How to make money as an SMM specialist from home. SMM specialist who is this

Especially for Likeny, the HeadHunter portal analyzed vacancies and resumes for the position of “SMM specialist” to find out how the demand for this profession has changed over the year and what it is like and how much the average SMM specialist earns today.

Number of vacancies for the position “SMM specialist”

Since the beginning of the year, about 600 vacancies for SMM specialists have been published on in Moscow. In Russia as a whole, there are more than 800. Over the past year, there were 375 vacancies in the capital, that is, the growth even in less than a full year is already obvious. According to Gleb Lebedev, director of research at HeadHunter, by December 31, the number of vacancies for SMM specialists on in 2014 will reach 700 vacancies in Moscow and 1,100 in Russia.

It is worth noting that an SMM specialist is a very competitive position. If you look at hh.index, which shows how many resumes there are for one open vacancy, then it is equal to 4.9, while in the Russian labor market as a whole it is 3.5. This means that it is quite difficult for applicants to find work in a profession with attractive conditions due to high competition.

There are changes in the structure of demand for work experience. Over the past three years, the demand for inexperienced specialists has been decreasing, while the demand for people with 3 to 6 years of experience has been growing.

Average salaries offered

According to data from "Salary Data BankHeadHunter» , currently the average actual salary of an SMM specialist in Moscow is 70,000 rubles (gross). Growth over the year - 4%. In Russia as a whole - 52,000 rubles (gross), and growth over the year - 7%. At the same time, it is worth noting that in the 4th quarter the proposed salaries will fall by 8-10% due to the unstable economic situation.


If we try to imagine the average SMM specialist, we will get a girl 26-35 years old with a higher education and an average level of English proficiency. At the same time, she has been working in SMM for more than three years and earns from 40 to 60 thousand rubles per month.

Greetings friends! Today there will be a slightly unusual post, or rather a case. It is worth noting that this is my first case where I describe (scorch) real schemes for making money on social networks, so do not judge strictly. The methods that I will write about below may be known to you, since I am not the first on the Internet to share working schemes for free. Of course, I give them to you for free.

Today there are a huge number of social networks on the Internet, which cover more than 70% of global traffic. Undoubtedly, such a number of people could not fail to interest businessmen, Internet entrepreneurs and webmasters. Today, most large companies use social networks to promote their brand, products or services. They also use social networks to get to know their target audience better, which is very important for business (in particular, for online business).

Why did I write all this? It seems like a case study, but I’m writing some crap. But the point is this: I want you to understand that social networks are not just a way for people to communicate, but a place where a potential target audience gathers. You can't look at social media like... There are no concepts of “quick money” or “a lot of money”.

So, you can make money on social networks in several ways: targeted advertising, promotion of groups and pages, opening an online store, earning services, traffic arbitrage, and much more. etc. I’ll say right away that making money on social networks is not as easy as it seems. There are many pitfalls and issues here, which I will write about below.

For a better understanding of the information in the case, I will divide all the ways of earning money into levels accordingly.

Level 1 Earning money using special services

Interesting experiments in the field of SMM and cases of promotion on social networks are often published here. By reading these groups, you can gradually become an SMM professional. For me, these 3 groups are still the main source of new information.

How to start making money on SMM?

Let's say we have knowledge and experience. All that remains is to find employers. Unfortunately, at this stage many people stop and become disillusioned with SMM. In fact, the most important thing in SMM is to have a good portfolio and reviews, so first you need to work for free.

Where to find a job?

You can offer your services on various SEO forums and freelance exchanges. I advise beginners to start with forums, as they gather 40% of employers in this field. There are also a lot of permanent employers here. By performing high-quality work several times, you can get many regular orders.

I will reveal all the features of SMM in the following articles.

Level 3 Business promotion on social networks

As I already said, social networks gather a huge potential target audience, which can be very useful for both offline and online businesses. Alternatively, you can create official company pages or mini-online stores on social networks.

Today it is popular to create a mini online store on VK and FB. In fact, this is a regular group filled with commercial information and photographs of the products offered. There is nothing complicated about it.

How to attract your first clients?

The main way to attract the target audience is targeted advertising, which brings more than 60% of the target audience.

Tip: when setting up advertising campaigns on social networks, you can select your audience according to various criteria. I recommend specifying the following criteria in all advertising campaigns, with the exception of special products: female gender, age from 16 to 38 years, Moscow and St. Petersburg. Also, in some social networks you can select the target audience by application and group. For example, when setting up a VK target, I advise you to show ads only to those who are subscribed to thematic groups or to a group of competitors.

Level 4 Goldmine for everyone

Usually, by the concept of a case, they mean a description of some working scheme, but I end up with something like an informative article. I'm correcting myself

Today, the most profitable way to make money is traffic arbitrage. Few people know that social networks of this kind are best suited for draining traffic. Many people place banners on blogs, order links and drain traffic from gaming sites, spending huge amounts of money on it. But you can drain traffic from social networks, which is much cheaper and the audience is more loyal to various offers. The average income of an arbitrator is more than $100.

How to start making money on traffic arbitrage from social networks?

First, we select an affiliate program and an offer to which we will send traffic. I advise you to apply for new offers, since there is a high probability that no one except you will drain traffic from social networks. Next, let's set up our advertising campaigns. I usually merge gaming traffic from VK, since the audience is loyal to all kinds of advertising offers. This is due to the fact that advertising on VK is unobtrusive and only interested users click on it.

SMM stands for Social Media Marketing or social media marketing. An SMM specialist or SMM manager promotes a company, its brand, products and services on social networks - Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Odnoklassniki, Youtube, Telegram and others.

The profession of an SMM specialist involves complex, multi-purpose work - writing posts, maintaining public pages, advertising, communicating with visitors and clients, launching activities for users and other tasks. This kind of work requires constant communication and being online. You need to prepare for this psychologically.

To better understand who an SMM specialist/manager is, I will describe what he looks like from the outside:

Artem, my “workshop” colleague, did not work at his desk, but sat on the sofa all the time. He had a laptop on his lap, an iPhone on his left, a notebook and a tablet on the coffee table. Something was constantly beeping, buzzing and vibrating. He regularly picked up the phone, looked, laughed, pointed and moved his finger across the screen and whispered something with his lips. Nobody called him, but they wrote and liked him a ton, and he kept track of everything and responded to everything.

Places of work

SMM managers work in online agencies, digital agencies and in companies that build sales and promotion through social networks.

Tasks and responsibilities of an SMM specialist

The main responsibilities of an SMM manager are:

Requirements for an SMM specialist

As a rule, an SMM manager is required to:

  • Competent communication (oral and written). Ability to write interesting texts.
  • The ability to develop communities and attract subscribers without promotion or direct purchase.
  • Experience in conducting targeted advertising. Knowledge of programs and services that automate and simplify work (for example, Cerebro Target or
  • Knowledge of web analytics (Google Analytics, Yandex.Metrica).

Sometimes the requirements for an SMM specialist include:

  • Work experience and portfolio of completed projects.
  • Knowledge of graphics packages for photo processing, creating pictures and infographics.
  • Excellent knowledge of English.
  • Experience in organizing events.
  • Knowledge of marketing and ability to promote products and services in the market.

The first way to become an SMM manager is through self-study and freelancing. Developing your own public pages and blogs (for example, about a hobby or an interesting topic), working as a freelancer with entry-level orders in six months to a year will give you practical experience and allow you to develop a portfolio. This, in turn, will give you a chance to get a job in a digital agency and grow into a professional. This is one of the shortest routes into the profession, but it requires self-discipline.

The second way to become an SMM specialist is to get a higher education in the field of PR, journalism, marketing, or take courses in SMM and find a job in promotion on social networks. Even an entry-level position is suitable - an assistant to an SMM specialist or a copywriter. In the process, you can quickly gain experience, grow and start leading serious projects.

SMM specialist salary

Market analysis shows that SMM specialists earn approximately 30 to 90 thousand rubles per month. The higher the salary, the closer the SMM manager is to marketing and the more serious the problems he solves.

Greetings, dear friends. Today we’ll talk about one of the interesting professions in which you can work and earn decent money. Considering that we are all constantly connected to social networks and spend almost all our free time there, it is also possible to find a job there. Which one? Highly paid!!!

The profession of SMM specialist has appeared recently. With the development of social networks, it is becoming more and more in demand. The work of an SMM manager is based on the tasks and principles of SMM marketing.

SMM marketing tasks

Smm ( Social Media Marketing– social media marketing) - work to attract the attention of the target audience to a website, brand, company or product through social platforms.

Objectives of this direction in marketing:

  • promotion of web resources, products or services through social media. networks;
  • unobtrusive placement or encouragement of posting information, links to resources in topics;
  • stimulating interest among users to switch to the full version of the site from social media. networks;
  • viral marketing – spreading advertising on a social network using likes, reposts, etc.

Smm specialist who is this

A manager in Social Media Marketing is a person involved in attracting attention to a brand, product, website through social networks. The main task is to interest and attract target subscribers with the offer, create a positive image of the product, provoke them to take actions to go to the main page of the site or purchase the offered product. The marketer must conduct hidden advertising so as not to alienate users.

Functions of an SMM specialist:

  • administration and moderation of groups and communities - attracting and encouraging users to advertise the group on their pages, suppressing obscene language, answering questions from participants, maintaining topics;
  • drawing up a plan of articles and topics for social platforms;
  • preparation of videos for promotions;
  • placement of fresh materials;
  • analysis of traffic and sources;
  • miscalculation of work efficiency;
  • miscalculation of the advertising budget.

How to become an SMM specialist

Due to the novelty of the specialty, the profession of SMM manager is not taught in educational institutions. At various online courses, seminars and trainings, you can gain the knowledge that an SMM specialist should have, who he is and what he does. A professional must have the knowledge and skills:

  • psychologist - be able to communicate, predict user reactions, reduce the negative reaction of the audience;
  • analytics - be able to analyze the results of your work, look for effective tools;
  • marketer - recognize your target audience, know in which communities they communicate;
  • copywriter - be able to create interesting, attention-grabbing, unique selling content.

To work successfully you need:

  • know and be able to buy likes, reposts, retweets, offers, etc.;
  • process photos in a graphics editor;
  • be able to work with animation, memes;
  • come up with interesting texts for posts that correspond to the customer’s topic;
  • know the basics of contextual advertising, internet statistics, SEO, SMS;
  • be able to analyze Internet traffic.
How much does an SMM manager earn?

Salaries for social media marketing specialists. networks can vary greatly. The income range ranges from 5 to 100 thousand rubles, depending on the following factors:

  • customer region;
  • work experience and qualifications;
  • volume of work;
  • employer;
  • remote work.

In the regions, the average salary of a SMM specialist ranges from 25 to 30 thousand rubles, in Moscow he receives an average of 50-60 thousand rubles, and in St. Petersburg 40-50 thousand rubles.

The qualifications of the manager are of great importance. A beginner specialist can receive from 25-30 thousand rubles. in Moscow. One year of experience in SMM marketing allows you to receive a salary from 30 – 40 thousand rubles per month. A professional with at least 2 years of experience and good knowledge of SEO and web analytics tools can earn money in Moscow from 50-60 thousand rubles. Good command of foreign languages, in addition to the listed skills, increases the lower salary threshold from 70-90 thousand rubles.

Working full-time on staff at a company or agency pays higher than working remotely. In agencies, managers manage several projects at the same time; accordingly, their salaries are higher than those who work on one project in the company.

Salaries depend on the size of the organization. In large companies, the salaries of SMM managers are higher than in medium and small companies.

The profession of an SMM specialist is today a promising and well-paid one. Demand for social marketing professionals networks are constantly growing. Having enough knowledge and constantly learning, you can master a sought-after profession with a permanent income.

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.

SMM is at the peak of popularity. Many business owners turned to him as a lifeline. But someone has to throw this circle...

Today we will talk about an SMM manager - an employee who promotes projects on social networks. What can and should a specialist do and how much should he be paid for it? These questions are asked to me every day, at every meeting and in every conversation, and by representatives of both barricades.

In this article, I supported my point of view with comments from SMM specialists and business representatives. Read them, add them up and divide them into your opinion - only then will you get a “roughly” objective picture.

What is he doingSMM-schik

The SMM manager plays a role content manager: draws up a content plan, writes posts, selects photos and videos, publishes posts. He's the same community manager: answers user questions, works with negativity and places orders without leaving social networks.

Often it is the SMM manager sets up contextual advertising on social networks.Although I have also met those who undertake to set it up even in Yandex and Google.

Next, we touch on the PR sphere and begin attract opinion leaders. To do this, you either need to have your own base or create it from scratch. Finding a suitable trendsetter, getting in touch with him, convincing him to cooperate - all this is the job of an SMM specialist.

Certainly, partnerships with other brands. It’s almost like with opinion leaders, but with its own characteristics. Collaboration can be both online and offline, so it’s usually not limited to social networks alone.

Unforgettably competitions, promotions, mass following/mass liking. It’s rare that anyone other than an SMM manager does this.

And what SMM managers often DO NOT do, but in vain - primary analysis of social networks, development of strategy and portrait of the target audience. You need to keep your finger on the pulse to improve your performance.

But that's not all. Our realities are such that an SMM specialist does a lot of other things, non-core work. For example: searching and attracting photographers, designers; writing texts for a website and blog; analysis of work in Google Analytics; cooperation with the media and bloggers; organizing events and so on.

In truth, business representatives often want to give maximum functions to the SMM manager.

It seems to me that one of the reasons is ignorance of what this specialist should actually do (although another, of course, is the lack of budgets). But the SMM specialists themselves are good: often, instead of explaining what he did, he takes on tasks that he knows nothing about, just to get a project or increase his fee.

My rule in this matter is: do what I can and clearly communicate this to the manager. All. And don’t think, “Okay, I’ll make an agreement with the magazine once, I won’t deal with the media anymore.” You will, as you will. If you don’t immediately outline the circle of responsibility.

If you are an SMM specialist and are ready to perform additional tasks - PR specialist, marketer, contextologist - take an additional fee for this. Do not be afraid. Because (I will not stop repeating): every job must be paid.

Well, if you are a business representative, there are two solutions. First, if there is a lack of funds, really delegate some responsibilities to the SMM person, but make sure that he understands what he is doing. Secondly, if you have enough funds, find a marketer, or a PR specialist, or a contextologist - the one who you need most now. Don't skimp and you'll get better results.

SMM salary

A specialist’s fee depends on several criteria: type of employment (permanent, project or remote work), responsibilities and experience.

Try to allocate funds for a more experienced manager who will recoup your investment. And if you hired a professional, please trust him.

Well, be sure, when you hire a person, look at his previous projects, or even better, write to the ex-manager and ask for a recommendation. I have repeatedly encountered the fact that an SMM specialist takes credit for the project’s achievements, although he could have worked for the company for a week.

What does he think Anya Laricheva, SMM specialist.

I performed different functions in different projects. But if we are launching a new project on social networks, then I write the strategy, create the content and manage the advertising budget. Basically, I still act as a copywriter, that is, I write all the necessary texts (press releases, blog).

I gave up on such indicators as subscribers and the number of posts a long time ago; it’s not serious.

I have a fixed price for my services. The client must understand that social networks introduce and promote the brand, and are not the main source of sales, although everything is individual, of course.

I can’t say specifically what my salary is, it’s unethical. Depending on the brand and its needs. From 5 thousand hryvnia to 10 thousand for remote work. Unfortunately, there are people who do the same work for less money, thereby destabilizing the market and reducing the cost of such work.

What does he think Alena Evtishchenko, SMM specialist.

Here are a number of functions that I perform in projects: strategy development, maintaining pages on social networks, developing and implementing a content plan, analyzing and attracting target audiences, building a brand image on social networks, reputation management, creating loyalty programs, monitoring and analyzing competitors, working with bloggers and opinion leaders, working with comments, holding competitions, setting up and managing targeted advertising, stimulating sales.

In my opinion, a decent salary for an SMM specialist who manages a couple of accounts and works remotely is about 10 thousand hryvnia.

My salary is usually fixed, and not a percentage of sales or work done. On average - 5-6 thousand hryvnia per project.