Folk signs of a bird. Folk signs about birds in different situations Traditions and rituals

In previous centuries, people tried to live in harmony with nature, to listen to its signs. Gradually, folk signs were formed about birds - messengers of light and dark forces. By the way, human wisdom has passed the test not only of time, but also of technological progress. Science explains to us almost any phenomena, creates mechanisms that simplify life, but cannot tell anything about why the feathered one is knocking on the window. As in ancient times, we use folk signs about birds. Knowing them is useful, because whoever is warned will cope with the situation. Let's figure it out.

The bird flew into the window

You know that in the old days there were no glasses. The birds traveled calmly, not knowing barriers, fluttering wherever they please. Moreover, in a human dwelling, you can always pick up crumbs or warm yourself. However, folk signs about birds are not based on these arguments, but on observations and analysis of events. Of course, there were some legends. In the old days, it was believed that the soul of a deceased relative moves into a feathered inhabitant of forests and fields. And he comes not with an ordinary visit, but on business. The feathered messenger brings the message. How to read it, we are told by folk signs about birds. So, if a dove flew into the girl’s room, a wedding was expected. The swallow is a very rare guest. She portends great wealth. It is very bad to kill her or harm one of the said messengers. If the bird dies, then a good event will turn into trouble. For example, the wedding will be canceled due to the death of the groom or wealth will pass by the hands of the owners of the house.

Folk signs about birds: sparrows

According to legend, the birds participated in the execution of Christ, but behaved differently. The swallows took the nails with which they nailed the Savior to the cross and carried them away from the executioners. Sparrows, on the other hand, looked for instruments of torture and returned them back. So it was or not - is unknown. But a suspicious and cautious attitude towards the nimble and cunning city dwellers was entrenched among the people. Their visit to the house is considered undesirable. If the sparrow flies into the room - expect bad news. As a rule, it portends a breakdown in plans, a sudden illness, quarrels and strife. Sparrows got into the habit of gathering on the windowsill - they gossip about family members, pour mud on them behind their backs. If they knock on glass, there will be sad news from afar. In addition, a disruption to an important trip or trouble on the road is likely. Sparrows should be treated with caution, they do not bode well.

What news do tits, owls and cuckoos carry

In the old days, the world was divided into black and white, halftones were not noticed. In general, people were sure that the soul of the deceased came to pick up one of the members of the family. The news of death is believed to be carried by the cuckoo. But this is a very secretive bird, it rarely appears near human habitation. But to hear her characteristic song - to find out what age is measured for you. You just need to ask a question and count the number of her cookies. People believe that this feathered beauty knows exactly the fate of a person. The cuckoo is ranked among the dark messengers, like the magpie. If they gather on the roof of the house or near the window, you will listen to black gossip or spread it yourself. Light messengers also exist. There are such folk signs about birds about them: a tit has flown - to good news, knocking on the window - wait for the guests. Owls shy away from human habitation, but if you hear her hooting, expect a fire, folk signs about birds warn. The dove, on the contrary, protects the space from fire, pacifies evil forces. If this bird lives near the house, the owners are not afraid of fires.

Folk signs about birds about the weather

Feathered messengers bring people not only personal messages. So, they are excellent indicators of the weather. Swallows fly low - be rain. If the sparrows are fluffed up and huddle up to the house, trying to get closer to the heat, then a cold snap is coming. You will see a flock of sparrows bathing in dust - take an umbrella. They feel that the weather is changing and it will rain. In cold weather, the birds decided to swim in the water - warming is coming. In winter, their behavior portends an early spring. But before everyone that there is a warming, and the frosts recede, the lark learns. People believe that his first song is the victory of the sun over snow and ice. Sensitive to atmospheric changes and other birds. For example, the noise and din of starlings portends a thunderstorm, these birds react to the electrical voltage accumulating around.

Other signs about birds

It is not recommended among the people to keep wild birds at home. The only exception is the pigeon. Other free birds in a cage are in trouble. This does not apply to artificially bred pets. If, after the wedding, the newlyweds discovered that a bird had died in their house, then the marriage would soon be broken. It is believed that it is bad to glue wallpaper with the image of birds. People say it's unfortunate for those who live in the house. Watching the flights of birds also helps to predict the future. So, if they move from left to right - good luck, in the opposite direction - get in trouble. Birds fly right at you - a cherished desire will come true, flew away - to obstacles.

What to do when the bird has flown?

Our ancestors not only noticed how the behavior of birds is connected with future events, but also developed methods for getting rid of negativity. So, a bird that accidentally got into the room cannot be caught. She, believe me, is so scared. Open the window and let the feathered guest go home. And then say this: “Walk in freedom, but don’t fly to me!”. If the sign promises trouble, wash the window with holy water, and tie a red ribbon to the frame. They say it will help ward off misfortune. And it’s better to make friends with the birds, feed them, then they will only bring joy, and not frighten them with negative forecasts.

Helpful Hints

There are a lot of signs around us. Anyone who knows how to notice them sees life through. People have known since ancient times that there are birds that portend serious problems or even death.

They tried to avoid such birds, everyone was afraid of them. However, it was clear that at some point a bird would fly into your yard, indicating that someone from the household would soon leave for another world.

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Owls are birds from the owl family, predominantly living in open areas, but periodically leaving the steppes and meadows to visit villagers or residents of a small city. These birds are active at night, so the vast majority of people do not manage to meet them.

Moreover, according to signs, it is very good for a person that their schedules do not match, therefore, since ancient times, the owl was considered a harbinger of problems. A person who encounters this bird must keep his ears open, because serious troubles threaten him, and if the owl calls three times at a house, then someone in this house will soon die.

An interesting nuance is that a person who should die on this basis does not hear the cry of an owl. Other representatives of the owl family are also not held in high esteem - eagle owls, eared owls, tawny owls and others have a bad reputation as harbingers of death.

Birds and superstition

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Modern man does not like magpies, superstitions are so firmly entrenched in our subconscious. In ancient times, the magpie was accused of not wanting to make contact with Noah and sit on his ark. It is said that a drop of devilish blood is kept under the tongue of this bird, which does not make it attractive in the eyes of a believer.

The most terrible message is considered a lonely magpie. If it suddenly flies right over a person’s head, then he should expect an imminent death. The bird likes to give not so obvious clues, sitting on the roof of the house. In this case, one of the family members in this house will go to the other world, but until the last moment it is not clear who exactly it will be.

However, there is no need to be afraid of a flock of magpies, because when there are more than two of these birds, then they cease to bear misfortune. Two + birds are harbingers of good luck, three talk about a wedding or a pleasant trip, four - about good news, and five - about a noisy feast.

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People have firmly associated these inconspicuous little birds with not the brightest inhabitants of our world. The ancients believed that the sparrow is the incarnate devil, which the witch brought out of the egg.

Sparrow was considered a villain. For example, they say that the sparrows greatly tormented the crucified Jesus, they mocked and mocked him. For this, the birds were punished, so they move by jumping, but cannot walk.

With such a reputation, it is not at all strange that the sparrow was considered a harbinger of death. If he sat down on your windowsill from the side of the street and knocked on the window, then trouble in the house cannot be avoided, something will happen to one of the family members.

A bad sign is also if a bird flies into your room. Often people who have gone through the death of a loved one say that on the eve of death, a sparrow appeared out of nowhere in the house. Everything is too obvious, because the sparrow copes with its mission even with closed doors and windows.

There is another belief that says that the sparrow is a messenger, and it does not necessarily bring bad news. In this case, the task of the sparrow is to inform you of interesting events that are about to happen. The bird carries not only news of death, it also has other, more expected and pleasant news in store.

man, omen

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The crow was very unlucky with its appearance, because its gloom automatically suggests negative thoughts. Moreover, it was these birds that always feasted on the battlefields, as well as peck out the eyes of those who died far from home. They say that the raven has the gift of foresight, and he is friends with the devil.

These birds are quite willing to show people their knowledge and skills. If the crows began to circle over someone's house, then its inhabitants should be wary, as death follows one of them on their heels.

They also consider it a bad sign when a lone raven, sitting on a branch, starts screaming. This is considered a warning that danger awaits you. Especially attentive to this bird should be those who care for a sick person. If a crow often sits on the roof of your house and croaks, then this means that a sick person will die soon.

However, despite their sinister appearance, in Christianity, the crow is a bird that gives hope. For Christians, this is a bird that tells about everything that happens in the world, and which warns a person about possible troubles, gives a chance to close a debt and pacify the soul.

© elenavagengeim

This bird has always been the personification of love, purity and goodness. They say that often angels descend to earth in the form of these particular birds. If bread is crushed on a fresh grave, then doves will peck it, taking the soul of the deceased to paradise. Of course, this only works in the case of clean and respectable people. For dead people who were bad, crows fly.

Despite the fact that pigeons in many cultures are considered harbingers of good news, these birds can also predict the death of a person. As a rule, they simply beat on the window, this is a sure indicator that death will soon come to this house. But since pigeons take only very clean people, you should not worry, because after parting with earthly life, such a person will find eternal bliss.

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Any person knows about the tradition when you ask the cuckoo to calculate how much is left to live. This belief appeared for a reason, because the cuckoo is a guide to another world. Evidence of death is when, in response to a request, the bird will be silent.

Also, a bad sign will be the case when a bird answers while being behind a person. This will indicate that the years of his life are already behind, and only a departure to another world lies ahead. Do not rejoice in the call of a bird if you hear it from the north side, and also if it comes from the mouth of a bird that sits on a rotten branch. These are also signs of approaching death.

It also happens that the cuckoo flies to the house from which the dead person is carried out. In this case, the call of a bird should not be taken at the expense of the deceased, it actually casts a vote for the one who in this house will next go to the other world.

Nothing good comes from the cuckoo. Even just flying over a village or a small village, she warns people about a fire, and if she sits on the roof of a barn, then this is a sign that cattle will die.

Birds: signs and superstitions

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The swallow is a rather controversial representative of the feathered family. On the one hand, people are very sympathetic to her, believing that she builds a nest only in a good place, and the house she chooses will always be in abundance. On the other hand, there are also bad omens associated with this bird.

She is spoken of as a harbinger of death. For example, if it flies right over the shoulder of a person, then this means that death awaits him. If a swallow knocks on the window, then this is considered a good omen, however, there are those who believe that this is a very bad sign, foreshadowing the death of one of the inhabitants of the dwelling.

© Kichigin

The tit always lives side by side with a person, and almost never causes negative emotions in him. There will be very few associated with this bird, and they are all good. As a rule, the tit carries news of a positive outcome of the event, of well-being, love and joy.

However, even this light bird has its own dark side. They say that if a tit flies into someone's house or just knocks on the window, then death will come soon. The origin of this sign is due to the fact that the bird is considered a guide to the afterlife, and it comes for the soul of a person.

Folk signs about birds are very diverse - by observing the behavior of birds, you can learn not only about climate change, but also about upcoming events in your life.

Of the entire animal world, birds are most closely connected with the subtle world: they symbolize the spiritual essence, the relationship of heaven and earth, as well as the news that comes to us from the future.

City, wild and domestic birds can tell us a lot - you just need to connect your attention and intuition, deciphering their messages. Let's look at folk signs about birds in more detail and, perhaps, this knowledge will come in handy more than once in life.

wild birds

According to folk superstitions, a bird of prey hovering over your head for a long time warns of possible betrayal, deceit or treason. However, if you see an eagle flying over your head, rejoice, because you will soon reach your desired goal. A flock of wild birds flying towards you also portends good luck. It is considered a lucky omen to hear the nightingale sing - the business that you are thinking about at this time will be successful. If an owl or an owl got into the habit of screaming near the house, an addition is coming to your family soon.

Thanks to the "solar" plumage, the wagtail bird pleases us with its very appearance. To notice it somewhere (on a tree, on a roof, by a window) is a happy event, but if this bird is sick or dead, beware of rejoicing in seeming luck so as not to invite misfortune to yourself. The jay (sometimes called the mockingbird) is often associated with the "blue bird of happiness" - having appeared to you, it symbolizes the beginning of a new happy period of life. If a jay is busy on your site for a long time without flying far, try to follow it and be careful: you may find lucky signs that open the door to a better life. Periodic hoopoe visits to your garden promise good luck, but if he built a nest in the yard or on the roof, be careful with finances (but don’t try to ruin the nest and drive the bird out - this will only increase possible losses).


Domestic birds are, most often, hens and roosters. It is believed that a rooster crowing right on the doorstep heralds the arrival of guests. If the hens are worried at night and cannot fall asleep in any way, quarrels and misunderstandings with neighbors are possible in the coming days. Domestic geese can warn of impending troubles. It is considered a bad omen if the goose lays two eggs at once, and also if the goose suddenly disappears from the yard (regardless of the reason for the disappearance).

There is also a popular superstition regarding all poultry: it is believed that the yard and house, in which there is at least one black bird, are reliably protected from the influence of evil spirits. Domestic birds often include decorative parrots living in a cage or just in an apartment. An interesting sign is associated with the unexpected appearance of this bird in you, if it flew into the apartment from nowhere. Consider this event a favor of fate - take good care of the exotic guest and your financial situation will soon improve.

city ​​birds

Often in the city you can see swallows and swifts - a lot of folk superstitions are also associated with them. A very good omen - if a swallow builds a nest near your window or under the roof of the house, but a bad omen - if a bird suddenly leaves it. The first says that happiness accompanies your home, and the second - that for some reason you scared away luck. Almost any bird that flies out the window warns of imminent news, but negative superstitions are sometimes associated with swifts. Much depends on how exactly the bird flew in: if everything went well and the feathered guest soon flew away, expect good news, but if the bird rushed about and fought, alarming news would come (the thing is that swifts fly very fast, and therefore they break more often, foreshadowing negative events).

If a magpie sat on the window to the patient, this means that it will not take long to recover. In addition, the magpie portends the imminent healing of the sick, vigorously jumping on the roof of the house, balcony or window sill. Crows are more often associated with bad omens, but we should not forget that these are just warnings. If a crow hovers over you for a long time and croaks loudly - get ready to meet with trouble; if a crow croaks at a church in your area, someone will die soon. A city dove will announce a particularly lucky day in your life, having swooped down on you or simply touched it with its wing: you can start any business - it will certainly turn out to be a success.

Weather signs

There are a great many weather signs about birds, we will dwell on only a few of them. If you see a nest that a magpie has built, very high on a tree, the next month will be clear and calm, and if the nest is low, you should expect inclement weather. If the crow screams a lot and at the same time walks with its mouth open all the time, it will rain. If a crow bathes in a snowdrift in winter, you should expect a cold snap, and in a puddle in the spring, get ready for inclement weather.

Swallows flying high promise good weather, and low - bad. If the swallows return to us very early in the spring, the weather will be favorable for the harvest all year round, and besides, the arrival of the swallows is a reason to expect the first spring thunderstorm. If sparrows hide their heads in their tails at the end of autumn, frosts can be expected, and if they swim in puddles, it will be warm. The nightingale, which displays its roulades all night, is a sign that it will be windy for the next few nights.

Event signs

Perhaps the most popular belief about birds concerns their habit of "bombarding" us with excrement. When receiving such a surprise, you can console yourself with a popular sign that a bird slanders people for good luck and monetary profit (the bird droppings on your car also say the same). In addition, if a feathered benefactor marked your uniform or service clothes, this promises career advancement. If a bird anxiously knocks on the glass of your window, there will be news and not the fact that it is good. Do not offend the messenger, but you should not let him inside the house either.

A separate sign concerns the birds that flew into the room and quietly hosted the house for some time. Most likely, this promises you guests - long-awaited or uninvited. The bird that entered the house through the door promises the same thing. Follow the behavior of the bird: if, when it sees you, it does not worry and soon flies out safely, the guests will be pleasant, and if the bird behaves irritably and inappropriately, the visit may turn out to be tense.

Signs about birds

if a bird knocks on the window - what is the sign and what to do (sparrow, dove and other birds)

A bird flew out the window - is it a good or bad omen?

negative omens

The worst signs are associated with the death of birds. Whether a bird crashed into a car, suffered from ventilation, or died due to other circumstances - this does not bode well. Hitting a bird on the road is a serious warning and warning: you may be going through life in the wrong direction at all and this can end very sadly. In addition, a bird that crashed into the windshield of your car may have a more specific meaning - it is best to postpone this trip for now. The mass death of a bird in those places where it used to be found in abundance speaks of misfortunes on a large scale - they can apply to the entire district, city or country.

It is considered a negative sign to find a dead bird under your doorstep or in your yard. Having received such a sign, do not take risks and be careful in dealing with people, and the dead bird should be buried as soon as possible (in such cases they dig a hole away from home). If you found a dead bird just walking down the street, the sign will not have such a meaning, but anyway - be careful on this day, especially if, by accident, you had to step on a bird. If the bird you found was injured, but did not die, try to save it - the mercy shown can change future negative events. If, through your efforts, a wounded bird has returned to life, you can forget about bad omens (but even if it died, your efforts will not be in vain and will greatly facilitate future troubles).

At the cemetery

Since the bird symbolizes the human soul, its appearance in the cemetery has a corresponding meaning. Seeing a bird near the grave of a deceased relative or loved one means receiving a message from him. If a bird flies and calmly sits on the fence, the deceased asks you to console yourself and announces his well-being. If you saw a bird flitting back and forth anxiously and anxiously jumping all over the grave, as if looking for something, think about how you can help the deceased complete his earthly affairs. Perhaps a person during his lifetime asked you for something or simply shared his plans - try to remember which of his affairs you could bring to an end.

If a bird or a whole flock overtakes you on the way to the grave, be sure to follow the behavior of the birds. If you see that the bird is clearly worried (circling above you, flying forward and returning back, following on the heels or at some distance), this means that the soul of a deceased relative or friend warns you of danger. If at the same time the birds scream loudly, it means that you have already heard such warnings from living people, but did not heed them, and now the soul of the deceased is trying to “shout out” to you. Go to church and light a candle for the deceased relative, pray, think about him and mentally say "Thank you." Also, next time you come to the cemetery, do not forget to bring a handful of cereal with you and leave it to the birds.


Our dreams are encrypted symbolic messages. And since the image of a bird is deeply symbolic, then the corresponding signs that you see in a dream can be trusted no less (and maybe more) than what you see in reality. If you dream that a poultry, like a chicken or a goose, has fallen through an open window or is anxiously knocking on a closed glass, a nuisance may happen to one of your relatives. If you dreamed that a wild bird flew onto the windowsill - like a real case of this kind, this dream speaks of news, and for a woman who wants to have children, this news may relate to a long-awaited pregnancy.

Catch a bird with your hands and hold it in a dream - to receive a letter or unexpected news from afar. If in a dream you saw traces of bird feet (on the snow, sand, window sill, etc.) - some hidden movements of the soul will make themselves felt in the near future. Seeing in a dream a lot of various birds screaming in all voices - to soon participate in a crowded event (meeting, meeting, conference, etc.), and if a lot of small birds have gathered in your dream - in the near future you will make a profit, but small. Catching falling birds is an attempt to find out news that is not intended for your ears. However, do not forget that for a complete decoding and interpretation of "bird" dreams, generally accepted interpretations must always be compared with the context of the dream and one's own associations.

Other signs

  1. There is a popular belief that a bird that got into a chimney or a chimney, and even ate a spider that settled there, warns of the imminent death of one of the household members.
  2. If a bird of a new species has started up in your garden, expect new events this year, interesting discoveries and meeting new people.
  3. People say that counting migratory birds is undesirable - this can adversely affect a person's memory.
  4. Bird nests in your house are always a good sign, wherever they are (on the roof, on the balcony, under the window, etc.). Birds intuitively feel what fate awaits a human dwelling and what atmosphere will reign in it. If the birds decide to share a house with you, it will not be threatened by natural disasters or negative energy in the near future.
  5. If a wild bird flew very close to you and even touched it with its wing, at the moment you are in a very harmonious state. Track your thoughts and actions in the past few days - perhaps you will find a personal secret of peace of mind and will use it all your life.
  6. It is considered a very good omen to satisfy the hunger of birds - when you come to the places where they live, do not forget to bring grains with you and feed the birds.

Folk signs about birds have long been saving people from trouble and helping to find out not only the weather, but also the future. Thanks to human observation, thousands of signs about feathered soothsayers were collected. They will help a person not only in reality, but also in a dream.

Good or bad, but signs about birds carry information, without which it is sometimes impossible to make the right choice or solve an urgent problem. The most popular beliefs include the following:

  • low flight of a swallow - to be rain;
  • sparrow on the windowsill - to financial turmoil;
  • a flock constantly flies over a person - it will soon get sick;
  • find a feather - a cherished desire will come true;
  • to see high-flying birds before an important matter - good luck;
  • a dead bird on the road - quick changes in life;
  • beautiful bird singing next to a person - fortunately.

If an owl settled near the house and constantly makes noise, then we should expect an early pregnancy.

Depending on the type of domestic feathered

Domestic birds most often include chickens, roosters, geese and ducks, less often - parrots and pigeons. Many beliefs and signs are associated with them. The most common are:

You can find out what the future holds for the family by throwing a pancake to the rooster on Maslenitsa. If he pecks himself - a bad omen, wait for the owners of trouble, and if he shares it with the chickens, then there will be peace in the house.

Superstitions about wild birds

Since ancient times, people have noticed the relationship between the behavior of wild birds and various events. A storehouse of folk wisdom can significantly help out in a difficult moment, if you know what this or that sign promises:

  1. Jay sat on the roof - trouble will happen to one of the household members.
  2. The unexpected appearance of a sparrow in the room is news.
  3. A lone raven screaming on a tree - to danger and trouble.
  4. Seeing a dove on the windowsill of your window is good news.
  5. Raven bathes in the yard - to illness and trouble.
  6. To see a stork's nest - to meet an old friend
  7. Crows and jackdaws on the roof of the house portend a quick wedding.
  8. The swallow made a nest and flew away - the owners should prepare for trouble.
  9. A tit is knocking on the window - to the news soon.
  10. To see an eagle above you is fortunate and joyful.
  11. An owl on the roof portends bad weather, and if she also screams, then there will be a fire in the house.
  12. A magpie jumps on the roof - the patient will recover.
  13. Putting a wild bird in a cage is not good.
  14. The cuckoo crowed in the left ear - a good omen, promising happiness and good luck.
  15. Hoopoe settled near the house - to ruin.

30.08.2017 08:18

The national holiday Soikin Day is celebrated on December 11 (November 28, old style) every year. In Orthodox churches on this day, the memory of the martyr Irinarch of Sebaste is venerated.

Other holiday names: Stepan winter, Bird jay, Irinarch's day, Jay-thing.

In the people it is a holiday of greeting the jay. This is a small bird with bright plumage, a tufted head and a long tail. The most interesting is the fact that she can imitate any sound, from the singing of other birds to human speech.


Irinarkh was an executioner. He lived in the second century AD in Armenia in the city of Sevastia. For many years he was engaged in the torture of martyrs who were sentenced by the ruler to suffering and death.

He once attended the execution of seven women. The pagans sentenced them to death because, being Christians, they converted their husbands to the Orthodox faith and refused to sacrifice to pagan idols, drowning them in the Sebastian lake.

Watching the stamina and courage of women, how they proudly stigmatize the tormentor, Irinarch realized that he wanted to become a Christian. He immediately announced his decision and recognized Jesus Christ as the true God. After that, he was martyred at the hands of a fellow craftsman.

Traditions and rituals on Soikin's day

The jay is a woodland bird that is known for mimicking other bird songs. She can also reproduce other sounds - from the knock of an ax to the human voice. In Rus', in the old days they said that if on its day a jay flies to the window and starts screaming at it, then this is a good sign. A wise person, having heard such a signal, will leave the house and follow the bird. It was believed that the jay could show the way to happiness.

In Rus', the jay was the patroness and intercessor of newborns. They believed that “the jay asks for intercession from the crow flock, from the blizzard-krutel for those born on this day, and brings happiness and good luck to the born on its tail.”

The jay was popularly called the prophetess. People believed that this bird had small mirrors on its wings, in which one could see one's future. It was possible to find out what awaits you on this day without the help of this bird. The peasants approached the well and listened to the water: if a tinkling was heard, one could expect profit, and if there was silence, one should not even count on success.

Also on Soikin's day, fortunetelling was done on coins. To do this, they took several pieces and threw them into a snowdrift, and then they took them out one at a time. If the first coin found turned out to be the largest of those thrown, then they believed that luck would surely smile on a person. If the smallest coin came across, then this indicated that one could not count on success in business.

Signs and sayings on Soikin's day

  • If a jay sits on the window that day and starts screaming, this is a good sign.
  • If you follow the met jay, then it will open the way to happiness.
  • If on December 11, crows fly across the sky - there will be a quick snowfall, sit on the ground - there will be a thaw, and if they sit in flocks on the lower branches or in the very crown of trees closer to the trunk - there will be bad weather with the wind.
  • Something tinkles in the well on Soikin's day - to wealth.
  • Those born on this day especially love the color blue. They are destined for an amazing and wonderful fate.

Name day December 11

Alexey, Andrey, Anna, Vasily, Grigory, Daniel, Ivan, Konstantin, Nikolai, Pavel, Peter, Sergey, Stepan, Timofey, Fedor.