What is an ore anomaly in eve online. Ore extraction (mining)

What's in EVE Online not so long ago it became possible to play for free, both good and bad at the same time. On the one hand, this is good, even excellent - because it is possible to download the client, register, enter the game and freely start exploring this exciting and unreal interesting game. On the other hand, a free account in has very unpleasant limitations: you cannot learn the most useful skills, you cannot fly on an expensive and cool ship, not all weapons and protective modules can be connected even to the simplest ship. But why rush and invest when you can pay full version earned inside the game currency? But here's how to make a character's wallet accumulate a little more than a billion ISK (approximately how much a paid account in EVE costs now)?

One of the most profitable ways to get game currency and valuable items in EVE on this moment is the passage of the expedition.

What is an expedition, what are expeditions

Expeditions in EVE - Special Missions of varying complexity. The difficulty of passing all the expeditions is estimated on a ten-point scale - from 1/10 to 10/10, the latter are the most difficult, but also the most "delicious" in terms of rewards. Once a player has the right to go through the expedition, its name can be found through the keyboard shortcut Alt-J, in the Expeditions section.

By the name, simply by entering it into Google, you can find out the level of difficulty. For example, searching for information about the received expedition under the name, which is on the screen, gives the following result: "Sespentis Narkotic Warehouses - 3/10". That is, not the most difficult, but not very simple for.

It is worth clarifying that it is not always possible to complete the expedition. A novice player flying on an inexpensive ship has the right to go through absolutely any of the ones he got. Even if you get 10/10, you can fly and try to complete the task (if you can!). But experienced players who already have expensive and cool vehicles can only complete the expedition 7/10 or higher - because of the large ship, small expeditions are not available to them. We will assume that we do not have a large ship available only on a paid account, that is, it is theoretically possible to complete any expedition.

The higher the first digit in the description of the expedition, the greater the chance of a luxurious reward. From the "top" expeditions, you can get blueprints for very expensive ships and valuable defense modules. As for the reward, the odds are that after completing a 10/10 Expedition, the player gets a couple of million ISK and cheap modules.

How to get the opportunity to complete the expedition in EVE

Before you start thinking about how to complete the expedition, not die and get a gorgeous reward, you must first get the opportunity to complete it. This opportunity drops out randomly if you destroy "greenies" - clusters of aggressive NPCs that can be seen in space or found with Alt-P. Only now, not every “greenery” will give an expedition. Fly on greens that have the words Refuge (shelter), Hideway (shelter), Den (secret shelter), they have the highest chance of getting an expedition, although you can spend several days destroying only such greens with a zero result .

Finally, when the last wave of mobs is killed, the long-awaited inscription is displayed on the screen: “Unidentified signal for help detected”, this is a sign that you got the expedition. Press Alt-J, in the expeditions section we find a filled line and a reminder that you can complete the expedition within 24 hours from the moment you receive it. The time of the passage of the expedition is also considered, that is, having entered the location in the last hour, there is a risk that after an hour the expedition will “slam” - it will disappear and will be considered not completed. So it’s not worth delaying the passage, it’s better to fly with a margin. You can check how many hours are left at any time by looking at the line on the left Expires.

How to prepare for an expedition and pass it without the slightest risk

The expedition has been received, but it's scary to fly there alone! And if 7/10 or higher fell out, you shouldn’t go there alone at all, the beginner has absolutely no chance to pass it. But the expedition rarely gets, I really want to get a reward ...

Partnerships in EVE Online

So, a reliable and experienced partner has been found, he sends you an invitation to join the fleet (Join fleet will appear on the screen, in EVE even two people are already a fleet). Again, open Alt-J, RMB on the name of the expedition and click Save location (save location). Then the saved coordinates are simply dragged with the mouse to the Fleet channel (do not make a mistake with the channel, otherwise you will show the place of the expedition to everyone!). Now your partner knows where to fly.

Preparation for the expedition is no less important than its passage. When you have saved the location, the path to the destination, the number of jumps and the types of sectors through which you will fly are displayed at the top left. If all jumps go through high-sec (sectors where the Concorde will protect against attacks from other players), then there is nothing to worry about. But for almost all good expeditions (5/10 and above), the path either passes through low-sec, or the expedition itself will be in a dead place where a pirate or any player will try to kill you. But you should not give up - you did the right thing by finding a partner!

Here is an example: all jumps in the direction of the expedition lie through high-sec (the colors of the squares are blue, green, yellow), but the expedition itself is in low-sec, the Otou system, is indicated in red, the security level is 0.3 (everything below 0 ,5 – low).

The first thing a beginner, who is going to go on an expedition with someone together, should do is to leave his ship (which, albeit small, but valuable!) And transfer to the shuttle. It is inexpensive, it will not be a pity to lose it.

Now you need to check-gate. This is a test to see if there are enemies at the entrance to low sec, thirsting for your death. We type in Google any of the following: “check gate”, “check gate”, “check before jump”. There are a lot of sites where you can see if there are aggressive players in any location, each one gives equally reliable information.

We opened the page, in the left free field we enter the name of the sector from which we are flying (in our case, it is Hek), in the right, the destination (Otou), click "check". It's calm in Heke, the line is green, but in Otou the situation is not just dangerous, but terrible!

The line "Otou" is red, next to the gate at the exit from Hek to Otou they throw smart bombs (a large inscription Smart bombs is visible)! These bombs are thrown automatically at intervals of 2 seconds, destroying almost anyone who jumps through the gate into the sector. It is not known how long this person will stand at the gate (and whether he is alone there) - sometimes they do it for days, because killing in low-secs in EVE is a game moment and is not punishable. What to do? Wait for this bomber to leave: we update the information on the page as soon as the Smart bombs inscription disappears - bombs are no longer thrown. It happens that time is running out, the bomber does not leave and you have to abandon the expedition.

If the bottom line is green, there seems to be nothing to worry about, but the newcomer who got the expedition should be the first to fly there. There is always a danger of death in low-sec: even if there is no information about the murders, they can suddenly pounce after the jump. It is for this reason that a newcomer who has received an expedition flies on a cheap shuttle!

We fly up together with a partner to the penultimate point. At the last, in low-sec, we first jump ourselves, turn our heads 360 degrees, inform the fleet, just in case, how many people are around (the figure can be viewed in the general (local) channel). Now your partner is pulling up to you, together you fly up to the stargate (to the gate) at the entrance to the expedition, the partner comes in, and you ... And you can be free! You can dock at the station, you can transfer to the ship and go about your business. As soon as the expedition is completed, the comrade will report and show the reward. Together you will decide whether you will fraternally “saw” what you got, or whether one of you will sell everything and then divide the claims in half.

This is how you can absolutely go through even a difficult expedition without any problems. In fact, you only carry out reconnaissance and share the entry point to it, and a more experienced player goes through the expedition. The share of each in a difficult expedition sometimes reaches 300 million ISK, so having gone through several expeditions in a good company, there is a real opportunity to earn on a paid account.

After the implementation of the planned innovations, zeros will become much more self-sufficient than they are at the moment. And even if we still adhere to such a concept in which no region of space can be absolutely independent of others, zeros, nevertheless, have quite promising prospects.

The upcoming changes are primarily intended to improve the lives of zero miners and production workers. Conventionally, they can be divided into 3 stages:

  • Increased demand for "Zydrine" and "Megacyte" in production;
  • Rebalancing the proportion of minerals in nullsec and low ores;

Let's dwell on each of them separately.

Increasing demand for Zydrine and Megacyte in production

Although the innovation itself is quite simple, its consequences promise to be quite significant. As you may remember from our talk at the O7 Show, almost all blueprints will now require 2x the amount of Zydrine and Megacyte. This is intended not only to increase demand for them, but also to lead to tangible changes in zeros. Players will have to rethink their priorities when it comes to loot in nullsec (including warholms).

Rebalancing the share of minerals in nullsec and low ores

Perhaps, this stage can safely be called the most voluminous and most significant for the improvement of the nullsec mining environment. After its implementation, all types of ore will become more highly specialized (the variety of miniks in them will decrease, while their content will increase significantly). This will not only allow us to adjust the amount of minerals depending on the needs of the players, but also make it easier for you to choose the ore for mining.

If we talk about low-sec ores, then here the set of minerals will be reduced, and their cost will be slightly increased. Ores with a bonus of 5 - 10% on the number of minerals will remain, the volume will also not be changed. For greater clarity, we have prepared a special table for you:

Rebalancing the volume of ore contained in mining anomalies (ore anomalies) generated using the Ore Prospecting Array.

This stage is aimed at balancing the amount of ore in the Ore Prospecting Array anomaly and the average amount of minerals consumed by the players of "Eve Online". Now alliances will be able to extract most of the necessary raw materials right in their campsites. The differences in anomalies are clearly presented in the table:



The basics of mining in EVE are very simple.

In almost every system of any region, you will find asteroid belts (belts) that contain various types of asteroids themselves.

Using mining lasers, you simply mine these asteroids by filling your hold with ore, which can later be processed (refined) into minerals, which in turn are used to build ships and modules (modules are any equipment installed on a ship).

In the empire (any region with security status between 1.0 and 0.5) the most common asteroids are Veldspar, Scordite and Pyroxeres. They contain the largest number the main minerals, namely tritanium, pyerite and mexalone (Veldspar, Scordite and Pyroxeres).

The amount of minerals that you get by processing the ore you mined depends on your processing skills, standings to the corporation that owns the station where the processing is carried out. Sounds complicated, details later.

In general, summing up all that has been said, mining is that any ship that has a turret slot and is equipped with laser mining can extract ore from asteroids for personal production or trade.

Eva provides a wide range of mining ships and equipment with varying degrees of efficiency.

1.1 Asteroid belts and ores

As mentioned above, almost every system has asteroid belts, only their number varies. As a general rule, the lower the security status of the system, the better asteroids you will encounter.

If you are new to the world of EVE, I advise you to read more about security status and how it affects gameplay. You will not go low sec with the same ship and config as the 1.0 system. However, this is not the topic of this guide, and I will not touch on it here. So do it homework before you make the mistake of losing money! In general, in systems 0.5 and above, you are practically safe under the protection of Concorde, which will come to your aid if you are attacked. However, you are not immune from the presence of thieves and suicidal gankers, who, sacrificing a ship, destroy your favorite technological ship in order to profit from the ore that was left of you. Remember that 100% security does not exist! But back to our topic...

All ores you find in systems 1.0 - 0.1 are classified as "low ores", while ores typical of zeros (0.0) are classified as "high ores". The exception is belts found as a result of a successful exploration, but this is also another topic. As you may already know, higher ores (namely Bistot, Arkonor, Mercoxite, Gnesis and Crokite - Bistot, Arkonor, Mercoxit, Gneiss and Crokite) bring the best and most expensive minerals in EVE. This does not mean that inferior ores are unnecessary garbage. Some also bring good income. Finally, there is ice, which is mostly available only in zeros and lowsec.
(Note: There is no official gradation for high and low ore - this is a personal gradation of the author of the guide and most EVE players.)

Some types of ores can only be found in certain systems. For example, Jaspet can only be found in Galente and Amaran 0.4 systems. You won't find it in Caldari or Mathar space. And keep in mind that all types of ores are found in 0.0. There you will find everything from veld to merkoxite, although of course not all at once in one system.

Map ores EVE online

This is a wonderful tool for those who want to find comfortable spot for mining and those who do not know where the ore they need is located.

It should also be mentioned that each ore has two additional variations. The first gives 5% more minerals when refining, the second 10%

1.2 Minerals

Minerals are refined from ore. In total there are 8 types of minarals - 3 higher and 5 lower.

The lower minerals include tritanism, pyerite, mexalon, isogen and noxium (Tritanium, Pyerite, Mexallon, Isogen and Nocxium). Higher minerals include zidrine, megacyte and morphite (Zydrine, Megacyte and Morphite). Higher Minerals can naturally only be refined from Higher Ores, which you will only find in noughts (occasionally in low if compared to the ore map above). Actually, this explains the difference in price between low and high minerals.

Below is a table of processing ores into the corresponding minerals.

First batch (pack) - this is the number of units of ore required for processing. The numbers below correspond to the amount of minerals obtained from perfect processing.
For example, consider an ombre. A pack of ombre is 500 units. Let's say you got 3467 units and brought them to the station with the refinery. For every 500 units at a perfect refining yield of 100% (yes, it is possible) you will get 307 units of Tritanium, 123 Pyerite and 307 Isogen. If you divide 3467 by 500 you get 6 packs of ombre and 467 units remain.

This is the simplest example, because you can pay taxes if you don't have enough Stand, or if you don't have skills for processing. The refining system will be explained in later sections, but the suggested table is useful for determining what to mine based on your mineral needs.

1.2.1 And what should I dig?

Considering that the price of minerals changes daily according to the law of supply and demand (if you don’t know what it is, Google will save you, or go and study), and the phrase “this mineral is always in demand” does not make sense. Eve-central always has a great Minerals market price report, with statistics for the last 180 days. If you want to start a mineral trading business (I warn you in advance that this is a very difficult hobby) or just be more efficient, you should check out this great website. No matter what you mine, here you will find those who need it. Since the introduction of the spike caps, the requirements for the required amount of minerals have increased quite a lot, so don't worry, you won't be in danger of glut the market!

1.3 Mining career start

So, you just started playing Eve, you have motivation, but you have no idea what to do. We looked at what you can mine and what it will give you. However, you are sitting in your Ibis and do not understand where to go. This is fine. Because that's why you're reading this section, So?

Before you do anything, I highly recommend completing the training missions if you haven't already. This will help you get comfortable with the game mechanics and interface.

Another great reason for taking the training is that the agent will give you ISKs that will make up your start-up capital. Another alternative would be to join a corporation and get help there. No matter which path you choose, you will need a certain amount of ISK to get started.

1.3.1 Your first ship

The best ship for initial mining is undoubtedly the Caldari Bantam (note - every race, not just the Caldari, has a frigate with a mining bonus, see info in the market. UPD: specialized mining frigates are now available.)

Skills you need: Caldari Frigate 2, Mining 1

I recommend that you learn Caldari Frigate 2, then Mining I, then go to Caldari Frigate 4 and then to Mining 4. Considering that the skill in Caldari Frigates gives you 20% additional production from lasers (naturally only for the current ship), then one day spent for the study of frigates on 4re undoubtedly pays for itself. After that, having received Mining 4, you will be able to use T2 mining lasers, which are absolutely superior to their T1 counterparts.

But in any case, you should immediately fit your Bantam with two t1 mining lasers. What you install in the middle slots is not important, since there is simply no equipment for the honey slots to increase production. But you can learn Mining Upgrades 1 and fit one Mining Laser Upgrade (+5% to the amount of mining lasers) in one of your low slots. Whether it fits or not depends on your electronics upgrade. You should be mining with your Bantam until you have Caldari Frigate 4 and Mining 4. At this point, you should have accumulated enough ore and you should be able to find a decent offer to sell it.
(Note - when planning a career as a professional miner, it is preferable from the very beginning when creating a character to determine the priority for mining - in this case, the starting character will immediately have high-level mining and refining skills.
As an example of creating a character for professional mining, we can recommend: Gallente-Gallente-Miner, skills: 8-8-8-8-7 (7 - will) or Gallente-Intaki-Miner, maximum skills for memory and intelligence.)
UPD: skills and race are no longer relevant when creating a character. All races have the same initial skills and attributes. Choose any, in appearance.

1.3.2 Mining basics

There are two ways to dig (well, more, but there are still two main ways). The first is that you fly to the station as soon as you fill the hold of your miner (this takes quite a lot of time). An alternative is mining into a temporary container - a jet. In the second case, you transfer the ore from the hold to the Jetison container until it is full (which is 27500 cubic meters, as opposed to your shallow hold). As soon as you fill it up, change the ship to transport (industrials) - specialized ships with a large hold, designed for transportation. Be sure to take your Jetison out every hour and a half as a maximum, as their lifespan is two hours. The main disadvantage of this method is that anyone can open your container and steal your ore. It doesn't happen that often, but it does happen. If someone takes an ore from your can, the overview for you is red, which means you can open fire on them without fear of Concord intervening. You can also team up with your corecorps to take down the thief, as anyone in the gank with you can also shoot at him.

1.3.3 Industrials

Each race has its own set of transport trucks. In Eve, where there is no restriction on the ships of only one race, this is very good. Unfortunately, while the Caldari have the best mines, they don't have the best carriers. As an alternative, I suggest exploring the Mammoth (Minamatars).

Required skills: Minmatar Frigate 3, Minmatar Industrial 4, Spaceship Command 3

Mammoth has a 16,686m3 hold with four Expanded cargohold I modules and four Giant Secure Containers.

Why GSC? simply because taking up 3000m3 of hold space they have an internal volume of 3900m3, which means that for each such Comte in your hold you will receive an additional 900m3.

None of the T1 trucks will achieve this volume, with the exception of the Gallente Iteron V, which requires the skill of Gallente Industrial 5, and is simply unattainable for a beginner.

However, as long as you train the Mammoth Caldari Badger, the Badger will do the trick. Don't try to get the Mammoth too fast, at least not before you change to a cruiser and earn a few million.

1.3.4 Joining a corporation

Joining a corps is not required, but it can be helpful. In any case, there is nothing to prevent this. Many corps will accept players with random online schedules or noobs...there are so many corps out there that you're bound to find one to your liking. You just have to search the forums or gaming channels.

1.3.5 Sale of ore

At the very beginning of the game, processing ore on your own will mean too much loss. At this stage, your cleaning skills are too low (if any). You can sell unrefined ore, but I suggest you don't. Why?

Most of the orders in the ore market is 90% of the value of this ore. This is due to the fact that many miners do not pay attention to prices and just sell ore. And the buyer will simply collect the sold ore and process it. This is not a scam, but a common market strategy. This however affects your own wallet because you simply don't get the real value of your work. Joining a corp will help here - it's very likely that at least someone in the corp has better (even if not perfect) refining skills than you.

If you want to play solo, learn at least Refining 4 alone, it will already help you. The worst thing you can do is RMB and sell all your ore without even looking at the price. This is the most common mistake. Open the market, view buy orders, don't be lazy! Each mineral has a volume of 0.01 m3 (compared to ore, which takes up a lot more space), so it's really easy to transport! Don't be afraid to take a little trip! Knowing the market is the basis for getting lawsuits by the miner and merchant, don't mindlessly sell the ore you've put so much effort into.

1.3.6 First cruiser

So, you finally have the Caldari Frigate 4 and Mining 4 skills. The next stage of development will be transferring to a cruiser. Luckily, the Caldari also have the best mining cruiser, the Osprey.

Required skills: Caldari Cruiser 1, Spaceship Command 3.

The Osprey is a very good ship, also having a 20% bonus on loot. I advise you to learn Caldari cruisers immediately to the third level. Level 4 won't be a waste of time, but in the beginning you might want to spend those 4 or 5 days on other skills like electronics or engineering.

As for the Osperya fitting, everything is very simple. 3x T2 Miners in high, tank in medium, heavy launcher and drones if you want to fend off rats in 0.6. In the low, as usual, we put the mining upgrade. One is always put, the second - with very good skills (Electronic 5, Mining Ugrades 4).

The next step will be Astrogeology 4. This will give you another 20% bonus in mining and is required for the next step - the transition to Mining Barges (more on them below). After you get Astrogeology 4 you have two choices. You can upgrade cruisers by 4 and mining by 5 (both will take about the same time). Mining 5 anyway good investment time. If you're planning on boarding barges right away, then four in a Caldari cruiser is not important to you, because you're 5 or 6 days away from the first barge. If you're planning on going into combat, then 4re cruisers might be a good idea, and provide a 20% bonus loot.

1.4 Various mining lasers

There are many mining lasers, and a beginner can get confused by them, so the summary table is below:

Mining lasers

This concludes our first section.

If you have read it to the end, then you are already at the beginning of the path to a brilliant career! Before proceeding to further sections, you should have the following skills:

  • Caldari Frigate 4
  • Caldari Cruiser 3 or 4
  • Mining 4 or 5
  • Astrogeology 4
  • Mining Upgrades 1 or 4
  • Electronic 4 or 5
  • Section 1 - Mining Basics
  • Section 2 - Refinery
  • Section 3 - Mathematical System
  • Section 4 - Barge or Battle?
→ Research in eve online, search for anomalies

Anomalies and complexes in eve online is the main source of fractional items, tools for inventing and reverse engineering. Often depends on the researcher production capacity t2 ships and modules. Plus, research is fun! Even in an empire, a researcher can earn up to five hundred or six hundred lams of claims per day. Naturally, some pumping and equipment will be required. I will talk about my experience in eve online, I spent a lot of time looking for anomalies.

Start - ship selection

Of course, the fastest scanner is the covert ops. He has bonuses for resolving traffic jams, and he scans extremely fast. Another point is that such a ship has weak weapons and armor, as a result of which it is not capable of clearing even the weakest anomaly alone. If you decide to clean anomalies on your own, you should not, having found an ops cover on the market, immediately press the buy button, you will spend a lot of claims, but there will be less benefit. Having decided that I would not meddle outside the empire, I opted for an assault frigate of the jaguar model. It flies fast, has enough mid slots to put a code analyzer and cracker in them, and firepower makes it easy to deal with NPC frigates and cruisers, which will protect 90% of all anomalies and complexes. After giving my ship a proud name in eve online the anomaly finder, I set out on my first search.

Route selection

Finding anomalies in highsec eve online is quite easy. Immediately after the downtime, 5-10 common anomalies appear in each system. The constellation spawns at least one complex, a couple of hidden asteroid belts, half a dozen wormholes, and up to three hack or archeological sites. Choosing a route in eve online to search for anomalies is not very difficult, but it requires perseverance. It is necessary to lay the route so that it runs through the maximum number of constellations, systems with a rating of 0.7-0.5, and does not take you too far from your home station.

When using a normal probe, my eve online the anomalies finder detects all normal anomalies from the first run. Having fixed their position with bookmarks, I begin to clean them one by one, continuing to scan for more complex complexes. When fitting, I was not greedy. It's not too expensive to buy a sister probe launcher and a set of fractional probes in EVE for ISK. Scanning acceleration is guaranteed.

The most monetary anomalies

Ordinary anomalies rarely bring serious income. In one case, out of fifty, a fractional pirate module may fall to you. Complexes also sometimes have deadspace pirated modules, but the chance is just as small. It's easier to buy such a rare item than trying to find it within the empire. The miners need the belts, so there's nothing to do there alone. You can meddle in the wormhole, but there is a great danger of running into the owners of the system or remaining in w-space without the ability to get out if the wormhole closes.

There remains only one unconsidered type of anomaly. In eve online, the search for radar and magnetometric anomalies should be given increased attention. It is from these complexes that you can earn so much that you will not want to buy eve suits for a very long time. I note, however, that the magnetos in highsec are quite poor. The chance to find t2 salvag or blueprints for t2 rigs in them is extremely small. This is easier in lowsec, but they can easily catch my anomaly finder in eve online, so I try not to fly into them. Radars can bring in a lot of money. Decryptors often fall in them. The production workers will gladly want to buy these decryptors from you, they will give you from 5 to 25 million claims for each. In one radar you can sometimes find up to half a dozen decryptors. Nice bonus in the complex you can find datacores. They cost a little, about 200 thousand, but they drop to a couple of dozen from one "box". So a successful search can bring you up to a hundred million from one complex.

The rebalance of flying space rocks promised at the fanfest that has died down will be implemented in the April update of EVE Online. The miners have discarded the blast lasers and, with hands trembling with vibration or with anticipation, press the buttons on the calculators. The purpose of the changes is to make the “zero sectors” a self-sufficient resource base.

Minerals. Almost everything in this world is created from them. From modules and ammo to huge titan-class ships. But for as long as I can remember, zeros have never been an attractive place for a full production cycle. Klondike, where you can wash valuable ore and take it to the mainland - yes. But not a place for powerful production and filling the local market. This does not mean that there were no associates on the fringes of the universe trying to create at least a small semblance of imperial luxury in the choice of goods in the local market. We were such supporters ourselves. But we were clearly sailing against the natural current, in many respects contrary to the prevailing balance. And any truckload of orders that came would make the goods there more accessible than we could afford.

Changes began last spring. During innovations in,. So the current sawing of asteroids is a logical continuation of the begun transformation of zeros into the environment, not only for a beautiful death, but also for a beautiful life.

So the key points are:

  • Increased intake of Zydrine and Megacyte minerals in production.
  • Rebalancing the mineral content of ores located in low and no security systems.
  • Ore rebalancing in ore anomalies created by the Ore Prospecting Array.
All calculations for calculators. We will talk about the essence and purpose. When we looked into Evergreen Eve again last fall, it turned out that ore mining in high-security sectors was quite profitable. Easily accessible in Amar space, blocks of Kernite ore were even more profitable than ores such as Jaspet, Hemorphite, and Hedbergite found in asteroid anomalies there. By extracting Kernite in especially large sizes and processing it, among other things, we obtained two valuable minerals: Mexallon and Isogen. Quite a lot of these minerals were required to produce most ships and modules of these minerals. Selling the surplus, we bought Megacyte, which was not available to us, and the missing volumes of Zydrine for change. AT general scheme few were required. Further, in order not to just sell ore, we built ships and some running modules, increasing the cost of what was mined sometimes by 10%, and sometimes by 50%.

In general, even last autumn, mining ore in the absolute safety of the Empire was no less profitable than in the "zero". Or close to it. Moreover, the situation was more severe not in favor of the zeros than in the period of our main game many years ago. Let's just say we were all very surprised to find readily available Kernite in the fourth most profitable ore list last fall. For comparison, he has already fallen to thirteenth position. Which is not surprising, since the market is already preparing for a rebalancing.

It is obvious that the cost of minerals and the demand for certain volumes of them were dictated by the indicated ratios in production drawings. So as soon as the developers were going to change these parameters, the market reacted with lightning speed. The first goal has been achieved.

The next problem, tested by me on my own skin, looks like this. If you are in zero sectors, then you will not dig ore, which is widely distributed in sectors with a high level of security. It exists in zeros too, but given the risks, what's the point of digging the same stones that are digging in the center of the universe peacefully slumbering to the sound of the movie "high-tech miner"? We are digging valuable ore that is not on the mainland. But the trouble is that at the same time it does not contain the minerals needed in large quantities for production.

As I understand it, the original intention was to allow for a large movement of minerals between sectors with different levels of security. As a result, rare, expensive minerals go from the "zeros", and from the Empire to the "zeroes" - cheap, but necessary in large volumes. So it was. But you know what? Isn't it easier to immediately bring a finished ship or module to zeros? Especially if a rare mineral like Tritanium is needed to build Large Tonnage Ships in huge quantities? Here they can be built only in "nulls". And for them Tritanium makes sense to carry. "And for everything else, there's the Master Card."

So the second goal of the current changes, according to the developer, was to bring the overall balance of the mineral content in ores characteristic of zero sectors to what the average production task. And it changes a lot. So much so that it is difficult for me to fully predict the consequences for general economy. Especially for life in the Empire.

However. With the introduction of wormhole space in the game, null ores can now be found not only in known space with zero security, but in unknown space too. And the goal of the developers is quite definite - to improve the living conditions in the claim part of the "zeros". Therefore, the third change comes on the scene: a rebalancing of the ore anomalies that occur when the industrial index of the planetary system increases and after the installation of the Ore Prospecting Array.

For those unfamiliar with the concept of claim planetary systems, I promise to go into detail about this exciting mechanic in the next part of the Home Among the Stars series. But if very briefly, the point is that "zeros are different." Security can be not only zero, but also negative. And the value of the ores that arise there depends very much on all these numbers in the system index. Therefore, in the past, many wars were fought over systems with "fat minuses", which contained rich resources. And everything that was not considered "fat" was neglected. But then it became possible to develop systems through the direct activity of a certain direction. So, the more you mined ores in the planetary system, and the more often you did it, the faster its "Industrial Index" grew. That allowed to install the same Ore Prospecting Array, which also has different levels. As soon as such a thing appeared in your system, it began to contribute to the appearance of additional ore anomalies in it. I think the meaning is clear.

And now the developers want to significantly increase the attractiveness of just such anomalies, by the correct ratio of ores in it, in order to further simplify the extraction of the entire required range of minerals for those who own their own space in zero sectors.

Well, in the end, I can say that all these steps look quite logical and thoughtful. There is a risk that if the developers really manage to ensure the production autonomy of the "nulls", this will hit the attractiveness of the Empire hard. But, in the end, this approach is fully consistent with the main paradigm of the Reward for Risk project. Given the new sovereignty system, I have hope that Risk will be worth it.