Folk omens rook. Folk signs about birds - weather prediction


Miracles! A few months earlier, zoologists and experts on folk signs claimed (even a kind of consultation was convened) that in 2019 these birds should be expected in the first flocks no earlier than the beginning of March. However, a full return with the announcement of the complete victory of spring from the rooks should be expected only by the end of the month.

Unfortunately, their prediction was not entirely accurate.

Just a couple of days ago, a rook sitting on a tree was noticed in Cherepovets. On February 24 (media reported) a rook was seen in Vladimir. This is very early, experts say, usually rooks arrive in mid-March.

According to popular beliefs, after the appearance of rooks, the snow should completely melt in a month. That is, if everything is correct, then by March 27 we will be walking in the city on dry asphalt.

The mass appearance of rooks usually falls on March 12-17, the earliest - March 7 and the latest, when the spring is very cold - April 5, - said Denis Dudenkov, specialist of the exhibition department of VSMZ, - Rooks do not fly far to winter ...

And what about the omen?

Rooks were always met on Gerasim Grachevnik, that is, on March 17th. It is believed that from this day the birds begin to return to the nests. If the birds returned later, there will be a warm spring, and a rich harvest in autumn. Also, our ancestors believed that the behavior of these birds is of great importance. So, if the returned rooks rush to take their old nests, the weather will be dry and warm.

And another sign - if the rooks are in no hurry to update their nests, then this is a bad sign: the frosts will probably last a very long time.

What about science?

Modern science - zoology, combined with meteorology - was able to prove that rooks have unique receptors for understanding the arrival of a cyclone or anticyclone in a particular region.

In addition, rooks feel a change in the geomagnetic field of the Earth when the planet is very close to, or very far away from the Sun. This is what helps the rooks to accurately fly home from year to year exactly at the time when warming begins in a particular year.

Elena the beautiful


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Rook. Features

Rook is a representative of the crow family. This is a fairly large bird, reaching a length of 45 cm with a body weight of up to 500 grams. Its plumage has a characteristic black color with a bluish tint. But if you look at the photo, a rook is easy to distinguish from a crow in a number of ways. The main difference of this bird is a thinner, straight, light-colored beak at the base. However, calling him white is still a mistake. It is not the beak that turns white from constant picking, it is the front parts of the bird's head that are exposed from feathers. In addition, unlike the crow, the rook has a more elongated body and narrowed wings.

Heralds of Spring

Rooks are migratory birds that come to us from southern countries with the first warmth. The people said: “The rook on the mountain - so is spring in the yard», « I saw a rook - meet spring". From time immemorial, they were considered the messengers of spring. When the rooks arrive, the most amazing time of the year begins. The rays of the sun begin to warm the earth, everything around is awakening. In early March, as soon as the first thawed patches appear, flocks of these birds begin to walk through the fields and clearings in search of last year's crumbled seeds, young grass shoots, worms and bugs. Despite the fact that when the rooks arrive, it is still quite cold, these birds easily adapt to temperature fluctuations. Moreover, more and more birds prefer not to fly to warm countries for the winter, but while away the harsh winter time near human habitation, where it is easier to find food.


When rooks arrive, the first thing they devote their time to is building or restoring their nests. These birds nest in colonies, arranging entire settlements. To build a fairly large nest, reaching about 70 cm in diameter and up to 65 cm deep, the male and female use old branches. Inside, everything is lined with dry grass, straw, feathers. Often rook nests are a multi-tiered building. Already in the third decade of March, the female lays from three to 6 eggs, and after 18-22 days, the cries of hungry chicks are announced around the district. The parents feed the offspring together. By the end of May, the chicks “take wings” and leave the nest.

Helpers of farmers

Rooks in history and culture

These birds are very popular in England. Legends and legends are dedicated to them. According to one of them, a rook that settled on the territory of the estate is an excellent omen. On the contrary, if the family of these birds leaves the nest they have chosen earlier, this threatens with troubles for the family of the owner of the estate. Under pain of punishment, it was forbidden to kill rooks. One of the most famous paintings by Alexei Sarasov "The Rooks Have Arrived" was duly appreciated by Pavel Tretyakov and immediately bought out by the collector. To this day, this creation is exhibited in the Tretyakov Gallery and delights art lovers.

If the rooks fly straight to their old nests, then the spring will be warm, friendly, the hollow water will run away at once. "The rooks have arrived - in a month the snow will come down.

If wild ducks arrived fat, the spring will be cold and long. Birds build their nests on the sunny side - by the cold summer. If hares molt for a long time in spring, wait for the cold weather to continue.

Geese fly high - there will be a lot of water, low - little. Early flight of bees - to the red spring. If in the spring a lot of cobwebs fly, the summer will be hot. When many mice appear in the spring, this portends a hungry year.

The rooks sat in the nests - in three weeks they go out for sowing. If the bees sit on a cherry blossom, cherries will be born, if not, there will be no cherries.

In the spring they catch beetles and note: if they have more embryos on their front legs, then in summer they should be sown earlier, and that sowing will be better; if in the middle, then it should sow in the middle season, and if on the back, then late sowing will be more profitable.

in) Flora

If the birch is downy forward - wait for a dry summer, if the maple is forward - wet.

If in spring the birch leaves in front of the alder, the summer will be dry, if the alder is ahead, it will be wet.

The bark, crackling in abundance on birches and other trees in spring, predicts long, good and dry weather for the future.

If the dandelion blooms in early spring, the summer will be short.

Short term weather forecast

a) weather events

Crimson dawns - to the winds.

Month horns down - to warmth, the horns of the moon are bright and steep - to frost.

If the clouds are floating fast and high - a sure sign: good weather. If the clouds move quickly in one direction, it will be hot.

If cloud caps are visible in the morning or afternoon, and stratocumulus clouds appear in the evening, then thunderstorms can be expected.

Visible movement of clouds against the wind is a sure sign of the onset of bad weather.

From the north, cumulus clouds - to the wind, from the west - to bad weather, high - to the wind. Clouds are rare - it will be clear and cold, blue - to heat and rain. By noon clouds will appear - to the bucket, from the west - to bad weather.

Clouds appear in lumps - the rain will not last long; the clouds seem flat - the rain will drag on for a long time.

Whitish clouds over the water, quickly disappearing at sunrise - to clear weather.

The clouds ran together in one heap - to be bad weather.

The clouds are falling - to be bad weather.

If in cloudy weather in the evening the cloudiness decreases, the wind subsides, visibility improves - to frost.

In the morning, the fog rises, forming clouds - to rain, and if it falls to the ground - to dry weather.

The water flows, foaming - soon it will rain.

Bubbles on the water - to the rain.

Smoke rocker - to heat.

Before the onset of wet weather, leather things become flexible and soft, salt becomes wet, tobacco becomes damp.

b) Fauna

Birds sit on the ground - to the heat, sit on the lower branches of trees - to the wind.

The birds fell silent - wait for the thunder.

Crows bathe - to bad weather.

Crows bathe in early spring - to heat.

Crows will start playing on the fly - wait for the buckets.

Rooks are playing - the weather will be good.

The cuckoo cuckoos strongly and often in the spring - the heat is just around the corner.

The swallows have arrived - soon the thunder will rumble.

The seagull flew in - soon the ice will go.

If you meet a white hare in the spring, then the snow will definitely fall again.


Frequent fogs in March portend a rainy summer. Early arrival of rooks and larks - to a warm spring. If a woodpecker knocks in March, then spring will be late. The edges of the circle around the tree are steep, so the spring will be steep, the canopies will be long.

If water does not flow in March, grass does not grow in April.

Rooks are universally considered a symbol of prosperity. Many peoples to this day have signs according to which these birds bring happiness with them to any place where they decide to settle.

In Rus', rooks have long been considered harbingers of spring. Our ancestors believed that the behavior of these birds can predict the weather with high accuracy.

Even the ancient Slavs noticed that rooks usually arrive from wintering about a month before the snow completely melts, and it will be possible to start sowing. And by when exactly this happened, one can judge how fine the spring will be, and how successful the whole coming year will be:

rooks arrived on March 17 or earlier- there will be a lean year, but the first berries will soon appear in the forest;

The birds returned later - a warm spring is coming, and in the fall it will be possible to harvest an extremely rich harvest.

Our ancestors believed that the behavior of these birds is also of great importance. So, if the returned rooks rush to take their old nests, the weather will be dry and warm.

It is believed that rooks begin to actively put their homes in order just a couple of days before the onset of the first thaws. So, if the birds are not in a hurry to update the nests, this is a bad sign: the frosts will probably last for a very long time. The restless behavior of birds does promise a sharp change in the weather (most likely for the worse).

The higher the rook builds its nest on the tree, the better the summer is expected.

The group sits huddled together with their beaks towards the wind - towards stormy weather.

An interesting sign: it is believed that if on the Day of St. Gerasim "Grachevnik" (March 17) you bake bird-shaped balls from sour rye dough, you can speed up the onset of warm days.

Since ancient times, it was believed that if rooks settle near the dwelling, the owners will be lucky in all household and family affairs. If the birds suddenly decide to leave their nests, expect trouble. In different countries, it was believed that the "flight" of birds could mean:

Sudden financial problems, up to the complete ruin of the family;

Gradual and inevitable death of the whole family (most likely, no heir will appear in the family).

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We inherited a huge variety of different signs and superstitions from our ancestors. Some of them are connected with the natural world: herbs and flowers, trees and shrubs, the behavior of insects and birds. The latter are indispensable heroes of more than half of folk tales, myths and legends.

Feathered neighbors have long lived next to humans. With their habits and voices, they told the peasants what spring or summer to expect, whether there would be a snowy and frosty winter, whether it was time to sow and harvest. In addition, birds have always been considered messengers of the dead, liaison between our world and the other world. Rooks possess all these abilities to the full, but their “narrow specialization” is meteorological forecasts.

  • In honor of the rooks, one of the spring days is even named March 17. He is called "Gerasim the rooker", since, with the correct alignment of events, it is on this day that feathered soothsayers are supposed to appear in their native lands. Being late portends a protracted and cold spring, and early arrival means a lean year at all.
  • When rooks appear, it is worth observing their behavior. If they immediately begin to repair old nests or build new ones, then one should be wary of a friendly melting of snow and a large flood.
  • The location of the rook's dwelling is also important. If the birds settle on the top of the crown, then the summer will be hot. Have you noticed that smart builders are working on the lower branches? You can not hope for a fine season, because weather forecasters with beaks have already smelled cold and rain.
  • Upon the arrival of winged soothsayers, our ancestors determined the time of sowing grain. It was supposed to start exactly three weeks after the first black silhouettes appeared in the sky and the piercing “gra-gra-gra” began to be heard.
  • The weather prospects for the coming days can be judged by how the rooks behave in the skies. If they circle and play carelessly for a long time, then a bucket is guaranteed, but the birds that reluctantly leave their nests promise bad weather.
  • Our ancestors were especially alarmed by the black "garlands" of bodies tightly pressed against each other, decorating the branches of trees. If, moreover, their beaks are directed downwind, then it is worth getting ready for the revelry of the elements. It is very likely that a heavy downpour will break out soon and a terrible thunderstorm will break out. It is possible that the "heavenly office" has also prepared hail for young crops.
  • Rooks like to settle in whole colonies, occupying several nearby trees at once. If one of them was ignored by birds, then we can safely say that it will soon collapse, as it is stricken with a disease or becomes a victim of a lightning strike. If such a specimen grows next to a building, it is urgent to cut it down, not waiting for the fall of a powerful trunk to harm your property.
  • You should be wary if a nearby bird colony suddenly leaves their homes. This behavior of sensitive creatures portends a natural disaster that threatens to soon fall on your area.
  • Not only weather predictions are associated with rooks. These serious birds are well "versed" in the material side of life. If they have chosen your yard or nearby trees for permanent residence, then you can no longer hope for wealth. It’s already good if you can just make ends meet and not fall into real poverty. But gloomy “financiers” who periodically visit your site or window sill will attract powerful cash flows to your house.
  • Rooks that fly into your garden or yard year after year are a sure sign of family decline. This kind begins to gradually impoverish and degenerate, heirs cease to appear, and marriages become frankly unsuccessful.
  • Quite logically, a rook in his mourning attire looks at the cemetery. The people believe that this is the incarnation of the souls of the dead, who left some unfinished business in this world and continue to worry about this. If the bird sits on a specific monument, then the relatives of the deceased must ensure that all the posthumous wishes of the deceased are fulfilled.
  • It is not a good sign to see a rook outside your window. On wings, he brought gloomy news, and if he also knocks on glass, then you should prepare for bad changes in life. Moreover, the prediction will be connected precisely with the area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity that you were thinking about at the time the gloomy oracle appeared. To neutralize the effect of the prophecy, urgently tie a red ribbon or strip of fabric to the window handle.
  • A particularly bad omen is a feathered guest in a black "suit" who suddenly appeared in the house: flying in through a window or through a door. His visit unequivocally predicts the sudden death of one of the household members. However, it is possible to minimize the consequences if you allow the bird to leave the house freely, and after it throw a pinch of salt.