We raise poultry to order and work for a restaurant. Poultry farming as a promising business

  • The main thing is sales!
  • Which breed to choose
  • Organizational aspects
  • Poultry farm design
  • OKVED for registration
  • Egg growing technology
  • Tax system
  • Permissions to open
        • Similar business ideas:

In this article we will talk about how you can make money on a mini-poultry farm, organized in the conditions of a personal subsidiary plot. At the end of the article, we will provide calculations of efficiency and try to answer the question - is it profitable to engage in poultry farming on a local plot.

The main thing is sales!

Raising poultry on your own farm is not difficult. One family of 2-3 people can easily support up to 5,000 laying hens. That is, get up to 3500 - 4000 eggs daily. But, before investing in a poultry farm, you should carefully think about how and where you will deliver so many eggs (or meat, if the direction is meat). Because so many beginning farmers got burned in sales. Even if a homemade egg sells out within a year, selling it is a very troublesome business. Just imagine. You need to get up early every morning, collect eggs (several thousand!), put everything into cassettes, go to the veterinarian so that he can give an opinion on the batch, and only then take it to the market, where it all needs to be sold. You can, of course, do without a veterinarian, but if you have large volumes, sooner or later law enforcement agencies will have questions for you. Because you will no longer resemble an ordinary private household plot (which gets away with everything), but like a natural agricultural production. Therefore, calculate everything in advance, go to the local market, find a place. Go to grocery stores and specialized kiosks and offer cooperation. It might be worth considering the option outbound trade from a mobile shop. For small volumes (less than 500 eggs per day), it is quite possible to get by with classic trading from a machine or a tray at the market. Trade in eggs and poultry through bulletin boards, in particular through Avito, is now quite common. In general, it is quite possible to receive stable income on message boards, if you know what and how best to sell and constantly update texts.

Step-by-step plan for opening a mini-poultry farm. Where to begin

The question that every farmer asks himself is: what number of poultry should he start with so that there is enough for life and enough left for the development of the farm? There is no definite answer to this question, but most often poultry farmers start with 500 birds and expand the farm as necessary. Why exactly 500? It’s easier not only in terms of content, but also in terms of sales. After all, selling 300 - 400 eggs on the market is much easier than 3 - 4 thousand. In addition, the investment is significantly lower. You need less cages and less food. And you don’t need to spend a lot on buying a bird. Moreover, along with the poultry stock, you will probably purchase a household incubator in which you will slowly hatch chickens. In six months to a year you can double the size of the farm.

Which breed to choose

Loman Brown crosses are definitely considered the most egg-laying chicken breeds. These are the most early-ripening and productive laying hens. The Loman Brown breed is capable of producing up to 320 eggs per year. The hatchability of hatching eggs is 80%, and the survival rate of chicks is about 98%. This is also one of the highest figures.

The only drawback of the breed is that the chicken ages very quickly due to its high productivity. The chicken will lay eggs well for 1.5 years, then the flock needs to be renewed.

Thinking, you don’t need to talk a lot about the advantages of cage housing over floor housing. This saves space (cages can be arranged in several tiers), saves on feed, and the birds get sick less. In addition, it is easier to organize egg collection. So, in the conditions of LPH or KFH, cells are the best option. A reasonable question is: how long can birds be kept in one room? Many poultry farmers adhere to the calculation of 10 chickens per square meter. That is, to keep 500 chickens you will need a room of at least 50 square meters. m. Cells can be made independently. There is plenty of information on this matter on the Internet.

If you have “extra” money, then there are ready-made cell modules for sale. For example, to keep 500 chickens, you can purchase ten three-tier cages, each of which can hold up to 55 chickens. The big plus is that the cages are already equipped with everything necessary for the comfortable keeping of birds: nipple drinkers, feeders and an egg collector.

The height of one cell is 180 cm and the width is 130 cm. The asking price is 19,000 rubles. for one cell or 190,000 rub. per set.

Organizational aspects

When planning the purchase of feed, you should assume that one chicken consumes approximately 5 kg of feed per month. To reduce feed costs, purchases should be made during the grain harvesting season. You need to take it with a reserve so that it lasts for six months or a year. To get good egg production, it is advisable to provide each chicken with a perch of at least 30 cm. At least once a month, you should do a general cleaning of the poultry house. If you plan to independently reproduce the flock (buying young animals every time is too expensive and an unjustified pleasure), then a room or department for keeping chickens should be provided in advance. The conditions for keeping young birds and adult birds are very different. So, day-old chickens require a temperature of at least +29 degrees, and adults - no more than +18 degrees. The heating issue can be solved using infrared lamps.

Poultry farm design

When it comes to serious volumes, the poultry farmer has a completely logical question - is it worth registering a poultry farm or is it better to work as a private household plot? In principle, when keeping a livestock of up to 500 heads, there is no point in registering a peasant farm (or individual entrepreneur). You will simply create additional problems for yourself related to filing reports, paying taxes and pension contributions. When is registration required? The point is this. When you sell products grown on your plot, in a regular market, from a tray or from a car, no one will fine you for it. In fact, you are equivalent to those thousands of grandmothers who sell strawberries in cups. They don’t register IP. It’s another matter when you have large sales volumes, for example, a thousand eggs a day. It is difficult to sell such a volume from a tray alone, so most likely you will prefer to sell eggs in bulk to stores or for processing. And here they will ask you for documents, since each supplier - entrepreneur(at least legally). No store will buy from you without documents, as it also risks receiving an administrative fine.

How much money do you need to open a poultry farm?

Now let's move on to calculating the efficiency indicators of a poultry farm. Is it worth doing this business at all? We will calculate based on a population of 500 chickens. We will assume that we already have a room for keeping poultry.

  • Arrangement of a chicken coop (electricity, ventilation, insulation, etc.) - 90,000 rub.
  • Purchase of a household incubator - 10,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of cage batteries for 500 heads. - 200,000 rub.
  • Purchase of young chickens at one month of age - 100,000 rubles. (200 rub./goal)
  • Feed supplies - 15,000 rub.
  • Other expenses (vitamins, supplements) - 10,000 rub.

Total - 425,000 rub.

Poultry farm constant costs

  • Utility costs (electricity) - 4,000 rub.
  • Feed - 15,000 rub.
  • Vitamins, supplements, bedding - 1,000 rub.
  • Packaging - 5,000 rub.
  • Fuel and lubricants - 9,000 rub.
  • Other expenses - 5,000 rub.

Total - 39,000 rub. Please note that all calculations are approximate and each individual farmer will have different indicators. For example, in these calculations we did not take into account labor costs, since the farmer will work independently (using the labor of relatives). If hire an employee, then you should add at least 20,000 rubles to the costs. per month. Also, feed can be purchased at different prices, especially if purchased out of season. Now you can calculate your expected income.

How much can you earn by opening a poultry farm?

500 laying hens will produce about 420 eggs daily. We will transport an average of 400 eggs to the market, since part of the eggs will be spent on incubation (reproduction of the herd) and for household needs. The average price for a homemade egg is 5 rubles. Accordingly, daily income, subject to 100% sales, will be 2,000 rubles, per month - 60,000 rubles. From here you can calculate the net profit: 60,000 - 39,000 = 21,000 rubles. Average salary of a resident of the Russian Federation. The payback of the project with such indicators occurs in 23 months, taking into account the time of the start of egg production (we took the chickens at one month of age). So, taking into account the full sale of all manufactured products, poultry farming can be considered a profitable business. But, you always need to budget for unforeseen expenses, for example, lack of sales, loss of birds, etc. How can you increase your income? Firstly, you can simply increase volumes, but you need to raise the issue of sales. Secondly, some eggs can be sold as hatching eggs. The price for hatching eggs is 10 - 15 times higher, while the demand is quite high, especially in the spring and summer. In addition, you can sell young birds. At one month of age, the price of a laying hen is at least 200 rubles. You can also consider the option with custom-made poultry farming for restaurants.

OKVED for registration

OKVED 2 01.47.2 Production of poultry eggs

Egg growing technology

To establish the production of chicken eggs, the following requirements must be met: the process of raising poultry must be highly productive and the products must be supplied evenly throughout the year. For this purpose, it is necessary to use highly productive breeds of laying hens, which must be kept in windowless poultry houses, raising eggs must be year-round, constant replenishment of the herd is necessary, and modern technologies must be used. In order for egg production to be productive, several factors must be observed: good lighting, temperature, room humidity and cleanliness of the poultry house. The temperature in the poultry house should be no lower than 16-18 degrees Celsius, air humidity should be 60-70%. The productivity of eggs is also affected by the cleanliness of the poultry house, since in an uncleaned room gases are released from the decomposition of manure, which affect the appetite and general condition of the bird. The productivity of laying hens is also affected by the dustiness of the poultry house; in the summer it must be equipped with powerful fans. Poultry houses are stocked with chickens of the same age and approximately the same weight. From the purchase of chickens to the appearance of eggs, 120 days pass.

What documents are needed to open

This business will require a package of documents related to agricultural production and retail trade. It is necessary to register a business entity: it can be an individual entrepreneur or a collective farming enterprise. The prepared documents must be submitted to government authorities.

Tax system

This business relates to the production of agricultural products, therefore it applies tax system for agricultural producers, the so-called single agricultural tax. (ESKHN). The main condition of this tax is that the proceeds from the sale of these products are at least 70% of the total revenue, and also that the enterprise must be engaged exclusively in the production of agricultural products, and not in their sale.

Breeding laying hens is a very profitable and popular area of ​​the poultry business. There has always been, is and will be a demand for eggs, but there are no particular difficulties in raising chickens. Almost anyone can start this business by arranging a poultry room and arming themselves with the necessary knowledge.

This “egg” business attracts many budding entrepreneurs. And this is not surprising - chickens grow very quickly, eat little, and at the age of five months they are already actively laying eggs. Some breeds lay eggs all year round - the main thing is that suitable conditions are created for them. The main advantages of this business:

  • Low costs. The laying hen business is one of the most profitable - feed costs are significantly lower than income from eggs. And if you have your own plot, where chickens can walk freely and eat pasture, this expense item is sometimes reduced to zero.
  • Demand for products. Fresh eggs can be bought at any time of the year. Competition in this industry is quite high, but this does not at all prevent you from earning decent money from laying hens.
  • Simplicity. Compared to other types of livestock farming business, breeding laying hens requires a minimum of work - it is enough to equip a place and regularly collect a “harvest” of eggs.
  • Productivity. You can sell not only eggs. Chicken droppings are considered a valuable fertilizer, and the feathers and down of this bird are used in the production of clothing, pillows and blankets. And “retired” chickens can be sold for meat.

The laying hen business is perfect for a small family that lives on its own plot outside the city. The labor intensity in this matter is extremely low, and with a competent approach to business, you can receive a stable, guaranteed income.

How to start a laying hen business

As with any business venture, you first need to draw up a detailed business plan. With its help, you can study all the nuances of the upcoming work, identify possible difficulties, and also use it as a means to obtain a loan from a bank. If the business plan is prepared correctly, it will reflect all initial investments with a full calculation of the payback period.

Not only a person who has his own farmstead, but also a city resident can take up this farming business. It is only important to find a small plot of land that will be needed for breeding and walking birds.

If you plan to engage in this business for a long time, it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur - in the future this will simplify obtaining permits for products.

You can download a business plan for breeding laying hens at the link:.

Poultry house preparation

If there is no ready-made poultry room, you can build it yourself - it’s quite simple, but you need to take into account a number of requirements, compliance with which will increase the productivity of laying hens:

  • The ceilings in the chicken coop should be no more than two meters high. This will be quite enough for breeding laying hens. It is better to make the roof at an angle (pitched) so that it does not break in winter under the weight of snow. It is not difficult to calculate the area of ​​the poultry house - 10 laying hens need 5 square meters of free space.

  • There are two ways to keep chickens - floor and cage. The floor method is more often used because it is more convenient in terms of air ventilation and bird feeding. With cage rearing, laying hens are fed only with compound feed, but with floor rearing, it is possible to let them go for a walk outside in search of pasture.

  • The chicken coop should be well ventilated and lit. As a ventilation device, you can use a regular window (covering it with a rodent mesh) or install a ventilation pipe. It is advisable to organize an artificial light source, which will be needed in winter to increase daylight hours for birds.

    Chicken coop - photo

  • To raise laying hens, it is necessary to maintain the temperature in the region of 0-25°C. Exceeding the norm causes a decrease in the egg production of birds, and at too low temperatures, chickens can get frostbite and die. If the chicken coop was built from lightweight materials, it will definitely need to be insulated. Pine needles, straw, sawdust, and dry leaves are suitable for this. Insulation material must be mixed with lime in a ratio of 30:1. This is necessary in order to prevent rodents from entering the house. Usually the walls and ceiling are insulated, but if there are severe frosts in winter, the floor will also need to be insulated.
  • Nests for laying hens are usually placed in the corners of the room. Nests can be made from a simple wooden box, filling the inside with straw or sawdust. One nesting place is installed for 4 laying hens. You will also need to make perches, placing them on the wall opposite the entrance.

    Video - chicken business in detail

    Rules for breeding laying hens

    The business of breeding laying hens will bring high profits only if you wisely choose a rooster and a laying hen for hatching the offspring. The rooster must be energetic, healthy and strong. When choosing a chicken, you should pay attention to its comb - a good laying hen has a large, bright red comb. To hatch eggs, it is advisable to select calm hens that will not often jump up and leave their nest.

    The selection of eggs for laying is an issue that must be approached with all responsibility, since the health and fertility of future laying hens will depend on the quality of the eggs. Eggs must be of the correct, even shape, free from dirt and stains.

    When the chicken hatches from the egg, you need to help it free itself from the shell, and then carefully place it under the hen. Chickens will be ready for independent life no earlier than 1.5 months after birth.

    In order for chickens to be healthy and lay eggs well, they need to be provided with a balanced diet. You can use ready-made feed mixtures, or you can prepare them yourself. The diet of laying hens should include food waste, boiled potatoes, cake, chalk, eggshells, greens, and vegetable mixtures.

    In the winter season, you will need to enrich the diet with sprouted grains, and in the summer, be sure to give the chickens fresh plants. It is advisable to provide laying hens with an area for walking outside, where they can independently feed on pasture and insects. To increase egg production, it is recommended to add yeast diluted in water to the feed (for 1 kg of feed, 25 g of yeast should be diluted in a liter of water).

    Expense and payback

    No business starts without a preliminary calculation of profitability, which must take into account the number of initial expenses and the approximate payback period of investments.

    For example, let’s take a farm with a hundred laying hens:

    Selling chicken eggs is a fairly profitable business if done correctly

    In addition to the eggs themselves, you can increase your income by selling the waste products of laying hens. Chicken manure is considered the most valuable type of fertilizer and is sold for 30-50 rubles per 1 kg. Taking into account all these features, breeding laying hens can be considered one of the most profitable and simple types of poultry farming business.

    Video - chicken business from scratch. Let's figure out how profitable it is

Agriculture is a business area that, if properly organized, can bring excellent income. Recently, poultry products have been in particular demand. First of all, raising birds is easier. Secondly, poultry meat is considered a dietary product. Considering the fact that many have begun to adhere to the principles of a balanced diet, the level of sales of poultry meat will steadily increase.

In addition to meat, eggs, feathers, and down can bring profit. Don’t forget about manure, which is considered one of the best organic fertilizers.

In addition, poultry imports have significantly decreased in recent years. This will lead to increased demand for its own products.

What kind of bird to breed?

The very first question to be resolved is what kind of bird you plan to breed. Most often the choice is chickens or geese. They are less whimsical, the price of their products is affordable to everyone. But, in this case, it will be more difficult to occupy a niche in the market, because today the number of such farms is steadily growing. You can breed rarer species of birds - ostriches, pheasants, etc. However, breeding these species requires increased attention. The conditions of their detention are very different from their “simple” relatives. And the price of the products is much higher. Advantages - the meat and eggs of these birds are more healthy. For example, quail eggs are included in the diet for those who have diseases of the cardiovascular system, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys. Those who have been diagnosed with hypertension, anemia, and diabetes are also recommended to consume quail eggs. Due to the state of the environment, the number of people with such diseases is growing, so the demand for such products will constantly increase.

Documents and permits

Documents required to open a poultry farm.
The main package of documents includes:

  • veterinary certificate;
  • quality certificates:
  • documents confirming the registration of the farm.

The farm itself does not make a profit. It provides products, selling which you make a profit. Therefore, you should take care of how the product will be sold. If you have your own retail outlets, only documents are required; if you plan to work with stores, you must conclude appropriate agreements. To sell eggs, you need to take care of cardboard packaging. It is better to order it from printing companies, for which documents are also drawn up. To sell meat, it is necessary to learn the correct slaughter technology in order to obtain the appropriate permission from veterinary services and a quality certificate.


First, let's decide on the room. A more profitable option is renting. Building a new one can take a lot of money and time. In addition, the new building must be accepted by the relevant services to ensure that it meets the necessary conditions. You can think about construction when your business is already firmly on its feet and generating sufficient income. When choosing a premises to rent, pay attention to its condition and how much you will have to invest in it to start production.
Equipment should be given special attention. It depends on what breed of birds you will breed. But the equipment for all poultry farms is approximately the same:

  • cells
  • incubators;
  • heaters for young animals;
  • feeders;
  • drinking bowls;
  • cleaning equipment;
  • water containers.

The next stage is buying birds. It is best to consult with entrepreneurs who already have a similar business and can recommend a bona fide supplier. Otherwise, when choosing yourself, pay attention to the appearance. The bird must be clean. You should not buy if it is lethargic and its feathers are ruffled.

Feed also depends on the selected bird breed. There are recommendations on which breed and which feed is best suited. It is worth buying according to them.

Costs and profitability

A poultry farm will be profitable if the number of birds is 500-800. The initial investment amount can range from 1.8 to 2.5 thousand USD. They will be used to build poultry houses, purchase young animals, incubators, and heating devices. Renting a premises will cost up to 15 thousand.e. Salary to employees is 1-1.5 thousand.

Different sources call different profitability indicators. On average it reaches 60%.
To reap maximum benefits, it is necessary to expand the range as much as possible. The poultry farm produces not only meat and eggs. Down, feathers, bones (from which flour is produced), and droppings are in great demand. As a result, your business can pay off in just one and a half to two years.

Today, an increasing number of entrepreneurs are involved in agricultural business. And this is completely justified. At the same time, poultry meat is one of the most popular products today. The advantages of running such a business are obvious:

  • Poultry meat is a dietary product. And given that modern people take their health seriously, they prefer to eat healthy and low-fat foods.
  • Such a business does not require large financial investments. To get started, a few thousand rubles are enough, as well as desire and time.

Which direction to choose?

Almost all rural residents raise poultry. However, the vast majority do this to feed their family. Not everyone thinks about this activity as a way to earn money. But in vain. After all, such a business can bring a stable and good income.

The most popular types of birds are: chickens (broilers, laying hens), geese, ducks, turkeys, pheasants and quails. In order to choose a direction, determine demand and competition, and also carefully study the breeding features of each species. In the end, choose one bird.
Chickens and ducks are raised more often, turkeys less often

Registration of activities

Any business activity must be registered. However, at first, you can take your time and try to breed poultry for yourself.

If the result is good, register private household plots (personal subsidiary plots). This is the most convenient form of doing business in agriculture.

You will also need to obtain quality certificates and permits from the veterinary and sanitary-epidemiological services for the sale of products.

Bird keeping options

There are only two options: walking and cage. Cage involves the arrangement of a room where there is everything to maintain the life support of birds.

This method is best if you are considering poultry farming as a home business for breeding broilers.

With the walking method, your birds will graze freely on the street. For this option, you will need to allocate a much larger area to the birds than if you consider the cage method. But you will still need a small poultry house for cold and night time.

You can build a poultry house with your own hands. This is a rather primitive building. In the video below you can see how to do this.

In addition to the poultry house itself, you will need the following equipment:

  • Cells
  • Incubators
  • Drinkers and feeders
  • Heaters for chicks
  • Cleaning equipment.

Purchasing young stock

To conduct poultry farming as a home business, you will need to buy young animals for further cultivation. It is best to buy eggs and chicks from farms. Don't forget that there are breeds that are specifically bred for meat, and there are those that are raised for selling eggs. Therefore, immediately decide what is paramount to you.

We calculate income and expenses

Well, now let's talk about more material things - costs and profits.

Hired personnel. Even a small farm is quite difficult to maintain on your own. You will need to feed and water the birds, as well as graze and regularly clean the house. Also, someone will have to deal with the sale of products.

However, don't worry. In rural areas, you can easily find someone to help you. The main thing is that he loves animals and is good at caring for them.

Financial costs for organizing a poultry house for 500 pieces:

  • Business registration
  • Buying or renting territory (this can be avoided if you have a plot)
  • Construction of a poultry house
  • Purchasing young stock
  • Buying feed
  • Salaries for assistants.

Income can be obtained from the following products:

  • Meat. If you are interested in poultry farming as a business at home for breeding meat, then there is no better breed of chicken than broilers. The cost of a chicken carcass is quite high, so the business is definitely profitable.
  • Eggs. With about 100 hens you will get 30,000 eggs per year. A dozen eggs cost about 50 rubles. As a result, by selling only eggs, you will already receive 150,000 rubles.
  • Droppings and feathers. Yes, even such products can be sold! They are popular among summer residents as fertilizer. Well, blankets and pillows are made from duck feathers.

Implementation methods

There are many options for selling poultry. The easiest way is to sell on the market. You can also agree on sales in large quantities to restaurants, cafes, and sanatoriums. But for this you must have all the necessary quality certificates.