Master's program “Production Management. Ryazan State Radio Engineering University - Master of Management Upon completion of training, the master's student will be able to

Preparation of masters in the direction of 04/38/02. "Management" is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law, Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education and other regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia:

  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation: dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”;
  • Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education in the field of training 04/38/02 Management (master’s level), approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 30, 2015 No. 322;
  • The procedure for organizing and carrying out educational activities in educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialty programs, master's programs, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 19, 2013 No. 1367 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 24, 2014, registration No. 31402).

Head of master's programs "Production Management". "Marketing" - honorary worker of higher professional education, Doctor of Economics, prof. Evdokimova E.N.

Head of the master's program "Innovation Management" - Doctor of Economics, prof. Evdokimova E.N.

In the learning process, new educational technologies, teaching methods, the best traditions and best practices in the field of management of enterprises and organizations are used, allowing students in the field of “Management” to master a set of competencies necessary to solve promising problems in the field of managing various economic systems and develop their creative potential .

Our goal - is the training of managers capable of working in various areas of production and non-production activities, the level of qualifications of which satisfies the needs of employers and the students themselves. Therefore, special emphasis in training in Management programs is placed on developing students’ creative, systematic and analytical thinking, which allows future graduates to easily adapt to work in any field of management activity.

Higher education program in the direction 38.04.02 “Management” (master’s degree)

Master of Management is a highly qualified professional who knows advanced methods for solving management problems, has mastered modern information technologies for managing production and other socio-economic systems, and is prepared for independent organizational, managerial, analytical, research and teaching activities, as well as for postgraduate studies.

Higher education program in the direction 04/38/02 “Management” provides for the preparation of a master's degree with a standard period of study of 2 years.

Area of ​​professional activity graduates who have completed the master's program include:

  • management activities in organizations of any organizational and legal form, in which graduates work as performers or managers in various services of the management apparatus;
  • management activities in state and municipal government bodies;
  • entrepreneurial and organizational activities in structures in which graduates are entrepreneurs creating and developing their own businesses;
  • research activities in scientific organizations related to solving management problems;
  • research and teaching activities in educational organizations of higher education and organizations of additional professional education.

Objects of professional activity graduates who have completed the master's program are:

  • management processes of organizations of various organizational and legal forms;
  • processes of state and municipal management;
  • research processes.

Types of professional activities , for which graduates who have completed the master's program are preparing:

  • organizational and managerial;
  • analytical;
  • scientific research;
  • pedagogical.

A graduate who has mastered the master's program, in accordance with the type(s) of professional activity on which the master's program is focused, is ready to solve the following professional tasks:

organizational and managerial activities:

Development of development strategies for organizations and their individual divisions;

Management of departments of enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership, state and municipal authorities;

Organization of creative groups (teams) to solve organizational and managerial problems and their management;

analytical activities:

Search, analysis and evaluation of information for preparing and making management decisions;

Analysis of existing forms of organization and management processes, development and justification of proposals for their improvement;

Assessing the effectiveness of projects taking into account the uncertainty factor;

research activities:

Organization of scientific research: determination of tasks for groups and individual performers, selection of research tools, analysis of their results, collection, processing, analysis and systematization of information on the research topic, preparation of reviews and reports on the research topic;

Development of models of the studied processes, phenomena and objects related to the field of professional activity, assessment and interpretation of the results obtained;

Identification and formulation of current scientific problems;

Preparation of reviews, reports and scientific publications;

pedagogical activity:

Teaching management disciplines and developing appropriate educational and methodological materials in general educational and professional organizations, in organizations of additional professional education.

Masters in direction 38.04.02 “Management” The opportunity to study in one of the educational programs is provided:





Training is carried out according to full-time and part-time forms .

The master's program in the direction 38.04.02 “Management” consists of the following blocks:

Block 1 "Disciplines (modules)" , which includes disciplines (modules) related to the basic part of the program, and disciplines (modules) related to its variable part.

As part of the basic part of Block 1 of the master's program, the following disciplines (modules) must be implemented:“Modern philosophy and methodology of science”, “Foreign language in the professional field”, “Modern problems of management”, “Organization theory and organizational behavior”, “Corporate governance”, “Corporate finance”.

Disciplines related to the variable part of the master's program, are divided into disciplines studied by master’s students of all master’s programs in the “Management” direction, and disciplines studied in this direction only in the selected master’s educational program. General disciplines include: “Pedagogy of higher education”, “Information support of enterprise activities”, “Modern strategic analysis”, “Managerial economics”. The disciplines of the variable part of each educational program of the direction 38.04.02 “Management” are presented in the tab “Working curriculum of the direction of training 38.04.02 “Management””.

Block 2 "Practices, including scientific research work (R&D)" , which fully relates to the variable part of the program.

Block 2 “Practices” includes educational, pedagogical, industrial and pre-diploma internships and research work.

Educational practice students is an internship to obtain primary professional skills and professional experience, during which undergraduates independently perform production tasks determined by an individual internship program in the conditions of a real operating enterprise (organization, institution, etc.).

Teaching practice refers to mind industrial practice and consists of professional and practical training of students in educational organizations of higher education - practice bases. Pedagogical practice of students is practice in obtaining professional skills and experience in professional activities, during which undergraduates independently perform tasks determined by the practice program to study the fundamentals of pedagogical, educational, methodological and educational work in higher educational institutions, mastering the skills of conducting certain types of training sessions in the disciplines of the relevant profile, acquiring experience in teaching work in an innovative higher education institution.

Internship refers to and consists of professional and practical training of students at enterprises - practice bases. Industrial practice for students is practice to gain professional skills and experience in professional activities, during which undergraduates independently perform production tasks determined by the internship program in the conditions of a real operating enterprise (organization, institution, etc.)

Undergraduate practice refers to type of industrial practice and consists of professional and practical training of students at enterprises - practice bases. Pre-graduate practice of students is practice to gain professional skills and professional experience , during which undergraduates perform final qualifying work, conducting practical research and performing specific practical tasks in accordance with the theme of the thesis. Pre-graduation practice is carried out to complete the final qualifying work and is mandatory.

Scientific research work (hereinafter referred to as R&D) is an integral part of the main educational program of higher education “Production Management”, implemented within the framework of the master’s training direction 38.04.02 “Management”. Research work relates to type of industrial practice and consists of professional and practical training of students at enterprises - research bases. Research work of students is one of the types of practical training, during which undergraduates carry out scientific research on the basis of specific enterprises, making a certain contribution to the scientific field of knowledge.

Block 3 "State final certification" , which fully relates to the basic part of the program and ends with the assignment of qualifications Master's degree in Management.

State final certification is carried out in order to determine the compliance of the results of students' mastery of the main educational program with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the field of study 04/38/02 “Management” taking into account the focus of the program.

Master's students are trained by highly qualified teachers, including doctors and candidates of economic sciences, professors and associate professors with extensive experience in teaching and practical activities. Also, managers and leading specialists of organizations whose activities are related to the focus (profile) of the master’s programs being implemented take part in master’s training in the direction 38.04.02 “Management”.

RSRTU and the department of GMKU have the necessary material and technical base that complies with the current rules and regulations and ensures the conduct of all types of disciplinary and interdisciplinary training, practical and research work of students, provided for by the curriculum of master's training in the field 04/38/02 “Management”.

Form of study: full-time, part-time
Full-time: RUB 300,000/year
Part-time: 230,000 rub/year
Full-time: 2 years
Part-time: 2.5 years
Basics of training: budget, contract

Current master's programs, 2019:

Production systems management

Faculty contacts:
Deputy Dean of the Faculty:
Kharitonov Sergey Sergeevich
phones: +7 985 923-63-12, +7 495 434-50-48

Admission conditions:

Conditions of education:

A deferment from service in the RF Armed Forces is provided in accordance with current legislation.

The purpose of the master's program: Training of highly competent managers capable of managing the performance of enterprises in the current economic situation in accordance with the goals and objectives of the production of goods and services.

Features of the implementation of training for this educational program

The main feature of the profile program “Management of Production Systems”, an educational program in the direction of “Management”, is that students receive a set of necessary knowledge and skills to manage all stages of the life cycle of a production organization.

The training program is focused both on obtaining fundamental knowledge and skills by undergraduates, and on developing their specific knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of production management.

Not only teachers of the Academy and other leading universities of the country are involved in the implementation of the educational process, but also representatives of large industrial and consulting companies, business associations and technical specialists, allowing students to gain a full range of knowledge on the issues being studied.

Main factors of competitiveness of a master's program

Manufacturing enterprises and complexes need specialists who have knowledge in the field of economics, organization and management, who have competencies not only in the technological component of the functioning of a production enterprise, but also who are able to predict the prospects for the development of equipment and technologies, who have economic modeling skills, who understand the business processes inherent in modern organizations capable of solving issues of strategic and operational management, organization and functioning of high-tech industries, implementation of long-term programs and projects in the manufacturing sector, systematic management of modern breakthrough technological projects, possessing the skills of managing groups of people. The urgent need to form a new class of managers - specialists in managing production systems is due to the implementation in Russia of the National Technology Initiative, stated in the Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in 2014.

A foreign language is included in the curriculum.

Production system

Management ensures the organization and direction of the efforts of all personnel to achieve the goals of the enterprise. That is why management is often associated with the management apparatus, which is an integral part of any enterprise. To achieve the goals, effective and coordinated use of all resources is necessary. Production management includes the functions of organization, planning, coordination, motivation and control.

Managing a system involves ensuring its purposeful behavior in changing conditions. This is achieved through proper organization and development of production. Different production systems are faced with different management tasks. The methods and means used in the organization are aimed at creating conditions that maximize the achievement of set goals.

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​One of Russia’s urgent tasks in the economic sphere is the revival and development of industry and manufacturing companies that are competitive in the world market.

The purpose of the master's program is the training of proactive management workers with modern knowledge in the field of production organization. The key competencies that are formed in the learning process are: the ability to plan the production activities of organizations, mastery of methods for making strategic, tactical and operational decisions in managing the production (operational) activities of companies, the use of basic methods of financial management, and the willingness to participate in the implementation of technological and product innovations. At the current stage of development of the Russian economy, there is a particularly acute shortage of professional managers capable of generating and implementing innovative areas of business development, mainly in the production sector. Studying in the master's program "Industrial Management" opens up the horizons of professional training for a future specialist, ensures demand in the labor market, and provides the opportunity to apply one's knowledge in a wide area of ​​economic activity. The training is based on the use of the latest interactive teaching methods, which allow one to master theoretical material in a shorter time and master practical models for implementing solutions in situations close to real economic conditions.

The main goal of the master's program- to form a manager of the new time, oriented in the latest business technologies, able to manage business processes, capable of effectively organizing and managing a production enterprise.

Features of the master's program is an individually differentiated approach in determining the area of ​​research interests of undergraduates, which is determined by the content of training on the following issues: types and characteristics of the production process, economics and organization of production, industry structure of production, technology management in production, business process reengineering.

Key competencies are formed in the process of studying such disciplines as organization theory and organizational behavior; research methods in management; Modern problems and mechanisms of strategic management; strategy and tactics of production management; management decision making technology; management consulting; enterprise risk management; information resources and technologies in production management, etc.

Most of the master's program is based on practical experience and is devoted to the analysis of real-life situations in the field of business management. This allows you to effectively transform acquired knowledge into practical skills. The master's program is taught by highly professional personnel who not only have academic degrees and titles, but also have practical experience in the field of real business and management consulting.

Master's students can participate in the work of the school "Management Consulting of Modern Organizations."

Upon completion of training, the master's student will be able to:

  • apply technologies for operational and strategic management of enterprises;
  • apply management decision-making technologies;
  • develop and manage innovative enterprise projects;
  • manage business processes of industrial enterprises based on information technology;
  • diagnose and eliminate pathologies at the enterprise;
  • select a creative team for effective enterprise management;
  • understand and use modern organizational laws in practical activities;
  • model the behavior of personnel in a modern enterprise;

Master's program graduates will be prepared for a successful career in the production of goods and the provision of manufacturing and consulting services.

After completing the master's degree the graduate can continue his education at the graduate school of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, which trains highly qualified personnel in the specialty: 08.00.05 “Economics and management of the national economy: economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes - industry” - obtaining the academic degree of candidate of economics Sci.

The Faculty of Management has enormous experience in training managers, its own school and established traditions. In addition to a wide range of areas and profiles for bachelor’s training, the Faculty trains professional managers for master’s programs. At the Faculty of Management, admission to master's programs continues in the areas of "Management" (profiles "Project Management" and "Production Management") and "State and Municipal Administration" (profile "Public Administration").

Master's program "Project Management" (direction of preparation 04/38/02)

Project management is one of the fastest growing and in-demand areas of business education. This topic acquires particular relevance in the context of economic storms caused by the financial crisis and the awareness of limited material and economic resources.

Since 2017, the Faculty of Management of Pskov State University has been providing master’s training under the program “ Project management».

Purpose of the program— training of a new type of specialists capable of managing projects at all stages of implementation, making effective decisions on their resource and organizational support, integrating innovation and investment processes, and carrying out comprehensive planning of a project portfolio in order to achieve sustainable development.

The program is designed to train project managers for commercial enterprises, as well as federal, regional and industry projects in various spheres of socio-economic life, including international projects.

The basic principles and tools of project management are widely used in many industries and areas of the economy, both in the private and public sectors of the economy. Therefore, graduates of the program can occupy positions of project management specialist, project manager, project or program portfolio coordinator, as well as other leadership positions in business structures and government bodies.

Students of the program study: Corporate finance, Interaction management, Organization and management of project activities, Regulatory support of project activities, Investment assessment of a project, Project financing, Formation and development of project teams, Management of project portfolios and programs, Project risk management, System analysis and justification business solutions, Innovative design, Design and estimate business, Marketing research, Negotiation process, Modeling and forecasting of business processes, Business process reengineering, Public-private partnership projects, Organizational design

Training is carried out in full-time, part-time and part-time forms of education

know how:

  • plan projects and programs and monitor the process of their implementation based on modern Russian and foreign standards in the field of project management.
  • evaluate the socio-economic effectiveness of projects and programs.
  • develop project management methodology.
  • organize the project office and manage it effectively.
  • identify and diagnose project risks, develop algorithms for managing them.
  • form and develop a project team.
  • manage communications and stakeholder interests of projects and programs.

Master's program graduates have skills:

  • project portfolio management.
  • project logistics management.
  • introducing methods and principles of project management into business structures and government bodies.
  • management of individual categories of projects and programs.

Master's program graduates own tools and methods of project financing.

Modern information technologies:MS Project, BusinessStudio, GrandSmeta, Advanta, etc.

Features of the program " Project management»

  • A unique curriculum developed on the basis of the federal state standard “Management” (Master) and professional university competencies in the field of project management.
  • Partnerships with leading regional companies and institutions implementing projects and programs.
  • Creative composition of teachers and invited practitioners.
  • Completion of industrial and research internships in government bodies and leading organizations.
  • Participation in well-known, including international, scientific and scientific-practical events in the field of project management.
  • Advanced learning technologies.

Master's program "Production Management" (direction of preparation 04/38/02)

Manufacturing enterprises have always been the core of the economy, ensuring its stable functioning. Today, managers of various industries are forced to solve a large number of complex management problems: modernizing production technologies, expanding sales markets, recruiting and retaining qualified personnel, optimizing the supply chain and logistics, and overcoming the consequences of the crisis. Solving these problems is within the power of managers who are able to create effective production systems and achieve high financial results.

It is for the preparation of such universal managers that the Faculty of Management has developed master's program "Production Management". After graduating, you will become a sought-after professional manager for any area of ​​the production sector.

Production management is presented as a special area of ​​knowledge and a specific functional area of ​​management related to the management of production systems. The course is based on the following disciplines: organization of research activities, foreign language (advanced level), scientific research methodology, business law, managerial economics, theory of organization and organizational behavior, modern strategic analysis, corporate finance, production management (advanced level), industrial marketing, strategic cost management, project management, comparative management, change management, etc.

As a result of training, the graduate:

  • manages projects and programs for production development, development of new technologies and products, modernization or expansion of production capacity;
  • solves complex problems of managing production systems;
  • optimizes and increases the efficiency of production processes;
  • carries out effective operational and strategic management of production units.

Form of study- full-time and part-time

Training period: full-time - 2 years, part-time - 2 years 6 months.


Upon completion of training, graduates of this program successfully work in production, financial, consulting, service and other organizations in strategic development departments, in production and technical, economic planning and planning departments and at the level of senior management.

Master's program "Public and Municipal Administration" (direction of preparation 04/38/04)

Changes taking place in the political, legal, economic and social spheres of Russian society entail the need to reform the entire system of public authorities.

Management of state and municipal structures is a special type of activity that requires qualified training and knowledge of a managerial nature and the specifics of processes. The modern art of management involves mastering a complex, highly organized system of theoretical and practical knowledge.

Program "State and Municipal Administration" is intended for those who see their future in serving society and the state, federal government bodies, local governments, state and municipal institutions , organizations about public sector, in international and Russian non-profit public organizations.

During the training process, master's students receive comprehensive knowledge in the field of state and municipal administration, acquire the competence to develop goals, objectives and strategies for the activities of public authorities; development of an optimal organizational structure, implementation and distribution of functions, powers and responsibilities between performers; modeling of administrative processes and procedures in government bodies.

A graduate who has mastered the master's program is ready to implement strategic management in the interests of society and the state, analyze the state of the economy of public sector sectors, conduct personnel policies and personnel audits, organize interaction with the external environment (other state and municipal bodies, organizations, citizens), and apply legislation and regulatory and legal procedures in administrative activities, including the preparation of draft regulatory legal acts, their feasibility studies.

Form of study- full-time and part-time

Training period: full-time - 2 years, part-time - 2 years 6 months.


Upon completion of training, graduates of this program successfully work in government bodies, local governments, state and municipal enterprises and institutions, civil society institutions, public organizations, non-profit and commercial organizations, international organizations and international governing bodies, other organizations, government relations units and by municipal authorities and citizens.

Contact information of the Faculty of Management