What does a bulging Tetra Pak look like? How to make Tetra Pak packaging

World leader in packaging Tetra Pak is committed to its “Keep the Best” approach to the environment as well. Recycle selected 10 “green” initiatives of the manufacturer, including the production of fully recyclable packaging, a bag collection campaign, and the conservation of rare forests and animals in Russia.

Environmental program

Having successfully completed a five-year environmental program, Tetra Pak management announced new environmental goals for the next nine years in early 2011. The company planned to reduce carbon dioxide emissions while constantly increasing production and increase the amount of recycled packaging to one hundred percent.

In 2014 alone, Tetra Pak reduced CO2 emissions throughout its supply chain by 8 percent. Last year, 651,000 tonnes of used liquid food cartons were recycled worldwide. By 2020, the manufacturer hopes to increase this number to 100 billion.

FSC cardboard

The main material that Tetra Pak works with is cardboard, which is obtained from a renewable resource - wood. In production, the company uses raw materials only from proven sources that meet the highest international FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) standards. This rule allows her to trace the entire path of wood fiber from the forest plot to the consumer.

Last year, the manufacturer announced the release of Tetra Rex® packaging, which for the first time was created using only renewable natural materials. The packaging is made exclusively from cardboard and plastic obtained from plant materials.


The environmental performance of the company's future products is laid down already at the stage of its development. This reduces the negative impact on the environment. Tetra Pak uses Design for Environment to plan components, modules, complete production lines and plants.

As a result, Tetra Pak processing equipment allows customers to minimize product loss, use fewer chemicals during CIP, reduce steam, water and energy consumption, etc.

Tetra Top® packaging

Tetra Pak beverage cartons are 100 percent recyclable. In addition, Tetra Pak introduced Tetra Top® peel-top packaging for refrigerated products. These containers allow consumers to quickly and easily separate the plastic top of used packaging from the cardboard portion, allowing factories to recycle these elements separately.

In 2012, the volume of collection and processing in Russia amounted to about 15,000 tons. By 2020, it is planned to increase it 7 times to 100 thousand tons of used packaging per year.

Green office

The company's offices actively use energy saving technologies, as well as water and air purification. Thus, the organization does not use air fresheners that destroy the ozone layer. Environmentally friendly refrigerants are used in building refrigeration units.

In offices, purifiers (machines with the function of heating and cooling tap water with a four-stage filtration system) are installed instead of coolers, which made it possible to eliminate liquids in plastic bottles. Plastic disposable cups have been replaced with paper ones. On all floors of the main office there are special containers for collecting waste paper for recycling.

Forest support

In August 2013, Tetra Pak and WWF Russia announced the launch of a three-year program “Supporting the Development of Sustainable Forest Management”.

Among its priority areas is a project to develop sustainable forest management in Russia, in particular in the regions of the North Caucasus and the Southern Federal District. The project should popularize the idea of ​​responsible forest management among domestic entrepreneurs.

Eco-friendly universities

Another Tetra Pak project is the All-Russian University Greening Program - CAMPUS. The main goal of the project is to support “green” universities in Russia, in which environmental projects are carried out by the students themselves.

The program is designed for 8-10 years. By 2018, it is planned to create an Association of “Green” Universities of the Russian Federation and hold an all-Russian competition “Green” University of Russia.”

Campaign “Packages, give up!”

Tetra Pak, together with Volkswagen, held the first “Packages, Give Up!” campaign. in 2012. Thus, the companies wanted to attract the attention of residents of Russian cities to the issue of the need to introduce separate waste collection to solve the problem of household waste disposal.

During the event, collection points for used packaging were set up in supermarkets and at metro exits, and vehicles with the symbols of the event took them to recycling plants.

In the first nine months, mobile points covered more than 100 locations in Moscow, the Moscow region and St. Petersburg, tens of thousands of collected packages were transferred for recycling. Over two million people received information about the project and its goals.

Planting oak trees and supporting bison

Tetra Pak participates in various resource-saving and forest conservation projects carried out by the Russian division of WWF. For example, it supports scientific and practical work on the study and restoration of old-growth broad-leaved forests of the Zaokskaya Zasechnaya Line in the Ugra National Park in the Kaluga Region.

Over the past few years, the company has been supporting the restoration program of the Kozelskie Zaseki, which has made it possible to increase the area of ​​continuous deciduous forests by more than 25 hectares. In the Berezichsky forestry nursery, Tetra Pak finances the planting of young oak trees. Another Tetra Pak initiative is helping to restore the population of free-living bison in the forests of European Russia.

Eco-friendly factory in Lobnya

The Tetra Pak factory for the production of packaging material in Lobnya, Moscow Region, was built using the best global experience with an emphasis on the use of innovative equipment and technologies that minimize the impact on the environment.

Since the opening of the factory in 2007, the amount of material wasted in packaging production has been reduced by 40 percent, and the consumption of all types of energy (including electricity, heat and gas) by 16%. All production waste of the organization is 100% recycled at partner enterprises.

What does Tetra Pak packaging consist of?

We're talking about cardboard packaging for liquid food products, right? They come in different types, aseptic and conventional. Aseptic ones contain thin aluminum foil with a thickness of only 6 microns. The foil serves as a barrier layer, it protects the product from oxygen and light. The share of foil by weight is about 3-5%.
There are six layers in aseptic packaging, four of which are polymer. LDPE polyethylene and some LLDPE. Certain layers contain special adhesive additives, the effect of which also affects recycling. The share of polyethylene by weight is about 20-22%, but in some new types of packaging it is higher.
The main material in the packaging is cardboard, it makes up about 75% by weight. The cardboard can be completely white or it can be duplex, that is, in such a way that a thin bleached layer is applied to the unbleached base and then lightly coated. Most often, all-white cardboard is used for regular packaging, where there is no foil, and duplex cardboard is used for aseptic packaging.
Packaging waste collected from household waste will always be some mixture of these two types of cardboard. There are countries, Scandinavian for example, as well as South Korea and Japan, where the cardboard is almost all white, because products that require refrigeration (regular) dominate the local markets. In Russia, most packaging is made of duplex cardboard.

What types of products can be made from Tetra Pak packaging waste?

Based on the fact that 75% is cardboard, then first of all, new paper and cardboard can be made from packaging. If we list the specific types that are produced, then these are corrugated paper, cardboard for flat layers, core cardboard, coated cardboard for packaging, sack paper and tissue paper. Although this is not the only application. Paper fibers are used in many other ways, which I will talk about later.
The best material produced from polyethylene is polyethylene. I mean this in the sense that it is processed into polyethylene granules, which can be further used for many applications.
But with aluminum the situation is not quite the same. Aluminum from beverage cartons doesn't make new aluminum very well. The foil is too thin, only six microns, so it is difficult to melt it. If you do not take special technological tricks when melting, then it will burn up to 95%.

What is the advantage of packaging as a raw material for processing?

The advantage is that the packaging is made from high-quality materials of approximately the same composition. Such waste is very homogeneous and its composition is predictable, which provides great benefits to those who have learned to recycle it.

He can obtain large batches of products with specified properties, which is a rare phenomenon for secondary raw materials collected from household waste.

The challenge is that cardboard, polyethylene and aluminum are bonded together and the recycler must face the challenge of separating or sharing them. This separation usually cannot be completely accomplished in one stage, so the process turns out to be multi-stage, involving many pieces of equipment.
What processing methods are used?
The main method of recycling is recycling in paper mills. The process is similar to recycling other types of waste paper. The packaging is placed in a pulper, this is a large tank filled with water and has a rotating rotor. The design resembles a washing machine, the kind that were in use thirty years ago. The rotor's job is to create intense movement of fluid and material in the most economical way possible. The movement of liquid and water flows contribute to the wetting of the cardboard base. Water penetrates into the fibers, which, being hygroscopic, due to their natural properties, very readily accept it, absorb it, becoming larger and swelling. In combination with movement, the swelling of the fibers leads to the fact that the bonds between them are destroyed and they begin to float freely, suspended in the water. A suspension of paper fibers in water is called pulp. This mass, after cleaning, is sent to a paper machine, where further processing is reduced to laying out the fibers in an even layer and drying, thus obtaining paper or cardboard again.
There are individual cases when the fibers of some types of cardboard do not want to absorb water, because a special waterproof sizing was used in the manufacture of cardboard. Fortunately, there are few such packages on the Russian and CIS markets.

Are there any differences in the recycling of Tetra Pak packaging and other waste paper??

The difference is that in cardboard packaging for drinks, the paper is located between layers of polyethylene, so that water begins to wet it in the pulper not over the entire surface, as happens with waste paper, but only from the ends where the cardboard is open. So it takes longer for the water to enter through the ends and saturate the entire cardboard. Although, to be honest, it is not known exactly how this happens. It would be necessary to pull out the packaging in the middle of the pulping cycle and see if maybe the thin layer of protective polyethylene does not withstand the dynamic loads in the pulper and comes off the cardboard base, so that the cardboard begins to get wet over the entire surface after some time, about ten minutes after the start.
The second difference is that a much larger amount of non-paper material remains in the pulper than usual. The volume and weight are almost half of what was loaded into the pulper, so the technology must be adapted for trouble-free discharge and dewatering of the residue.

Which pulpers are suitable for Tetra Pak processing?

Many pulpers have been tested in different countries for processing, from homemade pulpers with a capacity of less than one cubic meter to exotic designs with a horizontal rotor axis, all of which cope with the task of pulping packaging. The same thing happens in pulpers of different designs. Within twenty minutes the package dissolves and a mass forms. Apparently, the determining factor in the process is movement and it does not matter how exactly this movement occurs. Although it is important, of course, the pulper must do this with minimal energy consumption.
True, there is no certainty; it is possible to dissolve the packaging in a pulper of a completely outdated design, with a concentration of 2%, if the movement in it is slow.
However, the above does not mean that all pulpers are equally effective in processing Tetra Pak packaging. The design determines how energy-efficient the dissolution will be and, most importantly, how quickly the auxiliary operations will be organized, including rinsing the material and unloading the remaining polymer with aluminum foil. The pulper must also handle the polyethylene-aluminum component gently, and in no case crush it into small pieces or cut it, otherwise these pieces will then have to be caught from the mass.

How does the pulp concentration in the pulper affect the dissolution efficiency of Tetra Pak?

The pulper concentration is the proportion of dry material in the total mass of water. There are pulpers of low concentration up to 4%, medium concentration from 4 to 12% and high concentration from 12 to 18%. The higher the concentration, the more packaging can be placed in the pulper in one batch. Theoretically, in high-concentration pulpers, dissolution should occur faster and more completely, because there, in addition to the movement of liquid, there is also interaction between the packages and friction. However, in practice I did not notice any difference. Dissolution took the same twenty minutes. Apparently, the thick mass in a high-concentration pulper moves more slowly and the influence of friction only compensates for the reduced influence of dynamics.

Which pulper is better for Tetra Pak processing, high concentration or low concentration?

Different experts defend different points of view on this issue.
The specific energy consumption for dissolution in a high-concentration pulper is less because it deals more with material movement relative to water movement than a low-concentration pulper. However, overall energy costs are not always lower. The fact is that dissolution, the process that I described above, is only part of the processing cycle. Washing, rinsing the material and unloading the polyethylene and aluminum takes a lot of time. In a high-concentration pulper, the engine is usually larger and runs idle the entire time, so the differences in overall energy costs are not that great.
On the other hand, high-concentration pulpers are more complex in design and usually cost more. So the answer to this question is that it depends on the performance required. If you plan to process a thousand or more tons per month, then a low concentration pulper would be too large or you would need several of them, so the choice is clear in favor of a high concentration pulper.
If the available packaging volume is 300 - 400 tons per month, then a high-concentration pulper with such a volume will never pay off, so the choice is preferable to a simpler pulper of low and medium concentration.

Productivity depends on the following parameters: concentration, bath volume and dissolution cycle duration.
Let's start with the dissolution cycle. As written above, dissolution takes 20 minutes. Next comes washing and unloading. The duration of these operations can range from 20 to 40 minutes depending on many factors, the required purity of the residue, pump capacity and the design of the unloading unit.
Thus, the average cycle time is 50 minutes. This means that 23*60/50 = 27.6 cycles can be performed per day.
Find out how much water (mass) can be loaded into the pulper. Manufacturers often indicate the total capacity (up to the brim) and not the capacity that can actually be used.
Then everything is simple: Capacity * concentration * number of cycles = pulper productivity for incoming raw materials per day. Often, in commercial offers, manufacturers indicate the productivity of the output material. It must be recalculated to the input. In practice, the fiber yield from consumer beverage cardboard waste is 60-65%. For example, the productivity of a pulper with a capacity of 12 cubic meters, if it allows you to maintain a high concentration of 16-17% and copes with the processing cycle in 50 minutes, will be 12 * 0.16 * 27.6 = 53 tons per day. At the output, it allows you to get 53 * 0.6 = 32 tons of fiber.

Do I need to use chemicals to recycle Tetra Pak?

In most cases, no, if we are talking about waste collected in the CIS. In our markets, the cardboard used for packaging is ordinary; it dissolves without any problems in ordinary water; no chemicals are needed. However, there are certain types of cardboard packaging for drinks from some manufacturers, in which the cardboard base is made with a special water-resistant sizing. With such cardboard, if you managed to get hold of its waste, there may be problems. The duration of dissolution, usually 20 minutes, in this case will increase up to an hour and beyond. Chemicals can help speed up wetting. So caustic soda increases the pH of the water, which promotes better wettability of positively charged cellulose. (negatively charged particles are attracted to positively charged fibers) Water penetrates the cardboard faster and the process speeds up.

Do I need to heat the water for dissolution?

Not for regular packaging. The packaging opens at normal temperatures. Although in theory heating water can speed up dissolution by up to forty percent, it is not economically viable in most cases. After all, dissolution takes only part of the cycle and its reduction does not lead to the same forty percent increase in the productivity of the pulper.

Does the packaging need to be shredded before it goes into the pulper?

There are different opinions on this matter. On the one hand, shredding allows you to increase the surface area over which water penetrates into the cardboard and, accordingly, speed up dissolution. On the other hand, shredding is an additional operation that requires additional equipment and material movement in the processing plant.
In practice, I have not noticed that shredding dramatically speeds up dissolution. Maybe a couple of minutes or a little more. Again, based on the total cycle time, the time savings are quite insignificant. I think shredding can be justified in large industries that use drum pulpers, which will be discussed below.

What are drum pulpers?

Their name corresponds to the design. This is a large horizontal barrel that rotates on supports. This barrel has two main compartments, one of them is used for dissolving and the other is used to separate the resulting mass and the polyaluminum residue. The rotation of the drum leads to the fact that the material inside is intensively mixed, rises to a height and falls from it. Everything is exactly the same as washing clothes in a modern washing machine. The process is ongoing. In order for the material to move from the loading zone to the dewatering zone and further to the outlet, the rotation axis is tilted several degrees relative to the horizontal.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of drum pulpers?

The advantage is that they are very economical. They can dissolve packages with concentrations higher than 20%. The more material in the mass and less water, the less energy is consumed in terms of the processed material. Horizontal drum pulpers do not have a rapidly rotating rotor and there is no hard mechanical contact between the material and the rotor. Therefore, the formation of small particles of polyethylene and foil does not occur there, so that the load on subsequent operations to clean the mass from these impurities is minimal.
The disadvantage is that the residence time of the material in the pulper is determined by its design and depends on the rotation speed and angle of inclination. If the package does not have time to unravel during the time it passes along the drum from beginning to end, then it will fall out unopened. Whether this can be adjusted by rotation speed or not is not entirely clear. Suppliers did not give a clear answer to this question.
Another disadvantage is that they are bulky. They require a large room. There is, however, a mystery connected with this, the answer to which is currently unknown to me. For some reason, the horizontal hydraulic pulpers used in Europe are really very large, with such productivity that it is impossible to even raise the question of installing something similar in the near future in Russia or somewhere nearby specifically for cardboard packaging for drinks. There simply isn't the infrastructure to gather the necessary amount of material to supply it. Suppliers I have discussed this with say that a large pulper is a must for beverage cartons. Large in diameter so that the material rises and falls from great heights and large in length so that the material has time to unravel. However, our Chinese colleagues have learned to make drum pulpers relatively compact and they are succeeding.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of pulper processing?

The advantage of this basic technology is that it is well developed and has been used for many years in different countries. Those planning to invest in processing have a fairly wide choice of suppliers with experience in manufacturing equipment specifically for this purpose.

The main disadvantage is that as a result of processing in a pulper, the result is not a commercial product, but a semi-finished product, mass, or, more simply, water, in which there is a suspension of paper fibers with a concentration of about 4%. In order to process the mass into a marketable product, in most cases it needs to be cleaned of polyethylene residues and dried. Since drying hydrophilic paper fibers requires a lot of energy, drying is usually carried out already at the paper or board production stage. That is, for processing you need a paper machine, which makes such projects large-scale, and can be done by large enough companies that can attract a lot of money.

Sometimes entrepreneurs settle on some intermediate option of under-drying. They use a press filter to mechanically dewater the pulp and produce marketable pulp with a moisture content of about 65%. It is economically feasible to transport such cellulose over short distances.

What other ways are there to recycle liquid food cartons?

More than twenty-five years ago, an extrusion method was developed. Taking advantage of the fact that packaging is a ready-made mixture of cellulose fibers and polymer, entrepreneurs have developed a processing method similar to the processes used in the production of wood-polymer composites. The material is crushed, heated in an extruder or press to temperatures at which the polyethylene melts, squeezed through a die or pressed. Two types of products are obtained, sheets or profiles. Unfortunately, there are only isolated cases in the world where processing based on such processes works economically. These examples only exist in China. In other countries, the market success of this method has been limited.

An innovative method of dry packaging packaging has been developed in Russia, which can change this industry and give it a new impetus for development. Its advantage is that as a result of a compact and simple technological process, two commercial products are obtained at once, cellulose wadding and polyethylene flakes.
Such a line can operate economically even at relatively small scales of production, when processing, for example, 90 tons per month. This is especially true for those countries where, due to insufficient development of collection infrastructure, it is difficult to collect large amounts of waste in one place.

Tetra Pak aseptic packaging is a six-layer material consisting of approximately 75% cardboard, 20% polyethylene and 5% aluminum foil. Each layer performs its own function, and together they ensure long-term and safe storage of the packaged product, creating an effective barrier against bacteria and external negative influences.

Easy to open

1. Outer layer of polyethylene

Prevents the packaging from leaking and prevents the penetration of moisture from the outside. It also protects the design printed on the cardboard.


Outer layer of polyethylene

Chemical formula of polyethylene:

Polyethylene is non-toxic, does not leak, and is resistant to many chemicals (except acids). Its protection against oxygen contained in the air is reliable and sufficient - both for perishable products (for example, pasteurized milk) and for shelf-stable products.

2. Cardboard

Cardboard is the basis of Tetra Pak packaging. It gives it the desired shape and is responsible for its strength.

3. Polyethylene bonding layer

The thinnest layer of food-grade polyethylene serves as a link between the cardboard and foil.

4. Aluminum

The thickness of the foil in Tetra Pak packaging is only 6 microns. In aseptic packaging, which allows food to be stored without refrigeration, it protects the product from sunlight, oxygen and odors.

5. Polyethylene bonding layer

Another layer connects the foil with a special food-grade polyethylene in contact with the product.

6. Inner layer of polyethylene

A layer of special polyethylene for contact with the product.

What eco-friendly packaging can do

Modern, highly efficient and environmentally friendly Tetra Pak cardboard packaging saves and conserves natural raw materials and energy used for its production. It preserves all the beneficial properties of natural products in the best possible way, minimizes product losses during transportation and storage, and also saves space on store shelves and at home. Aseptic packaging in a closed form does not require refrigeration during transportation, storage and display in sales areas. Tetra Pak carton packaging is 100% recyclable and is a valuable secondary raw material for many manufacturers.

What else is important to know about Tetra Pak cardboard packaging

On the way to the stars

In July 1979, a space flight took place using food stored in Tetra Pak packaging.


Due to its shape, Tetra Pak cardboard packaging takes up minimal space in the back of a truck during transport, in a warehouse, on a store shelf and at home.

No refrigerator required

Aseptic packaging allows you to do without refrigerated vehicles when transporting packaged products - in any weather, in any climate, to any point and over any distance.

A light weight

Cardboard packaging is one of the easiest solutions for storing drinks. Over the past 15 years, the average weight of cardboard packaging has decreased by 20%.

Let's look at marketing at Tetra Pak using 4Ps.

The company offers a full range of modern, attractive food packaging. All our packaging provides convenience for the consumer, ease of opening, optimal shelf life and all the possibilities for promoting the customer’s brand.

The range of packaging includes:

  • · Tetra Brik Aseptic (there are more than a thousand configurations for this packaging, able to satisfy any market need. The simple rectangular shape and the absence of the need for refrigeration make it economical and energy efficient. Finally, it is simply brilliant)
  • · Tetra Prisma Aseptic (the packaging combines an unusually attractive appearance with versatility, which makes it ideal in a wide variety of situations. Its original bright image is very popular with modern consumers. It is an ideal packaging for high-quality fruit juices, delicious flavored and fortified milk, fermented milk products, iced tea , as well as organic products. Tetra Prisma Aseptic packaging is an opportunity to offer the consumer excellent premium cardboard packaging with a unique, eye-catching and ergonomic shape. The StreamCap lid, available on packages of 330 ml and larger, makes it easy to pour and drink from the packaging. )
  • · Tetra Gemina Aseptic (the world's first roll-type packaging with a pointed top for bottling juices and milk-based drinks, meeting all aseptic requirements. Consumers love the Tetra Gemina Aseptic packaging - modern and eye-catching. Convenience, safety and preservation of the nutritional value of the product are combined in it with high functionality and a new image. Tetra Gemina Aseptic packaging is formed, filled and sealed in a packaging machine based on the reliable and proven Tetra Pak A3/Flex platform. Packaging is available in the following volumes: 500 ml, 750 ml and 1000 ml)
  • · Tetra Evero Aseptic (Tetra Evero Aseptic 1000 ml is the world's first aseptic cardboard milk bottle. It successfully combines the convenience of pouring from a bottle with the environmental benefits of cardboard. The bottle opens in one motion and has a two-stage protection system, reliably preserving the freshness of the product. Based on independent research, consumers find the packaging easier to open and pour than other bottles. Tetra Evero Aseptic packaging is initially aimed at the UHT white milk market, including milk fortified with calcium, proteins, fiber (inulin), vitamins A and D and vitamins. some minerals)
  • · Tetra Classic Aseptic (Tetra Classic Aseptic's unique packaging appeals to both the young and the young at heart. This packaging has a distinct personality that makes it stand out from the crowd. And when it comes to the contents, consumers know they can count on for a safe and nutritious product that has undergone high-temperature processing. The product in this package does not require preservatives and remains fresh and tasty without refrigeration for up to twelve months. Tetra Classic Aseptic packaging really stands out on store shelves. It has a familiar, characteristic shape and a suitable surface. for a bright, eye-catching design. Aseptic technology guarantees the quality of the contents. Tetra Classic Aseptic packaging is suitable for drinks based on juices, milk, ice cream, iced tea, and also for viscous products. Thanks to its pyramidal shape, this packaging uses a minimum amount of packaging material. , which provides both economic and environmental benefits. It provides 100% surface sealability.
  • · You can also customize this package with one of many types of straws for on-the-go drinking)
  • · Tetra Fino Aseptic (Tetra Fino Aseptic is an attractive solution for families looking for cost-effective packaging that guarantees the safety of the product. The packaging is specially designed for all types of milk (including soya, buffalo, recombinant and chocolate), juices and teas. The packaging is made from multi-layer packaging material Tetra Fino Aseptic is able to withstand harsh conditions during transport and storage. Available in 200 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml and 1000 ml, 200 ml and 250 ml portion packs with a hole for a straw allow you to drink on the go)
  • · Tetra Wedge Aseptic (Tetra Wedge Aseptic is a modern, attractive and fashionable packaging. Thanks to its unusual shape, it stands out on the shelf. It is an excellent opportunity for young people to express themselves through the drink they drink. The packaging is available in two sizes - 125 and 200 ml. Made from lightweight packaging, it's easy to transport and store, allowing you to cut costs - and minimize your environmental impact. You can attach a straw to the packaging, making it ideal for drinks on the go - iced tea, juices. , flavored drinks, energy cocktails, and other soft and refreshing drinks. This package is very convenient to hold in your hand)
  • · Tetra Brik (Tetra Brik is a high-quality packaging solution for pasteurized products. This packaging is also used for products containing live yoghurt cultures and probiotics. The packaging is available in five formats: the familiar rectangular Baseline, Midline, Squareline and Slimline plus the new Edge format. New Tetra Brik Edge packaging is unique in both its appearance and the way it is palletized, thanks to its beveled top and lid position. New opportunities in the fermented milk market are being opened up by enhanced hygiene (XH) technology, combined with the latest food handling techniques and ensuring proper refrigeration in stores. . Depending on the format, the volume of Tetra Brik packaging varies from 200 to 1000 ml)
  • Tetra Top is an excellent range of packaging for pasteurized products. A wide range of sizes, shapes and styles allow the packaging to be used in any situation - easily and safely store milk in the refrigerator, grab a quick yoghurt dessert during a break or sip a refreshing drink after a workout Tetra Top packaging combines a cardboard base with a plastic lid, combining the best of different types of packaging. The packaging is available in a wide range of shapes and sizes - from 100 to 1000 ml. All packages have convenient lids that are very easy to open and close. allow efficient use of space, are easy to store and are simply disposed of - just flatten them and send them for recycling. Tetra Top packaging has all the qualities that contribute to maximum promotion of the customer’s brand in shopping centers. The entire cardboard surface can be used to print information addressed to the consumer)
  • · Tetra Rex (Tetra Rex packaging has long been known and loved by consumers. It is convenient for logistics and very practical. Tetra Rex has been in use since the sixties of the last century, and having produced 200,000,000,000 of these packages since then, the company has gained extensive experience in improving the popular and widespread carton packaging in the world, Tetra Rex is an excellent choice for packaging pasteurized milk and juice products that require refrigeration. The packaging is available in several sizes and you can choose from three shapes: standard, narrow and Tetra Rex Plus)
  • · Tetra Recart (Tetra Recart is a food carton packaging specially designed to meet the requirements of the canning industry, designed to provide a modern alternative to traditional tin and glass cans. It is the world's first autoclavable carton processing and packaging system designed for food products consisting of and particles of almost any size, products such as beans, vegetables, tomatoes, soups and sauces are sterilized directly in the carton and remain fresh for 24 months)
  • · Straws (high-quality drinking straws make the packaging more attractive to the consumer, which is why the company develops, produces and sells its own drinking straws. Straight, U-shaped, telescopic and touch straws are offered. You can order straws from us in various lengths and diameters. Wide variety colors will help you match the straws to your package. You can also choose spiral striped straws. The choice of drinking straw depends on the viscosity of the product, as well as the shape and size of the package)

Tetra Pak provides a full range of technological and packaging solutions in the field of dairy products, soft drinks, baby food, wine, ice cream, cheese, finished products, soy products, and animal feed.

As you know, Tetra Pak operates in the B2B market. The company's goal is to make the customer's company more profitable. The range of business solutions includes the supply of equipment, technologies, integrated plant automation systems, technical support and personnel training. Tetra Pak provides complete technology solutions for the production of milk, cheese, ice cream, beverages and prepared foods. There are also innovative solutions: Tetra Vertenso - for the production of beverages, Tetra Victenso - for the production of finished products or Tetra Lactenso Aseptic - for the production of milk and dairy products.

Tetra Pak offers a full range of equipment for bulk packaging, including conveyors, storage bins, carton stackers, containers themselves, roller containers and shrink wrapping machines. These devices are designed specifically for packaging lines and packages. The equipment is easy to operate and is an effective solution for all areas of the production chain. Many products are transported over long distances and need to be protected from harsh environmental conditions, so Tetra Pak offers a range of multipack packaging equipment to ensure products receive maximum protection on their way to the point of sale.

Technical service

Dedicated technical service solutions and services can help customers reduce downtime, reduce costs and improve overall productivity. The services offered by the company are divided into four areas:

  • · Services for preparation for production - the main task at this stage is to bring the equipment to a given productivity within the estimated time frame.
  • · Production support services focus on maintaining smooth operations, optimizing costs and minimizing downtime.
  • · Efficiency improvement services. Work on optimization of all production processes in order to find additional reserves to increase efficiency and reduce the cost of final products.
  • · Training services provide the opportunity to ensure the necessary qualifications of personnel throughout the entire life cycle of the equipment.


Tetra Pak chooses renewable sources of raw materials and cooperates with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to restore natural resources in accordance with the highest standards. Also strives to minimize the impact of activities on climate change. The packaging itself contributes to climate conservation. Aseptic packaging makes it possible to transport the product over long distances and store it for a long time without refrigeration, which is especially important for developing countries. At the same time, the leakage of gases used in refrigeration units into the atmosphere is reduced. The product in aseptic packaging is safe and does not need to be boiled before use. This reduces the emission of harmful substances from gas and other stoves, and also reduces the cost of the product itself for consumers. By expanding the boundaries of responsibility, the company strives to promote economic development by providing assistance and support to low-income populations in different countries and to those affected in natural disaster zones. The work is carried out by UN organizations, the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) and the World Health Organization to support a variety of development programs, such as providing milk for schoolchildren.

In 2008, over 25 billion packages were recycled.

During 2012, more than 20 billion cartons were produced with the FSC™ (Forest Stewardship Council) label, demonstrating that the wood used to make them comes from responsibly managed forests and meets international environmental standards.

Because Tetra Pak company operates in the B2B market, prices for supplied goods and services are determined in contracts concluded with consumers (customers). The company's pricing policy is not specifically stated. Basically, Tetra Pak takes an individual approach to determining price lists.

As the company itself states, the growth of its activities is largely due to the presence of orders in Eastern Europe and Russia. Today, one of the most important sales markets is the Russian Federation itself.

At Anuga FoodTec 2012, Tetra Pak, a global leader in food processing and packaging, introduced the Performance Assured Service Solution, the latest in technical services to improve and maintain equipment performance throughout its lifecycle.

Ensuring a guaranteed level of efficiency

Remaining committed to a long-term relationship with its customers, Tetra Pak offers a performance assurance solution, which is a dedicated service contract that will ensure equipment performance remains at pre-agreed levels for a specified period of time.

Speaking at Anuga FoodTec, Tetra Pak Vice President Technical Services Steve Wyatt said: “A performance assurance solution allows us to focus on collaboration with customers and improve system performance and predictability, which in turn will ensure reduction of production costs."

The cost of downtime is difficult to measure and often underestimated, especially for high utilization systems. By offering a comprehensive, coordinated plan to reduce operating costs and ensure maximum productivity, Tetra Pak ensures its customers maximum reliability. Simplified management and clear division of responsibilities between customer employees and Tetra Pak service engineers also contribute to more personalized service and customer satisfaction.

The basis of the solution is the fulfillment of specific customer requirements

The service solution covers virtually every aspect that affects line performance, including operator skill, parts quality and on-time delivery, maintenance experience, follow-up, quality assurance and the production environment.

The core of the guaranteed performance solution and other tailored service offerings is Tetra Navigato™, Tetra Pak's portfolio of services, which is used to develop a solution based on the customer's specific needs. The Tetra Navigato portfolio is divided into nine areas, which makes it easy to identify the services that will form the subject of the contract and will bring maximum benefit to customers in the future. These areas are automation services, environmental services, production optimization services, installation services, maintenance services, spare parts supply and logistics, remote support, training and quality management.

Long-term Service contracts for predictable operating costs

At Anuga FoodTec, Tetra Pak also presented its new Service Solutions, including an Operational Cost Guarantee (OCG). OCG is a long-term agreement to provide products and services that enable Tetra Pak to provide stable, proven, controllable and predictable operating costs to its customers. The OCG service contract provides a gradual, measurable reduction in the customer's operating costs and allows for the creation of a solid basis for the implementation of a system of continuous improvements in production. Currently, this service has restrictions on implementation.

To better communicate the benefits of paperboard packaging to consumers and understand consumer purchasing behavior, Tetra Pak strives to work in partnership with customers and retailers in a three-way business model. Cooperation between Tetra Pak, liquid food manufacturers and retail chains is developing in three main directions:

  • 1. Informing retail representatives about the benefits of cardboard packaging
  • 2. Development of categories of milk, juices and nectars, baby food, wine and canned food
  • 3. Communication with the consumer in order to convey the benefits of cardboard packaging (see diagram in Appendix L)

Let's look at the highlights of Tetra Pak's promotion.

The viral campaign was launched by Tetra Pak at the end of 2008 as part of a PR campaign to promote juices and nectars in cardboard packaging. The objective of this campaign was to develop a sustainable positive image and behavioral stereotype of target groups in favor of juices and nectars in cardboard packaging. This is the first stage of a long-term program to build the image of Tetra Pak cardboard packaging. Moreover, at this stage the focus was on cardboard packaging as such, without mentioning the Tetra Pak brand.

The target audience of the campaign was diverse: all end consumers of juice, as well as the media, experts and the professional community. Given the vastness of the target audience, various communication channels were used as part of the PR campaign. In particular, to expand the audience and influence the young and active part of it, it was decided to use viral marketing on the Internet.

Moreover, unlike the messages that were sent through other channels, here the emphasis was not on the rational side (why juices are healthy, how healthy they are, why packaging is important and how cardboard packaging protects and preserves the product), but on the emotional and image side - by creating a stable connection: “juice = package”.

"Mumu" "Anna Karenina"


Communications agency SPN Ogilvy organized Tetra Pak Day at the Swedish Design Festival, held in Moscow.

As part of Tetra Pak Day, a master class “Current trends in cardboard packaging design” was held with the participation of the head of the Tetra Pak design department Rupert Neville, the general director of the Stockholm branding agency “Amore” Björn Drofark, and the vice president for environmental protection of Tetra Pak Alexander Barsukov, as well as representatives of the Association of Branding Companies of Russia.

The master class discussed current trends in the field of graphic design of cardboard packaging in Russia and the world, as well as environmental aspects of its production. The event attracted a lot of attention from designers, journalists and partners of Tetra Pak.

SPN Ogilvy has been providing subscription PR services to Tetra Pak since 2009. In addition to organizing media communications, the agency participates in the publication of Tetra Pak’s corporate magazine “Form of Life” and holds events for the company’s employees and clients.

The German designer "poured" alcohol into Tetra-Pak packaging - 2011

German designer Jörn Beyer presented an unusual packaging concept for alcoholic drinks called “Ecohols”.

The designer became interested in how people would react when they saw well-known alcohol brands not in the usual glass bottles, but in Tetra-Pak packaging. As a result, he came up with a small line of “Ecoalcohol”, consisting of boxes of Jack Daniels whiskey, Absolut vodka and Jägermeister liqueur.

Do not look for this original series for sale, as it is just a concept. At least for now.


In April 2012, the first environmental campaign “Packages, Give Up!” was completed. for the collection of used cardboard packaging in Moscow and St. Petersburg, organized by Tetra Pak and Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles. The action took place with the active support of local authorities and the National Packaging Union.

The goal of the project, unique for Russia, was to attract the attention of residents of the country’s two largest megacities, as well as government agencies and participants in the waste management system, to the need to introduce separate collection of solid household waste for further processing. As part of the campaign “Packages, give up!” Since March 6, 2012, Volkswagen Caddy cars were parked near 27 Moscow metro stations and 12 St. Petersburg metro stations, accepting Tetra Pak packaging from everyone. Everyone who brought more than 5 packages received a unique pen made from recycled Tetra Pak packaging as a gift. Every one or two weeks, mobile collection points moved from station to station to give as many citizens as possible the opportunity to take part in the action.

Residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg were enthusiastic about the idea of ​​contributing to environmental protection. In two months, the cars parked at the exits attracted the attention of about 800,000 people. The “record holders” for the number of packages collected were Kuntsevskaya, Bratislavskaya and Ryazansky Prospekt in Moscow and Sportivnaya, Akademicheskaya and Narvskaya in St. Petersburg. In total, during the campaign, citizens handed over more than 30,000 Tetra Pak packages, which were sent to recycling plants.

“The high interest in our action on the part of residents of the two capitals and the support of municipal authorities confirm that the “green” consciousness of Russians is becoming more mature, responding to global trends. The introduction of separate waste collection practices is the basis for the successful development of the recycling industry, which would not only help solve the problem of household waste disposal, but would also make recycling enterprises a source of valuable secondary resources for other industries. In its development strategy until 2020, Tetra Pak identifies environmental sustainability and efficiency as one of its business priorities. And we will continue our efforts to educate and popularize responsible consumption and careful attitude towards the environment in Russia,” says Alexander Barsukov, vice president for environmental protection at Tetra Pak.

Russian cities are under serious pressure from large amounts of household waste ending up in landfills and landfills. Sorting waste and subsequent recycling of most waste can significantly reduce the negative human impact on the environment. Tetra Pak packaging for liquid food products can be technologically recycled without residue, and the volume of its processing in Russia is increasing every year. In 2011 alone, almost 10,000 tons, or about half a billion Tetra Pak bags, were recycled in Russia.

Containers for collecting used Tetra Pak packaging and subsequent removal for recycling are already in the offices of some Tetra Pak customers, Nestle (Nespresso), in the Courtyard Marriott Vasilievsky, Renaissance Baltic Hotel and Park Inn by Radisson Nevsky hotels in St. Petersburg, also to the initiative The Central Park of Culture and Leisure named after them joined in collecting used bags. Gorky as part of Green Week, Ecocenter “Sparrow Hills” in Moscow and others.

Tetra Pak has decided not to stop the “Packages, give up!” campaign. at metro stations, and since May of this year in Moscow and St. Petersburg, Volkswagen Caddy cars with the campaign symbols will again accept used Tetra Pak packaging from everyone.

In the campaign “Packages, give up!” X5 Retail Group N.V., the largest retail chain in Russia in terms of sales volume, also participates. Mobile collection points for Tetra Pak packaging will welcome visitors to eleven Perekrestok supermarkets in Moscow and St. Petersburg for three months.


Tetra Pak takes environmental issues and waste management seriously. The company's employees want to instill in people the idea that packaging is not useless garbage and should be recycled.

The manufacturer's educational program explains through lectures, leaflets and posters why packaging is valuable and why it needs to be recycled. And schools and offices need special containers for collecting empty containers, so that they can then take the “harvest” out for recycling.

The studio came up with what the containers should be like, brought them to production, came up with the names of several promotions and created logos for them.

The best way to get kids to do something useful is to turn a task into a game. For schools, the studio created a “recycling monster” - a colored container that makes children want to feed it their bag (after drinking the milk first). A full bag will not fit into the monster.

On the front of the “monster” there is a cute belly and instructions. There are many slots for bags - so that children do not form lines during recess, and the sizes of the holes are adjusted to fit folded packaging and are not suitable for recycling diaries and textbooks.

The “monster” consists of two halves (to make it convenient to produce) and is locked with a lock. The cleaning lady opens the container, pulls out the filled bag from inside and hangs a new one.

There is also a place for a speaker and a photocell so that encouraging sounds are heard when the bag is inserted.

Adults in offices also drink juice and milk from paper bags and are also useful for instilling environmental awareness. The office “monster” is similar to the school one, only in a more modest color. Its front panel is made of tektan, which is what Tetra Pak packaging turns into after recycling. Tektan resembles plastic, cardboard and plywood at the same time, and furniture and other useful household items are made from it.

One of the top slots has been enlarged to accommodate larger bags. The speaker was initially sacrificed in favor of silence and common sense.

People quickly get used to it: if you eat yourself, you feed the “monster.”


The source material for the graphic design of the programs was an empty Tetra Pack package. The action received a cheerful name - the slogan “Packages, give up!” and a logo with a white flag package.

Popularly written brochures are intended for teachers and other adults. And for school canteens, a poster was invented that clearly explains to audiences of all ages what the essence of the event is (see Appendix M).

In addition to the “Packets, give up!” campaign A “Demonstration Program” is also planned, within the framework of which information materials will be distributed. They made another sign for her from a folded bag.

All studio work is collected in a brand book, which tells and shows how to manage logos, instructions and drawings.

As a result, it turned out that the tetrapack package is a wonderful basis for any logos.

The transnational company Tetra Pak is a world leader in the production and processing of packaging. Tetra Pak operates in more than 170 countries and employs over 22,000 people. The company has a good assortment policy and offers special technical services, because... Tetra Pak operates in the B2B market. The company also implements a flexible pricing policy and applies an individual approach to each client. The main markets are Eastern Europe and Russia. Tetra Pak is also widely known for its exciting promotions and advertising campaigns.

Understanding the deep complexity of the task at hand, the first thing we did was analyze the milk market to identify competitors and decide on a packaging design strategy. We understood that we would have to compete with already well-known and familiar milk producers, and therefore we wanted to find a really interesting solution.

Our attention was immediately drawn to the fact that the packaging of leading dairies, created many years ago, has a surprisingly simple design, in which many elements clearly signal Soviet roots and techniques. For really old brands this is a distinctive feature of their time, while younger ones are trying to pinch off a piece of the former glory of Soviet products. Of course, there are exceptions to which we paid maximum attention.

As a result, a guideline was formed and agreed with the customer, according to which we offer a modern Tetra Pak packaging design for milk, made in the form of an illustration, thematically linking the name of the milk trademark and the image of a cow as the source of this product. The design of the milk packaging “Murakinskie Gorki” acquired a simple plot that is accessible to every buyer - cows grazing on green hills against the backdrop of a landscape quite common for central Russia. A whole palette of colors is used, including mainly shades of green, yellow, blue and white. However, in this range of colors you will not find flashy Soviet poster red tones.

No less important is the fact that we decided to completely abandon unnatural characters or the familiar image of the granny, who probably runs the entire production. The fact is that funny characters would probably arouse the interest of children on the store counter, but we all know very well that most often it is mom or dad who go to the store, who have already grown up to actively respond to children's images. This was the main reason why our designers settled on the image of their native land: fields, a lake and a church in the distance. Please note that we did not use the image of one cow, becoming firmly attached to it: there are many of them grazing on our hills!