Hydroponics business plan: how much to invest reviews. Business plan for growing crops hydroponically Business plan for growing strawberries hydroponically

To create a hydroponic enterprise, you need to open a small business whose activities are based on intensive crop production. And the successful development of a project is impossible without a carefully drawn up business plan.

All the important nuances that need to be mentioned in this document will be discussed in our article.

Market and competition analysis

One of the most important components of the plan is the assessment of the product market depending on the characteristics of the general state of the industry. Only after this can you start talking about the market need that the company can satisfy.

This section should contain the following information:

  • market sales statistics;
  • classification of users and distributors;
  • assessment of annual product consumption.

The results of the market analysis should answer a number of questions that every novice entrepreneur inevitably faces:

  • what size is the market;
  • what stage is inherent in it at the present time (there are 3 main stages: growing, static or contracting);
  • what share the company can take;
  • what can contribute to increasing market share over time;
  • whether there are circumstances that may disrupt the intention to enter the market or expand its activities in it;
  • who is the company's main competitor, what are its main advantages.

You can see the procedure for organizing this activity in the following video:

Production plan

Hydroponics is growing plants using a soilless system, while nutrition is carried out using a special aqueous solution.

A hydroponic system can be "passive" or "active". The first option involves delivering the nutrient solution to the roots only through capillary force without the use of mechanical force. Otherwise, such a system is called “wick”. And any “active” system is based on the fact that the nutrient fluid is moved by special pumps. Many of them have a parallel aeration system and saturate the nutrient solution with oxygen.

A hydroponic system is usually based on one of the following principles:

  • The technique is based on nutrient layer, is the best known and most frequently used. The pump pumps the solution into the container where the crops are located. The nutrient solution is evenly distributed along the bottom of the container in which the plant roots are located, and then flows into the same reservoir from which it comes again.
    This method does not involve the use of a substrate. To secure the plants, you need a pot with slots so that the roots grow freely. The enrichment of the roots with oxygen is carried out due to the moist air located above the surface of the nutrient layer. Using this technology, you can significantly save on replacing substrates after the crop has been harvested. The biggest disadvantage of the system is the fact that when there is no electric current, the pump turns off, which results in drying out of the roots and death of the plants.
  • At periodic flooding the substrate and root system are periodically flooded and then drained. This vicious circle is controlled by pumps controlled by a timer.
  • floating platform can be called the simplest system. The plants simply need to be secured to a platform that floats on the surface of the nutrient solution. The root system is constantly in it, you just need to carry out regular aeration or recirculation (mixing). This method is recommended for those who plan to grow small plants that consume large quantities of liquid (for example, lettuce).
  • Drip irrigation is the most common hydroponic technology, which is based on a pump that transfers a nutrient solution through highways and tubes directly to the substrate.
  • Using aeroponic system the nutrient suspension is sprayed onto the root system. The use of this method allows you to provide the roots with a maximum flow of oxygen.
  • At the core wick system The principle of capillary forces lies, that is, the solution is supplied to the roots using wicks, and as a result the plant receives the entire complex of necessary nutrients.

You can grow plants using hydroponics such as: anthurium, ficus, sheffler, philodendron, hibiscus, etc. In addition, you can grow cucumbers, eggplants, strawberries, peppers and herbs.

To start such a business, you should stock up on the required number of special hydropots. Each includes a decorative and inner vessel. Plastic is used to make the inner vessel. The bottom and walls must be equipped with special holes that provide the root with oxygen and minerals. The space in the inner container must be filled with a substrate into which the plant will be planted in the future.

The substrate is expanded clay, the granule size of which ranges from 2 to 16 mm.

It is chemically neutral and has a porous structure, which allows it to achieve good water and breathability. The internal vessel must also be provided with a liquid level indicator. The pot is placed in an outer vessel containing a liquid nutrient solution. The outer container must meet characteristics such as waterproofness, stability, convenience and beauty. The most common is the plastic option, but you can also find ceramic, wood and metal.

The liquid level indicator is a plastic tube, inside of which there is a scale indicating the level of the nutrient solution in the outer vessel.

Financial plan

The document must contain information about the funds required to start.

So let's get started:

  • a finished greenhouse in which you can grow plants all year round will cost about 30 thousand rubles;
  • seeds – 5 thousand rubles;
  • gardening tools and fertilizers – 4 thousand rubles;
  • heating system – 12 thousand rubles;
  • 50 meters of polypropylene pipes – 12 thousand rubles;
  • fuel – 10 thousand rubles;
  • drilling a well necessary for irrigation - 2 thousand rubles;
  • payment for electrical energy – 15 thousand rubles;
  • payment of wages to an assistant - 120-180 thousand rubles. in year;
  • rent – ​​100 thousand rubles.

Organizational plan

Even ordinary cultivation of greens for sale requires an official registration procedure. The most suitable option is . The optimal taxation system is. The single agricultural tax requires payment of 6% of net income.

If you plan to hire personnel, you should register with the pension fund and Social Insurance Fund.

Sales markets

The prosperity of this business can be ensured by selling its own products at the best prices.

Sales channels include:

  • Wholesale vegetable warehouses. The main advantage is fast implementation. However, the purchase price is low, therefore, one cannot count on receiving a high profit.
  • Wholesale warehouses offering pickup. The purchasing price is slightly higher than on a wholesale basis.
  • Retail outlet. This is exactly the place where you can get maximum income.
  • Processing company: restaurant, cafe, cannery or other enterprise.

Risk analysis

The specific and main problems are:

  • death of plants as a result of power outages;
  • infestation by pests, as well as the development of various diseases and fungi as a result of landless housing;
  • The complete evaporation of the substrate or its too strong concentration has a detrimental effect on plants.

Careful monitoring of activities allows you to avoid the troubles described above and quickly reach a decent and stable level of income.

The strawberry business is gaining more and more momentum every year. To grow berries for sale, an area of ​​10 square meters is enough. m., and the demand for them is huge most of the year. It is enough to survive the end of May and the beginning of June, when strawberries are actively ripening in the open ground. The rest of the time, your strawberry growing business will flourish and bear fruit with high income. Of course, if it is organized correctly.

Despite the fact that strawberries are considered a rather capricious plant, it is an affordable and highly profitable business. Harvesting on average three times a year, including in winter, guarantees a stable year-round income.

Is this your business?

Before you begin to draw up a business plan for growing strawberries, evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of this business. Accessibility and a low entry barrier are not a guarantee of success. You must be confident in your readiness to overcome possible difficulties in starting and running a strawberry growing business.

You will have to grow strawberries in a greenhouse or greenhouse, which is quite logical. In open ground, it bears fruit from May to June, not to mention the fact that in winter it is generally difficult to grow anything on it. In addition to the fact that a greenhouse allows you to grow strawberries at any time of the year, it has a number of other advantages:

  • the harvest does not suffer from bad weather, whereas in open ground you can lose up to 30% of the berries;
  • you can get by with a significantly smaller area;
  • strawberry business at home pays for itself in a season;
  • the berries look more presentable and supermarkets are more willing to buy them;
  • in the off-season, especially in winter, you can set a high purchase price;
  • The profitability of growing strawberries for sale can exceed 100%.

As for the shortcomings, the most critical are:

  • the entrance fee to a greenhouse business may be higher than when starting a business growing strawberries on open ground;
  • plants must be artificially pollinated, irrigated, and illuminated;
  • The taste of berries is significantly different from those grown in natural conditions.

Start-up costs

Like any business, growing strawberries will require start-up costs. First of all, for the purchase of seedlings. The culture reproduces through “antennae”. It is best to take healthy “whiskers” of the first and second order with a developed rosette and roots. When choosing a variety, you should focus on its yield. The most prolific varieties are considered to be Vigee, Glima, Red Capulet, Cambridge, Kama, Volya, Elsanta.

The next stage is the selection of premises and equipment for the greenhouse. Depending on the scale of the business and budget, you can build a polycarbonate, glass or frame greenhouse covered with film. Film is the cheapest, but in winter it will not protect your crop from frost. You can grow strawberries in a glass greenhouse all year round. It has enough light and is well heated. But it requires large investments in the equipment of the premises, especially if you build it from scratch: laying a foundation, erecting walls, a roof, a heating system, etc.

In terms of ease of organization, a polycarbonate greenhouse would be the optimal solution for growing crops all year round. This is a frame structure that does not require the installation of a foundation. It differs from the first type of greenhouse in that the frame is made of galvanized metal and covered with polycarbonate. The price of such a design depends on the method of galvanizing the frame, the thickness of the polycarbonate and their manufacturers. Such a greenhouse will serve all year round for decades. By letting in maximum sunlight, it will increase the yield of your strawberries. Therefore, if you are aiming for large volumes of production, it is better to choose this type of greenhouse.

On average, it will cost about $6 to equip a square meter of a greenhouse and the same amount to purchase seedlings. That is, a square meter of plants in a greenhouse will cost $12.

Growing methods

The most common are two methods of cultivating strawberries in greenhouses for year-round yield. The first, simple and straightforward, is planting in containers filled with soil. Depending on the area of ​​the greenhouse, the containers are arranged in one row, in a cascade or vertically.

Recently, the second method, the so-called Dutch method, has been gaining popularity. In this case, special bags about two meters long filled with soil are used to plant seedlings. Holes about 8 cm in diameter are made in them, where the plant is planted. The advantage of the method is that three such bags can be placed on one square meter of room. You can hang them anywhere - in a garage, shed, on a balcony or loggia - it is only important to provide lighting and organize an irrigation system.

Whatever method you choose, in order to harvest berries all year round, you need to properly care for the tubers. First of all, plant in prepared soil. You can use soil from the garden, or mix it halfway with purchased soil. To be safe, before planting, it is better to treat the mixture with a solution of potassium permanganate and fertilize it.

The tubers are planted shallowly, but not too high, so that the root system is not exposed when watering. You can water the plants with a watering can, but make sure that the water does not flood the fruits and leaves. Therefore, it would be smarter to install a special irrigation system that will supply moisture directly to the root of the plant. Strawberries love warm water and watering at least once a day.

Particular attention should be paid to the air temperature inside the greenhouse. In summer it should not exceed 25 degrees Celsius, and in winter it should not fall below 18.

Pollination of flowers

In order for strawberries to bear fruit all year round, you need to make the most of each flowering period by pollinating the flowers. In a greenhouse, under artificial conditions, fruits will not set by themselves. Moreover, the lifespan of the flower is short - one to four days, although the flowering period itself can last several weeks. Several methods are used for pollination.

If the plantation is small, use the manual method - transfer pollen from the stamens to the pistil with a soft brush. The procedure must be carried out every morning on each flower. If there are too many tubers for such painstaking work, you can recreate natural conditions. For example, imitating the wind, point a fan at the flowers. On large plantations, it is recommended to install a hive with bees or bumblebees during the flowering period.

Sales issues

Sales largely depend on the quality of the berries. Therefore, they must be collected manually into plastic boxes or baskets of 1-3 kg, in which it will be sold. The main thing is not to pour it from one container to another.

The method of marketing depends on the time of year. In summer, strawberries disappear faster from markets, and in winter, the main source is supermarkets.

Strawberries that have lost their marketable appearance, but still retain their taste, can be sold to processors for the production of yoghurts, jams, and juices. This source will cover approximately 30% of the berries grown.

Business profitability

The level of profitability depends on the size of the business and the method of growing berries. It is logical that the larger the greenhouse, the more complex its installation, the greater the entry threshold will be. Organizing a small plantation at home (on a balcony or garage) will require minimal initial costs. In the latter case, there is no need to hire workers to care for the plants - you can do everything yourself. And the Dutch growing method minimizes costs as much as possible.

The open ground berry season is short, no more than two months a year. The rest of the time, the owner of greenhouse plants can receive excess profits by setting a high purchase price. On average, a kilogram of strawberries costs $8 at this time. You can collect up to 30 kg of berries per square meter in two months, that is, the net income will be $240.

Business challenges

The biggest problem with growing strawberries is reliable heating in winter, not to mention light. If this is not organized, there is no point in taking on this matter. Plants require constant care. Even a small plantation on a loggia should be given at least three hours a day. For large areas it is necessary to hire workers. Organizing cultivation on a large scale will require significant investment.

Therefore, the main difficulty of the business lies in growing berries. But its attractiveness is that there are practically no problems with sales.

Strawberries are a berry that is respected in our country and far beyond its borders. This product is especially in demand in the spring. It is consumed both fresh and processed.

You can start a mini-business in strawberry production even from a summer cottage. After all, at first you won’t need any documents to sell. Natural products grown in environmentally friendly conditions are now at a special price. To bring the idea of ​​growing and marketing strawberries to life, you will need high-quality hydroponic systems that will allow you to obtain a rich harvest of berries. This innovative technology is a new development of scientists in the field of agriculture. It makes it easier for farmers and increases the yield and quality of berries and vegetables. To understand the intricacies of the process, you need to learn how to open a business growing strawberries using hydroponics.

Nuances of growing technology

Before you start a new business, it's worth finding out what strawberry hydroponics methods are. This technology involves growing plants without soil. Hydroponics has the following advantages:

  1. Plants without soil do not get sick as much. All microorganisms harmful to the crop accumulate in the soil.
  2. Strawberries receive all the necessary complex of nutrients. At the same time, full control over timely feeding is exercised.
  3. There is no tillage required, no weed removal required and no pesticides required.
  4. Planting is carried out indoors, which protects the plants from harmful insects.
  5. Transplantation is performed without damaging the root system.
  6. Saving on water. The liquid is not wasted during watering and does not evaporate.
  7. A plant grown in this way is more viable.

Using this technology, it is necessary to constantly monitor the temperature. If the value exceeds 35 degrees, the root system will die.

The technology of growing strawberries using hydroponics allows you to reduce the cost of production, since you do not need to buy expensive fertilizers. In addition, product quality improves.

Hydroponics is a method of planting plants in a small layer of organic substrate, such as peat. In this case, the seedlings are fed not from the soil, but from a specially prepared mineral-based solution. The unusual technology gives a yield of up to 45 kg of berries per square meter.

Which berry variety should you choose?

For a business idea to be successful, it is necessary to choose the right productive varieties of strawberries for hydroponics. Remontant varieties perform best. They can produce berries throughout the year.

The following varieties are popular:

  • "Yellow Miracle"
  • "Fresco";
  • "Queen Elizabeth".

The Dutch varieties “Corona”, “Elvira” and “Gigantela Maxima” feel great in greenhouses. Beginners should pay attention to “Bagota”, “Volga” and “Olivia”.

For hydroponics, it is worth choosing options that are known to the entrepreneur. Lack of experience can lead to financial losses. When purchasing an assortment, you need to pay attention to factors such as air humidity, lighting level and room temperature.

Features of equipment selection

The crop is planted in a greenhouse. When arranging the latter option, additional funds will be required for the construction of the structure and for communications.

The hydroponic system comes in the following types:

  1. Flow-through involves irrigating the roots with a substrate.
  2. The drip system is characterized by the penetration of the substrate under the stems.
  3. A combined option from the first two options.

The latter system is ideal for berries.

In any case, you will need the following equipment to grow strawberries using a hydroponic system:

  1. Shelving structures and trays for arranging seedlings.
  2. Heaters.
  3. Pump equipment.
  4. Tubes
  5. Devices for water purification.
  6. Spare electric generator.
  7. Separate storage space.
  8. Consumables you will need are strawberry seeds for hydroponics, substrate and packaging material.

Using a Nutrient Solution

The substrates themselves do not contain nutrients, but are only support for roots and plants. It is worth noting the following characteristics of these materials:

  1. Ability to absorb moisture.
  2. Free air penetration.
  3. Porosity of the material.

In this case, a special nutrient solution is used for growing strawberries in hydroponics. The composition of the components may vary depending on the type or growth stage of the crop. The standard composition of the solution can be found in the public domain. In this case, substances such as calcium nitrate, potassium monophosphate, potassium sulfate and magnesium sulfate are used. There are special calculators to calculate the quantity.

Growing in a greenhouse also requires maintaining a special microclimate. The temperature should have a certain value depending on the specific variety and time of day. Humidity should vary between 67-75%.

The substrate should be dense, but allow air to pass through well. A special composition can be purchased in the store.

Collection of ripe berries

Growing strawberries hydroponically in a greenhouse also requires pollination. Pollen is transferred by hand. The following techniques will help increase productivity:

  1. Removing the first flowers.
  2. Timely harvesting of berries.
  3. Mustache trimming.
  4. Thinning the number of inflorescences on one bush.

The maximum yield can be obtained in the second year of planting the crop. Therefore, after three years, strawberry seedlings are planted in a new way. If additional transportation is required, the berries should be picked firm and slightly unripe.

If strawberries are grown hydroponically at home using remontant varieties, the harvest can be very rich. To do this, you need to let the plants rest for a month. It is best to do this in the autumn. In this case, you should cut off the leaves and reduce the temperature to 14 degrees.

Components of a business plan

To implement a business idea you will need a certain amount of money. To make the calculations correctly, you need to draw up a business plan for growing strawberries hydroponically.

To do this you need to select:

  1. The place where the selected crop will be planted.
  2. Equipment for seedlings and strawberry care.
  3. Planting material. It is worth choosing a good variety.
  4. Sales plan for finished strawberries.

To carry out the sale, you will need to go through the official registration procedure. The best option is to acquire the status of an individual entrepreneur with the Unified Agricultural Tax system.

Business profitability

Growing in open ground in the second year provides a yield of 700-800 kg per 10 acres. This allows you to cover the first year's costs for strawberry fertilizers, film and drip irrigation. Net income can be received in the third year. 2.5 thousand bushes produce a ton of berries.

High profitability when using greenhouses. At the same time, the starting investment is 40-50% higher than for production in open ground. To equip a square meter of room with planting material you will need 350-400 rubles.

According to statistics, the profitability of a business using a hydroponic system can reach 40%, and the costs are recouped within six months.

Features of the sale of the grown product

The success of the event depends on the established implementation points. It is worth thinking about distribution channels at the business planning stage. This will allow you to calculate distribution channels with more accuracy.

Here are some possibilities worth considering:

  1. Vegetable bases or markets. You can sell strawberries yourself or rent them at the purchase price.
  2. Wholesale warehouses. This option is more profitable than relationships with resellers. In addition, wholesalers can export the products themselves.
  3. Restaurants and cafes. The price is good, but the volumes are small and there is a need for special permission.
  4. Retail stores allow you to sell significant volumes of products.

How much money do you need to invest?

It is necessary to calculate how much money will be required to give the best result. The final amount depends on the type of hydroponic design, the features of the greenhouse and its material. Before you buy hydroponics for strawberries, you need to calculate the costs, taking into account the planned volumes of production.

Here is an approximate estimate:

  1. The purchase of consumables will cost approximately 14-17 thousand rubles.
  2. Registration of an enterprise 800 rubles.
  3. The price of hydroponics for strawberries varies from 5 thousand rubles.
  4. Water filtration system – 6-8 thousand.
  5. Costs for water supply and electricity - 16 thousand rubles.
  6. Renting a plot for a greenhouse and the structure itself can cost 40-60 thousand rubles.

It is also worth considering staff salaries. This could be another 25-40 thousand rubles.

How can you reduce your initial costs?

Advice from experienced farmers who specialize in growing crops using hydroponics will help reduce costs:

  1. You can build a greenhouse yourself.
  2. It is worth mastering the manufacturing technology and assembling hydroponics for strawberries with your own hands.
  3. Choosing a berry variety that does not require additional lighting and frequent watering.
  4. Covering the substrate with a film material, which reduces the process of moisture evaporation.

Making your own hydroponic system

If the price of the equipment is too high, then in order to minimize costs you should try to make a hydroponic structure yourself. An option with drip irrigation is ideal. In this case, a drip irrigation system is equipped, which will require a pump and hoses that supply the nutrient solution through tubes to each seedling.

Hydroponics for strawberries can be mounted vertically or horizontally. For production you will need seedlings, substrate, PVC pipe, solution containers, pumping equipment and a hose.

Let's consider the operating features for installing horizontal batteries:

  1. Holes of 10 cm are made in the PVC pipe, between which there should be a distance of 25 cm. Tight plugs are inserted from the ends of the pipes.
  2. Containers with seedlings are placed in the holes. For the substrate, you can take coconut shavings or mineral wool.
  3. A tank with a nutrient solution is placed under the hydroponic installation, to which a pump is attached.
  4. The movement of liquid is carried out using a hose with holes through which tubes are passed to each container.

A more complex option is the vertical system. In this case, the solution will rise upward and it is necessary to consider draining the excess liquid.

Manufacturing a vertical system includes the following steps:

  1. A plug is placed on one side of the PVC pipe. Markings are made along the entire length for holes that are cut out using a drill. The first nest must be made at a height of at least 20 cm. The remaining holes are made in a checkerboard pattern in increments of 20-25 cm.
  2. You need to make holes in the thick hose for watering. They are placed opposite the seedlings. The hose should be wrapped in burlap, which will protect the holes from getting the substrate.
  3. The hose is placed in the center of the pipe, into which drainage is poured at the bottom and the substrate on top. Seedlings are planted while the pipe is filled with substrate.

Watering is carried out through a hose.

When choosing a hydroponics business, you should take into account certain risks. For example, a power outage and death of plants, the appearance of diseases or an incorrectly selected substrate. But constant monitoring and adherence to technology will allow you to avoid these problems and reach a stable level of income in the shortest possible time.

Growing strawberries as a business is an excellent solution for entrepreneurs who understand agriculture. The juicy and aromatic berry is in high demand in retail stores and catering establishments; your own farm will fully pay for itself in just 2 years. The strawberry business is not too complicated, but when organizing it you will have to take into account many important details on which the success of the project depends.

  • Technology for growing strawberries for sale
  • How to start a strawberry growing business?
  • Tips for growing strawberries
  • Subtleties of implementation
  • How much can you earn from growing strawberries?
  • How much money do you need to start a business?
  • Which equipment to choose
  • Which OKVED code should I indicate for a strawberry growing business?
  • What documents are needed
  • Which tax system to choose

Technology for growing strawberries for sale

To achieve high profitability, it is better to combine open beds with greenhouses. This approach will help:

  • save energy in the summer;
  • extend the fruiting season from early spring until frost;
  • in heated greenhouses, crops can be obtained all year round;
  • the opportunity to experiment with varieties, selecting the most delicious and productive ones.

Industrial cultivation of berries has a number of features. To create open beds you need fairly large areas. To protect yourself from pests and simplify planting care, the beds can be made raised, and the space between the berry bushes and between the rows can be mulched with peat, sawdust or agrofibre. Growing strawberries in open ground makes it possible to get a good harvest; the berries have a particularly bright taste and delicate aroma. The beds have one drawback - they can be harvested no more than 1-2 months a year.

Greenhouses should be placed next to open beds. For successful cultivation of strawberries, structures made of cellular polycarbonate on a metal frame are suitable. The construction of such a structure is not cheap, but a permanent, permanent greenhouse will last for several years and will not require repairs.

Growing strawberries in a greenhouse all year round is quite an expensive undertaking. The colder the region, the more you will have to spend on heating and heating the plantings. It is most profitable to grow berries in the middle zone. In summer, the greenhouse can operate without additional heating; in winter, you can save on electricity by using biofuel.

How to start a strawberry growing business?

To understand how to make money growing strawberries all year round, you need to study several business plans for similar productions. They indicate a complete list of upcoming expenses, as well as calculate future income and the overall profitability of the project. With proper operation, the enterprise will pay for itself in 2 years. The larger the production, the higher the profitability, but the initial and ongoing costs in this case also increase.

The easiest way to organize a strawberry business is on the territory of a former state farm, which has sufficient areas of fertile land. On this base you can arrange open plantations and greenhouses. Land is bought or leased, for this you can get a government subsidy or a preferential loan.

Register a legal entity. The most convenient way to run a strawberry business is on your own farm. This legal form allows you to significantly save on taxation and allows you to count on additional benefits and subsidies.

Build greenhouses. Designs from 100 to 250 sq. m. provide good profitability. m. You can start with 1 greenhouse, after a year the farm should be expanded. To grow strawberries all year round and make labor easier, the shelters are equipped with an automatic watering and ventilation system. Winter greenhouses require a reinforced cinder block foundation and a well-thought-out heating system. It is most profitable to combine electric or water boilers with biofuel from a mixture of rotted manure and straw. The mixture is laid out on the beds and covered with a layer of soil. Biofuel maintains the ideal temperature for 3-5 months and serves as additional nutrition for plants.

Choose the right strawberry variety. Hybrids of the latest generation of Dutch, Polish, and Russian selection are suitable for greenhouses. Consumers prefer large, juicy berries of bright red or red-pink color with a pronounced pleasant aroma. To increase profitability and reduce the number of defects, choose a strawberry variety with fairly dense berries that hold their shape well. These strawberries store well and can withstand transportation without problems.

This text will explore the nuances and subtleties of entrepreneurial activity in the field of commercial production of berries and fruits using the example bbusiness plan for a hydroponic greenhouse for growing strawberries and vegetables. Hydroponics is a modern method of growing various crops that reduces water consumption and does not depend on soil quality. Another advantage is the fact that in greenhouse conditions processes can occur year-round.

Of course, in comparison with traditional methods of greenhouse cultivation of berries and vegetables, it will require large investments, but, competent business plan breeding strawberries and vegetables With using hydroponics, will allow you to recoup all costs and bring greater profitability in the future.

It is for those entrepreneurs who are faced with the problem of attracting external investment that a ready-made business plan for a hydroponic greenhouse for growing strawberries and vegetables will become an indispensable tool for developing their business and obtaining a loan.

Key features of a hydroponic greenhouse business plan for growing strawberries and vegetables

Business plan for a hydroponic greenhouse for growing strawberries and vegetables, as a convenient way to design

Any commercial activity is a rather complex system of interconnected components and indicators, which is influenced by a large number of external and internal factors. To describe the activities of a particular company, it is important to understand the structure of the system and take into account as much as possible the positive and negative impacts on it from the external and internal environment. To do this, we will use a proven method - bbusiness plan considering the features hydroponic greenhouses for growing strawberries and vegetables.

Such documents are widely used in business and allow you to draw up and implement effective projects in any area of ​​commercial activity, regardless of the size of the company. In our case, project growing strawberries and vegetables in a hydroponic greenhouse will become a guide to the world of this business.



Staged business processes and industry standards

Under development greenhouse the farm will be grow strawberries and vegetables using modern technology hydroponic systems that reduce costs, increase the efficiency of growth processes and productivity.

The main sales market is wholesale centers and large federal grocery stores.

Before you start development bgreenhouse business plan farms hydroponically growing strawberries and vegetables, Let us briefly describe the main processes in this area:

  • installation and equipment of a greenhouse complex;
  • planting;
  • control of growth and maturation processes;

harvesting and selling it.

1 – Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. The volume of investment for launching a hydroponic greenhouse for growing strawberries and vegetables

1.3. Results of work

2 – Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 – Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market dynamics

4 – Staff

4.1. Staffing table

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 – Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Financing plan

5.3. Sales plan for a hydroponic greenhouse for growing strawberries and vegetables

5.4. Spending Plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 – Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. The financial analysis

6.3. Risks of a hydroponic greenhouse for growing strawberries and vegetables

7 – Conclusions

The hydroponic greenhouse business plan for growing strawberries and vegetables is provided in MS Word format - it already contains all the tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it is already ready to use. Or you can adjust any section to suit you.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, this can be easily done in the “Project Concept” section.

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - the parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all the tables, graphs and diagrams.

For example: if you need to increase your sales plan, then just change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and immediately all the tables and diagrams will be ready: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A special feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model to suit themselves.


Reviews from our clients

Feedback on the business planmushroom farm for growing champignon mushrooms

We received a loan of 70 million rubles from Sberbank for the development of a mushroom farm for growing champignons . Thanks to Plan-Pro for a high-quality business plan. A good marketing research was carried out, the break-even point was calculated, and the expected income and expenses of the company were reasonably calculated.

Igor Nikolaevich, Tambov

Feedback on a business plan for an industrial year-round winter greenhouse for growing vegetables

The greenhouse business plan developed by the Plan-Pro team allowed us to attract private investment in the amount of 30 million rubles. During the work, the company's consultant demonstrated deep professionalism and understanding of the specifics of our project. The investors agreed to work with us, so thank you very much.

Alena Podkaminskaya, Commercial Director, Yaroslavl

Review on

We needed a high-quality business plan to plan a strategy for the further operation of a hydroponic greenhouse; and contacted Plan-Pro. We liked the finished business plan. The descriptions and calculations are extremely clear and logical; there is no need to think about where each figure comes from. Easy to make changes and edits. The financial model and the product itself are at a good level.

Dmitry Korolenko, Naberezhnye Chelny

Feedback on a business plan for growing strawberries in open ground

A business plan for growing strawberries was downloaded from the website: simple diagrams and formulas, a comprehensive assessment of the project’s payback. Thanks to this plan, they were able to obtain a loan of 20 million rubles from Rosselkhozbank for the development of a project for growing strawberries in open ground.

Natalya M.V., Krasnodar region

Feedback on a crop farming business plan for growing wheat and other grain crops

We managed to attract a private investor and receive financing in the amount of 140 million rubles. The business plan for growing grains was developed according to the UNIDO standard. The document turned out to be clear, all our wishes and the specifics of the industry were taken into account.

Lyubov Andreevna, farmer, Voronezh region

Feedback on a business plan for a hydroponic greenhouse for growing strawberries and vegetables

We have long been interested in modern methods of greenhouse farming, and we decided to attract investment to convert our greenhouses for hydroponics. To do this, we purchased from the Plan company a ready-made business plan for a hydroponic greenhouse for growing strawberries and vegetables. After the first stages of getting to know it, we appreciated its structure and content, as well as its advanced financial model that allows you to independently change the values ​​of indicators in the editorExcel . The result of all stages of design and protection was the attraction of investments in the amount of 12 million rubles. for the complete modernization of our economy.

Lyubovetskaya A., chief accountant, Orenburg region

Objective of the project

Greenhouse complex for growing strawberries and vegetables on an industrial scale using hydroponics. Total area – XXX hectares.

Start of drawing up an investment project for a hydroponic greenhouse for growing strawberries and vegetables

First of all, it is worth briefly describing the project, its strategic goals and objectives, then, in accordance with the structure of the document, we will reveal the important parameters of the main points and support them with calculations of the financial attractiveness of the company.

Plan of organizational and administrative activities

In order for the launch of the project to go perfectly and not encounter obstacles in the form of bureaucratic, legal or functional barriers, we will prescribe a plan for preparation for implementation in advance plan discoveries hydroponic greenhouse farms growing strawberries and vegetables:

  1. Registration of a business in the chosen form of legal entity.
  2. Concluding an agreement for settlement and cash services with a bank.
  3. Obtaining an individual taxpayer number.
  4. Selecting a plot of land for construction greenhouse farms.
  5. Review of existing hydroponic systems, their pros and cons.
  6. Assessment of the financial market and attractive sources of investment.

Filling out a business plan for an enterprise growing vegetables and strawberries in greenhouses using hydroponics

An example of the structure of such projects describing the activities of a breeding enterprise strawberries and vegetables in greenhouse conditions.

  • analysis of the pace of industry development and available business development opportunities;
  • calculation of the project investment amount;
  • technological issues and logistics;
  • operating expenses;
  • sales revenue;
  • the size of the salary fund and the number of employees;
  • features of promotion and distribution policy;
  • investment return period.

Analysis of industry development rates

The market is a complex system in which many players operate and compete, trying to attract the maximum share of the consumer segment. During the analysis, it is important to understand how the company whose activities we describe in the company’s plan greenhouse cultivation of strawberries and vegetables, will stand out in this system of commercial relations:

  • effective technologies that reduce resource and rental costs;
  • quality all year round, regardless of soil conditions;
  • large harvest volumes;
  • reasonable prices;
  • convenient location of the complex.

Another good direction for greenhouse farming is growing onions and herbs, which are in demand all year round. contains all the necessary information for a favorable launch of this direction.

Financial support for a business plan for investing in a hydroponic greenhouse for growing strawberries and vegetables

Effective technology, entrepreneurial ideas and natural managerial abilities are all very important, but they are not enough to make investors interested in your projects. They need specific calculations to prove the effectiveness of the business in numbers. To do this, download a sample structured form from our website. business plan for a hydroponic greenhouse for growing strawberries and vegetables, with the calculation of basic financial and economic indicators. And then you will definitely be able to achieve your goals and get the planned rate of profitability.

Become investment costs:

  • construction of a greenhouse complex – XXX rub.
  • purchase and installation of necessary equipment – ​​XXX rub.
  • special tools and machines – XXX rub.;
  • purchase of seed fund - XXX rub.;
  • advertising support – XXX rub.;
  • hiring and training of personnel – XXX rub.;
  • reserve for unforeseen expenses – XXX rub.

The total investment for the project will range from 50 to 120 million rubles.

Technology and material and technical base

Stages of activity: preparing the substrate and filling it into special containers, connecting the water supply system, planting seeds, monitoring the quality of irrigation and all ripening processes, harvesting the crop and sending it to sales points.

Equipment for sales bbusiness plan companies for growing strawberries and vegetables in a hydroponic greenhouse installation:

  • industrial hydroponic systems of high crop area;
  • pumping equipment and systems for draining excess water;
  • quartz heaters and lighting equipment;
  • tools for plant care and processing;
  • car park;
  • line for packaging and packaging of finished products;
  • furniture, office equipment and other necessary equipment.

Financial system of a business plan for investing in a company for growing strawberries and vegetables.

Operating expenses

We will calculate the approximate amount of operating costs of the investment project hydroponic greenhouses, based on their structure:

  • rental payments and maintenance of the enterprise - XXX rubles;
  • utilities – XXX rub.;
  • depreciation – XXX rub.;
  • seeds and fertilizers – XXX rub.;
  • prevention and repair of engineering systems – XXX rub.;
  • commercial expenses budget – XXX rub.;
  • salary – XXX rub.;
  • taxes and fees – XXX rub.

The total amount of monthly operating costs will be XXX rubles.

The profitable part of a greenhouse business plan for growing strawberries and vegetables

To begin with, let us highlight those characteristics of our company’s products that will ensure the necessary demand and sales volume:

  • fresh berries and vegetables all year round;
  • naturalness and environmental friendliness;
  • possibility of supplying large quantities to wholesale customers;
  • affordable price due to reduced production costs;
  • various delivery and payment methods.

Shares of products in sales:

  1. Strawberry – XXX rub.
  2. Vegetables – XXX rub.

Overall, successful implementation business plan companies for growing strawberries and vegetables V hydroponic greenhouse complex, will bring XXX rubles. revenue monthly.


Recruiting responsible and hardworking employees who are loyal to the company is a difficult task, but without its execution success bbusiness plan companies growing strawberries and vegetables in a hydroponic greenhouse will be a big question:

An example of the number and amount of remuneration:

  • general director of the company - XXX rub.;
  • specialist in growing berries and vegetables – XXX rub.;
  • accountant – XXX rub.;
  • HR specialist – XXX rub.;
  • workers of main production – XXX rub.;
  • sales manager – XXX rub.;
  • Marketing specialist – XXX rub.
  • other administrative and business personnel.

Investment attractiveness of a business plan for financing a greenhouse hydroponic farm growing strawberries and vegetables

The investment will be returned within 3 to 5 years. a separate product designed for business planning and calculation of all its

Business income plan

A necessary component of a full-fledged business plan is a flexible sales plan. It is important, on the one hand, to have a forecast for the business as a whole, and on the other hand, to be able to look at profitability in the context of a separate profit center or even a separate product.

The cash flow statement is the most important document of any business plan. Contains comprehensive information about the company's operating, investment and financial inflows and outflows, and also allows you to evaluate the overall picture of the company's performance.

Download ready business plan for a hydroponic greenhouse for growing strawberries and vegetables with financial calculations and Excel financial model

It is not necessary to be a specialist in financial analysis and economic planning to successfully organize and develop your business. It is more important to wisely use existing opportunities and resources, including in the process of designing new companies and directions. Using professional services as a way to optimize resource costs is an important skill for an entrepreneur.

We will help you develop your business if you download a full-fledged ready-made business plan for a hydroponic greenhouse for growing strawberries and vegetables, containing calculations of the main investment and financial indicators. You can also order an individual turnkey business plan, in which we will take into account all the features and subtleties of organizing a business specifically in your industry. And then, by providing proper financing, your company will be able to take a leading position in the market.

Greenhouse farms – This is a modern trend and a highly profitable enterprise that can generate profits all year round, and the use of modern technologies allows reducing costs and dependence on soil composition. To successfully develop a business and become a market leader, you need to make the most of your entrepreneurial abilities and rely on professional business plans created by professionals.