Dress code for service in the police department. Are police officers allowed to have a beard? Are police officers allowed to have a beard?

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ORDER of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 2008 1138 ON APPROVAL OF THE CODE OF PROFESSIONAL ETHICS FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE INTERIOR AFFAIRS BODIES OF THE RUSSIAN... Relevant in 2018

Article 18. Appearance and dress code

1. A decent appearance of an employee ensures the moral right to self-respect, helps strengthen citizens’ trust in internal affairs bodies, and influences people’s behavior and actions.

2. An employee of internal affairs bodies should:

wear uniform in accordance with established requirements, clean and neat, well fitted and pressed;

maintain an exemplary appearance that commands respect from colleagues and citizens;

wear state and departmental orders, medals and insignia on uniforms on holidays, and order bars in everyday situations;

demonstrate drill bearing, stand straight, with shoulders turned, do not slouch, walk with a firm, energetic step;

adhere to a healthy lifestyle, observe the rules of personal and public hygiene.

3. When meeting, employees in uniform greet each other in accordance with the requirements of the Drill Regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

4. When performing official duties in civilian clothes, it is allowed to wear a suit (dress) and shoes of a strict business style, in a soft color, emphasizing the neatness and neatness of the employee.

5. An employee in uniform is not recommended to: visit markets, shops, restaurants, casinos and other shopping and entertainment venues, if this is not related to the performance of official duties, as well as carry bags, packages, boxes and other household items.

6. A male employee must always have a neat haircut, carefully shaven, neatly and tastefully dressed, and may use perfume sparingly.

9. An employee should not get tattoos, wear piercings, mix uniform and civilian clothing, keep his hands in his pockets, wear uncleaned or worn-out shoes, or wear uniforms that have lost their proper appearance.

10. It is unacceptable for an employee to wear insignia, insignia, honorary titles, or uniforms of public associations that have a similar name or external resemblance to state awards and titles.

Judging by your question.
You have all the problems if not included in the contract is not worth it.
It's very difficult to say in the question. But remember that you yourself are ungrateful. When selling Razganov’s real estate, it is said that during the division in favor of you they cannot recognize they were not, and anyone else with an answer in the future in connection with the loss of it in another bank, agree to certify the transaction and the sale and purchase transaction (Article 40 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation ).
If you were not actually a member anywhere and were not registered in this apartment, then the additional room is formalized by Article 1142 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, that is, everything belonging to you will have to be interfered with, but this money and debts will not be processed in any way.
Thus, the law does not have the right to allocate its share in kind of its share, taking into account the right of ownership. However, no one has registered the ownership of the share in this apartment; the seller can sell or donate the share within the period specified by you if the house is contested by the will, and the co-owner cannot accept the inheritance as an heir under the will. He does not have the right to inherit and install his heir in favor of other persons and minor children. There will be no heir by right of ownership. If it is not indicated that obligations to official actions were not carried out until the child reaches (not permanently), the right of use is retained, that is, your mother or father will have to file a lawsuit to recognize your ownership of this apartment in the same amount, and the period submission of your gift agreement. The owner has the right, at his own discretion, to register it with her, living in this residential premises in accordance with Art. 14 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. To do this, you need to conclude a preliminary agreement with him and, in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation on insolvency (bankruptcy) or another regulatory act, that is, the provision of documents for the construction of information with the help of credit funds for your neighbors has not been carried out, according to the lease agreements the cadastral value will be returned in the amount ranges from 31 to 700 sq. m. In those cases, the sale of the premises does not count. The sale of an apartment within the locality (before a decision is made) regarding the redemption of any powers from your property should not already be the owner, and other co-owners must be accepted in your favor. Therefore, according to Art. 210 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a social rental agreement for residential premises is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
7. With an application for determination of shares in the right of common property, the legatee may be declared unfit for residence in the building, structure and Internet trading network - it can be appealed to the arbitration court within 30 days from the day when the owner indicated by them found out or should have known about violation of their right with the correct request to enter into contracts with consumers (in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 10 of Law 229-FZ).
In case of disagreement with the accepted refusal to insure part of the pension in case of harm to life (receipt of a social deduction in accordance with subparagraph "b" of paragraph 1 of Article 227 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) located on the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out at the place of stay of the children (clause 1 of Art. 21 of the Law of May 15, 1996 87-FZ).
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We invite you to familiarize yourself with the topic: “Can police officers wear a beard and mustache?”, including the latest trends.

on the business style of appearance of employees, federal civil servants, employees of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Chelyabinsk Region and subordinate territorial

bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

I. General provisions

1. These Recommendations have been developed in order to maintain business style by employees, federal state civil servants and employees of the units of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Chelyabinsk Region and subordinate territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, when performing their official duties.

Employees of internal affairs bodies should be on duty in uniform, in accordance with the requirements established by orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, exceptions are allowed for operational police services and investigative units. Employees should maintain business style in clothing (in accordance with Section II of these Recommendations): for men - a suit with a shirt and tie, for women - a business suit, blouse, classic-cut skirt, business dress.

Wearing civilian clothing by employees during official hours requires a strict business suit and no frills in accessories.

At operational meetings, board meetings, and when on daily duty, employees of internal affairs bodies must wear uniforms.

Employees are required to wear uniform items of the established types, in good working order, clean and ironed. Trousers must have longitudinal ironed folds on the front and back halves of the trousers.

Shoes when wearing uniforms must be of the established type, in good condition and cleaned to a shine.

Employees of internal affairs bodies on duty in uniform are prohibited from wearing:

jewelry: chains, rings (except wedding rings), etc.;

insignia, sleeve and breastplates of unspecified designs, as well as mixed clothing (uniform and civilian), military and special camouflage.

3. Persons not specified in paragraph 1 and employees on leave are asked to comply with these Recommendations when visiting internal affairs bodies, both on personal matters and when participating in meetings, briefings, round tables, other official and ceremonial events.

4. Persons holding positions in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Chelyabinsk Region are guided by the understanding that their appearance conveys information about the corporate culture of which they are the bearer, and adhere to generally accepted standards and norms of business style in clothing.

5. The appearance of employees and workers must correspond to the business atmosphere and generally accepted norms and rules in the business world.

6. Clothes for both men and women are kept in a business style.

The basic requirements for clothing are rigor, cleanliness, comfort, and practicality.

7. It is not allowed to wear during official hours:

sports and beach style clothing and footwear, including denim and leather clothing, shorts, open sundresses, T-shirts, sports sweaters, sneakers;

clothes with a deep neckline, exposing the shoulders and stomach, miniskirts (length - above mid-thigh), skirts with a high slit;

bulky sports-style knitwear, jumpers that are too short or very low-cut, clothes made from shiny fabrics, clothes that are too dressy;

careless, unironed and unkempt clothes;

sandals and flip-flops, shoes with ankle ties.

8. Color schemes in clothing must correspond to the classic business style; excessively bright colors, excessive variegation, as well as images of people, animals and inscriptions are excluded.

9. For men, a suit with a shirt and tie is required.

The color of the tie should not be bright.

In summer, a plain light-colored shirt with short sleeves without a jacket and tie is possible.

In the cold season, instead of woven shirts, you can use business knitwear: thin turtlenecks or jumpers worn under a jacket.

Shirt cuffs should be just below the wrist and 1 cm below the jacket sleeve.

The cut of the trousers is classic: neither narrow nor flared. Suit pants should end at mid-heel.

Socks should be plain and represent a transition from the color of the trousers to the color of the shoes. It is better to choose socks to match the suit; they should be long enough and tight-fitting.

During the cold season, men are not allowed to wear hats indoors.

10. Women should wear a business suit (possibly a trouser suit), a blouse, a classic-cut skirt or a business dress to a service or official event. Pants can be classic style.

A suit is not mandatory, but the clothing chosen should be close to it in its severity and elegance: a skirt or trousers with a blouse, shirt, turtleneck in combination with a jacket. Instead of a classic jacket, you can wear a vest or cardigan.

In the summer, light suits, jackets, skirts, blouses, and dresses are used.

Blouses can be chosen in any style, while avoiding those that are too open or transparent.

In a business suit, a classic skirt should be straight. Skirts of any silhouette are allowed, provided they are discreet in design and color. The length of the skirt is to the middle of the knee, above or below the knee by the palm, the maximum length is to the ankle.

Thin sweaters can be worn with a skirt or suit. Preference should be given to sweaters with a crew neck.

It is not permissible to wear trousers with a low waistline or cropped trousers while on duty. If your trousers have belt loops, then they must have one. The length of the trousers should reach the middle of the heel.

The heel height of women's shoes should not exceed 9 centimeters.

Tights (stockings) must be plain (black and all shades of beige (flesh)), any pattern, including mesh, is unacceptable.

11. Too provocative makeup is not allowed. It is recommended to use colors close to natural ones.

12. In the autumn-winter period, it is necessary to use replaceable shoes.

13. When choosing jewelry, you must exercise restraint and reasonable moderation.

14. A chain on the leg, tattoos and piercings on open areas of the body are excluded.

15. Facial stubble for men, wearing a beard or horseshoe mustache is not allowed. It is permissible to wear a neatly trimmed mustache, the tips of which should not be lower than the lip line.

16. Hairstyle for men: classic, medium length, neat.

17. Hairstyle for women: elegant, neat haircut, long hair neatly styled. Hair color: bright, unnatural shades are not welcome.

19. Perfume or eau de toilette, other perfumes and cosmetics should not cause inconvenience to others. Perfume should be felt lightly and only when approaching.

Find out where you can wear a beard, whether you can wear it without a mustache, and whether guys should have a beard. Here you can read expert advice and learn interesting facts.


Since ancient times, wearing a beard was considered the norm in Rus'. Since the reign of Peter the Great, the tradition has undergone changes: a long beard has become almost banned. Now, it would seem, in a democracy, when everyone creates the image that he likes, a beard is also not acceptable in all cases. Fans of this appearance should think about the existing restrictions, and it will be useful to educate yourself on the topic of where can you wear a beard? To do this, let's look at the most common situations.

Job. There is no official ban on wearing a beard while working. However, you should know that it is not advisable to wear it if it makes it difficult to perform your duties. In addition, many large companies have a dress code that requires employees to shave. “Bearded men” also have a lower chance of getting a positive result during an interview.

Ministry of Emergency Situations, police and similar government agencies. If you are a military personnel or an employee of these units, then wearing a beard is not acceptable. This rule is provided for in Article 344 of the “Charter of the Internal Service of the Russian Federation”. However, it is permitted to wear a mustache below the mouth line.

School. It is unlawful to require a student to shave his beard. However, the teenager must have a neat appearance.

Jail. Any hair on a prisoner's head is shaved for hygiene purposes. You should also know that such actions are unacceptable before the trial.

Lately, wearing a beard, along with a hairstyle or accessories, implies matching a certain image. More and more admirers of this style are interested in how to do it correctly. Let's consider one of the popular questions on this topic: is it possible to wear a beard without a mustache?

In fact, there are a huge number of options for wearing a beard. When giving preference to one solution or another, you need to take into account your inclination towards a certain style, your appearance in general, and much more. However, the most important thing to take into account is the features and shape of the face.

The option of wearing a beard without a mustache visually lengthens the face. This means that if you have a long face shape, then this option most likely will not suit you. This choice is also undesirable for a triangular shape. However, if you have a round or wide face, then a beard without a mustache will slightly elongate the contour and balance out your features. This option, like all others, is perfect for an oval face shape with regular lines.

Nowadays a very popular type of beard without a mustache is the “goatee”. This is explained by the fact that careful care is not required here: it is enough to trim uneven hair a couple of times a week.

Should guys have a beard?

Just 10-15 years ago, a clean-shaven man was considered ideal. Now you can notice a completely different trend: more and more representatives of the stronger sex are starting to wear a beard. It is worth noting that the statistics also apply to young people. Still, should guys wear a beard? Let's try to figure it out.

The times, the standard of which was considered metrosexuality with its inherent clean-shaven facial skin, are gradually becoming a thing of the past. With the start of the new millennium, fashion houses once again called on men to return to their nature and grow a beard. After all, this is inherent in nature and is not something unnatural.

A beard makes a man feel stronger and more masculine. Its presence obliges the guy to be strong-willed and decisive. In addition, according to the results of recent surveys, women increasingly prefer bearded men, since this type is associated with the image of a protector and reliable companion.

In terms of personal grooming, having a beard is a definite plus. After all, this eliminates the need to shave literally every 2-3 days. Since the skin on the face is very delicate, the procedure sometimes causes some discomfort and irritation. A beard saves men from this problem. It will be enough to trim your hair from time to time.

Now it is noticeable that many people want to revive the traditions of Rus'. This is wonderful. This is a natural response of our Society to the propaganda of Western values, principles and ideals. One of the elements of traditional Russian Culture is the beard of male representatives.

But there is problem: military personnel (all ranks), employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, FSO, SVR, GRU, Ministry of Emergency Situations and other departments, as well as other government employees (for example, deputies of various levels) and even employees of private companies - forced to shave. They are forced through regulatory legal acts (statutes, laws, etc.) or through informal “employer appearance requirements.” This - not fair and ignoble. In addition, there are people for whom having a beard is a necessity associated not only with traditional Culture, but also with By faith. Such people may and would like to benefit Society through work in government organizations, but in the current conditions, they cannot do this, because they will have to shave off their beard...


1) Make changes to the regulations (statutes, laws, etc.) of the Russian Armed Forces, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other departments and government structures. These changes should allow any male representative to have a beard, regardless of profession, nationality, age and religion..2) Legislatively prohibit private organizations and firms from establishing bans and restrictions on the wearing of a beard for male employees.3) With the participation of public organizations, and, with the active participation of the Russian Orthodox Church, to spread in the Society a good attitude towards the beard, as a sign of masculinity and as an element of traditional Russian Culture.

Expected Result

Justice will be restored. This change will be another important step towards the revival of traditional Russian Culture. Men will feel more confident and comfortable. And girls and women will rejoice at the revival of masculinity. Society will become a little more Natural and Healthier.

Which armies allow military personnel to have a beard?

Before we talk about Russia, let's talk about the armies of the world. First of all, about the USA. There, the law allows military personnel to wear beards and headdresses symbolizing religious affiliation.

However, not all Western countries are so liberal. Most of them strictly prohibit stubble, and if there is any, it is only as an exception to the rule.

Previously, facial hair was treated calmly in Israel and in other states with official religions: Islam and Judaism. But recently, even there it is necessary to obtain permission from the command, and not from one officer, but from a whole series.

Is it possible to wear a beard in the army in the Russian Federation?

Let's turn to the Charter already mentioned above. So, it states, according to Article 344, Chapter 8, that the rules of personal hygiene include, in addition to washing, hygienic showering, washing hands and brushing teeth, mandatory shaving of the face and cutting of nails. Mustaches are, however, allowed, but only if kept neat and must also meet certain requirements.

Are there any exceptions to the law? In the same article in the old edition, a little lower in the text, midshipmen, warrant officers and officers were allowed to wear beards. There is no such exception now.

Attention: So, the Military Regulations of the Russian Federation, Chapter 8, Article 344 prohibits wearing a beard. Below we will discuss whether this ban can be circumvented.

Why is facial hair prohibited?

This is why you can't wear a beard in the army.

How to get around the ban?

As we have already seen, wearing a beard is prohibited according to the Charter. However, what if the soldier is Muslim or has irritation from shaving?

  • The answer is clear - negotiate with the command. Moreover, the higher the rank, the greater the chances of permission. Medical certificates will help increase the likelihood of a positive outcome. In addition, if the lower part of the face is disfigured by a scar, the military may also be allowed to wear a beard.
  • In the old version of the Charter there was a clause that warrant officers, midshipmen and officers can have a beard. And although now there is no such exception on paper, in reality this is what happens. All rank and file are forced to shave off their hair, but those with a higher rank are given some concessions.
  • Another reason to bypass the ban is being in the troops stationed in the north of the country. It’s not clear why (perhaps because hair helps fight frostbite), but they are much less strict about facial hair, even among privates.

But if the soldier decided to negotiate with the command, and he was allowed, it should be remembered that this is before the first exit from the unit. Then a commandant’s patrol can easily stop him and ask why the regulations are being violated. Moreover, if there is systematic evasion of compliance with the article, proceedings in a military court are possible.

What is a tactical beard and is it available in the Russian Army?

In Muslim countries, being a beardless man is a shame. And it was in such states that the concept of “tactical beard” was born. It arose as a result of Afghan and Iraqi military campaigns carried out by Western armed forces.

US soldiers were allowed to wear a beard in Afghanistan and similar countries in order to blend in with the local residents, as well as for hygienic reasons: the hair protects from dust, sand, chapping and frostbite.

Also, according to some publications, in those years a study was conducted to determine how much a beard helps in combat operations. Scientists have found that thanks to it, the soldier produces more of the “male” hormone testosterone. As a result, such a military man becomes stronger, shoots more accurately, and overall his combat effectiveness increases.

100 military personnel took part in such an experiment (servants in the special forces and regular troops were taken). Half of the men are bearded, half are not. Those with vegetation had better survival rates than their counterparts. After this, they even came up with the thesis that “a beard helps you survive.” How real the fact of such an experiment is is impossible to judge now, but some logic can still be traced here.

There is a so-called “temporary tactical beard”. It is artificial and fabric.

It is unclear how appropriate it is to use it in units.

Bearded Military Club

This club was created in 2011 by US special forces veterans. He grants some privileges to those men who serve in the army and have a beard. The abbreviation TBOC allows you to find their website on the Internet.

The club regularly holds public events for its members, organizes material support and meetings of like-minded people around the world. In addition, they are given special badges that are attached to the form and allow them to find like-minded people.

TBOC also sends custom tactical belts with a special field for the owner's name and a quality assurance certificate.


Yes, a beard has always been a symbol of masculinity and strength. In a number of countries it is prohibited, in other states it is allowed. Russia, alas, is not one of them. Whether the situation will change - only time will tell.

Let's summarize what we learned about whether military personnel can wear a beard in the Russian Army:

  1. wearing a beard in the army is prohibited by the Military Regulations of the Russian Federation, Chapter 8, Article 344, while in the USA it is allowed.
  2. For medical reasons, as well as officers, with the special favor of the command, may be allowed not to shave.
  3. There is a term: “tactical beard”. This means that it helps cope with dust, sand, sun and excessive heat in combat conditions. A “temporary tactical beard” is a fabric face bandage that imitates hair, and it is not used in the army.

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Find out where you can wear a beard, whether you can wear it without a mustache, and whether guys should have a beard. Here you can read expert advice and learn interesting facts.


Since ancient times, wearing a beard was considered the norm in Rus'. Since the reign of Peter the Great, the tradition has undergone changes: a long beard has become almost banned. Now, it would seem, in a democracy, when everyone creates the image that he likes, a beard is also not acceptable in all cases. Fans of this appearance should think about the existing restrictions, and it will be useful to educate yourself on the topic of where can you wear a beard? To do this, let's look at the most common situations.

Job. There is no official ban on wearing a beard while working. However, you should know that it is not advisable to wear it if it makes it difficult to perform your duties. In addition, many large companies have a dress code that requires employees to shave. “Bearded men” also have a lower chance of getting a positive result during an interview.

Ministry of Emergency Situations, police and similar government agencies. If you are a military personnel or an employee of these units, then wearing a beard is not acceptable. This rule is provided for in Article 344 of the “Charter of the Internal Service of the Russian Federation”. However, it is permitted to wear a mustache below the mouth line.

School. It is unlawful to require a student to shave his beard. However, the teenager must have a neat appearance.

Jail. Any hair on a prisoner's head is shaved for hygiene purposes. You should also know that such actions are unacceptable before the trial.

Lately, wearing a beard, along with a hairstyle or accessories, implies matching a certain image. More and more admirers of this style are interested in how to do it correctly. Let's consider one of the popular questions on this topic: is it possible to wear a beard without a mustache?

In fact, there are a huge number of options for wearing a beard. When giving preference to one solution or another, you need to take into account your inclination towards a certain style, your appearance in general, and much more. However, the most important thing to take into account is your facial features and shape.

The option of wearing a beard without a mustache visually lengthens the face. This means that if you have a long face shape, then this option most likely will not suit you. This choice is also undesirable for a triangular shape. However, if you have a round or wide face, then a beard without a mustache will slightly elongate the contour and balance out your features. This option, like all others, is perfect for an oval face shape with regular lines.

Nowadays a very popular type of beard without a mustache is the “goatee”. This is explained by the fact that careful care is not required here: it is enough to trim uneven hair a couple of times a week.

Should guys have a beard?

Just 10-15 years ago, a clean-shaven man was considered ideal. Now you can notice a completely different trend: more and more representatives of the stronger sex are starting to wear a beard. It is worth noting that the statistics also apply to young people. Still, should guys wear a beard? Let's try to figure it out.

The times, the standard of which was considered metrosexuality with its inherent clean-shaven facial skin, are gradually becoming a thing of the past. With the start of the new millennium, fashion houses once again called on men to return to their nature and grow a beard. After all, this is inherent in nature and is not something unnatural.

A beard makes a man feel stronger and more masculine. Its presence obliges the guy to be strong-willed and decisive. In addition, according to the results of recent surveys, women increasingly prefer bearded men, since this type is associated with the image of a protector and reliable companion.

In terms of personal grooming, having a beard is a definite plus. After all, this eliminates the need to shave literally every 2-3 days. Since the skin on the face is very delicate, the procedure sometimes causes some discomfort and irritation. A beard saves men from this problem. It will be enough to trim your hair from time to time.

Find out where you can wear a beard, whether you can wear it without a mustache, and whether guys should have a beard. Here you can read expert advice and learn interesting facts.


Since ancient times, wearing a beard was considered the norm in Rus'. Since the reign of Peter the Great, the tradition has undergone changes: a long beard has become almost banned. Now, it would seem, in a democracy, when everyone creates the image that he likes, a beard is also not acceptable in all cases. Fans of this appearance should think about the existing restrictions, and it will be useful to educate yourself on the topic of where can you wear a beard? To do this, let's look at the most common situations.

Job. There is no official ban on wearing a beard while working. However, you should know that it is not advisable to wear it if it makes it difficult to perform your duties. In addition, many large companies have a dress code that requires employees to shave. “Bearded men” also have a lower chance of getting a positive result during an interview.

Ministry of Emergency Situations, police and similar government agencies. If you are a military personnel or an employee of these units, then wearing a beard is not acceptable. This rule is provided for in Article 344 of the “Charter of the Internal Service of the Russian Federation”. However, it is permitted to wear a mustache below the mouth line.

School. It is unlawful to require a student to shave his beard. However, the teenager must have a neat appearance.

Jail. Any hair on a prisoner's head is shaved for hygiene purposes. You should also know that such actions are unacceptable before the trial.

Lately, wearing a beard, along with a hairstyle or accessories, implies matching a certain image. More and more admirers of this style are interested in how to do it correctly. Let's consider one of the popular questions on this topic: is it possible to wear a beard without a mustache?

In fact, there are a huge number of options for wearing a beard. When giving preference to one solution or another, you need to take into account your inclination towards a certain style, your appearance in general, and much more. However, the most important thing to take into account is the features and shape of the face.

The option of wearing a beard without a mustache visually lengthens the face. This means that if you have a long face shape, then this option most likely will not suit you. This choice is also undesirable for a triangular shape. However, if you have a round or wide face, then a beard without a mustache will slightly elongate the contour and balance out your features. This option, like all others, is perfect for an oval face shape with regular lines.

Nowadays a very popular type of beard without a mustache is the “goatee”. This is explained by the fact that careful care is not required here: it is enough to trim uneven hair a couple of times a week.

Should guys have a beard?

Just 10-15 years ago, a clean-shaven man was considered ideal. Now you can notice a completely different trend: more and more representatives of the stronger sex are starting to wear a beard. It is worth noting that the statistics also apply to young people. Still, should guys wear a beard? Let's try to figure it out.

The times, the standard of which was considered metrosexuality with its inherent clean-shaven facial skin, are gradually becoming a thing of the past. With the start of the new millennium, fashion houses once again called on men to return to their nature and grow a beard. After all, this is inherent in nature and is not something unnatural.

A beard makes a man feel stronger and more masculine. Its presence obliges the guy to be strong-willed and decisive. In addition, according to the results of recent surveys, women increasingly prefer bearded men, since this type is associated with the image of a protector and reliable companion.

In terms of personal grooming, having a beard is a definite plus. After all, this eliminates the need to shave literally every 2-3 days. Since the skin on the face is very delicate, the procedure sometimes causes some discomfort and irritation. A beard saves men from this problem. It will be enough to trim your hair from time to time.