How to open a brokerage firm. Download a free brokerage company business plan

Question from Myalkovsky Bogdan:

Greetings! There is a desire to open an intermediary company that will offer customers the goods they are interested in at more reasonable prices. That is, to find a supplier, organize transportation and customs clearance with the help of relevant logistics and brokerage companies, in order to interest the client, optimize the costs that fall on the cost of production. But you can also earn money yourself. So.

  • What is the best way to register this company first, so that clients have confidence at the initial stage of cooperation?
  • What is the initial minimum capital required for registration and for further activities?
  • What should we do in a situation where the client has already agreed to our terms and entered into an agreement with us, and the cargo is already on its way, and suddenly refuses the deal? Does the product remain ours or is the client obliged to pay for it and pick it up?

Hello, Bogdan! The business of mediation is quite interesting; I myself have been involved in mediation in some areas and continue to do so. As far as I understand, you want to deliver goods from China for small entrepreneurs? If yes, then everything is simple.

  • Register as an individual entrepreneur and work under a service agreement (if you receive money for purchasing, delivery, etc. services) or an agreement for the supply of goods (if you offer goods). In the appendix to the contract you indicate the name of the goods, etc. You work on an advance payment of 50 before and 50 after (more trust) or 100% advance payment immediately. For more trust on the Internet, make a good website with competent texts and a commercial offer, try to bring it to some clients for starters, based on recommendations through friends, to collect reviews and try out the work scheme.
  • To register an individual entrepreneur 800 rub. duty + stamp + bank account. How to register an individual entrepreneur, I wrote! The costs of advertising and website creation are purely individual, I can’t even say approximately (maybe you already have clients or you know where to find clients other than the Internet, etc..). To purchase goods you may need money, but here you need to look at what scheme you will work on (100% prepayment or 50%). If 50%, then money will be required for purchases, and their amount depends on the amount of the order and the volume of the client’s purchase.
  • In any case, you work on a prepayment basis and both options are beneficial to you. If you still have the prepayment (50%) and the cargo, then you can sell the goods. You can’t work in such a business without an advance payment. But in fact, the client will not want to lose his 50% and will not refuse the cargo, unless of course he is a sensible person.
  • Plus I’ll add from myself! In this business, the main thing is not only to find a client, but also to properly prepare for the transaction. If we are talking about large orders worth at least hundreds of thousands of rubles, then you need to approach drawing up the contract very competently and you cannot skimp on a lawyer! An incorrectly drafted contract can result in losses; everything must be clearly spelled out! I didn’t want to scare you off with this, I just warned you, because in any business the rear must be covered.

If you have any related questions on this topic, ask in the comments!

Best regards, Schmidt Nikolay

With the help of a loan today you can solve, if not all, then most financial problems at the same time. Therefore, brokerage firms and their services, emerging here and there, are becoming the most in demand. How to become a credit broker? This is a question that comes up for many entrepreneurial searchers these days. Moreover, such companies earn good money by providing consulting services, helping the bank with the selection of clients and preparing all the necessary documents for obtaining loans. You can create a brokerage firm with a broader focus, directly representing the interests of banks: from the very first consulting service to receiving money.

What should you know when starting a brokerage firm?

The first step is to conclude an agreement with a financial institution, giving brokers the right to represent the agreed interests of the firm's clients in the credit institution.

By becoming a partner, you will receive a complete list of documents about all products and credit systems, the necessary forms, and the opportunity to obtain software. When using special programs, partners of a credit institution easily exchange important information online, which greatly simplifies the work process itself.

The more contracts, the more clients. The main thing is to try very hard and choose a favorable location for the company: markets, large supermarkets.

When opening offices in business districts of cities or in the center, try to take care of the convenience of clients.

With a well-chosen location, from the first days of work you will provide at least 50 clients to whom. Their number will grow day by day.

The office for a brokerage office should not be very large - twenty square meters, which can successfully accommodate four to five managers, since it is the managers who will be your main specialists.

What are the responsibilities of a broker manager?

  • Full explanation to clients of the features of credit lines and programs
  • Consultation on the required package of documents to obtain a loan
  • Assessing the borrower's chance of having a loan application positively reviewed by the bank.

Managers' salaries consist of a salary (from 6 to 10,000 rubles plus a percentage of the amount of transactions concluded). This is one percent of the amount of the loan issued. Moreover, as practice shows, salaries are paid only for three or four months. In the future, with an increase in the client base, brokers provide themselves with wages - a percentage of transactions.

If the bank refuses to issue a loan to a client, your specialist will not receive any remuneration. When accompanying the client until the loan is received, the broker is paid 5-10 percent of the amount received by the borrower.

Equipment for workplaces will cost approximately up to forty thousand rubles per employed employee.

You will need to buy:

  1. dedicated telephone line;
  2. install internet;
  3. hire an accountant and administrator.

The accountant's salary will be 15,000 rubles. It is wiser to hire a system administrator under a contract with payment for services, approximately 1-1.5 thousand rubles with a one-time payment (visits usually occur three to four times a month).

Criteria for hiring managers at a brokerage firm

  1. Ability to assess clients' solvency.
  2. Understand loans.
  3. Create documentation.

We recommend hiring either experienced banking specialists or graduates of specialized educational institutions with a specialization in banking. They may need additional training at the initial stage.

According to experts, the average loan amount is 250-300,000 rubles. One of the most popular loans is consumer lending. Next in popularity is a car loan. As for the real estate market, the direct competitors of brokerage firms are real estate agencies. Brokers usually specialize in one type of loan.

Outdoor advertising located not far from the office is considered an effective means of promoting the services of credit brokers. One of the modern methods of advertising is online advertising - placing advertising banners on specialized websites.

Among the most common options for registering such a business is opening an individual entrepreneurship or a limited liability company.

But a company registered as an LLC will look much more respectable in the eyes of the client, and in the event of financial problems, LLC participants are liable only within the limits of their authorized capital.

Should I open my own company?

It is worth noting that a brokerage company is not a cheap and not the easiest business, so there are at least three ways to start such a business. In addition to opening your own brokerage firm, there are also options for organizing a branch of a large brokerage company in your city (this can be either a foreign or a well-known domestic company), as well as becoming an agent (sub-broker) of another large organization.

“More expensive” than anything else. But if you open a branch of another company, then almost all financial concerns fall on the parent company (office equipment, advertising, etc.), so you will have to prove the feasibility and payback of such a company under your leadership.

In this case, you will not become the owner of the business, but rather its partner, and the parent company will have every opportunity to control your activities.

More attractive option– enter into an agency agreement with a large company. You will split the costs of opening a branch in half, you will receive the brand of a well-known broker and his analytical resource, and the company will receive a stable percentage of your income.

However, now we will talk about what needs to be done and how much to spend to build a brokerage business from scratch.

Licensing of a brokerage company and authorized capital

In order to provide brokerage services, a company needs a special license. To obtain a license for brokerage or dealer activities, a company must have its own funds in the amount of 10 million rubles.

If you also plan to carry out trust management of your clients’ capital, this amount increases to 35 million. And finally, depository activities require the company to have an authorized capital of 60 million rubles.

The licensing process itself brokerage company is not particularly complicated, you need to fill out a form and submit an application to the Federal Service for Financial Markets of the Central Bank of Russia. Registration of the license will take approximately two months.


It goes without saying that a reputable company to which people entrust their money should have an appropriate office. The most valuable investment is computers and software for smooth trading.

In addition, you will need a large TV to constantly monitor official news, a printer, good Internet and telephone connections, scanners and other office equipment.

It is necessary to equip 8-10 workplaces. Three of them will initially belong to employees, the rest will be for clients. The area of ​​the office space is from 50 square meters.

Personnel and monthly expenses

For the first time, three or four employees are enough. Please note that a person with at least one year of relevant work experience and a qualification certificate series 1.0 can only take up the post of General Director. Sometimes, in order to obtain special licenses, it is necessary to have several employees with such a certificate on staff.

One more point - accountants or system administrators are rarely hired at a brokerage. Most often, accounting and computer services are outsourced in order to save money.

The company's monthly expenses will be approximately 200-250 thousand rubles.


The most advantageous is direct sales and a course to work with wealthy clients, but the company receives interest from transactions, and therefore it makes sense to start by attracting a large number of small buyers. Another source of profit is training clients through seminars and special programs.

Regarding income from the company, then with active work and the presence of a large number of clients, it can pay for itself in 3-5 months and generate a profit of about 300-400 thousand rubles per month.

Despite all the difficulties in opening such a business, brokerage is a business that is gradually expanding, and is not yet very widespread in our country, so there is a real opportunity to gain a competitive advantage.


Perhaps, for Russia, investment companies are a fairly young type of activity. However, in other countries, the USA, Japan, and European countries, investment markets are quite developed, which allows the domestic investment business to develop successfully. Typically in Russia, investment companies are opened as open joint stock companies, which makes the issue (turnover) of securities freer and leads to more successful activities.

In order to open an investment company, select the organizational and legal form of the future company, hold a general meeting of shareholders, draw up minutes of the meeting, and develop a package of constituent documents.

Submit a copy of the meeting's decision, certified by a notary, to the local tax authority along with an application for registration of a legal entity - an investment company. Based on the registration documents received, register the enterprise with all extra-budgetary funds.
Open a bank account.

Prepare and submit the necessary documents to the licensing department of the Federal Financial Markets Service to obtain a license for your type of activity. In case of a positive decision, the license is issued without limitation of validity period (Order of the Federal Service for Financial Markets dated July 20, 2010 No. 10-49/pz-n “On approval of the regulations on licensing requirements and conditions for carrying out professional activities in the securities market”).

In accordance with Federal Law No. 39-FZ “On the Securities Market”, you can obtain a license for dealer, brokerage, depository activities or securities management activities. Receive notification of a decision to issue licenses to your investment company; receive an extract from the license register, which indicates the license form numbers and the investment company license forms themselves.
Select competent personnel and form the staff of the investment company.


  • how to create an investment company

An investment fund is a form of joint activity in which several investors unite and invest money in the same means of generating income: shares, bonds, deposits, etc. How to create such a fund, and what are its advantages?


Decide on the type of future investment fund. In the Russian financial system, mutual investment funds (UIFs) are most widespread, in which a large number of investor-shareholders entrust their funds to a management company. The shareholders themselves do not take part in money management, and the company, in turn, does not receive profit from managing the fund’s property. She only receives a certain reward for providing services. The amount of such remuneration is fixed in advance in the contract.

The peculiarity of creating a mutual fund is that it will not be a legal entity. This suggests that its registration is carried out on a contractual basis. Develop an agreement. This is a set of rules for managing an investment fund, which must be registered with government agencies.

Attach future shareholders to the created agreement. This can be done by submitting standard applications to join the mutual fund and contributing property to pay for the share.

After the creation of a mutual fund, all affairs of the fund are transferred to the hands of a management company, which performs only management functions.

Helpful advice

A mutual fund can be open-ended, closed-ended or interval. In the first case, each shareholder can redeem his share at any time convenient for him and leave the business. An interval fund involves presenting a share for redemption only during the interval period established by the rules of the fund. A closed mutual fund is characterized by a collegial form of management and a relatively small number of shareholders. The advantage of mutual funds of any type is their great reliability and guarantee of return on invested funds. The affairs of mutual funds are controlled by the state, so not a single case of missing money or deception of shareholders has yet been registered.


  • creation of an investment fund

Private investment is the lifeblood of the global economy. Getting started in private equity management will be a daunting task, but with dedication, knowledge and some luck, you and your clients will be happy with the partnership.

You will need

  • - Investment strategy;
  • - good marketing;
  • - investors.


Determine what investments you will accept and what market niche your company will be involved in. The most typical activities of private equity firms involve trading in stocks and bonds, but many also engage in commodity futures, foreign exchange and various options strategies.

Organize your company. If you are an owner or operator, this is relatively simple. You must decide which areas are best to invest in and allocate capital according to the chosen areas. If you are going to start with a larger operation and also hire several employees, consider organizing the company along departmental lines. Open departments for goods, goods, currency, as well as a department for investor affairs and other administrative matters, each of which should be managed by a senior employee.

Select the type of legal entity. Most investment companies are organized as mini-limited liability companies. Also talk to your accountant about what tax status is right for you. For example, if you have an LLC form, then you may either be subject to only the applicable tax.

Register with the relevant regulatory authorities. Most private investment companies must register with the Securities and Exchange Commission, but if your company specializes in unique financial products and transactions, you may also need to register with the Commodity Futures Commission and the National Securities Futures Association.

Attract investors. They can be both individuals and institutions. Monitor compliance with privacy regulations and analyze the risks and rewards of your investment strategy.


  • Mutual investment fund.
  • how to create an investment fund

Private investment is the lifeblood of the global economy. Starting your own private equity firm will be a daunting task, but with dedication, knowledge, and a little luck, you and your clients can form a very rewarding partnership.

You will need

  • - Investment strategy;
  • - investors;
  • - good marketing.


Determine what kind of investments you are going to accept, in what market area the company will be involved. Private equity firms work in activities such as bond and stock trading. Many of them accept commodity futures, build currency and various options strategies.

Create your company. This is quite simple if you are the owner or operator. It is important to decide in which areas your clients will invest and capital according to the chosen areas. If you are planning to embark on larger operations and also employ several employees, consider organizing your firm on a departmental basis. Open departments that will deal with bonds, commodities, currencies, as well as departments for administrative issues and investor affairs, each of which should be headed by a senior employee.

Consider the appropriate type of legal entity. Most investment firms are organized as mini or limited liability companies. Consult with your personal accountant regarding the most appropriate tax status. For example, if you choose the LLC form, you will be subject to the appropriate tax.

Complete registration with the statutory authorities. Most investment funds are registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, but if your firm specializes in any unique transactions or products, you may also need to register with the National Futures Association and the Securities Exchange Commission.

Opening a brokerage office is quite a responsible and serious matter.

Before starting a business, you need to study this type of activity and its features in detail.

It is advisable to obtain information from expert brokers to learn about all the intricacies of conducting intermediary activities in the securities or currency markets. You should know that the success of a brokerage company depends on how unique it is compared to others.

The essence of brokerage activity

A broker is an individual or legal entity who, in the form of trust management, carries out operations on the stock market, using the client’s money and trying to increase their amount for a certain amount of remuneration. In other words, the broker invests funds in securities, spins them in various ways, and agrees in advance with the client the amount of profit. Everything that is earned above a set amount remains with the broker or he receives a certain percentage of the total income.

To successfully carry out these operations, the broker will need recommendations and analytics from specialized agencies that monitor various markets. At the same time, it is important to independently correctly analyze the dynamics of the required markets and take into account the micro- and macroeconomic factors influencing them. Brokerage is a demanding and challenging job for a number of reasons.

  1. Firstly, although the securities market is predictable, despite this, many different events often occur in the world that can at any time have a significant impact on prices.
  2. Secondly, brokerage office employees must constantly monitor the entire flow of news, graphics, analytics and various information to carry out effective transactions.

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The process of opening a brokerage office

Before opening a brokerage office that will have access to the stock market, you need to prepare a substantial budget for promotion and advertising, as well as invest a serious amount of money in the business itself. Therefore, most often such companies are created on the basis of banking organizations or other large financial structures.

Simpler and more promising options for starting a brokerage business are ways to create a sub-broker that operates through direct brokers. To do this, you will need to find a broker in the USA or Europe and inform him by letter of your desire and readiness to open an office of his representative office in Russia. If consent is received, the following cooperation options will be offered:

  1. The brokerage office begins work in its region, representing the interests of the parent company (draws up contracts, serves clients in Russian, transfers money to the main company, opens accounts, etc.). In this case, the company will receive a commission from each transaction carried out by the client.
  2. A brokerage firm acquires a certain status, allowing it to independently conduct transactions, train traders, and have its own brand under the auspices of the parent company. In this case, you will have to pay commissions for using the business model and brand of the main enterprise.

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Registration and obtaining a license to carry out activities

You can open a brokerage office only after obtaining a license, because this type of activity is regulated by the state with the help of the Federal Service for Financial Markets. The company can be registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

The most popular and inexpensive is the license “for the provision of brokerage services,” which is issued to an individual or organization that meets the requirements of the Federal Financial Markets Service. To obtain it you must have:

  • a sufficient amount of own funds - at least 10 million rubles;
  • accounting system and related technical support;
  • qualified personnel who have passed special exams.

A brokerage license is issued within 30 days and for professional securities market participants engaged in brokerage activities is unlimited.

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Organization of the company office and selection of employees

It is equally important to properly prepare the necessary space for successful activities. At the moment, almost all work on the stock exchange is done via the Internet, so you will need an uninterrupted and high-frequency channel, since even a few seconds can change the course of a transaction. You will also need to purchase computer equipment, telephones and a fax machine. It is important that all equipment is modern and of high quality.

Particular attention should be paid to the place of work where transactions will be concluded and negotiations with clients will take place. You will need good furniture that will fit perfectly into the interior.

A brokerage house must look respectable.

Employees who will work in the company must be able to sell on the stock market and successfully attract new clients. Personnel also need to be certified by the Federal Financial Markets Service.