Top news. Market "Gardener" - what is it, where is it, how to buy, what is it more profitable than shopping in China What kind of gardener market

In May 2013, Russian-speaking fans of the TES series saw an addition to the fifth part of the game - Skyrim Dragonborn. In it, the developers offer to visit the island of Solstheim, get acquainted with new flora and fauna, explore many dungeons, and, of course, get involved in a dangerous and exciting adventure, the outcome of which will determine the fate of this place.

The first acquaintance with the add-on "Skyrim Dragonborn". How to start a quest?

When launching the game launcher, you need to make sure that there is a checkmark next to the name of the add-on in a small window. Without it, Dragonborn will not work. The further pace of development of events depends on how far the passage of the Skyrim game has gone. If the Greybeards have recognized the character as Dragonborn, he can safely continue to run, solving his problems and completing tasks. In the nearest locality he will be attacked, from which the quest line will begin. If the Path of the Voice quest is not completed, the hero can also enter the island, but the central plot of the expansion will not grip the character until he receives the title of Dragonborn "officially".

Passage "Skyrim Dragonborn": preparation

If you are going to plunge headlong into the investigation of Miraak's crimes, you need to think about the things that the hero will fill the inventory with before being sent to the island. Solstheim, of course, has own stores and artisans, but the choice of goods they provide is quite poor when compared with the mainland. The flora is not diverse enough, so potions should be purchased in advance, because the passage of the Skyrim Dragonborn game is not an easy task. It is advisable to take with you the best equipment available on this moment and a few soul gems if the character uses an enchanted weapon. The main thing is not to take anything extra, own house the hero will get on the island soon.


The passage of "Skyrim Dragonborn" begins with an unexpected attack on the character of a group of mercenaries in strange masks, throwing him in the face with the accusation that he is a false Dovakin. After repulsing the attack and searching the bodies, you can find a note on one of them, which says that the hero was ordered by an unknown person who signed Miraak, and the mercenaries came to the mainland from the island of Solstheim.

In the port of Windhelm there is a ship under the control of Gjalund. The hero must convince him to go to the island. Immediately after arriving at Raven Rock, Adril Arano will come out to meet you, inquiring about the purposes of the Dragonborn's visit to Solstheim. If you ask him about Miraak, the advisor will not be able to give a clear answer, but will only direct the character to the Earth Stone. In the indicated place, a bunch of local residents will be found, immersed in work and not noticing anything around. The elf Neloth will come out to meet Dovakin, who will send him to the temple of Miraak. There the hero will find even more enchanted inhabitants.

Temple of Miraak

From this moment on, the passage of Skyrim Dragonborn begins to gain momentum. In the courtyard of the Temple of Miraak, among the zombified workers is a woman, Freya. She makes futile attempts to convince her friends to stop building. Freya escaped Miraak's spell with a magical amulet, and her father, a Skaal shaman, protects the remaining tribesmen by maintaining a magical barrier. Together with a new acquaintance, the hero goes inside the temple.

This is not the only dungeon in Skyrim Dragonborn. Quests will make you immerse yourself in the enchanting atmosphere of unexplored ruins more than once. The Temple is filled with Miraak zealots, resurrected draurgs, and never-before-seen foes, Seekers. The location itself is rather large, but in general it is perceived and passed quite easily.

Shrine of Miraak

After searching the first part of the temple, the heroes find the Shrine of Miraak. Below is the Wall of Words, allowing Dovahkiin to learn the word of power "Dragon Incarnation". It is used according to the same rules as the talent, that is, no more than once a day. It has importance in the Dragonborn add-on, the passage of the quest line without it is impossible. Using the ability, the hero gains increased hitting power, strong armor and powerful screams. As soon as he studies the Word, sarcophagi will open behind him, from which several draurgs will crawl out of varying complexity, among others will be especially strong - the keeper of the key. They can open a secret door hidden in the keeper's sarcophagus.

The further passage of the location is no different from the usual dungeon exactly until the moment when the heroes enter a round room, in the middle of which there is a pedestal with a huge and strange "Black Book". As soon as Dovakin reads it, he will be forcibly pulled into another dimension called Apocrypha, or in other words, the realm of the ancient Daedric prince Hermaeus Mora. Miraak will be waiting for him there. No matter how much the character wants to fight him, now he will be pinned to the floor by a powerful force, unable to move. The enemy will make a long speech, at the end of which he will kindly demonstrate all three Words of the previously studied cry, summon the dragon and fly away on it, leaving his minions to finish off Dovakin. Having experienced terrible torment, the hero will return to the room with the book, where an excited Freya will be waiting for him.

She will tell that the character was both in the hall and not at the same time, it was possible to look both at him and through the hero. The completion of the quest will be sending to the Skaal village, to the woman's father.

The fate of the rocks

It only becomes more interesting to play Skyrim Dragonborn. "The Black Book: Awakening Dreams", the passage of which almost killed the hero, arouses Storn's interest. He makes the assumption that Miraak can only be defeated with the knowledge that the first Dragonborn possesses. The character needs to go to Syring's Outpost and learn the "Bend Will" shout, which can be used to release the Wind Stone.

Before removing the curse, it is worth preparing for the battle. After using the shout on the Wind Stone, a new and very vile enemy will appear, called a lurker. Enslaved Skaal will get rid of the spell and go home, and the elder of the settlement will tell you how to find and defeat Miraak.

Cleansing stones

Further passage of Skyrim Dragonborn is impossible without completing this simple, but very annoying quest. The essence of the task is to purify other sacred stones existing on the island: Earth, Water, Sun and Beast. The algorithm of actions is the same as in the case of the Wind Stone.

path of knowledge

The only way to defeat the first Dragonborn is to get the secret knowledge hidden in the pages of the Black Books. One wizard from the Telvani settlement, Neloth, was just interested in them. This time, the Skyrim game will surprise you in a very pleasant way. The passage of this quest promises an exciting adventure in the sunken city of the Dwemer.

Having reached Tel Mithrin, one of the settlements of the island, the hero must head to the main tower, where Neloth lives. He will tell that he knows where the “Black Book” that interests Dovakin is located, in which he had already been before, but did not have the opportunity to explore completely.

Together with the wizard, the hero will go to the ruins of the city of Nchardak. It was built by the ancient and, unfortunately, extinct civilization of the Skyrim game. The passage of the location begins with the attack of the robbers who have chosen the surface of the ruins. Dovakin's companion, fortunately, fights very well. After the battle is over, you should go to the building with the dome. Entrance to it is impossible without a special cube, but Neloth had already visited the city before, so he took one with him. By placing the artifact on the pedestal, you can continue the adventure. The first room the satellites enter will be reading room, in the middle of which, under the glass, the desired book was placed. But get it on this stage games are impossible. The wizard assures that it will be possible to get the artifact if the steam boilers are activated.

To do this, Dovakin, along with Neloth, will have to solve many puzzles.

gardener people

The extension is almost complete. How to start the quest "Dragonborn: gardener of people"? To do this, you need to cope with the puzzles of Nchardak and read the Black Book. In the Apocrypha, Dovahkin will be met by the Daedric prince himself, he will offer him to quench his thirst for knowledge and use the huge library. The Daedra was fed up with Miraak's desire to escape from his control, so he decided to help the hero deal with the first Dragonborn.

Such locations have never been seen in the game "Skyrim". Walkthrough" black book"is carried out by moving from one chapter to another, the process itself is simple puzzles and a battle with the local inhabitants, despite the permission of Hermaeus Mora, who are extremely hostile to the character.

Having reached the last book, Dovakin again meets the prince of deceit and knowledge, he forces him to make a deal - the second word of the “Submission of the will” cry, without which it is impossible to defeat Miraak, in exchange for the secret knowledge of the Skaal. Storn will only agree to help if the hero has completed the Purification of Stones quest. The shaman will take the Black Book from the character's hands and read it, before throwing the phrase that there is nothing special in this knowledge, but the ancestors carefully passed it on from one generation to another, and the curious Hermaeus Mora, who devoted his life to collecting various information, couldn't stand it. The Daedric Prince will kill Storn in the process of absorbing knowledge, but in return will reveal to Dovakin the last word of the Scream, granting him the ability to subdue the dragons.

On top of Apocrypha

it last task in addition to the game "Skyrim". The passage of the quest begins after reading the Black Book "Awakening Dreams". As in the previous task, the hero will have to move through the location, solving puzzles and fighting lurkers and seekers.

The first chapter of the book raises no questions, but in the second, everything is much more complicated. You need to climb the stairs and take the book "Infinite Limbs" from the pedestal, and only after that go to the third chapter. If you miss this small detail, you can get stuck in the passage of the chapter for a long time. The environment is more like a labyrinth. Passing through the level, it is important not to miss the books: "Plunging Claws" and "Peeping Spheres".

Moving on to the fourth chapter, the hero must go down the stairs. In one of the corridors, an unexpected meeting with local residents awaits him; after their death, another corridor will appear. Exploring it, one must not lose sight of the latest book, Toothy Blades. Now you can safely move on to the fifth chapter without fear of not picking up important items.

In a huge hall, Dovakin will meet four pedestals decorated with drawings. On them, you need to place the previously selected books. "Plunging pincers" to the corresponding cartoon. "Peeping spheres" for the drawing of the eye, "Blades" for the image of the mouth open in a grin, and the last one for the symbol of tentacles. A book will appear in the center, sending the hero to the sixth chapter.

Dovahkiin can only be subdued with help and immediately learn how to ride a winged monster. In the game, the lesson will be shown only once, so you should carefully remember the dragon control buttons. The hero will have to fight with several seekers, this can be done on the back of a reptile. After that, Sarotar will take the Dragonborn to Mirak, who has prepared for battle. The enemy enlisted the support of two dragons, but in the battle they will have a very mediocre participation.

Each time the enemy is close to defeat, he gains invulnerability, during which he restores health by absorbing the souls of reptiles, first those that he summoned himself, and then Sarator. When there is no one to sacrifice, you can safely increase the pressure. This time, after Miraak's health drops to a critical level, Hermaeus Mora himself will appear, wishing to personally get even with his former subordinate. Before dying, the first Dragonborn will wish the hero a repeat of his fate.

This episode puts an end to the Skyrim Dragonborn add-on. The passage of the quests of the central storyline is completed. However, this is not all the surprises of the island. Walking around Solstheim, you can find many interesting tasks, as well as Black Books, the reading of which will bring Dovakin many useful abilities. In the Raven Wing, you can start investigating a crime. At first glance, an innocent and quick quest turns into a series of intricate incidents that the hero will have to face. As a reward, he will receive a house on the island and a quarrel with the Dark Brotherhood of Morrowind. Many dungeons will please with generous treasures and new Shouts.

After reading the Black Book in Nchardak, you will be transferred to the Apocrypha in the usual way. And this time the meeting is properly prepared - at the entrance you will be greeted by none other than Hermaeus Mora himself. If in Skyrim you were able to complete his quest and get Ogma Infinium, then he will welcome you as his champion, colorfully describing the boundless knowledge with which his world is filled and how generously he rewards those who seek.

After the daedra leaves, activate the questionable tentacled flower-like contraption to lower the bridge over the grim-looking dark green sludge. It is better to postpone water procedures until returning to Tamriel, since contact with the local analogue of water will inevitably lead to an accident. However, death in this world is not so dangerous, because you will simply be thrown back to the book that you read in order to be transported here. Jump into the side-to-side curving passage to reach the island with the switch from the second bridge, which can be accessed when the flexible passage is in the rightmost position. After the bridge is lowered, use the same path to reach the pedestal with the book and move to Chapter 2.

Help the Seekers find a way out and climb the stairs up towards another winding tunnel. You can jump from it to the platform on the left and talk a little more with the natives in order to inherit something valuable from their property, or you can simply activate the tentacle process at the end of this tunnel and open a passage further, cutting through the ranks of already fed up Daedra the way to Chapter 4 .

In the fourth chapter, hidden inside a giant flower, there is a huge book, after reading it, you will summon Hermaeus Mora. He will teach you the second word of the "Bend Will" shout and tell you that it is impossible to defeat Miraak without knowing this shout in its entirety. The Prince of Forbidden Lore could certainly teach it to you, but doing something just for the sake of it is somewhat shameful for the Daedra's reputation. Therefore, he will offer you a deal - the Skaal shamans hid their knowledge from him for many years (which is a crime in itself), and in exchange for them, Hermaeus Mora will gladly teach you the last word of the cry

After re-reading the book, you will have the opportunity to choose one of the permanent abilities for yourself - the ability to summon a fiery serpent from the bodies of enemies killed by the shout "Fire Breath", turn enemies into dust with the shout "Ruthless Force" or freeze with "Frost Breath". Once the choice is made, you will be transported back to Tamriel. Discuss what happened with Neloth and, sensibly judging that the secret of the secret method of butchering horkers is not such a high price for defeating Miraak, go straight to the Skaal village, to Storn. At the exit from Nchardak, you will be met by a dragon, which is very useful here - it will help activate the second word of "Subordination of Will".

gardener people
Rewardthe last two words of the "Submission of the Will" shout
Previouspath of knowledge
NextOn top of Apocrypha
Skaal Village
After reading the Black Book, you will find yourself in the dimension of Hermaeus Mora - the lord of the treasures of knowledge and memory.

Chapter I

Get ready for an extraordinary adventure. Run through the moving tunnels to the second chapter of the book.

Chapter II

After activating the book, you will enter a tunnel of paper sheets, get ready for a fight with a lurker and two more Guardians. When you deal with the enemy, activate the switch and run into the open passage to the third book.

Chapter III

In the following tunnels, you will also encounter Guardians and Lurkers. at that time, the number of the latter is much larger.

Chapter IV

At the very beginning, you will see the Black Book Epistolary Insight. After activating it, Hermaeus Mora will speak to you. He will teach you the second word of the Will Subjugation Shout, but to learn the third word of power he will ask you for a favor. The prince wants to know the "secrets of the Skaal"

Choose your knowledge:

  • Flame of the Dragonborn- After killing an enemy with Fire Breath Shout from their corpse, a fire wyrm will spawn to fight at your side for 60 seconds.
  • Frost of the Dragonborn- Shout Frostbreath encases opponents in ice.
  • Strength of the Dragonborn- Shout Unrelenting Force deals more damage and can rip apart opponents.
You can only choose one ability. Then return to Solsheim.


When you exit the Dwemer ruins, you will meet the dragon Krosulhach, who was sent by Miraak to kill you. After you deal with him, go to Storn Salolaz in the Skaal village and tell him about what Hermaeus asked you to. If you haven't completed the quest to cleanse the stones yet, Storn will refuse to go with you, citing the fact that he is still too weak to meet the Daedric Prince.

After reading the book by Storn, Hermus will take possession of the secrets of the Skaals and kill the unfortunate one. In return, you will learn the last third word of the Shout, Subjugation of the Will, and be ready to meet with yourself.

Today, there are a lot of professions that will be somehow connected with caring for plants. Among them, it is worth highlighting such a specialty as a gardener, who is it, what are his duties and what he should know and be able to do - let's look further.

Features of the profession

A professional gardener will need to know and be able to grow various types of perennial berry and fruit plants. He will also have to understand ornamental gardening.

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The higher the level of professionalism, the more the specialist is in demand in the labor market. However, very often gardening goes like component related professions such as or a landscape designer.

What is the job of a specialist?

In order to be a professional, you need to understand:

  1. in matters related to the primary processing or processing of horticultural products;
  2. in the development and implementation of various projects related to landscape design;
  3. implementation of landscape gardening;
  4. know how to properly cross plants to obtain new varieties;
  5. develops plans for work in gardens and parks.

In order to be in demand and be considered a professional, a gardener must understand the following disciplines:

  • agrochemistry and biochemistry of plants;
  • in plant protection;
  • vegetable growing and gardening;
  • botany;
  • plant physiology;
  • you should know how medicinal and essential oil crops are grown;
  • understand the principles of floriculture;
  • be able to grow ornamental plants;
  • be able to take care of various types fruit, berry or ornamental plants.

In addition, the specialist will need to be able to:

  • determine the type and quality of the soil, which is especially important when laying a new garden or organizing the cultivation of ornamental plants;
  • check the quality of the soil for suitability for growing garden and ornamental plants;
  • understand the varieties of garden plants;
  • be able to understand medicinal plants;
  • know which varieties of fruit and berry plants will be most effective in the region;
  • be able to select and determine the optimal rate for fertilizers;
  • understand the implementation of various technologies for growing plants from seeds;
  • check and assess the quality of horticultural products;
  • know the technology of collection and storage finished products gardening;
  • understand the development of garden and park facilities.

Where can gardeners work?

We went here the other day to the largest clothing market in Moscow "Gardener". Curious, I must say, the place turned out to be.

0. As you know, there was once in the old days in Moscow the clothing Cherkizovsky market, or in the common people "Cherkizon". He enjoyed a very bad reputation, because. spawned high levels of crime. But nevertheless, it was the cheapest place in Moscow to buy clothes.
One way or another, but at some point the authorities decided to close the market and simply dispersed everyone from the place where it was located. Now there has been a gaping wasteland for several years.

1. And the market itself moved to a new location, to the very south-east of Moscow near the Moscow Ring Road. Even earlier, a bird market expelled from the center (from Kalitnikovskaya Street) also settled there.

Thinking that I had never been to this legendary Cherkizon, but I was at the old bird market about 20 years ago, when we sold kittens there, I decided that I needed to explore their new habitats.

2. So, the "Gardener", located on the site of the once horticultural market, is just the same gigantic formation. Several dozen rows, each several hundred meters long. You can walk here all day.

3. Prices are very low. Well, not everywhere, of course, you have to look for them. In the first shop you come across, you may well be sold something at an inflated price.

4. "Gardener" is the real Asia. Here you are constantly grabbed almost by the hand with an offer to buy goods. If suddenly, God forbid, you become interested, especially voluntarily, then the seller will not get off you. He will squeeze the maximum out of you, he will drop the price, just so that you buy.

5. Prices, by the way, can be completely discounted several times. Not by 5-10%, but several times. If you have experience in trading in Muslim countries, it will be useful to you here. Without it, it will be more difficult. Don't be afraid to quote an absurdly low price.

6. Now all trade is in a warm indoor area under the roof. Previously, all this happened in the open air, rain, cold ..

7. "Gardener" is a real Babylon! Whom you will not meet here. We came across Afghans, Tajiks, Kyrgyz, Chinese, Vietnamese, Azerbaijanis, Turks and even South Koreans!

8. There is a category of people who do not like visitors. They say they take away their jobs, carry their culture.. Getting here, you understand that it is useless not to love them. It is easier to accept, so it will be more useful for the nervous system.

9. The East is a delicate matter

10. And most of Russia is the same east.

11. South Koreans.


13. China

14. Tajikistan! (and a country even poorer than Tajikistan :))

15. Among the buyers, too, a different audience comes across.


17. Here, for example, is an interesting couple. Possibly old people.

18. The product is also quite interesting. Some old-fashioned jackets, dresses. As if from the middle of the 20th century.



21. Briefs with jokes.

22. Where without the dominance of trendy souvenirs. I believe that it’s cheaper than here, you can’t buy T-shirts with a guarantor anywhere.

23. Sadovod, of course, sells not only clothes. Entire rows with all sorts of household and not only junk.


25. Passport covers. It's interesting that covers with crescents are already on sale here. So they are in demand.

26. Suddenly stopped by the police and asked to stop filming ..

27. Patriotic cases for iPhones. We argued for a long time - why they are needed. After all, iPhones are worn by the creative class, and they all go to the swamp and against Putin.

28. There are public spaces, benches :))

29. Of particular note is nutrition. Local residents of different nationalities here organize national cuisines for their own compatriots. You can taste Chinese, Vietnamese, Turkish food.


31. Of course, Uzbek samsa, plov.

32. Vietnamese eatery. Everything is in two languages.

33. Here are just the prices..

34. Visitors

35. In general, if there is a real International anywhere, then in places like "Gardener".

36. We also went to the bird market. It's not that crowded

37. I remember that my friend, who lives just where he used to be, was very happy that he was removed from Kalitnikov. The whole region breathed freely. Now the bird market, together with the "gardener" is located on the outskirts near the Moscow Ring Road and away from any houses. Nearby there are only Kaptnin factories and IKEA "Belaya Dacha".

38. The sellers are already our Russians. They don't give anything to anyone. They swear at trying to take pictures.

39. Well, really, you can’t sell dogs to just anyone, this is not a jacket for you. Must be in good hands.

40. Warning labels with a claim to humor.

41. Mimimi

42. As a child, I always dreamed of getting a parrot to teach him to speak something. But we've always had cats that it's not compatible with. And now there is no such desire.

43. "Dzhungariki". I didn't even know the word

44. That's why people get guinea pigs - I do not understand. They are some kind of amorphous inactive, you can’t really stroke them.

45. Cats are much better

46. ​​Well, or at least hares

47. Okay, the bird gets around pretty quickly. We return to the "Gardener"

48. By the way, there are free buses to "Gardener" from a bunch of metro stations. And not just buses, but "Ikarus-280". The very ones that seemed to have disappeared forever from city routes. But we didn’t know, we were going to the market on bus 10.

49. And, it turns out, there is still an opportunity to ride these old cars, and even for free! Buses to "Gardener" run from the metro station Lyublino, Vykhino, Novokosino, the new bus station " south gate"and trade fair complex "Moscow".

50. There are also buses from Domodedovskaya, Krasnogvardeiskaya, Maryino, and even from Shchelkovskaya and Preobrazhenskaya squares (it would be convenient for me to go on this one, with just one change)! But they no longer have icaruses, and they are no longer so free.
By the way, these buses are decommissioned from Mosgortrans. Those. not so long ago they went on ordinary city routes.

51. The frame of this handsome man cost me a scolding with a local security guard. Right in the best traditions of Zyalta, a rude guy in uniform approached me, and when he came over, he began to put pressure on the fact that it was impossible to take pictures here and that I erased the photos. I sent him through the forest, but I did not manage to get rid of him completely right away - I still wanted to show him who was in charge here.

52. Further it was even more interesting. It seems that the whole day I walked around the market, took pictures, no one said a word to me. On the contrary, everyone was happy, posing. And here, on you, the incident with the guard. Having gone to the other end of the market, and indeed, having gone beyond its limits, I decided to take a panoramic shot of the center. like this

Suddenly, some aggressive schmuck ran up to me, began to aggressively grab my hands, swear and be rude, wanting me to erase the photographed. A vile-looking bald man with a Caucasian accent was without any identification marks, without any form, etc. The conversation went something like this:
- Who are you finally, why are you taking pictures here?
- I want and fotkayu, my business. Who are you?
- You can't take pictures here. Come on, fucking erase everything!
- Why is it impossible?
- I told you not to! Are you really stupid or what?
- Who are you?
- What do you care who I am? Can you show me your badge?

I even tried to suggest that he call the police if he didn't like something, and even threatened to call them myself. But it didn't seem to impress him much. Of course, apparently it was some kind of local gangster watching the territory. Anyone else so frankly boorish would not allow himself to communicate, or at least be able to introduce himself. The market is clearly not over the 90s. Since I live in the 10s, I tried to get away from this bastard, but he followed me, cursing profusely in my wake. As a result, he called the guards to detain me (another confirmation that he was not just hanging out there like that). The guards turned out to be more adequate and politely asked to put the camera in my backpack and not provoke me, which I did. On this, the incident was generally settled, although I also tried to explain to the jumped-up bloke that he was behaving a little inappropriately from the point of view of common sense.

53. In general, a couple of incidents for the day was enough for me, and the market was already closing. So we went by "ikarus" to Novokosino, which I had never been to either.

54. I also discovered a new metro station.
