A story about the legal profession for children. Rating of children's encyclopedias about professions

I think it will be interesting that it concerns everyday life, first of all - how to protect your rights in a store, dry cleaner, etc. (Federal Law ZPP), what rights a passenger has during air travel and other types of transport, also issues of family law, can be interested in issues of criminal law - in high-profile cases (trials), human rights defenders - the status of a lawyer, etc. International law - public and private, how it is applied, etc.

Profession: lawyer

The life of modern society is subject to a huge number of laws, regulations, rules, etc. When deciding whether this or that action is permissible, or how to competently resolve a conflict situation that has arisen (be it the refusal of store employees to return money for a low-quality product, the division of property between spouses in the event of a divorce, the threat of dismissal from work or something else similar), first of all you need to focus on the laws that exist on the relevant occasions. This is precisely what distinguishes a civilized society from one living according to the customs of savages, where the one who is stronger (or who is richer) is considered right.

Financial genius

Today we will talk about what constitutes profession lawyer. In the list of the most in-demand professions of our time, lawyers occupy one of the key positions, and this is no coincidence: competent specialists are needed in almost every branch of business or public service. Next, I will look at what the profession of a lawyer is, work as a lawyer what are there legal specialties, the pros and cons of this profession and many other important points. Let's talk about all this in order...

Story about profession: lawyer

The legal profession is one of the most widespread in the last twenty-five years. The growth and complexity of economic and business activities leads to the development of the judicial sphere, the lawyer network, and the notary office. But today we will not talk about them who work in legal organizations, but about those who provide legal activities in enterprises of the national economy, because today not a single developed organization can do without the services of in-house lawyers: laws are becoming more complex, and simple “legal self-awareness” is no longer enough.

Please help me write a story about the profession on the topic of lawyer

Jurisprudence is one of those sciences that is learned throughout life. Since legislation is constantly changing and supplemented, a lawyer must be able to quickly find and remember the nuances of legal norms in order to be able to operate with the knowledge gained. The main thing is to have a true calling for this and be ready for long and hard work.

Profession lawyer: pros and cons, description of functions and responsibilities

6. The ability to create a reputation for yourself. A lawyer's success largely depends on what people say about him. Professionals work on their image. To do this, they have to pay attention to many seemingly insignificant details. For potential clients, it matters what clothes a lawyer or legal adviser wears, what property he owns, and what people he knows.

Children about the lawyer profession

  • in the prosecutor's office,
  • assistant prosecutor (or the prosecutor himself),
  • judge of arbitration, magistrate or general courts,
  • as legal advisers,
  • operational law enforcement officers,
  • various security services and private security agencies.

Children about the lawyer profession

A lawyer's salary depends on a large number of factors - specialization, experience, place of work. According to statistics from the Yandex.Work resource, the average salary of a lawyer in Moscow is 52,000 rubles, in the Moscow region - 35,000 rubles. For comparison, in Samara the salary of a lawyer is on average 30,000 rubles, and in Yekaterinburg - 26,000 rubles. The highest paid lawyers work in the financial sector. A beginner lawyer with no experience can count on a salary of 10,000 to 30,000 rubles (according to the resource www.profguide.ru). As your experience and professionalism, as well as your fame, grow, the maximum salary for a lawyer has practically no limits.

Class hour on law on the topic: The world of legal professions

  • 1st group – human → nature (animal specialist, veterinarian, agronomist)
  • 2nd group - people → equipment (electrician, mechanic, driver)
  • 3rd group - person → sign (programmer, secretary)
  • 4th group - person → person (doctor, teacher, salesman)
  • 5th group - person → artist (actor, painter)

Lawyer What is it and what do you eat it with?

4 What qualities does a lawyer need? Perseverance. There is too much need to delve into documents and regulations. If you miss a little thing, it can turn into a fatal mistake. Analytic mind. Without it, it will not be possible to draw the right conclusions or compare legal norms. Good memory Lawyers often have tense moments at work, blockages, conflicts, public speaking and other stressful situations. That is why a lawyer must be able to work under stress just as effectively, without errors or breakdowns.

Profession – Lawyer

  • Professor of Law and Jurisprudence. This is a more scientific and safer activity. It is related to the delivery of the information base to students and students. This type of application of knowledge is the safest and lowest paid.
  • Lawyer and prosecutor. The specifics of these professions are largely similar. They are focused on the practical application of their knowledge and skills. If a lawyer acts as a defender, then a prosecutor acts as a prosecutor. At the same time, the latter’s responsibilities are expanded to monitor the implementation of legal and constitutional norms.
  • Judge. This is the arbiter of justice who, based on the evidence and documents provided, makes sentences in accordance with the law.
  • Legal Advisor. Unlike lawyers, judges and prosecutors, this is an interested person - an employee of the organization who conducts its legal defense and ensures that all its actions are carried out in accordance with the law. The legal adviser draws up documents and employee agreements, resolves all conflict situations both privately and in court proceedings. This is the legal representative of the company.


Libra is an ancient symbol of measure and justice. The sword is a symbol of spiritual strength, retribution; in the hands of Themis it is a symbol of retribution. A mantle is a solemn, ritual garment intended for performing a certain ceremony, action, in this case justice. The bandage on the eyes of the goddess symbolizes impartiality

Report: Why I chose to become a lawyer

At present, indeed, we can talk about some (but only quantitative) overproduction of lawyers. At the same time, civil society, the state and various organizations still lack highly qualified specialists in the field of law who have work experience in their specialty and have proven themselves to be conscientious and knowledgeable workers.

Children about the lawyer profession

Dear reader! Most likely, you came here expecting to read the latest article on opec.ru. This site served faithfully for many years, but it was quite outdated - both in content and technically - and we decided to close it. What you see in front of you is a new generation scientific and educational portal. This is not a rebranding. This is a response to the new reality in which we find ourselves.

Children about the lawyer profession

Teacher: Today we learned a lot about professions related to legal activities. Episodes from films dedicated to the work of law enforcement agencies were also presented to your attention. However, literature and cinema imply artistic fiction, although the authors try to make the work believable and convincing. I would like to introduce you to a man who received a legal education at the Tyumen State Legal Institute of Management and Law under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, and currently works as an assistant judge. This is a 2002 graduate of our school, Bolshakova Olga Yuryevna, the daughter of the primary school teacher of our school, Bolshakova Tatyana Anatolyevna. I give her the floor.

Certificate of registration of copyright for the work N10774 dated August 17, 2004, issued by the State Department of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Laws change but the logic of law remains unchanged for many years. Therefore, the law must first of all be understood The boy Vitya sometimes did not understand what his relatives and friends were talking about. Coming home from work, dad was sometimes very pleased, brought mom flowers and champagne, gave Vita a new toy and said that today was his lucky day - he had made a profitable DEAL. Sometimes dad, on the contrary, would come home from work gloomy and spend the entire evening reading the newspaper or watching TV. He told his mother that the SUPPLIERS were violating the terms of the CONTRACT and were not acting according to the LAW. When dad allowed Uncle Vita to drive his car, they went to draw up a POWER OF ATTORNEY. One day a piece of paper fell out of my grandmother's box. Vitya picked it up and read the incomprehensible word printed at the top: “WILL.”
Vitya understood that these words were very important, because adults always said them with a serious look. These words, like magic spells, make them happy or sad. Vitya decided at all costs to understand the meaning of these words and their magical power. He went to his grandmother and asked him to explain everything to him, and his grandmother puzzled him even more by saying that it was all JURISPRUDENCE. Vitya involuntarily frowned at such words. The grandmother laughed and said that she would introduce Vitya to their family lawyer, the Wizard Juris. He knows everything about jurisprudence and will help Vita. The wizard Yuris explained to Vita that he, of course, was not a real wizard. But because Yuris knows the laws and knows how to draw up various legal documents, Vitya’s grandmother, out of respect, calls him a wizard. Lawyers are people who know the law and can apply it. The prosecutor can begin to participate in the trial of any case if the interests of citizens and the state so require. The prosecutor is also obliged to take care of compensation for damage caused to the state and government organizations. To become a lawyer, a lawyer takes an exam and if he does it successfully, he receives a special Certificate. If someone has a legal question, they seek clarification from their lawyer. Often, lawyers defend the legal rights of citizens and organizations in courts and before other citizens and organizations. A lawyer can collect documents and other evidence to protect the interests of his client in court and other authorities. This educational document allows you to work as a lawyer. All these words that Vita does not understand - LEGAL TERMS are really very important in our lives. They were invented by lawyers. These words are actually like magic spells. They can create joy and sadness in people. Therefore, having learned what these words mean and what they are needed for, Vitya will also become a bit of a wizard. But, everything is in order. First, the wizard Juris told Vitya, we need to tell him who lawyers are. Meeting 1. Who are lawyers? How to become a lawyer

Test. Lawyers.
    For each correct answer - 1 point. The maximum test score is 3 points.
-- A lawyer who advises on how to act correctly according to the law and resolves legal issues in the activities of an enterprise is called:
    A) investigator;
A) certificate;
    -- B) diploma;
B) diploma. If you get all the points, Wizard Juris applauds you. Rating of excellent knowledge. If all points are scored minus 1 point - a rating of solid knowledge.

Later, when people started farming together: cultivating fields, taking up crafts, and raising livestock, a new danger appeared. Wars of conquest began, and people had to unite to repel the enemy. Only together could the invaders be defeated. Primitive society existed so that members of the clan could survive. The tools were primitive, everyone worked, and power was provided by everyone. All property was common. There was no separate administrative apparatus and bodies ensuring the implementation of customs. They did everything together, and customs were carried out out of habit and under the influence of the entire clan.
    If fewer points are scored, the rating is for familiarization knowledge.
In a state, different members of society may have different interests: professional, cultural, religious. But the state unites everyone on the basis of common, main interests that every person has. The state ensures the fulfillment of these interests. For example, the state ensures that no one can attempt the life of another person. Everyone in the state can work and receive material rewards for it. If someone has his own property: a car, a house, a dacha, then no one can take it away from him. Since these interests are important to most people, the state provides them for every person. To do this, with the help of laws, it establishes common rules of conduct for all. If these rules are violated, the violator will be punished. Therefore, following the rules is important for everyone. All these words that Vita does not understand - LEGAL TERMS are really very important in our lives. They were invented by lawyers. These words are actually like magic spells. They can create joy and sadness in people. Therefore, having learned what these words mean and what they are needed for, Vitya will also become a bit of a wizard. In addition, the state determines the powers of government bodies. It protects the rights of businesses and supports the poor. The state builds schools and hospitals and takes care of environmental protection. It is important for the state to ensure law and order in society. This is why the police and other law enforcement agencies exist. In order for the state to exist and carry out all these programs, it collects taxes from businesses and citizens. The state also cooperates with other states and international organizations. At the same time, common problems are solved: maintaining peace on earth, fighting crime, space exploration and others. Exercise. Continue the list of customs. In modern society, the following customs are used: - standing in line for goods;-- give up your seat on public transport to the elderly, disabled, and small children; - let the lady go ahead; 1. What is society? For the correct answer - 1 point. 2.What is a state? For the correct answer - 1 point. In primitive society, the strong could offend the weak. (Fig. One Neanderthal is chasing another with a mace). In the tribe he sometimes received condemnation for this and could even be expelled. It was a custom. For example, at a gas station, an unauthorized driver gets behind the wheel of someone else’s fuel tanker and pushes it into the river. (picture: a fuel truck flies into the river with a gas station in the background, there is one person at the gas station, he holds his head). On the surface it always looks illegal. But imagine that a fuel tanker at a gas station suddenly caught fire. This threatened an explosion, which could cause a lot of trouble. Saving everyone, the driver pushed the fuel tanker into the river. (picture: a burning fuel tanker flies into the river with a gas station in the background). The law is fair and it says that in this case the driver’s actions are legal. When someone does a little harm so that there is no big harm, it is called an EXTREME NECESSITY. The one who caused this harm may be released from compensation.
    -- 3. Name the characteristics of a state.
For each correctly named feature of the state - 1 point.
    -- 4. What signs of the state are missing in society?
For correct analysis - 1 point.
    -- Check your knowledge rating
If you get all the points, Wizard Juris applauds you. Rating of excellent knowledge. If all points minus 5 points are scored - a rating of solid knowledge.
    -- If fewer points are scored, the rating is for familiarization knowledge.
If you wish, you can write down a rating of your knowledge. I scored ____ points for this meeting. This is a rating of ____________ (excellent, solid, introductory) knowledge. For the correct answer - 1 point. I scored ____ points for this meeting and previous meetings. Meeting 3. What is the law At work, at school, at home, some people obey others. There are bosses, and there are subordinates. At school, children must obey their teachers. The teacher is supervised by the school director. He is more important.

Among the legal acts there are also main ones and those that are subordinate to them. For example, LAWS are more important than all other legal acts. Therefore, these others are called SUBJECT REGULATIONS. The most important law of the state is the CONSTITUTION. All laws and regulations of the state are issued on the basis of the Constitution. The Constitution outlines the most important issues in the life and activities of the state. Therefore, the Constitution is often called the fundamental law. No normative act can contradict the Constitution. By-laws are subject to the Constitution (fundamental law) and other laws. This means that by-laws must comply with the Constitution and laws and cannot contradict them. CONSOLIDATE YOUR KNOWLEDGE Exercise 1. What is more important For the correct answer - 1 point. Which of the following regulations has greater legal force: A) law; B) by-law. Exercise 2. The most important law of the state For the correct answer - 1 point. For the correct answer - 1 point. The most important law of the state is called: A) Decree; B) Not all contracts are the same. This is not difficult to understand by recalling cases with which everyone is familiar. After all, after concluding some contracts, the property (car, apartment, food) passes to the acquirer forever, that is, into ownership. Under other agreements, the property is transferred to the recipient only for a certain time - for use. In other words, different contracts have different legal purposes. In the first case, this is a transfer of ownership of the property, in the second - only a transfer of the right of use. But there are differences between contracts that have the same legal purpose. For example, contracts differ in types for the transfer of property into ownership . After all, property can become the property of another person free of charge. That is, without any payment. This is a DONATION AGREEMENT. If the property becomes the property of another person for cash payment,

This is a PURCHASE AND SALE agreement. If one owner transfers his property to another, and in return receives ownership of other property, this is an EXCHANGE CONTRACT. For example, the boy Vitya has a book that he has read. His friend Petya has another book. Vitya gives Petya his book for good, and in return receives Petya’s book as his property. With regard to contracts whose legal purpose is transfer of property into use, they share like this. If the property is not transferred permanently (temporarily), for money - this is a property lease agreement. In the case when property is transferred for a certain period, with subsequent return free of charge, this is a loan agreement. Things for which contracts are concluded for the transfer of property for use must be

unconsumable . That is, these things can be reused. For example, non-consumable things are a car, a bicycle, a TV. They can be used many times. For these things, you can enter into a rental or loan agreement. Along with non-consumables, there are

How to determine in what case to transfer property for money, in exchange for other property or for payment? The answer is simple. It all depends on the parties to the agreement themselves. As they agree, so it will be. After all, civil law is private law. It first of all takes into account the interests, will, desire of the participants in these relations themselves. The state, with the help of civil laws, in many ways only tells the parties how to act, how to show their private interest. For example, by enshrining various types of contracts in law, the state allows the participants to choose for themselves which contract is best for them to conclude. Agreements may not be concluded regarding property. The legal purpose of such agreements is provision of services or execution of work Agreements may not be concluded regarding property. The legal purpose of such agreements is. . With the help of services, through the efforts of some individuals, the needs of other individuals are satisfied. Consultation with a lawyer, preservation of other people's belongings, transportation by taxi - all these are services. Let's look at some types of contracts for . . One of them is the contract of carriage Under a contract of carriage, one party (the carrier), for a certain fee, undertakes to transport a passenger or any cargo to its destination. For example, when the boy Vitya and his parents went on vacation to the sea in the summer. They bought a train ticket and thus got to the resort. Traveling by train is a type of contract of carriage. The next type of service agreement is a storage agreement Under a STORAGE AGREEMENT, one party (custodian) undertakes to store property transferred to it by the other party (bailor) and return this property safely. In other words, if the owner of the property does not want to leave the property unattended, he transfers this property to another person (custodian) for a while. The bailee looks after the property and must return it safe and sound to the bailor. A storage agreement can be either paid or gratuitous. AGREEMENT OF ASSIGNMENT also include or. As a result of performing work, due to the actions of some persons (performers), a certain product is produced for other persons (customers). An example of a contract for the performance of work is a CONTRACT AGREEMENT. Under a contract, the contractor undertakes, for a fee, to perform certain work according to the customer’s instructions using his or his own materials, and the customer undertakes to accept the work performed. For example, they bought a computer for the boy Vita. The boy's neighbor Vitya is a carpenter. Vita's dad ordered it for him, and he agreed to make a desk for the computer. As a result, the table was made and Vitya was able to work comfortably on the computer. This is how a contract can be used in everyday life.

The legal purpose of some contracts is Team work. Under an AGREEMENT ON JOINT ACTIVITIES, several persons reach an agreement on joint actions to achieve a certain goal. For example, a dairy factory and an advertising agency enter into an agreement on joint activities, and together implement a program to promote “Super Milk” to the market. At the same time, the efforts of the dairy plant and the advertising agency are mutually combined. The dairy uses modern equipment to produce tasty, high-quality and healthy milk. The advertising agency develops and conducts an advertising campaign in the press, radio and television that clearly and vividly convinces of the benefits of “Super Milk”. Due to joint actions, the production and sales of Super Milk increase, and the participants in the joint activity make a profit. (Fig. A cook in a cap holds in one hand a package with the inscription “Super Milk”, and the other hand is extended forward, the thumb is on top, the other fingers are bent, i.e. the sign: “Wow!”). Among the legal acts there are also main ones and those that are subordinate to them. For example, LAWS are more important than all other legal acts. Therefore, these others are called SUBJECT REGULATIONS. Exercise 1. Legal purpose of contracts Below are various possible answers. Select those that correspond to the legal purposes of contracts. For each correct answer - 1 point. The maximum score for the exercise is 4 points. An agreement may have the following legal purpose: A) transfer of property into ownership; B) restriction of the rights of another person; B) provision of services; D) damage to the interests of the state;); B) for something... (sell, exchange For the correct answer - 1 point., give).

If you get all the points, Wizard Juris applauds you. Rating of excellent knowledge. If all points minus 2 points are scored - a rating of solid knowledge. If fewer points are scored, the rating is for familiarization knowledge. If you wish, you can write down a rating of your knowledge. I scored ____ points for this meeting. This is a rating of ____________ (excellent, solid, introductory) knowledge. I earned ____ points for this meeting and previous meetings. Meeting 1. Who are lawyers? How to become a lawyer I. A LITTLE LEGAL THEORY. Meeting 2. What is society and the state. Meeting 3. What is law? Meeting 4. What is the rule of law. Meeting 5. How one state differs from another. Meeting 6. State mechanism. Meeting 37. What civil law studies Meeting 38. Participants in civil legal relations Meeting 39. What is a transaction Meeting 40. Property rights Meeting 41. What is an obligation Meeting 42. What is a contract Meeting 43. Certain types of contracts Meeting 44. Non-contractual obligations. Meeting 45. Inheritance relations Meeting 46. Intellectual property VI. FAMILY LAW Meeting 47. What family law studies Meeting 48. Marriage and family Meeting 49. Property of spouses Meeting 50. Rights and responsibilities of parents and children. Alimony Meeting 51. Guardianship and trusteeship. Adoption VII. FINANCIAL RIGHT Meeting 52. Financial activities of the state Meeting 53. State budget Meeting 54. Taxes Meeting 55. Monetary circulation. Currency operationsVIII.Labor law Meeting 56. Why is it necessary and what does labor law study? Meeting 57. Employment contract Meeting 58. Working time and rest time Meeting 59. Remuneration. IX Land law Meeting 60. What does land law study? Meeting 61. Land fund Meeting 62. Land ownership. Land use X. Criminal procedural law Meeting 63. Why criminal procedural law is necessary Meeting 64. Participants in criminal proceedings Meeting 65. Evidence in criminal proceedings Meeting 66. Sources of evidence Meeting 67. Criminal proceedings. Preliminary investigation Meeting 68. Consideration of a criminal case in courtXI. CIVIL PROCEDURE LAW Meeting 69. The concept of civil procedural law Meeting 70. Subjects of civil proceedings

Meeting 71. Consideration of civil cases in court

    -- GENERAL INFORMATION Information about the work
    -- -- Title - Cognitive jurisprudence for children and adolescents -- Information about previous publications - not published -- Intended readership - children from 9 to 13 years old -- Volume of the work - 190 pages in the presented format-- Full name - Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Michurin -- Position, place of work - Professor at the Kharkov National University of Internal Affairs -- Academic degree - Doctor of Law -- Published works of authorship - Housing agreements (2001), Changes in the legislation of Ukraine (2001), Pravochini z zhitlom (2003), Pravochini. Illustrations of notarial documents (2004), Civil law of Ukraine. Part 2. (2000), Zhitlovo law of Ukraine (2001), Zhytlov law of Ukraine. Another version, amended and expanded (2003), Completion of notarial acts by notaries of Ukraine (2004). In total there are more than 150 publications on jurisprudence.
-- Address: 61183, Kharkov, PO Box 11263 -- Tel.: home - 778-34-80, work - 503-060, 503-154, mobile 066-239-51-78

Information on copyright protection - Certificate of registration of copyright for the work N10774 dated August 17, 2004, issued by the State Department of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

The children might, for example, be told the traffic rules for pedestrians, or they might not. And other similar things that you may not know about, but they exist. So that later it is not the president who is to blame and not “that goat over there.”

This age will listen with particular interest to everything about sex and the responsibility associated with it; by the way, I think it’s very useful. Take this moment to educate your children about what adults hardly tell them. Elena Sutyrina

Children's stories about their parents' professions (photo report for the project “All professions are important”)

Our next project “All professions are important” has come to an end. I had to work hard for both the children, the parents, and me as a teacher.

The growth and complexity of economic and business activities leads to the development of the judicial sphere, the lawyer network, and the notary office. But today we will not talk about them who work in legal organizations, but about those who provide legal activities in enterprises of the national economy, because today not a single developed organization can do without the services of in-house lawyers: laws are becoming more complex, and simple “legal self-awareness” is no longer enough.

Please help me write a story about the profession on the topic of lawyer
Jurisprudence is one of those sciences that is learned throughout life.

Since legislation is constantly changing and supplemented, a lawyer must be able to quickly find and remember the nuances of legal norms in order to be able to operate with the knowledge gained.

Federal Law ZPP), what rights a passenger has during air travel and other types of travel, also issues of family law, issues of criminal law may be of interest - in high-profile cases (trials), human rights activists - the status of a lawyer, etc. International law - public and private, how it is applied, etc.

Profession: lawyer

The life of modern society is subject to a huge number of laws, regulations, rules, etc.
n. Making decisions about whether this or that action is permissible, or how to competently resolve a conflict situation that has arisen (be it the refusal of store employees to return money for a low-quality product, the division of property between spouses during a divorce, the threat of dismissal from work, or something else like that) ), first of all you need to focus on the laws that exist on the relevant occasions.

Goal: Systematize and expand your vocabulary on this lexical topic.

Lesson summary in the preparatory group “All professions are important, all professions are needed” Lesson summary in the preparatory group “All professions are important, all professions are needed” Goal: Reinforce with children the names of professions, theirs.

Consultations for parents “All professions are important, all professions are needed” Dear parents! This week we will study material on the topic - “All professions are important, all professions are needed.” 1) Familiarization with the surroundings.

Open event in the preparatory group “All professions are important, all professions are needed” Goal: the formation of cognitive actions when becoming familiar with professions. Objectives: - Develop independence, initiative, creativity.

Project in the second junior group “All professions are needed.
All professions are important” Project on the topic: “ALL PROFESSIONS ARE NEEDED.”

In the end we got it a whole album called “Professions of our parents” with children’s stories. Children enjoy watching it and are very proud of their parents.

This is what our album looks like with stories about the professions of our parents.

Children tell all the children in the group about their parents’ professions.

“There are many different professions,

And we can’t count them all.

It doesn't really matter who we are

It’s enough to love your work.” (S.A.

We painted coloring pages on the theme “ Professions"and, of course, they drew. It was very interesting to talk with children about who they see themselves in future, which they will choose a profession and how they will draw it.


The children's works pleased both us and their parents. For parents we organized exhibition of drawings.

Here are some drawings and children's statements

D. Karina » I will work on an ambulance and treat all people.


P. Ilya “I want to become an astronaut. "

V. Dasha » I will fly an airplane and transport passengers to different cities. "

P. Ira » I I will be a doctor and treat children. «

G. Andrey “I want to become a policeman and protect everyone. "

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, judges can be citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached 25 years of age, have a higher legal education and have worked in their specialty for at least 5 years.

One of the most serious professions in the field of law, the prosecutor is an official of the prosecutor's office, vested with the authority to exercise prosecutorial supervision. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, it participates in the consideration of cases by courts, protests decisions, sentences, rulings and rulings of courts that are contrary to the law.

Diana Grigorenko, 6 “B” grade,

MAOU "Legal Gymnasium named after M.M.

However, even after completing training, a lawyer is obliged to improve his skills and keep up with the times in order to remain an excellent professional, capable of making informed decisions based on work experience and studied theory.

At the moment, good lawyers are worth their weight in gold, since the most important component of any enterprise is a good educated specialist in the legal field, who can always give practical advice regarding his work area.

One way or another, the legal profession is a very respected and well-paid position, since high-quality specialists are always valued and will continue to be valued in human society.

Also, the legal profession is paid quite well due to its labor intensity and other intricacies of working as a lawyer.


When deciding whether this or that action is permissible, or how to competently resolve a conflict situation that has arisen (be it the refusal of store employees to return money for a low-quality product, the division of property between spouses during a divorce, the threat of dismissal from work, or something else like that), First of all, you need to focus on the laws that exist on relevant occasions. This is precisely what distinguishes a civilized society from one living according to the customs of savages, where the one who is stronger (or who is richer) is considered right.

A lawyer helps individuals and organizations, based on current laws, determine the optimal strategy of behavior in a given situation, and, if necessary, draw up an application to the court and other competent authorities, a request to appeal an official decision, etc.


There are a number of professions united by the concept of “lawyer”.

If a lawyer acts as a defender, then a prosecutor acts as a prosecutor. At the same time, the latter’s responsibilities are expanded to monitor the implementation of legal and constitutional norms.

  • Judge. This is the arbiter of justice who, based on the evidence and documents provided, makes sentences in accordance with the law.
  • Legal Advisor.

    Unlike lawyers, judges and prosecutors, this is an interested person - an employee of the organization who conducts its legal defense and ensures that all its actions are carried out in accordance with the law. The legal adviser draws up documents and employee agreements, resolves all conflict situations both privately and in court proceedings.

The following are considered essential qualities: honesty, perseverance and commitment. Only such people can do their job efficiently.

They are responsible for the safety of entrepreneurs and their activities, and participate in criminal hearings. Specialists are in demand in almost every city.

The lowest salaries are for law teachers, and the highest for judges. Legal consultants are in the highest demand. Such people will most easily be able to find a job, since every organization or educational institution requires this specialist. Lawyers are also in demand. One of the disadvantages of this profession is that a lawyer cannot work in a commercial structure, but only in a law office or in legal consultations. The most lucrative specialty among lawyers is the prosecutor, but getting into this job is quite difficult.

That is, children understand that this is wrong, but where to clarify is unclear. It’s also about the fact that rights are balanced by responsibilities.

Talk about what kind of responsibility may arise in the event of some actions of children - for injuries in a fight, for curse words written on the school wall, etc. This too is often not told or distorted.

Thank you, I will definitely take your advice into account.

In our school, the subject “law” begins in 5th grade

What is the difference between a lawyer and a lawyer?

talk about the age of responsibility - administrative, civil, criminal.

about the rights that come with growing up. about restrictions on these rights. quite utilitarian things. Actually, you can split the meeting into two parts. in the first there is a story, in the second there are questions.

Elena Shraydar
Conversation with students on career guidance “The profession of a lawyer and its moral aspects”

Choosing the future profession, not everyone follows a calling. Many people are looking for themselves where they can try to get a good income in the future. At the peak of popularity today profession lawyer. He may later become lawyer. But for this you need to go through a special procedure: obtain the necessary work experience of more than two years, pass a qualification exam and, as a result, a certificate of the right to practice advocacy.

ABOUT lawyer profession among prosecutors "workers" They say either a lot of bad things or nothing good. But advocate, at least in many civilized and what we consider legal Western countries, this profession, from which all judges begin their career growth. Not from the prosecutor, who is subjected only to an accusatory bias and seems to be alien to simple human suffering for an illegal conviction, namely legal practice gives"sprouts" professional"movement" forward to every aspiring judge. Sometimes generally accepted principles of ethics and morality exceed the dry provisions of norms "crooked" rights.

Experienced advocate The defense attorney does not neglect the interests of justice and is always ready for equality of arms in court with the prosecution, as prescribed in the Criminal Procedure Code of Russia. And it seems that sooner or later, our legal system will turn in the direction lawyer and will see in him the successor of the court and the beginning of the growth of the judge. This is customary almost all over the world; alas, Russia is, as always, an exception in this list of countries.

Advocate, was never listed in "favorites" justice. Advocacy, both in pre-revolutionary Russia and in the post-Soviet space, we were never lucky. Ask anyone lawyer, which of the generations of his colleagues can boast of a benevolent attitude towards their corporation both from the prosecutor’s office and the court.

Considering a job legal profession Since the 80s of the last century, in different structures of the law enforcement system, it can be observed that judges and prosecutors have rejected lawyer in the trial a minor role, always "dragged" a blanket of justice on your side. Both judges and prosecutors, including them "younger" the investigator brothers looked at lawyer as"tolerable evil" which must be experienced.

If you look at history lawyer profession in Soviet times, That advocate in political trials in court, he simply had to publicly condemn his client for the acts that he committed against the entire Soviet people and, after branding his client at the table of justice, ask the judge for leniency. It was "disgrace", but it was imposed lawyer statesmen and defenders carried out this mission in order to remain in their professions. Yes, these were terrible times that did not affect us so deeply morally. aspect no other profession in"legal fraternal community" that country called the Soviet Union. But exactly with that one "planets" people with "crippled accusatory" past.

The profession of a lawyer is moral mirror of the morality of society and the more in moral and ethics lawyer, the more he is committed to his professions.

The common idea of the profession of a lawyer may come down to, as for example in the expressions of some representatives of the prosecutor's office that the activities this is a lawyer"bought conscience" who is dragging after him profession.

However, when the same "figures" find themselves cornered by their own colleagues, "more zealous" any "criminal" shout about their violated rights and "deliveries". In a private conversation, lost and former carriers "epaulet" cry and tell lawyer things like that about your exes "colleagues in the shop" that make your hair stand on end. And it is at this time that help lawyer whom they "spread rot" last night this morning the most necessary, and advocate the dearest and closest person in the world. And then, opening your eyes, you see and understand that personal human grief and suffering makes a former official of any rank belong to lawyer profession with respect, which he always deserves and not only when you are alone with him in the investigation room of the prison.

In my work advocate treats his clients regardless of their past, always giving the same preference to no one and, seeing the client’s innocence, strives to help him with all the strength of his talent, and not to settle scores with a sick and cornered former procedural opponent.

Profession of lawyer it's a constant fight against the system "misunderstandings" and bureaucratic arbitrariness in any capacity and rank. The one who fell under the openly punishing sword "blind" it is difficult for justice to evade the onslaught of such a state machine and many people, even former high officials, cannot resist alone and then they come to their aid advocate with his own established morals and conscience, with his own defense against the ridiculous accusation. It seems that this time the judge will not fall asleep during his debate, and the prosecutor will not read another stupid detective story in the courtroom.

Well said that advocacy cannot be an oasis in the entire law enforcement system. Advocacy there is an element of a real legal worldview in the entire judicial system and stands next to it, but not to the side or in isolation, which some people want to see "enemies" defense lawyer.

Profession of lawyer recognized as free profession. It is built on the rule of law, independence and unconditional trust. Thus, advocate is completely independent.

He must independently and honestly, freely and principledly, confidentially and tolerantly approach the performance of his official duties in defending the personal interests of his clients.

Besides, advocate must monitor his own dignity and maintain personal prestige at a high level.

In his daily work, he needs to affirm citizens' respect for justice.

What's special about work? lawyer and where can he apply his knowledge? Today, the existing there is a choice of lawyers: he can conduct his activities individually, open his own Law Office, and also unite with their partners in the college, law firms.

The desire to protect, to provide competent legal assistance in the shortest possible time, the daily desire to achieve justice is the main mission professional lawyer. He is obliged to organize his work in such a way that his competence and professional skills were not in doubt among his clients. After all, protecting is always easier than limiting.

Class lawyer activity requires strict storage of information that he receives from the client, since the opposite entails loss lawyer's title.

Successful advocate must have these qualities How:



Logical thinking;




Flexibility of mind;



Mathematical abilities;

Analytical thinking;

Deductive reasoning;

Ability to control emotions.

You can become a lawyer, having graduated from a law school, technical school or even courses.

An integral part of the science of legal profession is legal ethics.

For the role lawyer is assigned as if double responsibility: on the one hand, he must act in the interests of the state, and on the other hand, in the interests of the individual. Thus, on lawyer a number of obligations are imposed that are both legal and moral in nature and come into mutual contradiction.

Therefore, the task lawyer ethics is the search for balance and balance between professional responsibilities and interests of the state.

A number of erroneous postulates related to lawyer profession:

The lawyer is a magician, he has artifacts that can instantly solve many problems. This is not entirely true - after all, the result, the final decision in the case depends on lawyer only partially.

Lawyers know all legal regulations by heart.

And this opinion is wrong. Mostly, lawyers highly specialized, i.e. they deal either with criminal cases or work on civil cases, which is more valued than broad specialists profile.

Guarantees of compliance with the rules professional ethics is ensured by a number of organizational and corporate measures, which are justified by regulations.

Rules lawyer ethics when setting fees. When determining the amount of the fee for their services, each advocate must take into account several important circumstances:

The complexity of a particular case;

The time spent on consultations conversations and trial;

Financial situation of your client;

Own experience and reputation;

Expenses for the services of certain specialists whose services were required for the case.

For misconduct, representatives of the licensing authority have the right to apply various disciplinary sanctions. collection:

Warning that this is an unacceptable violation of the current Rules professional ethics of lawyers;

Deprivation of a license giving permission to conduct activities lawyer.

The charter and regulations on discipline of any association lawyers in some cases, other disciplinary options are provided.

The decision made to bear responsibility for a violation can be appealed in court.

Therefore, everyone lawyer must be adhered to professional ethics, demonstrating the dignity and honor of all bar corps.

Organization: MBOU gymnasium No. 1

Locality: Kemerovo region, Belovo

Target - creating conditions for students to explore their personal and individual psychological characteristics in the light of the professionally important qualities of the legal profession.


    To form students’ ideas about the conditions for successful professional choice.

    Expand students’ understanding of the legal profession and the law of law.

    Create conditions that allow students to evaluate their interests and capabilities through modeling elements of a lawyer’s professional activity.

    Develop reflective skills as a condition for the formation of professional orientation (ability to make conscious choice).

Progress of the lesson

How many hours does a person spend at work during his life? It is estimated that the average professional activity takes a person 87,600 hours. Many or few? There are a lot, so it’s important not to make a mistake in choosing a profession.

What needs to be taken into account for this? (Student answers: understand what you are interested in, learn as much as possible about the profession, knowledge requirements, personal qualities, evaluate your opportunities, labor market requirements, etc.).

Your answers fit into one of the formulas for professional success: “I want - I can - I must.”

“I want” is a person’s desires, goals, interests

“I can” means abilities, talents

“Must” is the demand for specialists in this profession in the labor market. Taking into account and combining these three components leads to professional success.

What profession will we talk about today? Attention to the screen.

(Video fragment from the cartoon "The Town Musicians of Bremen" "I am a brilliant detective").

Who will formulate the topic of our lesson? (Profession lawyer)

A lawyer is a specialist in the field of law. The profession of lawyer includes a whole group of professions. Which professions can you name? (Students' answers)

How, for example, does the profession of a lawyer differ from the profession of an investigator?

What are the professional responsibilities of a legal adviser?

What does a criminologist do?

Exercise "Motivation". Do you have certain ideas about the legal profession, but do you have a desire to become a lawyer?

I propose to finish the sentence: “I could (could not) choose the profession of a lawyer because...”

Exercise "Loto". Thank you for your points of view, but, in my opinion, your arguments were somewhat superficial and, to a greater extent, based on your everyday ideas about the profession.

Today we will try not only to gain new knowledge, but also to simulate some elements of the professional activity of a lawyer, which will allow you to more balancedly assess your interests and capabilities.

In any profession there is a PVC, i.e. requirements for knowledge, skills, personal qualities. I propose to draw up a PIC for the profession of lawyer.

You need to select from the proposed list of qualities those that, in your opinion, are necessary for a successful career as a lawyer.

(Students work in groups. Appendix 1)

What unites all people working in the field of law?

(Knowledge of laws and legal norms is one of the main competencies of a lawyer).

Exercise "Crimes in fairy tales". You will have to explore some situations from the lives of fairy-tale characters and determine whether they contain elements of a crime or violations of the law

  1. Fairy tale "Morozko". The stepmother, who tormented her stepdaughter, forced her to work, choosing physically difficult and dirty work, and then even forced her husband to take her stepdaughter to the forest and abandon her in the bitter cold. (Use of slave labor on a minor; leaving in danger)
  2. The Snow Queen flies through the city streets, looks into the windows and the windows are covered with frosty patterns, the flowers on the windows freeze, and the birds die. (causing moral and material damage).Kai tried several times to untie his sled, but the man in the fur coat kept nodding to him, and he continued to follow him. (kidnapping).
  3. "Twelve months". The stepdaughter either fetch water, or bring brushwood from the forest, or rinse the linen on the river, while her daughter lies on the feather bed all day long and eats gingerbread.
  • Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: use of slave labor
  • Convention on the Rights of the Child. Every child has the right to have his or her person protected from all types of exploitation and violence.
  • Convention on Human Rights. Right to rest
  1. "Baby and Carlson" What does Carlson violate? (does not pay taxes when using airspace)
  2. "Thumbelina." Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Kidnapping.
  3. Mom's Siberian "Grey Neck", Charles Perrault "Little Red Riding Hood". UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Parents have a responsibility to ensure the safety of their children.
  4. "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish". “You fool, you simpleton...” Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Protection of honor and dignity, excluding humiliation of a person.

We noted that in the legal profession (and especially in the work of an investigator), observation is very important, i.e. the ability to notice significant, subtle at first glance properties of people, objects and phenomena.

Exercise "Icon" or forensic bureau.

Now you have to test your powers of observation and visual memory in action. Everyone knows that when searching for criminals, the police often resort to the help of an identikit.

Now within 7 seconds you will be presented with a portrait of the alleged criminal. Then, from fragments of portraits, you need to create an identikit, a face that most closely resembles the object indicated to you. (For work you will need various portraits cut out from newspapers, magazines, postcards, old photographs).

Exercise "Detective Agency"(Appendix 2)

Which of the literary heroes thanks to their analytical abilities and observation could unravel seemingly the most hopeless cases? (Sherlock Holmes).

Now each of you will be able to play this role. Our groups are detective agencies and they have an excellent reputation.

You successfully investigate any case, and today the director of one school approached you with a statement. The fact is that 2 hours before the start of the New Year’s concert, the upset class teacher of 8th grade “B” entered his office. She said: "Unfortunately, tonight's events are in jeopardy as one very important item has gone missing."

You have to investigate What gone missing Who I took it and Where it's located. All the materials necessary for the investigation are on your tables. Read the cards carefully, explore versions, look for logical connections.

After the versions are announced, the participants of the game discuss its results. How was the work in the group? How did you come up with this version?

Bottom line. Well, now let's go back to our class.

What did we do today?(students' answers).

    expanded ideas about the profession

    performed tasks that required analytical skills (found correspondences, relationships, classified, generalized, argued). In addition, they examined their personal characteristics: observation, intuition, ability to work in a team.

I ask you to analyze your work according to the criteria outlined in the Self-Analysis Map.

If you scored from 11-16 points, as homework I suggest you continue to analyze the legal profession (the pros and cons of the profession, where you can get an education, etc.).

If you scored from 7 to 11 points, then your interest in the legal profession is not so obvious and the rules of law of this profession have not been fully demonstrated. As homework, you can collect information about similar professions, such as a law teacher, a polygraph examiner, a customs officer, criminal psychologist to reach a final conclusion.


    Sadliy, O. N. I live my childhood many times... [Text]: career guidance event / O. N. Sadliy, Zh. M. Belykh // Forms and methods of career guidance for students: a collection of methodological recommendations / author: I. A . Kilina, E. V. Ponamareva; under. total ed. V. I. Sakharova. – Kemerovo: State Educational Institution “KRIRPO”, 2013. – 94 p.

Annex 1.

Russian language




Social science

Stress resistance


Submission to someone else's opinion


Skill to work in team

Foreign language


Logical thinking

Artistic ability


Communication skills




Cue card

What's missing?


    Children's gifts


    Cool magazine

    Phonogram of songs

    Suit of Snow Maiden

Who took it?

    Prokhor, Anfisa's classmate

    Photographer Sergey Petrovich

    Class teacher Arseny Fedorovich

    Director of the New Year's concert

    Anfisa, 7th grade student "B"


Where is?

    In the utility room

    In the closet

    In the bag

    In a box of Christmas toys

    In the gym locker room

Witness testimony

    Anfisa loves to perform on stage and sings well

    Parents will not let Anfisa go to Spain for the winter holidays if she gets at least one B

    Anfisa got a “4” in physical education for the first half of the year

    Anfisa and the whole class decorated the classroom with tinsel today

    Prokhor is secretly in love with Anfisa

    Prokhor enjoys photography and music

    Prokhor was not at school today

    Prokhor was looking for an expensive gift for Anfisa today

    Prokhor often gets D's

    The cleaning lady has the flu and has been at home for three days

    The cleaning lady loves sweets very much

    The cleaning lady's granddaughter Katya dreams of acting as the Snow Maiden

    Camera in a photographer's bag

    The gym and locker room were closed all day

    In the utility room there are only buckets and rags

    There's more than just tinsel in a Christmas tree decorations box

    The students put the remaining tinsel in a box.

    The Snow Maiden costume for the girl Lena, who plays this role

    Gifts will be delivered at the start of the concert.

    Nobody lost money

    Rehearsing to a soundtrack in the assembly hall

    Photographer walks with a big bag

    Photographer Sergei Petrovich has a very valuable camera

    The photographer has no children

    Photographer Sergey Petrovich is a decent and honest person

    The photographer will come to the school for the evening only at the beginning of the concert

    A director dreams of a good camera

    The director did not leave the assembly hall all day

    The class teacher of 7 "B" is going to inform parents about the grades for the quarter before the New Year's concert

    The class teacher keeps public money in his wallet

    The class teacher is not to blame for anything

    Evaluations for the half-year have been published only in the journal.

    There are only books in the closet