How to draw migratory birds step by step. How to draw a bird for kids

Step one

In the center of the sheet, draw a small oval - the head. Now draw the torso down from it. It's always easier to draw if you imagine the shape of what you're drawing. Now our torso is somewhat similar in shape to a cucumber. Down you need to continue a long, angular tail.

step two

Let's draw a beak to the head. Long, straight. Let's designate the eye. Let's show a wing starting from the upper part of the body. It is folded, and its hazel sticks out a little over the tail. Now the legs of the bird.

Step Four

We continue to work on the face of the bird. Shade the chin, draw a crest on the back of the head. We will show long feathers on the wings and tail. Let's work on the paws.

Step five

Now carefully stroke the crow. Let's loosen it up a bit later. Well, you can not even decorate! It seems to work out well.

How to draw a bullfinch with a pencil step by step

Step one. Draw a small branch with a small shape in which to draw the bird.
Step two. Clearly highlight the wing, as the drawing will be in profile, and then the paws and beak.
Step three. Make the branch more accurate, draw feathers and a small black eye.
Step four. Start adding some silent shadows and sketch in the top of the head.
Step five. Clean up the drawing, add shading, and also paint the tail with black. Don't forget to sharpen the outlines.

How to draw a tit with a pencil step by step

Step one. Mentally mark the top of the head and from it we begin to gently draw the pencil to the left and then down. We pause on the beak, draw it, as shown in the figure.
Step two. Under the beak with short strokes, thus making the effect of plumage, we will show the neck of the bird. We continue with the same short lines and go into a lush breast, it protrudes forward relative to the neck. Gradually round the contour and move on to the abdomen. Now let's go back to the top of the head and draw a line to the right and down to the neck. You can draw a dashed line. At the level of the convex chest, we bend to the right and again go down, drawing the contour of the body. Let's show a relatively long tail, and two paws under the belly. Starting just below chest level, we draw a broken line - we draw a wing. It is divided roughly in half by a vertical line. This is in accordance with the coloring of the titmouse. You can refer back to photography here.

Step three. We draw a black eye - a bead. Under it, starting from the beak, draw the contour of the cheek and leave it white, unpainted. With the help of a sufficiently strong pressure on the pencil, we will shade a black stripe-collar around the neck. From it we outline a “tie” down to the abdomen. Our lines should be along the plumage to make it more realistic. The area above the nose and above the cheek is also hatched along the plumage. We leave the top of the head light, this will give us a sparkle effect.
Let's continue to draw the titmouse's wing. Already in larger strokes. And only along the plumage. So that our bird does not hang in the air, we will show a wide tree branch under its paws.

Step four. And the last step. Let's add more strokes. OK it's all over Now! The drawing is finished. I hope now you will know how to draw a titmouse!

How to draw a goose with a pencil step by step

Step one. First, draw two circles, large and small, and connect them with a curve.
Step two. In accordance with the circles, draw the bird's body, long neck, beak and eyes.
Step three. We remove the extra lines from the first circles, outline the body itself with more fat, draw the paws and the ground under them.
Step four. It remains to carefully draw the main attribute of the bird - plumage. You can add hatching.

Step one.

We start with the head. Let's place it in the very center of the sheet. In the center of the head are auxiliary lines in the form of a cross: the level of the eyes, mouth and nose.

Draw the body to the head. To the sides, swinging as it should, we draw the lines of the wings. Wings should be symmetrical. Together they are somewhat like a heart.

Draw short curved lines on the wings, then they will turn into feathers. Under the bird below, draw a fairly large arc - the contour of the tail. At the bottom of the body we outline the legs with claws.

Step two.

Let's draw in detail the claws of an owl. Inside the contour, we will show the torso, which converges to the legs.

On a horizontal level, outline the eyes. And then we draw feathers all over the body of the owl: along the line of the wings, along the tail. In this case, the feathers should not be the same and their size can also be different. For especially large feathers, draw a center line. Step three.

On the main area of ​​​​the large open wings, draw small curved lines depicting plumage. In some places we will show them more densely, in others less often.

Examine carefully the abdomen of an owl and try to do the same.

Let's put a mark in place of the beak. Step four.

The next step in drawing a dove will be the play of light on our bird. The neck, tail, wing and other places where a shadow falls or plumage acquire a darker color with light movements of the hand with a pencil shaded.

Our creation is almost ready, but when we are, we should not forget the importance of details. We erase the auxiliary lines, give the plumage refinement, correct the contour, and, as far as possible, try to detail the drawing as much as possible.

How to draw a hummingbird with a pencil step by step

Step one. First you will need bird and flower shapes.
Step two. Draw one eye, beak and tail shape, also add a flower to which the hummingbird flew.
Step three. Carefully draw all the details, the contours of the wings, carefully sketch the eye and a branch with flowers.
Step four. Add more shadows with hatching. It should turn out something like this:

How to draw a seagull with a pencil

Step one.

Let's draw two circles denoting the head and body of the bird. And also show the tail and legs.

Step two.

Outline the contours of the body.

Step three.

We draw an eye, a beak and legs. Let's designate a wing.

Step four.

We do the finishing touches, add some details. And here is the result:

How to draw feathers with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's make a shape similar to a leaf.
Step two. Let's add a couple of strokes.
Step three. Let's make the outlines of the feathers.
Step four. With the help of hatching we draw a realistic feather. See how it turned out:

That's why I'm happy to show how to draw an owl with a pencil.

Step one

We draw two circles in the center of the sheet, and mark the branch on which the owl sits with horizontal lines.

Step Three

Let's add the legs and the outline of the plumage.

Step Four

We draw eyes and a key of an owl.

Step five

Let's add a couple of feathers and some shadows. And you get something like this bird:

Let's get down to business.

How to draw a stork with a pencil step by step

Step one.

Let's draw in the center of the sheet one large and the second small circle. From them we will draw lines denoting the wings and legs of the stork.

Step two.

Let's draw the beak and neck. Let's draw an approximate wing span with a line.

Step three.

On the legs we will draw the fingers, and on the wing we will sketch the feathers. Let's outline the contours of the stork's body.

Step four.

Let's finish drawing the head (beak, eyes). Let's add plumage. Don't forget to erase the guide lines.

Step five.

Outline the stork feathers with a thicker line, for this, use a softer pencil.

Step six.

It remains to add a little shading on the body and darken some areas in order to give it realism. This can be done with the help of shading - rubbing a pencil on the surface of the paper.

Final result:

I won't go into too much, let's get started right away.

How to draw a heron with a pencil step by step

Step one.

Let's draw two circles: one for the body in the center of the sheet, the second above and to the left for the head. Immediately outline the wingspan and show the location of the legs.

Step two.

We connect two circles, we get a long neck. Let's add a tail.

Step three.

The heron has a well-defined tuft of feathers on its head, so it is difficult to confuse this bird with any other representative of birds. Next, draw a cone-shaped beak and shape the plumage.

Step four.

Let's draw the wings of the heron and darken the chest part a little. To achieve the effect of darkening, you can use hatching or shading.

Step five.

Let's bring beauty: erase the auxiliary lines, add shadows, outline the contours more boldly. As a result, it turned out something like this:

How to draw a starling with a pencil step by step

Step one

In the center of the sheet, a little to the left, we place the head - a small circle. We will add an oblong figure resembling an oval to it. In the future, this will be the torso!

step two

Let's outline the open beak. Now paws. One is raised, the other is supportive. Starting from the head, we draw a line ... this is the wing. Let's show a short tail.

Step Three

Outline the outline of the titmouse. You should get a smooth line. Let's draw the beak. Let's show the eye and claws on the paws. Note the ribbed skin of the raised paw. Try to do the same. On the abdomen and on the tail there are short lines showing the plumage.

Step Four

Outline the eye with a thin line. There is a small white spot in the center of the eye. Shade the bird's mouth.

Now draw the feathers on the wings as shown in the picture.

Step five

We continue to show plumage. It is all over the body of our bird. This is how it turned out starling pencil drawing:

How to draw a crane with a pencil step by step

Step one. First, create the shape of the body, select the paws with a long line, and draw the head on top. Step two. Unite the head with the body with the neck, draw the second raised paw and the shape of the wing. Step three. Shade the bird, correct the contours of the lines and finish the eyes and beak. Step four. Clean up the drawing with an eraser and add a little more shading.

How to draw a magpie with a pencil

Step one.

Draw two circles in the center of the sheet. One designates the head, the second a body of a magpie. From the body, draw a line of the tail and two paws from below.

Step two.

We outline the contours of the body, erasing the auxiliary lines drawn in the first step, and with light intermittent strokes we will give the contours of the plumage.

Step three.

Let's draw a beak of a magpie, an eye a wing and paws.

Step four.

Let's add a little more stroke on the body in order to give it a realistic look. Ready!

Easy and fast, right? Hope you did too!

We will draw from it.

How to draw a lark with a pencil step by step

Step one.

We draw a sketch of the future bird.

Step two.

On the wings and tail, add lines indicating plumage.

Step three.

Let's draw an eye and a beak. Also the hind legs.

Step four.

Let's add strokes all over the body to give the lark a realistic look.

The result should look like this:

How to draw a cuckoo with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's sketch a bird and a branch.
Step two. Add feathers, a key and an eye.
Step three. Let's remove extra lines, add hatching and sketch the eye. It turned out like this:

How to draw a rooster with a pencil step by step

Step one. We denote by circles three parts of the body, these are the head, torso, large tail and below an arbitrary stone on which the rooster sits above our world.
Step two. Outline the contours, add a semblance of a head, wings and the tip of the tail. Step three. The rooster cries almost all the time, which means we draw him an open, screaming beak. We also draw a mane and feathers all over the body, especially on the tail and wings. Do not forget about the paws, correct them too. Step four. Now it remains to give our rooster more contrast and shadows, draw the details. We circle the necessary lines in bold, and erase the auxiliary ones.

How to draw the Firebird with a pencil step by step

Step one

Let's outline a small circle - the head. Let's frame it in a large semicircle. Below - draw an arc. The resulting figure is somewhat reminiscent of a month. From him down - the lines of the body. Longer and curvier tail. Let's show some twists.

step two

Draw a beak to the head. He looks up. It seems that the bird proudly lifts its head up. We lead the curved neck down. Let's add a little more heat, that is, curls.

Step Three

Let's outline the outline of the body and wings. The paws of the bird are still dull. And a few curls can already be circled brighter. On the back of the head - a small crest.

Step Four

Let's work out the bird's head in detail. The crest has become completely curly, and on the face we see an eye. On the wings, select individual pointed feathers. The tail becomes more and more fluffy and curvy. A pair of lines - springs stretches from the body. Let's outline the outline of the body.

That's it! You can color the Firebird in a fiery orange color!

How to draw a Phoenix with a pencil step by step

Step one

First we define the position of our drawing. It should occupy the entire central part of the sheet. In the middle, draw a head with a curved neck. From it down - an elongated torso. And now the wings. This is perhaps the biggest detail. Below we outline the waves of the tail.
step two

Let's draw the bird's head and beak. Smoothly outline the neck and body. Inside the wings, draw many, many lines that will show us the feathers. And below, where the tail is, we will place beautiful curls.
Step Three

We draw wings, long thin feathers. Let's show the eye and legs of the Phoenix bird. Let's add curls to the tail.
Step Four

There are finishing touches left. Let's color the eye. Let's draw a sinuous crest on the head. Let's show the plumage on the body. Let's draw the paws in detail. And fluff our tail. That, perhaps, is all! Now you can safely paint with the brightest colors and pencils!

How to draw a Swan with a pencil step by step

So, let's start drawing.

Step one.

In the center of the sheet, draw two closely spaced circles.

Below we place symmetrically two figures similar in shape to an egg. And now we need to connect a small circle-head with a large torso with a neatly curved line. You need to draw carefully. At the same time, you can imagine the shape of the heart: this is how the necks are located.

Step two.

We draw the head. First, the beak: elongated and not very sharp. Almost at the very neck: dot-eye. Circle the top of the head several times, leaving a small sticking out ponytail to get a tuft.

Step three.

Perhaps the head is a very important part of the drawing. But still in second place after the graceful symmetrical bend of two swan necks. So, from the beak to the eye we will draw a triangle. Next to the beak, we will cut the nose. Let's outline the line of the neck.

Step four.

We already have the axis of the neck. Around it you need to draw the very neck. Starting from the head and ending on the body. At the same time, in the chest area, we make a more convex bend.

Step five.

We draw the outline of the body. We start from the neckline, go along the back. Approximately in the middle of the back we make a small notch of the feathers, then we go down smoothly along the oval, draw the angle of the wing and tail.

From the sternum to the tail, imagine a horizontal line. But in reality it is not quite straight forward.

Step six.

Let's paint the red cheeks of the swans. With a very thin line, we outline the contour of the wing. Left just a little bit.

Step seven.

We erase all auxiliary lines. Let's make the outline clearer. Here is our drawing. You can color it and add a landscape.

How to draw a peacock with a pencil step by step

Step one

In the very center of the sheet, draw a large oval. Step back up and show a small circle - the head. From the torso down we will draw several long and curving lines.

step two

Connect the head to the body. The neck should be thin at the head and smoothly widening downwards. Let's draw the wing. It ends at the tail. From the top of the head draw a peacock feather.

To the left of the body we have a curl.

Step Three

Let's draw the heads: a beak, an eye, flowing curls from the head. Let's fluff the tail, adding more lines there. Let's arrange it.

There are beautiful curls on both sides of the body.

Step Four

Let's turn our drawing into an original, creative one, so to speak. Let's carefully write our peacock into a figure similar to a hieroglyph. Graceful lines ending either in a point or a rounded curl.

Step five

Let's shade our figure. Assertive strong pressure of the pencil. Almost done. You can add colors and you get a colored peacock!

How to draw a duck with a pencil step by step

Step one

In the very center of the sheet, but at the bottom, draw a large elongated torso. The shape is somewhat similar to a loaf. Above on the right side is a circle. This is the future head. A beak goes to the side from her. Using an oval, connect the head and torso.

step two

We outline the resulting figures with a single smooth line, turning into a sharp tail. At the same time, the back is convex, the neck is curved, and the chest protrudes forward. Let's show the surface of the earth and the grass around our feathered guest.

Step Three

Let's draw a wing. It goes a little beyond the contour of the entire figure of the bird. Show the beak and eye. And in the foreground, in front of the duck, draw small flowers.

Step Four

Let's make the eye dark-dark and bright. Let's give it an almond shape. On the head is a spotted cap. All over the body - small feathers. Notice how the wings and tail are drawn. Let's add even more overgrowth around.

Step five

Left a little. Take a soft pencil, trace the outline of the bird, select the wing. Let's decorate the grass a little with flowers. The duck is ready! Certainly not with apples.

How to draw a chicken with a pencil

Step one.

Draw a circle in the upper left corner. This is the future head. Place a large oval in the center of the sheet. So that it touches the head of the chicken.

Let's outline the bird's beak with an auxiliary line. Let's draw the axial lines of the paws.

Step two.

Now let's draw the beak. In a chicken, it is very small and looks like a woodpecker's beak, only much smaller. The line that we have already outlined should be at the bottom of the triangle.

From the beak up we draw the line of the forehead. Then we go down the circumference of the head. And on the back of the head we will show a tiny crest. And now along the entire body of the chicken we will draw a zigzag line to give fluffiness to the bird. (Fluffy cat in pencil) In this case, you can show individual hairs.

Let's outline the paw: it is quite massive, with claws. Step three.

On the head, as you remember, we drew an auxiliary line. We now need to draw an eye on its tip. Large, almond shaped. Immediately paint over it, leaving a small bright dot - a reflection of light.

Next, we outline the entire body of the chicken: chin, neck, wing shape, leg. Zigzag line to make a "fluff". Almost like a kitten.

We will draw additional lines on the breast, on the forehead and on the cheek.

Let's draw the second foot with claws. Step four.

Almost everything is ready. It remains to erase all unnecessary lines. We will circle the outline brighter, and leave the lines along the body, those on the chest, on the forehead and on the cheek, light. You can add a couple more of the same on the body. The chicken is ready, congratulations! It seems that you want to stroke it ... Well, or paint it.

How to draw a chicken with a pencil step by step

Step one. We draw a jug, or shorts, call it what you want. This will serve well for creating a feathered bird in it.
Step two. We draw a body, correlating its upper and lower points with the corners of the jug, so that the head is on the left, the tail is to the right, but you yourself know where they grow from - from below.
Step three. We circle the elements of the body in more detail. There are not many details here, so I will not comment, everything is clear from the pictures.
Step four. Let's remove the auxiliary lines. Not enough feathers.
Step five. Let's add more plumage, correct the muzzle, remove extra lines, a little shadow under the legs in order to give the effect of movement. And throughout the body we will add shading.

How to draw a rook with a pencil step by step

Step one

We draw the main details of the body: a head with a beak, a torso and a tail. On the this stage these are only geometric shapes located in the center of the sheet.

step two

Connect the head to the body. Got a neck. Let's outline the point - the eye. Because of the body, we have two protruding wings. Let's show the paws - the legs of the rook.

Step Three

We draw the head: an eye, a point on the beak. Now it's a wing. It starts in the center of the oval body, following its contour. Let's continue to draw paws with clawed fingers.

Step Four

Now hatching. With large stitches we shade the neck, abdomen, farthest from the wing. On top - blend a little. Leave the wing and head white - untouched. So the drawing of the rook is ready!

So let's get started.

How to draw an eagle with a pencil step by step

Step one. All lines are first shown with a thin, barely noticeable line, so that it is possible to correct the error. First, draw a beak - typically aquiline, hook-shaped and bent down, quite high.
Step two. From the beak to the side we draw the line of the head: we rise up, then we go down to the neck.
Step three. From the bottom of the beak, draw down the neck and convex chest of the eagle. From above, we will begin to draw the wing.

Step four. Let's show the back of the wing and paws of our predator. From the back, using a zigzag line, depict the plumage.

Step five. We finish drawing the wing: we draw a smooth line along the chest and finish it behind the wing, drawing a pair of zigzag feathers.
Step six. We finish the paws: they are powerful, with very strong claws, feathered to the toes.

Step seven. We draw a tail. It is of medium length and rounded at the back.

Step eight. Claws are powerful and strong weapons of a predator, which he needs in hunting prey. Above the beak we place a small but very sharp eye. Above the bottom line of the beak, repeating it, draw a line.

Step nine. Here our drawing is almost ready. It remains to remove the missing lines. You can outline and color.

Let's start drawing.

How to draw a swallow with a pencil step by step

Step one.

First, outline the outline of the bird. Let's start with the body: it is oblong and pointed on both sides. The titmouse's tummy is more rounded, and the back, on the contrary, is straighter.

Now we draw the outline of the wings. Note that they are not completely symmetrical, but at an angle. One shoulder is slightly ahead of the other, because our swallow is now soaring in the air and we see it from one side. Step two.

Let's show the bird's head inside the contour. It is small, with a small sharp beak. Let's show a round eye. Next - the neck and a sharp transition from the neck to the wings. On the lower part of the wing we will show jagged feathers.

Let's define the tail. Step three.

At this stage, we will already erase all auxiliary lines with you, circle the outline with a thick line and show the details. Let's draw a strip from the beak, a pattern on the head and a speck on the chest. Draw feathers on the wings. Let's draw the tail more clearly, leaving long tail feathers around the edges. On the tummy - paws. Step four.

Let's color our little bird. I advise you to use either colored pencils or watercolors to show the transition of color. Just not with markers. And before you add color, you need to carefully look at the color of the bird in the photographs and pictures.

After completing this lesson on how to draw a bird in stages with a pencil, you will be able to draw birds flying in the air without much difficulty in the future.For convenience, each new stage drawing is marked in red.

How to draw a bird in stages with a pencil

All you need to draw a bird is a simple pencil and an eraser. To color the drawing, you will need colored pencils or some other drawing materials, such as felt-tip pens, watercolor paints, markers, etc.

Start drawing a bird flying in the air by drawing the lines of the head. If you are drawing an eagle, then you need to draw a small bend at the tip of the beak.

Next, draw the outlines of the eye and separate the beak of the bird. It is possible not to detail the drawing, because the bird flies high in the sky, and we are unlikely to see its eye in full. Look at the picture below, this stage of drawing.

In the next step, move on to drawing the wings. Draw the wing looking down first. Make it voluminous.

In the same way, draw the second wing, "looking" up.

The next step is drawing the bird's tail. In a flying bird, the tail is fully extended, pay attention to this when drawing the tail.

In the lesson how to draw a bird step by step with a pencil it remains only to draw the lines separating the feathers at the ends of the wings.

Look at the picture below - drawing these lines is not at all difficult. Draw one line first...

Draw a large circle for the bird's head. Below, draw an oval that looks like a tilted testicle with a sharp end pointing down - this is the torso. The circle and the oval should intersect about a fifth. If you draw a line that symmetrically divides the picture in half (axis of symmetry), then it will be so inclined, at an angle of about 70-75 °.

Step 2

On the sides right under the head draw the outlines of the wings. Note that the wing on the right is slightly covered by the head. Draw a ponytail at the bottom. This is where the axis of symmetry comes in handy: the tail needs to be drawn so that it is symmetrical about this particular axis.

Step 3

We draw a crest on the head like a royal crown.

Step 4

Now draw a wavy line at the bottom of the head like this.

Step 5

From above this wavy line, draw a segment to the right and slightly up. From it diagonally down is another straight line, which should go slightly beyond the head. The end of the beak should not be sharp, make it slightly rounded.

Step 6

We got the upper part of the beak. Start drawing the lower part from the same point from which you started drawing the segment to the side in the previous step. Starting from this point, draw an arc down and slightly to the right, which also extends slightly beyond the head.

Step 7

Now let's draw the eyes. First, draw a large arc, one end of which is at the top of the beak, and the other somewhere at the beginning of the wavy line drawn in step 5. The second eye of our bird will be partially hidden behind the left eye. This is also an arc, but a little narrower than the first.

Step 8

In the lower part of the body, a little to the right of the center, draw the paws - two testicles with a sharp end down.

Step 9

Toes on the paws - three oval.
Now draw the feathers on the wings: draw such semicircles along the lines of the wings. And at the fan-tail, draw slightly curved lines from the body to each of the three semicircles.

Step 10

In the eyes, draw circles-pupils.

Step 11

To the left of the left eye (for a bird, this is the right eye), draw a line that runs parallel to the line of the eye. And from the inside, at the line of the lower beak, draw the same arc, but smaller.

Step 12

On the breast of the bird, make a few longitudinal strokes.

Step 12

It remains to erase the extra lines with an eraser, and then color our bird!

Drawing lesson, how to draw a seagull in flight with a pencil step by step in the sky, how to draw a flying seagull. The seagull is sea ​​bird, which lives near the sea, sometimes you can see it in water bodies, feeds on fish, crabs, crustaceans, and various waste. Therefore, you can meet their flocks in landfills.

We draw a circle and a body, the top and bottom of the seagull's body are a little sharp, not rounded. Further we draw a beak and an eye. Erase the circle, we don't need it anymore.

Draw the tail and wingspan. The wing that is closer to us is very long compared to the body (about 2 bodies long without the tail), so do not shrink.

We finish the wings and draw the paws. The paws are folded together.

Now draw the thigh from the paw on the seagull's body below. Next, draw feathers on the wings and tail.

Erase unnecessary lines and this is how the drawing of a seagull looks like. To make it more realistic, move on to the next image.

We put on shadows. The bottom of the gull is very dark, the edges of the wings are black. The shadow of the wing falls on the body. On the second wing, feathers are slightly visible along the length. We show feathers near the head and on the body. Always go back to the original for more accurate rendering of all shadows.