Certification of teaching staff: new rules. How will teacher certification change with the introduction of professional standards? Teacher certification forms for the year

Everything flows, everything changes... But, as practice shows, not all changes adopted by the Government lead to the better, although the first opinion is sometimes wrong. After the latest changes in teacher certification, which will be introduced in 2018, messages and comments from dissatisfied teachers have appeared on forums and websites. What is planned to change and why educational workers consider themselves insulted, we will look further.

Not long ago, Deputy Rosobrnadzor Anzor Muzaev told media representatives that next year it is planned to adopt a new model for teacher certification. According to him, such measures are aimed at reducing the number of weak teachers and increasing their level of qualifications. The results of the VPR checks, comparison of Unified State Examination grades and grades in schools and in classes shows that some teachers inflate grades, in other words, they do not correspond to the actual knowledge of students. This phenomenon is especially observed in the provinces. Muzaev believes that the reason may lie in the teacher’s lack of awareness and limited knowledge.

The new form of teacher certification in 2018, according to the official, is being developed jointly with the teaching staff, which will eliminate mistakes when drawing up tasks to test the professional suitability of teachers. The new model for checking educational workers will consist of three main blocks:

  1. Checking the level of knowledge on the subject.
  2. Checking psychological characteristics.
  3. Testing teaching skills.

This approach will allow us to determine not only the teacher’s level of knowledge, but also his ability to present material, find a common language with children, and so on. So far, there is no information about the form in which the testing of knowledge, psychology and pedagogy will take place, since the schemes and method have not been fully developed, and the proposed options cause outrage among employees of the educational sphere.

Weaknesses of the new form of teacher certification in 2018

It is known that new certification of teaching staff will be carried out every 4 years from 2018. Previously, Rosobrnazdor stated that inspections should be carried out more often - every 2-3 years, but so far this proposal has not been implemented.

Despite the fact that the new model for testing teachers has not yet been approved and is in the process of being developed, a wave of indignation is sweeping the Internet and through schools. Here are the main points that cause dissatisfaction among teaching staff:

  1. Teachers are asked to write an essay that will evaluate their horizons. The question arises of who will check their work and by what criteria. It is possible that the assessment will be biased and the requirements will be significantly inflated. It is also possible that the essay will be replaced by the KIM (like the Unified State Exam). It will include both general and specific questions on the subject.
  2. It is proposed to check psychological characteristics based on an analysis of the teacher’s video lesson. But technical difficulties arise, since the video should not be shot on a phone or other gadget, but made by a professional. But this requires financial costs, as well as permission to film from all the students’ parents, which is basically impossible.
  3. Confirmation of pedagogical suitability from a legal point of view can be challenged in court, since the presence of the necessary skills is indicated by a document (diploma) received after graduating from a higher educational institution.

A similar situation with testing skills affected drivers. After officials introduced a mandatory retake of the test and testing of driving skills when exchanging driver's licenses. Drivers managed to prove in court that they had already passed such a check when passing the exam before obtaining a license. It is possible that the situation will repeat itself and teachers will be able to defend their rights.

What will happen to teachers who do not pass certification in 2018?

Since the certification of teachers in 2018 will become stricter and it is possible that not everyone will be able to pass it, a natural question arises about what will happen to those. According to Anzor Murzaev, teachers will not be fired or punished, since the goals of the changes are completely different - the formation of highly qualified teaching staff with a high level of knowledge. The more a teacher knows, the more knowledge he will be able to pass on to his students.

Teachers who fail to pass certification will be sent for advanced training. Such an approach will make it possible to get rid of weak employees in the educational sector, but not through dismissal, but through training. Rosobrnadzor emphasized that teachers have nothing to fear, and new changes will take the education sector to a new level.

Certification of teaching staff in 2017: latest changes. Mandatory and voluntary certification of teaching staff in 2017. Rules for passing certification.

Certification of teaching staff: new rules

Certification of teaching staff in 2017 implies new rules, according to which it will be completed in two stages. First, the teacher will need to demonstrate his suitability to engage in this noble profession. At the second stage, the teacher will have to prove that he has a reasonable right to acquire one or another pedagogical category. Increasing the qualification level occurs only by decision of the commission, which directly assesses the level of competence and ability to work with children.

Russian teachers are provided with two types of certification. Certification of teaching staff in 2017, accordingly, will remain mandatory and voluntary. Absolutely all teaching staff are subject to mandatory certification, while voluntary certification allows the teacher to improve his qualifications, grow as a teacher, and also earn a pleasant increase in salary.

Mandatory certification of teaching staff in 2017

Mandatory certification of teaching staff in 2017 retains the latest changes introduced a year earlier, according to which the teacher must pass it every five years. Only teachers who have managed to obtain a qualification category will be exempt from this requirement, plus, of course, it will not affect pregnant women.

Mandatory certification of teaching staff in 2017 is not required for teachers working at the school since 2015 or later. No one will pull a teacher out of maternity leave either - you can be subject to mandatory certification later - in the next two years from the day on which the teacher returns to teaching.

Similarly, teachers who, for some legal reason, have not worked in the last four months will be exempt from mandatory certification. They can be certified a year after they enter the workplace.

Voluntary certification of teaching staff in 2017

Voluntary certification (including certification of teachers for the highest category) in 2017 will be carried out in the same form as before. This type of certification is provided to stimulate the professional growth of those teachers who do not just attend the workplace, but are sincerely interested in their own development as a professional, and have a desire to improve and raise their level.

In order to be subject to voluntary certification, the teacher must draw up a statement of such desire and send it to the school director. The application is considered for up to one month, and if the decision is positive, a special commission is assembled and will be entrusted with conducting an audit of the teacher’s level. The entire process itself, by law, takes up to two calendar months. If the teacher does not agree with the conclusion of the commission, the law provides for the convening of a special commission that will resolve the dispute, or going to court.

To successfully pass the certification of teachers for the highest category in 2017, the applicant must already have the first category, which he received in 2015 or earlier.

Having been certified and received a new category, the teacher automatically receives the right to an increase in his salary.

Firstly, this is a good opportunity to show the commission your reserves of knowledge and prove your professionalism. In this regard, the opinion of the teacher is changing among colleagues and in society as a whole. Secondly, after the next certification, in case of positive results, the teacher’s salary is raised. From this we can conclude that the certification of teaching staff is aimed at their own benefit. All amendments and changes to the current legislation were made mainly with the aim of increasing the efficiency of the modern educational and educational process.

Last year, some changes related to the certification of teachers were introduced. That's what we'll talk about today.

Main changes to Federal Law 273

In 2016, all teachers will be certified according to two main parameters. The first stage includes confirmation of suitability for the position held. The commission will check the knowledge and skills of the teacher, as well as his ability to deal with children. At this stage, the employee’s professional suitability and suitability for the position are determined.

At the second stage, the question arises of assigning a teacher one or another qualification category. This year, a teacher can apply for the first or highest category. The first is assigned to teachers who:

  • do not have a category, are certified for compliance with the position;
  • already have the first category, but the certification period has come to an end (i.e., 5 years have passed since the last certification).
    • received the first category for more than two years;
    • already have a higher education degree, but 5 years have passed since the previous certification.

    Almost every law has exceptions. The same applies to the Federal Law on Certification of Teaching Workers. There are categories of persons who are exempt from undergoing mandatory certification. These include:

    • teachers with a total work experience of less than two years;
    • pregnant teachers;
    • women on maternity leave to care for a child.

    However, the legislation does not prohibit the above-mentioned persons from undergoing certification if they themselves have expressed their desire to do so.

    List of documents required for certification in 2016-2017

    Another innovation in 2016 is the submission of an application for certification. Previously, teachers wishing to assign a category or improve their qualifications submitted applications in their area. Now, all responsibility for conducting certification is assigned to higher educational organizations at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    So, what papers need to be prepared to pass the certification:

    • statement with personal signatures;
    • a copy of the previous certification sheet (if available);
    • a copy of a document confirming higher or secondary pedagogical education (diploma);
    • a copy of the sheet confirming the availability of the highest or first level of certification (if it was received earlier);
    • personal professional portfolio;
    • in case of change of surname or other personal data, a copy of the document is required confirming the truthfulness and correspondence of the data.
    • It is advisable to have a reference letter from your place of work or a cover letter in your hands, which will describe the characteristics of your personality in terms of professional suitability.

    A month later, the applicant must receive a notification at his place of residence indicating the time and date of the certification procedure.

Certification of teaching staff for the 2017-2018 year is a completely new set of rules, regulations and statutes, and the entire process is carried out and carried out in two stages, each of which has its own characteristics and characteristics. For example, at the very beginning, the teacher will definitely have to demonstrate and show all his professional suitability. But only then the teacher needs to prove the right to acquire the declared category.

The only thing that remains unchanged is that the decision is made based on the results of a special commission, which evaluates the level of competence of a given teacher.

But let’s talk about everything in more detail, because not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance.

Types of certification.

As mentioned above, the process of certification of teachers has a small variety and classification. This is mandatory and voluntary certification, which differ significantly from each other.

  • Firstly, mandatory certification. This type implies mandatory certification for all employees without exception. It is worth noting that in 2018 it will take place in accordance with all the innovations that were introduced and implemented in 2017. It is worth saying that all those teachers who began their careers directly in 2015 do not qualify for this type of certification; also, those teachers who have just returned from maternity leave do not qualify, even though the previous term has already expired. has expired or is about to expire. Moreover, those teachers who for some reason have not worked during the last 4 months can also refuse certification with completely legal rights.
  • Secondly, it is voluntary. This type involves direct certification for everyone who wants to improve their qualification category ahead of schedule. The main objective of this certification is to create stimulation for professional growth among those teachers who really need it. If you want to become a participant in this type of certification, then in 2018 you need to write and submit a corresponding statement of your desire and intentions and, of course, send it to the director of the educational institution. As a rule, the application must be considered within one month, but no more. If the answer is positive, then a special commission is assembled, which will decide the future fate of the teacher. According to the law, the entire certification process takes no more than 2 months. If for some reason the teacher does not agree with the decision of the certification commission, then he has the right to convene another commission that can resolve this dispute, or go to court.

It is probably no secret to anyone that advanced training implies an increase in wages.

New regulations and rules.

From the beginning of the new 2017-2018 academic year, every teacher must become familiar with the introduced transformations and changes in the issue of certification. What changes and provisions should be named and noted first of all?

It is worth saying that after the expiration of the established period, or, more precisely, 1 month, the applicant must receive a notification letter to his home address, which will indicate in detail the place and time of the certification. As a rule, the certification schedule for the first and highest qualification categories is established and approved by the Ministry of Education in advance.

As you can see, the process of certification of teaching staff has indeed undergone a number of serious changes, which teaching staff must cope with, because everyone already has some experience and their own store of knowledge.

Hello everyone, Tatyana Sukhikh here! Now my certification is being diligently prepared, I’m just receiving questions from readers on this topic, so I decided to devote a short article to answering the questions and introducing me to the new certification rules that are in effect this year. Perhaps someone is also preparing documents at the moment, and the methodologists are in no hurry to help, so a little hint will be very useful to you.

One of the readers asks if she can get certified while on maternity leave if she went on maternity leave and didn’t have time to get certified. What does the law say on this matter?

According to the law, pregnant employees, as well as those on maternity leave, do not undergo this “procedure”. They will need to be certified 2 years after leaving maternity leave. The 2017 innovations added two more groups of workers to the preferential categories that are not subject to verification:

  • teachers with up to 2 years of experience;
  • teachers who have spent 4 months or more on sick leave (they will be tested a year after the end of the sick leave).

Does this mean that, if they wish, these teachers cannot undergo certification before the deadline specified by law? If the time for re-certification is approaching (5 years from the previous date) or the teacher wants to be certified for the highest category (has the first category for 2 years or more), then he has the right to submit the necessary documents and undergo this procedure, even while on maternity leave or on maternity leave and giving birth

The next question regarding certification is the documents that will be required to submit the application. Until 2017, this was only a statement that was written by the employee and certified by the head of the educational organization. Now the package of necessary documents has expanded significantly.

The application must be accompanied by:

  • document on previous certification (if available);
  • a photocopy of a diploma of pedagogical education;
  • a photocopy of a document confirming the availability of the category (if available);
  • a document legalizing the change of surname (if it has been changed);
  • job description and cover letter.

The decision of the certification commission comes within a month, indicating the date and place of certification. If you, my dear colleagues, are still wondering whether to recertify for a higher category now or do it later, or even wait until the scheduled inspection in a few years, then I strongly advise you to submit documents this year. Every year they come up with more and more new difficulties, why wait for them if you can do everything now?

Certification and advanced training courses

The second reader asks about her actions if the certificate of confirmation of her position expired in March 2017. Does she need to take any courses, and how to do this, on her own initiative or at the discretion of the head, at the decision of the team.

First of all, I want to make a slight distinction between the concepts of courses and certification. Teachers, including educators, undergo advanced training once every three years. And if the specified period has expired, then the teacher must take new courses. This can be done on your own initiative if you have found a suitable area of ​​study and you are satisfied with its cost.

However, prices for distance learning are now quite high. Therefore, often the management of an educational organization organizes training for all employees every three years, inviting specialists from the Institute for Advanced Studies in your area. In this case, the cost of advanced training per each employee will be significantly lower.

If your institution does not have a similar practice, and you have found a course that interests you and are ready to pay for it yourself, then you can consult with the head about this and take it on your own initiative, including remotely.

At the same time, advanced training courses are a prerequisite for certification. If you plan to re-certify yourself for your position, or want to improve your professionalism to the first category, then you simply need the courses.

I hope that my answers will be useful not only to those educators who were interested in these questions, but also to all those who have not yet understood all the intricacies of such a procedure, which is necessary for all educators. I am sure that you will succeed, the main thing is to pull yourself together a little and prepare all the required certificates and documentation. And if you read my blog, then you will certainly succeed, and I will always come to your aid!