How to promote a beer bar. Case - How to promote a club - bar, restaurant and increase profits

According to statistics, in Moscow alone, 10 catering establishments open and close per day.

Competition among restaurants is very strong, and restaurateurs have to bend over backwards to succeed.

In this article, we'll look at restaurant promotion ideas and marketing strategies that can help you improve your business and attract customers!

Photos of your dishes

Probably the best way to advertise your restaurant online is by posting high-quality, mouth-watering photos of your signature dishes online. Visual content is in high demand these days, and having amazing photos on your website and various social media platforms is essential. Using Instagram or Foursquare, you can help new potential guests find your great establishment by regularly posting new photos of your food.

Create a feature in your establishment

For example, the Goodman steakhouse restaurant chain has a chamber for dry and combined aging of marbled meat. This complex technology is unique to Russia and is presented only in the steakhouses of this chain.

Work on your local market, your product, your geographic history

Develop your own interesting and original cuisine. People love to consume food from the region they are in. All over the world, people eat their local cuisine. And only in Russia, we eat pizzas, rolls, burgers, pasta and everything that is not related to us. For example, on the shores of Lake Baikal it is much easier to find a sushi bar than a restaurant with fish from the largest natural fresh water reservoir on planet Earth. Now people are beginning to understand that they need to eat their own, regional food. Create dishes based on traditional recipes, modify them, for example, using modern technologies or additional ingredients.

Lunch specials

Steakhouse chain Goodman increased its revenue by introducing special offers for lunch during the day.

Combo sets

Offer your gourmets combination offers at a special price, for example: Steak + side dish + drink for 990 rubles.

Positive emotions

For restaurant guests, positive emotions that will remain after visiting the establishment are very important.

You can arrange the interior of the establishment in an unforgettable way, for example, invite guests to sculpt plasticine figures, and then display the best ones on the shelves of the establishment. You can create a photo gallery with photos of visitors.

Working with social networks

At first, try to work independently on social networks, adhering to certain standards and rules. By entrusting this work to an SMM agency, you risk spending your budget by attracting the wrong people. interested audience. The main advice is to dialogue with your audience as transparently and sincerely as possible. You can turn your restaurant, cafe, bar into a popular place if you approach the issue with your soul, and be sincere and open with the audience. If you can build your communication on social networks correctly, 2% of subscribers can become real visitors to your establishment.

Working with applications

Promoting your restaurant on online restaurant apps like Four Square and TripAdvisor should definitely be considered as part of your marketing plan. Partnering with online apps encourages diners to check your restaurant for promotions and special offers for the evening or holiday.

Upload good photos of your restaurant, which is sure to be full of happy guests. Include opening hours, location on the map, menu and dishes available to order, price range, Wi-Fi, outdoor seating, parking availability, etc.

If you receive negative feedback, always respond in a polite, professional manner. Handling negative feedback is very important.

If you publicly respond to a negative review, thank them for the feedback, apologize for the incident, and promise to improve in the future. You can also contact the individual for more information about any negative incidents. Some business owners suggest sending gift certificates and vouchers for a second chance. This works for the most part, and a customer who has had a negative experience at your establishment often remains flattered, replacing his anger with mercy, knowing that the restaurant owner values ​​his opinion and is making every effort to improve.

People come to people

Try to create a pleasant, friendly atmosphere in your establishment. Select positive and friendly staff and create a friendly internal work environment.

Gastronomic events

If the level of your establishment allows, feel free to organize fashionable gastronomic festivals and sessions. Invite famous show business personalities to the party,

Geo-targeted contextual advertising ads in Google AdWords

Help local users find out about your establishment, your “hot” offers, and promotions for Saturday evening. Google AdWords Targeted Content Advertising can help you get the most out of your online marketing efforts by investing primarily in geo-targeted advertising. Geo-targeted ads help you save money by ensuring that only your potential establishment audience in a certain city or radius sees your ads (eliminating unwanted clicks that can cost you a lot of your advertising budget).

Here are a couple more interesting ideas for attracting visitors to your restaurant, cafe, bar:

  • Regular master classes in your own kitchen
  • Live music on certain days, for example: Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 20.00.
  • Children's animator on weekends

If you want to open a cafe in Moscow, then you are a brave and determined person. Why? Because competition in the capital's public catering sector is colossal. Finding a location, hiring the best chef, and creating an incredible menu is only part of the journey.

A real gladiatorial battle is the promotion of a cafe. Don't know how to promote a cafe? In this article we have collected the latest effective methods. Stay with us, read and take notes.

Cafe promotion: the main rule is word of mouth

More than 50% of visitors learn about the new cafe from friends and colleagues. About 18-20% read about the establishment on the Internet. That is, the most effective way to promote a business is word of mouth. Are you thinking about how to get people to talk about you and recommend you to friends? Ideas for promoting a cafe in this case are virtually inexhaustible.

What interesting cafe features are used most often? First of all, everything related to the menu:

  • Unusual composition of dishes. Unusual should equal “delicious”.
  • Original appearance. If the taste of the dish is appreciated only by the guest who ordered it, the appearance will surprise everyone. A photo of a carriage-shaped pumpkin with bone-carved pork ribs baked in it will quickly go viral on social media.
  • Large portions. This still pleasantly surprises guests. Bring your first visitors into a nervous fit with the volume of portions. They will remember this for a long time and tell their friends.
  • Prices. Dumping always works.

Service and room design can also be a conversation starter:

  • Unusual uniform for staff
  • Designer tableware
  • Designer door handles

Take a look from a new angle at everything that has long been familiar and familiar to the visitor. Promotion of a cafe from scratch in this case will be rapid. But know when to stop! When creating an unusual offer, focus on the tastes of your audience. All of the above is designed to surprise guests. It's nice to be surprised.

Promotion of a cafe or restaurant should begin even before the establishment itself opens. Start an advertising campaign a couple of weeks before X-day. Announce the opening of the first of its kind cafe. Intrigue and drop mysterious hints. The audience should be in awe of anticipation.

The main source of information about catering establishments is the Internet. New establishments often open in Moscow. How to ensure effective promotion of a cafe on the Internet?

Simple rules on how to promote a cafe online:

  • Create a website. The rules of a good website are a simple interface, appetizing photos, menus, prices and up-to-date information about ongoing promotions and events. Entrust the creation and promotion of your website to professionals.
  • Promotion of the cafe on social networks and Instagram. Entrepreneurs consider this method of promotion to be effective. On social networks, hold simple competitions: a discount for reposting, coffee for all subscribers, etc.
  • Reviews. If there is a well-known blogger who fits your target audience, arrange a review.
  • City information systems. Promoting cafes and restaurants through reference systems is another effective method. Often visitors simply look for an establishment that is nearby. Be sure to post information on 2Gis, Yandex and Google maps, Local Hero and other major resources.
  • Thematic sites and forums. Now forums are losing their relevance. But resources dedicated to restaurant business reviews are gaining momentum. The most famous and visited is Foursquare. Collaborate actively.

The main methods of promoting a cafe on the Internet are discounts and gifts for subscribers and free invitations to events. The Internet is ruled by photographs. Make detailed photo reports from all events on social networks and on the website. Visitors will search for themselves and post photos. Also post attractive photos of your cafe's food.

Cafe tips: what attracts guests

The atmosphere of the cafe and the interior are definitely important. But for everyone to know about them, it is necessary to lure guests to your place. The most effective way is discounts, promotions and gifts. What promotion can you come up with for a cafe? There are a lot of options. See what your competitors are offering. Come up with an unusual proposal. That is, something that the guests have not yet become tired of.

The main thing is the benefit for visitors. First of all, they focus on price. For example, two drinks for the price of one, discounts on large orders, special menus of the day, business lunches. Constantly update discount promotions so that your guests don’t become bored with them. Another reason is that you want visitors to try as many menu items as possible. Promotions will change, and guests will order their favorite food regardless of the discount.

Other ideas for promoting a cafe are gifts from the chef and club cards. The point is to show how important the guest is to you, to highlight him among everyone.

On social networks, you can conduct a survey to find out what promotions visitors want to see. This way you will know which offer will definitely be a success, and your guests will feel omnipotent.

If you don’t know how to quickly promote a cafe, reduce prices and ask social media subscribers what they would like to see in your establishment.

How else can you promote a cafe: cooperation

There is safety in numbers. To make sure as many people as possible know about your cafe, collaborate with another business. A simple example. If you have opened a cafe designed for film buffs, on a mutual basis, agree with film clubs to hold film screenings on your territory. Offer discounts or free coffee to all club members.

The more partners you have, the easier it is to promote your cafe. The logic is simple: the guests came because they promised a discount. In the cafe they met the same avid movie fans, saw huge portions of unusual food and door handles in the shape of a movie projector. We were delighted and posted photos on Instagram. These photos were seen by friends and friends of friends.

Cooperation with themed clubs is very beneficial if you don’t know how to promote a small cafe. People with common interests will gather in a small area. Your task is to maintain a friendly atmosphere. The atmosphere of a cozy club is suitable if you don’t know how to promote a cafe in an impassable place. Create a unique offer, surprise guests and promise gifts. Then you will be found even on platform 9¾.

How to promote a cafe: a course for a young fighter

We have listed universal promotion methods. Remember that all your efforts should ultimately be aimed at starting word of mouth. The rest is nuances.

  • Are you thinking about how to promote cafe in a small town? It's very simple. Analyze your competitors, create a profile of your guest and make a strong statement before the opening. Since there are fewer competitors in small cities, people will find out about you very quickly. And then proceed according to the algorithm described above.
  • All of the above rules also apply to how to promote fast food cafe. In this case, the main thing is the correct location of the business. Locate your business either on a busy street or in a busy shopping center. Before opening, place an offer in the windows: discounts on opening day and an unprecedented menu. There should also be links to the website and groups on social networks.
  • If five years ago entrepreneurs were racking their brains on how to promote cafe without alcohol, now this could become that very unique feature. The main thing is to present this advantage correctly. This could be a cafe for the whole family or for those who follow a healthy lifestyle. Come up with a menu and promotions according to your audience. Remember that your job is to sell a unique format.

Do you want to develop an existing business, rather than create an interior from scratch and create a menu? There is a solution. Pay attention to the ready-made business cafe. This is a business that is already working and is familiar to visitors. You will work with a real audience, which will simplify the promotion of the cafe.

Create something new, surprise your guests and develop all the time. We wish your cafe success!

How to attract customers to the store, make them your regular customers and increase revenue? Read the article!

How to promote a draft beer store: how to attract customers

Correctly identifying your target audience will help you set up an effective advertising campaign. The answers to these questions are the key to your success:

  • Who is your buyer?
  • What does he expect from a draft beer store?

To understand who your client is, take a closer look at the area in which the store is located. Based on the average cost of apartments, car brands and appearance of local residents, it will be easy to understand the approximate level of income and their wishes. If desired, take a survey.

In prestigious areas, product quality comes first. People with average earnings are primarily focused on prices.

How to advertise a beer store legally

You sell alcoholic beverages, so you need to approach your advertising strategy with caution. The advertising law greatly limits how a beer store can be promoted. If you do not want to pay a fine, study the text of the law and consult with a lawyer.

  • The word "beer" and its image can be used on the sign. In other cases, use synonyms: “draft drinks”, “craft drinks”.
  • Advertise not the beer, but the store. It makes no sense to talk about the taste and quality of the drink. Tell us about what distinguishes you from other sellers: assortment, discounts, promotions, holding tastings, in-house production, etc.
  • Don't skimp on developing your own brand. The design of signs, advertising materials, bottle stickers, and packages attracts better attention than advertising slogans.
  • Register your own trademark. In it you can use an image of beer.

Ways to advertise beer stores

Your main customers are local residents. They buy beer on their way home from work or on their way to buy groceries. Your task is to attract their attention, to make the person want to come into the store. To make it clear to him: they sell beer here.

Your main assistant - signboard. It should be large, preferably with light elements. This will make the store visible at night. The name should make it clear what you are selling.

The second important tool for attracting buyers is outdoor advertising. You can read more about it in this article.

How to promote a beer store using printed materials

Flyers, leaflets, business cards- effective tools for advertising a beer store in a residential area. Distribute flyers on the street, leaflets in mailboxes, hand out business cards in stores.

Print on the back of the flyer schematic map. The buyer must know where exactly the store is located and how to get there from the stop.

So that the client does not throw away the flyer, but saves it and comes to your store, make the text useful. For example, announce a promotion or promise a discount to everyone who provides a flyer.

Make the buyer a regular customer. To do this, develop bonus program: accumulation of points, discount with a fixed or floating percentage. Attach the bonus card to your mobile phone number.

Promotion of a beer store on the Internet

If you only have one store and not a chain, creating your own website is expensive and ineffective. Instead, open a group in a popular social network.

To quickly gain subscribers among your target audience, promise a one-time discount to everyone who subscribes to the group on a social network and reposts the post.

In the group, post information about promotions, discounts, and events. Interest your subscribers with interesting posts about types of beer, the nuances of brewing, and historical facts.

Original ways to increase sales

Remember: Income depends on your activity. Use every opportunity to get exposure and talk about your store. Find out under what conditions you can organize tastings in shopping centers.

Look for partners. For example, vape bars often sell beer and allow it to be consumed on site. Offer them delivery of craft beer, joint promotions or tasting events with competitions and prizes.

How to increase sales of draft beer in a store

The seller plays the most important role. He communicates with customers, recommends drinks and snacks. The impression of buyers depends on his knowledge, charm and manner of communication.

If the seller communicates with the buyer in a respectful but slightly informal manner, you will quickly build a base of regular customers. The buyer will like a smile and a pleasant conversation, and next time he will choose this store.

The seller must look neat. Order T-shirts with branded logos or aprons styled after traditional brewer clothing.

Seasonality and beer store advertising

The busiest time of year for beer stores is summer. During the hot months, try to gather a large base of regular customers. It will be difficult to do this in winter.

20.04.2018 admin 0 Comments

A step-by-step guide to promoting and opening a nightclub, bar or restaurant.

First of all, you need to decide what your profit goal is.If we are talking about radically changing our earnings, then we also need to change our approach to doing business.

How to promote a bar - restaurant in Novosibirsk

Once we have decided on a goal, we figure out how to achieve this result. First of all, let's look at our product:

  • he is cool?
  • Would you be able to be in this establishment every day?
  • Aren't you sick already?

Yes, you shouldn't laugh at such questions.

It is worth paying attention to the quality of service:

  • How does your staff interact with guests?
  • How often does he ask selling questions?
  • how he serves the table (often removes dirty dishes, napkins)
  • How quickly does the table wash after guests leave?
  • fights
  • boorish behavior of guests
  • drunk people wandering around the club
  • queues in toilets that stink of cannabis
  • vomited toilets
  • how incoming calls are processed

Likewise for the product line.

The menu is not just a list of items that are available, but with pictures, preferably each picture is its own dish, drink, hookah. Let's remember the most successful franchise "Shashlik"

The hookah is a different story. You need to understand what kind of tobacco the audience that comes to you likes. How well she understands hookahs and tobacco.

This already leads to an understanding of what tobaccos are worth purchasing and what hookahs. Hookahs still have the same principle of good service and product.

For some reason, hookahs with milk, fruit, and wine are not available. THIS IS THE SAME MARGIN. This is worth considering.

  • breakfasts until 12
  • business lunch
  • evening time for vacationers with background music
  • from 22.00 – 1.00 art program for weekends
  • 00 – 4.00 club event
  • 00 – and until the victorious AfterParty

You can do exactly what I was talking about.

  1. The first is to introduce promotions for every day:
  • Friday - girls in red admission is free.
  • Thursday - came at 3 pm with friends without men - a glass of champagne each
  • Wednesday – 20% discount on all alcohol
  • Tuesday - come and smoke one hookah for 300 rubles.
  1. Hookah on weekdays and until 23.00 on Friday and Saturday - 500 rubles!
  2. Make a competition for a hookah draw every week (the draw is only among guests who came on Friday, Saturday, plus they must show the repost on their wall using their phone)
  3. Every Friday there is a lottery among all tables; participation in the lottery costs 500 rubles. Prizes: hookah, drinks for the whole table, money certificate for 2000. Available from 10 tables. There are 4 prizes in total: 2 hookahs, drinks for 1 table and a certificate. Banners are created for every day, where the conditions of the competition and table reservation are stated.
  4. You can also make a competition to see who has visited the establishment the most times. You can make prizes - a certificate for the bar for 2000 rubles. , a bottle of a huntsman and a branded T-shirt.
  5. Free admission + half price energy drink cocktails after 04:00 – AfterParty

Thus, we will squeeze maximum coverage out of every day. And as a result, profit. All these promotions will ignite people and show a desire to come to the establishment.

*For the most part, girls do reposts. This must be kept in mind.

After everything is going well with the product itself, you need to go to promote the establishment.

    • the best option for a nightclub, a hookah bar would be the “inviting” option
    • promotion instagram, contact and facebook
    • promotion of video clips for the club

  • coupons from coupon sites
  • connect institutions near the target audience (for example, universities)

Of course, I could be more involved with the club. But this is the time. Identify obvious mistakes and correct them. Yes, it's time and money. But this is a service. And service is everything. There will be beautiful girls in dresses. There will be boys who will pay for them. In the meantime, there are few girls. Girls in dresses will not go to an establishment where the service is not up to par. Draw your own conclusions.
For the work of DJs and artists, there is an idea on how to attract talented artists without payment at all. And the level of artists should be no less than here:

At one time, the legendary club “Tufel” only grew due to this - although it was a barn, a barn! I was personally present during the promotion.

There are also ideas on how to attract smart promoters (so that you don’t spend extra money on advertising). Since I myself have been an active promoter, this is not the first year. Naturally, I won’t reveal all the cards at once. We’ll work, I’ll tell you everything, I’ll show you.

The project has a great future. It stands on the spot where the legendary autoparty club “Moscow” was. There was a line lining up to get into the club. And people love to be nostalgic for good things.

In terms of money, I work from 35,000 rubles (if it’s a one-time job). On a permanent basis, of course, the conditions are different. We can discuss the nuances.


But I’ll say right away that this is not just my job. These are our joint actions. Without your help and participation nothing will happen. Here is a calculation for the site and a small commercial offer.

How else can I be of assistance:

    • 25,000 total number of participants (mine are about thematic groups).
    • I do everything related to the Internet from website development and promotion to black PR
    • design from booklet to website
    • advertising training on INSTAGRAM

If you need to promote your club, bar, restaurant, hookah bar, coffee shop. Or check the work of the previous performer. I am ready to come to your aid.

If your guests drink more than one or two glasses of beer in your bar, then you are guaranteed an increase in profits. When new customers choose your bar, you are ready to do everything to make sure they stay, right? Below are some tips on how you can turn your bar into an attractive place.

Organize daily happy hours

Everyone loves a good deal! Incorporate happy hours into your daily schedule. Offer two-for-one drinks, special appetizer prices and other discounts that will keep your guests staying and coming back every day.

Creating an appropriate atmosphere

The atmosphere of your bar plays a big role in how much time customers spend there. Your bar should always be clean, comfortable and attractive, no matter the concept or mood you want to create. Experiment with different lighting techniques, music and decor to find out your clients' preferences.

Live music

Music lights up your guests. Avoid slow and monotonous music that can bore your visitors. No matter what genre of music you choose, it should lift the spirits of your customers.

Weekly games and quizzes

Entertain your guests by organizing quizzes on a weekly basis. Let your guests look forward to the next interesting quizzes. Reward the winners with prizes.

Hiring and rewarding the best staff

One of the biggest reasons why guests stop coming to your bar is dissatisfaction with the service. Always strive to serve customers quickly and with a smile. Lack of response or rudeness from staff will not be tolerated. Your bartenders and servers who go above and beyond should be rewarded for their dedication and good work.

Using imagination to create signature drinks

Make your drinks menu special. Try new supplements, homemade cocktails, give presentations and come up with catchy names together with your clients.

Attracting customers to the bar

Attract customers to your bar by using a dedicated team to hand out flyers and special offers to people passing by. You never know who might come along one day and bring a crowd of friends with them. You want to always give the impression that your bar is full of people - even at off-peak times.

Active use of social media

Don't ignore social media. It is one of the most valuable sales tools. Have your establishment or marketing staff tweet from your bar and regularly post photos and videos to attract fans.

Organization of private events

Hosting special private events is a great way to increase the amount of time your customers stay in your bar. Let your bar also become a place for private parties such as corporate celebrations, fundraisers, weddings, etc.

Collecting feedback

If you don't know what might make your customers stay in your bar, ask them. Online research tools and surveys using Facebook are easy ways to get feedback from your customers.