Production of dry construction mixtures as a business. Business plan for the production of dry construction mixtures Mini production of construction mixtures installation and commissioning

Production of dry building mixtures - step-by-step instructions + 3 opportunities for selling finished products.

Capital investments: from 2.5 million rubles (on a rented plot).
Payback: from 3 months.

Construction technologies have undergone many changes in recent years.

The simplest mixture of cement and sand, used several centuries ago, is now supplemented with new components so that all structures remain strong for many years.

Construction mixtures are special compositions that contain a certain amount of different components in a strictly defined ratio: from fillers to dyes.

To get started production of building mixtures, you need to analyze what work is being carried out in a particular region and what mixtures are used most often.

For example, buildings located near highways require soundproofing panels.

The intricacies of business organization, product sales channels and financial calculations - you will find all this below.

What documents are needed to open a business?

To start a business producing construction mixtures, you need to register the enterprise as an LLC.

In this case, in addition to retail sales, the company will be able to accept wholesale orders from enterprises cooperating with legal entities.

The following documents should be collected:

  • copies of passports of all Company Members;
  • copies of the director’s and accountant’s passports;
  • decision to establish the Company and the constituent agreement;
  • application for state registration of a legal entity;
  • cash receipt orders for the receipt of funds into the authorized capital of the Company.

A production workshop requires a premises that must first be inspected by the fire inspectorate and the sanitary-epidemiological service.

If all requirements are met, the production manager will receive special certificates that allow him to participate in tenders of large companies.

You can do without a certificate, but this will not allow you to accept large-scale orders.

In this state of affairs, it is possible to issue a waiver document, which will confirm that all manufactured products comply with established regulations.

Production of dry construction mixtures: key points

A business plan is an important document for any entrepreneurial endeavor.

To create a successful formula for the production of dry mixtures, you must first decide what will be sold.

All types of planned products must be clearly described, detailed recipes for their preparation, as well as detailed composition, must be indicated.

Before starting production, you should analyze all the difficulties in this field of activity.

For example, request a loan from a bank if you do not have your own capital or search for investors to find a source of financing for the business.

For registration, you will only need two permits, which must be issued by the SES and the fire department.

The business plan contains the following key points:

  • assortment of construction products;
  • selection of premises and equipment;
  • sources of investment;
  • raw materials for production (who will supply);
  • staff (responsibilities, salaries, work schedule are indicated).

Varieties and components of mixtures

Construction mixtures are necessary for cladding, masonry, installation, puttying and other similar works.

For each composition there is a separate recipe for its production.

The components in building mixtures are different, but the main ones are:

  • mineral binders;
  • special additives (to retain moisture);
  • inert fillers;
  • polymer binders.

Each manufacturer has its own exact recipe for a particular mixture, with a certain ratio of all components.

The finished mixture may contain gypsum, lime, cellulose ethers, and various organomineral complexes.

The composition of the components allows you to determine how resistant a particular mixture is to temperature changes, in rooms with what level of humidity it can be used and how long it takes to harden.

To achieve a high level of stability, powdered superplasticizers are added to the composition.

The classification of mixtures is determined by the following indicators:

  • What does the cementitious filler look like (with and without the addition of cement)?
  • What is the level of dispersion of the binder filler (usually coarse grain, up to 2.5 mm, or fine grain, no more than 0.320 mm)?
  • What are the products intended for?

Production technology: recipe and features

Each manufacturer has its own recipe, but the production process remains almost unchanged and includes the following steps:

  1. All components are carefully handled and then sifted.
  2. The prepared raw materials are loaded into bins.
  3. Raw materials are used in strictly defined proportions.
  4. All components are thoroughly mixed, packaged and sent for storage.

There are many types of mixtures, as well as their compositions, but the basis is always cement and sand.

It is very important to ensure that the sand in the drying drum is well twisted and dried.

In this process, sand is divided into fractions: from coarse to fine.

When the auger is completely filled with sand, the equipment automatically stops and must be emptied immediately.

Before receiving the finished product, all you have to do is wait for the system to thoroughly mix everything and send it to the packaging bin, where the product will already be packaged and ready for transportation.

What is the difference between dry and liquid construction mixtures?

There are two types of building mixtures - liquid and dry.

The second type of mixtures is most in demand due to its stable composition and long shelf life, even if the temperature is below the established norm.

At the same time, the quality of the mixture does not change during construction work.

Dry building mixtures have many advantages: high homogeneity, increased cohesiveness, water-retaining qualities and the ability not to delaminate.

A very powerful argument for the production of dry building mixtures is also savings.

Such mixtures have lower consumption; if necessary, they can be diluted in small portions immediately before facing or finishing work.

In trade there are seasonal fluctuations when demand for goods drops sharply and then increases again, and sales of liquid mixtures also depend on the time of year.

But dry construction mixtures have a longer shelf life - from 1 year or more, depending on the composition.

Therefore, the demand for them is distributed more evenly.

However, we can say that they are also a seasonal product.

Most sales occur in the summer season, from April to September.

What kind of premises do you need to start producing building mixtures?

Without premises it is impossible to imagine a full-fledged business plan.

In addition to the production workshop, you need to decide on a warehouse, the area of ​​which should be from 50 square meters. meters and more.

Equipment for the production of dry construction mixtures

The business plan also needs to specify all types of equipment that will make up a full-fledged production line.

There may be more than one such production lines - 2-3, depending on the planned sales volume.

One production line consists of the following equipment:

Equipment for the lineQtyPrice, rub.)
Total: RUB 21,450
1 from 7 000
Packing hopper and auger
1 from 1 800
Drying for sand
1 from 10 000
Vibrating sieve for sifting
1 from 1 700
electronic scales
1 from 400
Commodity scales
1 from 400
Euro pallets
from 20from 150

Such a production line can produce from 8 tons of products per hour.

Selection of the necessary personnel

Basically, all manufacturing firms work around the clock, producing products in shifts.

With such a schedule, day and night shifts for staff are drawn up, which should also be reflected in the business plan.

At the initial stage of production, the team, in addition to the manager and accountant, needs:

How much does a dry construction mix business cost?

To start the production of dry construction mixtures, you need start-up capital, which will be needed to purchase professional equipment, pay rent for premises and pay salaries to employees.

Start-up investment in the business

Regular investments

There are expenses that an entrepreneur makes regularly (usually monthly).

Profitability and payback of business

Each 25 kg bag of dry construction mixture costs the manufacturer 60-70 rubles (product cost).

During a shift, you can produce a batch of 450 of the same bags, which equals a total cost of 22,000 rubles (not counting production costs).

You can sell each bag from 200 rubles, and by selling a daily batch of bags, you can earn 90,000 rubles.

The profitability level of this business is quite high - from 150%.

If sales figures are stable and high, then all initial investments can soon be recouped.

Experienced manufacturers call the period from 3 months.

The video below shows the step-by-step process for producing building mixtures:

Sales opportunities for finished products

For full-fledged and continuous work on accepting orders for the production of mixtures, a large customer base is needed.

It can be expanded thanks to the following sales areas:

  • intermediaries specializing in the sale of dry building mixtures;
  • retail stores and markets;

At the first stages of production, the equipment should not work around the clock, without interruptions, so that you do not have to write off stale goods later.

Although the shelf life of the product is quite long, it is better not to abuse this fact.

There is a lot of competition in the construction market, and in order to avoid losses, it is advisable to deliver mixtures no more than 300 km from the production base.

Constantly expanding the customer base and assortment, the new production can produce up to 12 tons per shift in just 5-6 months.

According to the experience of sellers and manufacturers of building mixtures, the payback on the initial investment will occur in 3-4 months.

In six months, you can achieve fairly high production rates - up to 12 thousand tons of products per shift.

This is possible with a varied assortment of 15 different mixtures and attractive prices for wholesale and retail, and also if equipment for the production of dry construction mixtures will be of sufficient quality, and the process will not be delayed due to breakdowns.

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The construction industry is an attractive niche for all those who are planning to organize their own profitable business. And here it is not at all necessary to start producing high-tech components and structures - to attract decent profits it will be enough to set up a mini-workshop for the production of material in demand on the market. Let's include dry construction mixtures (CCMs) here. If you buy equipment for the production of dry construction mixtures, arrange wholesale supplies of raw materials and hire workers, you can recoup all costs in a short time. Dry construction mixtures are bulk materials widely used in the construction and repair of structures.

Our business assessment:

  • Starting investments - from 1,000,000 rubles.
  • Market saturation is average.

The idea is simple. But even taking this into account, in order to launch a mini plant for the production of dry construction mixtures in Russia, it would not hurt to draw up a detailed business plan that would reveal all the nuances of the future enterprise. And special attention here should be paid not even to technology, but to marketing strategy. After all, the success of the plant will depend on how well thought out the sales channels and the ways of their development are.

How promising is the business?

According to experts, the market for dry construction mixtures has a tendency to develop. And the growth of this segment will only increase, as the needs of the population are increasing, and CCC today is used in literally every area of ​​construction and finishing - plastering, putty, surface decoration, cladding.

In many ways, the prospects of the building mixtures business are explained precisely by the demand for the products - the sales market is simply huge.

The features of the technology and the materials themselves are such that the same equipment can produce a wide variety of finished products. The main thing is to conduct marketing research in advance to understand what kind of material is in demand among the population in a particular region. It turns out that the range of products with minimal costs for raw materials can be quite impressive.

A special advantage when organizing a business in this direction is the fact that the production of dry construction mixtures is very simple from a technology point of view. Therefore, in this case, it is possible to organize a workshop literally at home, where the final product is obtained with your own hands.

If we talk about the disadvantages of this direction, then it is worth noting the fairly high competition in the market and the seasonality of the business. But these difficulties are completely surmountable if you produce a high-quality product and establish wholesale distribution channels.

What assortment to offer to consumers

The sale of dry construction mixtures will be profitable even in the off-season, when the entrepreneur will offer customers a wide range of finished products. And since the equipment is multifunctional, the business organizer has the opportunity to offer customers a wide variety of classes of goods.

What are the options here?

  • facade and tile adhesives,
  • mixtures for cement screed,
  • mixtures for self-leveling floors,
  • putties,
  • plasters,
  • waterproofing mixtures,
  • mounting mixtures.

If you believe the statistics, today the most popular materials of all are adhesive compositions. They are the ones that are swept off the shelves of hardware stores in the shortest possible time. Taking this into account, novice entrepreneurs can be advised to start their own business by producing facade and tile adhesives. In addition, the technological process of their production is the simplest and most inexpensive of all others.

It is also worth considering in advance what kind of container the dry construction mixtures will be packaged in, since for many consumers this is a matter of paramount importance. And the point here, of course, is not the design of the packaging, but its volume - for some it is more convenient to buy in large bags, but for others a small bucket of construction mixture is enough. And in order to interest literally every client, it is important to diversify the products not only in type, but also in the packaging method.

Description of the manufacturing process of dry building mixtures

Technological scheme for the production of dry construction mixtures

A plant for the production of building mixtures can process a wide variety of raw materials - it all depends on the intended plan for the production of certain products. But despite the different composition ratios, the basis of the mixture is always the same:

  • Binder components (cement, clay, gypsum, lime).
  • Fillers (crushed stone, quartz, (sand), marble, ash, slag, screenings, stone waste).
  • Functional (additives) (starch ester, methylcellulose).

And even before purchasing the necessary equipment, it is necessary to carefully work out the recipe, since not a single operating enterprise will disclose it. Without specific knowledge in this area, it would be better to use the services of a qualified technologist who would not only develop the recipe, but also subsequently monitor compliance with the technological conditions during the operation of the line.

In general, the technology for the production of dry building mixtures may look like this:

  • Preparation of components required for the recipe (sifting and weighing).
  • Mixing components in a certain proportion.
  • Packing and packaging of the mixture.
  • Storage of finished material.

And for each designated production stage, the appropriate machines are selected. There is also a more convenient option - a line that is already completed and ready for use.

It is absolutely clear that the technology for producing dry material is extremely simple. Therefore, many operations here can be performed manually, but large wholesale sales cannot be established here. In order to sell dry cement building mixtures in larger quantities, you will need to equip your workshop with special machines and devices that will greatly simplify and speed up the process.

Workshop technical equipment

Mini plant for the production of dry construction mixtures STROITEL 1011

There should be no problems with equipping the workshop - there are plenty of offers from suppliers. A variety of equipment is presented here to the attention of entrepreneurs: automatic and mechanical, low-power and high-performance, fully equipped and separately.

And if we take into account that the mixers and the packaging machine have the same design, the choice in favor of one or another line must be made based on considerations other than the principle of their operation:

  • planned sales volumes,
  • available finances,
  • manufacturer's brand,
  • seller's conditions (service and warranty, commissioning).

As practice shows, a line for the production of dry construction mixtures with a capacity of up to 5 t/h will be quite sufficient for a young workshop. This will be equipped with all the machines necessary for operation, and its cost will not exceed 1,600,000 rubles. It’s also good that the mini-installation will not take up much space - a maximum of 50 m2.

For those who are short on funds, it may be advisable to purchase each device separately. In this case, equipping a workshop can cost literally 700,000 rubles. But many operations here will have to be performed manually, which means that the final profit will ultimately be much lower than in the case of automated machines.

And if we talk about a line with a capacity of 10 t/h, then in this case the price of equipment for dry construction mixtures will be at least 3,000,000 rubles.

Sales plan for finished products

Business in the production of dry construction mixtures will only become profitable when sales channels are established. And it is better if this is a wholesale sale of finished material, since many problems associated with idle equipment and storage of goods in warehouses are immediately solved here. And in order for a mini-factory to start working “for clients”, it is worth starting to look for buyers at the stage of preparing a business plan.

Of course, if a franchise was used to open a plant, many problems with finding customers immediately disappear, since the company will produce a well-known product that does not need advertising. In all other cases, you will have to make every effort to establish distribution channels for materials.

So, who will be interested in dry plaster building mixtures and other materials produced within the walls of the mini-factory?

  • Construction bases, markets and shops.
  • Construction and repair companies.

An option that will require much larger investments in business is opening your own retail outlet. But in this case, the entrepreneur himself will be able to choose the form of sale of the goods and set his own price for it, as well as choose a convenient location for the store.

Another way to sell finished products is to organize an online store. But this option works better “in conjunction” with a real store.

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Profitability of the planned business

It has already been proven in practice that a business in this niche can generate consistently high income. Having taken care of equipping the workshop and finding several wholesale buyers, you can run your own profitable business.

But before moving on to the profitability indicators of the enterprise, it is worth calculating the capital investment in the workshop. To purchase lines for packaging dry construction mixtures and other machines with a capacity of 5 tons per day, prepare the premises for work, stock up on raw materials and document the workshop, you will need at least 2,300,000 rubles.

If you buy used equipment or manual machines, you can start a workshop by spending no more than 1,000,000 rubles.

But you need to be prepared for the fact that investments can be much larger if you also provide your own fleet of vehicles to deliver finished products to customers. But a young enterprise can abandon this idea by offering customers pick-up services.

As for profit, the specific figure will depend on several factors:

  • volumes of product sales,
  • pricing policy in the region.

For calculations, we take the following data:

  • Productivity - 3 t/h.
  • 1st shift hours - 8.
  • Number of shifts per month - 30.

It turns out that with uninterrupted operation of the equipment, it is realistic to produce up to 750 tons of finished material per month. And if you immediately sell the products to customers at an average wholesale price of 3,500 rubles/t, then monthly revenue can be up to 2,600,000 rubles. If you subtract from this amount the costs of purchasing raw materials, taxes, salaries for employees, transport, communications and utilities, then the net profit can be at least 150,000 rubles per month. In this situation, the enterprise will be able to recoup itself within a year and a half. But these are good profitability indicators.

The most “important” material for paving is asphalt. Considering how quickly roads deteriorate, raw materials are in consistently high demand in the construction market. The main consumers of the products are housing and communal services, transport companies, and private enterprises. And the production of products that are in demand will always bring profit. Why not plan to produce cold asphalt in your region?

The production of asphalt involves mixing sand, crushed stone of various fractions, bitumen and mineral powder using a certain technology. The process, from a technological point of view, is simple - even a non-professional can master it. In addition, all production stages are performed on automatic equipment.

Our business assessment:

Starting investment - 1,500,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The difficulty of starting a business is 6/10.

Legal registration of business

In order for the entrepreneur to have the opportunity to enter into profitable contracts for the supply of asphalt to large companies in the future, it is better to register the business in the form of an LLC. Legal registration is more complicated when compared with individual entrepreneurs - but this, in this case, is the best option. If you have little idea what documents are needed and where to submit them for verification, it is better to contact a lawyer. You will have to pay, but you will save a lot of time.

When registering a business, you will need to decide on the codes that suit your activity. You can use the following OKVED: 26.82.2 - Production of products from asphalt or similar materials.

What types of asphalt are there?

Before opening an asphalt production plant in Russia, think about the “range” of products that you will offer to consumers. This is important, since recipes and technology still need to be worked out and equipment selected.

An asphalt mini-plant can produce several types of products:

  • Sandy asphalt. The mixture is actively used for arranging pedestrian paths and sidewalks. The composition includes the following ingredients - sand, fine crushed stone (up to 5 mm), bitumen.
  • Fine-grained asphalt. Designed for arranging roadways. If the technology provides for the road surface to be covered in 2 layers, fine-grained asphalt acts as the second layer. The composition of the mixture is identical to sandy asphalt - the only difference is the size of the crushed stone (5-15 mm).
  • Coarse asphalt. Necessary for laying the first (inner) layer of road surface. Asphalt production technology involves the use of coarse crushed stone (20-40 mm).

The profit received by the enterprise will be greater if it offers consumers all types of asphalt mixture. There is no need to purchase additional equipment or extra expenses - the recipe simply varies, depending on the quality of the crushed stone.

Asphalt manufacturing technology

The asphalt production process is simple. By type of technology, hot, cold and warm asphalt are distinguished. The fundamental difference lies in the temperature to which the mass is heated when mixing the components. For example, when producing hot and warm asphalt, the heated components are added to the warm binder. But the technology for producing cold asphalt involves the use of only one heated component - either crushed stone or a binder.

The raw materials used to make asphalt are quite available on the construction market. Choose suppliers who are located geographically closer to the plant you are opening - this will reduce delivery costs.

Sales of hot-melt asphalt are in higher demand. How is it produced?

  • Sand, gravel, crushed stone are cleaned and dosed.
  • The components are heated to 2000 °C.
  • The raw materials are cooled to 1600 °C. Mineral powder and bitumen are added to the mixture to produce asphalt. Everything gets mixed up.
  • The finished asphalt is stored without loss of its properties at a temperature of 150-1800 °C.

Despite the simplicity of the technology, the enterprise will need to hire an experienced technologist. At each stage, strict quality control must be carried out - from the acceptance of raw materials to the provision of the necessary conditions for storing finished products.

What equipment to buy

When opening your own asphalt production business, you need to decide on the volume of supplies of finished products. And based on this, it is worth selecting equipment of one power or another. Already at the stage of developing a business plan, look for clients in order to at least have an approximate idea of ​​how many finished products you will have to produce in the future.

The best option for “young” enterprises would be to purchase a mini asphalt plant. These are mobile installations that allow you to produce asphalt mixture right at the road repair site - this will save you from the cost of delivering products. There are several types of asphalt production plants:

  • Trailed. Productivity - 3-40 t/h.
  • Trailer. Productivity - 40-150 t/h.
  • Containerized. Productivity - 120-400 t/h.

Mini asphalt plants of different types practically do not differ from each other in terms of design. The only difference here is the power. And it makes no sense for a beginning manufacturer to purchase high-power equipment - it will not be used “to its full potential”, and it will turn out that the money at the start was wasted. To minimize financial investments, start with a “simple” low-capacity installation. You can buy equipment for the production of low-capacity asphalt for 1,300,000-1,500,000 rubles. You'll save money by searching for deals on used units.

Mini-production of asphalt operates using the following types of equipment, which are included in the asphalt plant:

  • mixer,
  • bunkers for bulk components,
  • bins for mineral components,
  • bunker for the finished mixture,
  • screening and crushing machines,
  • devices for loading crushed stone and gravel,
  • heaters and pumps,
  • elevator.

More expensive equipment is also equipped with additional “components” that facilitate the process of producing asphalt mixtures - mini-boiler rooms; bunkers where production waste is “dumped”; fuel storage; mobile laboratory.

To be able to produce asphalt directly at the road laying site, you will need at least one front-end loader to load raw materials into bins - this, of course, cannot be done manually. The equipment costs even more than the asphalt production plant itself - about 2,000,000 rubles. For beginning entrepreneurs, it is more profitable to rent a forklift than to buy it, spending a lot of money at the start. The same applies to the transport that will transport the installation to the site - rent a car.

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Where to look for premises

If you plan to start the production of cast asphalt, you will need a large area. Here you will need to place the workshop itself, warehouses for storing raw materials, office and service premises. Beginners in this area of ​​business very rarely choose this option - the start-up costs are too high.

To place a mobile installation, large areas are not required. But the raw materials still need to be stored somewhere—the workshop needs to be converted into warehouses with optimal temperature and humidity levels. And these are also costs.

Profitability of the planned business

In general, you will spend at least 1,500,000 rubles to organize an asphalt manufacturing business. And this will be a small-capacity enterprise with a mobile installation!

The profitability of the mini-plant is quite high - all costs will pay off in 2-3 years. And this takes into account the fact that sales will not be carried out in the autumn-winter period. If you find customers who constantly require asphalt mix, your profits will be consistently high. Look for consumers among organizations responsible for the condition of municipal and federal roads, and contractors specializing in road repairs. Offer potential buyers more favorable conditions than your competitors - for example, free delivery of asphalt.

To make more profit, you can not only produce and sell asphalt, but also provide road repair services. In this case, you will need to hire workers.


There have always been and will be fans of mouth-watering and delicious sausages. Recently, there has been an increasing demand for good smoked meats and sausages. At the same time, there is an increase in the number of businessmen who want to earn a good income from this trend.

Budget line for the production of dry mixes MiniMIX 350

Sausage production is a fairly profitable business, and such a project pays off in literally three months. A novice entrepreneur should not be afraid of competitors represented by large enterprises producing similar products, since a small workshop can well count on the love of consumers thanks to the high, almost home-made quality of the finished product.

Where to begin?

First of all, it is necessary to build a model of the future business on paper. The development of the concept should include the selection of production premises and equipment for the implementation of the technological process, the study of the raw material base available in the region, and the analysis of opportunities for selling finished products on favorable terms. And if you are really interested in the production of sausages, then it is worth attracting professionals who have the relevant knowledge and experience in this field.

Premises for the future workshop

A good production facility can rightfully be called the foundation of a successful business. You should not look for it in former residential buildings, holiday homes, kindergartens, bathhouses - they will not meet the sanitary standards required for such enterprises.

A competent specialist in the field of meat processing will help you decide how to more rationally place the sausage production machine and other equipment. He will also give recommendations on the optimal placement of warehouses for bulk products, raw materials, processing departments, as well as the production workshop itself. The room should have a thermal separation and a pair of refrigeration chambers. In the first, the minced meat will be ripened, and in the second, the products will be stored.

Production requirements

The veterinary service requires that raw material shelves and finished products do not overlap. You will also need a special place for equipment and auxiliary materials. It will be necessary to equip a room in which the preparation and further storage of sodium nitrate will be carried out.

Domestic rooms - bathrooms, locker rooms, showers, washrooms and kitchens - must be equipped in full accordance with the requirements of sanitary services. The Sanitary Regulations for Meat Processing Establishments, which were issued in 1996, are currently in effect. The entire complex of equipment will require a room of 50 square meters or more.

Alternative option

The problem of choosing a premises is greatly simplified by purchasing a small mini-workshop directly in a container. Such a monoblock was created in compliance with all the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological stations; it is ready for installation and subsequent supply of communications on the site, which you can rent.

It is especially important to use such mini-workshops in rural areas, where it is quite difficult to find a production facility that meets the requirements.


Now it’s worth touching on such an important issue as the choice of equipment for sausage production. The minimum set of equipment in this case is quite significant. It begins with such a complex device as a boning table, where carcasses are cut using special knives, and then the meat is sorted and processed. You will also need meat grinders for the production of sausages, minced meat mixers and a cutter, which is used for the production of pates and premium products. Special syringes are used to stuff the shells with prepared minced meat.

Additional devices

Choosing equipment for sausage production also involves purchasing a unit such as a universal oven with a smoke generator. It is used to carry out all processes related to heat treatment - cooking, drying, frying, smoking, so you should take its purchase as seriously as possible.

It is worth noting that not only the correct choice of equipment for sausage production is important, but also the availability of personnel with appropriate qualifications. Here you cannot do without a technologist responsible for the quality of the finished product, a couple of butchers engaged in cutting carcasses, as well as a mechanic who takes on the tasks of servicing the equipment. The staff must also include support workers, an accountant and a freight forwarder.

Equipment costs

The device for producing sausage can be of domestic production, then such a technological line will cost about eight thousand dollars. Its capacity will be 200-250 kilograms of finished products.

The cost of an imported analogue will be from eighty thousand dollars or more, but such a production line is distinguished by its modern design, high quality of materials used, service capabilities, as well as widespread automation. Recently, conversion versions of Russian equipment have appeared on the market, which are almost as good as their imported counterparts. The final choice of equipment for sausage production depends on many factors, including the size of your starting capital.

About raw materials for production process

When purchasing raw materials, you need to remember one golden rule - the transaction must be documented. And here it doesn’t matter at all whether you buy meat, casings or binding threads - a certificate must be provided for all this, and all these documents must be genuine.

It is worth concluding an agreement with a sanitary or veterinarian, which will become insurance against unscrupulous entrepreneurs selling low-quality raw materials. Only an expert in the appearance of the carcass will be able to tell you how authentic the medical examination is provided to you, decipher the veterinary documentation attached to it, and also determine whose brand is on it.

There is another side to drawing up an agreement with a sanitary doctor: you will have a specialist as your ally, which will allow you to eliminate possible bias on the part of representatives of the veterinary and sanitary stations. This will allow you to count on loyalty and goodwill on their part. You can produce sausage casings yourself or buy ready-made ones.

Who will you be collaborating with?

In the domestic market, not only large companies, but also small farms act as suppliers of raw materials. When purchasing small quantities of raw materials from private manufacturers, medical examination is carried out in production. You can enter into an agreement with a small veterinary laboratory that operates in the nearest market, and its specialists will carry out all the required tests for a very affordable fee.

If we are talking about purchasing imported raw materials, then you may encounter some difficulties. To obtain an import permit, you need to go through a whole range of bureaucratic procedures. Thirty days in advance, the owner of the cargo must send a written appeal to local services controlled by the State Veterinary Supervision, which will list all the characteristics of the cargo, the purpose of import, and indicate the places of storage, processing, and temporary quarantine.

This cargo must be accompanied by a certificate and comply with interstate agreements adopted at the level of veterinary services. Experienced businessmen solve such issues through close cooperation with departmental regulatory authorities, for example, Gosvetnadzor, ROSTEST and others.

Expenditure part

The first costs that you will encounter if you want to open a sausage production are related to registering your future business. In this case we are talking about a small amount, only $700. At the initial stage, you may well be limited to renting premises of 50 square meters, for which the fee will be $300 every month.

Refrigeration chambers and equipment will cost approximately $12,000. To purchase the first batch of raw materials you will need 1.5 thousand. It turns out that by investing only 15 thousand dollars at the initial stage, it is quite possible to launch your own sausage production business.

Revenue part

Now it’s worth considering the profitability of this business. So, if you master the technology for producing boiled sausage, you will be able to produce about a quarter of a ton of product per shift. This requires 68 kilograms of pork and 160 kilograms of beef. The purchase of raw materials in this case will require a cost of $360, and the resulting products can be sold for $680.

If you organize the work of the workshop daily in two shifts, then the mastered technology for the production of boiled sausage will allow you to receive a profit of 17 thousand dollars per month. If we take into account all current expenses, namely: the purchase of raw materials, employee salaries and utility bills, then the net income will be 5 thousand dollars every month. It turns out that the equipment will pay for itself after three months, after which your workshop will achieve a stable profit.

Manufacturing process

Naturally, the production of products in this case is carried out after passing through a number of stages. It is clear that producing sausage at home is much simpler, but in this case we are considering a workshop, so it is worth assessing all stages of the work.

The first stage is the cutting of carcasses or half-carcasses, which is carried out on a hanging path or a special table. In this case, electric saws or band saws are used. When deboning of the meat and separation of fat and muscle fibers from the bone is completed, the meat is fed to cutting presses. Tender knives are designed to separate small bones, cartilage, and rough tissue compounds that are not suitable for food from meat.

Dry building mixtures are very widely used in the construction of buildings themselves, and also, this type of aggregate state is optimal for interior and exterior finishing materials. The dry mixture is very convenient for delivery, going through all stages of sale, and using directly for its intended purpose. They are ready for use, you just need to add the required amount of water and building mixture before use and it turns into a finished material.

The production of building mixtures begins with a mining enterprise. With their help, the necessary components are extracted from deposits, and it is they that will be used further as raw materials.

Equipment for the production of building mixtures

To organize the production of building mixtures, it is necessary to have a whole variety of crushing machines that can progressively make the necessary powder from large blocks of delivered mineral. Crushing machines are selected individually for each manufacturing technology. Manufacturers of such machines will not only be able to offer the most suitable ones, but will also have the opportunity to choose conveyor lines. They are an important element for a fast production process.

List of main equipment for the production of building mixtures:

  • Mixer;
  • Packing hopper and auger;
  • Drying for sand;
  • Vibrating sieve for sifting;
  • Electronic scales;
  • Commodity scales.

Dry mix production technology + video

Standard building mixtures usually consist of the following two components:

  • Cement;
  • Sand.

Their shares vary depending on the brand of cement and the desired brand of the finished product - usually M150 or M200.

If you add surfactants (surfactants) to this list, then this mixture can already be used for flooring or tiling. Surfactants make the finished solution more plastic.

Surfactants are capable of increasing surface tension at the phase interface, for example, at the phase-solid, water-air interfaces. The smallest particles of the surfactant are adsorbed, in other words, they bind firmly to the internal surface of the interface between the bodies, forming molecular layers one molecule thick on these surfaces.

Video of how building mixtures are made at a mini-factory:

The size of this adsorption layer is related to the diameter of the cement particle, just as the thickness of a match is related to the height of a 30-story building. However, the use of surfactant additives in small doses to cement systems significantly changes their properties. Surface-active additives used in the production of building mixtures can be divided into three groups according to their determining effect on cement systems:

  • Hydrophilizing;
  • Hydrophobizing;
  • Air-entraining.

Hydrophilizing additives When mixing the binder with water, they are capable of preventing the adhesion of individual cement particles to each other for a certain period of time. In this case, the coagulation of neoplasms slows down somewhat, that is, at the same time, a certain amount of water is released, which usually gets stuck in the coagulation structures. For this reason, the required workability of the building mixture with the additive is achieved with less mixing water than without the additive.

The most widely used in the practice of preparing cement concretes and mortars are hydrophilic additives based on lignosulfates-sulfite-yeast mash (SYB). It is capable of somewhat slowing down the hardening of concrete at an early age and therefore concrete factories use it in combination with additives that accelerate the hardening of building mixtures.

Superplasticizers - new effective thinners for concrete mixtures - in most cases are synthetic polymers - derivatives of melamine resin or naphthalene sulfonic acid. They use superplasticizer S-3 (NIIZhB) - based on naphthalene sulfonic acid, superplasticizer 10-03 (VNIIZhelezobeton) - a condensation product of sulfonated melamine with formaldehyde, etc. When a superplasticizer is introduced into a concrete mixture, its mobility and fluidity sharply increases.

Acting on the construction mixture, usually within 2...3 hours from the moment of introduction, superplasticizers under the influence of an alkaline environment undergo partial destruction and turn into other substances that are harmless to concrete and do not inhibit the hardening process. Superplasticizers introduced into the building mixture in an amount of 0.15...1.2% by weight of cement dilute the building mixture to a greater extent than conventional plasticizers. The plasticizing effect persists, as a rule, 1...2 hours after the introduction of the surfactant, and after 2...3 hours it is already insignificant.

Superplasticizers are used in the production of building mixtures, either alone or in combination with other additives, for example, sulfite-yeast mash (SYB) and nitrite-nitrate-calcium chloride (NNHK). When using a complex additive, the content of each of them is: “10-03” - 0.3-1.2%; NNHK - 1.5...2.5% and SDB - 0.1...1.15% by weight of cement.

Superplasticizers make it possible to significantly reduce the W/C, increase the mobility of the solution, and produce high-strength products saturated with reinforcement from isoplastic building mixtures.

Hydrophobizing additives, as a rule, significantly increase the non-segregation and cohesion of the concrete (mortar) mixture at rest. Under the influence of external mechanical factors (during mixing, laying, etc.), a concrete or mortar building mixture with an additive is characterized by increased plasticity. This property of water-repellent building mixtures is explained by the specific lubricating effect of the thinnest layers of surfactants distributed in the solution.

In addition, these additives protect cements from rapid loss of activity during transportation or storage. Previously, mainly natural products were used as hydrophobizing surfactants - some animal fats, aleic and stearic acids. The development of the chemical industry has made it possible to widely use new water-repellent additives in production - bitumen dispersions (emulsions and emulsions), naphthenic acids and their salts, oxidized, synthetic fatty acids and their bottom residues, organosilicon polymers, etc.

Air-entraining additives make it possible to obtain concrete (mortar) mixtures with some additional amount of air. To increase the plasticity of the building mixture, the volume of binder dough is usually increased. By entraining air, the volume of the binder dough increases without introducing excess cement. Therefore, the workability of such a system increases.

In addition, air-entraining surfactants also form oriented layers that are lubricatingly active. Air-entraining additives based on resin acids are widely used: neutralized air-entraining resin (SNV), saponified wood pitch, etc.

Cement hardening accelerators that increase the increase in concrete strength, especially in the early stages, include calcium chloride, sodium sulfate, calcium nitrite-nitrate-chloride, etc.

The effect of calcium chloride on increasing the strength of concrete is explained by its catalytic effect on the hydration of C3S and C2S, as well as its reaction with C3A and C4AF. Hardening accelerators are not recommended for use in reinforced concrete structures and prestressed products with a reinforcement diameter of less than 5 mm and for autoclave-hardening products operating in an environment with a humidity of more than 60%. Sodium sulfate can cause efflorescence on products.

In nitrite-nitrate-chloridecalcium, the accelerating effect of chloride is combined with the inhibitory effect of calcium nitrate. Antifreeze additives - potash, sodium chloride, calcium chloride and others - lower the freezing point of water, which contributes to the hardening of concrete at subzero temperatures. To slow down setting, sugar molasses and SDB, GKZh-10 and GKZh-94 are used.

Foam and gas formers are used for the production of cellular concrete. Foaming agents include glue rosin, resin-saponin, aluminosulfonaphthenic additives, as well as the foaming agent HA. Aluminum powder PAK-3 and PAK-4 are used as gas generators.

Combined surfactants, for example plasticizer SDB, hardening accelerator (calcium chloride) with an inhibitor (sodium nitrate), help save cement. At the same time, the hardening accelerator neutralizes some slowdown in hardening of the finished building mixture at an early age.

Special additives ensure the production of waterproof mortars or concretes, regulate setting times, etc.

During the preparation of concrete building mixtures, the following types of chemical surfactants are added, which can improve the characteristics of future concrete and at the same time reduce cement consumption during production:

  1. Individual - surfactants, electrolytes, polymer resins and others.
  2. Complex - surfactants (SDB+GKZh-94, SDB+SNV and others), complex electrolytes of the following compounds (NNK+NNHK).
  3. Complex - surfactants and electrolytes (SDB+Na2SO4; SDB+NNHK, SDB+Na2SO4; SDB+NaNO3 and others).

Surfactants are also used quite widely in the form of plasticizing additives, which not only save cement but also intensify the hardening process. Also, through the use of plasticizers, it is possible to reduce energy costs when preparing concrete mixtures. The use of surfactants in rational and strictly dosed quantities allows one to reduce energy consumption during the preparation of concrete mixtures by up to 50 percent.

Superplasticizers S-3, NIL-10, S-4,10-03, KMB and others are widely used in the production of building mixtures, along with other types of additives. The use of such plasticizers makes it possible to significantly increase the strength of concrete, reduce the water requirement of the concrete mass without reducing mobility and workability. The use of superplasticizer 10-03 showed that the workability of the concrete mixture increases 7 times.

By reducing the proportion of cement and using the same plasticizer 10-03, the water requirement of the concrete mass is halved. The strength of the concrete mass, after daily hardening, increases to approximately 70 percent, and with heat treatment up to 20 percent.

Superplasticizers are prepared on the basis of melamine-formaldehyde resins. Also based on condensation products of naphthalene sulfonic acid, formaldehyde, modified with lignosulfonates. Along with these superplasticizers, concrete production plants actively use cheaper plasticizers.

In particular, cheaper calcium chloride is widely used as a surfactant in construction mixtures as an accelerator for the hardening of binders. But such a plasticizer causes corrosion of steel reinforcement and reduces the durability of concrete (cement stone) in a sulfate environment. Therefore, the use of such an additive in concrete is limited.

Sodium sulfate is used primarily in the heat-and-moisture treatment of concrete. The use of sodium sulfate reduces cement consumption by up to 10 percent, and also reduces the time of heat-and-moisture treatment of concrete; the treatment cycle can be reduced by 20 to 30 percent.

Sodium nitrate is also used mainly in the heat-and-moisture treatment of building mixtures. The use of sodium nitrate together with the plasticizer SDB reduces the steaming time to 25%, and cement consumption is reduced to 14%. To increase the water permeability of concrete, calcium nitrate is added to the concrete composition.

Complex Supplements mainly affect such important characteristics of the building mixture as the growth rate of the strength of the future concrete, mobility, setting time, shrinkage, frost resistance, corrosion resistance and others.

The use of complex additives in building mixtures is mainly due to the need to reduce corrosion of steel reinforcement, shrinkage, and the possibility of increasing strength. The introduction of a complex of salts such as CaCl2 + NaNO2 makes it possible to almost completely eliminate corrosion of steel reinforcement. Corrosion of reinforcement in concrete occurs due to aggressive chlorine ions, which are regulated by CaCl2 + NaNO2 salts. To increase strength, calcium chloride is added to the building mixture.

The use of Na2SO4 (from 0.8 to 1.2%) together with SDB (0.15...0.2%) when using cassette technology significantly reduces cement consumption - from 8 to 10 percent. SDB+NaOH also allows you to save cement and reduce the time spent on steaming concrete products. The effect of cement consumption on the strength of steamed concrete with additives: KCl + (0.5 + 1.2)% Na2SO4 and Na2S2O3 + (0.7 + 1)% Na2SO4 and others is shown in Table-1.

Table 1. Influence of the type and amount of complex additives on cement consumption

They make it possible to reduce cement consumption from 350 to 298 kg/m³, that is, save up to 15% of binder while maintaining the tempering and grade strength of concrete. Due to the limited supply of electrolytes to the construction industry, their use in combination with surfactants is of great importance. At the same time, the effectiveness of chemical additives sharply increases and the required amount of electrolytes is reduced by 3...6 times.

When using nitrite-nitrate-calcium chloride (NCNC) in an amount of 2...3% by weight of cement, the specified mobility of the concrete mixture is achieved with less (6.1...6.5%) cement consumption. When using 0.5% NNKhK there is no plasticizing effect. The use of a complex additive of SDB and 0.5% NNHK has a strong plasticizing effect and allows not only to reduce cement consumption by 10% but also to reduce the hardness of the mixture from 19 to 10 s.

The introduction of surfactants and NHK improves the technological properties of concrete. When complex additives are introduced into concrete (with a corresponding reduction in cement consumption by 9...12%), concrete with F 500...F 1000 is obtained, which increases the service life of structures. The maximum amount of plasticizing additives per dry matter is given in Table 2.

  • SNV, SPD, CINPS 1-0.005…0.025;
  • KM, BS, GK, SMPN-0.05...0.15;
  • GKZh-94-0.06…0.08 (consumption is based on dry matter).

Modern dry construction mixtures are ready-made compositions that can be used after preliminary mixing with water.

In this way, ready-made plaster, waterproofing material, adhesives for ceramic tiles or decorative stone (natural or artificial), grout for construction joints and much more are obtained.

Application area

Equipment for the production of dry building mixtures makes it possible to obtain materials whose scope of use is quite extensive:

  • installation of structures during construction;
  • construction of masonry;
  • interior finishing of surfaces (ceilings and walls);
  • building cladding;
  • production of cast construction products;
  • sealing seams and joints that appear during work.

Production methods

The main components of ready-made building mixtures are cement, quartz (or sand), limestone (chalk), and various additives that provide the necessary properties to the finished product. When mixing, it is important to use powdered components, as this ensures a high-quality material.

The equipment itself for the production of dry construction mixtures is low in cost. The advantages also include ease of operation and reliability. The manufacturer can independently choose any manufacturing option he likes. For example:

  • focus on the production of small quantities of inexpensive mixtures with a small number of additives;
  • to establish high-performance production of dry building compositions using many additional components.

The layout of equipment for the production of dry construction mixtures will be different in each case. Namely, different types of mixers are used, there are differences in the configuration of machines and mechanisms.

What does the production line consist of?

The simplest equipment layout looks like this:

  1. Filler with automated feeding system. There is a storage bin nearby for ingredients.
  2. Dryer.
  3. Mixer. There is also a system that provides weight dosage of components.
  4. Dust collector.
  5. Filling machine for finished products.

If it is necessary to install a high-performance line, slightly different equipment is selected for the production of dry building mixtures:

  1. Containers for storing main ingredients, additives and fillers.
  2. A silo equipped with a component supply system. Be sure to provide a system for weight dosage of components.
  3. Dryer.
  4. Transporters.
  5. Mixer.
  6. Dust collector.
  7. Packing machine.
  8. Finished product transportation unit.
  9. Automatic equipment control system that regulates the rotation speed of mechanisms and the speed of conveyors.

How does a line for the production of dry building mixtures work?

The sand enters the drying chamber, where, when exposed to high temperatures, it gets rid of excess moisture. The ingredient is then sifted and placed in a storage hopper. At the same time, cement is loaded into a separate receiving container. A third bin is installed for auxiliary materials that act as fillers.

The automatic process control system is based on a mixture preparation recipe, which is entered into the computer in advance. After the main components (sand and cement) have been added, the fillers are measured by hand.

The mixing process is carried out by shafts with blades that rotate inside the mixer and actively move the layers of ingredients. The finished mixture is unloaded into a packaging hopper, where it is distributed into bags or bags. The production process necessarily involves a dust collector, which absorbs the released dust and gases. This makes it possible to improve the working conditions of workers in the workshop.

It is important to note that the equipment is constantly being improved, and this makes it possible to reduce the cost of finished products, increase their output and make working conditions more comfortable and safe.

The development of construction technologies has led to the fact that any work in this area is carried out using building mixtures prepared for a specific type of work. Separately for wall cladding, construction, finishing and more. As practice shows, such differentiation improves the quality of work and its efficiency. Therefore, dry construction mixtures are always in demand during construction work.

Benefits of using dry mixes

In short, the main advantages of using dry mixes are:

  1. Significant savings in time and space. There is no need to waste time preparing dry mixtures for specific jobs or storing components at the construction site.
  2. Each manufacturer can produce a mixture of any complexity to suit individual customer requests.
  3. The material is prepared exactly in the quantity required for a given amount of work. This eliminates the loss of raw materials.
  4. Saving on logistics costs - no need to constantly deliver new solution and worry about its quality during transportation.
  5. The mixtures are of high quality, since their production technology allows you to strictly adhere to the established recipe.

Types of dry mixtures

Before you start a business, you need to understand it a little. In particular, study what types of dry mixes there are and which of them are most in demand on the market. As already mentioned, the recipe depends on the type of work for which the mixture will be used. Also, the composition of the components varies depending on the requirements for resistance to temperature changes, humidity, strength and other parameters.

The composition of dry mixtures includes the following four main components:

  • mineral binders;
  • special additives (usually to retain moisture);
  • inert fillers;
  • polymer binders.

The classification of dry mixtures is based on:

  • type of binder filler (with and without cement);
  • its dispersion (having coarse grains, up to 2.5 mm or fine grains, up to 0.315 mm);
  • purpose of products.

What to build a business with

You need to develop your business by producing the most popular mixtures in your region. It is worth studying in advance what kind of construction work is being carried out in your region, what type of dry mixes is most in demand, and its required volumes. But as a general rule, the most popular material is the following:

  • gypsum plasters;
  • mounting mixtures;
  • various putties;
  • compositions for self-leveling floors;
  • waterproofing mixtures;
  • compositions for cement screed;
  • various kinds of adhesives (wallpaper, tiles, facade).

Mixture composition

The components of any mixture are the following three main components:

  • binders;
  • fillers;
  • functional additives.

The characteristics of the final mixture depend on what specific raw materials are taken and what proportions are used. The exact recipe is usually developed separately by each manufacturer and kept secret.

The binders usually used are:

  • minerals - gypsum, lime, cement (aluminum, silicate);
  • organic derivatives - cellulose ethers that dissolve in water, polymer powder;
  • organo-mineral complexes – polymer silicate and polymer cement.

The fillers used are slag, ash, dolomite, quartz, limestone, marble or stone waste.

Functional additives are used depending on the characteristics of the mixture that need to be achieved. Additives can give it special strength, increase drying speed, degree of thickening, moisture resistance, etc.

Production technology

Briefly, the production technology of dry mixtures goes through the following stages:

  • preparation and handling of components;
  • sifting components;
  • loading material into supply bins;
  • dosage of raw materials;
  • mixing;
  • packaging;
  • storage.

To be frank, the production technology, despite the variability of the final material, remained the same. The basis of this material is sand and cement. First, sand is poured into the drying drum. There it is periodically scrolled and, as it dries, poured onto a vibrating sieve. Here it is screened into fractions: fine, medium and coarse sand.

As the auger accumulates sand of the required fraction, the automated equipment stops. The sand is loaded into a storage bin, a forklift takes it to a cement storage bin, where all the necessary additional substances are added. The technology involves complete automation of production, so the output material is of high quality. After thorough mixing, the system moves the mixture into a filling hopper and packs it in special paper bags. This completes the technology for producing the mixture. The material is stored for storage or delivered to the customer.


The technological process is simple if you work with special equipment. The market offers a lot of production lines of various configurations. But it is better to decide on them in advance, since the requirements for the premises, which are included in the business plan, depend on this.

If you are building a business from scratch, you can purchase a minimum kit that will take approximately 50 square meters. m and will require a room with a ceiling height of 7 m. A medium-sized business will require an area of ​​at least 120 sq. m. m., of which approximately 50 sq. m is allocated for storage, and the rest for equipment.

The room renovation plan should include the installation of a good exhaust hood, as well as heating, so that the temperature in the room is maintained at approximately 16-18 o C.

Equipment for the production of building mixtures

One of the main issues that your business plan must address is the purchase of equipment. As a rule, a fully equipped production line is purchased immediately. It includes:

  • mixer;
  • auger and filling hopper;
  • lift;
  • dispenser;
  • drying for sand;
  • work site;
  • vibrating sieve;
  • the auger is automatic.

Separately, the procurement plan must include Euro pallets, tools, commodity and electronic scales.

How much money to include in the spending plan for such a line depends on its configuration and functionality. For example, a line with a capacity of 5 tons of mixture per hour will cost 1.6 million rubles. But the packaging stage is carried out semi-automatically. When purchasing a line with a capacity of 10 tons, its price will also double.

Raw materials

The business plan necessarily includes the costs of purchasing raw materials and paying staff. The most expensive raw materials will be modifying additives. In addition to them, you need to purchase hydrated lime, calcium carbonate, quartz sand, gray and white Portland cement. The cost plan for raw materials should be calculated based on the cost of 10-170 rubles. per kilogram of each component.

Few raw materials are produced in our country. If we are talking about expensive additives, they are not produced at all. The material will have to be purchased abroad, where the production of such raw materials has been going on for decades. But in any case, the technologist must check each batch for the required properties. In addition, it is advisable to require a certificate of conformity from the supplier for each component. You will need them to obtain the appropriate certificate for the final product.

Production personnel

If you plan to work in one shift, it will require the following number of personnel:

  • dosing and mixing station worker;
  • loader;
  • packer;
  • master technologist

The work of a technologist is the most expensive, since he develops the composition of the mixtures on which your business will mainly depend. He also decides which suppliers to work with depending on the quality of raw materials they offer.

Sales of finished products

Before you start working to order, you need to develop a client base. To do this, you need to work closely at the initial stage on its formation and search for sales channels.

A sales plan can be formed based on the following sales channels:

  • specialized online stores;
  • Retail Stores;
  • markets;
  • construction companies;
  • intermediaries.

At first, the equipment will operate at approximately 50% capacity so that the goods do not become stale, since it will be difficult to immediately make a sales plan. Moreover, due to the high competition in the market, entering it will not be easy. Please note that transporting mixtures further than 300 km from the production site is not economically profitable. Therefore, you need to focus on your region.

As practice shows, from about the third month of operation of the enterprise, the production plan can be increased to 12 tons per shift. But such productivity can be achieved if you offer a wide range of products and produce each item in the shortest possible time. Of course, without compromising quality and price.

Sales of goods have some seasonality. Since construction and renovation work subsides from November to March, interest in products also drops noticeably.

Business formalities

The business must be legally registered. It is advisable to choose a form of organization such as an LLC. In this case, you will be able to take large orders from enterprises that usually work only with legal entities.

For the workshop to operate, the premises must be brought into compliance with the standards of the fire inspection and sanitary-epidemiological service. After checking for compliance, they will issue you special certificates.

Product certification

Today the law does not require mandatory certification of this type of product. Whether to receive it or not is voluntary. But if you plan to participate in tenders of large organizations, you simply need such a document. There are two options for getting out of this situation.

You can issue a refusal letter for the goods. This is a document that confirms that this type of product is not subject to certification in accordance with current regulations. But according to market operators, when participating in tenders, preference is given to those who have such certificates.

The entrepreneur himself decides whether to issue a certificate of conformity or not. But we must take into account that this is an additional expense item.

Economic calculation

The expenditure part consists of the following items:

  • rental premises - from 18 thousand rubles. per month;
  • production line – from 1.6 million rubles;
  • logistics – from 200 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of raw materials – 400 thousand rubles. (for two months of work);
  • wages and other expenses – 100 thousand rubles.

In total, to launch a production line with a capacity of about 12 tons of products per shift, approximately 2.5 million rubles will be required.

The cost of a bag of dry mixture weighing 25 kg is about 60 rubles. 480 of these bags can be produced per shift. That is, you can produce products worth 22 thousand rubles per day. To this amount you need to add 4 thousand rubles. production costs. That is, 26 thousand rubles will be required per day. for the production of goods. The cost of a bag is on average 160 rubles. This means that you can earn 72 thousand rubles per day for 480 bags.

As practice shows, the profitability of such production remains at 150%. If you actively work to find distribution channels, you can return your investment in 3-4 months. On average, the payback period is six months.