How does the Inner Strength Method work? Finding inner strength Secrets for gaining vitality.

"Friends! I am again starting to give the seminar Finding Inner Strength, but in an updated form. How is the new seminar different from the old one? Istami. I attached Istas to each of the topics - these are those Prototypes that are stored in the soul and have a fiery nature. If you live along the East, then life will bring pleasure. It is precisely because the Easts were distorted in childhood that life for a person later turns into hell. Now, when composing new thoughts, you can be guided by the Easts; they will guide you through life. External Equals Internal.
I recommend everyone who has already passed the OBC to visit it again.”

Vladimir Zhikarentsev

Marina Zhikarentseva

Such is the mind, such is the life.

“People want to control life, but where can they get the power to do this? Thought. Thought is the same Inner Power given to us from birth, and it is good form to own it, a sign of an educated, spiritual person who is in control of his life.

I have been conducting seminars for more than twenty years and never cease to be amazed at how thought works: easily, reliably, accurately. This is the property of thought: what we touch with thought changes, sometimes quickly, instantly, sometimes slowly, but change always comes into life when we are ready. Ask yourself: Does everything in my life satisfy me? Am I ready to change?

Yes? Then welcome to the seminar. You will learn to create thoughts and direct them to the area of ​​​​your life in which you want change. Everything you want from life can be created with the help of thought, using the method of Finding Inner Strength. Previously, mastery of the energy of thought was the lot of a select few; now it is available to everyone who is ready to take responsibility for their life.”

It will be good if you read my book “The Path to Freedom” before the seminar. How to change your life."

Vladimir Zhikarentsev

Using the Method of Finding Inner Strength, you gain the strength to act effectively in any area of ​​life and in any situation!

Here you can watch a video presentation of the OBC seminar.

The seminar will end, and the OBC Method will remain with you forever.

The OBC seminar is the basis for passing other seminars of the School of Peace. Take a look, choose a convenient location and date and sign up.

Don't see the seminar on the schedule, but want to participate?
Send an application for participation in Moscow, St. Petersburg.

Seminar schedule Finding Inner Strength

  • January 25 - 26, 2020 Sign up

Fire is a symbol of all the trials from which we usually run away. When we learn to walk on hot coals without getting burned, we are actually learning to overcome our fear. We learn that fear is a belief, and in this case, it is also a wall between where we are and where we want to be. By stepping on burning coals, we break the veil of fear and thus make fear our servant, not our master. Fire makes us afraid, this is natural. And our task is not to deny fear, but, looking closely at it, to see in it only an obstacle to achieving the goal. This training encourages us not to cry over our fears and problems, not to blame others, not to find excuses for ourselves, not to wallow in self-deprecation or constantly complain, but to roll up our sleeves and take on everything negative that is in our lives.


    Get a boost of energy and drive throughout 2015

    Learn to generate a state in which you can achieve any goals

    You will work through your psychological problems and tensions from childhood (working through negative experiences, negative experiences, working with memories)

    Create for yourself an image of an inspired future, based on your needs and true desires

    Develop confidence in your own abilities and in the future;

    You will be able to eliminate deep-seated fears and pressures;

    Cleanse and heal the body on a physical and energetic level;

    Develop resistance to stress;

    Gain a positive and easy outlook on your life and any problems

    You will be able to chat live with members of the Business Youth community

Walking on coals is a practice of bringing a person into very close contact with himself and his surroundings; it is a practice that allows one to gain strength.


For all members of the Business Youth Community and their families


10.00 - 12.00 Arrival at the boarding house and registration

12.00 - 13.30 Block “Where to get energy and motivation for constant and dynamic development”

13.30 - 15.30 Lunch

15.30 - 17.00 Block “Programs from childhood: working with limitations and fears from childhood”

17.00 - 17.30 Coffee break

17.30 - 19.00 Block “Creating an inspired future”

19.00 - 21.00 Dinner, free time

21.00 - 23.00 Instruction, Training “Walking on coals”

23.00 - … Socializing, barbecue

07.00 - 08.30 Morning practices (optional)

09.00 - 10.00 Breakfast

10.00 - 11.30, 12-00 – 13.30 “Management Struggle” (optional) or Free time

16.00 - Departure from the boarding house


ALEXANDER IVANOV- A active member of the Business Youth community since 2013, winner of the “Best Curator of Business Youth” award in 2014.
Psychologist, successful entrepreneur, rHead of a company in the field of commercial real estate and legal services.
Author and presenter of the “Walking on Coals” training since 2009.

LILIT SIRIBEKYAN- A active member of the Business Youth community since 2013, curator of Business Youth.
Practicing psychologist – psychotherapist. Winner of the European award "Aurora beauty & health" in the category best psychologist of the year.Author and presenter of unique training programs: “Life Scenario” and “Life in Love”.

The mind gives birth to a desire, an image, a thought, a word, emotions (internal movement) - all these are forces with the help of which the mind creates. The most effective method of getting what you need is the Method of Finding Inner Strength, my first book is dedicated to it, with examples and exercises.

Wish. Desire, like any movement in a person, internal or external, must be born below, in the first center of love. You should always lean on your bottom, not your head. If a desire was born in the mind, then most likely it is out of pride or greed, so over time it will overturn.

Desire, rising upward, includes desire in the middle; in the third, upper center, it is formed into an image. Further, falling down, the image receives will; at the very bottom it receives the strength to be embodied in life.

Image. The image - the cut - must be clear, you need to know exactly what you want. The image should give rise to movement, excitement, inspiration inside. It must include you, and it may be a symbol.

Limiting belief. Belief - refuge-action - run away/run away. This is a thought that limits you, prevents you from acting to get what you want to have. A person lives in beliefs as a refuge; they help him escape from life, from himself. Any limiting belief carries denial.

A limiting belief can indicate a block or fear.

New thought. Thought - think - mind-merge - mind-strength. Thought connects you with the subject, with life, with the world. Any new thought that you want to introduce into yourself involves a change in the way you look at the world, at people and at yourself. The thought must be precise, clear, for this you need to work on it, put it into clear words.

Word. If you have spoken Russian since childhood, use Russian words in your thoughts. There is a storehouse in the mind where names are associated with images. Every image and pattern of behavior, every movement has its own name. Based on the right name, the mind knows exactly what it needs to have and initiates the right actions. Besides, the name itself also creates. Foreign words and scientific terms transfer the functioning mind into an abstract, detached ego-mind, so at some point it may not recognize what is wanted of it, or it may begin to act in the wrong direction.

In life, if you want your speech to be clear, strong, convincing, leading to a goal, use Russian. The abundance of foreign words in speech (sometimes the presence of even one word) makes it vague, so there is a risk that you will not get what you need.

Statement- the action is firmer, that is, it provides support . The difference between a new thought and an affirmation is that a new thought changes your view of the world, creating a new vision of the world and therefore a worldview, and an affirmation determines the way you act in it.

The statement must be written, it must be short, it must be to the point, it must include you, it must be in the present tense, it must be about changing you and not other people, it must sound compelling and inspiring. If you have broken the path into successive steps, then make your own statement for each step.


  1. Choose an area of ​​your growth/development (What do you want to change about yourself?).
  2. Identify your limiting beliefs part I.
  3. Create a new thought for them.
  4. Determine your growth frontier.
  5. Create a statement, part II.
  6. Create his image for yourself.
  7. Fill this image with an attractive force for you (How you might feel if you got what you want).

For example, I chose to work with the body; you can choose relationships, work, love, etc.

  1. Start doing physical exercise.
  2. OU. I don't know where to start.
  3. N.M. Any progress depends on how much I like what I do. You should always start with what you like. I start doing what I like and do exactly as much as I like.
  4. You ask yourself what type of exercise you enjoy doing most, how many minutes/hours a day you can dedicate to it, and how often you prefer to do it.
  5. Start doing gymnastics in the morning, on Monday and Thursday, for ten minutes.
  6. Every Monday and Thursday, in the morning, I do gymnastics for ten minutes.
  7. You picture yourself doing gymnastics.
  8. You fill this image with the emotions that arise after playing sports, after you have worked out well, when you are in a great mood and your body is singing.

Work with this Method according to your inner urge and do not become attached to the result. Everything you dream of will come true, sometimes it happens quickly, sometimes it takes decades.

The method of Finding Inner Strength is based on working with thought. What thoughts a person has inside is what he has in his life. Whatever thoughts a person has inside, that’s how he acts, moving towards his goal. External Equals Internal.
We invite you to work with your thoughts if you want to change something in your life. First, let's talk about how to create images. After all, before you receive anything, you draw images for yourself. Before you start acting, you also draw images of how you will act. A PERSON IS GUIDED THROUGH LIFE BY THE IMAGES he creates.
Every person now has in his life what he once pictured for himself. Every person has in his life what he wanted to get and firmly said to himself: “I have it!” - statement.
1. The image should give you positive feelings. The image should be such that when you see it you would want to act.
2. The image should look like a still frame or a movie.
3. The image must include you.
4. Complex images can be replaced with symbols.
5. What you want comes into life more quickly if you play into your image, as children do. Through play, children learn to create and master. Why don't adults play too?

1. The statement must be written - mandatory!
2. The statement must convey positive feelings.
3. The statement should be brief.
4. The statement must be specific.
5. The statement must be attractive to you.
6. The statement must be formulated in the PRESENT TENSE.
7. The statement must include you.
8. The statement should be about changing you, not other people.
9. Affirmation must be at the forefront of growth. The front line is the first step that must be taken on the path to the goal.

Note: The difference between a New Thought and an Affirmation is that a new thought changes your VIEW of the world, creating a new VISION of the world and therefore a WORLD UNDERSTANDING, and an affirmation determines the WAY of ACTION in it.
Your thoughts establish the appearance and outline of what is to be created - the image - and the feelings and movements of the soul imbue them with strength and propel them from your inner world to the outer.
The stronger the motivating movement of the soul, the faster you create what you think about.
Intention guides your thoughts and feelings, helping you focus on what you want until you get it.

First part:
1. Choose an area of ​​your growth/development (What do you want to change ABOUT YOURSELF?)
2. Identify your limiting beliefs
3. Create a new thought for them.
Our thoughts turn into limiting beliefs when they prevent us from seeing and accepting other aspects of reality.
Our thoughts turn into limiting beliefs when they deprive us of the power and ability to act in the direction we need.
Limiting beliefs are our thoughts that deprive us of the ability to act.
Second part:
4. Determining your growth frontier is the first step.
5. Create an affirmation.
6. Create an image for approval.
7. Fill this image with an attractive force for you (What you will feel if you get what you want to have).
1. Choose any problem in your life. Ask yourself: “What thoughts did I have that created this state of affairs?” List them. When you discover a limiting belief, a very specific feeling will arise in you, as if you are in a closed space from which there is no way out, and you have nowhere to get the strength to change the current state of affairs.
2. Write a new thought for him. When you discover the right thought, you will feel as if a new future is opening up before you, bright and easy.
1. Limiting belief.
2. New thought.
3. First step.
4. Statement that leads.
5. An image that inspires.