Naval exercises and events. Naval exercises and events Submarines project 671 RTM photos

Multi-purpose nuclear submarine B-138 "Obninsk" project 671RTMK "Pike" (according to NATO classification - "Victor-III") was built at the shipyard "Leningrad Admiralty Association" by order of the Soviet Navy. Named after the city of Obninsk, Kaluga region.

The nuclear submarine was laid down on December 7, 1988 under the name "K-138", building number 01659 at the Admiralty Plant in Leningrad. Launched on August 05, 1989. In the fall of 1989, the boat moved to Severodvinsk for acceptance tests. December 30, 1990 entered service. February 28, 1991 included in the Northern Fleet based on Zapadnaya Litsa. Tail number 685 was assigned.

Main characteristics: Surface displacement 6990 tons, underwater 7250 tons. The length of the longest waterline is 107.1 meters, the width of the hull is 10.8 meters, the average draft of the waterline is 7.8 meters. Surface speed 11.6 knots, underwater 31 knots. The working depth of immersion is 400 meters, the maximum depth of immersion is 600 meters. Crew 96 people. Autonomy of navigation is 80 days.


Torpedo-mine weapons: 2 × 650 mm, 8 torpedoes of type 65-76; 4 × 533 mm 16 ammunition: torpedoes type 53-65K, SET-65, up to 36 mines "Golets", simulators MG-74 "Korund".

Missile armament: M-5 underwater missiles, 81R rocket-torpedoes instead of part of the torpedoes.

The nuclear submarine won the Commander-in-Chief Prize for Torpedo Training three times: in 1991, 1993 and 1995. Repeatedly participated in the complex exercises of the Northern Fleet, completed the tasks of 9 long-distance campaigns.

On June 03, 1992, it was renamed B-138. On May 5, 2000, an agreement was signed on patronage of the boat with the administration of the city of Obninsk, the boat received the honorary name "Obninsk". She was assigned tail number 696.

As of 2008, the B-138 Obninsk is part of the 11th submarine division of the Northern Fleet based in Zaozersk.

In 2010, the submarine was assigned tail number 618.

As of May 2014, the B-138 Obninsk is undergoing repairs at the Nerpa shipyard. On May 16, 2014, in the branch of the Nerpa shipyard, a dock launching operation was performed. After the completion of the five-hour operation, the Obninsk nuclear submarine was moored to the pier, where the final stages of repairs will be carried out, which should be completed in 2014.

On December 08, 2014, the crew of the Obninsk multi-purpose nuclear submarine of the Northern Fleet, under the command of Captain 1st Rank Roman Gosudarev, fired a cruise missile from the Barents Sea, accurately hitting a coastal target at the Chizh training ground in the Arkhangelsk region.

July 26, 2015 in events dedicated to the Day of the Russian Navy in the main base of the fleet - Severomorsk. According to a message dated November 24, commanded by Captain 1st Rank Mikhail Domnin, a prize was awarded by the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy for firing cruise missiles from a submerged position in the Barents Sea at the Chizha training ground in the Arkhangelsk region. December 22 to the Zaozersk submarine base Murmansk region, having successfully completed the tasks of a long-distance campaign.

According to a message dated March 14, 2017, the crew in the combat training ranges of the Northern Fleet in the Barents Sea




The Main Command of the Navy will write off the legendary nuclear submarines of project 671RTM "Pike" until 2015. These boats were the main threat to American aircraft carriers in the 1980s, but in modern conditions were too noisy. The decision was made in March, after the main command of the Navy worked out all the options for upgrading these boats and recognized them as unpromising.
- In these boats, it is necessary to change the entire filling, from the reactor to the hydroacoustic station. The hull also requires fine-tuning, because in these boats it is significantly worn out. Therefore, the cost of such modernization is approaching the cost of building a new boat, - explained the interlocutor of Izvestia.
He recalled that the production of "Pike" was completed in 1992. These boats belong to the second generation nuclear submarines, now all their peers - the Soviet boats of the Lira project and the American projects Sturgeon and Trasher - have been decommissioned.
Shchuk modernization projects were developed by several military research institutes and the Malachite Marine Engineering Bureau, which at one time created these submarines. Although the modernization project was presented, it turned out that their main drawback - a lot of noise - could not be overcome.
- They contain technical solutions 1960-1970, and the ships are significantly inferior to the American Los Angeles in terms of noise level. Therefore, it will not work to upgrade submarines to the required parameters, it is better to spend money on repairing third-generation ships of projects 971 Shark and 945 Condor, the source continued.
However, in the submarine fleet, "Pikes" are appreciated. One of the officers of the Northern Fleet told Izvestia that they occupy a very necessary niche of multi-purpose nuclear-powered ships.
- There are about 70 boats in Russia, but apart from strategic missile and diesel boats, as well as those under repair, there are no more than a dozen torpedo ships, and their tasks are big. Now there is nothing to replace the Pike - the Sharks are no longer produced, and the rocket Ashes are still being tested, - the officer says.
Now all four remaining Project 671 boats are assigned to the Northern Fleet. "Daniil Moskovsky" and "Petrozavodsk" go to sea, and "Tambov" and "Obninsk" are at the pier due to the development of the resource. The boats are armed with S-10 Granit cruise missiles.
Business newspaper Izvestia


According to the blog of the press service of the Zvyozdochka Ship Repair Center, on Friday, May 16, a dock operation was completed at the branch of the Nerpa shipyard to launch the multi-purpose nuclear submarine Obninsk (project 671RTMK). At the end of the five-hour operation, Obninsk was moored to the pier, where the final stages of repairs will now be carried out.
Most of the work on dock repair and restoration of the technical readiness of the ship is already over. Fitting works and operation No. 2 will be carried out afloat. The nuclear submarine Obninsk is a delivery order for the current year.

As one of the steps for the global reduction of offensive weapons, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Mikhail Gorbachev, proposed withdrawing strategic submarines from the Atlantic. US President Ronald Reagan categorically rejected the initiative of the Soviet leader, considering them the main trump card of the United States in confronting the two political systems.

On May 22, 1985, five nuclear submarines project 671. Their task was to locate the locations of American strategic submarines. In addition, Soviet submariners had to show the United States their capabilities. For two weeks Soviet submarines opened dozens of places of combat patrols of American missile carriers. In real combat operations, this would mean the immediate destruction of enemy ships. As a result of this operation of the Soviet Navy, the myth of the invulnerability of US submarines was dispelled. Six months after Operation Aport, on November 20, 1985, in Geneva, Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev signed an agreement on the inadmissibility of the use of nuclear weapons, which became the first step towards ending " cold war».

Nomads missile submarines under the hidden layer of ice were practically invulnerable carriers of nuclear weapons. American strategic submarines were supposed to keep the largest cities of the USSR: Moscow, Murmansk, Leningrad and Sevastopol under the constant threat of a missile attack. It was to combat it in the Leningrad Design Bureau "Malachite" that the nuclear submarine project 671 " Ruff". Soon, events in the world showed that there was more need for ships of this class than it seemed during the design.

Soviet submarines of project 671 "Ruff" the need for

On October 22, 1962, millions of Americans froze in front of television and radio receivers. President Kennedy announced the deployment of Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba. To stop the aggressive buildup of this power, a strict quarantine was introduced. In response to the naval blockade of Cuba, Khrushchev ordered the Minister of Defense of the USSR Malinovsky to throw Soviet submarines. Four diesel submarines came to the shores of the island of Freedom, the commanders of which had the right to attack the American fleet in case of interception. To strengthen the submarines, they even loaded one nuclear torpedo each. But 1000 miles from Cuba, still on the way to the Sargasso Sea, unexpectedly Soviet submarines were discovered by the Americans. Domestic submarines tried to evade using the latest tactical developments, but all was in vain. Their crews even suspected that a spy sat in the main headquarters of the Navy, not knowing that in fact, the latest American system for tracking the underwater situation was used against them for the first time. sosus". It consisted of sensitive hydrophones located in strategically important areas of the world's oceans. Discovering diesel submarines, which is vital to surface, the Americans began to drive them, not allowing them to rise to the surface, while they were continuously dropped explosion packages and grenades. The temperature in the compartments rose to 50 degrees. submariners fainted from the heat and lack of oxygen. Finally, on October 26, in full view of the Americans, she was forced to surface first submarine"B-130". In a last desperate gesture, the Soviet crew unfurled the flag of the USSR, and a few minutes later a deadly cipher flew into the air: "Forced to come up. Surrounded by four US destroyers. I have faulty diesels and a completely discharged battery. I'm trying to repair one of the diesels. I'm waiting for instructions."

Over the course of several hours, the main headquarters of the Navy received several more similar messages from Soviet submarines thrown to break the American blockade. The military campaign, unprecedented in courage and adventurousness, ended in failure. Domestic submarines, due to the short range of their missiles, had to literally break through the powerful US naval defenses. To protect strategic submarines, it was necessary to have a powerful cover capable of well protecting against any threat. Thus, the designers of the Malachite Design Bureau faced the most difficult task of creating, in fact, an “underwater fighter” capable of equally successfully hunting for the enemy and protecting their own missile carriers. The main advantages of the new submarine were to be speed, depth and maneuverability. In the design of the submarine, everything was subordinated to the achievement of these qualities, and even the streamlined shape, reminiscent of marine predators.

In 1963, the US Navy entered service with submarines class " Lafayette". These were new specially designed missile carriers. US submarines « Lafayette” had such low noise that Soviet sonar detected them several kilometers away. Soviet submarine « Ruff"With such equipment, it could turn out to be outdated even before its birth, then the design was urgently changed - instead of the Kerch hydroacoustic complex, a powerful Rubin was installed, capable of detecting a target at a distance of up to 60 kilometers. But then the next problem appeared. New sonar located in the bow nuclear submarine had a larger size. Therefore, the designers had to rack their brains over finding a place to place torpedo tubes. Several options for placing torpedo tubes were worked out. Finally, the designers managed to find a good solution, the devices were installed in the bow above the hydroacoustic hull. Due to lack of space, I had to completely create automated process loading torpedoes and their loading. Such a scheme was used for the first time in domestic shipbuilding. Work on the first submarine was in a very busy state.

In 1966, to the plant where submarine« Ruff"The crew arrived to speed up the work and master the ship. And then came the solemn moment of launching. According to a long maritime tradition, a woman who was chosen among the engineers had to break a bottle of champagne on the side of the ship. When the bottle was broken and the technological channel began to fill with water, the girl suddenly became confused. She was saved by the navigator, who carried her out in his arms. The next day, he and a friend came to her with a marriage proposal, to which the girl gave her positive consent. This case was considered good sign and they turned out to be right - for 30 years of the existence of this submarine project there was not a single accident associated with the death of people. In 1967, on the lead submarine of the series " Ruff"The reactor was launched and the submarine went to the place of military service.

Compared to American submarines a similar class Ruff"had a high speed and depth of immersion. New torpedo tubes made it possible to fire from almost the depths limiting for American submarines. Project 671 submarine according to the NATO classification was called " Victor", What means " winner».

nuclear submarine project 671 "Ruff"

Technical characteristics of the nuclear submarine project 671 "Ruff" ("Victor I"):
Length - 95 m;
Width - 11.7 m;
Draft - 7.3 m;
Displacement - 6085 tons;
Immersion depth - 320 m;
Ship power plant
Speed ​​- 32 knots;
Crew - 94 people;
Autonomy - 50 days;

Mines - 36;
Missiles "SS-N-15" - 2;

nuclear submarine project 671 "Ruff"

The almost simultaneous appearance underwater hunters "and powerful strategic submarines led to a new round of confrontation at sea. By the beginning of the 70s, the United States, with the help of an improved system " sosus” controlled almost 40 percent of the Antarctic Ocean. In the control center in Norfolk, computers stored hundreds of sound portraits of Soviet submarines in memory and could pick out a trace even among the noise coming from civilian ships. Now the tactics of interception have also changed. The Americans were in no hurry to show what they found nuclear submarine preferring to follow them covertly. Specialized US anti-submarine submarines, having much less noise, sometimes hung on the tail of Soviet submarine missile carriers for days. Even just finding the persecution was considered good luck. Nuclear submarines class " Ruff"turned out to be the most effective in breaking through anti-submarine lines. Like all Soviet submarines, compared to the American ones, they had a high noise level, but due to their high driving performance and speed, they more often than others evaded pursuit.

nuclear submarines of project 671 RT "Semga" history of appearance

In 1971 all strategic US submarines underwent another modernization related to weapons. In addition to new missiles with a separating warhead, they installed a powerful anti-submarine and long-range weapon, which was not accidentally called a "torpedo missile". After leaving submarine The “torpedo-rocket” moved for some time like an ordinary torpedo, then left the water and flew to a certain area already like a rocket, at the calculated point of the trajectory, the warhead separated from it, which exploded at a given depth. The new weapon was much more accurate and long-range compared to conventional torpedoes. The situation is domestic hunter submarine« Ruff” she herself turned out to be a game. Again, the designers had to catch up and bypass the potential enemy. And already on December 30, 1972, the modernized nuclear submarine of project 671 RT code " Salmon". For the insiders, the RT index meant that the submarine was armed with the latest missile system " Winter storm"(RPK-2) with a range of up to 40 km, caliber 533 mm and a nuclear warhead. The warhead of the complex made it possible to hit enemy submarines located within a radius of several kilometers from the epicenter of the explosion. In addition, the armament of the submarine " Salmon» In addition to the four conventional ones, two 650 mm torpedo tubes with high-powered long-range torpedoes were installed. This forced the US aircraft carrier groups to be reinforced with new anti-submarine weapons. To accommodate the increased combat stock, the front nuclear submarine extended by one compartment, which allowed the designers to pay more attention to the comfort of the crew. The noise of the submarine Salmon” decreased by more than five times, but it soon turned out that this was not enough.

In 1975, the defense department of the Central Committee urgently convened a meeting with leading specialists from the design bureaus for a meeting. Arriving at the main institute named after Krylov, the designers were surprised to see the prosecutor, and the topic of discussion was the official complaint of the officer of the control and reception apparatus of the Navy. In his opinion, the high noise level of Soviet submarines was a planned sabotage act. The designers had to defend themselves. After the meeting, the designers promised to consider all options to reduce the noise of submarines. On one of the submarines Salmon started experimenting. Soon a noise reduction scheme was developed, which subsequently began to be implemented during the construction of subsequent Soviet submarines. Its essence was that the main source of noise, the turbine and turbogenerators, were placed inside a special frame, which was placed on shock absorbers to enhance the effect. The first trip of a nuclear submarine caused a commotion in the Atlantic, where the Americans felt themselves full masters.

Project 671 nuclear submarine RT "Semga"

Technical characteristics of the nuclear submarine project 671 RT "Semga" ("Victor II)":
Length - 102 m;
Width - 10 m;
Draft - 7 m;
Displacement - 5800 tons;
Immersion depth - 350 m;
Ship power plant- nuclear, turbine power 30,000 l. with.;
Speed ​​- 30.5 knots
Autonomy - 60 days;
Crew - 100 people;
Torpedo tubes 533 mm - 6;
Mines - 36;
Torpedo tubes 650 mm - 4;
Torpedo tubes 533 mm - 2;
Missiles "SS-N-16" - 2.

Soviet submarines of project 671 RDM "Pike" history of origin

Only one had weapons equal in power to all the bombs dropped during the Second World War. At the same time, the United States built ship killers famous nuclear submarines. In addition to anti-submarine and anti-ship weapons, they carried high-precision cruise missiles. Tomahawk» to destroy important objects Soviet Union: missile silos and command posts air defense systems. To combat such ships, submarines of a new quality were needed. But Soviet submarines the third generation was still being created and could enter service no earlier than the mid-80s. The designers of KB "Malachite" offered an unexpected way out. Use good design nuclear submarine« Salmon» to accommodate a new set of equipment and weapons. The chief designer was immediately called, and one day it was decided to create this submarine. New

The captain of the bulk carrier "Brotherhood" Vadim Demchenko contacted me. He was very indignant at the expense of misinformation, which is written about his ship. I quote part of his letter:
The collision of my vessel with the K-53 was a big open secret. Personally, I was officially warned that this case in the shipping company is known to only a dozen people. That's what they lived. The crew saved the ship, the cargo, and they themselves escaped without injuries, casualties or losses. They thanked everyone, promised to reward the entire crew. As always, forgot. Gave 4 signs " Honorary Worker Morflot" The crew was disbanded.
The ship was sold for scrap. (My transfer to another ship cost me the Order of Lenin and work abroad. (Although this has nothing to do with the case).
The story itself. The vessel was loaded in Canada with grain to Odessa. We went to Ceuta to replenish fresh water and fuel. We left the port of Ceuta, laid down on course 98. The loaded ship was picking up speed.
Very strange and interesting. Well, where did this nonsense come from - a fire, a blackout, without lights, in a drift ....
23.33 September 18, 1984 the ship has already gained a speed of 14 knots. September 19 appears everywhere, because the time was changed on the boat and they recorded 01.34 on September 19. There is a normal running watch on the ship. Observation is visual and the radar is on. Since visibility is good, the radar is in preparation and is switched on periodically, in accordance with navigation safety rules. In this area, all ships, either fellow travelers or oncoming ones, are practically parallel lines of courses. The area is not an increased danger for navigation. A terrible blow, comparable only to an explosion, shook the ship!!!
Until the moment when the Spanish diver, having emerged from the flooded engine compartment, showed us pieces of rubber and shouted "Russian Submarine", everyone believed that it was an explosion. But that was later.
Within 50 seconds M.O. was flooded on the main deck. In practice, the vessel fell from a draft of 10 meters to a draft of 12.5 meters, on the main deck. The ships of our series had a large death, so that the tank and stern towered above the water.
The hole was 100 square meters. From the keel to a height of 5m. and 20m long. As we later found out, the boat struck with its bow, on a collision course, at an angle of about 45 degrees. (which is confirmed by the heading of the boat, the heading of the ship and the acoustic bearing). The blow fell at the end of the 3rd hold and ended on the entire M.O. The boat simply entered the ship's hull and took a piece of the side with it. The hole was not a ragged hole. Just missing a large piece of the board.
Glory to the Soviet shipbuilders!!!
M.O. completely flooded, the 3rd hold is depressurized!? Ship of single-compartment unsinkability. However, afloat! Apparently, in the presence of grain, the permeability coefficient is very small, and the grain was not so actively washed out, since there was no big wave and strong pitching.
Whatever it was, theoretically, the ship should have sunk within one minute. And it stayed afloat. M.O. flooded, the turbogenerator stopped, but after 20 seconds the ADG (emergency diesel generator) started up.
If the ship was not illuminated, then only for 30-40 seconds. And no one jumped overboard shouting "mine".
On alarm, the crew quickly left the ship in lifeboats, but did not leave the ship. On a signal from the SOS, ships began to approach. The Bulgarian ship "Pyatero iz RMS" was the first to approach. For some reason they lowered their boat from the heat, it stalled
and the wind blew her into pitch darkness. The Bulgarian captain did not raise our people until one of our boats went in search of would-be rescuers, they were found and brought to their board in tow. On board they gave a friendly welcome to our sailors. Soon our ship "Captain Medvedev" came up and took everyone from the Bulgarian ship.
One of our boats was constantly on duty at the side of our ship. Just so that it is not considered abandoned, and does not get to anyone as prey.

The appearance of Project 671 nuclear submarines in the Soviet Navy marked the beginning of a new era in the confrontation between the fleets of the two superpowers - from that moment on, the submariners of the US Navy could no longer feel safe. First of all, this applied to the George Washington-class missile carriers.

The first Soviet nuclear submarines of project 627 were created primarily to combat aircraft carriers and other large surface ships of the enemy, as well as to possibly attack naval bases with the help of super-powerful nuclear torpedoes. In accordance with such tasks, the priorities in the creation of these nuclear submarines were determined in the form of the most powerful weapons. However, a few years later it became clear that a nuclear-powered submarine could pose an even more serious danger - the most important event in the late 1950s was the creation of the world's first ballistic missile submarines. During 1960 (virtually) four George Washington-class SSBNs entered service. It was supposed to counteract this most serious threat both with the help of anti-submarine aviation and the creation of special hunter submarines capable of finding and attacking enemy missile carriers. At the same time, an important requirement was to ensure maximum secrecy of the hunter boat.


The main areas of work in the creation of the Project 671 submarine were the reduction of acoustic and other physical fields that make it possible to detect submarines; installation of a powerful sonar system for detecting and pursuing the enemy, combined with high maneuverability and underwater speed. The development of the project was entrusted to the same Leningrad OKB-143, which successfully coped with the task of creating the first domestic nuclear submarines of project 627. The basis of the working project was the study of L. Samarkin, but the more experienced G. Chernyshev was eventually appointed the chief designer.

During the development of the project, the designers developed several basic principles that made it possible to endow the boat with the necessary qualities and at the same time minimize displacement: the use of only three-phase alternating current for the power network, optimization of the contours of the hull for scuba diving, one line of shafts.

An increase in the hull diameter (compared to the Project 627 nuclear submarine) made it possible to place more compact nuclear reactors transversely, which reduced the length of the boat. Much attention was paid to the automation of control of both the power plant and ship mechanisms, including the depth stabilization system for the submarine. In general, the solution of such specific tasks as the fight against submarines was associated with numerous problems, for example, ensuring firing from torpedo tubes at a depth of up to 250 m, but they were successfully overcome. When designing the hull, taking into account the immersion depth increased to 400 m, there was a temptation to use titanium, but the lack of experience in its processing forced the use of AK-29 structural steel.

The design of the boat began in 1960 and was completed by the end of the year. During 1961-1962, the placement of equipment, the laying of pipelines and cable routes took place. The lead boat of the series was laid down on April 12, 1963, launched on July 28, 1966, and commissioned on November 5, 1967 (just in time for the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution). The construction of this and 14 subsequent "671s" nuclear submarines was carried out shipyard No. 196 in Leningrad (Novo-Admiralteysky Zavod); if the first boats were built for about 5 years, then for the latter this period was reduced to 20 months. According to the years of commissioning of the nuclear submarines of project 671, they were distributed as follows: 1967 - K-38; 1968 - K-69 (renamed K-369 in 1977), K-147; 1969 - K-53, K-306; 1970 - K-323, K-370; 1971 - K-438, K-367; 1972 - K-314, K-398; 1973 - K-454, K-462; 1974 - K-469, K-481. K-314, K-454 and K-469 were completed according to the modified project 671B - in addition to torpedoes, they carried Vyuga-53 anti-submarine missiles launched from conventional torpedo tubes. Another nuclear submarine, K-323, was modernized in 1984 according to project 671 K, having received S-10 Granat cruise missiles (also launched from TA) for strikes against ground targets with a launch range of up to 2500 km.


Having entered service with the Northern and Pacific Fleets, "Ruffs" were engaged, of course, not only in hunting for submarine missile carriers, but also in related tasks: escorting aircraft carrier strike groups (in order to disable precisely the "main player"), protecting their SSBNs from boats - hunters and actions on enemy communications.

The Ruff service was rich in various events, but, fortunately, all 15 boats survived until the end of their life cycle. Some of the more notable episodes of their service are worth remembering. At the beginning of 1976, K-469 made (together with another nuclear submarine) a transition from the North to the Far East, however, not by the traditional Northern Sea Route, but by the southern version - through the Atlantic, the Drake Strait and the entire Pacific Ocean. For 22 thousand miles, the boat constantly went under water, only once rising to periscope depth.

In August 1977, K-481 made an under-ice transition to the North Pole, escorting a nuclear icebreaker"Arctic". On March 21, 1984, K-314, which had the task of secretly pursuing the AUG, led by the attack aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk, off the coast of Korea, when surfacing to periscope depth, was right in the way of the aircraft carrier. During the collision, she received significant damage, lost her course and was towed to the base.

On September 19 of the same year, on the other side of the Earth, near Gibraltar, K-53, while surfacing to periscope depth, collided with the Soviet cargo ship Bratstvo, which miraculously did not sink. The boat received significant damage and was sent to the base for repairs. The service of the first series of Project 671 nuclear submarines lasted about 25 years: after the end of the Cold War, it no longer made sense to keep boats with obviously low noise levels and not the newest hydroacoustic equipment in combat. In the period from 1989 to 1994, they were all withdrawn from service and put on the sludge in anticipation of cutting.


In St. Petersburg, next to the Novo-Admiralteysky plant, a large-scale mock-up of the Project 671 nuclear submarine has been installed.

The robust body consisted of cylindrical sections and truncated cones. The frames (except for the aft end) were located outside. Sheathing of the light body - with a longitudinal framing system. Its contours are optimized for movement at high speed in a submerged position.


The hull was divided into seven watertight compartments:

1st - torpedo, battery and residential;
2nd - central post, provisional and auxiliary mechanisms;
3rd - reactor;
4th - turbine (it also houses autonomous turbine units);
5th - electrical and auxiliary mechanisms, as well as a sanitary unit;
6th - residential and diesel generator;
7th - helmsman (propeller motors and a galley are also located here).

During serial construction, work continued to improve the TFC, increase the reliability of equipment, and eliminate the shortcomings identified during construction and operation. Particular attention was paid to reducing the noise of ships - on the latest nuclear submarines of the series it was reduced by 1.5-3 times, and the noise levels of the HAC by 1.5 times compared to the first.

On all submarines, except for the first one, an absorbing anti-hydrolocation coating is applied to the outer (light) hull.


The main power plant included two OK-300 steam generating units (a VM-4 water-cooled reactor with a thermal power of 72 MW and four PG-4T steam generators), autonomous for each side. The reactor core is recharged every eight years. The layout of second-generation nuclear power plants has been significantly changed. The number of large-diameter pipelines connecting the main elements of the plant has been reduced. Most of the pipelines of the primary circuit were placed in uninhabited premises and covered with biological protection. Significantly improved the systems of instrumentation and automation; the share of remotely controlled valves, gate valves, dampers, etc. has increased.

The steam turbine plant consisted of the main GTZA-615 turbo-gear unit and two OK-2 turbogenerators producing 380 V alternating current (they consisted of a turbine and a 2000 kW generator).

As a backup means of propulsion, two PG-137 DC electric motors (2 x 275 hp) were installed on the boat, each of which drove its own two-blade propeller of small diameter. There were two batteries (112 cells with a capacity of 8000 Ah each), as well as two 200 kW diesel generators connected to the RDP system. The reserve installation was intended not so much for the movement of the boat in the event of a power plant failure, but to ensure maximum secrecy by reducing the noise associated with the operation of the PTU and cooling the reactor at high power modes. In addition, due to the 2-screw scheme, slightly better maneuverability was provided.


Due to the need to place the bulky Rubin GAK in the bow, installing torpedo tubes in the same place turned out to be a difficult task. Even options were considered with the onboard placement of the TA at an angle to the hull, but in this case it was possible to use weapons only at low speed.

As a result, the classic version of the placement of the TA was adopted - in the upper third of the first compartment, in two horizontal rows. Along the longitudinal axis of the hull, above the first row of TA, there was a horizontal torpedo-loading hatch, in front of which there was a horizontal tray for loading torpedoes. Torpedoes were pulled into the compartment, moved along the tray, loaded into vehicles and lowered onto racks using hydraulic drives. Such a scheme was later used on most Soviet anti-submarine submarines.

533-mm torpedo tubes could fire at depths up to 250 m. The ammunition load included 18 torpedoes 53-65K and SET-65 or up to 36 minutes (12 of them in TA).

Mining could be done at speeds up to 6 knots. For aiming and launching torpedoes, the Brest-671 torpedo fire control device was used. When reloading the TA, the control system for the fast torpedo loader and the preparation of the TA "Cypress" was used.


The Kerch SJSC, which was supposed to be installed on the Ershi, was replaced by the new Rubin SJSC, significantly superior to the Kerch in terms of basic characteristics, by decision of the Chief Designer.

"Rubin" had a maximum target detection range of about 50 km. It consisted of a bow low-frequency hydroacoustic emitter, a high-frequency mine detection GAS antenna MG-509 "Radian" in front of the fencing of retractable cutting devices, a sound underwater communication and hydroacoustic signaling station. "Rubin" provided all-round visibility, independent automatic tracking and determination of heading angles of targets, ranging by echolocation, as well as detection of enemy active sonar systems.

However, these relatively high (compared to other Soviet HAK) data were, as always, obtained at the cost of large dimensions and weight: in particular, it was required to place HAK units with a mass of 20 tons and a volume of 23 square meters in the bow. m.

After the modernization, which most of the boats took place in the late 1970s, the Rubin was replaced by the more advanced Rubikon SJSC with an infrasonic emitter, with a maximum detection range of more than 200 km.


The submarine was equipped with the Sigma all-latitude navigation system. There was a television system for monitoring the general and ice situation MT-70, capable, under favorable conditions, of providing visual information at a depth of up to 50 m.

Designers sought to automate control as much as possible technical means and submarine weapons. The boat was equipped centralized system control, regulation and protection of nuclear power plants; an integrated control system for spatial maneuvering "Shpat", which provided automatic stabilization of the course and depth of submersion of the nuclear submarine on the move and without progress, the possibility of remote control of the course and depth of submergence; system of automatic compensation of emergency trims and dips in depth "Tourmaline"; centralized automated control general ship systems (OKS).


  • Displacement, t:
    - surface: 4250
    - underwater: 6080
  • Dimensions, m:
    - length: 93.0
    - width: 10.6 (body)
    - draft: 7.2
  • GEM: 2 VM-4.1 PTU reactors with a capacity of 31,000 liters. with.
  • Travel speed, knots:
    - surface: 11
    - underwater: 33.5
  • Autonomy of the day: 50 (limited only by food supplies)
  • Armament: 6 x 533-mm torpedo tubes (ammunition - 18 torpedoes)
  • Crew, people: 68-76