How to come up with a company name and logo. Analysis of associations with the company and name

Finally, all the hassle associated with organizing a business and purchasing equipment is behind us. The staff is fully staffed, and the advertising campaign has given the expected result - the first customers are already calling. However, it is at this moment that the problem arises of how to come up with a company name so that it is remembered. After all, today's clients of the company will recommend it to their acquaintances and friends tomorrow. The success of any company depends on a catchy and creative brand.

  • Options for choosing a new brand name
  • Whatever you call the ship, that’s how it will sail
  • Three most important conclusions
  • Memo for those who are searching

The name of the company determines the nature of its further “swimming” in the sea of ​​market relations. The brand and slogan are the first things a potential buyer sees. A sonorous, original name attracts customers and serves as additional advertising.

How to choose a name for your brand?

Coming up with a brand and company name is not as easy as it seems at first glance. This task is carried out by special companies that provide naming services. But even a beginning individual entrepreneur can come up with a successful name for his own enterprise.

Options for choosing a new brand name

Personal data of a businessman opening a new company. This is the easiest and simplest way to come up with a name for an organization. Usually, surnames of so-called dynasties tend to be written in an old or foreign manner. Such names are no longer attractive to buyers, because the name says very little about the scope of services and goods provided. In addition, difficulties may arise when re-registering a business.

Abbreviations. The first letters of a compound name are sometimes well remembered, but, unfortunately, do not carry useful information about the new company. The company will need time for consumers to associate abbreviations with certain types of goods and services.

Another simple way to come up with a name for a company is a direct description of goods or services, for example, “Products”, “Legal advice”. Such a name will simply get lost in a large city among hundreds of similar company names. This option is suitable if the company opens in a small town and is engaged in a field of activity that no one has dealt with before.

A word or term from another field of activity in which the named company is not engaged. The choice of such words is huge. It remains to find one that would hint and even be remotely associated with the new enterprise. Here you can come up with some comparisons and associative chains. For example, “Wind” for selling bicycles.

Naming: specialist services.

The most original way is to come up with a word that has never existed. Or combine several words and come up with a new brand sound from parts of these words. A completely new sound of words will interest potential customers and encourage them to satisfy their curiosity. In addition, as soon as you manage to come up with a new brand name, you can immediately register it. For example, everyone knows from the movie “Nophelet” (telephone) or Vinriel (wine store, women’s clothing, hairdresser).

Whatever you call the ship, that’s how it will sail

This phrase from a popular cartoon is very relevant in our time. If not everything, then a lot depends on the name of the company. People knowledgeable in this matter advise:

  • It is necessary that the brand name reflects the goods or services that it wants to offer in the market. That is, even if the name consists of one word, it simply must carry a hidden information flow.
  • The use of words denoting states, cities and government agencies and departments is not recommended. It will not be possible to register a company.
  • The Internet is a tool for successful promotion, so choosing a domain name should not be neglected, and it is better if it matches the name of the company.
  • You need to think broadly. If you plan to expand your business and take it outside your homeland, then naming the company after your native land is unreasonable.
  • You cannot use letters in the company name whose appearance and pronunciation are similar to well-promoted brands. There will be a lot of noise and excuses will not be accepted.
  • It is necessary that the name be as clear and easy to understand as possible. As a test, invite others to depict it graphically. And everything will immediately become clear.

The generator is complete bullshit. I chose the “Super-prefix” generation algorithm and it gave me the golden options: shit-parrot, kilo-buried, under-finished. Now we need to think about how to put this together into a mosaic and create a name for the company.

It seems to me that such services cannot provide adequate results, and will not be able to for a long time. Password generators are one thing, but name generators are something else entirely. Here you need to go to special exchanges, or just look for people; they usually run a competition with a large prize fund.

svx, Well, why, when creating a name for a company, you need brainstorming, you need ideas, some combinations of letters. Of course, no one will steal the name to you on a silver platter. But online brand name generators can be used just for brainstorming. They give you a bunch of different options, and you have to think of it yourself and come up with a cool brand name.

:blink: Wow, I didn’t even know this existed. Actually this is brilliant! I always suspected that computers would soon become smarter than people: D. But seriously, even though there are funny, sometimes absurd options, it can still give you a brilliant idea!

I personally wouldn't trust these online name generators either. Especially when you see reviews about them such as: I took 5 million dollars from an investor and don’t know what to call my project. To me, this is complete nonsense. You need to put your soul into the name and I don’t think to do this you need to resort to the services of a generator.

NikitaJi, perhaps with the help of generator options you can come up with something and think it through, but personally, when I tried to produce something using generators, I was horrified by the options... I think that in 95% of cases they definitely won’t be able to help much.

I agree - but this generator cannot be dismissed so easily. There may be some useful ideas there too. This may be suggestive. I had to develop logos and come up with custom names. I used a different technique - I studied color science and the psychology of the influence of color and words together. And also the dynamics of this process.

tat, and yet online generators are still incapable of purposefully processing names, and their success in helping people is rather random, although some parameters can be specified.

svx, which means it is random in nature if a person specifically used an online generator and came up with a brand for himself. Even if he helped in one case out of a hundred, he still helped. It has already been said here that he will not provide a ready-made name of a company or company on a platter, but he will be able to give the general direction of combinations of letters and sounds. I used it once, it’s hard to say whether it helped or not, since I was working in other areas at the same time.

What to look for? Google has already found everything. There is an e-generator where thousands of people come up with names for free. And the winner will receive not just a big prize, but several thousand rubles. Well, there are also additional costs - payment to the system, payment by the moderator, who selects the options.

extatic, well, you are right, as a rule, on such exchanges, performers themselves submit applications to the competition, and quite a lot. However, I also saw similar requests in communities on social media. networks, which means that some customers prefer to either bypass the exchange or directly look for the contractor(s).

And I read the story of some large company, so they chose the name for their brand precisely based on the results of the work of such online generators. I don’t remember now what kind of company it was; even then I couldn’t understand what they were talking about. But the fact is that such programs help people come up with interesting and memorable names, which then become cool brands.

They become brands not because of their name, but because of the product that becomes a brand. And a good name only gives it some appeal. And it happens that a beautiful name hides complete bullshit. People are first fooled, and then they spit.

How many bad business names have you come across in your life? Even if you don’t take all kinds of long abbreviations that were popular before, such as “TransStroyKomBizTrendTech” and the like. Are you afraid that the name of your future company will become a real problem? After all, he always wants to stand out not only in quality and quantity, but also in his approach and details. So that whoever sees the sign will forever remember that there is such a cool company...

Especially for those who are wondering in advance about the name of the company, and for everyone else who just wants to educate themselves a little more on the issues of organizing a business, we analyze the features of company naming. And the main thing here will not be the creative component, but the rules that you must not forget about when you are brainstorming in search of the perfect name.

Note: if you don’t know the rules of names, you can run into a banal refusal to register a company. So let’s arm ourselves with knowledge and move forward.

Features of names and English version

  • First thing you need to know - when registering an LLC, you will need to indicate the full name on Russian, in which will naturally be included in “society with limited liability."
  • Second - English words can be used. But! They must be written in Russian letters. That Yes, if anything happens, please contact transcription rules and let's continue to create.
  • Third - cannot be crossed and stir in one name and Russians and English words. That there is either one or- second.
  • Fourth - it is prohibited to insert foreign characters, and also foreign words, which, according to are essentially terms with designation of any type of property.

Additionally: the Charter of your company will also reflect the abbreviated name (if it can exist at all). The rules are the same.

A primitive example: full name: Limited Liability Company "Land Trolley". Short name in the Charter: LLC "ZV".

After all, everyone knows that the “paper” clerical language of documents that you will encounter almost every day is very dry and does not strive for brevity. For example, in official documents you will write the full name of your “corporation”. No matter how much you want to cut it.

And internal correspondence can also be contained using a short name.

Note: if your Napoleonic plans for business development include going international, immediately make sure that both versions of the name are in a foreign language. And here you will need to use translation, which is used in practice much more often than transcription:

Limited liability company "earthen trolley"

Note: here we have given an example with a literal translation. But, for example, the translation of the form of ownership (“LLC”) can be designated in a different way.

What not to do during the company naming process

  1. Enter symbols like “@”, “+” and so on.
  2. It is forbidden to assign to the name is the word “VIP”, the abbreviation “Ltd”. By the way, Ltd- and is “LLC” in its own sense.
  3. Cannot be inserted into name words such as “Russia”, “Moscow”, “Russian Federation” (and respectively "RF"). Note: There are some exceptions to this prohibition, but at a minimum, they will require approval from government administration and state duty only for use will not less than 10 thousand rubles.
  4. Not that so it's forbidden, but extremely not welcome without approval the necessary department to insert the names of cities or other subjects of our country. If there is no consistency will be in You can expect a summons at any time court from the mayor's office.
  5. Names that go against social norms. This and about ethics, and about the moral side, and about humanity...
  6. Mat is prohibited. Just like slang and jargon.
  7. Not it will be possible to use the names of international organizations and any public associations.
  8. Naturally, if a brand or trademark is patented, then you have no chance of taking it Name. Otherwise - again a summons court.

Almost everything else is possible, so the field for creativity and creativity is in front of you. In fact, many companies are moving away from the stingy dullness in names and, without violating anything, very cheerfully use rights in naming.

Example: Big Good Anaconda LLC, which runs its own bar in Kazan (a bar under a different name). Or here’s another bar that has grown into a huge network (you can find the name yourself), which is managed by Otgnagai i Zhgi LLC. These are real examples. And, as you can see, if you are doing business, you don’t have to do it with a sour face.

How to come up with your own name. Small tips.

If you have no friendship with fantasy at all, then here are some tips for you on what areas of your life you can get ideas for a name from:

  • Names of loved ones. What's wrong with store "Tanya", which is called by an adult uncle entrepreneur in honor of your daughter. If you want to boost your self-esteem a little, you can call V honor yourself. Although, if you later decide to sell the company, then you'll have to find someone who won't care, but then no everyone can like this choice.
  • Direction of activity. Are you selling dried bear meat? So name the company - “Dry bear.” Do you want to do renovations? "Repair" - an excellent name for an LLC, you can also add something to highlight it. Type "Trolley Repair", "Life and Repair" ... But not overdo it. Still, working with imposes certain restrictions on people. It’s better to let the potential buyer immediately guess that he at may acquire you, than looks at him suspiciously Name.
  • If you can't cope with creative naming task, try asking those who surround you. Most likely, everyone will offer several interesting options. IN finally, start going through everything you see around you. Let it take no one hour, but you with live by this name and work.

The best name- something that simultaneously has the qualities of capacity, brevity and a little creative spirit. And, if it is assumed that direct clients will directly encounter this name, then it is better to add to it an indication of the activity and a pinch of unusualness so that the person can remember it immediately and forever, but does not shy away in confusion.

Therefore, first you need to understand who your target audience will be. If these are exclusively people of the old school, then there is no point in humoring them. The humor in the title can also play a very cruel joke. If the taxi company is called “Accident” or “Brakes”... well, it’s funny once, and then you won’t get many customers.

Examples of names by field of activity

You need to understand that each niche has its own client expectations, just like the audience itself.

  • So, for example, if we are talking about construction of houses, then people are used to seeing more seriousness and respectability that many people associate with reliability. AND if you call the company “SekundaStroy”, or somehow “Shalyai-Valiai”, then your competitors will only rejoice. Therefore, most often in In the construction industry there are more and more “megacities”, “stroybyty”, “uytstroy” and etc.
  • Tourism business involves attracting clients already dating stage. Therefore, names that promise him rest and pleasure, they will already be working on you. "Beach", "Sea Lagoon", "Palm Trees and The sun" - what not names? Sounds much more attractive than “Titanic” or “Berezhka on river."
  • If you if you plan to engage in transport or transportation, please indicate this in company name what will be said about advantages of the company - speed, convenience, reliability, access everywhere. So, for example, the hackneyed name “Fast and Furious” and That better than "Racing" carts", although The second one breaks records in terms of originality.
  • The furniture business sector is also rich in available naming options, but very many don't bother themselves a lot. Therefore on Every corner you can find a “World of something” (doors, sofas, windows, walls and etc.). Of course I want to show the vastness of choice in your company, but use roads less traveled. The context of creating a cozy atmosphere is perfect here, because we are talking about home.
  • Law firms are obliged by their name to convey confidence to the consumer. To them and this is how clients come with personal problems. Therefore, there will be no humor here anymore quite appropriate. "Legal assistance", "Good advice" - give the client hope that he will get the desired result if contact you.
  • That the same applies to private medical institutions. Not make flashy names, here it is important for a person to feel calm. Therefore, actually names such as “Family Health” are used. But Not be deceived. Clinic “Your Health!” will arouse suspicion, because the name is more reminiscent of toast drunk.

General advice - don't focus only on yourself when coming up with a name for a company that will sell a product or service to another person. It is important that the emotional response is from the audience, and not just from you.

Bottom line

We figured out what rules exist in the naming of companies, what cannot be used as part of names, and thought about what you can pay attention to if the task is to name a company in a specific field. The last piece of advice that can be given in this largely creative endeavor is that if you find it difficult to do it yourself, contact another person. Fortunately, there are now enough creative agencies and creative freelancers. But in general, such a procedure is not so complicated that you have to pay for it. It's another matter if you need to create a whole style or brand.

The choice of a company name should be approached with all seriousness. And anything can serve as inspiration. For example, the founder of the Kodak company, George Eastman, loved the letter “K” because it is in all alphabets and is written the same way. After going through a lot of words, he settled on Kodak. It was short, began and ended with his favorite letter, and imitated the sound of the camera he invented. Any very ordinary word can become a successful name, even if, at first glance, it does not evoke any associations with a specific business.

Salt and Fire are very simple names. There are no puns, metaphors, rearrangements of letters or anglicisms. However, these two names were invented on the hundredth attempt by the staff of these projects, after long painful discussions and disputes. The name “Salt” was invented by Ulyana Vordshilova, “Fire” was invented by Pasha Chukhlantsev.

It would be cool if someone came up with a technique for coming up with names, but I don’t know of one yet. As a rule, we take interesting meanings and work with a dictionary of synonyms. Thus, many options appear for discussion, we analyze them from various angles and... without much discussion we choose some option that was successfully thrown in by someone at the very last moment.

When choosing a name for your company, you can, of course, hope for luck. But it is better to use a scientific approach.

Naming algorithm

What does the process of creating a company name look like from the outside? We sit down, think, write down everything that comes to mind, then discard what is unnecessary. In principle, this is almost exactly what happens. Only the words included in the list should not be random. It is necessary to take into account many nuances that, at first glance, have nothing to do with naming. Moreover, you need to start with such global concepts as company values, gradually narrowing down to the target audience and the length of the name.

Company positioning and values

How should a client see your company - a fast-paced and energetic team or a stable and reputable company that does not make mistakes? Your message should be as simple and clear as possible. Of course, you want everything at once, but that doesn’t happen. Companies operating in the same niche may have diametrically opposed positioning. The name of the bakery “Pekarushka” sends us back to the past, when there was a Russian oven in every home, and all housewives baked pies and bread. The name is consonant with the outdated word “sudarushka”, which also reminds of traditions. But in the name “Tortolino” one can immediately discern the influence of Europe, with its exquisite desserts.

Difference from competitors

No two companies are the same; there is always something that distinguishes one from the other. A company without a unique selling proposition is doomed (how to create one in our blog).

If you can’t find a difference from your competitors, invent them. Almost all companies selling drinking water use the word “water” or “aqua” in their names: Ugorskaya water, AquaVita, Aqua-Life, etc. Try associations - lake, river, spring, spring, well. The theme is preserved, but the name immediately stands out - “Native Spring”, “Silver Star”.

The target audience

The name should be clear to the target audience.

It is unlikely that the Evpatiy Kolovrat store will attract the attention of teenagers, while the Hype pharmacy will be popular among pensioners.

This is easier to do when the audience is quite narrow. If your potential clients are men and women from 20 to 90 years old with different levels of income, you need to identify a core target audience for yourself. For a grocery store, these could be housewives; for a cafe, they could be residents of a certain area. You need to play on what these categories of consumers are looking for. What do most housewives look for when buying groceries? That's right, on the price. The “Monetka” and “Pyaterochka” chains literally scream with their names that they are cheap. The use of a diminutive form creates an atmosphere of “one’s own, dear and homely.” For a neighborhood cafe, the most obvious choice is to come up with a name based on geography.

Information or emotions

It’s quite easy to come up with an informational name - what the company does + any word or phrase: transport company “Garant”, construction company “Vasilisa”, taxi “Three Tens”. This approach is often used for naming companies operating in the b2b sector.

With emotions, everything is a little more complicated. Such names, as a rule, do not directly indicate the type of activity of the company, but they certainly evoke an association with it. For example, a cafe with national cuisine can be given the name of one of its popular dishes, a car service center can easily use the names of spare parts, and a pharmacy can use any words associated with health.


In Russia there are two versions of company names - in Latin or Cyrillic.

English names should be chosen if the company operates in foreign markets, wants to emphasize innovation, positioning, or create. For example, the names of restaurants serving European cuisines look quite appropriate in the Latin alphabet, but the Pelmeni cafe will most likely cause a negative reaction in the consumer.

According to research results, every year more and more consumers want to see Russian names. It is best to avoid the letters Zh, Shch, Ts, Y in names. Not only are they difficult to pronounce, but they are also not visually perceived very well. And the name should be euphonious and clear when written

Title length


The list of company names, labored through sweat and blood, seems ideal to its creator, so a sober look from the outside is needed. Give it to your colleagues, partners, friends and relatives to read. It is possible that names that personally bring tears to your eyes will seem stupid to others or cause negative associations.

How was the name of the company IT-People born? In general, I’m not very good with naming. I didn’t come up with all the names of our conferences (I had other options, and my employees managed to argue with me every time, for which I was subsequently grateful to them), but my husband gave the names to the children. But IT-People is my idea and I really think this name is a good find.

In 2010, I decided to open an IT personnel recruitment agency (at first there was no idea to organize training or hold conferences). Accordingly, I began to select some thematic combinations of words and immediately see if the domain was free. What's the point of giving a company name if the domain name is already taken by someone?

Since we were talking about IT specialists, I immediately started looking at versions of domain names containing IT. There was such a service on - searching for a domain containing a certain combination of characters. IT-Master was free, but a survey of friends showed that he was more likely associated with system administrators and “emergency computer help at home.”

Then there, on, I noticed a link “list of domains being released.” For a month there were domains hanging around that had not been paid for by the owners, and you could try to buy them at auction if the name became available. There I found a perfectly suitable and for a whole month, crossing my fingers, I waited to see whether the old owners would need it or not. And now the decisive day - the beginning of the auction! I place a bet on the minimum step (200 rubles) and wait with bated breath... The old owner did not show up, no one except me took part in the race, hurray, the domain is mine!!! Then I quickly created a website using a simple website builder and ordered a designer I knew to develop a logo (2,000 rubles). Everyone, let's go!

Life has shown that the name is really successful; it fell easily on the ears of programmers and directors of IT companies. Only the pizza delivery people had problems; it was hard to explain to them: “16th floor, IT-People office.” “Ai-pi-pi?” they asked. But it doesn’t matter, the company’s target audience remembered the name perfectly.

After just a few years of working under this name, I found out who previously owned the domain. This was the first name of the social network, which now bears the name

Legal title verification and registration

All names that remain on the list must be checked against the database of the Federal Institute of Industrial Property. You won't be able to do this on your own. There are two ways to check for uniqueness:

  1. Contact Rospatent, the verification will take about a month.
  2. Contact patent experts. Specialized companies will promptly check names for a fee.

If all your names are already taken, you can try to modify or buy one from the owners. In addition, each title has a registration period. And if one of your names is about to cease to belong to someone, then you can just wait. All this is done by patent attorneys. Once a name is selected, it is registered.

Naming techniques

  • Personal names. The simplest and most banal thing is to name the company after yourself. McDonald's and Gillette succeeded. Or you can take the first or last name of a figure you really like.
We were amazed by the name of the company Tesla Mask, so we also wanted to call ourselves a scientist. They chose Landau. First of all, it's a beautiful word. Secondly, Landau himself was a fucking dude, and the image of Landau is recognizable.
  • Abbreviation. Perhaps not everyone knows International Business Machines, but everyone has heard the name IBM. Sometimes abbreviations become full-fledged names and no one remembers the decodings. The SKB Kontur company was originally a specialized design bureau. Years passed, activities changed, it was no longer a design struggle, but the abbreviation stuck and became part of the company name.
  • Acronym. One of the types of abbreviations. A distinctive feature is the presence of vowels. This helps to read the abbreviation as a word, and not as a set of letters: GAZ, VAZ, IKEA.
  • Compound name. The technique is similar to the previous one, but not the first letters are used, but parts of words. The name Intel comes from an abbreviation of the words Integral Electronics.
  • Repeating the same sounds. In Russian this is called alliteration and assonance. An excellent example of both techniques is the name Coca-Cola. There is a repeating consonant letter “k” (alliteration) and alternating vowels o/a (assonance).
  • Analogy or association. The name can be some well-known concept or phenomenon, as well as animals, personalities and plants. When we hear “Jaguar”, we immediately imagine something fast.
  • Sound imitation. A company specializing in pet products may well be called “Woof” or “Meow”.
  • Secret meaning or mythology. This includes all names derived from the names of gods and mythological creatures. Canon was named after the Buddhist goddess Kwanon, and Nike refers to the ancient Greek goddess of victory Nike.
  • Pseudo-foreign names. The company can be called by some foreign name, as the Russian brands Bork and Vitek did. You can take a foreign name and write it in Cyrillic.
I am not in awe of French desserts, but I even really like Spanish and German ones. My husband and I were once sitting in a pastry shop in Hamburg and thinking about how to turn my luxurious baking skills into income. We looked diagonally across the road, and there was a sign “Konditorei”. All that remains is to transform it into Russian.

The name of a new company is no less important than a prestigious appearance for a business person. It creates the first impression of the organization; a successful and memorable name increases the client base. You should not overestimate its importance - without quality, a suitable price and other components, the name itself will not make the company popular.

However, you shouldn’t put it off for later or take this issue lightly, since this is one of the main parts of the PR image of any company, which should be handled by appropriately qualified people who know the rules of marketing and are not lacking a creative approach.

Types of names

Any enterprise can have from one to six titles. But only one of them is compulsory– full company name in Russian . Based on the term, it becomes clear that this must be a full name containing the phrase “Limited Liability Company” written in Cyrillic, in compliance with the rules of the Russian language.

There are also a number of other names in addition to the full name requirements:

  • the mandatory name should not have English words, except in Russian transcription, foreign language characters, some prefixes like “VIP”;
  • The use of obscene words or any word forms that discredit any part or social group of the population, as well as violating the rules of morality and ethics, is not allowed;
  • a prerequisite is uniqueness, that is, a company with that name should not be in Rosreestr;
  • names of foreign countries cannot be inserted;
  • Without special permission, it is prohibited to use the word “Russia” and all derivative (cognate) words, as well as the names of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, settlements, authorities, the word “Federal” and other similar words.

Apart from the official business name, other forms are optional and some of the requirements do not apply to them. Such an “alternative” may be an abbreviated name, a full name in English (in compliance with international standards) for the foreign market, and an abbreviated name in English. A short name in any language of the peoples of Russia is allowed.

Legal aspects

Regulation of the activities of any organization occurs in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The Civil Code has Article 54, the content of which affects the name, location and legal address of the organization. In addition, the fifth paragraph indicates that the full corporate name of the legal entity is indicated in the constituent document and in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE).

The name is officially approved for the enterprise at the time of state registration.

The uniqueness of the name is another prerequisite. However, at the time of the emergence of a legal entity, repetition is not excluded. You can verify the uniqueness using a special service available on the Internet, called “search service in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities” at

If two companies have exactly the same names and are engaged in similar activities, the previously formed company can demand a name change from the second one in court.

How to come up with a company name yourself

Anyone who decides to solve this problem on their own needs to rely on the rules of marketing, the Russian language and, of course, a creative approach.

What you need to keep in mind when choosing the name of your organization:

  1. Reflection of the company's scope of activity. If necessary, the name should indicate exactly what the business does or the product it produces, for example, “Planet Plumbing.”
  2. Internet oriented. It's no secret that people solve most of their problems through search engines. Therefore, you need to make sure that, with the corresponding request, the company is high enough in the list of answers and does not have consonant (identical) names with companies in the same list.
  3. Positive effect. The word (phrase) should evoke neutral or positive associations, without negativity or ambiguity.
  4. Ease. Make sure the name is easy to read, pronounce and remember. You shouldn’t go too far with abbreviations; few people will want to contact the RPPKZL company without knowing what it does.
  5. No unnecessary hyperbole (exaggeration). It would be a mistake to call an average establishment a big word, especially if the essence does not correspond to the name. These include “elite”, “royal”, “empire” and other similar epithets.
  6. The right combination of beautiful, one might say fabulous words and pragmatism. In this case, a lot depends on the specific activity.
  7. No hint of a larger organization. Many entrepreneurs sin by creating doubles of large holdings with a similar name in order to attract additional customers using the name of an older competitor. At one time, the doubles “Abibas”, “Neike”, “BucksstarsCofee” were known. Beware of the trend, introduced after the success of Apple, of using an "i" at the beginning of the name, so as not to end up with something like "iBank" "iCoffee" or "iWheels".

Suitable for most areas standard rules for creating a name, which are not very imaginative, but have already been time-tested:

  • names (one's own, relatives), folded syllables from first or last names, with and without prepositions;
  • a surname in which the ending “-ov” changes to “-off” or a surname with the addition of “and K”, “and Ko”, “and partners”;
  • abbreviations for activities/products or made up of the first letters of various words;
  • geographical names (pond, mountains, street);
  • category of activity, types of services.

You can learn how to choose a name for your company from this video.

Examples by area of ​​activity

Different names are suitable for organizations depending on the type of services provided and the area. Below are examples of such names that can be considered successful.

  1. Trade. For a trading company, it is important to point out the wide selection, quality of the product and, possibly, specific types of goods. Example: “Alliance” speaks of a wide range, “Wallpaper Planet” speaks of a sphere.
  2. Construction. The use of cognate words, professions, and the use of objects are suitable. Example: “BigStroy”, “Brigadier”, “New House”.
  3. Transport, cargo transportation. In this area, speed, power and expeditionary component are important. Example: “Forsazh”, “Forpost”, “Ural-Logistic”.
  4. Public catering. The widest flight of imagination and scope for experimentation is provided specifically for public catering establishments. From the banal “At Maxim’s” and “Georgian Dinner” to the spontaneous “Rainbow of Taste”, “Sweet Paradise” and “Wine Grad”. The main condition is memorability and the absence of repulsive factors.
  5. Construction of oil and gas wells. A serious industry requires a serious approach. The name should inspire trust and reliability. Letter combinations such as “gas”, “oil”, “oil”, “tech”, “resource” are often found. Example: Sakha-Oil, Gazbank or Dobytchik.
  6. Medicine. Medical terms and industry-related words will sound good. Example: “Hippocrates Medical Center”, “Emergency Surgery Clinic”, “Vision+”.
  7. Consulting. Any firm that advises on important legal issues must, with its name alone, inspire confidence and speak of involvement in the law and a high level of knowledge. Example: “Hand of Themis”, “Partner”, “Lawyer Advisor”.
  8. Tourism. When people imagine tourism, they think of sun, sea, flights and vacations. This is exactly what the name of a travel agency should convey. For international tours, English words are also common. If the company specializes in last-minute travel packages, this must also be indicated. Example: “Fire Tours”, “AsiaFly”, “Flying”, “Discover the Earth”.
  9. Car service. The most common prefix is ​​“Auto”. If we are talking about service for servicing tires and wheels, then the corresponding word is added. Example: “Altai-Auto”, “Tires and Wheels”, “Siberian Tuning”.
  10. Furniture. Furniture production and sales is an expensive and important business, which means the name plays an important role. It should attract and speak of grandeur and elitism; the use of certain styles is not excluded. Example: “Exclusive Furniture”, “Loft-Classic”, “Sofa Empire”.

For those looking for a relatively neutral and simple name, here is an alphabetical list of some names:

Proper use of creativity

Often, in pursuit of originality and attracting attention, many companies fantasize about naming, sometimes arriving at surprising results. One of the toy stores for children's creativity spared even two letters, calling itself LLC "Y".

The Moscow supplier of sand and crushed stone did not even change the letter, creating the sonorous LLC “Ooo”. The travel agency “Away” seems to call for incredible travels and achievements with its name. In Zelenograd, there are incredibly positive installers of engineering equipment working at LLC “EVERYTHING WILL BE COOL!!!”.

Another innovative way - name your legal entity according to Feng Shui. According to this theory, the name should contain a development vector, it should not be capacious (3-5 letters) and, preferably, begin with a vowel.

Uniqueness and humor can, of course, attract a customer base, but you need to realize that humor is inappropriate in some areas, so be careful with it.

Popular questions

Is the name of the business inclined? Names can be declined in different ways. The most popular is using a generic word. For example: Organization "Invest" - organizations "Invest" - into organization "Invest". Abbreviations, of course, are not declined.

Another option is by the main word in the title. Example: “Cellular systems of the Caucasus” - no “Cellular systems of the Caucasus”. Thus, a name is declined unless it is preceded by a generic word.

Are there any services for selecting names? Yes, and freely available. On the Internet you can find more than one generator of names for legal entities, projects and the like, if the founders do not want to do it themselves. As for the names of branches, products and other things, this should be handled by the organization’s PR department.

You will learn several ways to come up with a company name in this video.