Literary reading competition in kindergarten. Scenario for a reading competition in a preschool educational institution “Childhood is light and joy” Event reading competition for Teacher’s Day

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 121 combined type"

Krasnoyarsk, st. Mozhestva, 22d, tel. 273-74-23, This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

Reading competition in MBDOU No. 121

as part of the city speech therapy week.

Reading competition script

"The world of childhood"

Date: 01/27/17

Target: Development of children's speech in the expressive performance of poems.


Stimulate children's desire to memorize poems.

Speech development and familiarization with fiction.

To foster a positive attitude towards children's poetic works, to develop a sense of rhythm and rhyme...

Develop the ability to speak in public.

Induce a joyful, emotional mood.

Presenter: Elizeta Nikolaevna Grotskaya.

Hello, hello dear guys and dear adults!!!

The world of childhood is the best world,

Naive, kind and happy,

The child wants to be big

Strives to live in the adult world.

I know I was like that

Was, was, was once...

Today we will hold a holiday, a reading competition dedicated to childhood.

Our competitors will be assessed by a competent jury. It contains:

1. Tamara Viktorovna Prikhodko

2. Yulia Vladimirovna Khlebnikova

3. Elena Vladimirovna Tomashevich

4. Natalya Andreevna Kolegova

And I suggest you start and listen to the poems.....

1. For the first performance we invite Varvara Rekhlova from the group “Rostochka” with the poem “Snowball”.

2. Anna Gurina will tell us I. Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant” (gr. “Sprouts”)

3. Danila Sergeev (group “Rostochki”) will tell us the poem “Motherland” by V. Nesterenko

4 Arutonyan Van from gr. "Kapitoshki" will recite the poem "Soldiers".

5. Another participant from the nursery group. “Kapitoshki” Mikhail Grotsky will tell us about what he wants to become. “I’m driving my car...”

6. Anna Napalkova will delight us with a poem about mother. “Mama” (gr. “Kapitoshki”).

Ved.: Now guys, let's play a little:

Game with the audience “How are you living?”

How are you? Like this!

Show thumbs up on both their hands

How are you going? - Like this!


How are you running? - Like this?

Running in place

Do you sleep at night? - Like this!

Join your palms and rest your head (cheek) on them

How do you take it? - Like this!

Press your palm towards you

Will you give it? - Like this!

Place your palm forward.

How are you being naughty? - Like this!

Puff out your cheeks and gently hit them with your fists

How are you threatening? - Like this!

Wag your finger.

Ved.: And now the children of the secondary speech group “Umki” will show you their skills.

7. Alikina Alexandra with the poem “Snow Rabbit” by O. Vysotskaya.

9. Dmitry Bauer will speak with I. Surikov’s poem “Childhood”.

Ved.:Children from the gr. "Dreamers" also prepared poems for us.

10. Kurlyan Makar with the poem “Snowball”.

11. Vlad Onkov will recite the poem “The Multi-Colored Globe” by A. Shalygin.

12.You’ve already listened to a poem about mom today, but about dad? Oznobkhin Arkhip will help us now. "Daddy".

Ved.:Guys, do you want to play a little? I propose to launch a good mood rocket! (a game " Good Mood Rocket"

The presenter pronounces a remark, accompanying it with movement, and the audience responds, repeating the same movement:

Get ready for the launch of the good mood rocket! (sticks out thumb)

Eat get ready!

Put on your spacesuits! (pretends to put a helmet on his head)

There are spacesuits to wear!

Fasten belts! (claps his hands)

Fasten your seat belts!

Enable contact! (touches the index finger of the left hand to the index finger of the right)

There is contact!

Key to start! (raises his right hand up)

There is a key to start!

Turn on the engines!

There are engines to turn on!

One, two, three, whack! (makes rotational movements of his arms near his chest)

Whip, whack, whack.

Start counting down! (everyone counts together: “5, 4, 3, 2, 1”)

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1")

Start! - Hooray! (stormy applause)

Guys, I see you are all in a great mood! We continue our competition dedicated to childhood and invite children from the senior group “Fidgets” to perform at our competition.

13. “For some reason everyone thinks...” is the poem Sophia Bulash will tell us.

14. Matvey Stunzhaite will delight us with the poem “I am a heavenly steeplejack.”

15. Makarenko Lisa will tell us an amazing poem “In front of you, do you know what?

Ved.:Game with the hall "Fishing"" The presenter’s left hand represents the sea (held at chest level, bent at the elbow), the right hand represents a fish, which, while swimming in the sea, periodically jumps out, and the audience “catches” it with clapping - clap as soon as the “fish” appears above the surface of the sea. The pace depends on the frequency of the appearance of the "fish". When the “fish” swims “underwater” (below hand level), the audience is silent. As soon as it appears on the surface of the water (above hand level) or jumps out of the water, the audience claps. If the “fish” lingers in the air, then the children stand up and there is loud applause.

You gave real applause, it is exactly what our contestants need, we welcome you participants of the competition, from gr. "Dandelions".

16. Samsonova Dasha with M. Lermontov’s poem “The Lonely Sail Is White.”

17. Alisa Khudoberdina brought a skipping rope with her, she will tell us A. Barto’s poem “Rope”.

18. Anna Shornikova will tell us about her little brother. The author of the poem “My little brother” by E. Egorova.

Ved: Dear Guys! Look at the ceiling! Do you see what clouds are hanging over us?! Now it's going to rain! Let's play the game "Starry Rain", repeat the movements after me. It's already fallen...

One drop (everyone slaps the palm with one finger).

Two drops (everyone slaps the palm with two fingers).

Three drops (all clap on the palm with three fingers).

Four drops (all clap the palm with four fingers).

A torrential downpour began (everyone claps their hands).

And the “star rain” began to fall (stormy standing applause).

Then everything is repeated in reverse order and silence sets in (the rain stops).

Ved.: The rain of stars is over, and now young stars, children of the preparatory group Znayka, will appear on stage.

19. Meet Dasha Kholodkova “Gnome Star” A. Usachev.

20. Krechun Karina with a beautiful balloon and the poem “Balloon”.

21. Vlad Samuylov concludes the performance of the contestants “Where did I come from.”

Ved.: Dear jury, I ask you to summarize. And so that guests don’t get bored, we have prepared a game “Musical Riddles”.

A backing track of famous children's songs is played, after guessing the words from this song or its name, the children listen to the same passage with the words and sing along all together.

Ved.: And now, dear guys, the jury will announce the results of the competition.

The results are summed up, the winners are awarded diplomas, all participants are given certificates in nominations (... for original reading, ... for sincere reading, ... for the most artistic performance, etc.)

Dear guys, see you again!

On February 3, smart, inspired and joyful children hurried to the music hall of the kindergarten for the now traditional reading competition. Beautiful poems by Russian poets were heard in the hall. It is worth noting that there were quite a lot of people willing to participate. Therefore, the group underwent a preliminary selection and the best readers took part in the final round of the event.

Parents were invited to the poetry festival, Zimushka-winter herself came (teacher Filippova E.V.), who played, sang and had fun with the children, and most importantly, the children dedicated their poems to her - the Russian beauty - Zimushka-winter! It was fun to dance in circles with her, play musical games, dance fiery dances, and solve riddles. The children read lyrical, playful, humorous poems with expression. Each performance is a separate concert number. And everyone read poetry better than anyone else! The friendly atmosphere, loud applause, and parental support inspired the children. The children did not just read poems, but experienced the events they were talking about. Games, dances and choreographic performances by their friends were prepared for the young readers and all guests of the competition. At the end of the event, all participants received diplomas.

We would really like that after each such event, the child would again and again want to turn to a book, read a fairy tale or poem, or learn a work he liked.

Thank you very much to all the teachers and parents who prepared the children for the competition!

Children from senior and preparatory groups participate. Enough time should be allocated to prepare for the competition so that the children know the text well and can recite it with intonation expressiveness. The presented video recordings of the poems were made by me at a different time (filmed on a mobile phone).
Target: Introducing children to the world of poetry.
Continue to help master the means of sound expressiveness of speech (tone of speech, timbre of voice, tempo, stress, strength of voice, intonation).
Pay attention to expressive means (figurative words and expressions, epithets, comparisons). Instill sensitivity to the poetic word.
Continue to improve artistic and speech performing skills when reading poems and dramatization.
Cultivating the ability to experience compassion and empathy for the heroes of poetic works.

Introductory part

Leading: Hello dear children and dear parents! We are glad to see you in our hall at the festival of the poetic word!
The guys have been preparing for the reading competition for a long time and are ready to perform. Let's wish them success!
Our participants will be evaluated by a respected jury (jury members are listed).
Its time to begin!
Contestants, are you ready to show off your performing skills?
Are the jury ready to objectively evaluate the competition participants?
Spectators, are you ready to listen carefully and support the competition participants with loud applause?
Then the reading competition is declared open!

Main part

Leading: Guess the riddle:
A horse lives in Africa
The transition is copied from it,
Just across the road
Walk along those stripes! (Zebra)
We learn from the poem what it feels like for zebras

In black and white in this newspaper
It was written as if in the world
Where no rhinoceros has gone before,
Poor zebras lie on the roads.
People walk along zebra crossings in boots,
patent leather shoes and sandals,
In dirty boots, sneakers and sneakers,
They ride across zebra crossings on bicycles,
They ride on rollerblades and scooters,
Soldiers march along them in formation,
Cats and dogs roam among the zebras, -
Everyone obeys the terrible sign:
“Crossing the road for pedestrians -
Strictly on zebras, strictly on zebras!”

In Africa, zebras read a newspaper.
In Africa, zebras fainted.
Unfortunately, they just didn’t know
Traffic rules.
Leading: A whole day without dads and moms
Rebetnya spends there,
Where are the hours of separation
They will fly by without boredom. (Kindergarten)
The next poem is about this

Kindergarten, kindergarten...
Why do they say this?
We are not aspens,
We are not mountain ash.
Vova, Klava, Mishenka -
These are not cherries!
Kindergarten, kindergarten...
Why do they say this?
We are not leaves,
We are not flowers
Blue, scarlet -
We are little guys!
Kindergarten, kindergarten...
Why do they say this?
Because it’s friendly in it
We are growing as one family!
That's why they say:
- There is a kindergarten in this house!
Leading: Children, the question “Who did this?” each of you probably heard from your parents when you did something mischievous. The heroes of the poem “Nobody” answered:

We've got a mischief maker.
The whole family is grieving.
In the apartment from his mischief
There is literally no life!
No one really knows him,
But everyone knows
That everything is always to blame
He is the only one - NOBODY!
Who, for example, climbed into the buffet,
Found some candy there
And all the candy papers
Who threw it under the table?
Who drew on the wallpaper?
Who tore the coat?
Who poked their nose into daddy's desk?
NOBODY is a terrible tomboy!
The mother said sternly. –
We finally have to
Approximately punish!
NOBODY will go today
Neither to visit, nor to the cinema!
Are you laughing?
And my sister and I
Not funny at all!

Leading: What kind of forest animal is this?
Stood up like a post under a pine tree,
And stands among the grass -
The ears are larger than the head. (Hare)

The little bunny smiled at his mother:
I love you like this! – and spread his hands.
And that's how I love you! - his mother told him,
She spread her hands and showed too.

He crouched down and jumped high like a ball
I love you like this! – the bunny laughed.
And then in response, running wildly,
- That's how much I love you! – the bunny jumped.
“That’s a lot,” whispered the bunny,
– This is very, very much, a lot, but not too much.
– I love you like this! - the bunny smiled
And he somersaulted on the grassy grass.
- And that’s how I love you! - Mommy said,
She tumbled, hugged and kissed.
“That’s a lot,” whispered the bunny,
– This is very, very much, a lot, but not too much.
– Do you see the tree growing right next to the river?
I love you like this! - you understand, mom.
And in my mother’s arms I can see the whole valley.
- That's how much I love you! - the mother told her son.
So a cheerful day passed, at the hour when it was getting dark,
The yellow-white moon appeared in the sky.
At night, children need to sleep even in our fairy tale.
The bunny whispered to his mother, closing his eyes:
- From the earth to the moon, and then back -
That's how much I love you! Isn't it clear?..
Having tucked a blanket around the bunny on all sides,
Quietly before going to bed, my mother whispered:
- This is very, very much, it’s so nice,
When they love to the moon and then back!
Leading: Like a captain on an ice floe
He stands in a black tailcoat,
And, nodding my head,
Looks in all directions! (Penguin)
Leonov V.
Penguin is the hero of the next poem

“The Great Journey of the Little Penguin” Author Renata Mukha.

Haven't you heard of Little Penguin?
And he is in the Far North, on the Extreme Ice Floe,
Without boots, upset, standing in the snow up to his waist -
He went to dinner with Grandma and got the pole mixed up.
I got to the North Pole, but I wanted to go to the South Pole,
And here he stands, confused and, it seems, with a cold.
In the Farthest North, on the Farthest Ice Floe,
Where there were no traces of penguins before,
Where are millions of icebergs, maybe even thousands,
Where no Grandma Penguin can find,
The Penguin stands abandoned, alone in the Arctic wilderness
And practically nothing good awaits.
But then the Sun warmed up, and the Ice floe broke away,
And she brought Penguin to Grandma in Antarctica.

And the story ended not so bad at all,
Grandmother was delighted and groaned in joy:
“Well, there are always accidents! You're acting like a little kid!
You go on a trip and forget your felt boots!”
Then Penguin had dinner and finally understood:
“Of course, it’s great to walk on your own!
This adventure will be useful to me in my life:
I can now, please, wherever you want to get lost,
At least on his own, at least with Grandmother... Although, perhaps, it’s better for her
Walking in the Far North is only as a last resort."
Host: You can’t see it, but it’s nice!
You can see it in loving eyes.
With joy you make it to people, and they make it to you.
It is in your soul and you cannot touch it. (Good)
Poem “Kind Heart” Author Mikhail Sadovsky.

One day I brought home a puppy,
Homeless tramp
To feed him a little,
Poor hungry guy. –
Well, what did mom say, -
Let him live a little
There is such sadness in his eyes!
There is a spoon of soup.
I found it in the yard later
The kitten is barely alive,
I brought it home
Mom said again: -
Well, well, she said,
Let him live a little
There is such sadness in his eyes!
There will be a spoon of porridge.
I found a chick under the nest,
Crows hovered above him,
I hid it in a tomboy's hat,
We came home with him. –
Well, well,” said my mother, “
Let him live a little
there is such sadness in his eyes!
There will be a crumb of bread.
I brought home a hedgehog
Snake and turtle
And the Hare ran into our door,
Probably out of fear.
Mom said: -
Let them live, the apartment is so wonderful,
and if we make room here, there will be a place for us!
Leading: There is a house in the yard,
The owner is on the chain. (Dog)

There is a sign hanging on the fence:
"Attention! Very big and angry
The dog guards the garden here day and night.
Don't interfere, otherwise she'll tear you to pieces."
And everyone who reads this sign,
It won’t do any more, because he understands:
A big dog can attack
He barks, tears his pants, bites...
In the garden behind the gate, and in truth, there is a chain
There was a big, big dog lying there,
Shaggy, very scary... However,
There was a very kind big dog.
The dog dreamed of being played with,
To pat her affectionately behind the ear,
So that they take off the collar and let them run,
So that she would be invited into the house in bad weather.
So that children can boldly climb on her back,
We rode the dog around the garden.
And they invited me to go swimming in the river,
To comb her fur with a brush.
When they approached, the dog stood up.
She didn't bark at all. She just wagged her tail.
But people looked, they read the sign...
And they immediately ran away from her.
After all, people thought that this was big
Shaggy dog: evil, despicable...
The poor thing suffered, not knowing what was wrong...
The big dog couldn't read.
Leading: Reads books in the evening
And he always understands everything,
Even if I'm stubborn
I know, he loves me... (mom.)

It happens -
The dog barks
The rosehip will prick,
The nettle will sting.
And at night I’ll dream
A huge hole.
You will fail.
As you fall, you will shout:
- Mother!
And mom will appear
Next to me
And everything that scared
It will pass by.
She will smile -
The splinters will disappear
Scratches, abrasions,
Bitter tears...
“What luck! –
I'll think -
What is the best mother?
Leading: Another poem about mother and spring

Your hands are no longer cold,
I'm going to kindergarten with my mother,
I'm not bored today
I came up with a game.
The snow has almost completely melted,
The color of the sky is blue,
I'll count today
Everything related to spring.
Once - the smiles became wider,
Two is a ray of sunshine on the face,
Puddles - three, grass - four,
Five - icicles on the porch.
And I hope that, nevertheless,
Although the task is not simple,
If mom helps me,
I'll count to a hundred!
Leading: Appeared in the yard
It's in cold December.
Clumsy and funny
Standing by the skating rink with a broom.
And he got used to the frost
Our friend...(snowman.)

"The Girl and the Snowman."

The snowman stood and cried
It was running down his cheeks.
He waited for night and frost,
After all, in the spring mornings
The sun, if there are no clouds
Or, say, clouds,
Every day it got hotter.
It was so hot, bless you!
And then one girl
I brought an umbrella from home.
With a high, ringing voice
He says: “Here you go!
Don't be afraid of the sun anymore -
Open the umbrella over your head.
Dry your tears, calm down,
Take it, it's yours now."
And believe that the girl
(I saw it myself) at that very moment,
Like a caring sister
The snowman smiled.
Leading: Little forest animal
He carries a leaf on his back.
The nose is funny, it's covered in needles.
Is he related to the Christmas tree? (Hedgehog)

The hedgehog climbed into the house from the forest!
In the morning we found him -
He sat in the corner behind the stove
And he sneezed in the thick dust.
We approached - he curled up.
Look like it's covered in needles.
Five minutes later I woke up
He stuck out his paws and his nose.
Why did you come to us, -
We won't ask, you understand:
Did you fight with your own people?
Did you want to live with people...
Live... We are doing well.
Just an earlier agreement:
Will you be a Thistle?
Be called from now on!
You shouldn't fight a cat
And climb into our bed,
Because you are prickly
You can peel off your skin...
You will receive per day
Three saucers of milk,
And on holidays - cheesecake
And four worms.
During the day you should play with us,
At night - catch mice,
If you get sick, tell your mom,
Lubricate with iodine up to the ears.
That's all. Now think about it.
The whole day is ahead...
If you want, stay
If you don't want to, leave!
Leading: This animal lives only at home.
I combed my hair without a comb
And I washed my face without water,
Climbed into a soft chair
And he sang in every possible way. (Cat) The poem is called

The cat woke up before everyone else,
Raised his red tail like a pillar,
His back stuck out with a hump
And in the whole cat's mouth
What a yawn!
"Moore! It wouldn't be a sin to wash your face..."
Instead of soap - a tongue,
The cat curled up on its side
And let's lick your fur!
Just laughter!
And after washing, he snuck into the kitchen;
Says "hello" to the broom
And he rummages around on the table:
Where is yesterday's fat whitefish?
I'd eat it in no time!
I've seen enough in the yard -
Hissed at the turkey
Flew along the attic
And, the gap in the trash heap, -
On the fence!...
The house stood up.
Cat to the window:
"Moore! There are six crows on a branch!"
The tail is beating, the claws are out,
Our cat looks up into the sky -
On a pine tree.
He ran away with his mouth open...
Only to go home in the evening,
All scratched up, angry, lame.
The cat sharpens his claws for a long time
Oh chest of drawers...
The cat will touch the door with its paw,
Sneaks into the corridor
And he sits in the corner like a thief.
Hush, mice!
Here now
Terrible beast!
No mice... the cat sat on the chair
And he yawns: “Where can I lie down?”
He quietly jumped onto the stove,
He tightened his purrs and sighed
And fell asleep.
Leading: Born with horns, and then loses them. (Month) The following poem is about him

We saw goats -
In the sky above the mountain
The thin one walks and wanders
The month is young.
“Meh,” said the goats, “
You are our brother.
Like us, you are white,
Like us, horned!
Just very sad
Sad and thin, -
Daisies don't grow
In the sky above the mountain,
No green grass...
Jump here with us!
Oh, how delicious
We have food here!
Apparently he listened to them
The month is young
Got better in a month
Sad thin month
And it became big, round,
Merry moon.

Valentina Frolova
Scenario for a reading competition in kindergarten

Scenario for a reading competition in kindergarten

Program content: Goal: increasing the speech activity of children, increasing the level of expressiveness in reading poetry.

Tasks: To develop the ability to tell and listen to poems that other children read; develop skills of emotional response to poetry; continue to teach how to recite poetry emotionally, loudly, with expression; evoke a joyful, emotional mood in children.

Progress of the event:

Let's sit quietly next to you

Lyrics enter our home,

In an amazing outfit

Multi-colored, painted,

And suddenly the walls open up

The whole earth is visible around,

The waves splash like a foamy river

The forest and meadow are lightly dozing,

Steppe paths run along

Melting into a blue haze

This lyric is in a hurry,

And he leads us along.

Good afternoon, dear guys and distinguished guests! We are glad to see you in our hall. Today is an unusual day. Today we are holding a reading competition. We have gathered to please each other with our ability to recite poetry beautifully, loudly, clearly, and perhaps among us there will be those who do this especially well.

No competition is complete without a jury, so allow me to introduce our jury:

The head of our kindergarten is Marina Aleksandrovna Pyshnenko.

Methodist Tatyana Aleksandrovna Sokolova.

Accountant Antonina Vasilievna Filippova.

To begin with, I would like to invite our little guest here, a little girl from the second junior group, Shkorkina Sonya. And we will find out who her poem is about by guessing the riddle:

What kind of animal is playing with me?

Doesn't moo, doesn't neigh, doesn't bark,

Attacks balls

Does he hide his claws in his paws?

(Children's answers. An invited child from the second younger group speaks).

Let me introduce our competitors:

Bushkova Dasha, Safonov Kostya, Petrov Petya, Sleptsov Andrey, Gasimov Marat, Baishev Andrey, Dubovsky Stas, Borisov Artem, Dynina Lera, Savelyeva Sonya, Kuranova Elya, Kharlampyev Sasha, Gabysheva Christina, Sazonov Roma, Makeeva Arina, Prokopchuk Dasha, Podymakhina Karina , Alina Sidorkevich, Olya Avramkina, Nadya Uvarovskaya, Polina Pervashova, Svyatoslav Nikolaev, Zhenya Komar.

Have you noticed how especially our hall is decorated? The sorceress winter did her best. Winter bound the rivers and lakes with frost and covered the earth with a snow coat. For three long months, nature rests from its troubles, dozes, and accumulates strength. Today there will definitely be poems about this mysterious, magical time of year.

Our reading competition today is opened by Komar Zhenya (preparatory group “Snowdrop”), who will read the poem “Signs of Winter”.

Kostya Safonov (middle group “Solnyshko”) will continue our competition program. Sergei Yesenin’s poem “Winter is singing, calling out...”.

Sonya Savelyeva (middle group “Bell”) will read us another poem about winter.

Dasha Bushkova from the middle group “Sun” will read the same poem to us.

Winter is a time of fun holidays, fun, entertainment and games. Stas Dubovsky (middle group “Bell”, who prepared the poem “Childhood”) will tell us about this.

The same poem will be read by Maxim Gorgadze (middle group “Sun”).

And I also invite you to play a fun game called “Is this true or not?”

1) Leaf fall, leaf fall - snow flakes are flying...

2) Birds have arrived from the south, which means there will be a blizzard soon...

3) Sanki pulled out Sveta - it’s probably summer outside?

4) If a bear sleeps in a den, it means summer is on the doorstep...

5) We ask mom for a fur coat - it means autumn has returned to us...

We will walk in fur coats and collect mushrooms...

6) The snowman was afraid of the cold

And ran under a warm shower.

I really liked to steam -

He often went to the bathhouse...

Well done boys! Did you like the game? Winter is in full swing. What is winter without snow? Everything around was covered with snow: the ground, the trees in the forest, and the roofs of houses... And we continue the competition program and I invite you to listen to the poem “Winter” performed by Artem Borisov (middle group “Bell”).

Name it guys

A month in this riddle:

It stings your ears, it stings your nose,

Frost creeps into felt boots.

If you splash water, it will fall

Not water anymore, but ice.

Not even a bird can fly.

The bird is freezing from the frost

The sun turned towards summer.

What month is this, tell me? (January)

January delights us with New Year holidays and gifts. And what else happened one day in January in the forest, Andrei Baishev (middle group “Bell”) will tell us in the poem “It Happened in January...”

We heard wonderful poems about animals in the forest. And I know one forest animal that goes into a long winter hibernation. Do you know him? Do you know why a bear sleeps in winter? Let's find out this from the poem that Dynina Lera (middle group “Bell”) prepared for us.

Our competition will be continued by Marat Gasimov (middle group “Sun”). Valentin Berestov's poem “Teddy bear, bear, couch potato...”

Petya Petrov (middle group “Sun”) learned and will tell us a short poem about a bear.

And Polina Pervashova (preparatory group “Snowdrop”) will tell us what the bear likes to eat most of all. “Mishkina Raspberry” is the name of the poem that she will read to us.

(The phone rings.)

Speech therapist: My phone rang.

Who's speaking?

Can you guess which poem this excerpt is from? Who is its author? (Children's answers). Of course, this is our favorite writer Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. From an early age, the poems of K. I. Chukovsky bring joy to everyone, not only you, but also your mothers, fathers and even grandparents, cannot imagine their childhood without “Aibolit”, “Cockroach”, “Fedorin’s grief”, “Barmaley” , “Flies-Tsokotuhi”, “Telephone”... Today we will hear many poems, excerpts from fairy tales that the guys prepared for this competition.

K.I. Chukovsky began writing poetry by accident. One day, while working in his office, Chukovsky heard loud crying. It was his youngest daughter who was crying and did not want to wash herself. Korney Ivanovich took her in his arms and, completely unexpectedly for himself, said to her quietly:

I need to wash my face

In the mornings and evenings,

And to the unwashed chimney sweeps -

Shame and disgrace! Shame and disgrace!

This is how “Moidodyr” was born. And now we will listen to an excerpt from the fairy tale “Moidodyr”. I invite Dasha Prokopchuk (preparatory group “Smile”).

(Aibolit appears).

Aibolit: Oh, if I drown, if I go to the bottom...

Speech therapist: Hello, excuse me, who are you?

Aibolit: I think everyone here knows me. Am I wrong? Guys, do you recognize me? What do you know about me?

Speech therapist: Doctor Aibolit, now Alina Sidorkevich (preparatory group “Smile”) will tell you about you.

Aibolit: What a great fellow you are, Alina! I was so excited with joy that I needed my pills. (Takes money out of the first aid kit.) Oh, what is this?

Speech therapist: What is it with Doctor Aibolit, guys?

Children: Money.

Aibolit: Indeed, money... Someone must have lost it...

Speech therapist: In which work by Chukovsky does the mistress of the money live? (Children's answers).

Aibolit: I’ll go, guys, I’ll return the money to the hostess. (Leaves).

Speech therapist: And we will listen to an excerpt from the work “The Tsokotukha Fly.” Meet Karina Podymakhina (preparatory group “Smile”).

And now it’s Elya Kuranova’s turn (middle group “Snowflake”) to tell her version of an excerpt from the same fairy tale.

Speech therapist: And in the big river

The crocodile is lying down.

And it’s not fire that burns in his teeth -

The sun is red!

Guys, have you guessed what fairy tale we are talking about?

Children: “Stolen Sun”!

Speech therapist: An excerpt from this work by K.I. Chukovsky will be read to us by Sasha Kharlampyev.

Now let’s listen to Arina Makeeva. She also wants to read an excerpt from this fairy tale.

(Fedora comes in to the music. Cries and laments)

Fedora: Oh, you are my poor orphans,

My irons and pans...

Speech therapist: Guys, did you find out from which fairy tale this guest came to us? What is her name?

Children: Fedora from the fairy tale “Fedorino Woe”

Speech therapist: Hello, Fedora! What happened, Fedorushka?

Fedora: I have grief, trouble

Somebody ran away...

Why, tell me

Tell me...

Speech therapist: Listen, Fedora, Olya Avramkina (preparatory group “Smile”).

Fedora: Well, thank you, Olya! You helped me, Olya! And I want to dance with you. (General dance to cheerful music. Fedora says goodbye and leaves).

Speech therapist: So we remembered the wonderful fairy tales and poems of the wonderful children's writer K.I. Chukovsky. No less interesting fairy tales in verse were written for children by the great Russian poet A. S. Pushkin. Our competition will be continued by Andrey Sleptsov (middle group “Sunshine”), he will read us an excerpt from “The Tale of the Sleeping Beauty and the Seven Knights.” A.S. Pushkin wrote not only fairy tales, but also lyrical, very beautiful poems. I suggest you listen to Roma Sazonov (senior group “Snowflake”) He will read us a poem by A. S. Pushkin.

Speech therapist: These are the wonderful fairy tales our mothers and grandmothers tell and read to us. Kristina Gabysheva came to our holiday party today, she loves her grandmother very much and prepared a surprise for her - Dora Khaikina’s poem “Grandmother’s Hands.”

Our wonderful competition is coming to an end and now I want to read a few lines about our Motherland.

If they say the word “Motherland”,

It immediately comes to mind,

Old house, currants in the forest,

Thick poplar at the gate,

By the river there is a modest birch tree

And a chamomile hillock,

Or the steppe, red with poppies,

Virgin gold…

Homeland is different

But everyone has one!

Our competition program is completed by Svyatoslav Nikolaev (preparatory group “Snowdrop”, poem “Drawing”.

Speech therapist: Well done, Svyatoslav. With this wonderful performance we complete our reading competition and it’s time for us to sum up the results. I give the floor to the jury. (The floor is given to the jury members).

Thank you guys for the wonderful poems, I see how you love and know how to read them beautifully. Prepare poems for the New Year, Santa Claus... See you again!

(Presentation of diplomas, awarding of competition participants).

In the process of raising, teaching and developing children, poetry occupies an important place. By perceiving poetic images, children receive aesthetic pleasure. Poems influence the child with the power of rhythm and the charm of melody; children are attracted to the world of sounds. Therefore, in preschool age it is important to teach children to perceive and evaluate poetic works and to cultivate artistic taste.

An experienced teacher uses the poetic word at every opportunity: in classes, on walks, during observations, excursions, when looking at paintings and while performing routine tasks. Memorizing poetry is one of the means of mental, moral and aesthetic development. Each work assimilated by the child’s memory enriches his vocabulary and forms his own speech. Expressive performance develops speech technique and expands memory capacity.

But it is very important not only to memorize poems with children, but also to give them the opportunity to show their skills in reciting poetic works. Probably every teacher has been in a situation where, after a matinee, they had to explain to frustrated parents why their child couldn’t read a poem at the party. Literary festivals and reading competitions have already become traditional in our kindergarten. They allow each child in the group to demonstrate their skills in reciting poetry. The team of our preschool institution, under the leadership of scientific director Shadrina L.G., highlighted the basic principles of organizing this type of leisure activity and the requirements that should be followed when preparing for such a holiday.

The selection of the repertoire of competitive poems must be approached thoughtfully and seriously. These can be works of the same author or poems united by one theme. We try to select little-known, interesting, small in volume and understandable texts for children. It must be remembered that children must not only learn poetry, but also hear them.

Scenarios always contain many playful moments that encourage children to engage in figurative movement, onomatopoeia, selection of rhymes, word creation, and the like.
Adults take an active part in organizing and holding literary festivals. Teachers and parents act as jury members, prepare attributes and gifts, and play the role of fairy-tale characters.

When carrying out this kind of leisure activities, more than one child is not left behind; everyone is given the opportunity to demonstrate their skills. In older groups, each participant in the reading competition receives his own award in some category (“Creating a bright image”, “For charm” and others). Poetry festivals are organized for children of primary and secondary preschool age.

We hope that our experience will provide significant assistance in organizing and conducting poetry competitions. After all, this topic represents a holistic system of work on the aesthetic and moral development of preschool children, which provides for the goals and objectives of communication skills and speech development skills.

Poetry competition in the senior group “Come and visit us in the fall”


  • to attract the attention of parents to the problem of reciting poetry, as one of the conditions for improving speech activity;
  • to develop children’s ability to expressively read by heart, develop a poetic ear, and the ability to understand the musicality of poetic speech; feel and display poetic images;
  • cultivate aesthetic taste; to the poetic genre of fiction.

Materials: pictures: rowan - basket, fungus - box, honey mushroom - guys, harvest - loaf, fruits - gardens, janitor - gardener, rain - snowflake, paths - legs, palms - boots, picture - aspen, birch trees - tears, spider - old man. Three baskets, gifts of autumn (gardens, vegetable gardens, forests).


– Hello, dear guests. Good evening, guys. Today we have gathered in this hall to please each other with the ability to recite poems, and perhaps among you there will be those who do this especially well. .poems today will sound very different, but all are dedicated to one time of year. Which one? You will find out by solving the riddle:

Empty fields
The ground gets wet
The rain is pouring down.
When does this happen?

- That's right, it's autumn. She gives us extraordinary beauty.

The forest looks like a painted tower
Lilac, gold, crimson,
Standing above a sunny meadow
Fascinated by the silence.

– This is how beautifully and soulfully the poet Bunin speaks about this time of year. I think you can also captivate everyone by reading poems about autumn. And we will listen quietly and carefully.

In a golden carriage
What's wrong with the playful horse?
Autumn has galloped
Through the fields and fields.
Good Witch
Changed everything
Bright yellow color
I decorated the earth.
Sleepy month from the sky
The miracle is surprising -
Everything around is sparkling
Everything shimmers.


– You will find out the name of the next poem if you finish the line:

Only the needles of the pine trees are green
I'm afraid to paint them...

Autumn gives miracles
And what kind!
The forests are depleted
Gold hats.
A crowd sits on a tree stump
Red honey mushrooms.
And the spider is such a trickster!
The network is pulling somewhere.
Rain and sleepy grass
In the sleepy most of the night
Incomprehensible words
They mumble until the morning.

Autumn with a long thin brush
Recolors leaves
Red, yellow, gold,
How beautiful you are, colored leaf!
And the wind has thick cheeks
Fooled, fooled, fooled
And the trees are variegated
Blown, blew, blew.
Red, yellow, gold,
The entire colored sheet flew around!
How insulting, how insulting
There are no leaves, only branches are visible.


- Guys, guess this riddle:

Its spring and summer
Everyone saw him dressed
And in the fall from the poor thing
All the shirts were torn off.

- Did you guess it? That's right, it's a tree. Trees will be discussed in the next poem.

The birches have unbraided their braids,
The maples clapped their hands,
The cold winds have come
And the poplars were flooded.
The willows have drooped by the pond,
The aspen trees began to tremble,
Oak trees, always huge,
It's like they've become smaller.
Everything calmed down, shrank
It has drooped and turned yellow.
Only the Christmas tree is beautiful
By winter she looked better.

M. Sadovsky

Autumn is a yellow word in a yellow picture,
Because the leaves on the aspen tree have turned yellow.
Autumn is a kind word - warm days
Because the sun is friends with a light breeze.
Autumn is a delicious word, jams are being made
Because there is a lot of fruit, a lot of treats.
Autumn is a joyful word, friends meet again
Because back to school is how it works.

Natalya Maydannik

– It’s true that the poets came up with wonderful poems for us. What makes poems so beautiful are rhymes. Do you know how to choose rhymes? We'll check this now. (The presenter hands out hats with pictures or just pictures) While the music is playing, you must find a partner - someone who has a picture with a word similar to the word from your picture.
Rowan - basket; fungus - body; honey mushrooms - guys; harvest - loaf; fruits - gardens; janitor - gardener; rain - snowflake; paths - legs; palms - boots; picture – aspen; birch trees - tears; spider - old man.

Parade of flying leaves
In the autumn word we call... ( leaf fall)

– They found the right rhyme again. By the way, the next poem is also called “Falling Leaves”

Leaf fall

Leaf fall, leaf fall,
Yellow leaves are flying,
Yellow maple, yellow beech,
Yellow circle in the sky of the sun.
Yellow yard, yellow house.
The whole earth is yellow all around
Yellowness, yellowness,
This means that autumn is not spring.


Mischief makers

Dizzy at home
Rain of mischievous leaves
How good he is!
Where else can you find something like this?
Without end and without beginning?
I began to dance under it,
We danced like friends -
Rain of leaves and me!



The noise is big
Standing in the forest
Isn't it a bear?
Is he in a hurry to come to us?
- It's me! –
The hedgehog mutters -
You won't go quietly these days
And under the paws
The fallen ones rustle.

V. Biryukov

- Guys, do you know what can happen in autumn? Let's play this game. (Ball game)
Next poem

Autumn leaf

Outside the window the autumn leaf turned yellow,
He broke away, spun, and flew.
The yellow leaf made friends with the breeze,
Everything is spinning and playing under the window.
And when the cheerful wind flew away,
The yellow leaf on the asphalt is bored
I went into the yard and picked up a leaf
I brought it home and gave it to my mother.
You can't leave him outside
Let him live with me all winter.

O. Chusovitina

autumn breeze

The whole bench is covered in leaves -
Leaf fall time.
Wind like a yellow snake
I rustled through the garden,
Alarmed along the way
There are leaves on the alley
And - disappeared...
Or maybe
Just laying low?

A. Starikov

Autumn gift

The wind from the west flew to the east
I tore off a maple leaf,
He was born last spring
All so beautifully carved,
Yellow on the edges – red
The maple leaf is so beautiful.
I give it to you from my heart
Dry him in a thick book -
He will warm you in winter,
The leaf is my autumn gift.

I. Tokmakova

– And sometimes, guys, there’s an autumn fire.

Autumn fire

The forest is now brighter and quieter
The height is visible through the branches.
Its top is like a roof,
Burned by autumn fire.
There is fluffy fog among the trunks,
Like smoke billowing at dawn
Leaves fly off like sparks
And they burn out on the ground.

V. Orlov

– Indeed, the autumn forest seems to be on fire - there are so many fiery colors there. Do you know what number to dial to call the fire department? Well done for what you know.

What, answered - zero one

Guard! The peaks are burning
Birch and aspen trees
I'm a fire truck
I call: zero – one.
I ask
- Please,
Dear firefighters,
Help out a new one
Garden street.
Answers zero - one:
- Calm down, citizen.
It's autumn
And she set the trees on fire.

Autumn decorates the parks
Multi-colored foliage.
Autumn feeds with harvest
Birds, animals and you and me.
And in the gardens and vegetable gardens,
Both in the forest and by the water
Prepared by nature
All kinds of fruits.


– While reading the poem, the presenter places three baskets on which there are pictures of a garden, vegetable garden and forest, and scatters pictures or dummies of “gifts of nature”: fruits, vegetables, mushrooms. Children are divided into three teams.
– Guys, the task of each team is to collect the “gifts of nature” into those baskets with a picture of the place where they grew up. The team that finishes it faster wins.
– We played a little and returned to poetry. Finish the line:

The sun's ray won't break through
Because of the thick gray...

Although the clouds are gray and gloomy, they can also provide entertainment.

The cloud is a cat, the tail is a pipe,
Cloud with a long beard,
Cloud is a horse, cloud is a beetle
And there are two hundred of them in total.
The poor clouds are very crowded,
There is no place for clouds in the sky,
They'll all quarrel together
And then they'll cry together
And the people below shout:
“Run up, it’s raining!”

D. Lunin

- Guess the riddle:

He is everywhere: in the field and garden,
But it won’t get into the house
And I won't go anywhere
As long as he goes.

- Right. It's rain. Listen to a poem about this natural phenomenon.

The rain is crying

The rain is crying outside the window,
The rain doesn't stop...
Since he cries, it means -
He says goodbye to summer.
Flocks of birds fly away
Less light and heat.
The leaves are falling off the maples,
So autumn is golden
She has come to our native land!

I. Tokmakova

– You look around and it’s true – everything around is golden. But you and I know the game “Golden Gate”. I suggest you play it while the jury sums up the results.

Round dance game "Golden Gate"

Awarding of winners and participants.