Employee survey. Employee surveys and research based on them Questionnaires for company employees

Just a few years ago, all that was required to attract employees was to “make a cry” in the media or on the Internet, but now an increasing number of companies are included in the “competitive selection of employers.” Even now, despite the crisis, they need professionals who can “move” the business forward...

Most people want to do a good job.
If they feel uncomfortable and perform poorly,
the problem usually lies in the structure of the organization.
Dr. Mitchell Rabkin, President of Beth Israel Hospital

Today, labor relations between employee and employer are largely becoming market-based. At the same time, salary itself ceases to be the only motivating factor. The most important tools for attracting highly qualified employees are the qualities of the company itself: its spirit, brand, corporate culture, organizational structure, employee care programs. The image of the best employer is the “hook” that helps to attract and retain the best employees, without giving competitors a single chance! And given the current crisis situation in the country and the world, organizations with a strong and effective corporate culture have a greater chance of surviving.

The overall level of satisfaction with the company and motivation of employees largely depends on how effectively communications are built in it. I am firmly convinced: the vast majority of problems in work teams arise due to ineffective communication - in this case, the company loses up to 60% of the potential of its “hidden talents”! HR should not only talk to people themselves, but also help management develop reliable, full-fledged, constant channels of communication with their employees!

At the heart of modern business is a standard management vertical: we are all accustomed to the fact that the performer has a boss, who, in turn, also has his own boss, and above him is another one - the most important boss. Each department considers itself indispensable and strives to maintain autonomy, which is facilitated by the very organization of internal processes that often encourage isolation. Often, ordinary employees interact only with colleagues from their own department and do not know what other departments are doing. Lack of effective communication and collaboration leads to disunity.

The average employee gets used to living in a “case”: he indifferently carries out daily duties and looks forward to weekends or vacations so that he can “forget about work as quickly as possible.” Its effectiveness, as a rule, does not exceed 50%. I have come across companies where the staff is completely indifferent to the work, no one strives for responsibility or creativity. For business as a whole, this creates serious problems: an unfavorable image of the employer, overstaffing, low employee efficiency, a protracted decision-making process, a high level of conflict and stress, an epidemic of general “bad mood”, etc., etc. This situation follows change as quickly as possible. It’s good if a talented manager is at the helm of the company, otherwise it will be up to the HR people to establish effective communication and improve the overall motivational field.

Components of the corporate culture of an enterprise

Transforming corporate culture is a difficult task; it cannot be artificially “formed” at will. The process of “cultural shifts” is slow, with delays and relapses. Eichar understands what is happening in the team and can promptly respond to emerging problems if he systematically “measures” the parameters of the corporate climate. Of course, most people resist being “measured,” “tested,” “analyzed,” and “tuned” (especially if this is the first time). Therefore (as in any other HR project), debugging of communication programs must be carried out methodically and efficiently - or not at all!

A unique human personality can only be conditionally “classified” or placed under a certain “category”. How to analyze and evaluate what cannot be “seen with the naked eye” or “touched” - involvement, loyalty, motivation, etc.? After all, for success in conducting an internal corporate questionnaire or survey, employee loyalty is also primarily important - if people do not want to “be counted,” HR is unlikely to be able to hope for the success of its diagnostic studies and the implementation of motivational programs.

In order to develop measures aimed at increasing the low level of loyalty and involvement of employees, first of all, you should assess their motivation: what suits them, what does not; what they fear, what they rejoice at; What inspires them and what detracts from their performance? The best way is to ask them directly. We do this using the “Employee Opinion Survey” (EMS), for which we have developed a special questionnaire (for an approximate list of questions, see Application).

Each time, the goals of corporate research should be clearly and specifically formulated: “What do we want to know?” and “What do we want to ask employees?” For example, when conducting compulsory health insurance, we set ourselves the following goals:

    convince the staff that everyone can express their opinion, the point of view of the performers is interesting to management;

    make sure that the exchange of information between performers and management becomes an effective way of interaction;

    remove communication barriers, promote team unity;

    improve corporate culture;

    increase employee loyalty to the company;

    increase the performance of each employee.

If compulsory medical insurance is carried out for the first time, it is useful to assess the overall picture of satisfaction and diagnose the main aspects of corporate culture. In the future, you can more deeply analyze the motivation and level of involvement of employees in various departments, the ratio of expectations and satisfaction of employees, and the degree of their personal productivity.

It is better to conduct the first research anonymously; This will reduce employee anxiety and they will be able to sincerely talk about what really worries them.

From my point of view, it is advisable to develop diagnostic tools - questionnaires and questionnaires - independently, so that all questions are aimed at assessing those aspects that are important “here and now”. Of course, creating a professional toolkit is a difficult task; only experienced HR managers can do it.

Any survey is not just a collection of opinions, but also, first of all, a dialogue between the company administration (on behalf of which HR develops and implements certain programs) and employees. Therefore, you should listen to any opinions: objective and subjective, ironic and positive, constructive and even impudent... But all statements addressed to the company should be treated critically, taking into account the specifics of the situation in each individual division and the company as a whole, the management style of a particular manager, psychological characteristics of a particular person. Regardless of differences in skill level or communication skills, people tend to be much more willing to voice criticism. This needs to be taken into account.

The results of the survey should be interpreted by a professional who not only understands the intricacies of psychology, but also knows the corporate spirit well. In this case, first of all, it is important to assess the satisfaction of employees and the degree of comfort of working in the company, and to reveal the “bottlenecks” in communication schemes. Then you can do a more in-depth analysis - taking into account job categories, regional affiliation and age of respondents.

Let's imagine a situation: a survey has been conducted, the results have been analyzed, but there is no logical continuation of the process - a clear and effective action plan for implementing changes. Or: the results have been received, but not announced... The effect of the event in this case will be extremely negative, perhaps even the exact opposite of what was expected. Therefore, having identified problem areas through a survey, we develop an action plan, in which we necessarily indicate the responsible persons, the necessary resources and deadlines.

Success in such a complex matter as the formation of an effective corporate culture can be achieved provided that the company regularly conducts compulsory medical insurance, based on the results of research, employees receive high-quality feedback, and management not only initiates changes in issues important to the team, but also achieves positive results .

A happy team is one in which the emphasis is initially correctly placed, where mutual understanding, teamwork and involvement in work are important, where leadership and efficiency are encouraged. But for some reason there are much fewer of them... More often there are ordinary, “standard” ones, which are based on an individualistic model of behavior, where everyone is predominantly “for himself”...

There are no good or bad corporate cultures: any of the existing forms and models corresponds to the goals of the organization, since it was created by the people themselves. In the process of enterprise development, business goals naturally change, while serious organizational changes lead to a restructuring of the team, a revision of corporate values ​​and basic operating principles. To make the process of corporate culture change manageable, HR (with the support of senior management) must guide it in the right direction. At the same time, it is important, on the one hand, not to “squeeze” personnel into the clutches of “new, best rules”, and on the other hand, not to let the process take its course.

Rules for effective corporate communication

  1. Exceed customer expectations: Every contact is an opportunity to demonstrate that we care about them.
  2. Live by the Golden Rule: Treat others with courtesy and respect.
  3. Be a leader: everyone can lead, for example by managing themselves.
  4. Participate in the common cause: everyone is responsible for the success of the company.
  5. Strive for excellence.
  6. Work as a team: Teamwork stimulates innovation and creativity.
  7. Share your knowledge.
  8. Keep it simple: It should be easy for clients to do business with us, and for us to do business with each other.
  9. Listen and communicate: Our clients and colleagues deserve the best.
  10. Enjoy life! If it doesn’t work out, find the cause of dissatisfaction and eliminate it!

If the team adopts these rules, the phrase “thank God, today is Monday!” - will become familiar in this company.



Please take a few minutes to fill out the questionnaire (you don’t have to indicate your last name). Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the statements below. Your feedback is very important to us. Please return the completed questionnaire to your workplace coordinator.




I don't quite agree

Don't know

Partially agree

I completely agree

I. Expectations

My daily responsibilities match my expectations

I am proud to work for my company

II. Productivity

Established processes help me complete my work efficiently

Decisions are made promptly

III. Interaction

Departments collaborate effectively with each other

There is an exchange of experience

IV. Safety

I was provided with safe working conditions

V. Potential

Risk is encouraged

Creative initiative is rewarded

VI. Communications

I receive enough information necessary for work

I can freely express my opinion

VII. Justice

Responsibilities between company and/or department employees are distributed fairly

VIII. Ethical

My colleagues adhere to ethical standards of behavior

My boss is my role model for ethical behavior.

IX. How long do you plan to continue your career with the company?

less than 1 year

1–2 years

2–5 years

more than 5 years

Don't know

of course not

probably no


Probably yes

of course yes

XI. Please write your comments and wishes to the company

XII. How long have you worked for the company?

less than 1 year

1–2 years

2–5 years

5–10 years

10 or more years

XIII. Please indicate your age

over 21 years old

from 21 to 34 years old

from 35 to 44 years old

55 and older

XIV. Please indicate your gender



XV. Please indicate which department you work in

Comment your rating

Thank you for participating in the survey and for your ideas!

Article provided to our portal
editorial staff of the magazine

Assessing employee motivation is an important part of every HR job. Since the interest in work and focus on results of personnel directly affects the efficiency of the company and its profits, it is necessary to somehow measure and control these parameters.

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One way to do this is to conduct a survey using a questionnaire to assess employee motivation. What kind of questionnaire this is, how to compose and use it, we will consider in this article.

What it is?

A questionnaire for assessing staff motivation is a questionnaire with tasks/tests/open-ended questions, filled out by employees/personnel of the organization, after analyzing which the manager can draw a conclusion about the motivation of each individual employee or the entire staff.

For what purpose is it used?

A staff motivation questionnaire can be used for different purposes, but the main ones are a better understanding by HR of the motives, desires and needs of its employees, and diagnostics of staff.

To work effectively, managers need to know what actually attracts subordinates to their work - for example, the level, the opportunity for self-realization and career growth, a free schedule, or something else.

A well-designed questionnaire allows you to get answers to the following questions:

  1. What attracts employees to their position/job?
  2. What is important to them in their activities?
  3. Are subordinates satisfied with relationships in the team and with senior management?
  4. How much do employees value themselves as specialists?
  5. How do staff evaluate their contribution to the company?
  6. Do employees see prospects for career growth in the organization?
  7. How important is their position to them?

And these are just a few examples. In fact, by conducting a survey, you can get answers to any questions HR is interested in - from satisfaction with the level of wages and working conditions to interest in career growth and compliance of the employee’s goals with the goals of the organization.

Of course, the most interesting thing with the help of such a questionnaire is to identify non-obvious things.

For example, with the help of well-written questions you can:

  • understand the hidden motives of employees;
  • discover unrealized potential or selfish goals.

All this information is extremely important in the work of HR, since, based on it, it is possible to build more constructive relationships with subordinates, give them assignments that best suit their desires, skills and capabilities, and more effectively stimulate the work of the organization’s personnel.

How to create a staff motivation questionnaire?

Creating a questionnaire to assess work motivation is not always as simple as it seems.

This process can be divided into 2 stages:

  • First stage– definition of the goal. That is, you need to answer the question of what exactly you want to know and make a list of such questions. In this case, let’s take the list of 7 questions given above as an example.
  • After the first stage is completed, you can move on to the second - the actual preparation of the questionnaire. Here you need to focus on the list that you compiled at the previous stage. After that, select the form of the question with which you will receive the answer. This could be a rating scale, a table, an open-ended question.

Let's take a closer look.

For example, the item “What attracts employees to their position/job?”

You can leave it in an open form, then the employee will write in the appropriate field what, in his opinion, is important for him. But subordinates may not always be honest. Therefore, if you want to see hidden motives, it is recommended to choose more veiled forms of questions.

You can offer ready-made answer options: “salary”, “career growth”, “work in a young team”, “free schedule” and ask them to prioritize them. Or you can go the other way and ask the following question: “Suppose you are invited to transfer to another department for a similar position. Under what conditions would you accept this offer? And give ready-made answers or leave the question open.

You can also make a table with possible answer options and offer to give each of them a rating from 1 to 5.

This is what it will look like:

Name 1 2 3 4 5
Salary level
Opportunity for career growth
Relationships in the team
Possibility of self-realization
Flexible work schedule

Another important point is the anonymity of the questionnaire.

The fact is that employees are likely to be more honest in their answers if they are confident in their anonymity. However, this option is only suitable if you want to see the overall picture or collect statistics for the entire department/enterprise.

In order to assess the motivation of each employee individually, “personalized” questionnaires are needed.

Below is the main list of areas, assessing which you can get the most complete picture:

  • Personnel self-assessment. It will allow you to see what goals a person sets for himself, how to relate to his work and his achievements.
  • Professional skills of workers. This information is best obtained from the profiles of people in leadership positions. To do this, you should add specific questions from the series “how do you assess the professional skills of your subordinates/specific subordinates.
  • Managerial performance. Similar to the previous point, only now the assessment is given by subordinates.
  • Ambitious and focused on career growth. It will allow you to identify leaders and employees who are ready to work and develop in the area that interests you.
  • Employees' readiness for career growth/increased responsibility. It is also recommended to determine through questionnaires of managers.

In short, compiling a questionnaire is a creative process that must be approached seriously. In some cases, consultation with qualified specialists, such as psychologists, may be necessary.

How to interpret?

The larger the questionnaire and the more extensive the questions in it, the more conclusions it allows to draw.

By analyzing the answers, you can better understand the atmosphere in the work team. By the way, detailed questionnaires often reveal problems that exist in an organization but are not noticeable at first glance.

It can be:

  • dissatisfaction with wages;
  • problems in relationships in a team;
  • a feeling of lack of recognition of one’s abilities and contribution to the development of the organization;
  • overwork and professional burnout.

Having seen such problems, you will receive guidance on specific actions that will help improve working conditions in the enterprise and the individual problems of workers.

By studying individual employee profiles, you can draw conclusions about their motivation and interest, work potential and readiness for promotions. The data obtained will allow you to determine the most suitable position and tasks for a specific staffing unit.


Having collected and analyzed the data, it is necessary to give feedback, draw some conclusion, summarize and determine the results of the work performed. This could be specific instructions, conversations held with employees, or an action plan aimed at solving specific problems.

Too many companies consider employee surveys not a priority and therefore lose true professionals who could bring the business millions.

If your employees feel undervalued and their ideas, opinions and desires are not taken into account, then they are more likely to look for another job opportunity. Think about it, perhaps you are losing first-class specialists who simply “were not considered.” They can go to your competitors and bring invaluable benefits to their company.

Employee satisfaction survey

This is why it is important to regularly conduct employee satisfaction surveys. From the lighting and equipment of the office to lunches and social packages, from loyalty to the company/management and salary level to opportunities for self-realization - the results of the team questionnaire survey will provide you with information that will help you avoid staff turnover, as well as create comfortable working conditions for specialists.

On the website Anketolog.ru you will find samples of questionnaires dedicated to employee surveys. They will help you easily create your own profile and get valuable information needed to retain existing staff and attract new ones, as well as suggestions from employees.

A survey of employees will provide an opportunity to make sure that you are making the right decisions and open your eyes to new management horizons. Here are some ideas for a questionnaire that will help establish a dialogue with your team.

  • Survey to determine the atmosphere within the team. The questionnaire will help assess the mood of employees, their emotional state in the workplace, employee relationships, find out their assessment of the effectiveness of teamwork and identify the reasons that impede it. By better understanding your employees, you can create more comfortable working conditions for them, and, accordingly, increase their productivity and desire to stay in your company.
  • Survey of employees upon their dismissal. Finding out why employees leave an organization can help prevent other highly qualified employees from leaving.
  • Corporate event planning. Any of your employees, using such a survey, will be able to easily plan and organize a corporate party that will satisfy everyone, without being distracted from their direct responsibilities.
  • Financial security and self-realization. This employee survey will allow you to find out whether the employee has enough opportunities for self-realization in your company and whether there are any obstacles to this, as well as to what extent his salary and benefits package meet his needs, what he is ready and can do for the company in order to increase his rating in the eyes of management and receive greater financial rewards or career advancement.
  • Collection of ideas and suggestions. A questionnaire distributed among the team will help collect ideas for the development of the company that many employees might be afraid to express out loud. You can perceive employees as executors of instructions, but it is better to see them as specialists who can not only make valuable suggestions, but also implement them. You need to use this!

How to use employee surveys?

First of all, develop criteria that are important to you. The results of an employee satisfaction survey will show you which areas of your company's operations need improvement, which will improve productivity. The criteria will help you, during repeated surveys, to observe changes occurring in comparison with the situation in other departments or competitors.

Our sample employee surveys (company employee questionnaire) will provide ideas for questions and answer options. Templates will save a lot of your time and will bring undoubted benefits when interviewing employees.

Finally, follow simple rules:

  1. Get closer to your employees. Keep the survey casual and conversational.
  2. Enter gifts for completing the survey.
  3. Make the survey anonymous. Employees must be confident that their responses will not negatively impact them in any way.
  4. Let employees know that their opinions will be heard and their suggestions will be considered. At the end of the survey, inform employees about what actions you plan to take based on the results of the survey.

Every manager would probably like to look at his company through the eyes of his own employees. After all, a lot actually depends on how employees evaluate their working conditions and the organization’s achievements. It is for this purpose that there is a study of employee satisfaction, which is needed not only to satisfy the curiosity of the manager. In fact, such research solves the most important problems.

The concept of employee satisfaction is found in economic disciplines. But this is rather a psychological category, because it reflects the emotional sphere of a person. That is, satisfaction can be understood as a positive emotional reaction to the current situation. It turns out that if a person likes working at a given enterprise and is satisfied with everything, then his satisfaction will be extremely high.

Many studies have proven that the higher the satisfaction of a company's employees, the higher the rating of the company itself. Such a relationship should be obvious to a competent leader.

Assessment Methodology

There is a special assessment methodology that allows you to find out exactly what level of staff satisfaction exists in the company. First, you should collect all the necessary information personally from employees. But in a personal conversation with management, people may not say everything, and this is quite natural. Therefore, the most often used method is a questionnaire or survey.


  1. Selecting the target audience. Management can assess the satisfaction not of the entire team, but of a specific group. For example, this happens when a department undergoes changes and you need to determine how employees reacted to it. If you need to determine the level of satisfaction of the entire team, then in this case there is no need to interview everyone. It will be enough to make a sample that can provide very accurate data. The main thing is that such a sample includes representatives of all departments of the company, only then the result will be reliable.
  2. Format selection. The survey can be conducted either in the form of a paper questionnaire or electronically. The electronic form is more modern and convenient - it saves time on processing results.
  3. Worker training. Employees should be notified in advance that a survey will be conducted. It is also important to convey to people the significance of such research so that everyone takes it seriously.
  4. Confidentiality. Providing anonymity is very important in order to obtain truthful answers from employees, and not those that may please the authorities.
  5. Preparing questions. Questions should be written fairly simply, preferably in the form of short sentences.
  6. Conducting a survey.
  7. Results. This is where the satisfaction rate comes to light.

Sample survey questions

You can only understand whether employees are satisfied with their work in an organization if you ask them the right questions. Therefore, the questionnaire must be correctly compiled, it is best if a specialist is involved in this issue. Below we give sample questions that a manager can ask his subordinates:

  1. Do you like to spend your weekends with your colleagues?
  2. Do you believe that your salary can increase in the near future?
  3. Do you think it is possible to live decently on your salary?
  4. Do you believe that you are able to find another job with a higher salary?
  5. Is your salary commensurate with the effort you put into your work?
  6. Is your salary fair when compared to other colleagues?
  7. Would you like to work less and get paid less?
  8. Can you say that you work in a modern and dynamically developing company with great potential?

Here are more examples of such questionnaires.

You can also find out how employees relate to each other, that is, determine whether they are satisfied with the work in the team, the people working nearby. For example, everyone needs to choose colleagues with whom they feel comfortable working. The satisfaction coefficient here is determined by the following formula: the number of mutual choices is divided by the number of choices made by each survey participant. That is, the more mutual sympathy there is in the team, the higher the coefficient will be and the more prosperous the situation will be. You can read more about this on specialized forums for HR specialists.

You can find out how employees relate to each other, that is, determine whether they are satisfied with their work in the team.

Assessing satisfaction will help you understand in which direction you need to work with your team. Analysis of the assessment results is very important, which is why many modern companies regularly conduct such surveys. If the satisfaction of his employees is important to a manager, he can easily increase his profits, because he never forgets that without people he cannot achieve real success. A competent personnel policy is the key to high ratings for any company!

Recently, one large company held a tender, choosing a contractor to conduct a corporate survey in its company. The fact itself is remarkable. If a few years ago corporate surveys were carried out only occasionally by individual companies, either particularly advanced or experiencing some special difficulties with personnel, today the practice of corporate surveys is becoming very popular. This article will discuss what types of corporate surveys there are and how best to organize them in companies of different sizes and profiles.

Why conduct corporate surveys

From the very name of corporate surveys it follows that they are conducted within the same company, and the respondents (i.e., those who are surveyed) are company employees. What and why can companies ask their own employees?

The most popular survey is to determine the level of staff satisfaction with work. Why find out? Isn’t it already clear whether the workers are satisfied or not? Despite the almost rhetorical question, it most often turns out that even in small companies, managers and owners are often mistaken about their own staff. In large companies, management not only does not know each employee personally, but often has a very rough idea of ​​how many and what kind of employees actually work in the company. As a result, various problems with personnel (for example, increased turnover, reluctance to take initiative, ignoring corporate events, sabotaging innovations, etc.) often come as a surprise to the employer. It is in order to better understand what staff actually think and what to expect from them that job satisfaction is studied. The methodology we use is in Appendix 1.

In addition to job satisfaction, an employer can use surveys to find out:

  • degree of staff loyalty
  • attitude towards upcoming or ongoing innovations
  • level of commitment to the company (readiness and desire to work in the company for a long time)
  • level of staff awareness about the company’s activities
  • level of staff involvement in solving corporate problems
  • level of tension in the team

The purpose of surveys can be very diverse. The main thing is to remember the purpose of the survey and what result we would like to get.

For example, our company conducted surveys several times regarding how to celebrate the company’s birthday. Our task was to find out what the majority of employees want and create a holiday that would be remembered for the whole year. All ideas about the format and location of the event were first collected, and then a questionnaire was drawn up, which was filled out by everyone. Thus, not only the preferences, but also the initiative of employees, as well as their willingness to participate both in the event itself and in its preparation, were clarified. Such a seemingly fun survey, in addition to its main tasks, provided management with a lot of seemingly incidental, but nevertheless useful information about their own personnel.

In other words, the objectives of the survey may include not only obtaining information on any issue, but also:

  • Team unity, improving mood and tone. The “fun questionnaire” about celebrating the company’s birthday, presented in Appendix 2, is aimed, among other things, at improving the mood, general tone of employees, and team unity.
  • Informing about something. An example of a questionnaire aimed at informing staff about projects aimed at developing corporate culture is presented in Appendix 3. The purpose of this questionnaire is not only to identify knowledge about projects and willingness to participate in them, but also tells about these projects. By filling out the questionnaire, employees will learn a lot of new things.
  • Motivation and involvement in solving corporate problems. Questioning can be one of the ways to convey the company’s development priorities to staff and involve them in solving key problems for the company. Appendix 4 provides an example of a questionnaire aimed at informing staff about the new goals in a simple and accessible form, as well as encouraging staff to become more actively involved in achieving the goals.

Thus, before conducting corporate surveys, it is very important to clearly formulate the objectives of such a survey. Determine what information we want to obtain and whether it is necessary to solve any additional problems using a questionnaire. It is important to understand what results will be obtained as a result and how they can be used. The most common mistake companies make when conducting their own surveys is not being clear about the expected results and how to use them. The questionnaire includes all the questions that come to mind, and when a huge array of disparate data is obtained, the “researchers” simply do not know what to do with it.

How to conduct corporate surveys

There are several important points that must be addressed when organizing a corporate survey.

In what form should the survey be conducted?

1. The forms of the survey depend on the purpose of the survey and the company’s capabilities. This can be a traditional survey, if not all company employees have access to the network, or an online survey, if all personnel have computers connected to the network (Internet or local). A survey can also take the form of an interview if experts are involved and it is necessary to obtain not quantitative data, but to identify the causes of a phenomenon. Those. when it is impossible to immediately formulate clear answer options, but it is necessary to find out the possible answer options. Surveys can also be conducted in the form of focus groups. This is also a way to obtain high-quality information when several experts take part in the survey at once. But it is worth keeping in mind that qualitative research methods are quite complex for an untrained specialist. If in doubt, it is better to involve an external expert who will take on some of the most complex functions and help organize the process. This is an order of magnitude cheaper than ordering research entirely outsourced, and at the same time it is a good safety net.

Should you conduct the survey once or on an ongoing basis?

2. It is important to decide whether this will be monitoring (an annual or more frequent study, which is carried out using the same questionnaire to ensure comparability of data) or a one-time survey for specific tasks. If you decide to conduct a survey in the form of monitoring, then you need to formulate the questions very carefully, because it will not be possible to change them in the future, even slightly.

Who exactly should you interview?

3. If the company is small, it is possible to survey all employees. But if the company is large, this is not only impossible, but also impractical. For large companies, it is necessary to determine the size and composition of the sample. The sample can be formed randomly. For example, an alphabetical list of employees (or a list by personnel number) is compiled, and then every tenth, hundredth, or thousandth employee is interviewed (depending on the total number of employees of the company and the specific sample size, the sampling step may vary). Or the sample is formed based on quotas based on various parameters (gender, age, position, etc.). For example, if a company employs 70% women, then among the respondents there should be 70% women.

Who will conduct the survey?

4. Who should be appointed responsible for conducting the survey depends on the topic of the survey, but most often it is the personnel management service. It is necessary to appoint a person in charge who would oversee the entire process, and also to form a working group that will participate in the survey. It is necessary to include employees who will distribute and collect questionnaires; employees who will enter questionnaire data into the processing program; a programmer who will configure the software; an analyst who will analyze the data and present the results in a visual form. If the survey is carried out online, then the working group needs to be strengthened with IT specialists.

Is anonymity necessary?

5. When conducting corporate research, survey anonymity is not always necessary. If a problematic issue is being studied, then perhaps anonymity in filling out questionnaires is necessary, but experience shows that company employees are happy to answer questionnaire questions. They view the survey as attention from management; they like that they are interested in their opinion. Therefore, when deciding on anonymity of the survey, it is worth considering how necessary this is really. There are cases when, on the contrary, the questionnaires must be personalized. For example, if the needs of employees are studied, which will be taken into account and satisfied personally. If this question is not of fundamental importance, whether to sign the questionnaire or not can be left at the discretion of the respondent (as in the example questionnaire in Appendix 4).

How to process?

6. Even if the study is very small and the number of questionnaires is small, it makes sense to carry out processing using software. There are professional statistical information processing programs such as SPSS. And if you plan to conduct surveys on a regular basis and allocate a separate specialist who will process the data, and also if you have a large organization and the sample is comparable to the all-Russian one (1500 people), then it makes sense to purchase some kind of professional program and train a specialist . If your surveys are not of such a scale, then you can easily get by with standard office software.

What to analyze?

7. To analyze the research results, it is necessary to form analysis sections. First of all, they analyze general research data, for example, calculate the index of staff satisfaction with work in the company as a whole. And then the influence of various parameters on the indicator under study is identified and analyzed. For example, how does satisfaction differ among employees of different ages, does it depend on the level of education and marital status, position, etc.

The diagrams show examples of the dependence of job satisfaction on the level of education and position of employees.

Naturally, for this it is necessary to include relevant questions in the questionnaire (see an example of a questionnaire in Appendix 3).

More complex dependencies can also be identified. For example, in one study, we found that the satisfaction of employees who had a mentor and were highly informed about company affairs was more than 15 percentage points higher than that of employees who did not have a mentor during the adaptation period and were poorly informed.

Or, for example, a direct dependence of the level of employee satisfaction on their participation in innovative projects carried out in the company was revealed (there were 7 such projects in total).

Note. The numbers on all graphs are the staff satisfaction index.

Thus, when deciding to conduct corporate research, you need to take this issue seriously. Clearly define the goals and expected results, identify the sections of analysis that interest you, conduct a pilot study to identify the correct understanding of your questions by respondents, and think through the organization of the study step by step. This approach will save you from many disappointments and enormous labor costs, which, if taken superficially, can result in wasted time.

Annex 1.
Methodology for assessing the level of satisfaction of company personnel.

The technique includes:

  1. Drawing up a questionnaire
  2. Results processing method
  3. Sampling method
  4. Lie scale

Drawing up a questionnaire

To calculate the satisfaction index, the questionnaire must include two questions with a list of working life factors, which are determined for each company individually depending on its characteristics. The first question reveals the degree to which various factors influence an employee’s overall job satisfaction. The second question determines actual satisfaction with each of the factors.

1. What determines your job satisfaction? How much do the following factors affect your satisfaction? In each line, mark your choice with any sign (tick, cross).

Work life factors Impact on satisfaction
Strongly influences Affects, but to a lesser extent Does not affect I find it difficult to answer
1 Working conditions
2 Working hours, work schedule
4 Wage level
6 Moral motivation
8 Social package
12 Opportunity for career growth
13 Opportunity to undergo training
Work life factors Satisfied Rather satisfied Rather dissatisfied Not satisfied I find it difficult to answer
1 Working conditions
2 Working hours, work schedule
3 Contents of work, work itself
4 Wage level
5 Dependence of remuneration on work results
6 Moral motivation
7 Compliance by the employer with social guarantees provided for by law
8 Social package
9 Transport accessibility, distance from home
10 Attitude of line management
11 Team atmosphere, relationship with colleagues
12 Opportunity for career growth
13 Opportunity to undergo training
14 The prestige of working for the company, its image
15 Corporate culture in the company
16 Politics, ideology, company strategy
17 Other (please specify):

This approach is due to the fact that factors that do not influence or weakly influence a person’s satisfaction (in other words, are of little significance for him, unimportant) cannot fully participate in determining the overall level of satisfaction. Therefore, the weight of such factors is reduced, which makes the calculation more reasonable.

Results processing method

The results are processed according to the following algorithm:

  1. The answer to the survey question “Evaluate how much the following factors influence your satisfaction?” allows you to enter a reduction factor (m)
    • In the case of the answer “does not affect satisfaction” or the answer “difficult to answer”, the letter “z” is put, these factors are not taken into account in the assessment of satisfaction,
    • If the answer is “strongly affects satisfaction”, set it to “0”
    • If the answer is “affects satisfaction to a lesser extent” - “1”
  2. The answer to the survey question “Rate how satisfied you are with the main factors of work life?” let's call it the satisfaction coefficient (k)
    • k=3 if the answer is “satisfied”
    • k=2, if the answer is “rather satisfied”
    • k=1, if the answer is “rather dissatisfied”
    • k=0, if the answer is “not satisfied”

If the respondent finds it difficult to answer, this item is not taken into account in overall satisfaction. Satisfaction rating for each item. (хij is the satisfaction of the i-th respondent with respect to the j-th factor).

Here the coefficient in front of k is intended to reduce the contribution of the reduction factor to overall satisfaction, and the denominator “6” is determined from one hundred percent satisfaction when k = 3 and m = 0.

The satisfaction of each person is determined as the arithmetic mean of satisfaction for each item, i.e.

where n is the number of satisfaction factors for which the respondent’s satisfaction is determined as “z”, B is the total number of work life factors used in the questionnaire (items in questions about satisfaction)

Overall satisfaction is defined as the arithmetic mean of the satisfaction of all respondents, i.e. where l is the number of respondents.

Sampling method

To calculate the satisfaction index, either a continuous survey (for small companies) or a sample survey (quotas by gender, age, structural unit, position/profession) is carried out.

It is important that the survey is conducted among both those employed and those who quit during the year preceding the survey. The percentage of respondents who quit should correspond to the percentage of turnover in the company (percentage of those who quit voluntarily) in the current year. A survey of laid-off workers is important to obtain an objective satisfaction index, because... Those who are laid off tend to have lower satisfaction rates (being laid off is “voting with their feet”) and as a result the overall satisfaction rate decreases.

Lie scale

To achieve reliability of the results, a control question “How do you rate your job satisfaction?” is included in the questionnaire:

How satisfied are you with working in our company? Rate in % (maximum 100%) _____

Those. The respondent subjectively assesses his overall job satisfaction as a percentage. After processing the results, each questionnaire is checked for compliance with the satisfaction index and the respondents’ subjective assessment of their satisfaction in general. If the difference is more than 20 percentage points, the questionnaire is rejected. For example, if a respondent rated his satisfaction at 90%, the calculation showed that his satisfaction was 30% (i.e., when answering about satisfaction with various factors, the respondent answers that he is dissatisfied with most factors, and all of them greatly influence his satisfaction) . As a result, the calculation shows that his level of satisfaction as a whole is 30%, and this result indicates that when filling out the questionnaire the respondent was inattentive or filled it out formally, for show. Or he didn’t understand the instructions and answered incorrectly. In any case, such a result indicates a biased assessment and is excluded from consideration.

The methodology is universal and can be used for organizations of any profile and any size. Even for small enterprises with 10–20 people, the results obtained reflect the actual state of affairs in terms of staff satisfaction and allow us to outline measures to improve work with personnel. At the same time, there are satisfaction factors, which, as a rule, have lower values ​​(for example, the level of remuneration, the dependence of remuneration on labor results), while the assessment of other factors, such as the atmosphere in the team, working conditions, working conditions, professional opportunities developments vary significantly among different companies and satisfaction with them can be either very high or very low. Therefore, a company can not only monitor its own dynamics of staff job satisfaction, but also compare its performance with other companies in the labor market.

Appendix 2.
An example of a “fun” questionnaire

Questionnaire to identify employee wishes and suggestions for organizing and holding a company birthday

Good day, dear colleagues, our company’s birthday is approaching, on which we congratulate you! Feel free to fill out this form, and we will use your dreams to organize your holiday. Some questions have answer options - choose what you like best or write something of your own. Suggestions, wishes, initiatives are welcome!

Sincerely, DR Construction Committee.

Get started!

1. Where will we celebrate? (Here you need to check all the options you like and, if possible, rank them. At least, you need to select the three most attractive options. 1 is the most preferred option).

Check the box here Rank

I want to go to the bosom of nature

To someone's dacha (write to whom)

To some camp site (if you have any ideas for which one, write)

Just to the bosom of nature, to the forest, to the river (if you have a suitable place in mind, write)

I don’t want to go to the bosom of nature, I want to go indoors

Cinema and then a cafe or something like that

Theater and then a cafe or something like that

Zoo, and then something else.

Sports and entertainment complex (bowling, billiards, Quasar, karaoke)

Directly to a restaurant, cafe, bar, pizzeria, other drinking and eating establishment (if you have ideas, immediately write which establishment you have in mind)


Nightclub with songs and dances of fashionable groups

Other (please specify)

In the office premises

(for example, I want a masquerade, but I won’t go anywhere except the office dressed like this)

I'm sick of everything, I don't want to go anywhere! (incorrect answer)

5. Other (specify what exactly)

2. What will we eat on BD? M?

Check the box here

Let's whip up something ourselves

I personally will cook... ( Here you need to write what you want to cook for the common table )

Let's order food

What kind of kitchen? (Italian, Chinese, Georgian, etc.?)

I don’t even know..., but I will... ( Here you need to write what dishes specifically you like, want and will eat )

4. Other ( indicate what exactly )

3. What would you like to drink?

Check the box here

Dairy products

Juicy products

Brewing products

4. Other (specify what exactly), here you need to write about alcohol!

4. How will we spend our leisure time? (play, read, count, write, etc.)

6. Do you have any other wishes and suggestions for organizing and holding the company’s birthday?