What to produce in a carpentry workshop. Business carpentry workshop: production of wood products

Carpentry can bring a stable income to a master with “golden” hands. If you know how to make unusual things from wood, have managed to build up a small client base and are ready to quit your usual job, open a carpentry workshop.

How to open a carpentry workshop - algorithm

Having decided to open a workshop, at first you may be confused about organizational issues. Don't be scared and follow the step-by-step plan to successfully start a business:

  1. Draw up a business plan for your future enterprise: decide on the concept, calculate the number of employees, select the necessary equipment, estimate the level of production costs. Study the competitor market and calculate the return on investment of the enterprise.
  2. Decide on the organizational and legal form of the workshop and register the business with the tax office. Obtain licenses and permits if necessary.
  3. Find a room in which you will work. Important requirements: availability of electricity and heating.
  4. Buy equipment, small tools and fittings.
  5. Select materials to get started and purchase your first batch.
  6. Find product distribution channels: stores, private buyers. Develop a business advertising campaign.
  7. If necessary, hire employees and organize the overall workflow.

Business concept

The business concept directly depends on your abilities. If you have a technical mindset, have the skills of an engineer and the talents of a designer, you can engage in mass production of standard furniture: chairs, window frames, doors, tables. Possible areas of work:

  • bath furniture;
  • kitchen furniture;
  • cushioned furniture;
  • home decor elements;
  • designs for gardens and cottages.

To produce standard furniture, you need to have engineering thinking and be able to calculate dimensions

At first, it will not be possible to establish mass production of furniture of the same type - it will be difficult to compete with large companies, and it is better for a private craftsman to rely on the originality of the product.

The second option is a creative workshop with exclusive products. If carpentry is a way for you to show your artistic talent, feel free to open up and offer your clients unusual souvenirs and carved wooden household items. Immediately position the business as an elite one - otherwise it will be difficult to make money by making one-piece items.

Exclusive handmade furniture attracts customers with its unconventional shapes and uniqueness

Business plan for a carpentry workshop

Draw up a business plan for your enterprise based on the chosen concept. The size of the work space, the number of employees and the choice of distribution channels depend on it.

Market and competitor analysis

Order market research of the market in the region where you will work. If funds do not allow, independently find on the Internet all the companies engaged in the manufacture of furniture and household items from wood, and ask them for price lists. Compare price levels and read customer reviews of competitor workshops.

Find out if there is a great need for your products. Go to Yandex.Wordstat and enter typical customer requests - for example, “buy a handmade table”, “custom-made wooden furniture” and the like. Estimate how many times users make similar requests in your city.

The left column of Wordstat shows that users from Moscow and the region type requests for custom-made furniture 335 times a month, and the right column shows similar requests - there are about 1000 of them per month

Talk to managers of large companies and carefully find out the number of clients they have. Conduct street surveys.

Answer yourself these questions:

  • gender of the potential client;
  • age limits;
  • where he lives - in an apartment or a private house;
  • approximate income level;
  • in what case will he buy your product;
  • what other products does your client need;
  • what he must have in order to buy your products;
  • what problems does your product solve?

Based on the research results, draw up a portrait of a typical buyer of your products. Then move on to specifics: find such people and ask what wooden models they like, what type of wood they would choose for their home, cottage or office, etc. Formulate questions in advance so as not to get confused during the interview.

Drawing up an assortment of manufactured products

Based on customer needs and the chosen carpentry shop concept, create a product range and price list. Don't try to include more products there - focus on those that turn out better than others.

An example of an assortment for the production of standard furniture and household products:

  • doors and openings;
  • tables, stools, chairs;
  • shops;
  • hangers;
  • sun loungers;
  • armchairs.

You can choose several production areas or focus on one - for example, making kitchen furniture

For an artistic carpentry workshop, it is more difficult to determine the assortment, but it is also worth it:

  • jewelry box;
  • photo frames;
  • stands and paperweights;
  • carved chairs and armchairs;
  • hooks, shelves;
  • hangers.

An almost empty niche in carpentry is the production of wooden stands, convenient for recharging smartphones and storing small items

If you are going to provide additional services, include them in the price list. Possible list:

  • delivery to the entrance;
  • going up to the floor;
  • installation (if required).

The cost of products includes the costs of materials, electricity, workshop maintenance and employee labor. Carefully calculate each price point so as not to work at a loss.

Business registration

You can register a carpentry workshop in the form of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, regardless of the number of founders.

Compare the advantages and disadvantages of the legal forms of individual entrepreneurs and LLCs to make the right choice

Advantages of individual entrepreneurship:

  • lower cost of business registration;
  • no need to deposit authorized capital or open a current account;
  • you can work without employees;
  • simplified accounting;
  • the ability to freely dispose of proceeds.

LLC advantages:

  • you are responsible to creditors only with the authorized capital;
  • by suspending activities, you may not have to pay insurance and pension contributions;
  • you can divide the company between several founders, and each will be responsible for their share.

To register an individual entrepreneur, contact the tax office at the place of registration, for an LLC - at the place of registration of the future company. Prepare a package of documents.

Table: documents for registering a business as an individual entrepreneur or LLC

When submitting documents to the tax office, it is enough to print and fill out one copy of the business registration application - the inspector does not mark the copy, but issues a separate receipt. An application to change the tax regime can be submitted later, but it is more convenient to do this simultaneously with registration.

Choosing premises for business activities

Find a place to work: a garage, hangar, old workshop or even a construction trailer. The area depends on production volumes - on average, 40–55 square meters. m.

Place a table for assembling furniture in the center of the workshop and leave room for free movement around it

Requirements for premises for the production of wooden products:

  • humidity level - up to 35%;
  • temperature from 20 degrees;
  • the length of one wall is from 4 m to accommodate machines and large interior items;
  • daylight - natural or artificial;
  • electricity, 220 V and 380 V sockets;
  • good ventilation;
  • fire protection treatment of walls and ceilings;
  • water supply or organized water supply.

Distribute the workshop area so that it is comfortable to work and things are in place. Option for organizing space:

  • 25 sq. m. – production area;
  • 10 sq. m. – warehouse for materials and finished products;
  • 5 sq. m. – area for workers (locker room, kitchen);
  • 2 sq. m. - toilet, washbasin.

You can make racks and tool boxes yourself or buy them at a commercial equipment store.

Install shelving and tool boxes along the walls, place bulky machines and work tables in the center. Determine the space where cleaning equipment will be stored. Attach an information board on the wall indicating the emergency exit, and place a fire extinguisher and a box of sand next to it. Place a container for large waste near the entrance. Leave room for movement around each machine.

The area of ​​space for a machine or workbench is calculated by the formula: the area of ​​the machine multiplied by two.

Finding ways to sell finished products

You can sell wooden products directly or through stores. If you can produce furniture in sufficient volumes, negotiate with city retail outlets to transfer finished products for sale. The advantage of selling through a store is that you don’t need to waste energy on advertising. The disadvantage is that stores take a commission on each sale - up to 30%.

The best way not to spend money on advertising is to negotiate with stores and supply them with furniture for sale

  1. Create and register a VKontakte group. Take high-quality photographs of your products and upload them to albums with signatures. Fill the group with useful information and invite your friends. Run paid advertising if your budget allows.
  2. Look through city catalogs of companies and select those who may be interested in carpentry products: cafes, restaurants, offices. Send out commercial offers.
  3. Arrange with repair teams to offer your furniture to their customers. As an incentive, assign the foreman a percentage of each sale - no more than 10%.
  4. Print flyers and arrange distribution with promoters.

You don’t have to start a website at first. A high-quality website costs approximately 50–100 thousand rubles; this is an impractical investment.

Be prepared that your first clients will treat you with disdain due to the location of your workshop or lack of sales experience. Never mind - the main thing is to produce and sell 5-10 high-quality products on time so that word of mouth spreads about your business.

Purchase of equipment and materials

Equipment for a carpentry workshop costs approximately 500 thousand rubles. To save money, buy some used machines and make some yourself. If you are not technically savvy, have a professional inspect the equipment before purchasing.

Minimum set of equipment and tools:

  • lathe;
  • carpenter's plane;
  • workbench and vice;
  • surface planer for marking;
  • circular saw;
  • drill;
  • jigsaw;
  • milling cutter;
  • "Bulgarian";
  • hand tools (hammers, screwdrivers, spray guns);
  • measuring instrument (tape measure, caliper);
  • humidity measuring device;
  • accessories (fasteners, nails, screws, bolts);
  • paints and varnishes;
  • extension cords

You will need at least one machine for making furniture and household items

Auxiliary equipment:

  • administrator desktop;
  • wardrobe;
  • dry closet;
  • table and chairs for the kitchen, microwave.

Choose materials depending on the type of production. Linden and pine are the most popular among carpenters - they are inexpensive and look impressive. Other tree species suitable for making furniture:

  • oak is a hard and heavy material;
  • beech - has a yellowish-brown tint;
  • walnut - sticks well, can be of different shades;
  • larch - resistant to fungi.

If you have not decided on the materials for the production of your products, study the properties of each and start with those that are easier to process

Traditionally, furniture and decorative elements are made from solid wood or veneer. Veneer is thin sheets of wood glued onto wooden panels - chipboard or MDF. Solid wood is solid wood, it is expensive and suitable for the production of exclusive products.

Try to purchase materials monthly or for one batch of products, so as not to store them in production and not expose them to the risk of deformation.

Personnel search

Start a business yourself, and as your carpentry workshop develops, invite assistants and technical staff to service the workshop. You will need:

  • carpenter;
  • a carpenter;
  • cleaning woman;
  • collector of furniture;
  • painting worker;
  • auxiliary worker;
  • administrator for receiving orders.

For each employee, draw up job descriptions - employees must understand the scope of their duties and area of ​​responsibility. And if an unexpected situation occurs at work, you will know who to ask. Outsource the accounting to a third party - it's cheaper than hiring a full-time employee.

Business payback period

Calculate the costs of starting a business and planned income. Check out an example of a calculation for a carpentry workshop, registered as an individual entrepreneur under a simplified taxation system, with a garage of 40 square meters. m. for rent. The workshop has 2 employees - a carpenter and a furniture assembler. The functions of the second carpenter and administrator are performed by the manager. The company makes tables, chairs and cabinets from solid oak and pine. Lot of furniture - 10 tables, 30 chairs, 5 cabinets. The sales method is through the store.

Table: costs of starting a business

Table: monthly expenses

Calculation of planned income and payback period

The cost of one lot of furniture at retail price is 240,000 rubles:

  • cabinets - 85 thousand rubles.
  • chairs - 75 thousand rubles;
  • tables - 80 thousand rubles.

Workers produce two batches of furniture per month worth 480 thousand rubles. and give it to the store for sale. The store retains a percentage of 15% of the total cost of the shipment. From two parties the percentage is 72 thousand rubles. The workshop's revenue from the sale of two batches of goods is 408 thousand rubles.

The workshop's net profit per month is 146,960 rubles. The payback period for a business is 5–7 months.

Advantages and disadvantages of a carpentry workshop as a business

Joinery products are in demand, especially high-quality ones. Handmade work is highly valued, as is the environmental friendliness of products, so there is a chance to make money on sales of exclusive furniture.

Advantages of opening a carpentry workshop:

  • you can start a business on your own;
  • it is not necessary to rent a presentable premises in the city center, which means you can reduce rental costs;
  • relatively small initial investment.


  • the dependence of reputation on product quality, and therefore on the work of employees;
  • high level of competition (for the production of utilitarian furniture);
  • difficulty finding inexpensive and high-quality materials at first.

In the carpentry business, the main thing is to gain a positive reputation in the market from the very first orders. Clients want the furniture they buy to last for several years, not break, and look like new. Try to produce products that meet their requirements, and very soon your business will pay off and your income will begin to grow.

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The woodworking industry is one of the largest and most profitable sectors of the modern economy. Due to the growing prosperity of the population in recent years, the demand for high-quality products made from natural wood has increased significantly. The article will discuss some issues related to compilation.

Woodworking is a fairly promising area, but it also has its own characteristics. Despite the high demand for wood products, the industry is characterized by quite strong competition. Because of this, it is necessary to maintain customer loyalty not only through the quality of products, but also by allocating a significant part of the costs to advertising and promotion. All these features must be taken into account at the planning stage.

Key features of a business plan for a carpentry workshop (shop)

Business planning for starting a carpentry workshop

Having decided to create a new business, it is important to analyze the current state of the market and assess the prospects of the chosen industry. But even with favorable market conditions, we must not forget about analyzing competitors. Otherwise, the market may be crowded and your products simply will not find a consumer. Next, you need to carefully carry out all the calculations associated with the start of production - investment investments, operating expenses for the first time.

Development business plan For carpentry shop is also needed to attract investment. We advise you to immediately decide from what sources you plan to attract investments and draw up a business plan in accordance with this. As a rule, the structure of this document is approximately the same, but the description of a project, for example, for a bank, has its own characteristics.



Description of the activities of the carpentry workshop

The list of activities of a carpentry workshop can be quite wide. This can be the production of furniture, interior items, souvenirs, etc. The production process involves processing wood, boards, wooden blanks to obtain a finished product. When compiling carpentry workshop business plan You can specify several options for business specialization:

  • Production of a certain range of wooden furniture with further sales through wholesale and retail sales. That is, the carpentry workshop turns into a kind of furniture mini-factory.
  • Production of custom-made products according to customer sketches. Here the activity will be similar to a certain “atelier”. The customer provides a sketch of the desired product, and the workshop is engaged in the development, selection of materials and direct processing of wood.
  • Another option is the production of unique designer products with subsequent sale through fairs, exhibitions, etc. Here it is possible to obtain a high margin per unit of product, but finding a consumer is much more difficult.

The first option will be the most cost-effective at the initial stage, and once the company has proven itself well, a customer base has been formed - it will be possible to develop other directions.

1 – Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. Amount of investment to launch a carpentry workshop (shop)

1.3. Work results

2 – Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 – Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market dynamics

4 – Staff

4.1. Staffing table

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 – Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Financing plan

5.3. Sales plan for carpentry workshop (shop)

5.4. Spending Plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 – Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. Finance Analysis

6.3. Risks of a carpentry workshop (shop)

7 – Conclusions

The business plan for a carpentry repair shop (shop) is provided in MS Word format - it already contains all the tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it is already ready to use. Or you can adjust any section to suit you.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, this can be easily done in the “Project Concept” section

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - the parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all the tables, graphs and diagrams.

For example: if you need to increase your sales plan, then just change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and immediately all the tables and diagrams will be ready: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A special feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model to suit themselves.


Reviews from our clients

Feedback on the business plan for the production of paving slabs

The purpose of planning was, on the one hand, to attract funding, and on the other hand, we also wanted to have a clear picture of how we would develop. In the end, I liked the plan. In the business plan for a workshop for the production of paving slabs, I liked the financial model, I liked that it was easy to use, easy to adjust to your needs, and there were no questions about it in the bank either. At the moment, a loan of 19 million has been received. rubles Thank you! This result was obtained, including with your help. Good luck!

Maksimov K.O., Nizhny Novgorod,

Feedback on the business plan for developing a sand quarry for sand extraction

To expand production, we needed to attract investors. More precisely, we had “our own” investor, but in order to work with him we needed a business plan. Representatives of the company site provided us with invaluable assistance in drawing up this document, as a result of which the investor was satisfied with the quality of the business plan. We received investments worth 40 million rubles for the purchase of new equipment.

Egor Valerievich, Kostroma, General Director

Feedback on a business plan for a concrete plant

We were satisfied with the business plan for the concrete plant. All formulas are easy to use and very simple, all explanations are clear, and any changes can be made to the finished model. In fact, this is the first business plan that has proven to be easy to use and clear to understand.

M. L. Ivanova, Financial Director, World of Construction JSC

Drawing up a business plan for a carpentry shop

Analysis of the wood processing industry

The growing popularity of environmentally friendly materials has caused an increase in demand for wood products in recent years. In particular, the demand for wooden furniture is stable.

The market is now overflowing with low-quality furniture made from chipboard or cheap types of wood. Therefore, the production of beautiful and durable furniture and other wood products will become a fairly popular activity.

Carpentry products have many distribution channels. At planning a carpentry workshop you can determine which market segment has fewer competitors and focus on it.

Clients of a carpentry company can be:

  • Individuals wishing to purchase products for the home;
  • Designers;
  • Construction stores and markets.

To expand sales markets, additional production of pallets from production waste can be launched. will help you competently organize this line of business.

Registration of a carpentry workshop

The launch of a new enterprise involves the preparation of a number of documents. So, in the business plan you need to specify the costs associated with registering a legal entity - obtaining the status of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Next, you should provide all documents to the tax office; to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund, open bank accounts, obtain other permits - conclusions from the labor protection inspection, fire safety, etc.

Production planning

This part includes several sections related to:

  • Searching for premises;
  • Searching for equipment;
  • Drawing up staffing schedules.

Basic requirements for the carpentry shop premises:

  • Sufficient areas (from 50 sq. meters);
  • Ability to maintain a temperature of at least 18 degrees;
  • Low air humidity;
  • Possibility of ventilation;
  • Compliance with fire safety measures;
  • Availability of electricity, water supply and other communications.

Personnel required at the initial stage:

  • Manager;
  • Technologist;
  • Workshop foreman;
  • Machine operators;
  • General workers;
  • Client acquisition manager;
  • Accountant.

Investment planning in a carpentry workshop business plan

The amount of investment will vary depending on whether you are opening a small workshop or a large production. Therefore, it is quite difficult to identify a single structure and provide specific figures for the required investments. . For example, the cost of equipment will depend on the range of products planned to be produced. For example, on our website you can download carpentry workshop business plan, with which you can make investment calculations and integrate the parameters of your project into the financial model presented there.

Let us outline the main investments that will need to be included when planning the launch of a new business:

  • Registration of a legal entity - xxx rub.
  • Rent of premises - xxx rub.
  • Equipment (or inventory) - xxx rub.
  • Working capital - xxx rub.
  • Marketing - xxx r.
  • Unforeseen expenses (10%) - xxx rub.

ABOUT The total investment for creating a carpentry workshop will be approximately50 - 150 million rubles. The final amount can be completely different and will depend on the scale of production, pricing strategy and other factors.

Operating expenses in a carpentry workshop business plan

In addition to investment expenses, any business also has operating expenses. Their approximate structure looks like this:

  • Rent of premises - xxx rub.
  • Salary – xxx rub.
  • Raw materials – xxx r.
  • Utility payments – xxx rub.
  • Depreciation of equipment – ​​xxx rub.
  • Taxes – xxx r.
  • Other expenses (10%) – xxx rub.
  • Total operating expenses for the month - xxx rub.

The total costs required to start and operate a carpentry shop during the first xx months of operation consist of investment and operating costs.

Carpentry workshop income

There can be many options for selling products, as well as options for generating income in this case. At the initial stage, it is possible to generate income from the sale of the following assortment items:

  • furniture (tables, chairs, cabinets);
  • stairs;
  • window frames;
  • doors;
  • decorative gazebos;
  • decorative interior elements.

Based on the assortment items and their cost, the planned revenue of the carpentry workshop is calculated, which for the xxx period will amount to xxx thousand rubles. This value is calculated based on the average prices for wooden products in Russia, which for the period xxx amounted to xxx rubles.

The average payback period for a workshop will be about 3 – 5 years.

Detailed calculation of investments for starting a carpentry workshop

In the process of working on a business plan, we review dozens of different sources
information. This includes data from equipment suppliers, industry portals, interviews with market experts, and official statistics - such systematic data analysis provides a complete picture of all project parameters: prices, equipment costs, premises costs, costs, etc. .

A necessary component of a full-fledged business plan is a flexible sales plan. It is important, on the one hand, to have a forecast for the business as a whole, and on the other hand, to be able to look at profitability in the context of a separate profit center or even a separate product.

The cash flow statement is the most important document of any business plan. Contains comprehensive information about the company's operating, investment and financial inflows and outflows, and also allows you to evaluate the overall picture of the company's performance.

Benefits of a Professional Carpentry Shop Business Plan

Creating a business in the woodworking sector is a fairly profitable area, but due to its scale, it requires attracting financial resources. To attract investments or obtain a loan, it is necessary to have a properly developed business plan that will help to correctly convey the idea of ​​the project to the investor and convince him of the advisability of investing. For example, on our website you can download a sample of the finished carpentry workshop business plan, which presents a clear structure of all necessary sections and a financial model that allows you to automatically calculate all investment indicators. Structured information and calculation of all indicators in your business plan will help in attracting investments. You can also order an individual turnkey business plan by clicking on the link below.

The production of wood products has become one of the most promising areas in recent years, creating all the prerequisites for creating a business in this area. The main thing is to build the right enterprise strategy and plan all business processes.

The need for a small carpentry shop for people who are closely involved in housework almost always exists. And if you don’t know how to build or choose a room for this object, how to plan it, and what to place inside it first, read this article to the end.

How to choose a room for carpentry

When creating a carpentry workshop within your own suburban area, it is a good idea to make sure that it is as far away from living quarters as possible. This will preserve the peace of the rest of your family and will not prevent your guests from enjoying a relaxing holiday.

The ideal location for setting up a carpentry workshop would be a separate barn, garage or specially built room. You can consider an option in which the carpentry workshop will be located in a building block container (a used product is quite suitable for the workshop, since new block containers are quite expensive). The area of ​​the block container is a little more than 14 m². Therefore, its useful space can easily accommodate not only a workbench and a shelf with tools, but even several small carpentry machines. There will be enough space for storing wood and organizing a small painting area.

The option with a block container can be considered if you take a fairly serious approach to the arrangement of the workshop and if you have serious intentions related to the volume of work performed here. If your carpentry work is on a modest scale, then an alternative in the form of an empty garage or shed is quite capable of meeting your needs.

In order for a home workshop to meet the minimum requirements for comfort and safety, its area must be at least 6...10 m² (it all depends on the amount of equipment you plan to place in the workshop). This should be taken into account if you are going to build a special room for a workshop. If you plan to adapt an existing building of suitable size for a workshop, then use it. M a scarlet carpentry workshop can be quite convenient. N and six squares can accommodate not only the carpenter’s main tool – a carpenter’s workbench, but also a couple of the most popular machines: a sharpening machine for tools, as well as a drilling machine for wood processing, etc. And 40-50 sq.m. - this is practically a workshop.

This is what a regular FORUMHOUSE user writes about the size of the carpentry workshop.

AlekX member of FORUMHOUSE,

10 squares is enough... To arrange and work comfortably - from 25 squares, comfortably and impressively move with a cigar from machine to machine - from 40-50 sq.m.

And here is a photograph of the interior of his workshop, which measures 11 m².

Basic requirements for a carpenter's workshop

It is not enough to understand how to build a carpentry workshop or how to choose a suitable premises. When setting up a carpentry workshop, you need to remember five important factors, the presence of which guarantees convenience and safety while working inside the future premises:

  • fire safety;
  • effective sound insulation;
  • high-quality lighting;
  • proper ventilation;
  • ​efficient and safe heating.

Let's talk about all this in more detail.

Fire safety

To ensure fire safety, the workshop premises must have grounding. All machines and equipment should be connected to a common grounding circuit. A powder fire extinguisher, which is an essential element of a carpentry workshop, must be installed in a well-accessible place. The fire extinguisher must be rated ABC (for all flammable materials and electrical equipment) and have a capacity of 4.5 kg (10 lb). A container of sand, equipped with fire extinguishing equipment and installed near the entrance to the workshop, will give you an additional guarantee of safety.


If the carpentry workshop is located near a living space, sound insulation in it is of great importance. To ensure this, you can use standard means, which include the use of special finishing materials, double-glazed windows and door structures.


Good lighting is half the success of your carpentry workshop! This is not only comfort for your eyes, but also a necessary condition for work safety. Indeed, in conditions of insufficient visibility, injuries when working with electric and other woodworking tools occur much more often. And in order to avoid them, in addition to general lighting in the workshop, it is necessary to use additional lighting for the workplace (machine, workbench, etc.).

When working away from natural light, it is better to use a combination of lighting fixtures of different spectrums. Neon fluorescent lamps - for general lighting and incandescent lamps - for additional illumination of the workplace. According to doctors, the use of the same type of lighting devices does not always have a good effect on the condition of the visual organs.

Do-it-yourself carpentry in the garage.

The electrical cable that you run into the workshop to connect electrical equipment and lighting fixtures must have a suitable cross-section to withstand heavy loads. Wiring should be placed in metal conduits or pipes to help prevent fire in the event of a short circuit.


Even the simplest forced ventilation installed in a carpentry workshop will make your work much more comfortable and safer. Thanks to ventilation, you will not have to inhale wood dust, which can cause irritation of the respiratory tract and even diseases.

If you plan to install woodworking machines in the workshop, then installing a suitable chip ejector is an issue that requires a mandatory solution. Otherwise, the room will always be a mess, and all efforts aimed at ensuring fire safety will not have the desired effect. After all, wood dust, scattered in large quantities in the air, can ignite like gunpowder from the slightest spark.


If you plan to work in your future workshop all year round, then heating the room is an issue that should be taken very seriously. The warm air in the workshop will have a beneficial effect on your well-being, performance and the condition of the power tool. And only in such conditions is wood able to retain its best qualities.

It makes no sense to connect such a room to centralized heating (with rare exceptions). Therefore, installing an oil heater will be considered a completely worthy way out. Alternatively, you can use fan heaters or more modern infrared heaters. These devices will quickly heat a small room and, if the room is well insulated, will create a cozy microclimate inside the workshop.

Carpentry workshop layout

If, before creating a room for a carpentry workshop, you took into account the minimum requirements regarding the internal area of ​​the facility, then you will definitely have enough space to organize its main zones:

    space for machines;

    space for a workbench and assembly table;

    racks (shelves) for tools;

    space (corner) where equipment for cleaning the workshop is stored;

    container for waste and garbage (wooden box, etc.);

    attachments for storing hacksaws, tape measures and other tools;

    hanger (wardrobe) for workwear;

    wall cabinets for small tools, fasteners and other parts;

    storage space for wood and finished products.

An assembly table, like a workbench, is an essential element when planning a carpentry workshop. Here's what one of our forum participants thinks about it.

Yuzef member of FORUMHOUSE

An assembly table is a must. The simplest one is to cut one sheet of chipboard in half (according to the layout - lengthwise or crosswise) and fold two thicknesses (fasten with screws).

It is advisable to mount large items and equipment on walls or install them near them. This will free up some of the internal space for freer movement. In order to calculate the minimum area of ​​free space near a machine or workbench, it is necessary to multiply the area occupied by this device by 2. Tools and equipment used together must be located next to each other.

In order to save free space in workshops, some of their owners resort to little tricks: they build convenient folding workbenches. The working surface of such a device is mounted on the wall, and its unscrewing legs are stored in any convenient place. On the bottom surface of the workbench you can easily make mounts for storing a wide variety of tools.

This is the workshop layout suggested by user Sitnikoff.

I figured out the live arrangement in Visio, without the exact dimensions of the machines and equipment for the 5.6*6.2m option. Everything fits in and even more.

The room shown in the diagram has impressive dimensions, and not everyone can afford such dimensions. The general concept of arrangement of equipment and accessories shown in the figure will be clear to all interested.

Here is more detailed information about the proposed project. Everyone can find something useful in it. You will learn what to make a floor from in a carpentry workshop, what to build walls from, what the foundation will be like, etc.

Sitnikoff member FORUMHOUSE

For now, I’ll write about the design of the building for the carpentry workshop:

    The structure is a frame made of boards 150x50 mm. HSD 2.8m x 5.6 x 6.2. The height of the attic is 1.2 m.

    Build on a shallow strip foundation.

    Insulation - mineral wool or basalt 150 mm thick.

    Cover the outside and inside with OSB board.

    The outside of the slab is covered with clapboard.

    Floors - concrete, then EPS (50mm), warm water floor in a concrete screed.

    Floors – ceramic tiles.

    Heating is from a stove (I don’t know whether to buy a metal one or install a small Dutch oven), it is possible to connect a heated floor to the route running from the house to the bathhouse.

    The roof of the attic will be insulated in the same way as the walls, since there will be no ceiling (in case something will have to be hung or placed within reach), i.e. I am planning a dome in the workshop.

    The roof covering is metal tiles (especially since there is some reserve left after the house and bathhouse).

    The door is a metal double-leaf insulated door with a width of 120 cm (80 + 40).

    Windows – plastic double-glazed windows measuring 150 x 60 cm under the ceiling – 6 pcs.

    Window opposite the door 100x150 cm – 1 pc.

    I do not rule out the presence of skylights in the ceiling (I want light) - 4 pcs.

    Electrical equipment - 220 V in plastic boxes.

    Dust removal and ventilation system (you will probably have to place several boxes around the room to connect the tool to the dust removal system).

Basic rules for organizing space in the workshop

    Each machine, workbench and other equipment must have free access from three sides.

    The free space of the workshop should prevail in quantitative ratio over the space occupied by machines, cabinets and other items.

    The floor in the workshop must be smooth and dry, and under no circumstances should slippery materials be laid on its surface.

    The waste container must have 2 compartments (the first is for storing wood waste, the second is for storing other waste).

    A small supply of drinking water, as well as a fully stocked first aid kit, should be kept in a visible place.

Remember, when working in the workshop, you should not neglect personal protective equipment - overalls, safety glasses, respirators, and so on.

Those who want to watch a video on how to combine an ordinary garage with a carpentry workshop can familiarize themselves with the material prepared by a professional carpenter and a regular participant in our forum. A video about how to properly equip a cabinetmaker’s workplace is advisable for everyone who is planning to make a comfortable and multifunctional workbench with their own hands. You can get fresh ideas regarding arranging a carpenter’s home workshop in the “…” section. And you can participate in the discussion of issues related to the manufacture of wood products by visiting the forum section "".

A detailed guide for those who want to open their own carpentry workshop and turn their hobby into a highly profitable business. What you need to open, how to register a workshop, what to produce, what additional services to offer and how much you can earn from all this.

A carpentry workshop is a good business option. It can produce custom-made furniture, windows, interior or entrance doors, as well as other products that will be in good demand.

An additional source of income can be the repair or restoration of wooden furniture.

How to open a carpentry workshop, officially register it, find buyers, choose the optimal premises and what tools and equipment you will need is described in detail in this article.

Business benefits

Own carpentry is a profitable business that has such advantages as:

  • demand for manufactured products;
  • annually growing demand for products;
  • minimum investment at the start;
  • stable and good income regardless of the season;
  • several options for selling products;
  • possibility of expanding the range and range of services.

The demand for custom-made wooden furniture, doors or windows is really growing every year. At the same time, the turnover and income of carpentry workshops increase. Therefore, it is already clear from the advantages that the decision to start such a business is the right one. But what and how much money do you need to start?

What is needed to open a carpentry

To start such a business you need to be a good carpenter yourself or find such a specialist. The workshop must be properly organized:

  • a separate place for storing materials and products;
  • availability of the necessary equipment;
  • comfortable workplaces for craftsmen;
  • high-quality lighting;
  • and etc.

You also need to understand that even with high demand for products, immediate profits should not be expected. All investments will pay off no earlier than in 8-10 months.

Moreover, you need to know that a carpentry workshop is a business with a minimum profitability of 25% to 35%. To destroy such a business you need to try hard. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid or work at a loss.

There are 6 steps to start this business.

Step 1. Registering a business with the tax office.

Step 2. Search and rental of premises for a workshop.

Step 3. Purchase of tools and equipment.

Step 4. Purchase of materials.

Step 6. Search for buyers of manufactured products.

All steps presented are a short version of the main points. Let's look at each in detail.

Workshop registration

The optimal form of government for a carpentry workshop is LLC. It makes it possible to hire workers and expand production without much difficulty.

You can register as an individual entrepreneur (IP) only if the owner himself or 1-2 hired craftsmen work in the workshop.

To register a workshop you need to:

  • choose a form of government;
  • obtain a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • register with the tax office;
  • obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor.

Also, when the premises are selected and rented, you will need to obtain permission from the fire inspectorate. This is an important point, since carpentry involves working with flammable materials.

How much do you need to start?

To open a carpentry workshop you will need about 220 thousand rubles. This includes:

  • up to 14,000 rub. - renting premises (if you don’t have your own);
  • about 21,000 rub. - raw materials and supplies;
  • up to 180,000 rub. - tools and equipment;
  • up to 1,500 rub. - payment for electricity.
  • 50,000 rub. - other expenses.
  • 20,000 - 40,000 rub. - wages for hired workers (2 people).

The figures are approximate. For example, it is not a fact that you will need to spend money on salaries, since an entrepreneur alone can run a business and engage in production.

You may also not need to pay rent if you have your own premises (for example, a spacious garage, a separate room in a country house or a building on a personal plot).

A large amount will be required only for the purchase of equipment and tools. The rest has quite reasonable prices.

Thus, having invested 220,000 rubles at the initial stage, within six months, with a profitability of 23%, you can achieve a profit of 70,000 rubles. per month.

Room for a carpentry workshop

The following requirements apply to carpentry workshop premises:

Area - minimum 50 sq. m.

The length of the room is at least 4 m.

Humidity is low.

Temperature - at least 16°C.

Lighting - 20% natural, 80% artificial.

Ventilation - natural, supply and exhaust filter systems.

Electricity - 220V and 380V.

Fire safety - in accordance with Chapter 8 of the Fire Regulations of the Russian Federation.

Tools and equipment

The list of basic tools and equipment includes:

  • hammers and mallets;
  • chisels and electric plane;
  • tape measure and caliper;
  • drill and screwdriver;
  • jigsaw and circular saws;
  • milling and jointing machines;
  • devices for applying paint, varnish and antiseptics;
  • fan with bags.

You will also need the following consumables:

  • wood glue;
  • dye;
  • oil;
  • nails;
  • self-tapping screws

In addition, packaging materials for finished products may be required.


For smooth production of products, a minimum of two carpenters is required. One may be the entrepreneur himself, the second may be a hired worker.

You need to understand that in order to participate in the production process yourself you need to have the appropriate skills. If they are not available, it is optimal to hire two carpenters.

If you plan to produce unique furniture or other specific products, you may need a specialist for artistic wood cutting.

The number of employees will directly depend on the volume of work. At the initial stage, you can get by with two masters. As the enterprise expands, it is necessary to attract new specialists. Perhaps in the future, a manager will be needed who will search for buyers. Although you can do this work yourself.

What can be made in a carpentry workshop?

To understand what products to produce, you need to study the market. You should pay attention to goods that are in abundance and those that are in short supply.

It is definitely worth studying the pricing policies of competitors and their range.

You can work in the production sector:

  • furniture and decorative interior elements;
  • stairs and doors;
  • gazebos and fences;
  • finishing products.

If you have specific ideas, then everything should be carefully weighed and make sure that there will be demand for the product. Otherwise, you can make a mistake.

It is best to start a business with furniture, doors or windows. These products are always in demand in the market. For a start, such products are the most optimal. In the future, you can expand the range and add additional services.

Product sales options

Finished products can be sold at fairs, markets or online. That is, this is an option for delivering products to customers from the workshop.

Construction or furniture stores may be interested in cooperation. To do this, just call these retail outlets and make them a unique selling proposition for the supply of your own products.

If you don’t want to look for buyers and stores for cooperation, then it’s optimal to open your own retail outlet. Selling products will be much easier and more profitable.

But it should be noted that if you work in the three listed areas at once, you can get large volumes of work and a stable income of over 100,000 rubles. per month.

Additional services

A carpentry workshop opens up a lot of possibilities. In addition to production, clients can be offered additional services, such as:

  • delivery of products to the client;
  • furniture assembly at the client’s home or office;
  • furniture repair or restoration;
  • installation of windows and doors;
  • other services related to the field of activity.

The listed services can become an additional tool for increasing the profit of the workshop.

How to attract buyers

You can use different advertising methods to attract customers. The most effective of them are:

  • Booklets and leaflets. They can be made in the form of a mini-catalog of products indicating prices, contacts and addresses where you can contact. This method of advertising is one of the most effective, since potential buyers can immediately familiarize themselves with the assortment (or the most popular products of the workshop) and make a decision.
  • Advertising in the media. Here you need to take care of an advertising campaign on local television, radio, newspapers and magazines. Which media to attract depends on the budget allocated for business promotion.
  • Internet advertising. This is another effective way to quickly reach potential clients. To do this, you need to open your own website, place a product catalog on its pages and make it possible to place an online order. You can get the most out of your website by launching it in Yandex.Direct. Also, don’t ignore social networks, where you can create an official workshop group, advertise it and get even more clients.


To open your own workshop you need to invest about 200,000 rubles. You will need to register an LLC, rent premises, purchase tools and equipment, as well as search for buyers.

Business payback is 8-10 months. Monthly profit - more than 70,000 rubles. The minimum profitability is 25-30%.

A carpentry workshop as a business is an ideal option for an entrepreneur. The demand for high-quality furniture and other products made from wood is increasing every year. There are minimal costs required to register and get started.

- 25-30%, so the probability of destroying it is negligible. Thanks to this, the likelihood of bankruptcy or employment at a loss is significantly reduced.

Important: if there is a high level of demand, you should not expect quick income. The minimum payback period varies from 8 to 10 months.

To get started, you must go through several mandatory steps:

These steps are fundamental, without which it is impossible to start work.

Advantages and disadvantages of the workshop

The main advantages of opening a carpentry shop include:

  • annually increasing demand for high-quality wooden products
  • if desired, you can manufacture wooden products with a unique design, which entails an increase in cost
  • minimum initial costs - from 100 thousand rubles
  • payback

Additionally, there is a low level of competition, in contrast to other types of business with small financial turnover.

Negative side of the business:

  • direct dependence of reputation on the quality of manufactured products, i.e. on the professionalism of workers
  • high competition - not in all regions
  • difficulties in the first months of work with finding sales points

The main task of the carpentry business is to create a positive reputation in the market from the first orders. Consumers want to purchase furniture with a long service life.

It is important to try to produce goods in accordance with customer requirements, otherwise sales volumes will decrease significantly.

Points of a carpentry business plan

Before you begin purchasing the required equipment and recruiting personnel, it is important to draw up a business plan that describes in detail:

  • market analysis
  • sales prospects for finished products
  • projected costs and profits

Video on how to make money doing carpentry:

Having calculated the preliminary initial amount of costs, you can begin to register your business.

Case registration

A company can be opened in any convenient form. For small workshops, an individual entrepreneur would be the best option.

Among the features:

  • takes no more than 3 days
  • You only need to pay the state fee - 800 rubles.

The advantages of registering as an individual entrepreneur include:

It is possible to form an LLC, but in this case, the earned funds cannot be quickly withdrawn - once every 3 months (quarter) after the transfer of tax fees. When opening a company with a partner, LLC is the best option.

Registration of a legal entity entails the following advantages:

  • liability to creditors solely on the authorized capital
  • after stopping business activities, there is no need to transfer insurance and pension contributions
  • the company can be divided between the founders - each has their own area of ​​responsibility

The choice of business form depends on the specific situation.

See how to make the right choice when registering a company:

During the registration period, you need to select the OKVED code 16.23.

There is no need for a license to produce wood products. A certificate is required for the manufacture of children's toys.

Package of documents

Table 1: package of documents for registration of individual entrepreneurs and LLCs.

List of documents for individual entrepreneurs

Package of documents for LLC

Passport in original format + copy of all completed pages

Application for company registration according to form P11001

TIN - if available

Passport of each founder - original + copy of all completed pages

Application for registration in form P21001

Receipt for payment of state duty

Receipt for payment of state duty (RUB 800)

Minutes of the meeting on the establishment of the LLC or the decision of the sole founder - depending on the situation

Statement on the chosen tax system

Formed Charter of the Company

Application for transition to the selected tax system

To register a company, you must contact the tax authority at the place of business activity.

To organize a carpentry workshop, you can choose any room, including a garage or basement. The main condition is dryness - the tree does not like moisture and deteriorates from it.

When choosing a room, you need to consider the following features:

  • the area should be sufficient for comfortable work - optimally 300 sq.m., but not less than 50
  • when organizing a large workshop, the premises should have an area of ​​about 700 square meters. m.
  • in the case of the production of window blocks and doors, the length and height should not be less than 4 meters

Additional requirements include:

In the case of door production, it is necessary to divide the carpentry shop into separate production areas:

  • drying wood
  • production of solid woodwork
  • production of auxiliary elements
  • assembly
  • grinding
  • Painting works

Thanks to this, it is possible to establish a continuous production process.

Analysis of the market, competitors

If you have a sufficient amount of start-up capital, the best option would be to place an order for marketing market analysis from professionals. If you wish, you can obtain most of the information yourself.

If you have had experience in a similar field, local conditions should be familiar. By visiting several specialized stores and companies producing wood products, you can find out their range.

After analyzing prices and studying the demand of the local population, you can understand: what needs to be produced in larger quantities, and what needs to be made for individual orders.

Which assortment to choose

The products offered by carpentry shops are extensive. Highlight:

  • entrance and interior doors
  • window units
  • furniture: sofas, cabinets, tables, etc.
  • numerous small items for the kitchen
  • souvenir products
  • Kids toys

The best option at the beginning of an entrepreneurial career is to choose one or several areas, and then expand in the future.

Doors and windows are products from the category of constant demand. Wooden window blocks are being replaced by plastic, but wood is still in great demand today due to its quality.

The production of kitchen utensils is a profitable business with mass demand and a large assortment.

In this direction you can engage in production:

If you add decorative elements to your inventory, you can sell them as souvenirs.

The most attractive direction in this area is the production of gingerbread rolling pins/boards with recesses and convexities in the form of:

  • patterns
  • animals
  • fruit

Souvenir products made of wood are popular - from numerous magnets to carved boxes. Many manufacturers sell “Knock on Wood” amulets. It is made from birch logs or boards, and then decorated with birch bark.

You can produce:

  • chairs
  • benches
  • tables
  • cabinets
  • chests of drawers, etc.

Children's toys made of wood are highly valued among the population because they are environmentally friendly and have a high level of durability.

Products are made cheaper by applying paint. Without the use of paint and varnish, products for children are expensive, but you need to achieve the smoothest possible surface.

Important: the production of children's toys requires a certificate.

Sales routes for finished products

The optimal and reasonable option at the beginning of an entrepreneurial career is to start selling through local operating stores and markets.

It is quite difficult to get your products into large retail chains, which is why it is better to act through small entrepreneurs selling goods from this area.

If you have additional capital, you can additionally open your own sales point and begin selling products directly from the workshop.

The best option is to develop an online store in which you can post photographs of products from different angles. With its help, you can not only sell personal goods in your city, but also effortlessly enter the all-Russian sales market, and with minimal financial investment.

  • advertisements on regional websites
  • advertisements in newspapers
  • social networks. You can create a personal group

Interesting video about carpentry:

In the case of producing high-quality products at affordable prices, word of mouth will additionally play a role. In practice, with its help, sales volumes increase significantly.

Carpentry equipment

Equipping a carpentry shop with the necessary equipment is the largest cost item for the business in question. Reducing costs is only possible if you have the right tools.

If you wish, you can buy used devices - the main thing is that they are in good technical condition.

Table 2: required equipment for organizing a carpentry workshop.

List of tools

Minimum cost, thousand rubles.

Wood lathe


Miter or circular saw

26 — 27


From 90


Milling machine

From 120





From 10

Some devices can be made independently according to existing drawings:

  • lathes
  • vice
  • workbenches

Video about the required range of equipment:

The best option would be to purchase a woodworking center that can combine equipment that significantly reduces the space occupied.

The average cost is 150 thousand rubles.

Purchase of raw materials

When working in a carpentry workshop, a variety of raw materials are used, the selection of which depends on the type of products being manufactured and the level of financial situation of the end consumers (use expensive or budget materials).

For example, the most durable products are made from oak, and alder is excellent for making decorative furniture. An expensive product is made from walnut.

Other tree species are used depending on the type of product:

  • ash is the best option for carving
  • beech is used in the production of bent furniture

The most expensive species include mahogany and ebony. Furniture is produced from them only to order and with full prepayment. Products made from mahogany are valued when arranging business offices in expensive homes. Needles are used in the production of interior doors.

In addition to wood, the future entrepreneur needs to purchase additional consumables:

  • wood glue
  • oil
  • specialized sanding belts
  • paints and varnishes
  • nails, screws, etc.

A separate cost item includes fittings: numerous corners, wheels, closers, handles, etc.

Personnel search

To produce carpentry products, a minimum of several assistants is required - subject to the independent organization of the work of the workshop. In the absence of such an opportunity, there is a need to hire a production manager and a foreman.

Additional staff:

  • handyman
  • sales specialist
  • Sales specialist (search and selection of clients)
  • accountant

If you want to produce non-standard products, you must additionally use the services of a designer.

Important: the process of manufacturing wood products is accompanied by a risk of injury, which is why employees must be allowed to work after they have been given safety instructions.

Calculation of profitability in a business plan

Suppose an entrepreneur opens a workshop for the production of windows and doors. To do this, they hired several employees and rented specialized premises.
Workload - 50%.

Table 3: one-time and monthly costs.

Entrepreneur's cost item

Monthly costs, thousand rubles.

One-time expenses, thousand rubles.

Official registration of a business case

40 thousand rubles.

Registration of a lease agreement for premises

Payment of utilities (electricity)

Purchasing the necessary tools

Arrangement of the premises

Purchase of raw materials

Purchasing additional materials


Social contributions

Administrative costs

The total financial costs amounted to 568 thousand rubles.

Table 4: production diagram.


  • total income from wholesale sales of products - 480 thousand rubles.
  • expenses (production and non-production) - 388 thousand rubles.
  • net income - 92 thousand rubles.
  • profitability - from 15%

Employees can spend the remaining period on making furniture for individual orders, bringing in an additional monthly income of 100-150 thousand rubles.

The payback period for investments is from six months.

Video about furniture production:

With a small starting capital, you can open a small workshop with an initial investment of 100 thousand rubles:

  • equipment costs - 70 thousand rubles.
  • purchase of raw materials - 20 thousand rubles.
  • monthly rent for production premises is 10 thousand rubles.

With an average monthly income of 30 thousand rubles, the initial investment can be recouped in a period of 4 months.

Purchase of a ready-made carpentry workshop

If you do not want to create your own business from scratch, you can purchase a ready-made business. The cost depends on the region of residence.

Analyzing message boards on the Internet, the average cost of such a business is:

  • Tula - 500 thousand rubles
  • Chelyabinsk - 1 million rubles. - depends on production volumes
  • Angarsk - 350 thousand rubles.
  • Moscow - 1 million rubles.
  • St. Petersburg - 1 million rubles.

The cost of the finished case depends on the following factors:

The last factor is key. In small towns, the cost of production is lower than in megacities. At the same time, the monthly profit is smaller, but there is a chance to become a monopolist.