The largest lenses in the world. Lenses

When the Canon Mark II first came out, my boss thought about getting a new toy with an impressive telephoto lens. To the question "What for you?" a very exhaustive answer sounded: “And so that photographers would envy” ... It seems like adults, but everything is measured, if not by genitals, then by the size of a wallet, engine or telephoto lens ... An acquaintance who moved to permanent residence in the O.A.E., said that in the late 90s worked as a consultant in a photo shop. Once the owner asked to speak with an incomprehensible Russian who wanted to buy a telephoto lens. As it turned out, he needed a telephoto lens "to look so normal, and nothing that is inconvenient to take a picture like that, I have a normal camera in my pocket here." In everyday life, the telephoto lens has to be uncovered least often. Much more in demand are the “widths” and the middle, but the little white “elks” fascinate and attract the eye by themselves. Optics with a focal length of 200,300 ... 500 can be found in any photo store. Is there anything more exotic in the world of telephoto lenses?

AF 200-500 mm f / 2.8 / 400-1000 mm APO EX DG there is of course also a telephoto lens AF 170-500mm F5-6.3 APO DG and AF 150-500mm F5-6.3 APO DG OS HSM but their aperture and, accordingly, weight and size are not very impressive. And here is almost 16 kg of glass!

AF 300-800mm F5.6 APO EX DG HSM
weighs just under 6 kg

The Wiki can also reveal the existence of the 350-1200mm f/11 APO telephoto lens.
But if I'm not mistaken, this miracle is made to order, costs about 4000 (not rubles) and weighs about 8 kg

Nikon can also please with interesting specimens, for example, a telephoto lens
800mm f/5.6 Nikkor

further more

The price of such an animal is about $ 11 thousand and the weight is more than 7 kg

What else can please Nikkor?
Well, of course, the legendary and mythical telephoto lens
you certainly won’t buy one like this in a store; it’s discontinued and the used price doesn’t look attractive (more than $ 75 thousand)

But CANON pleases with its availability
only more than 3 million rubles and you can become the owner of a telephoto lens
true aperture leaves much to be desired

… and that's all CANON can do? ask youFIGUNS! The Canon 5200mm f/14 is the world's largest telephoto lens! the weight of glass alone is more than 100 kg and a special platform is needed for it. And let's not find fault with the diaphragm in the way that we definitely can't test it.

Carl Zeiss simply had to be featured on this list.
Carl Zeiss - ZEISS Apo Sonnar T* 4/1700 featured on the highly respected site
It is also known that the weight of this telephoto lens is more than 250 kg, but the price remains a mystery.

If the photographer does not dream of becoming the owner of LEICA for reasons of economy, then at least he has heard a lot about the quality of equipment and optics of this manufacturer. And not smart! LEICA is a world leader in mechanical engineering (not to be confused with automotive) and even spin-off products such as cameras and optics are a masterpiece. The LEICA APO-TELYT-R 1:5.6/1600mm is rumored to be the most expensive telephoto lens in the world and costs 2,064,489 USD (It is strange that the price is indicated with an accuracy of up to a dollar). It is also known from the forums that there are only two such lenses. From the manufacturer and the African prince.

At the end of the review, I would like to share one more illustration for the Canon 5200mm telephoto lens.

Impressive. But to be honest, I don’t suffer from the absence of such a monster in my life as much as I can’t carry one with me, and a cat lives at home from which it’s better to keep budget optics away. Yes, and a white "eka" from the same manufacturer in everyday life will come in handy much more often.

Photo art does not stand still and throughout its existence does not cease to develop and modernize. There have always been photographers who want to achieve even better shooting quality, improve effects, increase focus and focal length. Each of the parameters that lenses have can be improved. It happens that in pursuit of unique optics, firms produce equipment for customers by special order with the necessary values ​​and characteristics. And it is precisely these that often fall into all sorts of ratings of the most interesting and unusual lenses.

Unique and unusual lenses

In the rating below, you will get acquainted with the lenses that have the most impressive sizes, high prices and unusual focal lengths and lenses. All of them are not intended for use by amateur photographers, and not even by every professional in the field of photography. The point is not only the highest price of optics, but also the purpose of these models - they are all very specific and even exotic in their own way.

Zeiss Apo Sonnar T* 1700mm f/4

This unusual telephoto lens was presented at the Photokina exhibition in Germany and is one of the heaviest - its lens alone weighs about 25 kilograms, and it reaches as much as 256! This device was developed by a special individual order for a great lover of animal photography living in Qatar. The price of the transaction, as well as the name of the owner of the device, were not announced.

The assembly of this lens took a lot of effort and resources from the creators: the most Newest technologies, even from the field of astronautics. This optics can only work with Hasselblad equipment. It is also worth noting that the focusing process is not automatic and is carried out using a computer built into the lens itself. Apo Sonnar consists of 15 elements in 13 groups and is used for medium format systems.

Leica APO-Telyt-R 1:5.6/1600mm

Next in line is one of the most expensive lenses worth two million dollars. Why so expensive? It is only known that it was produced in only two copies - one, by special order, went to the Prince of Qatar, who laid out such a round sum for it, and the second is stored at the Lake factory in Solms complete with a Leica R8 camera and sent to the green zone. The world does not know anything about the technical characteristics of this optics, only the dimensions and weight: length 1.2 meters and weight about 60 kilograms.

Canon 5200mm f/14

Want to know which lens is the world's longest telephoto lens? Canon 5200mm f/14! It has been made Japanese company only three copies, one of which was sold on the eBay platform for 50 thousand dollars.

Why is it the longest? You can shoot them at a distance of 30-52 kilometers, and the minimum distance is about 120 centimeters. Its weight and dimensions are quite impressive - with a mass of 100 kilograms, it has a length of 2 meters, a height of 50 centimeters and a width of 64. It also needs a special support, which adds additional weight.

Canon 1200mm f/5.6

This is one of the largest interchangeable lenses in the world, which is characterized by the highest aperture and a very long focal length. The device weighs 16 kilograms and has an ultrasonic drive. The optical system in it is represented by 13 elements, a couple of which are made of fluorite - parts from this element are quite difficult to produce, because growing fluorite crystals takes a long time - that is why only two such lenses were produced per year.

They released such lenses in the amount of five pieces specifically for coverage of the events of the Olympic Games in Los Angeles in 1984. After the games, they returned back to Canon for further upgrades. The price of such optics fluctuates around $ 100,000, but the production of equipment has long been discontinued.

Sigma 200-500mm f/2.8

It may seem that the photograph does not depict a lens, but some kind of American weapon such as a bazooka. But this optic is the fastest on the market - this is its main feature. Initially, it was used to shoot sports events, but later they began to work in a variety of fields. According to its characteristics, it is 500 mm with the possibility of installing a double convector that raises this value to 1000. Its F / 2.8 aperture is a record, and its weight is about 16 kilograms. Length - 72.6 centimeters, width - 23.6. It was introduced in 2007 at the PMA and its price was about $30,000.

Carl Zeiss Planar T* 50mm f/0.7

The very first purpose of this lens was to shoot the dark side of the moon in 1966 - that is why it was endowed with the strongest aperture. It is also known that only 10 copies were released in total, one of which is kept by the manufacturing company, six by NASA, which were used to shoot the celestial body, and the remaining three were purchased by director Stanley Kubrick, who used them in shooting scenes by candlelight in the film "Barry Lyndon". It is the last three lenses that are available for rent to anyone who has enough money - this is provided by P + S Technic, which produces cinema equipment. The price of optics is still a mystery - after all, they were originally made for the government. Rumor has it that we are talking about several million dollars, up to 20.

Nikkor 6mm F/2.8 Fisheye

A lens whose appearance is impossible to forget! It looks like a large dish and is able to shoot with a viewing angle of as much as 220 degrees. It is the first in the world and allows you to shoot circular photos with a minimum focal length of 25 centimeters. The lens consists of 12 elements in 9 groups that power this five kilogram technique. It also has six built-in white balance filters. Earlier, in the 70s of the last century, it cost about 6 thousand dollars. In our time, it is no longer produced, respectively, and the price has risen - last time it was purchased in London for several tens of thousands of dollars.

Lomography Petzval 58 Bokeh Control Art

The first copies were made back in 1840 by the inventor Petzval. The principle of aperture control in it is carried out using a system called “Waterhouse”, which gives an interesting result: photos are very sharp, but with smooth and soft bokeh. In 2013, the second wave of its popularity began when the well-known Lomography community raised money on the Kickstarter platform to restore the production of lenses. Now they are selling for about $600.

Leica Noctilux-M 50mm F/0.95

This fifty-kopeck lens is every photographer's dream! It is produced by the German company Lake and is the fastest aspherical lens. It has a rather wide aperture, but this does not prevent it from maintaining high image sharpness. The company itself advertised it as a lens that reacts faster than the human eye. Its price fluctuates around 10 thousand dollars.

Meyer-Optik Trioplan F/2.8

This copy is rightfully considered one of the most unusual lenses in the history of photography. Its peculiarity lies in the creation of the original bokeh in the blur zone, which is similar to bubble. It began to be made in the 60s of the last century in German optical factory- that was the peak of his popularity. But the need for it reappeared already in the 21st century - then a Kickstarter page was created, with the help of which money was raised to restore the production of such optics. And so, at the end of 2017, the world saw this equipment again, which can be purchased for about one thousand dollars.

Lensbaby Composer Pro 50

If the lens has unusual distinctive features, this does not mean that it should cost fabulous money. This proves to us this lens, which can be purchased for $ 300. Its trick is immersing the edges of the image into a strong blur. It has an aperture of F / 2.5 and is compatible with APS-C and full-frame cameras. Also on the optics market you can find two variations of this lens 35 and 80 mm. Their price is already higher - 379 and 499 dollars, respectively.

Sigma 4.5mm f/2.8

This 4.5mm camera is one of the widest lenses available. It was created for work in both scientific and artistic fields, and it is also very convenient to use in macro photography. Its minimum focal length is 13.5 centimeters. You can buy such a lens for about $ 1,500.

Laowa 24mm f/14

This lens was developed as recently as 2017 by Venus Optics and its capabilities amaze many photographers. It is used in macro photography and here its characteristics are simply irreplaceable: the scale of its shooting is 2:1, and you can shoot at a rather impressive distance from the object.

3D printed lens

In 2016, blogger and photographer Mathieu Stern published a video in which a story about a lens made by himself using a 3D printer. He himself drew a 2D model of the future device and went to the company that prints - "Fabulous". A diagram was made there, and later a copy was printed on a special printer using plastic. For optics, use just one lens, which the photographer took from his old camera. So it turned out a lens with a focal length of 135 mm and aperture of F / 1.8. With its help, very beautiful and sharp photos with vignetting. A hole was made on the lens barrel for filters that can make unusual curly bokeh. Such optics cost only $ 4 - so that everyone can afford to do the same.

Choosing a lens

Kit lenses or those supplied with the camera, in most cases, cannot fully meet all the requirements and desires for achieving a high-quality photographic result. That is why every photographer sooner or later needs to think about buying a new, more powerful optics.

Unfortunately, there is no universal technique that can work under any conditions. But if you want to limit yourself to one new lens and work with different types of shooting, then choose one in which the focal length is 18-200mm. These lenses are suitable for both nature photography and portraits. Just right for a beginner photographer.

There are four characteristics to consider when choosing an optic:

    focal length;

    depth of field (DOF);


    image stabilization.

Combinations of these characteristics with certain values ​​will give the desired result. For example, for shooting sports events, you need to use a minimum depth of field, but at the same time a large focal length.

If you are shooting static subjects, then the focal length range is not required. Only depth of field is important here, in which small numbers will simplify shooting the model.

For perfect crisp portrait photos, use a 35mm lens with a static focus distance and a fast aperture.

If you want to engage in such a genre of photography as wedding photography, then be prepared for the fact that one lens is not enough. After all, you will have to shoot both portrait shots and frames in motion. To do this, we recommend giving preference to universal lenses 35 or 50 mm paired with a portrait lens. This combination of optics will allow you to make diverse shots.

Working with professional lenses is quite expensive and requires good knowledge and understanding of photography. When buying, pay attention not only to specifications, but also on the features of the case, ease of use and the cost of repairs in the event of a breakdown.

If you have a lot of extra money ... Although, stop. To be honest, it is unlikely that any of us will purchase one of the lenses listed in this article, but we think many of our readers will be interested to know about the most expensive lenses ever made and bought by photographers. Undoubtedly, in skillful hands these lenses will be capable of producing some of the most stunning photographs we've ever seen, however, some of them are too specialized. So, here is our list of the most expensive lenses.

Price: $2,000,000

Of course, the most expensive lens on our list is expected to be the Leica. This monster was specifically designed for the now-defunct R-series of SLR cameras that Leica once made.

Nikkor 6mm f/2.8 Fisheye

Price: $160,000

This Nikon fix can literally see behind you. In addition, it is a very impressive size.

Canon 1200mm f/5.6L USM

Price: $120,000

Canon jokes that it took them a year to grow the lens and the crystal right inside this lens. It is known for certain that one of these was bought by the guys from the CIA, and another one was bought by Sports Illustrated magazine.

Just remember that Uncle Sam is watching over you, and perhaps it is through this lens that he is watching you take a shower.

Sigma 200-500mm f/2.8 APO

Price: $25,999

If you work outside the studio, this is your choice (-: Despite the fact that Sigma released this lens a couple of years ago, it is still able to impress. No, seriously, what other lens can keep a constant f / 2.8 aperture all the way to 300mm zoom range?

Nikon 800mm f/5.6 FL ED VR

Price: $17,900

A fairly new lens in the Nikon lineup is the 800mm f/5.6 lens with a vibration reduction system. Just imagine how it looks on a Nikon 1 series camera!

By the way, in we mentioned this lens.

Horseman 23mm f/5.6

Price: $13,500

This lens is available as a special order for Horseman medium format cameras. Its high price is due to the fact that it is extremely difficult to find an equally wide-angle lens in the segment for medium format cameras.

Canon 800mm f/5.6L IS USM

Price: $12,999

While not a monster like the Canon 1200mm, producing a Canon lens with such a long focal length will still cost you just a little more than living in New York for a year.

Sony 500mm f/4G

Price: $12,998

While Sony is still not as big-name as other lens makers, it does produce a fairly serious 500mm f/4 telephoto lens. We got to use it a few times during filming and the results were quite impressive.

Nikon 400mm f/2.8FL ED VR

Price: $11,997

Are you going to shoot birds? Or maybe a shooting competition? Then the Nikon 400mm f/2.8 might be just what you need.

Canon 600mm f/4L IS USM II

Price: $11,499

Released a couple of years ago, the Canon 600mm f/4 L IS USM II is very light for its size. However, holding it in your hands without insurance is not recommended.

Leica 50mm f/0.95 Noctilux

Price: $11,350

For many years, this was the only lens capable of seeing in the dark. But time does not stand still, and since then many f / 0.95 lenses have been released and sold. However, the Leica Noctilux was the only real option to consider.

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Good optics contribute to the creation good photos. However, choosing the "right" lens can be tricky, especially when you're just taking your first steps in the world of photography. The first thing you have to decide is what type of lens you want to buy: fixed or zoom. We have prepared a two-part article in which we will talk about both the first and the second type of optics. In this part of the article we will talk about lenses with a variable focal length or "zooms", and in the second - about lenses with a fixed focal length or "fixes". Before moving on to recommending specific models, let's first look at some lens features.

What is the advantage of zoom lenses?

A zoom lens combines several focal lengths, which reduces the burden on the photographer. Due to the large zoom ratio, you can take different styles of photos without changing the shooting point. This is especially true when you are photographing an event. For example, when the scene changes rapidly, and you need to quickly move from a long shot to a close-up or from a landscape to a portrait. Zoom adds speed, and in this regard, it is difficult to replace.

What are the disadvantages of zoom lenses?

The maximum aperture of any zoom is limited to f / 2.8, very rarely - f / 2 or f / 1.8. F/2.8 is sufficient when you're photographing outdoors, but noticeably less than what's required when photographing indoors. Of course, this is not a sentence, because higher ISO values, a flash, and an optical stabilizer will come to your aid. But we must remember that the optical stabilizer can only save you from shaking the camera itself. Moving objects at slow shutter speeds will not come out sharp. The quality of high ISO values ​​depends on the camera model, but the darker the room, the higher the ISO will be and the less juicy and detailed your photos will be. Using flash is a separate art. The built-in flash in 90% of cases is more likely to spoil the picture, make it non-artistic. You also need to remember that a zoom lens is always a compromise between price, quality and convenience. Even the presence of a constant aperture, which is a sure sign of a high-class lens, does not always mean a high-quality result over the entire range of focal lengths and apertures. For some zooms, the sharpness at an open, sometimes the most necessary aperture, is quite low.

What are zoom lenses?

Any lenses, not just zooms, differ in focal lengths. The normal field of view, which corresponds to the human eye, is considered to be the angle of view, which gives a focal length equal to 40-50 mm for a full frame sensor. Shorter focal length lenses are considered wide angle lenses, while longer focal length lenses are considered telephoto lenses. Let me remind you once again: we are talking about the focal length of a lens mounted on a camera with a frame of 24x36 mm. For an APS-C matrix, this value is 28-32 mm. For matrix Micro 4/3 20-25 mm. Zooms with a set of focal lengths from about 24 to 80 mm in terms of a full frame are usually called standard.

Standard zooms will be discussed further. They have the same range of focal lengths as the "whale", but due to the higher aperture and optical quality, they can give a significant increase in technical terms: Allows you to take sharp and contrasting pictures, shoot even in very low light conditions, blur the background more in photographs.

We have selected several standard zooms that can replace whale lens, giving the photographer the best possible image quality in the same range of focal lengths. We decided to eliminate the overly expensive full-frame models from our list and focused on crop sensor models.

This fast zoom uses ED glass and aspherical elements. This helps to reduce the level of chromatic aberration and geometric distortion. The ultrasonic motor ensures quiet, smooth and fast autofocus performance even in low light conditions. The optical image stabilizer works out up to 3 steps of exposure. The lens is built to be durable and heavy to withstand all the hardships of photographic life with dignity. Canon EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM is one of the best zooms made for amateur and semi-professionals Canon cameras with APS-C matrix. He visited our test studio more than once, and it is with him that we try to test the cameras in action in order to reveal their full potential.

A wide zoom range from 24mm to 135mm to help you travel light. The optical scheme of the lens is represented by 17 elements in 12 groups. To compensate for the low aperture, the Canon EF-S 15-85mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM is equipped with a 4-stop optical image stabilizer. The minimum focusing distance is only 35 centimeters across the entire zoom range, which greatly expands the creative possibilities. ED glass and several aspherical lenses are used to reduce ghosting and glare. Thanks to its versatility, this lens will appeal to travelers who do not want to take several lenses with them on a trip. A potentially weak point is only a not too high aperture ratio, especially in the TV range.

The lens was designed as a universal standard for Nikon's non-full-frame cameras. Despite the relatively small aperture, it has a large zoom range and, in addition to the standard range, covers several more portrait focal lengths, and also has a serious tele-range of 200 mm in its arsenal when converted to a full frame. This is more than enough even to bring small objects closer and try your hand at photo hunting or sports reporting. The design includes several high-quality optical ED elements to reduce aberrations, a silent ultrasonic autofocus motor and an optically effective image stabilizer to compensate for the not too high aperture of this model.

This one was released by Nikon to work on professional crop cameras. A constant aperture of F2.8, internal focusing, dust and moisture protection make it a reliable companion for reflex camera. Nikon AF-S Nikkor 17-55 mm f/2.8G IF-ED DX belongs to the top line of lenses. It has excellent frame geometry. Color halos are practically absent over the entire range of focal lengths, even at an open aperture. Even though it lacks an image stabilizer, its 700-gram weight alone contributes to stability when shooting. It is an expensive professional tool with uncompromising image quality.

This lens belongs to the top optics and is designed for Sony Alpha DSLR and SLT SLR cameras with an APS-C matrix. Its main advantage is a constant aperture over the entire range of focal lengths and a small weight of 600 grams for such indicators. Of the other advantages of this optics, it is worth noting the silent ultrasonic motor for focusing. There is no built-in stabilizer, since in the Alpha system of SLT and DSLR cameras, stabilization is carried out directly in the camera by shifting the matrix. The lens is great for those who are looking for one lens for most scenes.

The lens is designed for E-mount for APS-C sensor. This versatile high quality zoom from Carl Zeiss is designed for everyday use with Sony mirrorless cameras. The optics have a proprietary T-star coating, which is designed to minimize unwanted flare and reflections. The range of focal lengths is somewhat wider than standard zoom lenses and in terms of full frame is 24-105mm. The lens has a built-in optical image stabilizer to eliminate unwanted blur when shooting at slow shutter speeds. A constant aperture of F4, a circular aperture and aspherical optics from Sony complete the high optical quality of this model. The Sony Vario-Tessar T* E 16–70mm F4 ZA OSS is the ultimate quality everyday lens for Sony's APS-C mirrorless cameras.

This is one of the few Fujifilm lenses in a dust- and moisture-resistant housing with a constant aperture of F2.8 over the entire range of focal lengths. The model has 14 weather seals and will be a great helper for those amateur photographers who shoot in extreme weather conditions. The lens optics have a Gradient Index coating based on Fujifilm's new nanotechnologies to combat flare and vignetting. The lens also uses a dual linear autofocus motor for smooth, fast and quiet operation.

It differs from its younger “whale” brother by the presence of two additional elements in the optical scheme and a larger aperture while maintaining a similar size. It also has a built-in optical image stabilizer, a separate selector for turning it on and a selector for working with autofocus. The optical quality of this model is beyond praise. It has appeared in our test studio more than once. In our opinion, this model has best ratio price and quality in this class.

The most advanced zoom in the line of optics for the Micro 4/3 mount. In terms of 35 mm, its focal range is the popular and most demanded 28-80 mm with a constant aperture of F2.8. The body has dust and moisture protection, and the PRO index indicates the professional purpose of this lens. He is one of the few that has a scale when working in manual mode and a programmable L-Fn button to expand the possibilities of the photographer. A modern optical design of 14 elements in 9 groups with both aspherical and low dispersion elements allows you to get an excellent image across the entire field of the frame, even at an open aperture. This is an almost perfect zoom lens, perhaps the best in the Micro 4/3 system.

As they say, only for the sake of curiosity ... After all, not every photographer can buy even the most, let's say, “inexpensive” lens from the list below. And not only because it is very expensive, but also because for the most part these unique devices are designed for professional use.

Simply put, they are needed by those who know how the best way realize their potential, and knows how to do it competently.

However, some of the most expensive lenses in the world will be of no use even to superprofessionals in photography, since in fact they are extremely specific tools that can only be used in rare cases.

In general, we look:

10. the most expensive lens - Leica 50mm f0.95 Noctilux — $11350

For quite a long time, this model was considered the only consumer-grade photo lens in the world that can "see" in the dark. Since the release of the Noctilux Leica series, f0.95 has been sold quite a lot. However, even today this lens is still the only acceptable option for some shooting conditions.

9. the most expensive lens - Canon 600 mm f4 L IS USM II — $11499

This super-telephoto lens features a sophisticated optical design for high aperture (f/4) and high magnification in a titanium/magnesium alloy body that is also water and dust resistant and has been recognized as one of the lightest and most powerful lenses for more than two years. convenient solutions for high-quality photography in the field.

8. the most expensive lens - Nikon 400 mm f2.8 FL ED VR — $11997

Shoot rare birds? Or maybe capture new records in shooting competitions? Lightweight and reliable super-telephoto with cool optics and a mode for shooting fast and very fast moving objects - this is about the Nikon 400mm f2.8.

10. Leica 50 mm f0.95 Noctilux 9. Canon 600 mm f4 L IS USM II 8. Nikon 400 mm f2.8 FL ED VR

7. the most expensive lens - Sony 500mm f4G — $12998

Sony, of course, also has its own super telephoto for “nature and sports”, that is, a lens with a focal length of 500 mm and f / 4 aperture. Moreover, it is no less functional than that of the more eminent giants of the world photo industry.

6. the most expensive lens - Canon 800 mm f5.6 L IS USM — $12999

It’s also light, it’s also strong, it’s also super and it’s also a telephoto camera – this is Canon’s 800mm f5.6 L IS USM. It has everything you need for high-quality photography of everything that flies and runs fast. And the price, they say, is comparable to the cost of living in New York for a whole year.

5. the most expensive lens - Horseman 23mm f5.6 — $13500

The model is called a special solution for Horseman medium format cameras. However, the word "exclusive" is much better suited here, since it is for this format that a high-end wide-angle is extremely difficult to find. Hence the price.

7. Sony 500 mm f4 6. Horseman 23mm f5.6 5. Canon 800 mm f5.6 L IS USM

4. the most expensive lens - Nikon 800 mm f5.6 FL ED VR — $17897

Relatively new (2013) super telephoto lens for shooting photo essays and working with very distant objects. The model has vibration reduction functions, thanks to which the photographer can use shutter speeds up to four stops slower than usual. Plus excellent optical performance, nanocrystalline coating to reduce flare and ghosting, etc. etc. Just imagine this lens combined with the capabilities of, for example, Nikon 1 series cameras.

3. the most expensive lens - Sigma 200-500 mm f2.8 APO — $25999

Although this lens was released more than two years ago, the model still remains unique in its class: after all, the maximum focal length of f=500 mm at a constant aperture of f2.8 is a record figure (and not only for Sigma lenses - oh them) and at the same time an advantage that more than compensates for the considerable dimensions and weight (16 kg) of the device. Actually, even among professionals, the Sigma 200-500 mm f2.8 APO is considered a lens that inspires respect by the mere fact of its existence, and its capabilities can be discussed for days on end.

2. the most expensive lens - Canon 1200mm f5.6 -$120000

B&H Photo once wrote that it takes Canon at least a year to grow all the lenses and crystals in this lens. It is known that one Canon 1200mm f5.6 lens was bought by the editors of Sports Illustrated magazine and the American CIA. So, this lens is not only suitable for shooting new swimwear collections. Big Brother also prefers to look with a well-armed eye.

1. the most expensive lens - Nikkor 6mm f/2.8 Fisheye — $160000

It's hard to believe, but this super wide-angle 6mm f/2.8 lens was first introduced to the world at Photokina in Cologne in 1970. Today the model exists in three versions: non-AI (F 1972-1977), AI (1977-1981) and AI-s (1982-1998).

Not too long ago, one of the Nikkor 6mm f/2.8 Fisheye Lens suddenly popped up on eBay for $34,020. But that is already in the past. At present, it is no longer possible to buy it so “cheaply”, although the model appears at online auctions about once a year.

On the other hand, there are simply no lenses with such characteristics: an unsurpassed angle of coverage / view of as much as 220 ° is, in the most literal sense, the ability to see and shoot even what is happening behind the photographer himself at the time of shooting. And what kind of money can we talk about?

Simply the MOST EXPENSIVE LENS IN THE WORLD - Leica 1600 mm f/5.6 Telephoto — $2000000

That's right: 2 million US dollars. HE is one of a kind. This miracle was made in a single copy for the Qatari Sheikh Said Bin Mohammed Al Thani. The sheikh, not indifferent to photography, somehow deigned to order a special lens from Leica, not caring too much about the price of the device. As a result, the Leica APO-Telyt-R 1600 mm F / 5.6 cost its owner 16 million Hong Kong dollars (at the then exchange rate a little more than $ 2 million) and automatically became the most expensive consumer lens in the world (i.e., not military, and non-industrial grade.