Forgotten Soviet attack ekranoplan-missile carrier. Forgotten projects: attack ekranoplan-missile carrier created in the USSR Let down by the excessive high cost of the project

As a result of many years of research, chief designer R.L. Bartini developed the “Theory of Intercontinental Land Transport” with an assessment of the transport performance of ships, airplanes and helicopters. Bartini determined that the optimal vehicle was an amphibious vehicle capable of taking off like a helicopter (or using an air cushion), having the payload capacity of large ships, and the speed and equipment of airplanes, and developed the VTOL-2500 project with a take-off weight of 2500 tons in the form flying wing with a square center section and consoles and a power plant of lifting and sustainer engines.
On this topic, since 1963, TsAGI has been conducting a series of experimental works to study catamaran-type ekranoplanes with hydrofoils. For the two-boat scheme, several hydrofoil options were chosen according to the so-called four-point scheme.
Since it was impossible to completely simulate the required modes in the TsAGI hydraulic channel, the tests were divided into 3 stages:

  1. Towing tests in the TsAGI experimental pool at speeds up to 12 m/sec. The goal is to select a hydrofoil design.
  2. Testing a large-scale towed model in open water at a speed of 20 m/sec.
  3. Production of a self-propelled scale model of an ekranoplane aircraft carrier and a study of the adopted hydrofoil design, as well as controllability and seaworthiness.

TsAGI built 2 models - one on a scale of 1:7 (Model 6313) and the second on a scale of 1:4 (Model 6320). The very first test of the Bartini model in the TsAGI hydraulic channel showed that the idea of ​​an ekranoplan vessel was quite viable. The layout of Model 6320 served as the basis for the creation of the manned model GL-1 (Be-1), the construction of which was entrusted to the G.M. Beriev Design Bureau. From June to October 1965, the Be-1 Hydroplane was tested in the waters of the Taganrog Bay of the Sea of ​​Azov.
The implementation of the ideas of R.L. Bartini was the project of the anti-submarine VTOL-amphibian VVA-14, the development of which began by government decree in November 1965 at the Ukhtomsk Helicopter Plant (UVZ), and then continued at the G.M. Beriev Design Bureau in Taganrog.
The VVA-14 amphibious aircraft was designed according to a high-wing design with a highly developed low-aspect load-bearing center section, a straight trapezoidal wing, and spaced horizontal and vertical tails.
When testing the VVA-14 (14M1P) amphibian, it was found that the effect of a dynamic air cushion manifested itself at altitudes higher than predicted by theory. With an average aerodynamic chord of 10.75 m, this effect was felt from a height of 10-12 m, and at a leveling height of 8 m, the air cushion was already so dense and stable that pilot Yu. Kupriyanov repeatedly asked management to allow him to drop the control stick so that the machine would land on its own .
This feature of the aerodynamic design made work on Bartini’s further project, the ekranolet “2500,” promising. The project provided for an average wing chord of 250 m, which increased the height of ground-effect flight to 150-200 m and made the flight itself safer than on lighter and lower-flying (up to 5 m) ekranoplanes.
In 1970, Bartini proposed a project for the strategic ekranoplane aircraft carrier A-2000, for which a super-heavy ekranoplane was chosen as the basis. The dimensions of the A-2000 were more than impressive. In one of the variants, the ekranoplane aircraft carrier had a take-off weight of 2500 tons and overall dimensions of 183x129x48 m. Such an ekranoplane would carry on board an air group of 15–25 combat aircraft of various types. The ship's crew consisted of 430 people (250 of them were the air group). Its power plant consisted of 10 turbofan engines with a takeoff thrust of 30–33 tons each.
Four of these engines were intended to create thrust when moving in ground mode and were located in the rear of the hull at the base of the keels. These engines were equipped with reversible devices for braking the ekranoplan during splashdown. Six other engines were intended to create an air cushion under the body of the ekranoplan. They were supposed to work only at the start in the modes of exiting the water and accelerating to the minimum ground speed and when stopping the ekranoplan and switching it to swimming mode. These boost engines were located in front of the center section on horizontal pylons.
The main feature of the A-2000 project was its ability to move in screen mode, if necessary, at any speed (up to a maximum of 550–600 km/h), including at a speed of 200–350 km/h, that is, in the takeoff range. landing speeds of modern combat aircraft. This is precisely what, as conceived by the authors of the project, should have allowed aircraft to take off and land using a method fundamentally different from that used on classic aircraft carriers.
If on a conventional aircraft carrier the aircraft accelerates to take-off speed relative to the deck of the ship with the help of its own engines and a catapult, and braking when landing on the deck is carried out by aerofinisher cables, then on an ekranoplane aircraft carrier the take-off speed for the aircraft at launch and the equalization of the relative speeds of the aircraft and ekranoplane during landing were ensured the progress of the ekranoplan itself.
The large dimensions of the A-2000 ekranoplane aircraft carrier would allow it to move in screen mode at an altitude of 10–15 m from the water surface. Such a flight altitude would provide it with good seaworthiness, allowing it to move without pitching, without hitting the crests of waves, without flooding and splashing in any sea state up to a force nine storm.
The ability of an ekranoplane aircraft carrier to move at a maximum speed of 550–600 km/h and quickly arrive at the designated area (within a few hours it could cover a distance of several thousand kilometers, and in a day – up to 10–12 thousand km), according to the developers , increased its tactical capabilities and made it possible to quickly respond to any changes in the military-political situation.
According to Bartini, the tasks performed by the A-2000 would not be limited only to the role of a light “super-fast” aircraft carrier. He also saw it in the role of a high-speed landing transport, capable of delivering troops to almost any point on the globe, an anti-submarine ekranoplan, and even a minelayer, capable of covertly and suddenly deploying its deadly “cargo” in the most remote corner of the theater of operations. However, even in peacetime, the A-2000 would be enough to work as a highly efficient high-speed cargo-passenger vehicle.
The relevant ministries (aircraft and shipbuilding) had a more than cool attitude towards the A-2000 project. Each of them considered the creation of an ekranoplane aircraft carrier to be someone else's work and not characteristic of it. In the aviation industry, the ekranoplan was viewed as a flying ship, and in the Ministry of Shipbuilding - as a floating aircraft. Accordingly, each department tried to shift this work from itself to its counterpart.
However, the command of the Navy and Naval Aviation showed interest in the ekranoplane-aircraft carrier project at the initial stages of work. For the military, on the one hand, it was highly desirable to get their hands on a combat weapon with such attractive characteristics, while at the same time giving, so to speak, an asymmetric response to the enemy’s aircraft carrier fleet. On the other hand, it was during this very period that the United States was actively engaged in projects of aircraft carriers based on hovercraft.
The designers of the Ukhtomsk branch of TMZ, as part of the research work opened on the A-2000 topic, managed to conduct a number of experimental studies in wind tunnels and in hydraulic channels, carry out pre-design studies of several versions of the ekranoplane aircraft carrier, conduct a preliminary comparative analysis of its technical characteristics, and evaluate the performance its economy and combat effectiveness.
However, the same work showed that the implementation of the A-2000 project, in addition to advantages, would bring a lot of different problems that needed to be resolved, and the military also did not want to quarrel with the leadership of the Ministry of Aviation Industry and the Ministry of Shipbuilding Industry, and as a result, they gradually cooled down on the topic of creating an ekranoplane aircraft carrier, it began to lose relevance, and after the death of R.L. Bartini in December 1974, this topic was completely closed. Information sources:

  1. European vertical take-off aircraft / E.I. Ruzhitsky, Moscow, 2000 /
  2. Experimental vertical take-off amphibious aircraft VVA-14 / MONINO Air Force Museum /
  3. Naval aviation in the service of Russia / edited by G.S. Panatov, - M.: Restart+, 2000 /
  4. Airplanes of TANTK named after G.M. Beriev / A.N. Zablotsky, A.I. Salnikov, - M.: Restart+, 2001 /
  5. WIG aircraft carrier from Robert Bartini / A.N. Zablotsky, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 06.15.2018 /

The concept of the nuclear-powered aircraft-carrying ekranoplan "Courage". The history of Russian naval aviation goes back more than a century. During this time, technological progress and science have pushed the capabilities of domestic technology to the skies. It all started with primitive flying boats from the times of the Russian Empire. During the new era - in the USSR, the world's most ambitious projects of seaplanes and even flying ships were created. The development of advanced technology continues to this day.
Air flows under an ekranoplane One of the new products of the new era are ekranoplanes. According to the accepted classification, they are considered ships capable of flying. True, in flight the car is separated from the water by only a few meters. Although these machines look like flying boats in appearance, they are often not capable of normal flight at high altitudes. The main mode is precisely movement on the air screen created under the wings and fuselage. Why are such difficulties necessary? Using the screen effect allows you to increase the flight range by 1.5 times with the same amount of fuel.
VVA-14 designed by Bartini The vehicle of the VVA-14 project was an ekranolet - it could fly on an “air cushion” of the screen and at high altitude. She had 14 engines: two main engines and 12 take-off engines. The device was armed with two torpedoes and reached a maximum speed of 760 km/h.
Initially, the VVA-14 was designed with the possibility of vertical takeoff and landing.
A-90 "Orlyonok" ekranoplan The landing ekranoplan "Orlyonok" was developed as a means of delivering 200 marines or two armored personnel carriers. Like hovercraft, ekranoplanes can go onto a flat coast and onto Arctic ice.
“Orlyonok” and An-225 “Mriya”: a project of a rescue system that can perform a task anywhere in the world The appearance of a new KM apparatus, nicknamed the “Caspian Monster”, shocked the Americans. The spy satellite transmitted images of a giant 92-meter long, weighing 540 tons, flying at a speed of 500 km/h over the Caspian Sea. The first flight of this aircraft in 1966 made the USSR a naval superpower.
The “Caspian Monster” is not an airplane, but a flying ship.
WIG "Caspian Monster" on the shore. Based on the KM project, the Lun impact ekranoplane was built. It was a machine whose mission was to destroy US aircraft carriers. Thanks to its high speed and flight above the water itself, it was invisible to ship and aircraft radars and could get very close to the target. On its roof stood six launch containers for Mosquito cruise missiles. Their salvo was guaranteed to destroy an enemy aircraft carrier.
The pride of the USSR is the Lun ekranoplan missile carrier.
Russian project of the ekranoplane “Rescuer”, capable of providing assistance at a distance of up to 3000 km. Currently, the combat capabilities of ekranoplanes have decreased somewhat due to the development of radar technology. Even if he approaches enemy ships unnoticed, he will be noticed at the moment of missile launch and will quickly die due to his low maneuverability.
Project of a Russian passenger ekranoplan for 550 people. The use of this technique remains indispensable in offshore maritime rescue operations. Slow ships do not have time to come to the rescue, fast planes cannot splash down, and helicopters have a low carrying capacity.
The project of the world's largest amphibious transport aircraft, the Be-2500 Neptune, with the ability to fly over water.

From the very beginning of the history of water transport, designers and engineers sought to give ships the ability to move at the highest speed. To do this, it was necessary to reduce the hydrodynamic resistance of the ship's hull.

The race for the “ghost of speed” led to the most radical solution - to completely eliminate the contact of the ship’s hull with the water surface! This became possible thanks to the creation of ekranoplanes - ships that “rest” on wings.

An ekranoplan is a vehicle moving along the interface of two media (screen) using aerodynamic lift. The greatest and most well-deserved fame was the work in this area of ​​the Gorky Central Design Bureau for Hydrofoils (TsKB for SPK) and its chief designer Rostislav Evgenievich Alekseev. However, such studies were carried out not only in Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod). Thus, ekranoplanes were developed by Robert Ludwigovich Bartini and the team of his design bureau (since 1969, the Ukhtomsky branch of the Taganrog Machine-Building Plant). It was Bartini who proposed in 1970 the project of the strategic ekranoplane-aircraft carrier A-2000, for which a super-heavy ekranoplane was chosen as the basis.

The dimensions of the A-2000 were more than impressive. In one of the variants, the ekranoplane aircraft carrier had a take-off weight of 2500 tons and overall dimensions of 183x129x48 m. Such an ekranoplane would carry on board an air group of 15–25 combat aircraft of various types. The ship's crew consisted of 430 people (250 of them were the air group). Its power plant consisted of 10 turbofan engines with a takeoff thrust of 30–33 tons each.

Four of these engines were intended to create thrust when moving in ground mode and were located in the rear of the hull at the base of the keels. These engines were equipped with reversible devices for braking the ekranoplan during splashdown. Six other engines were intended to create an air cushion under the body of the ekranoplan. They were supposed to work only at the start in the modes of exiting the water and accelerating to the minimum ground speed and when stopping the ekranoplan and switching it to swimming mode. These boost engines were located in front of the center section on horizontal pylons.

Breakthrough solutions

The highlight of the A-2000 project and its most important feature was its ability to move in screen mode, if necessary, at any speed (up to a maximum of 550–600 km/h), including at a speed of 200–350 km/h, that is in the range of takeoff and landing speeds of modern combat aircraft. This is precisely what, as conceived by the authors of the project, should have allowed aircraft to take off and land using a method fundamentally different from that used on classic aircraft carriers.

If on a conventional aircraft carrier the aircraft accelerates to take-off speed relative to the deck of the ship with the help of its own engines and a catapult, and braking when landing on the deck is carried out by aerofinisher cables, then on an ekranoplane aircraft carrier the take-off speed for the aircraft at launch and the equalization of the relative speeds of the aircraft and ekranoplane during landing were ensured the progress of the ekranoplan itself.

In this case, takeoff from an ekranoplane aircraft carrier could be carried out as follows.

A fueled and equipped aircraft with a crew and warmed-up engines is installed on an aircraft lift, secured to the landing gear with grips and a special arrester, and lifted to the launch pad. Then the pilot starts the engines and brings them to nominal mode. At the same time, the ekranoplan reaches a speed that is 5–8% higher than the required takeoff speed for this type of aircraft. Having received a message that such a speed has been reached, the aircraft pilot gives the command to open the grips that hold it on the aircraft lift platform, and switches the engines to takeoff or afterburner mode. In this case, upon reaching the required value of take-off thrust, the control link of the arrester breaks, freeing the aircraft, the pilot takes the handle or steering wheel, the aircraft separates from the aircraft carrier platform and goes into free flight.

When receiving an aircraft on board, the ekranoplane aircraft carrier moves at a speed slightly higher than the landing speed of the aircraft. The latter approaches the ekranoplan from the stern and, equalizing its speed, seems to hover over the launch pad at a height of several meters. Then, under the supervision of the flight director, the pilot makes a slow targeted descent of the aircraft from a hovering position onto the aircraft lift platform, maintaining the same speeds until full contact with it at the desired point, after which the grips are activated, securing the aircraft to the platform, the pilot turns off the engines, and the aircraft lift lowers the aircraft inside the ekranoplan .

This method of takeoff and landing, as conceived by the developers, made it possible to do without a takeoff and landing deck, as well as such complex and energy-intensive mechanisms as catapults and aero arresting devices, and to confine ourselves to only the launch pad with an aircraft lift platform.

The large dimensions of the A-2000 ekranoplane aircraft carrier would allow it to move in screen mode at an altitude of 10–15 m from the water surface. Such a flight altitude would provide it with good seaworthiness, allowing it to move without pitching, without hitting the crests of waves, without flooding and splashing in any sea state up to a force nine storm.

The ability of an ekranoplane aircraft carrier to move at a maximum speed of 550–600 km/h and quickly arrive at the designated area (within a few hours it could cover a distance of several thousand kilometers, and in a day – up to 10–12 thousand km), according to the developers , increased its tactical capabilities and made it possible to quickly respond to any changes in the military-political situation.

According to Bartini, the tasks performed by the A-2000 would not be limited only to the role of a light “super-fast” aircraft carrier. He also saw it in the role of a high-speed landing transport, capable of delivering troops to almost any point on the globe, an anti-submarine ekranoplan, and even a minelayer, capable of covertly and suddenly deploying its deadly “cargo” in the most remote corner of the theater of operations. However, even in peacetime, the A-2000 would be enough to work as a highly efficient high-speed cargo-passenger vehicle.

Floating plane

It must be said that the relevant ministries (aircraft and shipbuilding) had a more than cool attitude towards the A-2000 project. Each of them considered the creation of an ekranoplane aircraft carrier to be someone else's work and not characteristic of it. In the aviation industry, the ekranoplan was viewed as a flying ship, and in the Ministry of Shipbuilding - as a floating aircraft. Accordingly, each department tried to shift this work from itself to its counterpart.

However, the command of the Navy and Naval Aviation showed interest in the ekranoplane-aircraft carrier project at the initial stages of work. For the military, on the one hand, it was highly desirable to get their hands on a combat weapon with such attractive characteristics, while at the same time giving, so to speak, an asymmetric response to the enemy’s aircraft carrier fleet. On the other hand, it was during this very period that the United States was actively engaged in projects of aircraft carriers based on hovercraft.

The designers of the Ukhtomsk branch of TMZ, as part of the research work opened on the A-2000 topic, managed to conduct a number of experimental studies in wind tunnels and in hydraulic channels, carry out pre-design studies of several versions of the ekranoplane aircraft carrier, conduct a preliminary comparative analysis of its technical characteristics, and evaluate the performance its economy and combat effectiveness.

However, the same work showed that the implementation of the A-2000 project, in addition to advantages, would bring a lot of different problems that needed to be resolved, and the military also did not want to quarrel with the leadership of the Ministry of Aviation Industry and the Ministry of Shipbuilding Industry, and as a result, they gradually cooled down on the topic of creating an ekranoplane aircraft carrier, it began to lose relevance, and after the death in December 1974 of R.L. Bartini closed this topic completely.

Recently, there has again been an increased interest in the unfairly forgotten ekranoplanes - high-speed half-planes, half-ships that move over water and land using an aerodynamic screen. At one time, a Soviet ekranoplan, gliding through the air at an altitude of several meters due to aerodynamic lift, fairly frightened American intelligence.

The RG correspondent managed to talk with one of the creators of ekranoplanes, who participated in their tests. Ali Aliyev at that time held the position of design engineer for ship automation at the Alekseev Central Design Bureau.

To put it simply, an ekranoplan is a ship with powerful aircraft engines that moves at a low altitude without touching the surface of the water or the ground, explains Ali Aliyev.

Ekranoplans were superior to aviation and naval vessels in many respects, including combat ones. These vehicles were distinguished by their large (much greater than that of an airplane) carrying capacity, high reliability, survivability and speed. They did not require airfields or road infrastructure - only a relatively flat surface under the wing was enough, be it water, ice or land. Another undeniable advantage, especially in times of crisis, is the cost-effectiveness of ekranoplanes. An important factor is also the low flight altitude. This allows you not only to make a forced landing or splashdown in relative safety, but also to approach the target unnoticed by enemy radars, and with virtually no risk of being blown up by minefields.

At the same time, the main disadvantage of ekranoplanes is the limited use of them. On uneven terrain, the “screen effect” will no longer work, as well as with a strong wave over the water surface. Another problem is the peculiarity of the ekranoplan's movement. Yes, he can move fast, but only in one direction - in a straight line. Turns and other maneuvers are possible, but require extreme caution. For example, one of the Soviet ekranoplanes crashed when trying to change the altitude of movement, which was already measured in a few meters.

Nevertheless, in the Soviet years this direction was considered promising. Back in the 1960s, designers designed and tested in the Caspian Sea the largest transport that took off at that time - the KM ekranoplan. He was delivered to the testing site in the strictest secrecy; transportation was carried out only at night.

The device, 100 meters long and with a wingspan of 40 meters, lifted 550 tons above the ground. True, it was a prototype without weapons, and the abbreviation “KM” stood for “Mock-up Ship”. However, American intelligence experts were so impressed and alarmed by the new Soviet development that they called “KM” nothing less than the “Caspian Monster.”
In subsequent years, the improvement of the new type of transport continued. One of the latest achievements of Soviet “ground-effect gliding” was the attack ground-propelled ekranoplane-missile carrier “Lun”, tested in the 80s.

“I still remember with delight the tests of the 903 Lun ekranoplan,” Ali Aliyev shares his impressions. “It’s not for nothing that we called him the “aircraft carrier killer.” The ekranoplan was armed with six Moskit anti-ship supersonic low-altitude homing missiles, each of which could sink an aircraft carrier. The Lun traveled 2,000 kilometers with standard fuel tanks and twice as much distance with additional fuel taken into the hold. The ekranoplan could take off and land on water in a force five storm with a wave height of two and a half meters. The tests were so important that their progress was monitored even from space using special satellites. By the way, during the first shot of a blank rocket from the Lun ekranoplane, I was on the deck. After that I had impressions for the rest of my life!

The authorities favored the development of ekranogliding and great prospects opened up for the developers.

In the development of ekranoplanes, we were ahead of the rest. In the USSR it was planned to create an entire squadron of combat ekranoplanes. And this is just for the beginning,” Ali Aliyev recalls those years with regret.

In the future, the USSR Ministry of Defense expected to adopt more than a hundred combat ekranoplanes. Perhaps the implementation of this decision would significantly transform the armed forces, the strategy and tactics of their use in maritime and coastal operations.

And, by the way, from a military point of view, ekranoplanes would be much more useful for our country than the notorious Mistrals. And it would have been cheaper: instead of one Mistral, for the same money it would have been possible to create at least six “aircraft carrier killers,” says Ali Aliyev.
In his opinion, the need to use amphibious Mistrals for the Russian army, which, in general, does not intend to seize foreign shores, is in question. But protecting your maritime space from the same aircraft carriers is a more urgent task.

But, alas, in the 1980s, Defense Minister Ustinov, who strongly supported the development of ekranoplanes, died, and this direction was forgotten for a long time. But, as you know, everything new is well forgotten old. In modern Russia, interest in ekranoplanes is being revived. They are planned to be used in the field of civil freight and passenger transportation. There are already proposals to use ekranoplanes at the Kerch crossing. It is possible that the Ministry of Defense is also calculating the possibilities of military use of the new “aircraft carrier killers”, we just don’t know about it yet.