Pig farming as a business. Business plan and what is needed for pig farming from scratch? Pig breeding business plan: enterprise profitability

Breeding pigs is a profitable business among owners of private houses. It does not require large financial investments. In addition, high-quality meat is in great demand among the population. Subject to all the nuances, investments quickly pay for themselves. Today we will take a closer look at pig farming as a business: where to start, how to succeed and how much you can earn from it.

When drawing up a business plan, you should rely on the following recommendations:

  1. In the main document, you will need to indicate all your sources of income. Only real earnings should be indicated.
  2. Next, you need to list the order of legal acts regarding such entrepreneurial activity. Farms are actively supported by the state. Therefore, there should be no problems with local governments.
  3. All addresses of organizations must be indicated. For example, the location of the plot that is planned to be rented.
  4. If you need to take a loan, it is recommended to draw up a business plan with the help of an economist, and then take it to the bank's credit department for consideration.
  5. Specify the list of necessary equipment, contact details of suppliers.

After drawing up such documents, the further profitability of the case will be clear. And then you can start organizing.

Video - How to write a business plan without experience?

Pig farming: is it a profitable business?

The main advantages of pig breeding:

  1. Pigs are animals that absorb food by almost a third. While in chickens this figure is 20%.
  2. Meat yield after slaughter. From the carcass of a pig, waste is less than 20%.
  3. offspring. The sow bears offspring for a little more than 3 months. At one time, she can give birth to up to 15 piglets. She will need 1-2 months to feed them. In total, she will be able to bring 25-30 piglets per year. For example, a cow for the same period of time can only give birth to 1-2 calves.
  4. It will take about 6 months for the piglets to gain weight up to 90-100 kg. This means that one adult sow can produce about 2500-2800 kg of meat in 12 months.

For the normal growth of young animals, it will be necessary to create appropriate conditions. It is important for the farmer to correctly calculate all the costs of purchasing equipment.

Breed selection

When choosing one or another breed, one should take into account the climatic conditions of the area. Russian farmers raise more than 25 varieties of pigs. However, there are several main breeds that are especially popular among the population.

Table 1. Choice of meat breed


A meat breed of pig, which even beginners are engaged in growing. The sow has a good fertility - about 14 piglets per year. The only downside is that such pigs are often obese and do not tolerate cold. The weight of an adult pig is about 180-200 kg.

Meat breed of a pig, differs in high productivity. This breed is resistant to various diseases. The profit of pure meat is more than 155 kg.

This breed is resistant to hot steppe climate. Adult pigs weigh more than 240 kg. Sows bring about 13-14 piglets per year. Young growth in the presence of normal nutrition is rapidly developing and gaining weight.

Animals tolerate cold climates without any problems. A sow produces about 12 piglets per year. The weight of an adult pig is more than 200 kg.

resistant to various diseases, omnivorous. Among the shortcomings, low productivity is distinguished. The uterus gives about 9 piglets a year. The weight of an adult pig is about 95-130 kg.

This is an American pig breed, which is distinguished by its large weight up to 290 kg. Piglets are rapidly gaining weight, about 1 kg per day. At one time, the sow can produce about 9-10 piglets.

In general, farmers prefer to purchase piglets in the spring. However, you can buy in the winter if there is an insulated room. The optimal age of the young is 1.5 months. At this age, they are already able to grow up without a mother, quite independent.

Basic requirements for a pig rearing facility

For an average pig farm of 100 heads, you will need to allocate a plot of at least 600 - 650 square meters. Only the third part is occupied by the premises of the pigsty.

For such purposes, a ready-made barn or ownerless building is suitable. However, in the absence of such an opportunity, you will have to build a pigsty. This will require:

  • concrete floor;
  • separate sections for keeping pigs, at least 3 square meters;
  • wooden partitions;
  • high-quality insulation for the ceiling, walls;
  • recesses in the floor for quick waste disposal;
  • ventilation holes;
  • lighting.

Pigs also require litter, which is changed periodically. For such purposes, ordinary straw or sawdust is suitable. Feeders and drinkers for animals must be intact, without any holes. Because getting liquid food and water into the pigsty is fraught with constant dampness and dirt.

- a useful and economical purchase, it serves for at least 3 years, subject to the rules of operation, and its shelf life is unlimited.

Do not forget that the construction of a pig farm will require an appropriate permit. Such an object should not be located near water bodies. It is forbidden to build farms in urban areas, only in rural areas.

If desired, in some villages you can find an old abandoned pig farm. However, before use, the room needs to be thoroughly disinfected.

  1. The optimum temperature in the pigsty is from 17 to 23 degrees. Do not allow the temperature in the room to drop below 13 degrees. Otherwise, the animals will begin to freeze, will lose weight.
  2. The normal ceiling height is 2.5-2.8 meters.
  3. The walls around the entire perimeter of the pigsty need plastering and whitewashing.
  4. The concrete floor will need to be covered with wooden shields with special holes.
  5. The corral should be an area for feeding and walking.

It is necessary to build the following facilities on the pig farm:

  • maternity building;
  • section for sows;
  • feeding room;
  • bulk refrigerator;
  • warehouse for grain;
  • water source;
  • slaughterhouse site;
  • transformer box;
  • sanitary room;
  • fenced entrance.

The most budgetary way of heating is devices for direct combustion of fuel. For a room with young animals, special bedding is used, where water from the boiler enters.

Video - Keeping pigs on deep litter

Feeding and breeding pigs

The pig is an unpretentious animal that recognizes both plant and animal food. Feeding directly affects the quality of meat products. Therefore, it is not necessary to give pigs carbohydrate feed in large quantities, because of such nutrition, they quickly gain fat mass.

When feeding livestock with potato tubers, you will need to drain the water after cooking. The liquid contains corned beef, which is hazardous to the health of animals. Tubers must be thoroughly washed before cooking.

It is forbidden to feed pigs with raw fish products and their waste. Stale food with signs of decay, mold is also not suitable as feed. It is advisable to give any root crops only in boiled form. Pigs willingly eat pumpkin, which in turn is an anthelmintic therapy.

On average, keeping 100 pigs per year will require about 90 tons of grain mixture and feed, which is the basis of nutrition. Feed should be stored an average of 4 months in advance to prevent starvation of the animals. They will need to be fed up to 4 times a day.

In the warm season, it is necessary to prepare hay for the winter at the rate of 1-1.5 kg per head. In summer, greens make up half of their diet. Pigs are fattened for meat or lard. Feeding for meat is stopped upon reaching 110-120 kg. Further, the profitability of further cultivation is lost and the pig is sent for slaughter.

In order to obtain fat, pigs are fattened with the help of root crops, corn, Jerusalem artichoke. For greater effectiveness, the ration should be composed by a person with relevant experience in pig production. It is not worth buying low-grade feed in order to save the budget. Otherwise, you can lose the entire livestock.

In summer, water is of great importance for animals. Drinking bowls must be constantly filled with liquid. Otherwise, the pigs will not have an appetite, and they will lose their weight gain. On the run, they will need to provide a trough with water for bathing. It is advisable to add a manganese solution there for the purpose of disinfection. At least once a week, pigs must be washed with a special brush.

Case sows at the age of 9-11 months. It is during this period that the maximum possible multiple pregnancy is observed. Sows are exploited for an average of about 2 years.

Staff costs

When preparing documentation, a novice farmer needs to include in the cost plan the costs of maintaining staff:

  1. Veterinarian. The average person who has never been involved in pig farming is unlikely to know about the intricacies of animal health. Therefore, you will need the help of a professional who will monitor the vaccination of livestock, diseases. For such purposes, you can periodically hire a doctor for an examination.
  2. Livestock specialist. Such a specialist is responsible for the health of the slaughter equipment. And also monitors the cutting of meat for further sale.
  3. Ancillary workers. Managing a large farm on your own is a challenge. Therefore, you will need to invite 2-3 people to work to clean the premises, feed the pigs.

This is only a mandatory list of employees, a large organization requires an increase in staff. The exact number of employees will depend on the size of the farm. Sometimes additional services of electricians, tractor drivers, truck drivers are required.

Control of documentation and the process of obtaining finished products is the task of the manager

Expenses include not only the payment of wages, but also sick leave, maternity leave, vacations, as well as bonuses (at the discretion of the manager) for the performance of work. Employees will also need to provide meals and lunch breaks. It is difficult to calculate the exact amount of staff income, because it depends on the region where the farm is located. On average, you will have to spend at least 1,300,000 rubles a year to pay employees.

Costs and possible profitability of a pig business

When building a farm for 100 heads, you will have to spend at least 30,000,000 rubles, excluding the salaries of employees. However, it is worth considering that up to 20-30 piglets can be obtained from each sow per year. For 6-12 months they grow up to 100-125 kg on average. The total yield of finished products (lard and meat) is about 80% of live weight. At the same time, by selling the insides and skins, you can slightly increase income.

For the year, the farm's profit will be about 9,000,000 rubles. With such a rapid growth in piglets and the popularity of products, the farm pays for itself within a few years.

The complexities of pig farming

Like any business, pig farming has its risks:

  1. Search for investors. To find solvent investors for building a farm, you will need to draw up the right business plan.
  2. Animal diseases. In the event of an epidemic of any dangerous disease, it will be necessary to completely destroy the entire population of pigs and disinfect the territory. This is a big expense for the owner.
  3. Competitiveness. Due to the process of industrialization of farms, the farming industry has suffered greatly.

Such a business is suitable for people who are ready to work "with their own hands." Because this industry requires some pretty hard physical work.

When organizing a farm, the advice of specialists should be taken into account:

  • sell both finished products (meat, lard) and young animals;
  • it is recommended to purchase only purebred piglets with high productivity;
  • buy young animals from different breeders to prevent degeneration;
  • pigs of meat breeds must be intensively fed immediately after purchase;
  • in order to replenish the selection, boars can be rented from other farms.

It is necessary to carefully analyze these conditions and figures once again, and only then engage in the opening of the farm. For some businessmen, pig farming is a very successful business.

Video - Business on pigs

Pig waste disposal

Already at the design stage of the farm, the need to dispose of farm waste should be taken into account. In the conditions of Russian settlements, manure is often stored for about a year behind special fences, and then sent for burning.

Manure should not be stored longer than the allotted time. Because a dense crust forms on the surface, which can only be removed with an excavator. Such measures often lead to damage to the manure storage, which incurs additional costs.

How to improve the efficiency of a pig farm?

To increase efficiency, young animals from their own sows are used in the future. Eliminates the need to buy piglets. Another important aspect of profit is the expansion of production. It is possible under the same conditions to build equipment for smoking meat and sell finished products to the population. Homemade sausages are also in demand. Cutlets and other frozen semi-finished products. However, for these purposes, additional staff will be required. Therefore, it is advisable to immediately assess the risks.

Even from a small farm, if you have a desire, you can create a large farm. Moreover, there is an opportunity to receive subsidized loans from the state.

Summing up

A newcomer to the pig industry will need the advice of an experienced farmer before starting the construction of a pigsty and buying young animals. In this case, it is worth rationally evaluating your capabilities.

Pork is the most purchased type of meat. This is one of the main reasons why novice farmers prefer to breed pigs. In addition, the process of caring for these animals is less time-consuming and costly than for cattle. This is true for just developing entrepreneurship, as well as for those who work alone.

General characteristics of the business

According to statistics, the consumption of pork meat in Russia is 2 million tons annually. Therefore, there is a demand for these meat products. In addition, due to the current situation in the foreign market, imported meat has become a rare product, so the need for domestic supplies has increased. Conclusion: breeding pigs is promising.

Pig breeding is the cultivation and breeding of several heads of pigs in order to obtain and sell the product. At the initial stages of business, dairy pigs are acquired, which are fattened, and they are properly cared for. As soon as artiodactyls gain the desired weight (usually 100 kg or more), they are sent for slaughter, receiving meat, offal and lard. Several pigs are left to produce offspring.

Advantages and disadvantages of pig farming

Raising pigs as a business has its pros and cons.


  • short period of growing animals - from six months to 9 months;
  • high productivity: from a hundred kilogram pork carcass, the output is 55% meat and 35% fat;
  • high and fast fertility: for 1 time the sow brings offspring of 10-15 piglets, and the gestation time lasts 3.5 months;
  • omnivorous pigs: these domestic animals are one of the few that are able to eat everything that they are offered;
  • constant high demand for finished products.


  • caring for pigs is a laborious and difficult process, which involves both cleaning the animals themselves and cleaning the pigsty, carried out 1 time in 4-5 days;
  • newborn piglets, a farrowing sow and a female preparing for this process are subject to special careful care and supervision and must be kept separately from other individuals;
  • significant capital investment required to start a business. More details about where to get money for business development - will tell;
  • pigs are more susceptible to infection with infectious diseases than other domestic animals, which can reduce the number of livestock in a few days, so it is necessary to comply with sanitary standards for keeping animals, as well as vaccinate on time.

Approximate starting capital

The opening of pig breeding requires certain initial investments, which, with the successful development of the business, will pay off in a short time (six months to a year). Next, we present an approximate initial cost, taking into account that the entrepreneur already has a land plot:

Thus, to start the development of the livestock business, you will need to invest 120-130 thousand rubles.

Profitability, payback

In the livestock industry, raising pigs is the most profitable business. According to statistics, it is from this business that the owners have 20%, while poultry farming brings 15-17%, and cattle breeding - no more than 10%.

But before you start counting, you need to open a business, having previously assessed the profitability of the future enterprise. To do this, a detailed calculation of the initial investment and possible production costs is carried out. In addition, it is necessary to take into account all types of products that will be obtained from pig breeding: meat, lard, manure.

What is included in the concept of initial costs:

  • purchase or lease of land;
  • construction of pigsties;
  • purchase of the necessary equipment;
  • acquisition of the first individuals for further breeding.

It is not uncommon for a novice pig breeder to already have his own land, even if not for an industrial scale. In this case, the maximum expenses will be directed to the construction of sheds and pens for pigs, as well as their equipment.

Production costs are as follows:

  • feed, medicines for animals;
  • payment for electricity, fuel, water;
  • salaries for working personnel;
  • transportation costs;
  • other minor expenses.

At this point, the most expensive item is the purchase of pig feed, since it will need to be purchased constantly and in considerable quantities. It is also worth setting the amount of wages for workers, which varies depending on the region.

You can make an approximate profit calculation: if 1 kg of pork costs an average of 300 rubles, then one adult pig weighing more than 100 kg will bring a profit of 25,000-27,000 rubles. If we take as a basis the percentage of profitability from the case at 20%, then the net income per animal will be 4000-5000 rubles.

What breeds of pigs to breed?

In total, there are just over 100 breeds of pigs in the world. All of them differ in color, size and maximum weight gained. It is customary to subdivide all representatives of these artiodactyls into 4 groups of production value:

  • meat;
  • sebaceous;
  • meat-fat.

Meat, or bacon, breeds are represented by several varieties, but for the Russian regions the most suitable are:

  • Don;
  • Kemerovo;
  • Urzhumskaya;
  • large black.

Such pigs quickly gain weight over 250 kg, build up a lot of meat, have good frost resistance and immunity, and are less whimsical about keeping.

If a novice entrepreneur prefers to breed pigs for lard, then he should make a choice in favor of the following breeds:

  • Ukrainian steppe;
  • Mirgorodskaya;
  • Mangalitskaya;
  • black large.

Representatives of sebaceous species can be distinguished by their characteristic external features:

  • large dimensions;
  • in a fattened adult animal, the girth of the sternum is equal to or greater than the length of the body;
  • the head is large, the jaw is massive;
  • curled ears hanging over the eyes;
  • the neck is weakly expressed: the head flows smoothly into the body;
  • legs of pigs are short but massive;
  • the skin is lined with long, thick and soft bristles.

Bacon breeds, which are also suitable for business development in Russia:

  • white meat;
  • meat Duroc;
  • Estonian bacon;
  • Landrace;
  • Pietrain;
  • Tamworth.

The universal (meat) breed is the most suitable for home breeding pigs. The thing is that from these animals you can get and sell sufficient amounts of meat and fat, and fat is formed in mature individuals. Its layer is small, the texture is soft and tender.

The most popular universal breeds are:

  • white large;
  • Breitian;
  • Siberian northern.

For breeding pigs, it is required to provide decent care for animals, otherwise the business will not bring profit. This will require:

  • Regular feeding with balanced food. If at home pigs are bred not for themselves, but for sale, then for active and rapid growth they need to be fed not only with food waste and plant products, but also with balanced feed, which will have to be purchased from the manufacturer. In addition, animals need constant access to clean water.
  • Good pigsties, which should be spacious, clean, insulated and without drafts. Separate pens for young piglets and sows should also be provided in pigsties.
  • To develop a profitable business, the animals must be cared for by hired specialists: veterinarians, animal technicians and agronomists.


For a decent development of domestic pig production, as well as to facilitate the care of animals, some equipment for small enterprises will be needed:

  • automated feeders that independently control the number and time of distribution of portions;
  • organic waste disposal systems;
  • ventilation ducts and installations for rooms with more than 10 pigs;
  • systems that regulate and maintain optimal temperature conditions.


Since the breeding of pigs is designed to make a profit, it is necessary to constantly replenish the number of pigs. This requires mating of sows with males. Animals are ready for the breeding process already in the first six months of life, but experts recommend keeping males away from females earlier than after 10 months.

If the female is not ready for farrowing, then this is fraught with the following consequences:

  • death of offspring and sow;
  • health problems in piglets and females;
  • an increase in excess fat or underweight in offspring.

The sow needs to be prepared for mating: wait for the age of 10 months, fatten to a large size.

The process of mating male and female should take place in a separate paddock. Also, a separate place will be required when farrowing a sow. In anticipation of the appearance of piglets, the place must be cleaned and disinfected, the necessary instruments for childbirth must be prepared, and the presence of a veterinarian is also necessary.

Prevention and treatment of diseases

Pigs are prone to diseases that often provoke their death. In order to prevent a decrease in the number of individuals, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures:

  • monitoring the external state and behavior of individuals;
  • control over the feeding process;
  • regular temperature measurement rectally;
  • regular cleaning of the premises for keeping artiodactyls.

As for the treatment of infectious diseases, in some cases it is not carried out - the infected animal is simply killed. Some types of diseases are treated with antibiotics, serums, vaccinations.

Watch the video, which tells about the personal experience of breeding pigs for sale, the features of their maintenance and feeding, the potential benefits:

Legal registration of a pig breeding business

Domestic pig farming carried out for profit must be legal and legally registered. To do this, you will need to prepare a package of documents that you can collect on your own or with the help of a specialist.

First you need to issue if the number of heads exceeds the mark of 100 individuals. If the farm is more modest than the indicated figure, then you can arrange a simple household plot.

For individual entrepreneurs, when registering a business, you will need to indicate - the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activity - with the number "01.46.11", which stands for "raising pigs for meat."

Breeding pigs is a laborious process, which, with the proper approach, will begin to bring decent profit for home business in a couple of years. With the development of pig breeding, it is possible to grow from a small farm into an industrial enterprise that brings even greater income.

348 04/03/2019 6 min.

A stable business is inextricably linked with the needs of consumers and can bring good profits to its owner. In this review, we will focus on raising pigs for sale. Meat has an ideal ratio of demand and cost, yielding in this indicator only to bread. The price of meat products is constantly growing, which means that the companies involved in its sale remain in a constant plus. Pork is sold well, in its segment it belongs to the “golden mean” category, and the business itself does not lose relevance over time. Of course, there are risks, but they can be planned. More details below.

What to consider in the early stages

Raising pigs is the most profitable meat industry. Pigs quickly gain weight, reproduce well, and are prolific. One sow gives about 20-30 babies (12-15 kg), this figure can be much higher under certain conditions. The period of bearing offspring is 3 months, breastfeeding - 1-2 months, after which the piglets become completely independent. Read about pig breeding at home.

Pigs gain very quickly - as a result, you can get 4 times more meat from them than from cattle.

The body of a pig absorbs food as much as possible (for example, a chicken perceives them only by a third). The slaughter yield of meat is high, there is little waste. The disadvantages of the direction are labor intensity, complex maintenance, significant capital investments and certain production risks. Profitability indicators will be discussed at the end of this review. The main risks are a high level of disease in animals. Be sure to take into account such costs as the involvement of zootechnicians and veterinarians. Even before the opening of the SPD, it is desirable to find sources of sales - at least the main ones, later the partner network can be expanded.


To organize a home pig farm, you will need not only piglets, feed, special equipment, equipment, machinery, but also relevant documents. To begin with, pass a check at the SES (the animals must be examined by a veterinarian) and receive an expert opinion. The cost of the examination varies and ranges from 150 rubles. You will also need to register the SPD and make a certificate of conformity. Certificates are issued for each batch separately and have a cost of 4000 rubles. Other authorities that you will have to deal with when starting a business are fire, veterinary control, Rospotrebnadzor.

Before opening a business, you must receive a certificate from the SES, for this you need to pass a veterinary inspection

Helpful advice. If the production volumes are planned to be small, register as private household plots. In other cases, IP is needed.important

Production part

Agricultural machinery

An electric mower, a tractor with a trailer is needed to maintain a large herd. It is not necessary to buy equipment - there are rental services. If the pig farm is small, it is even more profitable. Some livestock breeders do without technology at all.


Maintaining a large farm can be difficult, even for the whole family. Therefore, we recommend that you consider hiring professional staff - a cleaner, a janitor, a tractor driver. You can also hire specialists to care for animals, slaughterers.

What breeds are suitable

The main breeds are meat, greasy and universal. Consider the features of each direction.


Pigs of this direction give high quality meat, quickly gain weight. The fat content in the carcass is 29-37%, depending on the breed. T the catch is long, the sternum is not very deep. Find out about the scheme for cutting a pig carcass.

In bacon pigs, muscle tissue develops well, and fats are deposited slowly.


This video is intended for beginner farmers: how to raise piglets for meat.


  1. Pig breeding- business is labor-intensive, but profitable. It is associated with significant investments and risks of morbidity, falling livestock.
  2. Young growth choose healthy and strong- with him problems will be much less.
  3. Not all farmers use agricultural machinery, some do without additional staff. But in most cases, you need both.
  4. Monitor the diet and conditions of animals- in this case, the profitability of the business will be maximum.
  5. The main breeds that can be grown in the household- meat, universal.

Today, the farming business is actively expanding and gaining popularity. With the right organization, the business brings a stable income and has great development prospects. At the moment, there is not much competition in this area of ​​​​entrepreneurship. The only thing that can deter businessmen from investing is the long wait for profit. But from the experience of successful farmers, one can understand that the costs of developing such a business are justified. The main thing that is needed is to have skills and professional knowledge in the field of agriculture.

Pig farm as a business

Pig breeding, as a rule, is a fairly profitable business, since high-quality meat on the market is always in demand and has a high margin. The simplicity of the technological processes of such a business attracts entrepreneurs. The whole point is to raise animals and sell them.

At the stage of creating a business such as a pig farm, a plan for the sale of meat must be thought out in advance. It all depends on the scale of the enterprise. If you plan to create a small pig farm, then you can sell the finished product yourself. In the case of large production, it is necessary to find a place of sale, large distributors in advance, pay taxes regularly and provide a large package of documents for obtaining permits. The advantage of such a business is that you can start your business with just a few pigs and constantly increase momentum.

Pig farms and complexes can generate income not only from the main products (meat and lard), but also from the sale of blood, skins, etc. For wider development, you can create an oil lamp. Smoked products have a longer shelf life and good demand from consumers.

Basic rules for opening a pig farm:

  • find a market for the purchase of feed;
  • calculate the costs of opening a business and maintaining a pig farm;
  • calculate all possible risks, ways to solve problems;
  • involve veterinarians or livestock specialists in the case.

Profitability of the farming business

Pigs are familiar in agriculture and extremely practical animals in the farming business. There are several arguments in favor of doing this type of business:

  1. The piglets are growing fast. For six months, the weight of the livestock increases to a centner.
  2. A sow produces 10-14 piglets at a time. For the year you can get 20-30 pieces. livestock (but a cow has only one calf per year).
  3. A pig uses feed much more productively (assimilates about 30%), while, for example, chickens absorb only 20% of the feed.

Required documents for starting a business

Most businessmen at the initial stage have a question: "How to open pig farms and complexes, what documents need to be issued?" Making money on pigs is a difficult and responsible business, where you need to have a full package of permits for activities on hand.

First you need to decide in which area the pig farm will be located, since it is in this area that communication with officials will take place. It is necessary to coordinate the location of the future farm with the district administration. To prove to officials the seriousness of intentions, it is necessary to have a ready-made business plan on hand. In most cases, the administration has a positive attitude towards the formation of new jobs. To do this, the authorities can register a land plot for a business, help in obtaining public investment, and also assist with the registration of documents.

If the volume of production of pigs is small, you can register your business as a personal subsidiary plot (PSP). In the case of a large livestock production, it is necessary to open an individual business, and you will also need to pay a single agricultural tax. To open such a business, you need to contact the following authorities: Rospotrebnadzor, fire and veterinary control, SES.

Farm organization

The organization of pig breeding must be approached very seriously. Experts in this field argue that profitability depends on such factors:

  • conditions for keeping animals;
  • proper feeding;
  • pig breeds.

Such a business can be organized on your own land, where the minimum land area can be 50 acres. The site should be located away from residential buildings so as not to interfere with local residents. In addition to the pigsty, you will need a granary and a workshop.

Equipment and premises

After receiving all the necessary documents for permission to conduct entrepreneurial activities, the second step in creating a business will be the design of pig farms. This may be an old building that will need to be repaired and equipped for a pig farm. A pig farm built from scratch will cost a lot more.

If you plan to organize a farm for 100 or more pigs, then you will need to hire working staff who will take care of the livestock. Therefore, when drawing up a plan, it is necessary to allocate premises for the office, production and laboratories. Approximately 5,000 m² will be needed to house 300 animals.

The room must be clean, bright, without drafts and fully comply with sanitary standards. Much attention is also paid to the installation of specialized equipment. The purchase of the latest equipment, automated distribution of feed on pig farms will help create the appropriate conditions for livestock. In the future, this will reduce costs to a minimum.

Most of the pig farms in Russia use equipment that is over 20 years old (equipment that has gone out of working order). This leads to wasted feed, increased disease in animals, etc. If the pig farm is fully automated, this will reduce the risk of livestock diseases and increase the income of the enterprise.

Necessary equipment for a pig farm

The mechanization of a pig farm is essential to building a successful gilt business. Without equipment and tools in such a case, one cannot work for a long time. On hand you need to have a hammer, crowbar, drill, nails, etc. Other necessary equipment for the purchase includes:

  • grain crusher;
  • drinkers, feeders;
  • truck.

Choosing a pig breed for a farm

Today, there are about a hundred breeds of pigs of various productivity, so when choosing a herd, you need to think through everything well and make the right choice. Professionals who have been engaged in a pig farm for several years advise to purchase approximately 400 heads of piglets and pigs to begin with. Before buying, it is better to visit several farms, see the conditions in which the herd lives, and study the pedigree.

Most farmers today stop at breeding Vietnamese pigs. Features of this breed:

  • multiple pregnancy of pigs;
  • high business profitability;
  • resistance of livestock to diseases;
  • bacon performance direction;
  • The breed is in high demand.

When creating suitable conditions (a place for a spacious range and a warm room), Vietnamese pigs can bring a good income to the enterprise. Due to their good adaptability and many advantages, the Siberian breed, Northern and Large White pigs are popular with farmers.

Feeding and breeding piglets

In order for the enterprise to generate income and quickly become profitable, it is necessary to think over the reduction in the cost of feed for the herd in advance. Only feed mixtures balanced for each age will lead to constant profit and business prosperity.

Responsible, knowledgeable personnel must be hired to work with sows and newly born piglets. You also need to involve a veterinarian. Only qualified specialists with experience in the field of pig breeding will be able to help avoid mistakes during the mating of pigs, proper care of the sow during pregnancy and childbirth. All of these conditions will help reduce the risk of flock mortality.

Farm staff

Since this type of business needs professionals, it is extremely important to hire people who understand the field of agriculture. Helpers should be familiar with piglet care. Also, a veterinarian must work in the pigsty. This will help to keep the livestock and avoid problems in case of infection or infection. This activity will require an accountant, manager and operator of pig breeding complexes and mechanized farms.

Pig farm business plan

When basing your business on pigs, you need to write a business plan. The following is an approximate calculation for 10 goals. For a year, you can get about 40 heads of young animals. First you need to rent an old farm and make repairs. Hire a veterinarian and a helper. Primary costs include:

  • registration of the enterprise - about 12 thousand;
  • farm repair - about 120 thousand;
  • purchase of pigs - 240 thousand;
  • purchase of equipment and other expenses - 118 thousand rubles.

The total amount of initial investments will be about 490 thousand rubles.

Current expenses:

  • feeding - 540 thousand;
  • rent - 660 thousand per year;
  • salary to employees - 420 thousand;
  • veterinary examinations - 55 thousand;
  • payment of taxes - 150 thousand rubles.

Every year, investments in the business will amount to about 1 million 825 thousand rubles. In order for the piglets to gain the desired weight (120 kilograms), it takes a year. As a result, you get 84 kg of pure meat from each individual. The total income after the sale of meat will leave about 2 million 352 thousand rubles a year (actual figures can be much higher). Consequently, the profit will be about 527 thousand rubles a year, which will make it possible to recoup the investment in just a few seasons.

Specialists who have managed to succeed in organizing a home mini-farm have gained vast experience in the farming business. A few tips from successful entrepreneurs:

  • it is better to focus on two sources of income: the sale of young animals and lard, meat;
  • you should buy only purebred piglets;
  • it is desirable to acquire livestock not from one breeder, but from several (so that there is no degeneration);
  • dense pigs need to be fed to the maximum in order to get income earlier;
  • the profitability of a pig farm (we considered a typical project above) is about 25-30%.

Farm in the Stavropol Territory

The pig-breeding farm of the Stavropol Territory called "Gvardiya" became the first enterprise in the framework of the national project "Development of the agro-industrial complex". Today, it is one of the leading livestock farms in the city of Stavropol and is the most promising farm.

The first phase of the pig farm was put into operation in September 2006. Her plans included the annual fattening of 80 thousand pigs. More than 600 million rubles were invested in the complex itself.

After the commissioning of the second stage, the productive capacity of the limited liability company "Gvardiya" amounted to about 400 thousand heads per year. The total investment amounted to four billion rubles.

Domestic and foreign specialists in this field work at the pig farm. With the help of laboratory studies, the safety of the products of the company "Gvardiya" was confirmed.

In September 2010, the limited liability company "Gvardiya" put into operation a meat processing plant, which today is the largest meat processing plant in the North Caucasus Federal District. The slaughtering capacity is one hundred and eighty pigs per hour and four hundred thousand pigs per year. This will allow to produce up to 45 thousand tons of pork.

Today, the enterprise produces products of primary processing of meat and cutting - semi-finished products in small pieces and large pieces, half carcasses. In the future, they plan to produce highly processed meat products with high added value.