Job responsibilities of a food seller. Job Description of a Food Products Seller Job Description of a Food Products Seller Individual Entrepreneur

Grocery store salesperson is considered one of the popular and sought-after professions, since all citizens use its offers and services. If you can do without luxury goods, then it is impossible to live without food products, since they are necessary for human life support. Business entities whose main activity is sales open retail outlets in every area of ​​the residential area, which makes the profession in demand.

General provisions

Grocery store salesperson

A grocery store salesperson is hired and dismissed by order of the head of the business entity on the recommendation of the head of the department. The employee must have a professional education. There are usually no requirements for work experience.

When performing job duties, the seller reports to the head of the department and the employer. At the same time, he is guided by internal documentation of the enterprise and current legislation.

Work specifics

Each workplace is characterized by individual characteristics, depending on the parameters of the facility where sales are organized and the assortment of trade items. These factors create separate working conditions.

A prerequisite for obtaining permission to perform work is to undergo a medical examination, the results of which must be entered into the health record by representatives of a certified medical institution.

This is necessary to identify contraindications to conducting activities in this area related to the general state of health and the presence of diseases classified as infectious.

Specialized retail outlets sell a limited range of products, which significantly reduces the amount of necessary knowledge regarding its characteristics. To adapt to a new place of work, the employee undergoes a probationary period, part of which is allocated by the employer for internship. It involves the organization of training by a senior salesperson for a period of time established by order of the employer.


"_____" ______________ 2008


"_____" _____________ 2008



Seller's appearance.

1. At 8.45 o'clock. the seller in a clean, ironed company uniform (jacket, trousers, cap, badge) gets to work.
2. Hair: collected completely under a cap (if you have bangs, then cut short).
3. Jewelry: there should be no chains, bracelets, rings, or dangling earrings.
4. Face: makeup, but not flashy.
5. Hands: nails cut short (to the root), no varnish, no cuts, sores, pustules, plasters. During the day, the seller washes his hands with soap several times.
6. Feet: clean, comfortable, second shoes without heels.

Preparing the workplace for the opening of the store
1. Checks the serviceability and readiness for operation of refrigeration and commercial equipment (refrigerators, freezers, juicer, samovar, cash register, scales, terminal, display cases).
2. Checking the cash register, refilling the receipt tape, setting the numerator to zeros, installing the dater.
3. Reconciles the cash balance in the cash register with the reading in the cash book for the previous day. If there is a discrepancy between the cash balance in the cash register and the entry of the cash balance in the book, the seller notifies the senior seller, the director. An act is drawn up.
4. Receiving a small change and placing it in the cash drawer.
5. Checking the availability of containers (containers, bags, bags, gloves, T-shirts, napkins, disposable tableware (cups, plates, spoons, forks).
6. For wet cleaning, clean water is filled into a bucket and clean rags are used (borrow from the administrator).
7. Preparing display cases and commercial equipment for work:
Use a special brush to sweep away all the crumbs from the corners of the display cases and the groove (along which the glass moves).
Wipe the glass surface of the display cases, cash register cover, doors, refrigerator, freezer to a mirror shine (cleaning products are available from the administrator).
Polish the metal surface with a special solution.
Wipe scales, cash registers, tables, display cases and bag stands on the sales floor side with a damp cloth.
Wipe the doors and walls of the refrigeration equipment.

Preparing goods for sale
1. Checking the assortment list of goods (what is in stock and what should be). If there is insufficient quantity of goods, the seller makes a request to the workshop.
2. Checking the quality, quantity, price, grade, condition of packaging and correct labeling of goods brought from the workshop.
3. Beautiful design of counter displays and monitoring their condition.
4. Placement and display of goods by groups, types and varieties, taking into account product proximity, frequency of demand and ease of work.
5. Availability of price tags is checked; if the price tag is dirty, damaged and, in the seller’s opinion, cannot be used, then the seller immediately contacts the technologist to replace the price tag with a new one, returning the old price tag to him against receipt.
6. Price tags are carefully attached to the goods.
7. For loss of price tags, 50 rubles are withheld from the seller’s wages.
8. Receipt and preparation of packaging material.
9. Turning on the lighting fixtures in the sales area.

Seller's actions during the working day
1. At 9:45 a.m., the shop window and the seller’s workplace must be ready for work.
2. Within 10 minutes, the seller can visit the toilet room, drink tea and coffee.
3. At 10.00 security opens the front door and work with customers begins.
4. The seller actively serves customers. The face takes on a benevolent expression. The seller is interested in what the buyer wants to buy: phrases like: “Are you interested in anything? Can I help you choose? Maybe you need to select products for some event?” There should not be phrases like “What do you want? What do you need?"
5. The seller's tone should radiate an interested note, as if you were serving a good friend or acquaintance.
6. The main slogan of the seller is “THE BUYER IS ALWAYS RIGHT.”
7. When conflict situations arise, the seller listens silently to the buyer as carefully as possible, then explains the reason for the buyer’s dissatisfaction to the buyer himself. If the buyer is dissatisfied with the seller's explanation, the seller calls the senior seller or director. No rude phrases or raised voice from the seller.
8. While the buyer is walking along the windows, looking at the goods, the seller explains to him the composition of the product, the method of preparation, storage, and the features of the goods.
9. If there are no buyers in the sales area, then one at a time the sellers can visit the restroom for 10 minutes and have a snack. A card is placed on the counter indicating that the seller has gone on a technical break. In general, the amount of breaks can be 1 hour during 1 day.
10. Since the seller is a financially responsible person, no one can replace him in the workplace.
11. In extreme cases, another seller may replace the seller with the permission of the director or administrator.
12. During the day, the seller, through the accountant, transmits information to the workshop about the replenishment of goods on the counter display.
13. By 17.00, the seller provides the accountant with information about the goods (whether the goods are still needed or not). The seller sells the remaining goods before the store closes. If there is a large quantity of goods remaining after the store is closed, the accountant and the seller are jointly and severally liable and, by decision of the administration, reimburse the cost of the balance.
14. From the moment the goods are received from the accountant and placed on the counter, the seller bears financial responsibility for the safety, quality and appearance of the goods.

End of the working day and handover of the shift
1. At 21:00 a security officer locks the front door.
2. The seller carefully removes all price tags, fastens them and puts them in a box.
3. The seller hands over the remaining goods to the accountant according to the pick-up sheet.
4. Cleans and washes display cases, tables, scales, the table under the cash register, and commercial equipment.
5. Makes a final report, recalculates cash, counts the balance in the cash register, the number of checks on the terminal. Reconciles the amount of checks from the terminal and from the final report for cashless payments.
6. Reconciles cash against the final check and against the actual money in the cash register.
7. In the event that there is a discrepancy between the final checks and the actual money available, the seller immediately contacts the accountant who removes the cash register or the senior seller to make a decision.
8. If everything is fully consistent, then the seller, in the presence of the accountant and administrator, takes out a report for the whole day, gives him the money and fills out the cash book.
9. Checks whether the cash register, scales, refrigerators, freezers and other commercial equipment are turned off, checks the equipment in which the products should be located so that it is plugged into the network and working.
10. Before leaving, the seller checks everything completely again and leaves.
11. The seller hangs branded clothes in his locker or takes them home to wash.
12. There should be no foreign objects in the seller’s table that are not related to the production process (there should be no dishes, hairpins, postcards, etc.).

Head of HR Department ____________________

I approve...................................................

(name of company)

(job title)   

(Full name.)    

“…..” …………………. 20….. g.

Job description
food seller

(name, enterprise, organization)

1. General Provisions

1.1. Food seller(hereinafter referred to as the seller) belongs to the category of technical performers, is hired and dismissed by order of the director of the enterprise upon presentation

1.2. A person with primary vocational education, without requirements for work experience, or secondary vocational education, without requirements for work experience, or secondary (complete) general education and special training according to an established program, without requirements for work experience, is appointed to the position of seller. .
1.3. The seller reports directly


1.4. In its activities, the seller is guided by:
- regulatory documents and methodological materials on the work performed;
- the charter of the enterprise;
- internal labor regulations;
- orders, instructions of the director of the enterprise and the immediate supervisor;
- this job description.
1.5. During the absence of the seller, his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.
1.6. The seller must know:
- basics of dietary and balanced nutrition;
- the procedure for accepting goods from suppliers;
- basic requirements of standards and technical specifications for the quality of goods, packaging and their labeling;
- rules of rejection;
- simple laboratory methods for determining the quality of goods;
- rules for sampling and sampling to determine the food suitability of goods;
- progressive forms and methods of customer service;
- principles of window display design;
- procedure for conducting inventory;
- the procedure for drawing up and processing commodity reports, acts of defects, shortages, re-grading of goods and acceptance certificates for the transfer of material assets.

2. Job responsibilities

The seller is obliged:
- receives goods from the warehouse;
- determines the quality of goods based on organoleptic characteristics;
- selects samples of goods for laboratory analysis;
- notifies the administration of the receipt of goods that do not meet the required quality;
- prepares the workplace (checks the availability and serviceability of trade and technical equipment, inventory and tools);
- draws up requests for equipment repairs;
- receives and prepares packaging material;
- prepares goods for sale (checks the name, quantity, grade, price, condition of packaging and correct labeling);
- places goods into groups, types and varieties, taking into account product proximity, frequency of demand and ease of use;
- draws up and places price tags;
- advises customers on the properties, taste, culinary purpose and nutritional value of certain types of goods;
- provides customer service (cutting, weighing and packaging goods, calculating the cost of purchases, checking receipt details, issuing purchases);
- designs display cases and monitors their condition;
- prepares goods for inventory and participates in its implementation;
- monitors the timely replenishment of goods;
- cleans up unsold goods and containers;
- works, if necessary, on a cash register, counts checks (money) and hands them over in the prescribed manner, checks sales amounts with the readings of cash counters;
- composes and designs gift and holiday sets;
- studies customer demand;
- draws up and draws up commodity reports, acts of defects, shortages, re-grading of goods and acceptance certificates for the transfer of material assets;
- resolves controversial issues with customers in the absence of administration representatives;
- supervises less qualified sellers and apprentices.

3. Rights

The seller has the right:
- get acquainted with draft decisions of the enterprise management on issues of its activities;
- submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for by this instruction for consideration by management;
- receive information and documents from heads of structural divisions, specialists on issues within his competence;
- demand from the management of the enterprise assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

4. Responsibility

The seller is responsible:
- for the consequences of decisions made by him that go beyond his powers established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the charter of the enterprise, and other regulatory legal acts;
- for failure to fulfill (improper performance) of their official duties provided for by these instructions, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;
- for committing an offense in the process of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;
- for causing material damage and damage to the business reputation of the enterprise - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. Other

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.


Head of the legal department

……………….…………… / ……….… "…..." ………………………20 …. g./>   (full name / signature)

I have read the job description

……………….…………… / ……….… "…..." ………………………20 …. g./>    (full name / signature)

According to the classification, the position of a salesperson belongs to service personnel. Its main tasks are to sell goods to consumers. In addition, he is entrusted with financial responsibility, so it is important to correctly draw up not only an employment contract, but also a job description.

Sample of a typical job description for a food seller

The standard text should outline the key requirements for the employee’s qualifications and work experience. Specify the procedure for conducting audits, as well as working conditions. It is necessary to prescribe the procedure for undergoing medical examinations, because the seller comes into contact with a large number of people and can become a carrier of serious diseases. The procedure for receiving products and displaying them on display cases and counters must be prescribed.

General provisions

The general provisions of the job description must indicate that when performing duties, the trade employee must use these instructions. In addition, other regulatory documentation must be mentioned. The text of the job description must specify the order of subordination of employees. The senior salesperson's instructions should include the responsibility to supervise lower-ranking employees. In addition, an obligation is imposed to comply with the internal regulations and charter of the organization.

Job responsibilities

A food seller has the following job responsibilities:

  1. Make necessary purchases by interacting with suppliers. Check the quantity and expiration date of brought food products.
  2. Control the temperature regime, which is necessary for the safety of food products. Monitor the condition of products and promptly remove damaged goods in order to prevent mass poisonings.
  3. Carry out pre-sale preparation of food products. Observe the temperature regime during sale, preserving the original properties of the products as much as possible. Attach price tags.
  4. Keep the workplace clean, remove any contamination that may pose a danger to the life and health of the buyer.
  5. Accept funds in cash and non-cash form. Issue cash documents confirming the fact of purchase. Carry out daily calculations of proceeds and record the amounts in the ledger.
  6. Participate in audits, product counts and inspections.
  7. Advise customers on emerging issues related to cost, quality, brand and manufacturer of products.

The job description must contain the duty of the sales employee to act as an intermediary in the event of complaints from customers. A trade worker is obliged to know the rights of the consumer and, if they are violated, to look for ways to resolve disputes.


The seller of food products has the right:

  1. To pay for overtime hours, as well as holidays at an increased rate.
  2. Refuse to perform actions that are contrary to the law.
  3. Study documentation that directly or indirectly regulates its activities.
  4. Demand respect for your rights.
  5. Receive supplies necessary for work from your employer.

To resolve economic issues regarding the control of rodents or other pests, he has the right to require the involvement of third-party specialists on a commercial basis. The same applies to servicing complex equipment, such as refrigeration equipment or cash registers.


The seller of food products is liable for causing material damage through dishonest performance of duties. Sales of alcoholic products in violation of sales and reporting rules, as well as sales to minors, entail administrative liability. The same goes for tobacco products.

Working conditions

The job description of a senior salesperson must contain information about working conditions. They cannot contradict the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation or the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The conditions should not be dangerous to the life and health of the sales consultant.

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