Migratory birds riddles for children. Interesting riddles about birds

The mentality of the people, its uniqueness, is expressed in the language. How fully a person is familiar with his own language culture, so much he can be called a representative of this culture.

Folklore in education

Familiarity with folklore is laid in early childhood. The mother, rocking the baby, sings a folk song to him. Grandmother expresses her thoughts with sayings and jokes. Grandfather sings ditties to the harmonica, and father - bard songs, accompanying himself on the guitar.

In childhood, the concepts of "good" and "bad" are laid. What is possible, what is not, what is taboo.

The little man absorbs the sounds around him. Learn to respond to the outside world. How exactly does a rooster crow, what does a cat say. In different nations, these animals make different sounds.

Children ask a lot of questions. So they fill their "intellectual piggy bank", with which they will then go along the path of life. They love to guess their mother's riddles about birds and animals and compose their own.

Character traits in birds in folklore

In fairy tales, certain character traits are attributed to each animal. This is no accident. Man observed them before giving this or that name.

If you turn only to the world of birds, you can see a rich palette of bright characters:

  • Eagle is proud.
  • The kite is cruel.
  • Falcon - valiant.
  • Swan - faithful.
  • Chicken is a caring mother.
  • Cuckoo is a bad mother.
  • The goose is stupid.
  • Raven is wise.
  • Owl is wise.
  • Stork - loves children.
  • Woodpecker - treats trees.
  • Vulture - unscrupulous, vile.
  • Magpie - curious, thief and talker.
  • Parrot - has no opinion.
  • Nightingale is a singer.
  • The turkey is puffed up and important.
  • Ostrich - hides from problems.
  • The peacock is a self-satisfied handsome man.

This list goes on. But how to explain these concepts to a child? A riddle about a bird for children comes to the rescue. They understand the characteristic behavior of one of the representatives of the bird breed. The riddle attributes to the feathered traits inherent in people.

Poultry yard

Riddles about poultry were composed by people who closely observed them in their lives. Sometimes several of their species and breeds gather in the poultry yard.

The rooster announces the dawn of a new day. The fishermen go to the morning fishing. Chickens come out, hatching chickens. Behind them are geese, in even formation. The turkey does not allow to pass, it is bypassed.


He got used to getting up a little light.

Everyone will be awakened by his cry.

Very important for a fisherman

Hear: "Crow".

Hen with chickens

At first she sat in a basket,

Warmly warming children.

Then she took me down the path,

Looking for a fatter worm.


Walks with an important step,

Nobody notices.

He has a beak in coral.

You have to bypass it.


He and his wife in the morning

Come out to pluck the grass.

And the guys go in single file

They are called ... (goslings).

It is easy for a child to show these birds for a walk in the summer. You can feed them by calling: “Chick-chick-chick”, “Tega-tega”. In winter, reading fairy tales and riddles about poultry, these summer walks will become especially expensive.

In zoo

Migratory birds

The squad is gathering

He is fearless and winged.

He flies away for the winter

And in the spring it flies back.

Wild duck

That's not her name for nothing.

She says: "Quack-quack."

And when the ponds freeze

Flies over the seas.

The outline of the swan resembles the number "2".


Floats slowly across the pond

And the wave follows.

This bird is sure

You will be reminded of the number "two".

In the zoo you can see a heron. She has interesting feature stand on one leg.


In the swamp among girlfriends

It stands on one leg.

Eat frogs for lunch

And my stomach won't hurt.


There are many sounds in the forest. You can hear the cuckoo, woodpecker, owl.


Who in the forest shouts "Ku-ku",

Answering the mushroom picker?


Who is knocking on the tree?

Knock and shut up.

An owl is a nocturnal animal, you can’t meet it on a walk. But the riddle about the bird for children will be informative.


She has big eyes

During the day, she sits in a hollow.

Flying through the forest at night

And "uh-huh" says everything.

Swallows and swifts fly over the field. They make nests under the roofs of houses and sit beautifully on wires. In swallows, the tail is narrow and strongly forked, while in swifts it is like that of a herring. Swifts are larger, and swallows sing beautifully.


Along the road, on poles,

On elastic wires,

Like notes, the birds sat down

Music in heaven.


Beautiful ponytail with a fork

Diving flight.

Nest for the kids

Under the roof of the council.

In the town

City birds have developed their own tactics to feed themselves. They have a characteristic behavior, which was the reason to compose riddles about birds.


Hairbrush is lost

And say goodbye to the head.

And then your hair

Like that bird's nest.


He walks on the pavement

Helps with the head.


We will feed the pigeons.

Come quickly!

Took a piece from them

A brave guy ... (sparrow).

When winter is outside, there is no time for walking. But you can hang a feeder and watch how guests flock to treat. Pigeons will not be able to stand steadily on a small feeder, and tits and bullfinches will fly in.

Tits can simply hang a piece of bacon on a string. They will peck at him while hanging upside down. How can you not make a riddle about birds for a child!


Arrived at the mountain ash

Ate red berries

He has a red belly

I took a look today.


Beak knocking on the window

white-cheeked girl,

Arrives to feed

In a yellow scarf ... (titmouse).

bird in a cage

Children always want to have a pet. Not every parent will dare to have a dog, but you can agree to a bird. Buy a cage, a bird and make a surprise by guessing riddles about birds in rhyme.

A bird boy flew to us.

This is blue ... (parrot).

Birds flew to us

to wake us up in the morning.

Little family songs

Perform ... (canaries).


Two lumps, blue and yellow,

They sit in a cage by the window.

They sing songs to each other

They are silent in a friendly way.

Riddles as didactic material

In working with children, riddles about birds for preschoolers are excellent didactic material that develops analysis and abstraction:

  1. The kids are good at imagining the characters.
  2. Not distracted by emotional attachment (as in the case of dogs and cats).
  3. They reason and draw conclusions without being afraid of the character (as in the case of a bear, wolf, snake).

Game tasks about birds:

  • Swan geese.
  • Finger games.
  • Dance of little ducks.

Costume scenes:

  • Fox and crane.
  • Two cheerful geese.
  • Thumbelina.
  • Ugly duck.

The artists tell a fairy tale, adding riddles about migratory birds to the plot. It is very interesting.

After the performance, the host asks the children riddles about birds, and they answer in unison. Then game tasks. Such an event will be remembered for a long time.

The benefits of working with a baby are obvious. To help him enter the world, to find his place in it is the duty of the parents. On a simple understandable to a child language, the main learning takes place in the form of a game. Communication with native nature, folklore will leave a mark in the heart of the baby and make him kind.

Ø Verst did not count

Traveled along the roads

And there were overseas ... (migratory birds)

Ø Everyone knows this bird

On the site of his palace

Chervyakov carries chicks

Yes, it crackles all day ... (starling)

Ø Who is without notes and pipes

Trills best of all? ... (nightingale)

Ø Guests come in the spring,

And they leave in the fall ... (migratory birds)

Ø The neck is thin and the legs,

Not afraid of water and drops,

Lots of fish and frogs

Long beak. This is ... (herons)

Ø Starts songs in May,

Trills flow among the branches,

Everything around him listens!

And that singer ... (nightingale)

Ø Spring and summer

Follows the plowman

And before winter

He leaves with a cry ... (rook)

Like a tiny call ... (lark)

Ø In spring, it rushes to us from the south

Black as a raven bird.

For the trees of our doctor-

Insects eats everyone ... (rook)

Ø This bird is yellow,

She is warmed by the bright sun.

Her song is beautiful and long-

A flute whistles in the forest .. (oriole)

Ø They interfere with other people's chicks,

And they leave theirs.

And in the forest near the edge

They keep counting for years ... (cuckoos)

Ø All conspicuous birds black,

Cleans the earth from worms

Along the arable land rushes galloping

And the bird is called ... (rook)

Ø In place - a palace,

In the yard - a singer ... (starling)

Ø Little boy

Ø Black, shouting "Kra"

Worms are the enemy ... (rook)

Proverbs and sayings.

§ In one feather, a bird will not be born.

§ You can see the bird in flight.

§ The nightingale is not fed with fables.

Every bird has its own habits.

§ He who knows how to land can fly.

§ See the bird in flight.

Poems about migratory birds.

The grass is green

The sun is shining

A swallow with spring in the canopy flies to us.

A. Pleshcheev

What do sparrows sing about

On the last day of winter?

We survived! We survived!

We are alive! We are alive!

V. Berestov

Starlings return -

Our old residents

Sparrows at the puddle

They circle in a noisy flock,

Wear, wear in houses

Birds at straws.

G. Ladonshchikov

It is decorated with a tuft.

His house is in a dry hollow.

Knows all the forest people:

These birds are called hoopoe.

The starling across the sea lived in winter,

Now he has returned home.

And early in the morning in silence

Sang about the sun and spring.

Come on!

Dear starling,

Come on finally!

I built a house for you

Not a birdhouse, but a palace!

Application No. 4.

Abstract of the lesson on drawing "Lark".


Teaching children to draw birds by building an image from constituent parts.

Teach children to draw a bird in motion.

Show that a slight displacement of the components relative to each other gives us a different pose of the bird.

Develop pencil sketch drawing skills.

Develop drawing skills with colored pencils.

Develop background creation skills with wax crayons.

Course progress.


Today's our task, I want to start with music. I suggest you listen to the romance of the Russian composer A. Alyabyev "The Lark".

Isn't it, what a gentle, pure, beautiful music. She very accurately conveys the impression of the lark's song - sonorous, high, clear. It makes the soul so happy, it warms the heart so much.

Today I suggest you learn how to draw a lark.

Look at these pictures. Looking at them, we understand that the body of most birds consists of several parts. What? (Head, body, tail, wings.) What shape are they? (The head is round or slightly oval, the body is oval, the tail may be triangular, forked, like a swallow, the wings are usually curved - if the bird flies, they are oval when folded, the beak is triangular, may be small or large, curved or straight.

You can draw geometric shapes - a circle, an oval, a triangle - you know how. Therefore, you can easily depict the component parts of the bird's body. You just need to connect these parts correctly.

(Show chalk sketch on blackboard.)


The lark has a small oval body, a round head, a small triangular beak, and a triangular tail. Look, first I will draw an oval torso. Now I will add a round head to it, oval wings - I will slightly sharpen their ends (these are the longest feathers).

It remains the folded tail, it rather resembles not a triangle, but

quadrilateral, and a triangular little beak. And now my lark collects plant seeds from the ground.

Now you understand the drawing sequence. You see, it is worth slightly changing the position of the parts of the body relative to each other, and the lark has a completely different posture. Slightly change the position of the head, move it higher, the lark no longer pecks at the grains, but sits on the nest, vigilantly looks around, guarding the chicks.

And now let's try to sketch a lark that takes off. Again I start with an oval body, I will add a round head with a small beak to it. And now the unfolded wings. I'll start drawing them with a curved line that looks like a rounded corner, this is the outer part of the wing. The inner part is also rounded, but already a smoother line, I divide it into separate feathers. In the same way I draw the second wing. The tail remains. In flight, the lark straightens it, the tail acquires a triangular shape, it is also possible to draw individual feathers in it

Now try to compose your composition by depicting larks in a variety of poses, motionless and in motion, sitting on the ground and flying. Sketch with simple pencils. If you don't like something in your sketch, you can use the eraser tool to fix it.

2 part. The music plays while drawing. The teacher helps the children only with advice, verbal prompting, without resorting to direct intervention in the children's drawing.

3 part. After the children have finished sketching with a simple pencil, the teacher invites them to think about how they will color the sketch, what visual aids, simple pencils, they use. He talks to the children about the plumage of the lark. At field lark the feathers of the upper part of the body are earthy-brown, brown, and the lower part is reddish-white.

In conclusion - a short conversation about the content of the resulting drawings.

Application No. 5.

bird watching on area of ​​the kindergarten


Learn to distinguish birds by plumage, size, voice;

Develop observation, memory;

Cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards birds.

Progress of observation

The grass is green again

And the forests curled up.

"Spring! Spring! Time to get to work!"

Dry twigs, straw,

Pieces of moss they carry

Everything is useful for them at home,

To create comfort for the chicks.

And poured on the branches

Tits, sparrows, starlings,

After all, soon there will be children in the nests

Their yellow-mouthed chicks.

The teacher asks the children questions.

♦ What kind of birds come to our site?

♦ How do you help them?

♦ What size are they?

♦ What are the benefits of birds?

♦ What color are they?

♦ What do they eat?

♦ What changes in bird life occur in spring?

♦ How do birds take care of their offspring?

♦ What other birds do you know?

Labor activity

Sanding the paths on the site.

Cultivate a positive attitude towards work;

Learn to help the young.

Movable games

"Catch - throw."

Learn to catch the ball without pressing it to your chest;

Throw exactly to the teacher with both hands in accordance with the rhythm of the spoken words.

Purpose: to teach to move with side steps in different directions, to act on a signal.

Individual work

Jumping up from a place.

Purpose: to develop jumping ability, the ability to concentrate muscle efforts, combining strength with speed.

Application No. 6.

Game - quiz

"Migratory birds".

(in speech therapy group)

Conducted by the tutor

Rusakova M.G.

April 2012

1. Educational:

Ø Consolidate knowledge about migratory birds;

Ø Learn to highlight characteristics birds;

Ø Learn to highlight significant informative features appearance migratory birds.

2. Correction-developing

Ø Promote activation, stimulation, exercise of visual functions, development of fine motor skills, attention, thinking.

3. Educational tasks.

Ø Cultivate love and respect for nature and birds.

Children play in a group. The teacher enters, in her hands is an envelope.

B: Guys, the postman brought us a letter. The letter contains the address of the recipient. Let's find out who this envelope is addressed to.

Children read the address written on the envelope.

Q: Guys, this is a letter for our group. So we can print it.

Cut-up pictures in an envelope.

Q: What are the pictures, but what should we do with them?

D: Gather.

Children collect a picture on which a swallow is drawn.

Q: Who is it, did we succeed?

D: Swallow.

Q: Guys, how did you know that this is a swallow.

Q: What else do you know about the swallow.

Q: Guys, tell me what kind of bird is this?

D: Migratory.

Q: Why is it called migratory?

D: Because they fly away in the fall and arrive in the spring.

Q: Why are they flying back to us?

D: Because this is where they were born, this is their home, and this is where they hatch their chicks.

Q: Do you know what the birds' chicks are called?

D / and “Who has whom?”

At the rook - rook - rook.

At the cuckoo - cuckoo - cuckoo.

A duck has a duckling - ducklings.

The goose has goslings.

At the swan - swan - swans.

The nightingale has a nightingale - a nightingale.

At the crane - crane cub - cranes.

At a thrush - a thrush - thrushes.

At the siskin - chizhonok - chizhata.

At the stork - storks - storks.

At the starling - starling - starling.

Q: How well do you know chicks, and I want to check if you know birds? I will now describe the bird, and you must name it and show it.

D / and "I will start, and you will finish."

Ø A bird with brownish-gray plumage, throws its eggs into other people's nests, eats a lot, destroys harmful insects.


Ø Beautiful bird with a shiny black plumage, a short tail, long wings, a straight long beak, sings beautifully, imitates the voices of other birds, people build houses for him in the spring, hang high on trees.


Ø Black, beak elongated, tail rounded, brings spring.


Ø Red-tailed, conspicuous, bright.


(black-headed warbler)

Ø Medium-sized, spotted, singing, zealous, cunning, settles in the fields

(lark - field)

Ø Crested, conspicuous, bright, blue-green, elegant.


Q: Guys, let's play a little game called "Duck - Goose"

P / and "Duck-Goose".

Number of players: any

Optional: ball

Children stand in a circle with their hands behind their backs. The driver is selected, they give him a small ball in his hands. The driver is behind the circle. To the words: "Duck, duck, duck!" - which the driver utters, he walks past the children standing with his back to him. To the word "Goose!" - puts a ball in the hands of one of the participants in the game. After that, the driver and the child with the ball in their hands diverge in different directions.

They walk at a pace, and during the meeting they tell each other the names of migratory birds, they reach the place from which they started moving. The one who comes first wins. You have to walk step by step. The winner becomes the leader.

Q: Birds can also be called differently, according to their habits, signs.

Let's try.

D / and "What, what?"

The stork has long legs, what is it ....? (leggy)

The swan has a long neck, is it....? (long neck)

The stork has a long beak, he .... (long-beaked)

The swallow has a long tail, she .... (long-tailed)

The swallow loves heat, she ... (heat-loving)

The swift has sharp wings, he .... (sharp-winged)

The warbler has a black head, she ... .. (black-headed)

Q: What good fellows you are, you named all the birds. But now I will play with you a game called, “who screams like?”. I will call the bird, and you will say how it screams.

D / and “Who is screaming?”

Swallow - chirps

Cuckoo - cuckoo

Rook - shouts "kra",

Nightingale - floods, whistles, clicks.

Crane - cooing,

The lark is ringing.

B: Well done guys.

Oh, guys, look, the birds are unlikely to land. And they want to tell us something, they chirp, shout, I can’t understand what is wrong here?

D / and "The Fourth Extra".

Swallow, stork, sparrow, duck.

Swallow, starling,crow, lark.

lark,bullfinch, swallow, crane.

sparrow, crow,crane, pigeon

Starling, thrush, cuckoo,sparrow.

Magpie, nightingale, swallow, rook.

Crane, lark,crossbill,wagtail.

Q: Well done, helped the birds figure it out.

The teacher accidentally throws the envelope off the table, leaves fall out on which the letters are written.

D / I "Crossbook".

Cross out the repeating letters, write out the letters that remain one at a time. And make a word.

H W I \u003d CHIZH

Q: Well done, you guessed the encrypted birds. How much you know about interesting birds, thank you for answering beautifully, not arguing.

Guys, have you guessed who sent you this letter?

B: Right. They probably wanted you to be cheerful, joyful, like a spring day. You are in a good mood.

P Appendix No. 7.

Working with parents.

Everyone knows her, of course.
They meet in their yard.
Naughty is a bird
It is called ... (tit)

He is like an apple on a branch,
The kids see it right away.
Sitting puffed up like a bubble
It is called ... (bullfinch)

Abdomen - as if speckled,
He sings, happens, in the morning.
The bird is short
They call her ... (thrush)

Her name has "raspberry".
White belly, orange head,
And the voice is thin, thin.
It is called ... (robin)

Departure from September
To distant seas.
The bird is white as a toast,
They call her ... (chiffchaff),

I'm orange like the sunset
The beak is short - a strong grip.
Sailing through the sky like a boat
They call him ... (finch)

Her name contains the name of the great river "Volga"
One has only to add the letter "I" and it turns out ... (oriole)

Small, light and nimble,
Long tail and white chest
The stranger is called ... (swallow),
On her head - like a helmet.

The name of this bird sounds the same as the name "horse",
But it consists of two words.
This chick is not easy
And the name is ... (horse) forest

Rushing through the sky with an arrow,
Quickly, briskly, like a swarm.
She's never tight
Her name is ... (wagtail)

He flies like an eagle
It is called ... (goldfinch),
Multicolored, long beak,
Sharp eyes, good hearing.

He flies like an arrow
Once - and there is none, friends.
He is very similar to the "chizh",
But everyone calls him ... (swift)

Quiet ... Hear knocking?
This is ... (woodpecker) hammers everything.
Makes himself hollow
It was to live warmly.

This bird is like a "landslide"
Just add "p" and it will be ... (nuthatch)

crest on the head,
He sees everything, always, everywhere.
This bird is like an iris
But everyone calls her ... (lapwing)

Looks like the tail is on fire
... (redstart) is flying!
But the tail is really bright,
Red, long and tufted.

In her name "there is a warbler",
Black head is bright
Well, the abdomen itself is gray,
And she flies boldly (warbler - blackhead)

Other riddles:

Picture Migratory birds

Some interesting children's puzzles

  • Riddles about the Bear for children with answers

    What kind of animal? All winter days he sleeps, And wakes up in the spring! (Bear)

  • Riddles about the Waterfall for children with answers

    Drops are falling, but it's not rain, The river is not flowing from below, but from above. Answer: waterfall

Quiz "Birds" with answers for children of middle and older preschool age in riddles.

Vedeneeva Vera Petrovna, educator MBDOU " Kindergarten general developmental species No. 77, city of Miass, Chelyabinsk region
Description: This quiz is intended for children of middle and senior preschool age. The material can be useful as teachers preschool as well as parents. Can be used in classes on the theme of the week "Animal World". Riddles will help expand knowledge about the world of birds, allow you to develop thinking, curiosity.

Target: consolidation and expansion of children's knowledge about the world of birds.
- to expand children's knowledge and ideas about the features of appearance, life manifestations, habits of birds and their adaptation to the environment;
- to develop cognitive and creative activity, ingenuity, curiosity, horizons;
- to cultivate a feeling of love for the native nature, for all living things.
Equipment: pictures of birds.
1. I catch bugs all day,
I eat insects, worms.
I don't fly away for the winter
I live under the ledge.

2. Coloring - grayish,
Habit - thieving.
hoarse screamer
- Famous person.
Who is she?

3. He is in his forest chamber
Wears a frilly robe
He heals trees
Knock - and easier.

4. Who is jumping there, rustling,
Gutting cones with a beak?
Voice clear, clear
- Cle! glue! glue! - sings with a whistle.

5. Greenish back,
yellowish belly,
little black cap
And a strip of scarf.

6. Let me be a small bird,
My friends have a habit
- When the cold starts
Directly from the north here.

7. In the summer he goes to the plowman,
And before winter
He leaves with a cry.

8. Wants - will fly straight,
Wants - hangs in the air,
Stone falls from heights
And in the fields sings, sings.

9. Not a crow, not a tit
- What is the name of this bird?
Perched on a bitch
- There was a "ku-ku" in the forest.

10. Comes to us with warmth,
The path, having done a long one.
Sculpts a house under the window
From grass and clay.

11. He arrives every year
Where the house is waiting.
Knows how to sing other people's songs
And yet it has its own voice.

12. Flew to us at last
Our best singer.
Days and nights through
He sings, sings, sings. 3

Happy child 28.03.2018

Dear readers, spring has come, very soon the snow will melt and nature will begin to come to life, and birds will fly from distant warm countries. But how many birds, besides the usual pigeons and sparrows, do our children know?

Riddles about birds will help you get to know other types of birds. Riddles give a brief characteristic description of the bird, by which it is easy to recognize it, but at the same time, in a playful way, information is remembered by children easier and better. From riddles, children learn about various household and wild birds ah, about their habitats and other features.

Simple riddles about poultry

Simple short riddles about poultry for children with answers are suitable for kids 3-4 years old. They need to finish the answer in rhyme, and the children will easily guess them, and the correct answer will bring pleasure and amuse the children. Be sure to praise the child, even if the riddle is solved with your help.

Spreads its tail like a peacock,
Walks like an important gentleman
On the ground with their feet - a knock,
What is his name? …

He keeps saying one thing - ha-ha,
Who offended? Where? When?
I'm not afraid of anyone
Well, of course, this is…

yellow lumps,
Light as cotton!
They run after the quote.
Who is this? …

- I'm here! I'm on the lookout!
I'll bake you all!
The children fell asleep. The world is out.
Shut up, little one...

I'm all golden
Soft and fluffy.
I'm a chicken - a child,
And my name is….

She walks in the rain
Loves to nibble grass
"Quack" screams, it's all a joke,
Well of course it is….

Goes fishing
Slowly, waddle:
The boat itself
Herself and a fishing rod
Who is it? ….

Went with mom to the river
Little guys.
And floated light
Yellow ... .

Not in the forest sings on a branch,
And the words are screaming from the cage.
You get to know him soon.
This bird is...

He lives in a spacious cage
The kids love to talk to him.
In vain you do not scold him -

Riddles about wintering birds

This section contains puzzles about wintering birds for children 5, 6, 7 years old. Children of this age know more about birds: plumage color, habits, what sounds they make and what they eat. Therefore, riddles are more difficult for them.

Even though I'm not a hammer
I knock on wood:
It has every corner
I want to explore.
I walk in a red hat
And a great acrobat.

On branches decorated
snow fringe,
Ruddy apples
Grew up in winter.
Apples on an apple tree
scurrying merrily,
Ice cream caterpillars
The apples are pecking.

little boy
In a gray coat
Sneaking around the yards
Picks up crumbs
Roaming at night -
Stealing hemp.

In a gray fur coat
And in the cold he is a hero
Winter does not fly away
Lives under the eaves.

Here is a bird, so a bird,
Not a thrush, not a titmouse,
Not a swan, not a duck
And not a nightjar.
But this bird
Though small,
Brings out chicks
Only in severe winter.

This bird has a crooked beak,
And she builds nests in winter,
Pecks seeds from cones,
Who will name this bird?

I'm the only bird, I confess
In the heat, frost and blizzard
Move along the trunk
I can head down.

This bird is not easy at all:
Her head and tail are not enough,
Her beak is not enough and her claws are few,
Few variegated feathers on it,
Not enough yellow frightening eyes
(You have met a bird in the forest more than once!)
Wisdom and intelligence are the dignity of a bird.
The quality is what you need.
The symbol of wisdom is not just words.
Who is she? Guessed? ….

Very beautiful forest cockerel:
Red eyebrows like a comb.
Pigtail, black feathers.
He loves dancing in the spring, fun.
Sings songs. They say it's running.
Do you know such a bird?
(Black grouse)

And this taiga bird
Sits on a cedar pine.
Sits, cheat, is silent.
Pine cones are peeling.

Very strange postman:
He is neither a magician nor a wizard.
Deliver letters and newspapers
Carries a parcel to the ends of the world,
He knows how to keep all the secrets.
Winged, and bold, and vigilant he is.
Who is this postman?

Look at us at the fir
They flew and sang
They flew with tufts
And they sang like a flute.

She is long tailed
Black from the back.
The belly is white and the shoulders.
Chattering instead of speech.
At least he sees someone - instantly
Raises a chirp-cry.

The gray bird lives.
Never nests.
He grows up in foreign families.
Years of life predicts.
"Ku, ku, ku, - shouts on a branch, -
Where are you, where are you, my children!”
Don't believe her, the bird is a liar!
And her name is...

smart bird
circling over the field,
With your beak
She can be proud of:
Black as coal,
And strong as steel
The beak is very necessary
Detail in life.

Riddles about migratory birds

April 1st is International Bird Day, and this is a good reason to learn more about birds. And when migratory birds will soon return to our region for the summer, you can make houses for them together with your children - get ready to meet them. In this section you will find riddles about migratory birds with answers.

Everyone knows this bird
On the fly she grabs
Flies, grasshoppers, crickets,
Butterflies, dragonflies, bugs.

This bird (when scared)
Makes this sound
Like a cat somewhere nearby
Started to fight all of a sudden.

The brothers got up on stilts,
Looking for food along the way.
On the run, on the go
They can't get off their stilts.

On the pole - a fun house
With a round small window.
For the children to sleep
The house shakes the wind.
Father sings on the porch -
He is both a pilot and a singer.

Wants to fly straight
Wants - hangs in the air,
Stone falls from heights
And in the fields sings, sings.

He lives on the roof of the house -
Long-legged, long-nosed,
Long necked, voiceless.
He flies to hunt
Follow the frogs to the swamp.

In the summer he goes to the plowman,
And in the winter he leaves with a cry.

Sleeping or bathing
Everything does not unravel:
Day and night on legs
Red boots.

The air is cut without effort,
Like sickles, crooked wings.
Flicker - you can't see
So it flies only ... .

Eats, hangs on thin branches,
Often children are kept in cages,
Look, when you see:
Yellow-green ... .

He is very dexterous on the turnip
Trembling tenacious heads,
Throwing seeds on the floor
The bird is lively ....

The belly is speckled, as if
He sings, happens, in the morning.
The bird is short
They call her….

Her name has "raspberry".
White belly, orange head,
And the voice is thin, thin.
It's called….

Departure from September
To distant seas.
The bird is white as a toast,
They call her….

I'm orange like the sunset
The beak is short - a strong grip.
Sailing through the sky like a ship
They call him….

Rushing through the sky with an arrow,
Quickly, briskly, like a swarm.
She's never tight
Her name - … .

crest on the head,
He sees everything, always, everywhere.
This bird is like an iris
But everyone calls her...

The beak of this bird is
Like long needles.
She walks through the swamp
The frog is waiting.

From the south the bird returns
Walks halfway on foot.
What is this bird called?
Who is more likely to guess?

Watch an interesting video with riddles about wild birds. With a time delay, children will see clues-answers in the form of pictures of birds, sounds and text.

There are not simple riddles, but on logic or with a catch. Some cause such fun and laughter that you want to spend time again and again guessing fascinating riddles. Although interesting riddles can be both serious and quite complex, they will be an excellent training for mindfulness and ingenuity. In this section, interesting riddles about birds for children with answers.

How many times does a hen crow after laying an egg?
(Never - only a rooster crows)

Can a rooster call itself a bird?
(No, because roosters don't talk)