How to promote your channel on YouTube. How to quickly and inexpensively promote your YouTube channel

“I want to tell you what and how you need to do to make your channel successful in the future. Today I will give you instructions on how to how to promote a channel for freeYouTube And how to gain subscribers to your channel.

I would like to make a reservation right away: for those who value personal time very much, or simply don’t have it, there is also a way out. Do you need views, likes, comments under the video, subscribers to the channel, all this without labor costs and in the shortest possible time? The promotion and promotion service will help you - Soclike. Only effective methods, democratic prices and, of course, complete confidentiality of cooperation.

I won’t talk about how to create a channel on YouTube and design it beautifully, there’s simply no point in repeating yourself, it’s better to watch a video tutorial about this from Evgeny Popov (link is at the end of the article).

So, how can you gain subscribers on YouTube for free?

  1. Using annotations in videos.
  2. The call to subscribe is in the video itself.
  3. Friendly recommendations.
  4. Personal invitations.
  5. The “I can’t live without you” method.
  6. Commenting in other channels.

And now more details about each method.

  1. Video annotations

Using annotations in the video itself increases subscriber conversion on your YouTube channel. It is a fact. Annotations are used by many advanced YouTubers.

annotation– this is a clickable message that appears in the video itself and contains some message for the viewer, for example:

"Subscribe for new videos, click here"

“Subscribe to new videos and be the first”

Annotations are added in your YouTube channel in the Video Manager section.

  1. The call to subscribe is in the video itself.

The essence of the method is that in the video itself you should encourage people to subscribe to your YouTube channel. For example, at the beginning of the video (and this is important, because not everyone makes it to the end of the video) you say the following:

“Good afternoon my dear viewers. Today I will talk about so-and-so. And before I start my story, I will share useful information, please subscribe to my channel if you have not already subscribed. To do this, click on this button (you show with your hand where the button is and then insert an annotation in this place).”

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This feature works very well.

I also recommend inserting a special frame at the end of the video in which you ask, “Did you like the lesson? Click “I like it!” and indicate where the button is located. This helps promote and promote your video on YouTube.

There are many different channels on YouTube, and you can negotiate with several of them for mutual recommendations. To do this, on your channel in the “Friends” or “Interesting” section (the section can be called differently, you choose its name yourself), you put links to these channels, in response they put a link to your channel. Naturally, you need to access channels with approximately your traffic, because... promoted channels are unlikely to pay attention to you, unless of course they are your friends.

  1. Personal invitations

This is probably the most difficult and tedious, but effective and free way to attract subscribers for a young YouTube channel. In this way, you can literally gain 200-300 subscribers in just 1-2 weeks. To achieve this result, you should send 40-50 personal invitations to registered YouTube users every day. You shouldn’t send more than 50 per day, otherwise YouTube will consider you a spammer and block your account.

How to do it?

There is nothing complicated, it’s done like this. Enter your keyword into YouTube search, select channels with the largest number of subscribers.

Open the most popular videos in these channels and look below the video to see who commented.

“Hi Ivan, come to our channel, we have a lot of videos on the topic... Thank you.”

In the subject of the message, indicate: “I invite you to visit my channel.”

You can also attach your video to your personal message.

  1. Method “I can’t live without you”

The essence of the method is to constantly provide such high-quality interesting and useful information that a person simply cannot help but subscribe.

This is of course difficult, requires experience and will not work right away. But when you come to this, the result will not be long in coming. It is thanks to this attachment that most promoted YouTube channels exist.

  1. Commenting in other channels

This method is quite simple and effective. You also find popular videos on your topic with a lot of views and post your comments under them. At the same time, anyone who reads the comments can click on your name and get to your channel. Therefore, write interesting comments to interest and make people want to click on your name and see what else interesting you have on your channel.

Read also: How to hide text or article from indexing

Now YouTube has the ability to add video responses in addition to simple comments. Be sure to use this opportunity.

How to promote a channel on YouTube?

Any promotion on the Internet is preceded by technical preparation. The result of promotion will depend on how correctly you prepared your video.

How to prepare a video for promotion on YouTube:

  1. The MP4 format is best suited for posting on YouTube. If it is not possible to save your video in mp4 format, use AVI, FLV format.
  2. You don’t just come up with a title for your video “anyhow” - find keywords that correspond to the topic of your video and use these keywords in the title, and try to include the keyword 2 times! Add a description in English to the title as well. But remember, the title should not be too long, otherwise it will not be displayed in its entirety, only the beginning of the title will appear.
  1. Before uploading a file to YouTube, we include a keyword in its name, and it must be in Russian, for example:



If you don’t know how to change the name of a video file, just move the mouse cursor over the desired file, press the right button, select the “Rename” command from the menu that appears and enter the new file name. OK?

  1. After uploading a video to YouTube, in the “Video Manager”, indicate keywords in the tags, the more the better, but do not overdo it. How do you know when it's too much? Watch videos of your competitors who are in the TOP 10 for your keyword phrase, how many keywords do they have in their tags?
  2. Next, create a description for your video. The description should be long enough (search engines love a lot of content) and should contain your keyword. The longer the description, the better, let it be at least 500 characters or more.
  3. Another trick is to use a temporary route in the description. In other words, if you can conditionally distinguish several plots in your video (for example, introduction, main, addition, conclusion, etc.), note the start time of each plot (for example, 0:00, 0:45, 2:33, etc. .p.) and indicate this in the description. For example like this:

If you want to become popular and make money from it, then you need to start promoting a YouTube channel now. YouTube is the most popular video hosting service, which has become a constant source of income for many famous bloggers, streamers and other interesting and enterprising people. But as you know, popularity does not come on its own, it has to be earned.

Preparing the channel for promotion

To quickly promote a YouTube channel from scratch, you need to use paid and free promotion methods in combination. But before you start optimizing and advertising your channel, you need to create and design it correctly.

To create a promising channel you need:

  • Decide on the topic and niche that the channel will occupy on YouTube. Choosing a topic is a very important step. The fact is that in popular and profitable niches it is much more difficult to promote a channel. But if you still manage to do this, then the earnings there will be appropriate. It's best to do what you really understand. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s entertainment, children’s, gaming or scientific content. Passion and dedication always attracts viewers.
  • Watch videos from popular bloggers and come up with your own personal trick. Every popular blogger on YouTube has their own “trick”. This makes the person memorable, which prevents him from being confused with anyone else.
  • Create a memorable image. Creating an image should be focused on the target audience. The closer the presenter is to the viewer, the more attractive he will seem.
  • Shoot several videos using high-quality equipment. Good video quality in 2017 is an integral part of a popular channel. Therefore, the light, equipment, and sound must be of not ideal quality, but not worse than standard.
  • Before publishing, find out the opinions of friends and acquaintances and bring the image to perfection. The help of friends and acquaintances at first will help to identify all the shortcomings and work on all the weak points. Therefore, you need to try to connect as many people as possible, because in return you can get really valuable advice.

Types of promotion

When the user already has his own account with a small collection of videos, it is not clear what to do next. Wastefully leaking videos that no one watches is a very dubious activity. Therefore, you need to put the camera aside and get busy promoting.

There are two types of channel promotion:

  • paid;
  • free.

The issue of money is always relevant, but to achieve the goal you need to be guided by other characteristics of the available promotion methods, namely their effectiveness. Otherwise, instead of quickly gaining subscribers, time will be spent on meaningless and useless activities.

Channel promotion – do you need to pay?

Some people sincerely believe that to become popular on YouTube, it is enough to make a spectacular video, post it online, and a new trend is ready. Unfortunately, it's not that simple. Even the most charismatic and ambitious blogger can remain unnoticed.

Advantages of paid channel promotion:

  • quick recruitment of “live” subscribers;
  • minimal investment of time and effort;
  • guarantee of results.

Most of the sites and applications that offer free money lie. After all, their main contingent are bots. They, in turn, are of no value to the owner of the YouTube channel.

Proper promotion can be much cheaper if you first take a short course on the basics of Internet marketing. But this takes time. Training includes working with Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords, the basics of SEO optimization, viral marketing and much more. If you plan to make working on the Internet your main field of activity, then such skills and knowledge will not hurt.

Paid promotion methods

If at the start you have at least a small budget that can be spent on promotion, then the chances of professionally promoting your YouTube channel are significantly higher than without it. But you need to invest money wisely, so first you need to familiarize yourself with the existing methods of paid channel promotion.

Paid methods include:

  • purchasing subscribers on specialized exchanges;
  • services of freelancers and professional promotion agencies;
  • purchase of advertising.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. But in general, their effectiveness has long been confirmed in practice. Many, without understanding the essence of each of these methods, hastily give money to just anyone, and receive nothing in return. Therefore, it is worth considering them in more detail.

Services for buying subscribers, likes and comments

Buying subscribers is in demand among “newbies” on video hosting. Some sincerely hope that after acquiring a couple of thousand subscribers, the channel will immediately get to the TOP and advertising prices will rise to exorbitant amounts. It should be said right away that this is not so.

No matter how many users are attracted through the exchange, they will not be able to make the channel popular. The fact is that the goal of such subscribers is to get money. They are not interested in the published content, therefore, there is little value from such viewers.

But for a developing channel, a large number of subscribers makes it more attractive to “live” users. It has been noticed that before people start watching a video, they look at how many users are interested in it and how many liked it. And only then do they decide whether it’s worth spending their time watching. Therefore, the larger the channel’s purchased audience, the more “live” users it will attract.

On specialized services you can buy:

  • subscribers;
  • comments.

To promote a channel on YouTube, subscribers alone will not be enough. The number of views and likes are the main parameters for raising a channel to the TOP. And for the video hosting administration, it will be obvious that a large number of subscribers without activity on the channel is the result of cheating. And this, in turn, can lead to their mass write-off and account blocking. Therefore, to create the appearance of real promotion, you will need to not only gain subscribers, but also create imaginary user activity.

You can also see a selection of YouTube promotion services divided into categories on the blog of the service for working with bloggers EPICSTARS.

All operations for purchasing spectators are carried out remotely. The channel owner simply selects the desired package of subscribers (500, 1000, 5000 or more people) and pays for it with a bank card or e-wallet. There are no and cannot be any guarantees other than reviews from previous customers. Therefore, it is important to be vigilant so as not to run into scammers.

To do this, you need to follow some rules:

  • The official website may contain fake reviews, so before purchasing, you need to study the site’s reputation on third-party resources.
  • Before purchasing, you need to analyze sellers' prices.
  • The first costs should be minimal to ensure the quality of the services provided. It is better to buy packages of 100 or 500 subscribers.
  • Exchanges and services that promise to gain subscribers in a couple of hours should be treated with distrust. After all, a sharp increase in subscribers can be a reason to block a YouTube channel.
  • After purchasing, you need to carefully monitor the activity on the channel.

User activity shows the number of subscriptions, unsubscribes, likes and comments left over a certain period of time. If, after purchasing subscribers, the number of subscriptions increased sharply, and a week later gradually decreased by the same number, and during this time not a single like or comment was made, then you should no longer return to the services of the exchange that cheated them.

Professional channel promotion

The services of professionals in the field of Internet promotion can completely save the owner of a YouTube channel from any hassle. You can order full channel promotion either from a special agency or from a freelancer. However, the cost of such services is, to put it mildly, rather high.

The secret of specialists in the field of Internet marketing is a proven and tested promotion strategy, using techniques, competent SEO optimization and the correct setup of advertising campaigns. To master all these skills, the average user will need more than one month. Therefore, the price for specialist services is appropriate.

When choosing a suitable specialist to whom you can entrust your channel, you should make sure that he uses only “white hat” promotion methods in his work. Otherwise, published videos may be banned, views written off, and the channel even blocked.

YouTube channel advertising

  • On forums and social networks. Of course, you can post videos on forums and social networks for free. Only the owners of communities and forums will remove such “advertising” within a few minutes, so there will be little benefit from this. You can officially promote a channel either through advertising exchanges in social media, or directly through the administrators of the sites of interest.
  • Using Google AdWords. Google AdWords is a powerful advertising tool that allows you to publish video ads on YouTube. Advertisements placed in this way are published either on video hosting pages or broadcast during video playback. All the advertiser needs to do is shoot a commercial, determine the budget for the advertising campaign and set the parameters of the target audience.
  • On video blogs of other authors. Many of the popular bloggers themselves offer their PR services for developing YouTube channels. When choosing a suitable person, you need to look at how many subscribers he has, whether there are fake accounts among them, and how many there are. If the majority of the audience of a supposedly popular blogger was recruited by a cheap program, investing in such advertising will be pointless. Bloggers set prices themselves and, as a rule, they depend on the advertising format. This could be adding an advertiser’s video to your favorites, holding a joint competition, a promotional video at the end of a video, or a joint release that is published simultaneously on two channels.

Paid promotion of a channel on YouTube will not necessarily extract the last money from its owner. If you analyze all the available paid methods and combine them with free ones, you can inexpensively and at the same time quickly gain the coveted popularity. Therefore, you should not stop halfway and give up on your intended goal. The sooner you start work, the faster this goal will be achieved.

Not really

I warmly welcome everyone! My name is Oleg Lyutov. In this article, I will cover the following topic for you: “How to promote a video on YouTube for free?”

Here we will describe step-by-step instructions and tricks that will help you increase the rating of your video on YouTube. Yes, there are many articles and videos that cover this topic, but I will share with you exactly my tactics and tips for promoting on YouTube. So let's get started.

How to promote a video on YouTube - 7 tips

1. Why YouTube?

YouTube is the largest and most popular platform. We are only used to watching videos. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. Every day, any video uploaded to the network can instantly reach the top.

The fact is that you can release just one video (further ones may not be as interesting as the first, however, the audience will not decrease from this), and capture a large audience. And those who were able to do this are not only popular, but also have a chance to earn money (advertising). Therefore YouTube is your launching pad.

Let's assume you already have footage. Now your task is to make candy out of it. To do this, the video must have a semantic load equal to one keyword. This is the word that will determine the topic of the video. It is best to shoot videos prepared in advance before filming the story.

There are two opinions about keyword promotion. Some believe that you need to make videos only through existing popular ones (based on them). Others, on the contrary, say that it is necessary to take only fresh and interesting material, which no one else has.

But, you should try yourself in two options, so as not to miss. Completing this task is fundamental to promoting your video on YouTube.

3. Tag features

The first is the video title (tag). These are exactly the keywords that will help your video get to the top. A small trick: since videos are released very often, and the names are repeated very often, you should use different types of symbols, for example: !, “, @, #, $, &.

This is done for the following reasons: many videos repeat each other’s names, which has a detrimental effect on promotion. And in order to avoid this, we will use symbols. In order to check the uniqueness of the name, let's turn to Yandex " choice of words" We remember it and move on to the next point.

4. Uploading a video to YouTube

The fastest (depending on Internet speed) step.

So, in order to upload a video, you must have an account on YouTube. Let's assume you have it. So, in the top right corner there will be a " download" Click and go to the menu, where we select the item select. Next, select the video, and while it is downloading, you need to fill in the fields: title, description, tag.

In the title we enter a coined phrase (according to point 3), in the description we describe a brief content, and in the tag (sections) field we enter the names of those sections that fit the video. After the download is complete, click ready. Video on the web.

One more trick: To give your video more chances, you should use all the tags that are more popular in descending order.

Don’t forget about the preview image that will be displayed on the video. Remember that a beautiful picture always attracts viewers.

5. Video promotion through social networks

First, like the video (yes, it may seem strange, but still). Next, you should post this video on your wall in all social networks. networks in which you are (the more, the better). Don't forget about your friends. This feature is called " word of mouth" This is when you send to friends, they send to all their friends, they send to theirs, and so on.

6. How to properly promote a video using spam

Spam can be very annoying. But what if we made it work for us? There are two options for promoting a video: paid and free. Paid method: advertising with popular groups, channels, communities, people. They can charge a huge price, so we discard this method. Free is spam.

For promotion, you can use not only the above scheme, but also fill all possible groups, for example, VKontakte. To do this, open all the groups suitable for the video and upload them there: either in the column to suggest news, or in the comments under the first posts. Use all groups, don't be lazy.

7. Website in Google and Yandex search engines

Creating a website can be a very good step. So, you will increase your chances several times. Those who search for information using a search engine will come across your site, and through it, your video. In one of my articles I already wrote about <== обязательно прочтите , there are also a lot of chips that I burned.

You can simply add a link to your video uploaded on YouTube to the search engine for faster indexing - this is important for temporary videos, for example, marked urgently. I explained how to do this in my video tutorial on the topic: “ ».

Let's summarize the results of promoting the video on the Internet

If you did everything correctly, then believe me, this will give you a good start. I’ll say right away that don’t expect instant results. Give your video time to hang. Repeat points 5 and 6 at least once a week to increase your audience. Don't stop at one video.

That's all I have for today. See you again in articles and videos!

microdistrict Chernaya Rechka, 15 Russia, Saint-Petersburg 8 812 497 19 87

How to promote a video on YouTube. Step by step diagram


Hi all.

Artem Mazur is in touch.

I admit that now on YouTube you can find hundreds of videos devoted to this topic: how and what to do step by step. In this article I would like to tell you exactly my experience and how I do it step by step. Plus some subscribers also asked: How do you do it?

So let's get started.

Look, you made some kind of video. I’ll say right away that each video is shot using one keyword. That is, you don’t need to shoot one video for several keywords. Then you simply won’t be able to view them. You are filming: one video - one key query. That is, if I am now making a video about how to promote a video on YouTube, then, accordingly, this will be the only video I have. I won’t talk here, for example, about how to set up a YouTube channel, how to gain subscribers, and so on. No. I’ll tell you here how to promote a video.

Therefore, our first step is: one video - one keyword. That is, we shot a video, everything is cool, it was processed, everything is there.

Now, how to upload it to YouTube?

The first thing we do is call it a keyword - the one that we shot for this request. That is, if, for example, I have a video dedicated to the topic of promotion on YouTube, then what will I call it?

For example, I'll call it: kak_raskrutit_video_na_youtube.mp4

What is it for?

Again, I don't know why. But having experience with SEO website promotion, I can say that it is promoted better. YouTube, together with Google, will immediately analyze it and establish their credibility.

After we've named our video with a keyword, we take the third step. We simply upload our video. When the download starts, during this process, what do we do? We write the title, that is, the title of our video and description.

How should it be written?

In the title you write a keyword and a text hook to attract attention. The title must contain your keyword. If I post my video, I will call it: “How to promote a video on YouTube. Practical advice", For example.

I indicate the keyword and also add some kind of postscript so that the person clicks on it. That is, we make a title with our keyword (key phrase).

We do the same with the description. In the description, we write text that will attract the user so that it is relevant to the given request. Those. The description should be easy to read, encourage the user to view it, and contain a keyword.

In addition to the fact that you posted the video, wrote a description, title, you still need to make a cover - video icon. You can just fill it in, but it really doesn’t look very nice. Make a video cover in Photoshop.

How it's done?

You create an image with a resolution of 1280 by 720 px. Next, you just take a screenshot of the video and make some kind of title. When people view your video in recommended, related videos, they will immediately know what your video is about and will be more likely to click. It just really catches your attention and takes only 5 minutes of your time.

That's it - our video starts loading.

After this, no further settings need to be made. Add tags relevant to your keyword, as well as additional text in the description: social media contacts, call to action, etc. This does not affect the ranking of the video.

Next step - We need to promote it everywhere. In order for your video to rank, you need 3 things:

  • activity under this video (i.e. likes, comments);
  • views;
  • backlinks to your video;

If you don't have this, what should you do?

Second - we publish it on a social bookmarking service. Examples of services: BobrDobr, My Place, Memory Bookmarks... This is all social bookmarking. With these free services you get free backlinks.

Third, you need get even more backlinks. When I promote a video, I get about three hundred backlinks in the first and second day. Then, when Google sees that so many sites link to this video, it naturally ranks it up. Again, not in the TOP yet.

Where can we get even more backlinks?

We may use some third party services, such as: Piston Poster, which publishes an announcement of your video to all different social networks. In addition to Facebook, Contact, Twitter, there are also many different social networks where you can also get backlinks.

This service is paid, however, you will agree - it is much easier to press one button and the link to your video will be published on all social networks. I use this service and advise you to use it too.

Great. We published our video on our social networks, in social bookmarks, in the Piston Poster service. Next, there is another service. This is a service similar to Piston Poster, but it already posts to Western social networks.

There is a Western service This is similar to our freelancing service, where they will do anything for you for $5. There are a bunch of different services there. If your English sucks, I'm sorry. Look for a translator or try to translate via Google.

If everything is fine for you, go to this site and write “youtube seo”, for example. And there you will find a lot of freelancers who will make a lot of backlinks. Backlinks aren't just from some crappy sites. No. You choose the artist who will make backlinks from trust sites.

What do trust sites mean? That is, these are the sites that already have authority with Google. These include government sites (.gov) and educational sites (.edu)... You can get backlinks to your video from them.

If you have a subscription base, for example, or some kind of blog, then you sent a video announcement to the mailing list - everything is cool: your video is viewed, commented on, liked.

And if you don’t have a subscription list, if you’re just starting out, then what should you do in this case?

On the same site you can get views, likes and comments. Not some kind of cheating, no. The freelancer will simply publish your video in a visited Facebook group or tweet on Twitter. People will go to your video, and these will already be views.

Let's summarize.

  • You take and shoot one video - one key query.
  • After that, save it on your computer and call it a keyword.
  • When you post a video, use the key video in the title and description.
  • After it has loaded, you post it to all social networks and social bookmarks. If you have a desire, you upload it to the Piston Poster service, which posts on all social networks.
  • Then you upload it to the OnlyWire service, which posts it on all Western social networks. Then you go to the service and order backlinks. This service costs $5. Order links from trusted sites.
  • And after that, from the same site you order activity for the video (likes, comments, views). If you have your own newsletter, great. This point does not need to be done. If you don’t have your own mailing list, a regular audience, blog readers, or anyone, then you order people to promote your video (also for $5).

Accordingly, in total, your video will already reach one of the first positions within one or two days, depending on the keyword. If this keyword is very competitive, then naturally it will not be on the first page. Even maybe not on the second, not on the third, but it will already rise, leaving behind a lot of videos for the same key request.

Keep doing the same thing. You continue to promote the video on various social bookmarks, social networks, and continue to receive backlinks. The more backlinks your video gets, the more Google ranks it and rises higher and higher. This is how you can reach the TOP for any key query.

However, this technology is not new - it is a common SEO technology. Because in the same way, articles on websites, blogs, and any content are promoted to the TOP.

This is not a new technology, everyone knows it, so don’t think that if you did it like this and in 3-4 days your video did not reach the top, or even on the first page, then all this does not work. No. Because people, just like you, watched the video or read an article on this topic and now know how to promote.

Honestly, if you look at how people post videos lately, they don’t really know how to promote themselves. People know, at most, 10 percent of all users who promote their videos on YouTube. Respectively, take this formula, implement and upload each of your videos for a separate key request and promote with each such video.

Leave your results in the comments below.

Did you manage to promote the video?


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