The new egais requirements apply to restaurants! Working with egais in the configurations "1c: public catering" and "1s: public catering corp" Moving between cafes for alcohol in 1s.

The law does not prohibit the movement of alcoholic products from one separate subdivision organizations to another. However, it must be remembered that such a movement falls under the concept of "turnover alcoholic products"(Section 16, Article 2 federal law dated November 22, 1995 No. 171-FZ "On state regulation production and turnover ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products" (hereinafter - Law No. 171-FZ).

In this regard, the movement of alcohol between separate divisions can be carried out only if the documents listed in Art. 10.2 of Law No. 171-FZ. For the same reason, such a movement, like any other turnover of alcoholic products, must be recorded in the Unified State Automated Information System. This is reported by Rosalkogolregulirovanie on its website.

Currently, the functionality of 1C programs allows you to download only the receipt of goods. The possibility of entering a "zero price" for the movement of goods within the same organization will be implemented. This is planned for Retail, version 2.2.2, where "zero price" will be allowed.

0. EGAIS checks and fines, when?

Checks will begin on 01/01/2016, they promise to start fines only from 04/01/2016.

The amount of the fine is 150-200 thousand rubles.

1. Will alcohol declarations be required quarterly, or will everything be automatic?

Yes, alcohol declarations must be submitted in the same way as before. Automatic data transfer is currently not provided for in the EGAIS system. In the future, it will be possible to partially (purchase fact), and subsequently fully receive the declaration file based on the data of the EGAIS system. This will be implemented in a personal account.

2. How will the declaration f.11 and f.12 be formed?

There were no changes in the formation of declarations f.11 and f.12.

3. Do you plan to cancel the declaration?

Cancellation of the declaration was discussed and is planned after all participants complete the connection stage (not earlier than 07.2017).

4. Do I need to connect EGAIS to public catering? Is it possible to use in EGAIS the CEP purchased for the CenterInform system or for signing declarations in the FSRAR?

Yes, you need to connect from 01/01/2016 in terms of reflecting the fact of purchase. It is necessary to purchase a CEP specially integrated for the EGAIS system. No other CEP will fit.

5. What about the remnants of alcohol in the warehouse, which was purchased before connecting to the Unified State Automated Information System, does it need to be scanned?

For businesses Catering there is no need to indicate balances in the EGAIS system. It will be necessary to enter balances only if the organization plans to reflect retail sales documents through the Unified State Automated Information System in terms of exemption from keeping a retail sales register.

6. If all alcoholic products will pass through the Unified State Automated Information System, will it be necessary to store certificates?

Yes, all certificates must be kept. They are not repealed by law.

7. When reflecting a purchase, is it necessary to check each bottle from suppliers for its legality using a 2D scanner?

To confirm the TTN in the EGAIS system, it is enough to check the batch according to the documents and confirm the acceptance in the program, the goods will be credited. Everyone is responsible for the illegality of alcoholic products, we recommend doing at least a random check of the delivered alcoholic products.

8. What about expired products?

If the supplier has delivered expired products to the buyer, the buyer must refuse to accept the TTN.

If the buyer accepts expired alcoholic products in the EGAIS system, this operation will be considered a collusion between the buyer and suppliers. Each such case will be dealt with by the FSRAR.

9. Should organizations keep a food service sales log, from what date? What are the features of catering journaling?

Organizations must keep a retail sales log from 01/01/2016. According to the order of filling out the retail sales journal:

The log is filled out no later than next day after the fact retail each unit of consumer packaging (packaging) of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, or upon opening of the transport container (including reusable containers) used for the delivery and subsequent bottling of products to the consumer (hereinafter referred to as the shipping container).

10. Is alcohol written off not taken into account in the register?

That's right, there is no need to write off alcohol in the Alcohol Sales Register. Each whole (unopened) container of alcohol sold is recorded in the journal. When selling alcohol in portions (on tap or as part of cocktails), the container is considered sold at the time of its opening. This also applies to transport containers, such as beer kegs or large containers of wine.

11. Where do I need to hand over the magazine? What if the magazine is lost? (the base flew off, the PC broke, etc.)?

It is not necessary to hand over the "Journal of Accounting for the Volume of Sales of Alcoholic Products". In case of verification, you need to provide it in printed form to the authorized bodies. The journal must be kept for 5 years. In order for the log not to be lost, we recommend making archival copies of the database of your accounting system (which maintains the “Alcohol Sales Log”).

12. How will surpluses and shortages be accounted for in the journal?

In the "Alcohol sales volume register" for catering establishments, only sales of alcoholic products are recorded.

13. How should the fight of goods or theft be reflected in the EGAIS system?

In the EGAIS system for public catering, it is necessary to reflect only the acceptance of alcoholic beverages. Data on the fight of goods or theft is not entered.

14. How is the write-off and posting of alcoholic products displayed?

The Unified State Automated Information System for public catering does not display the write-off and posting of alcoholic products. These operations are performed, as before, in the accounting system of the restaurant business.

15. There is a need to write off alcohol, how to display it in the EGAIS system?

From July 1, 2016, only retail stores need to write off alcohol in the EGAIS system; this requirement does not apply to catering establishments.

16. On December 31, is it necessary to remove the rest of the existing products in the restaurant?

Considering that restaurant business enterprises will not sell alcoholic beverages through the EGAIS system (unlike retail), there is no need to withdraw and enter the balances into the EGAIS system.

17. Catering does not need to be connected in terms of sales confirmation from July 1?

That's right, from July 1, 2016, the sale of alcoholic beverages must be carried out through the EGAIS system only to retail stores.

18. Sending and receiving TTN is carried out through EGAIS.

The invoice comes to the buyer from EGAIS in the form of a "request for acceptance". Depending on the conformity of the actual receipt of the goods with the paper TTN, the buyer can:

- confirm acceptance of the invoice,

Refuse her

Issue an act of discrepancies.

If the actual receipt exceeds the data in the electronic invoice in EGAIS, and the buyer is ready to accept the goods, then the supplier generates an additional invoice and sends it through the EGAIS to the buyer.

19. Vendors often offer alcohol promotions with bonus bottles, how do I account for them?

Bonus bottles of alcohol for the promotion must also be taken through the EGAIS system. The supplier simply indicates the zero cost of this product.

20. And if the supplier is not confirmed in the Unified State Automated Information System?

From January 1, 2016, the buyer can purchase alcoholic beverages only through the EGAIS system. If the supplier is not connected to the EGAIS system, you cannot purchase alcoholic products from this supplier, this sale will be considered counterfeit.

21. Can invoices be entered into the accounting program manually? Through EGAIS only confirmation?

TTN cannot be manually entered into the accounting system. A request for confirmation of the TTN will come to the accounting program through the EGAIS system, after confirmation of which the data will automatically fall into the accounting program.

22. When a car with alcohol arrives, is there any amount of time to check each bottle in order to be completely sure that all bottles are legal?

If the car is in a hurry, and you need to check the alcohol for legality, you check each bottle (or selectively) using a scanner in working mode. And only then do you confirm or refuse to accept the TTN in the EGAIS system. In case of TTN rejection, the supplier must take the alcoholic beverages.

There are many brands of 2D scanners, but only a few of them are adapted for EGAIS. You need to pay attention to this when buying.

24. What are the terms for confirming delivery to EGAIS?

To date, the term for confirming the delivery of EGAIS is 1 day.

25. Tell me how the goods will be moved within one legal entity. persons between different units (checkpoints are different)?

Each division of one legal entity separately must be connected to the EGAIS system. The movement of alcoholic products between these divisions must go through the EGAIS system and only if the supplier division has a license for this operation.

26. If we buy alcohol occasionally for cooking and confectionery in retail store- also through the Unified State Automated Information System?

If your unit does not have a license to sell alcohol, then the acceptance of alcoholic products for cooking does not need to be carried out through the EGAIS system.

27. If there was a partial return of alcoholic products, how is the procedure?

In the event that the actual arrival of alcoholic products does not correspond to the TTN, it is necessary to draw up an act of discrepancy with the corrected quantity in the accounting system. The act of discrepancies through UTM gets to the sender of products, while the sender can agree with the act. In this case, only the amount agreed with the recipient will be deducted from the sender's balance. In case of disagreement of the sender with the act of discrepancies, he refuses the act and then the entire invoice is refused and the entire volume remains on the balance of the sender.

28. Is it possible to keep two different organizations (if I am an accountant in these two organizations) on one computer?

At the request of the FSRAR, each separate subdivision must have a separate computer with the EGAIS system.

29. When buying alcohol, where should the computer with UTM be located? The restaurant is at one address, and the warehouse/accounting department is at another.

A computer with UTM must be located at the place of acceptance of alcoholic products. The "Alcoholic Products Sales Register" is kept in the restaurant business itself.

30. Can a restaurant buy alcohol from a retail chain?

Public catering enterprises need to record the acceptance of alcoholic products through the EGAIS system. If you buy alcohol in a retail network, then this product will be considered counterfeit.

31. We have an accounting program installed on our computer, is it possible to install EGAIS there or do I need to buy a separate PC?

At the request of the FSRAR, it is not recommended to install other programs on a computer with the EGAIS system installed, because they may interfere with the operation of UTM, and you are responsible for such cases.

32. Is CEP needed for each computer or for 1 local network?

CEP is needed for 1 computer for each point of sale of alcoholic beverages. If you have a chain of restaurants, each restaurant must be connected to the EGAIS system.

33. If you don’t have your own license now, is the license of the supplier’s company used, is their cash desk worth it?

In this case, the supplier must organize the acceptance of alcoholic products in the EGAIS system on the basis of your restaurant.

34. If an individual entrepreneur pours beer drinks, but is registered as a public catering company, is everything the same for them according to EGAIS?

Quite right, if an individual entrepreneur is registered as a public catering company, it is necessary to keep the acceptance of alcoholic products in the EGAIS system and keep a Register of Sales of Alcoholic Products.

The new EGAIS requirements, which apply to all catering establishments, come into force in a couple of weeks and it's time to take control of the situation.

Since 01/01/2017, restaurants have been equated to retail: you need to make an inventory and maintain current balances in the Unified State Automated Information System. Those. write off excise products daily upon opening the bottle.

So what exactly needs to be done:

    Bring the EGAIS balances in line with the actual
    - put on the balance in the EGAIS what you purchased before the EGAIS, i.e. until 2016 and still not sold;
    - write off to EGAIS everything that you have been taking all year. you have accumulated a surplus in the EGAIS virtual warehouse.

    After NG, daily send to EGAIS acts of write-off for alcohol sold for yesterday.

Accounting for alcohol residues in the EGAIS virtual warehouse, and even in whole bottles, is not very useful for restaurants. None management decisions not accept based on this information. But the requirements of the state must be met in order not to fall under the inspection of Rosalkogolregulirovanie and possible fines (the fine for violating the law on EGAIS for a legal entity now ranges from 150,000 to 200,000 rubles).

On the Russian market many solutions for EGAIS. But everything seems to us rather complicated. In particular, it is proposed to get acquainted in detail with two EGAIS registers - these are your new virtual warehouses. Next, you need to change your way of working to handle all of the receipt, movement, and disposal documentation for these virtual warehouses, in addition to your main warehouses and standard records. Well, as a final chord, it is necessary to add that a number of new fields have been introduced for new documents to fill in, because. it is necessary to keep records of new warehouses indicating the EGAIS nomenclature, alcohol codes, manufacturers / importers and certificates 1 and 2.

They have differences in terms of batch accounting analytics (sections of references 1 and 2):

    in the first register, alcohol is in the context of references, and when moving to the second register, the references “collapse”. If you need to return the alcohol back - the certificate must be specified again.

  • why are these registers needed and why are they different?

Catering organizations need to accept invoices, as you did throughout 2016, the balances automatically fall into 1 register.

The 2nd register is required for stores, because they send to EGAIS not write-off acts like Public Catering, but sales acts like Retail.

And acts of sale can only be sent from the 2nd register.

Therefore, for restaurants, the 2nd register is not required, transfers between registers are also not needed. all operations that are required by the RAP for public catering organizations are made from the 1st register.

We at DocsInBox are committed to reducing the routine and simplifying the work of restaurant employees. Therefore, we came up with a very simple and universal solution on how to satisfy all the requirements of the Unified State Automated Information System and not go crazy:

    It is necessary to conduct an inventory of alcohol. This is the only labor intensive step.

    Put on the balance sheet what is not in the EGAIS (what was purchased before the EGAIS, until 2016). In DocsInBox, this is done with one document in a few minutes.

    Next, you need to keep the balance of alcohol up to date. We came up with 3 simple ways write-offs, one of which will definitely suit your restaurant. Write-off can be done automatically or by one simple document once a day.

More detailed information can be obtained from the website. Sign up for an online demonstration on the site and we will tell you everything personally, by voice over Skype.

DocsInBox is a unique solution for restaurants that solves all issues with EGAIS and reporting on alcohol in a restaurant with uploading to iiko, RKeeper and 1C.