The icon shop of the Sretensky monastery telephone. Shop "Sretenie"

The Orthodox publishing house of the Sretensky Monastery was established in 1994 in Moscow at the Sretensky Stauropegial Monastery. Today it is one of the largest and most respected Russian publishing houses that publish Christian literature on various topics. The publishing house has repeatedly become a laureate of prestigious book competitions. Its spiritual director and editor-in-chief is.

In 2004, the official website of the publishing house of the Sretensky Monastery was opened - the Sretenie online bookstore.

The range of the publishing house includes more than a thousand titles of books, albums, magazines, calendars. Liturgical books, lives of saints, patristic heritage, calendars and magazines on home economics, historical literature, encyclopedias, reference books and dictionaries, magnificent gift editions - all this you will find in the catalogs of our store. The publishing house actively cooperates with contemporary writers and poets and regularly releases novelties of Orthodox fiction. The books of the Sretensky Monastery from the "Green Series of Hope" are very popular, which includes 13 books by modern Orthodox writers: Tikhon Shevkunov, Andrey Tkachev, Nina Pavlova, Olga Rozhneva, Vladimir Krupin, Olesya Nikolaeva and others.

Books of the Sretensky Monastery in the online store

You can order publications of the Sretensky Monastery in our online store at publishing prices. We work directly with the supplier, without intermediaries, and therefore we can offer our customers the same prices as the bookshop of the Sretensky Monastery. Place an order for the publications you like right now, choose a convenient payment method, and we will quickly and carefully deliver your purchase by Russian post, courier or to the nearest pick-up point in your region!

The store of the Orthodox book SRENETENIE on Bolshaya Lubyanka is something special. I have never seen such huge specialized bookstores! Sretenie has two separate entrances to two different stores united by a single name. The first entrance along the way from the Sretensky Monastery is the largest icon store, but the second porch is the entrance to the bookstore.

This place completely shocked me and pleasantly surprised me not so much with the huge area of ​​the store located on two levels, but with a truly colossal range of products. It's just like in Greece - everything is there!

Upon entering the store, you are greeted by a small hall with a free water cooler, a payment machine, wooden benches for rest, luggage boxes and stands with announcements of new products. After going through the door to the right from the hall, you can get into a small shop, I would say, related products, or rather, church utensils, etc. Here you can buy home icons, candles, amulets, etc. goods sold in every church shop, but presented here very widely. But to the left from the hall already described above you find yourself in an abundance of books, just amazing imagination.

In the first hall, in addition to educational and patristic, journalism and reference literature from various publishing houses, the visitor will find books of the Sretensky Monastery's own edition. The second hall contained a variety of notes, historical and philosophical books, akathists, calendars, etc. In the third hall, the visitor will find fiction, prayer books and patristic and historical books that do not fit in other halls. This is my favorite room. And the fourth hall is mostly children's books and various albums.

Do you think that's it? Nothing like this! From the second hall there is also a descent to the lower level. There are several halls with films, audio books, church hymns and classical music. True, the air conditioner works below, and therefore, going down there, it makes sense to warm up. There, after all, too, from the choice of eyes begin to run. So while you choose it is not surprising and freeze.

I will not call the prices in the store either low or high, but due to the assortment it is possible to pick up something affordable. You can pay for all purchases at the box office of any of the halls. It is very comfortable. In addition, not only cash, but also bank cards are accepted for payment. I also liked that the morning and evening services of the Sretensky Monastery are broadcast through the speakers in the halls. So if you suddenly get lost in time, then there is every chance to come to your senses in time. So I highly recommend Candlemas to everyone! Just a great store!

Sretensky Monastery was founded in 1397. At the place where the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God was found. According to legend, it was this meeting that helped save the city from Khan-Tamerlane, who retreated to the south.

The Sretensky monastery became in 1677, when the newly rebuilt one was consecrated in honor of the Presentation of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God.

After the revolution, most of the buildings of the monastery were rendered unusable. Until the 1990s, it was never restored.

But today it is the Sretenskaya Theological Seminary and one of the largest Orthodox publishing houses in Russia.

publishing house

The publishing house of the Sretensky Monastery in Moscow publishes most of the books in demand by the Orthodox audience. These are different, cheap and expensive editions of the Bible, modern Orthodox prose like "", these are essays and Orthodox ascetics. Especially popular is the prose about spiritual life for a wide range of readers.

All these books are in our store and you can purchase them at retail at the prices of the publisher.

Orthodoxy Ru

The Pravoslavie.Ru portal, which every Christian with Internet access knows about, is also a project of the Moscow Sretensky Monastery.

This portal publishes all the materials of clerics, priests-publicists and theologians of Russia. There is an Orthodox calendar and a column of questions for priests.

The Sretenie store at the Sretensky Stauropegial Monastery was opened in 1997 and immediately became one of the largest Orthodox bookstores in the capital. It presents the products not only of the Sretensky Monastery itself, but also of almost all church publishing houses in Russia, neighboring countries, as well as books, audio and video products of secular publishing houses on historical, cultural and church topics.

The store, which has recently expanded its premises, has the widest and most varied selection of books in several departments.

Here are books of Holy Scripture, and theological writings, and works of the history of the Church, prayer books, calendars, liturgical literature and notes, biographies of saints and ascetics of piety, their works, as well as socio-political publications, journalism, magazines, fiction, albums. The department of children's literature has a large selection of well-illustrated, Orthodox and simply educational publications that contribute to the development of children's love for God, for national culture and history. A special place in the assortment of the store is occupied by collection and gift editions trimmed with metal, leather, and velvet.

Qualified sales consultants will tell you in detail about the books presented, about the expected novelties, and help you make the right choice.

In the utensils department, candles, oil lamps, pectoral crosses and icons, priestly vestments, incense, scarves, belts and much more are always on sale. A separate room is occupied by a specialized icon store. Here is a wide selection of old icons and the largest assortment of icons in Moscow painted by modern masters, as well as enamel, cast icons and crosses, ceramic plastic, icon cases.

The store is located five minutes from Chistye Prudy and Turgenevskaya metro stations and a seven-minute walk from Lubyanka and Kuznetsky Most metro stations at 17 Bolshaya Lubyanka Street.

The store is open daily from 9.00 to 20.00, without a break for lunch and seven days off.

Holy Scripture, the writings of the holy fathers and books about the ascetics of piety, theology and publications that introduce Orthodoxy to those who are just looking for the way to the temple ... In our bookstore in five spacious halls there are more than 7,000 titles of books.

"Sretenie" is one of the first monastic stores that opened in the era of the church revival of Russia. Over the decades of development, it has become the largest shopping center that collects for you all over Russia and from abroad goods that meet most of the needs in the life of a modern Orthodox person - here:

(1st floor to the left of the entrance and a separate hall on the minus 1st floor)

There are more than 7,000 titles of books in our bookstore in five spacious halls
Here is the widest selection of books, including on audio media, flash cards, CDs and DVDs.

When something cannot be found in the church shops of the capital, seekers are advised:

- Go to Sretensky: everything is there.

Our bookstore has more than 7,000 titles of books on its shelves in five spacious halls. There are both reprints of old books and the latest news from the publishing house of the Sretensky Monastery and other Orthodox publishing houses.

To search for the book you need, you can contact numerous consultants or manually type in its name on the information desk with a touch panel, where the room, department and rack number you need will be displayed. Consultants will guide you on how to get through.

In the meantime, you can take a virtual tour using our Guide to the halls of the Sreteneniya bookstore:

    1st hall. Saints and ascetics of piety. Publications of the Sretensky Monastery

    2nd hall. Contemporary about Orthodoxy. Sretensky novelties

    3rd hall. Liturgical and historical literature

    4th hall. Orthodoxy for children

    5th hall. Classic

    6th hall. Notes. Audio. Video (located on the minus 1st floor).

You can order books, CDs and DVDs, as well as printed icons in the online store of the same name: and wholesale store: There is a flexible system of discounts.

With a permanent customer card, discounts are also provided in the trading floors of the Sretenie store on Bolshaya Lubyanka.

We have everything to beautify the house - so that the native walls are conducive to contemplation and prayer
In the bright and spacious store on the 2nd floor, you can buy liturgical utensils and everything you need to decorate the house of an Orthodox Christian - so that the native walls also invite contemplation and prayer.

(separate entrance on the right)

There is a unique Orthodox shop of hand-painted icons and church antiques at the Sretensky Monastery. Here you can find collectible and museum-level icons.
Antiques, both icons and liturgical utensils and items of jewelry and arts and crafts, are collected in retrospect from the 17th to the beginning of the 20th centuries.
Modern icon painting is represented by the best icon painting schools in Russia, in addition to the capital schools: from Suzdal, Murom, Vladimir, Kostroma, Mstera, Palekh, whose master icon painters work, among other things, at monasteries.

(entrance is shared with the shop of hand-painted icons and antiques)

The jewelry store was opened in 2005 and presents the widest range of products in the Orthodox gift category in Russia in a wide price segment (from 300 rubles to several million) in the amount of more than 5,000 items.

The goods are presented both by well-known manufacturers in their niche (Vladimir Mikhailov, Yuri Fedorov, Akimov), and private craftsmen. Some items are museum-quality works of art.

In addition to traditional chains, crosses, wedding rings, christening sets, you can buy from us cufflinks, charms, pendants of a wide variety of shapes and color combinations, stylish leather bracelets with inserts of Christian symbols, which will be an unusual and inexpensive gift for any occasion or help complete the look and become an elegant decoration for every day.

We have the richest choice of gold pectoral crosses in Moscow: with and without a crucifix, openwork and straight, large and small, with or without precious stones, with enamel, in all colors of gold, in silver and even in platinum. And one more thing: Celtic and Georgian - come and see for yourself!

Lovers of secular jewelry will also find stylish jewelry here.