What signs should be remembered if a swallow has built a nest in a house or under a roof. Poems “How birds settled under our roof” (Introduction to the natural world) Perform parsing of the sentence swallows build nests

Birds can be harbingers of good and disturbing events, it all depends on which bird flew into the house and under what circumstances it happened. One of the old beliefs is associated with swallows - small agile black birds. People used to watch natural phenomena and could easily explain to us why the swallows make nests under our roof, and what signs are connected with this.

In Slavic culture, birds have a special relationship: it was believed that these winged creatures could be in the upper world (in the sky), they have the ability to predict the future. The Germans consider swallows to be sacred birds, but the Irish, on the contrary, believe that swallows are evil birds with a devilish mark on their tail.

If hard-working swallows began to make a nest under the roof of your house, this is good sign. This means that the owners of this dwelling should count on well-being and prosperity.

If until that time the family was going through difficult times, then the appearance of a nest of swallows under the roof of the house is a good sign, a harbinger of the fact that difficulties have passed and a calm stage of life lies ahead.

If you notice that a nest of swallows has appeared on the roof of your house, it means that good luck will accompany you in business.

Our ancestors believed that luck would become a constant companion if swallows made their nest on the roof of the house and began to breed chicks there. If the inhabitants of the house dream of replenishment in the family, then the appearance of a swallow's nest on the roof predicts the birth of a long-awaited baby.

If the swallows managed to make a nest in the house itself, this is also a good sign. This means that the birds feel the positive energy of this home.

For the owners of the house, the presence of swallows grants well-being. It is worth being more attentive to the behavior of birds: if a guest comes to the house with unkind hidden intentions, then the swallows can react to his appearance with noise, start fussing and flying anxiously, either leaving the nest or returning.

If suddenly it so happened that the swallows built a nest in a barn or a granary, this means that your business affairs will go smoothly. The harvest in the coming year will be rich, and domestic animals will bring many offspring.

If an unmarried girl lives in the house, then she can regard the appearance of a nest of swallows above the window as follows: changes are coming in her life. family life, a marriage proposal will soon follow.

For a married couple, the appearance of a swallow's nest above the window promises an addition to the family.. If a bird's nest was blinded on the window of a house where older people live, then this can be regarded as a good sign: a calm old age in abundance and attention from relatives.

In the population of these birds there is a species that is called just that: city swallows. If such God's birds have made a nest on your balcony, then regard this as a good prophecy and expect changes for the better.

It is considered a bad omen to drive away the birds, to prevent them from building a nest.. A person who has committed such an offense in the future may expect misfortunes and troubles in everyday affairs.

The sign that it is impossible to destroy bird nests has been going on since ancient times, when people lived in unity with nature.

This sign is preserved to this day: if you destroy the nest of swallows, you can bring misfortune on your house, and illness on yourself. Luck will turn away from the person who treated the birds so cruelly - God's creatures.

So that the best solutionit is not to touch the nest, not to get too close to it and just watch the nimble birds and their funny chicks, to get aesthetic pleasure from this.

If the swallows suddenly left their nest, then this is an alarming sign.: it is possible that fatal changes are coming in the life of the inhabitants of the house. But you should not despair: maybe the swallows left the nest because they have already raised their chicks.

If you watch your feathered neighbors, you will surely understand this when you see the grown chicks. What to do with an empty nest is a master's business. Someone takes it off and burns it, and someone leaves it until better times: it is possible that next time the birds will return to the nest they carefully built, which means that life goes on and you can count on the best.

If you saw a swallow's nest in a dream, then this is also a good sign.. Different dream books interpret sleep differently, but the meaning is favorable almost everywhere. Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov promises the dreamer joy, engagement or marriage. Dream Interpretation Hasse promises happiness and unexpected joy. The love dream book says that if in a dream a swallow builds a nest, then this is a housewarming party.

If swallows build their nests under our roof, these are signs of good luck. In various traditions, swallows are represented both as representatives of all the best, and as carriers of evil forces. For example, according to Irish superstitions, swallows are servants of elves who kidnap children. Of course, the signs associated with the swallow in this case are devoid of cheerfulness, which is characteristic of the signs of the northern peoples.

But the signs agree on one thing - swallows would never make a nest in a bad place, next to bad people. In exchange for protection and shelter, they offer good luck, ease of business, happiness. But don't relax. According to many signs, they simply lull their vigilance in order to look out for and steal your main treasure - beautiful children born in love, prosperity and joy. For the Slavic peoples and for Greece, swallows are sacred birds that bring spring, joy and good luck.

Main signs

  • Swallows have chosen a place next to the window for a nest - everything is fine with you, luck will accompany you in absolutely all your endeavors. For girls, this sign is considered a messenger of an early happy marriage.
  • A nest on outbuildings, in a garage - success in business.
  • Destroy the nest - to trouble. If there are chicks in the nest, serious problems can be expected for the whole family.
  • Drive away or frighten away the birds - voluntarily give up your own luck.
  • If the birds left the unfinished nest - a reason to be careful and careful. Perhaps trouble is coming. But it is more likely that the chicks have already hatched and have flown away.
  • The Germanic peoples believed that if a person with bad intentions entered the house, the birds would raise a noise. Signs say that a bad person has a severe headache from the cries of birds.
  • In some cases, birds enter the house and begin to build a nest right in the house. If possible, do not interfere with them, especially if the construction is already completed. Birds are quite loyal to people and calmly relate to the neighborhood. You will be able to observe the process of feeding the chicks and, at the same time, get rid of insects and pests. It is useless to feed the birds - they feed on live insects and catch them in fantastic quantities. If a bird has built a nest indoors, do not drive it away, according to signs, you can bring trouble on yourself.
  • Swallows make a nest - to happy changes in life. If there was a difficult period, it will end.
  • According to some signs, nests protect the home from lightning, fire, and destruction.

Is it possible to lure luck

  • Swallows - migratory birds, they arrive at the height of spring, when it is already warm, grasses bloom and midges fly. Fast and swift birds catch insects on the fly, have sharp eyesight and excellent coordination. If birds begin to curl around the house, it is likely that they are looking for a suitable place for breeding.
  • Joyful cries and greetings, colorful ribbons, bells, with which many meet migratory birds, can scare away the birds and make them choose another place for nesting.
  • It is believed that the most attractive houses for building a nest are neat, clean. The Germans believe that the swallow's nest under the roof is the best proof of the integrity and hard work of the family.
  • If the birds left the house for no explainable reason, this may be a sign that something bad may happen. According to some signs, people would also do well to leave their homes for a couple of weeks, locking the bolts tightly, checking the wiring and taking other precautions.
  • Returning a fallen chick to the nest is a good deed.

What to do with an abandoned nest

living in middle lane birds build nests from clay, feathers, improvised materials - hay, straw, thin branches. From the inside, the space is usually lined with soft and delicate fluff. If you have heard about the delicacy "swallow's nest" - then this is not about that at all. The nests of our swallows are inedible. But in China, in one of the provinces, there is a species of swallows that uses only saliva to build a nest. Here their nests are mined by brave climbers, boiled by skillful Chinese chefs, and this delicacy is considered to restore health, male potency, and restore youth. The taste is rather bland, you will not get pleasure from eating.

An abandoned nest can be removed after the birds have flown away. You can leave, it is likely that the birds will want to settle in the old place. In some villages, it is a common custom to use clay from nests for various medicinal purposes - for poultices, compresses, in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism. Sometimes the nests are crushed and added to the patient's food or drink. But ordinary clay from the river bank is no worse.

According to the main signs, it is better not to touch the finished bird house even after the residents leave it.

A stone from an abandoned nest, if carried with you, will bring good luck.

Anyone who has seen a fire at least once knows that it is very scary. And what could be worse if YOUR house is on fire, when everything acquired over the years turns into firebrands. But it is no less terrible to live under the threat of a fire, to know that your apartment can catch fire at any second, and you are powerless to do anything in this situation.
A small one-room apartment in building No. 8, burned to the ground, gaped with empty window openings. The firefighters had already left, but the excited residents of the entrance were all crowding in the yard, discussing something vigorously. The passions boiled over and splashed out. The owner of the burned-out apartment was also here, being in some prostration. Her version of what happened - it caught fire. Neighbors immediately denied this version. Although they actively participated in the rescue of the hostess. She, in a deranged state, they dragged her out of a smoky apartment, thereby saving her life.
However, the neighbors were not particularly happy that, although the apartment burned down, the hostess was alive. And there are reasons for that. This sad story began about 10 years ago, when Yulia settled in house number 8. Since then, the quiet life in the entrance has ended.
In addition to regularly arranged fires, Yulia Nikolaevna leads, to put it mildly, an anti-social lifestyle. There is no electricity, no gas, no water in the apartment - everything has long been turned off for non-payment. According to her closest neighbor Antonina Alekseevna, complete unsanitary conditions reign in the room, an unpleasant smell and clouds of flies and cockroaches spread around. The hostess herself has long been suffering from a disease that doctors delicately call pediculosis, and among the people - lice. In addition, Yulia Nikolaevna is systematically visited by impartial-looking individuals who do not evoke good feelings among the neighbors. Living under the yoke of the thought that at any moment a fire will break out in the entrance, a drunken brawl or stabbing is undoubtedly very difficult. It is even harder to make endless repairs after regular floods, as neighbors downstairs do.
How to get rid of the ill-fated neighborhood, the tenants have no idea. Although they do their best to do so. Write statements and complaints. And although, according to them, there are no shifts in this direction, the lawyer of the housing fund claims the opposite.
He claims that the residents of the house number 8 had to be patient and wait. Wait, hoping that while the state machine is spinning up, the 17th apartment will not flare up like a candle, that the children will not pick up some kind of infection from Yulia Nikolaevna and others like her in the entrance, and Yulia Nikolaevna herself will not fall out of the open windows are in disrepair. By the way, she is not alone in her addictions. Housing Fund may soon have to collect papers on her neighbor from apartment number 9, who, according to the residents of the entrance, is also a drunk smoker in bed.
Passions for Yulia subsided a little, Yulia Nikolaevna herself calmly went home to fill up. The wipers will big job

Margarita Nikitina
Poems “How birds settled under our roof” (Introduction to the natural world)

Like under our roof

The birds settled

A pair of nimble sparrows

They built their nest there.

From twigs, blades of grass,

From herbs and villi.

sparrow parents,

fluff up the feathers,

Sat in that nest.

And soon, soon

There was an addition

Chicks hatched -

To everyone's surprise!

Now there's more trouble

At our sparrows:

From morning until dusk -

They fly, they carry in their beaks,

Now butterflies, then caterpillars,

Now midges, then worms.

And little chicks

They squeak and pull their necks,

And delicious food

They swallow quickly.

The chicks grew and grew stronger

It's time for sparrows

Get your own food.

And to catch a bug

After all, you have to fly.

And grown chicks

Cleaning your feathers

spreading your wings,

Fluttered from the nest.

Everything is interesting for chicks,

Everything you want to know:

What grains can

Peck off the trails

Whom to fear - to hide,

And where to catch.

And teaches the mind

Their mother sparrow.

The warm summer has passed

The days are getting shorter

Insects gone

And it's raining alone.

Birds flock south

The hedgehog insulates his bedroom.

Behind the colorful, bright autumn

Soft, easy step

Winter came with frost

With frost, snowdrifts

Yes, with an ice blizzard

Until April.

How hard it is

For the poor little birds

In the evil cold of winter

Get some food.

Therefore, about birds

Don't forget!

Therefore they need

help in winter:

Make feeders

Pour food into them:

Millet - sparrows,

Well, salsa - titmouse,

dried berries -

Beautiful snowmen.

To not freeze birdies,

To spring and summer

helped us:

They pecked at harmful caterpillars,

And butterflies - cabbage,

And black aphids

To rejoice with singing,

nature awakening.

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