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Clinical aspects of the use of the IMEDIS-TEST test in pediatrics / E.G. Avanesova, M.Yu. gotovskiy

Clinical aspects of the use of the vegetative resonance test "IMEDIS-TEST" in pediatrics

publishing house: IMEDIS

Year: 2011

Pages: 192

ISBN: 978-5-87359-093-3

The monograph is devoted to theoretical and clinical issues of using one of the modern methods electropuncture diagnostics - autonomic resonance test "IMEDIS-TEST" in the clinical practice of a pediatrician. In chapters I, II, III, the issues of studying various pathologies of a child or adolescent using the method of the vegetative resonance test "IMEDIS-TEST", new approaches from the standpoint of electropuncture diagnostics to assessing the state of the integrating systems of the child's body are considered, clinical examples of using the method "IMEDIS-TEST" are described in detail. TEST" when examining children. Chapter IV is devoted to such frequently occurring problems in children's practice as psychosomatic disorders, school phobia, convulsive conditions, and allergies.

The theoretical and scientific-practical issues outlined in the monograph are based on the fundamental provisions of the theory of Academician of MAIM, Professor Yu.V. Gotovsky.

The book is intended for physicians of all specialties working in children's and adolescent clinics and using the method of autonomic resonance test "IMEDIS-TEST" in their medical practice. The book can be used as study guide when teaching the vegetative resonance test "IMEDIS-TEST" in special courses and in self-study this method doctors of all specialties.

UNION NEWSPAPER Date:2004-03-22


In our difficult time, when in Russia the unique inherited from the past industries are curtailing and collapsing, when the state voluntarily abandoned healthcare, when many scientists and specialists, finding themselves in a desperate situation, are forced to realize themselves in the West "for good money", it is simply hard to believe that we might have decent achievements somewhere else. But the Russian mind does incredible things, creates even in the most unfavorable conditions. This is confirmed by the experience of the Center "IMEDIS" (Intelligent Medical Systems), which is headed by Professor of the Department of Computers, Networks and Systems of MPEI Yuri Valentinovich Gotovskiy. For more than a quarter of a century, he and his staff have been developing and implementing methods of energy-information diagnostics and treatment, designing smart devices that have no analogues abroad.
At the IX Moscow International Conference dedicated to "Theoretical and Clinical Aspects of the Application of Bioresonance and Multiresonance Therapy", I met Noeme Kempe, head of the research group on biosensorics of the Ludwig Boltzmann Society. A world-famous scientist from the Austrian city of Graz came to this forum for the eighth time. Behind her back are major discoveries in this area, and her opinion is weighty.
“Bioresonance therapy is one example of the flexibility and volume of Russian thinking, sensitivity and susceptibility to the new,” she says in pure Russian. “The center and its equipment are leading in the world; gigantic efforts are required to move it from its place. In Russia, the new takes root quickly. This does not surprise me, since in many areas of science, in particular in physics, Russian priorities have traditionally reigned. The Russian mind is distinguished by natural freedom, openness, looseness, but often the process implementation is somewhat slower, lagging behind the birth of ideas. In this particular case, the instruments and methods show that the scientists and doctors associated with the center think and implement new ideas at a faster pace. "
The starting point for bioresonance therapy (BRT) was the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, which considers a person as a single biofunctional system associated with environment, that is, the treatment takes into account not only his physical, but also his emotional, spiritual state. Our body and its functional systems are a source of ultra-weak electromagnetic oscillations in a wide frequency spectrum. The nature of oscillations, which are called physiological, or harmonic, is more convenient to determine by biologically active points on the surface of the skin. When a pathology or disease appears in the body, new sources of electromagnetic oscillations are formed, the so-called pathological or disharmonic oscillations, which violate the physiological balance, breaking the well-functioning synchronous cybernetic regulation system. The organism becomes ill when the harmony between vibrations is disturbed, and it cannot eliminate pathological vibrations to the minimum necessary level.
All control and regulation information flows are present in a living organism. Biochemical processes need constant control, therefore, in case of illness, a violation should be sought in this area, for which bioresonance therapy is used. Bioenergy correction according to the method of Professor Gotovsky comes to the rescue. All information about the patient's condition, including his age, weight and height, is entered into a computer database.
Then the search for acupuncture points and the measurement of electrical parameters are performed, which are reflected on the screen. With the help of "IMEDIS" devices, the doctor essentially silently "talks" to the human body. He asks the organs and cells about their condition and immediately receives an exhaustive answer, and the image of all organs appears on the screen in vivid color and colors, and the root causes of the disease and the treatment strategy are immediately determined.
For a complete comprehensive examination of a person, a smart electronic machine takes about three hours. Her diagnosis is unmistakable.
"BRT allows you to get an instant feedback on the flow of energy in the body," doctor E. Scott-Morley from the British city of Poole explained to me.
The devices treat the patient with electromagnetic oscillations of his own body, which are taken with the help of electrodes, divided into physiological and pathological ones, converted in the device into reverse polarities, while maintaining spatial and temporal characteristics, and then returned to the patient from the output of the device in certain amplitude and phase ratios , in the form of enhanced medical information. The purpose of this therapy is to neutralize pathological fluctuations in the patient and activate the body's immune forces.
“BRT treats a person, not symptoms, it tries to create conditions for the body to choose the appropriate method of treatment, and there is nothing smarter than the body,” says Noeme Kempe.
It is important that no external energy is used in the treatment. The patient's electromagnetic field immediately responds to therapeutic signals, and the corrected oscillations are again sent to the device, etc. In this way, during the treatment process, the patient and the devices form an adaptive control loop, since the processed oscillations return to the patient again and again. As a result, pathological fluctuations are weakened or completely suppressed, physiological fluctuations are intensified, and balance in the body is gradually restored. This is the essence of the Bioresonance Therapy (BRT) developed by the IMEDIS Center, which proceeds from the idea of ​​self-regulation of the body, the use of its own adaptive capabilities to return to a normal state of health.
"Our body has an amazing ability to heal itself, if only the damage done to it is not too great. Its hidden regenerative reserves are revealed in critical situations. And who knows the limit of these reserves? It is clear that it is not infinite. It is necessary to shift the center of gravity in treatment to internal reserves the patient’s body, to mobilize his own defenses,” says H.Yu. Shehab from the Lebanese city of Saida.
This approach allows you to take on the treatment of almost any disease.
"Even for AIDS or cancer?" - I ask an almost fantastic question to the consultant of the Department of Military Toxicology and Defense of the Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Oleg Mikhailovich Shpakov. He nods at me with a smile, and then says: “Our methods and devices help to diagnose 97 percent of diseases. We “decompose” a person, as they say, into vitamins and minerals. According to the statistics of the Center, it is possible to completely heal up to 86 percent of patients from ailments . In Kyiv, my student took 96 patients with cancer in the third and fourth stages and put 81 patients on their feet. "
Considering that in homeopathy the effect is achieved through right choice drug, which, by its vibrational frequencies, enters into resonance with the patient's body, Yu.V. Gotovsky, for the first time in the world, carried out not only the selection of drugs, but also their manufacture using special advanced equipment, laying the foundation for electronic homeopathy. Thanks to "IMEDIS" electronic homeopathy enters our lives. The doctor has the opportunity to use systems containing information on homeopathic medicines. Depending on the diagnosis, the system itself recommends to the doctor a list of 27,000 medicines and materials from German, French, Italian and other leading homeopathic companies (!). All initial electromagnetic spectra of these preparations are stored in the memory chips of the selector. The spectra of physiological and pathological fluctuations can be recorded on various information carriers: water, homeopathic grains, saline, etc. and apply as medicines in the intervals between treatment sessions on the equipment.
"The future belongs to a reasonable combination of classical and electronic homeopathy," says Y. Gotovsky. Ludmila Kosareva, his deputy at IMEDIS, speaks warmly of his teacher and colleague Professor Gotovsky. "I am struck by the power of logical thinking in Yuri Valentinovich, the breadth of knowledge, a deep understanding of information theory, the ability to correctly set and solve practical problems, to highlight the main thing in them. He is a true generator of ideas. Our device turned out to be competitive. Western devices do not allow doing what is possible on our instruments, which have no analogues in the world.Our methods are perfect.We correspond with many scientific and technical specialists this direction, we closely follow the literature. From foreign trips we carry suitcases of books. We are invited to international conferences and conventions," she says.
The equipment is constantly being improved. Russian devices have proven themselves in Germany, England, Greece, Italy, Israel, South Africa and other countries. And what is curious: they were created by the company at the expense of own funds and efforts without any assistance from the state. “Why does our equipment enjoy such prestige?” Oleg Shpakov asks me again. “The secret is that the best foreign devices, German ones, have only 30 percent of the capabilities of our devices. Western developers invest only their own in them, while we study and assemble in our own devices, everything is the best. The question is, why puzzle over what is already there? It is not at all necessary to be proud only of what we have personally managed to achieve, but we must be aware of all world achievements. "
Work on new technology does not stop. So, a unique device for color therapy was recently created. It is known that any color shades of light, entering into resonance with the body, can have a certain effect on it, including healing.
Computer color-musical psychotherapy also turned out to be effective, in which the president of the International Academy of Integrative Medicine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Moscow professor Sergey Shushardzhan achieved brilliant results. With the help of electronic devices, accurate express diagnostics are carried out, therapeutic music is selected.
“Unlike other areas, we do not oppose ourselves to classical medicine, but act in alliance with it,” continues Lyudmila Kosareva. “You can’t get anywhere without it. doctor. Our doctor approaches each patient individually, treats his body as a whole, and not the disease. This is his advantage and good results. They rarely go beyond one disease."
The Center has trained thousands of doctors who work both in various parts of Russia and abroad. Around "IMEDIS" a team of like-minded doctors has formed, because the motto of Y. Gotovsky himself is: "Share, share and share again." Share knowledge and ideas for human health. Do not say "this is mine", but - "this is ours."
The reserve and potential of the center are enthusiastic doctors: they will have to develop new technologies. It trains doctors from Russia, the CIS and Western Europe. Gotovsky believes in people, in their good qualities, brings up friends and associates. There is a cordial atmosphere in the team. Getting to the center, foreign experts who considered Russia backward, change their idea of ​​it, admire our doctors. All this attracts them to Moscow conferences and seminars. Foreign doctors are helped to master domestic equipment, sharing all knowledge with them.
In the West, the situation is quite different. They often close themselves within the narrow limits of their specialization and are not interested in what is happening even with a neighbor. Russian doctors are aware of almost all technologies in the world. The intellectual level and education in our country is higher than in the West. This largely explains the achievements of IMEDIS.
Foreign doctors are willing to purchase our systems, as they are much cheaper and better in quality. “The accuracy of diagnostics is now much higher and amounts to 97-99 percent. For an accurate clinical diagnosis, the patient needs 2-3 hours,” Yuri Gotovskiy talks about his technique. “Energy-information medicine treats a person with information from his own healthy electromagnetic oscillations, and the effect is an extremely weak signal "When treating with external frequencies, the body and its individual organs and systems, as well as pathogens of various diseases, enter into resonance. We use an electromagnetic field that is commensurate in intensity with the natural electromagnetic field of the Earth. This is the level of signals at which life on earth originated and evolved. Our device does not give any additional electromagnetic influence, no external radiation.
In 2002, according to statistics, 17,938 people were treated for various diseases. Persistent improvement occurred in 75.5 percent of patients, relative improvement in 20.5 percent, no improvement in 4 percent. Of these, 990 people were treated for bronchial asthma, a stable improvement occurred in 630 people, and a relative improvement in 310. 1336 people treated the kidneys and urinary system, of which 1010 patients had a stable improvement, and a relative improvement in 273.
Pyotr Shushukov, a doctor from the city of Pokrov, achieved great success in the fight against tuberculosis. On the basis of the Pokrovskaya city hospital of the Vladimir region in 2002, the disease was detected in 28 people, and in a month and a half, during 15 ten-minute sessions, the suppression of tubercle bacilli was completely ensured. “This is a revolution, given that the Russian Federation has one of the highest mortality rates from tuberculosis in Europe, which is the main cause of death from infectious diseases in our country,” he points out.
Doctor A. Hovsepyan, employee medical center"Shengavit" in Yerevan, has successfully applied BRT in the field in Sudan in the treatment of hepatitis in all forms. In Sudan, 45 out of a hundred people suffer from this disease, and hepatitis is combined with other diseases there. “In the course of practice, it was possible to cure 94 percent of the virus and 64-65 percent of hepatitis itself, which confirms the high efficiency of the equipment and methods,” he says. “And the cure itself is faster and more efficient than in classical medicine, where it costs, for example , in Moscow 8-9 thousand dollars".
Reports flashed in the press that a new method for determining SARS and, possibly, fighting it was invented in Russia. As Oleg Shpakov told me, the causative agent of the disease can be determined by resonant frequency diagnostics in a matter of minutes using the domestic equipment MINI-EXPERT-DT. It is believed that it is also possible to destroy the virus using the same resonant frequencies.
What worries me most is the preservation of Russia's priorities in this matter. A quarter of a century ago, our scientists were the first, and there were no analogues to our Transfer P device anywhere in the world, even in Germany, which has always been a pioneer in the development of homeopathy. With the help of this device, an electronic analogue of each homeopathic remedy is obtained and almost all diseases are treated. A similar device, but with significantly fewer capabilities, was created abroad only a year and a half ago. One of the oldest firms "Staufen Pharma" started producing electronic homeopathic medicines on CDs. But in our country the existence of electronic homeopathy is often ignored. Nevertheless, biotherapists and "IMEDIS" successfully solve big problems. Their experience is encouraging.

Newspaper issue: May 2003

The head of the firm "IMEDIS" (Intelligent Medical Systems), Professor of the Department of Computers, Networks and Systems of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Yuri Valentinovich Gotovskiy, has been developing and implementing methods of energy-information diagnostics and treatment for more than a quarter of a century. Using the fact that in homeopathy the effect is achieved due to the correct selection of the drug, which, by its vibrational frequencies, resonates with the patient's body, Yu.V. Gotovsky for the first time in the world carried out not only the selection of drugs, but also their manufacture using special equipment. Thus, the foundations of the method of electronic homeopathy were laid.

Yuri Valentinovich, what prompted you to create an electronic analogue of the homeopathic method? Is Hahnemann's system somewhat outdated?

Of course, it is not outdated, as evidenced by the growth in the number of homeopathic firms and the expansion of the range of products they produce. The number of people using homeopathy has also increased significantly. For example, in Europe, this safe and effective treatment method is chosen by 15-30 percent of the population. And in Russia, after many years of non-recognition, homeopathy is gaining new positions. The fact that Russia is regarded as a country where there are all opportunities for the development of this method is evidenced by the holding in Moscow in 2002 of the 57th Congress of the International Homeopathic League. But two decades ago the situation was very different. Even in the capital, only two or three pharmacies worked, where only 20-30 homeopathic preparations were sold, and even then in several dilutions. Homeopathic preparations of high potencies (dilutions) had to be ordered specially; there were no organ preparations and nosodes (these are special homeopathic forms) produced by European firms. That is why we set out to create the Transfer P device. It allowed not only to re-record the electromagnetic oscillations of homeopathic remedies on different kinds carriers, that is, to receive an electronic analogue of each drug, but also to create electronically any continuous series of potencies. In other words, we were able to produce homeopathic preparations in the potency required by each particular patient, which was previously revealed during testing using the Voll method or a vegetative resonance test. It became possible to make electronic copies of the original homeopathic remedies, since the results of testing showed that the same drugs from different companies can differ significantly from each other. In fact, we have given doctors a small homeopathic factory, which is especially necessary in the conditions of the Russian outback, where homeopathic pharmacies, I think, will not appear even in a hundred years.

If in classical homeopathy the therapeutic effect is produced by the molecules of a plant or a mineral, then it turns out that only their electronic spectrum acts in your method. Is it a full-fledged replacement for a natural substance?

Experimental data show that in homeopathic preparations, especially in high dilutions, it is higher than D 23 (this means that the drug went through 23 stages of manufacture, each of which was subjected to potentiation (dynamization) 10 times, as evidenced by the letter D, indicating decimal dilution scale), the substance itself no longer remains, but only the spectra of its electromagnetic oscillations, which are transferred to an information carrier, such as water or an alcohol solution, act. Let me give you a comparison. We all like live music. But where can we hear it today? On radio, television and on discs, it already sounds on record, and Technics Recordings are getting better every year. And even in concert halls, listeners perceive the performances of singers and orchestras through a microphone, subsequent amplifiers and acoustic systems. But after all, the vocal properties and character of the sound do not change from this (I'm not talking about the power of sound), and we have not become less fond of these types of art! So is electronic homeopathy. If you didn’t know that this is a frequency dubbing of the drug, then you would never have asked about its identity to the original source, since the electronic recording works with the same effect, and maybe sometimes even better, since we focus on very high-quality initial drugs. Isn't it attractive to always have on hand thousands and tens of thousands of drugs that do not have an expiration date?

- What do you have in mind?

After we created "Transfer P", the question arose of where to find media for storing the original electromagnetic spectra of those preparations from which the re-recording is being carried out. At first, pure homeopathic grains (sugar) were used, and then the electromagnetic spectra of preparations were digitized, thanks to which such a concept as an electronic selector appeared, where the spectra are stored in chips (memory microcircuits). This is a unique repository of information that can be used for centuries - everything here depends not on the raw material, but on how carefully a person treats the device. Now in our selector there are 26 thousand electronic preparations of the world's leading homeopathic firms - German, French, Italian, etc., as well as Russian manufacturers- "Edas", "Materia Medica" and others. Now doctors working according to our method can test and, if necessary, give the patient any necessary drug, regardless of its true price. And, I note, it can be very high, in particular, some German homeopathic remedies cost up to 100-300 dollars for a course of treatment.

- And how was the effect of using electronic analogues of drugs tested?

Our specialists constantly and repeatedly compare the electronic spectra of the original and recorded preparations and are convinced of their absolute identity. But, of course, the best proof is the high therapeutic effect obtained in the treatment of tens and hundreds of patients. Many clinical trials have also been carried out. In particular, doctors from Tomsk, working according to our method, conducted such an experiment. The pupils of one of the kindergartens were divided into three groups. For the prevention of acute respiratory infections and influenza, one was given homeopathic preparations sold in pharmacies (the Russian Antigrippin and a similar one from Heel). Another group received a grain with an electronic record of the same means, and the third received a pure sugar grain (placebo). The result was this: babies who received placebo during the flu epidemic were sick 3-4 times more often than those who took real drugs and their electronic counterparts. Moreover, in the group that received electronic homeopathy, the number of cases was the least. I will also mention the experiment with chickens, which has been carried out for several years at the North Caucasian Research Institute of Poultry and Livestock. There, with the help of the Transfer P device, pork insulin is transferred to water and broiler chickens are fed with it, as a result of which they grow 15-20 percent faster and get sick less. And there have been many such experiments.

- Therefore, you probably think that the future belongs to electronic homeopathy?

I believe that the future lies in a reasonable combination of classical and electronic homeopathy. But I am sure that our method will be used more actively, due to the better preservation of preparations, the possibility of varying them, ease of use, affordable price and other advantages. What worries me most is the preservation of Russia's priorities in this matter. A quarter of a century ago, we were the first, and there were no analogues to our "Transfer P" anywhere, even in Germany, which has always been a pioneer in the development of homeopathy. A similar device, but with significantly fewer capabilities, was created there only a year ago. One of the oldest homeopathic firms, Staufen Pharma, began producing electronic homeopathic medicines on CDs. Since there is great interest in the development of this direction in Germany, there are naturally good prospects there. In our country, on the contrary, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and many classical homeopaths continue to ignore the existence of electronic homeopathy. If this situation continues, then here, as in many other industries, we will soon find ourselves behind, which will primarily affect the health of Russians.