long time, will refuse you. As a rule, they already have partners. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to those who are just starting out.

We are looking for premises

Next, your plan should include finding suitable premises. To open a Japanese food delivery company, it is not at all necessary to look for a nice premises - clients will not come to it, so their number will not increase due to the presentability of the establishment. Even if you are planning to open a small production facility or a takeaway bar, you only need to find a 30 sq.m. premises. m. It will accommodate:

  • space for loading and unloading products – 8 sq. m;
  • bathroom – 2 sq. m;
  • utility room – 8 sq.m. m;
  • production premises – 12 sq.m. m.

The expenditure plan for equipping the premises will require about 300 thousand rubles, plus 10 thousand rubles. to bring it in accordance with the requirements of the SES and fire inspection. The rental amount for premises depends on the region where you plan to open your business. For example, in the capital you will need about 50 thousand rubles, and in the regions – 20 thousand rubles.

Business equipment

If you organize your own production with take-out food services, you need to include in your spending plan the purchase of the following equipment:

In addition to basic equipment, include in your plan the purchase of additional equipment:

  • pots;
  • frying pans;
  • grindstone;
  • Japanese knives.

In total, about 100 thousand rubles will be spent on equipment. Please note that you will need a refrigerator not only for storing raw materials. Japanese food is a perishable product, which in the summer heat must be delivered exclusively chilled.

You will also need a vehicle: a bicycle, scooter or car. It all depends on what region you plan to open in. You can buy used vehicles, since your business will gain little from its appearance. To save on purchasing a vehicle, you can take a courier with your own car or bicycle.

We are looking for employees

If you offer takeout food, your staffing plan should include the following items:

  • 3 order managers;
  • 3 couriers;
  • 3 cooks.

How much to pay them depends on the prices that are established in your region.

Please note that you are required to issue a health certificate for each employee if he does not have one. This is about 2 thousand rubles. expenses for everyone. In general, about 4 million rubles need to be spent on personnel per year.

Remember that chefs must not only cook deliciously, but also work quickly. The success of your business depends on speed without sacrificing quality. The operator and courier must be polite, and the courier must also be neat.

Service promotion

When preparing an advertising campaign, keep in mind that your target audience is young people aged 18-35. Therefore, advertising on social networks and on various websites will be the most effective. Offers with discount coupons that are sold on special websites work well. At the same time, it is necessary to use more traditional advertising methods: leaflets, booklets, advertisements in transport and elevators.

It is advisable that the phone number for orders is simple and easy to remember. It can be placed on the delivery vehicle.

However, the main conditions for successful promotion of your company will be:

  1. The quality and freshness of the food delivered. If you cook yourself, work only with reputable suppliers of raw materials. If you organize delivery to other sushi bars, sign contracts only with those who cook with high quality.
  2. Delivery speed. The faster the food is delivered, the more trust your customers will have in you. Naturally, there are different situations. In this case, it is important not to lie to the client, warn him immediately about the delay and offer some kind of compensation.
  3. Incentives. Come up with some promotions for regular customers. This will help you retain them and secure regular orders.

Cost and profit calculations

So, with the simplest organization of delivery of rolls and sushi, the main costs will go to:

  • payment for courier work;
  • purchasing a mini-fridge;
  • gasoline costs;
  • purchase of a vehicle.

Initial costs will require about 150 thousand rubles. Over the course of a year, the average cost will be 5-6 million rubles. 35 orders are usually processed per day with an average cost of 500 rubles per order. That is, in a month you can earn about 500 thousand rubles. The profitability of the business remains at 20%. According to experts, with a competent approach, the business will pay for itself in a year and a half.

The main task that a person who wants to start any business needs to solve is to choose the right direction.

We must first focus on the needs of people. For example, recently Japanese dishes, in particular sushi and rolls, have become especially popular among citizens of different countries, including Russia. Due to its popularity, a business delivering them can be an excellent investment.

Business plan

Sushi delivery is a fairly profitable business. Now let's look at all the main aspects of this business. After reading the article, you will be able to understand how to start sushi delivery (to your home or office). By the way, this type of activity does not require significant financial costs, like, say, opening a restaurant.

In order for everything to go off without a hitch, you need a well-drafted business plan. Delivering sushi is not as simple as it might seem, so let's take the issue seriously. The above document will reflect the main points, namely:

  • demand for a service such as sushi delivery;
  • action plan and costs;
  • possible delivery options;
  • components of success.

The need for Japanese food

So, let's draw up a business plan. Sushi delivery is a fairly new service on the market of such offers. Therefore, in order to correctly draw up a document, you need to know how necessary it is. In our modern world, people do not always have enough time to visit a restaurant or cafe, but the desire to enjoy delicious Japanese cuisine remains. In this case, the most suitable option is delivery of rolls to your home or office.

Monthly courier fees, as well as the purchase and maintenance of vehicles, are the main reasons why many bars exclude such a service. Since people do not regularly order these dishes at home, such costs are impractical.

To satisfy the desire of exotic lovers and get additional profit, you can open home delivery. Typically, restaurants and bars are happy to accept an offer to cooperate with a free courier. By the way, if you wish, you can organize the production of rolls in parallel with delivery.

Business options

It is important at the very initial stage of thinking through a business plan to decide on the option for carrying out your commercial activity. There can be two of them:

1. Delivery of Japanese dishes of our own production. Of course, this option requires significant investment, but it is also a more stable source of profit.

In this case, the emphasis should be on freshness and quality of cooking, as well as speed. After a while, you can even open your own network within an entire region. As you understand, such an enterprise is even more profitable.

2. You will deliver from already operating sushi bars and restaurants. This option is the most budget-friendly. To organize this business, you need to draw up an agreement with the sushi bar, as well as buy a portable refrigerator and a car. This business could well be the starting point if you plan to open a Japanese restaurant in the future.

Documentation base

“What should you do first?” - you ask. Complete all papers, including legal ones. The best option is to register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur. In addition, you cannot do without visiting the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire service. Agree everything, obtain permits. Don't want to run by yourself? Contact special agencies for help: their employees will take care of all the hassle for a fee.


You will need to do the following:

1. Rent a room (on average it will be 25 thousand rubles per month). Be sure to enter into a long-term contract. When choosing a room for an office and kitchen, take care of a good location. Even though your customers won't be coming inside, location still matters a lot. It is necessary that it is convenient to get from the office to any point in the city, even the most remote one. A good option is that the building is located near bypass roads and highways.

2. Equip the premises in accordance with all standards of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and SES (about ten thousand rubles).

3. Purchase all necessary equipment, including kitchen utensils and a refrigerator (50 thousand rubles). In addition, you will need thermoses and a rice cooker. You should not skimp on equipment; it should serve you long and faithfully. Do not forget to indicate in the business plan all the necessary equipment to carry out the work.

4. Buy a car (more than 100 thousand rubles). By the way, it is more advisable to hire a courier driver with personal transport.

5. Be sure to buy a small portable refrigerator (it costs about seven thousand rubles), because fish can go rotten during delivery over long distances, especially in the heat.

6. Hire staff: cook, driver, operator. At first, if you do not have significant funds, you can work independently as an operator, as well as a courier.

On average, you will need about 250 thousand rubles to open such a business in a small city with low competitiveness, and about 650 thousand rubles for a metropolis.

Monthly Costs to Consider When Making a Business Plan

Sushi delivery is a fairly popular service, but you need to constantly spend money to maintain such a business. In particular, finances should be spent on:

  • Staff salaries.
  • Gasoline and car maintenance. Without proper transport, it is unlikely that it will be possible to provide such a service as home delivery of rolls.
  • Purchase of equipment. Nothing lasts forever, everything breaks, so sooner or later you will need to change this or that device or equipment.
  • Payment for rent of premises.
  • Purchase of products. You need to monitor the freshness of food. Therefore, it is necessary to buy all the necessary ingredients every day (maximum once every two or three days).
  • Additional expenses. Anything can happen in life, so you need to prepare for everything.
  • Advertising. As you yourself understand, there is no way to do without this engine of trade.

Components of success

For sushi delivery to be profitable, the business plan must be drawn up correctly. In addition, you need to ensure the development of your business. To do this, you need to know all the components of success. Which ones exactly? Now we'll tell you. They must be included in the business plan.

First of all, this is advertising. It is very important to express yourself correctly and loudly. This can be done, for example, via the Internet. An equally good option is to send SMS messages. Another way is to place bright banners on the streets of the city, which will depict incredibly mouth-watering sushi and rolls, and also indicate delivery phone numbers. All information should be written concisely, but catchily.

For example, the number you propose to call should be highlighted in bold. It’s good if it’s memorable (a successful combination of numbers). By the way, such numbers can be bought. This way you will prove the reliability of your company. In addition, this way every client will have your number on their tongue, thanks to which you can get more clients, and therefore more orders.

Secondly, the speed of delivery. Citizens do not like to wait, especially for a long time. If the order arrives later than the specified date, then it is unlikely that a person will contact this company again.

Freshness of products. The cost of sushi is on average 8 rubles per piece, so do not skimp on products, make sure they are always fresh. When it comes to delivery from restaurants and bars, then, of course, give preference to those suppliers who have already been verified.

Personnel are of great importance in such a business. The courier must be neat and friendly.

Incentives. This is a very good move. To attract customers, you can organize various promotions. For example, every tenth order is free or involves receiving a pleasant present, albeit a purely symbolic one (pen, keychain) for any set.


Here's a business idea. Sushi is a profitable industry for business. Therefore, with successful development, the delivery of Japanese dishes pays for itself in full within six months. Based on this, we conclude that you can try to invest your money in a similar business.

What do people eat during their lunch break? Some chew sausage in dough or white meat from a stall located next to their place of work, others eat soup brought from home, some go to the nearest cafe. Just recently, some ten years ago, sushi for a working man’s lunch was out of the realm of fantasy. They were perceived as a holiday and were allowed only on special days. Now is a different time, for Russians this product has become everyday.

Sushi is tasty and healthy (it is no coincidence that the Japanese are the longest-living nation), they are in great demand, so business in this area is a profitable enterprise. To open a place where takeaway sushi will be prepared, you must, at a minimum, love Japanese cuisine. This will help you create a good menu and control product quality. A catering business is not a cheap pleasure, the main reason being the high cost of equipment. But a small bar for making rolls does not need a huge list of machines.

You can create a cafe where takeaway sushi is prepared if you have a registered individual entrepreneur (this form is the most profitable for this business). LLC is another option, but it has complex taxation, but it simplifies the product delivery system and enjoys great trust among customers. For the enterprise you need to obtain the following legal documents:

  1. Permission from the fire inspection and SES.
  2. Certificate of registration with the tax office.
  3. License to sell alcohol (if required).
  4. Registration of paperwork related to the rental of premises.

The rolls must be eaten within three hours after preparation; it is during these minutes that they have that unique taste that we all love to enjoy. Yes, they can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours, no one will get poisoned, but it is unlikely that customers will come back to you again. This means that you will not need many refrigeration units. It is better to make an extra trip to the supplier for raw materials than to sell a product that has been stored in the freezer for weeks.

One more point: in order to roll rolls, you don’t need a lot of space, and the point of sale doesn’t have to be huge; in the last year, sushi markets with an area of ​​1x3 m have appeared in the capital and in some regions of the country. This is enough to place a stand with products and a place for a cashier-seller.

Separately, we note the profit of takeaway points. The cost of one roll is 3-10 rubles, they sell them for 40 rubles (or even more). No comments here!

Equipment purchase plan

To open your own point, you need to purchase:

  1. Sushi cases. We have already said that it is advisable to eat sushi immediately after preparation (without adding harmful preservatives, the shelf life usually does not exceed 24 hours). The cook rolled the roll, but buyers will not take the product apart right away and you need to store it somewhere before purchasing. The secret of this type of refrigerated display cases is that they are absolutely airtight. This allows seafood not to air out and freeze, as in a regular refrigerator.
  2. Your business plan should include the purchase of a rice cooker. Rice cooked at home on a regular stove has nothing in common with sushi rice.
  3. It is better to purchase a thermos for cooked rice at specialized outlets.
  4. Knives.
  5. Dishes.
  6. Special cutting boards.

The equipment will cost approximately 100-130 thousand rubles.

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Business plan: a few words about products

Even the best sushi chef cannot prepare delicious rolls without quality ingredients. We won’t now list everything that sushi is made from, we’ll just note that the rice, vinegar and sugar must be Japanese.
This is not a whim, it is an integral part of Japanese cuisine; the fish may also be Norwegian. Products made from domestic raw materials will appeal only to those who have not tried overseas ingredients, and there are few of them (such people also rarely buy sushi, so you can’t count on an increase due to this category of citizens).

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Premises: location and design

The business plan of any enterprise includes a chapter on premises. Try to decorate the hall in an oriental style; if you wish, you can make a few symbolic seats with inexpensive furniture (for example, this is what the management of the Omsk Sushi Market did). You can open a sushi bar almost anywhere in the city. But it is more profitable to do this in the vicinity of large stores, educational institutions, and near office centers.

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Financial investments

We continue to write a business plan. To open your point, you still need:

  1. From 2,000 rubles for paperwork.
  2. From 30,000 rubles per month for renting premises.
  3. About 100 thousand rubles for repairs and decoration of the point.
  4. 130,000 rubles for equipment.
  5. 300,000 rubles for the purchase of raw materials for the first month of work.

Expenses per month:

  1. Taxes.
  2. Rent.
  3. Payment for utilities.
  4. Products.
  5. Staff salaries.

As for personnel, the main person at your enterprise is the sushi master. It depends on how he cooks whether the customer will return to you or not. Now there is no shortage in sushi bars; the only thing that will help retain customers is the quality of the products. You will also need to hire a cleaner, cashier, dishwasher, and accountant. The profitability of the business here is similar to this indicator in other catering industries, it is approximately 10-15%, the business will pay for itself in a year. By the way, according to most owners of this business, the number of orders strongly depends on advertising.

Despite the fact that the delivery of Japanese cuisine has already established itself among entrepreneurs as not the most complex and fastest-paying type of business, it, like everywhere else, has its own nuances. Before you start work, you need to find a chef who knows all the intricacies of oriental cuisine, or train another. And only after that he can be allowed to work. Also, the most important thing is the polite staff. A polite operator who takes an order, a polite courier who must apologize if the order is delayed. These little things are very significant - without them it is simply impossible to occupy a decent market share.

So, we decided to start this type of business. First, you need to analyze the existing market, decide on the target audience, study competitors, decide on advertising and calculate costs.

Competition in the field of home delivery of Japanese food

Today it is unlikely that you will be able to find a Russian city in which there are no companies engaged in the delivery of Japanese food. Federal-level networks have already been formed that are engaged in this business. It will be difficult, but possible, to compete with them. A big plus in this matter can be various discounts, promotions and other bonuses that consumers love so much. But the main thing is to do your job efficiently, and then you will be able to survive in this niche.

In terms of popularity today, Japanese food can only be rivaled by pizza. Ours will show how profitable it is to open such an establishment.

  • 55.52 “Supply of public catering products.”

For delivery activities, it is better to apply .

Target audience and effective advertising

The main consumers of Japanese cuisine in Russia are youth from 18 to 35 years old both sexes.

Looking ahead, it would be logical to highlight the issue of effective advertising here. Based on the type of target audience, it is recommended to advertise mainly on the Internet. In search engines and social networks. This is where, according to statistics, most consumers find Japanese food delivery companies.

But don’t forget about more traditional advertising methods: advertising in elevators, billboards, booklets and leaflets. The cost of attracting one client in this business is quite high, so every effort must be made to ensure that new clients become regular ones.

Services provided

The Japanese food delivery company will prepare sushi and rolls, since these are the dishes that are incredibly popular among young people today. You can order Japanese food to your home or office by phone or online. The company's couriers will deliver orders to customers at the specified address.

Particular attention should be paid to the breadth of the assortment. The client should always have the opportunity to try a new dish.

Selecting a room

When choosing a premises there should not be any particular difficulties, because clients will not visit it.

A room of 30 square meters is sufficient. m, which will contain:

  • production workshop (12 sq. m);
  • utility rooms (8 sq. m);
  • bathroom (2 sq. m);
  • space for loading and unloading (8 sq. m).

The cost of renting such premises will be 40-50 thousand rubles for Moscow and 15-30 thousand rubles for Russian regions. The cost of repairs and furniture can be up to 300 thousand rubles. In addition, it will be necessary to equip the premises in accordance with the standards of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and SES - costs of approximately 10 thousand rubles.

All about opening a fast food establishment with minimal investment:

Necessary equipment. Products for sushi and rolls

At first we will need the following equipment:

  • rice cooker (or multicooker) - 8-10 thousand rubles;
  • microwave oven - 6-8 thousand rubles;
  • fridge. Can be purchased for 20 thousand rubles;
  • stove (electric) - 14-22 thousand rubles;
  • hood - 8-12 thousand rubles;
  • deep fryer - 5 thousand rubles;
  • scales - 2-3 thousand rubles.

In addition to the basic equipment, we will need: cutting boards, Japanese knives with single-sided sharpening, a sharpening stone for knives, frying pans and pots. Total equipment costs should not exceed 100-110 thousand rubles.

In order for things to improve over time, special attention should be paid to the quality of purchased products for Japanese cuisine. They must be supplied only from verified warehouses. Cooking from spoiled or low-quality products is not allowed. Fish should always be fresh. If you do not pay due attention to this, then customers may be dissatisfied with the quality of the final product and switch to the competitor’s side, and even worse, they may be poisoned.


The initial personnel should at a minimum consist of:

  • three cooks (with a salary of 20-30 thousand rubles);
  • three couriers-drivers (with a salary of 25-40 thousand rubles);
  • three order processing managers (with a salary of 15-25 thousand rubles).

The salary level depends on the region.

It is necessary to hire couriers only with a personal car in order to exclude the purchase of a work car. Each full-time employee is required to have a medical book, the registration of which costs 2,000 rubles. Total personnel costs for the year will be in the region of 3.5-4 million rubles (including all deductions).

The selection and training of personnel must be taken seriously. It is important to train chefs (or hire smart ones) not only so that we end up with a high-quality product, but also so that customer orders are fulfilled as quickly as possible. After all, the less time from placing an order to its delivery, the happier the customer. Citizens do not like to wait long.

An operator accepting an order for Japanese food at home must be able to politely and clearly explain all the questions that the client has. And the courier needs to be neat and friendly. All these are little things and details, but taken together they acquire considerable weight.

Costs and profitability

The Sushi/Roll Delivery business pays off quickly, but only if taken seriously. Average annual costs will range from 5.5 million rubles. up to 6.5 million rubles (depending on the region). With the average cost of ordering Japanese food to your home (office) at 500-700 rubles and an average quantity of 35-40 orders per day, the monthly turnover will be approximately 550-750 thousand rubles. As a result, we get a profitability of 20-25%.


Today, the business of delivering Japanese cuisine is still an attractive niche for entrepreneurs with an entry threshold of less than one million rubles. The main thing in this business is to make sure that the client is satisfied and regularly uses the services. As mentioned earlier, it’s a good idea to regularly hold promotions and encourage the client in every possible way for choosing you. In addition, there is no need to skimp on the quality of raw materials and it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the selection of personnel.

If you don’t have enough money to open a business, you can attract an investor by explaining to him in detail your business plan for delivering sushi and rolls with all the cost patterns, planned revenue and payback. If this doesn’t work out, then you can always contact the bank to take out a loan for business development.

  • Description of products and services
  • Production plan
  • Recruitment
  • Marketing plan
  • Financial plan
        • Similar business ideas:

Business plan for opening an enterprise for the delivery of sushi and rolls in rented premises. The location of the business is a city with a population of over a million.

How much money do you need to open a sushi and roll delivery business?

According to our calculations, opening a sushi and roll delivery business will require about 595,000 rubles. The main costs will be associated with the purchase of equipment (production tables, refrigeration equipment, rice cookers, etc.) and promotion (advertising) of the service:

  • Deposit for renting premises - 70,000 rubles.
  • Equipment - 300,000 rub.
  • Advertising, including website creation - 150,000 rubles.
  • Business registration - 25,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of raw materials and materials - 20,000 rubles.
  • Other organizational expenses - 30,000 rubles.

Description of products and services

The main menu of our establishment will include:

  • Spicy
  • Creamy sushi
  • Classic rolls
  • Rolls
  • Hot appetizers
  • Rolls in dough
  • Assorted (sushi, rolls)
  • Salads
  • Spices
  • Kebabs
  • Dessert
  • Beverages

Free delivery will work from a minimum order amount of 500 rubles. The average order bill, according to preliminary estimates, will be 1000 rubles. The delivery service will operate from 10:00 to 23:00.

Production plan

A small space next to the private dining room, with a total area of ​​52 square meters, will be rented as a space for preparing Japanese cuisine and processing orders. m. The advantage of such cooperation is that all conditions for food production have already been created here and the premises meet all SES requirements. Therefore, the costs of organizing the production process will only be associated with the purchase of equipment and tools for the kitchen: tables, refrigeration equipment, electrical equipment (rice cookers, sushi cases, mistake boxes), dishes, uniforms, kitchen utensils. Estimated costs at this stage will be 300 thousand rubles. Rent will cost 35 thousand rubles per month. Ingredients and materials for the production of sushi and rolls will be purchased from local wholesale suppliers. First of all, these are: rice, seafood, seasonings, plants, sauces, pastas, cereals, cheese, canned food, mushrooms, dishes (including disposable ones), vegetables, oilseeds, cooking. Depending on the volume of orders, monthly costs for the purchase of raw materials will range from 100 to 150 thousand rubles.


The personnel will be: technologist, cooks (3 people), couriers with a personal car (3 people), operator and sales manager. Special requirements will be placed on the hired technologist and cooks. Experience, including working with Japanese cuisine, will be required. The monthly wage fund will be 150 thousand rubles.

Which taxation system to choose for an enterprise

Licensing and certification of this activity are not required, so all that is required from organizational documents is registration of the enterprise. The organizational and legal form of our organization will be a limited liability company consisting of one founder. The simplified tax system will be used as a taxation system, 15% of the organization’s profit.

Marketing plan

The main emphasis in the development of our delivery service will be on the Internet. It is not possible to develop such a business in a large city without internet promotion. As proof of this, statistics from Yandex search queries (using the example of the city of Ufa), according to which the query “sushi delivery Ufa” is searched about 5,300 times a month.

Therefore, every effort will be made to create the site and promote it. The approximate budget for online promotion will be 150 thousand rubles. This amount will include the creation of a website, its promotion in search engines, and the creation of a group on social media. networks and contextual advertising Yandex-Direct. In addition, it is planned to actively advertise in the media, distribute booklets to the mailboxes of apartment buildings (also an effective advertising channel) and work with office centers and large organizations in the city. In order to increase the volume of orders, it is planned to regularly hold promotions. For example, give a discount of 10 - 15% for order amounts over 3,000 rubles. There will also be a 15% discount for all birthday people.

Financial plan

Let's move on to calculating the main business performance indicators. Fixed monthly expenses

  • Rent - 35,000 rub.
  • Salary - 150,000 rubles.
  • Advertising - 30,000 rub.
  • Utility costs - 25,000 rubles.
  • Total - 240,000 rubles.

Variable expenses

  • Products and ingredients - 20% of the order amount
  • Payment for couriers - 100 rubles/order

How much can you earn by delivering sushi and rolls?

  • The average bill is 1000 rubles.
  • The average number of orders per day is 15, per month - 450
  • Revenue per month - 450,000 rubles.

Hence the profit: 450,000 (revenue) - 90,000 (products) - 45,000 (delivery) - 240,000 (fixed costs) = 75,000 rubles. Net profit, minus taxes (STS, 15% of profit) will be 63,750 rubles per month. Business profitability is 17%. With such calculations, investments in the business pay off in 10 - 15 months (taking into account the period for promoting the business).

This is a full-fledged, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions