Instructions: we draw up a journal for registering orders for personnel. How to properly keep a log of orders Log of orders in 1 s

Maintaining personnel documentation, first of all, implies great responsibility. Along with this, the collection, analysis and registration of documentation of an order nature requires increased concentration and strict adherence to the law. Journals related to personnel work are essentially the foundation of all personnel records management.

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In this regard, the designated journals may be subject to systematic inspections by various regulatory authorities. In addition, the correct execution of personnel documentation has a direct impact on its legal significance, and also personally affects each employee of the organization. It can be said that until a document is properly registered, it does not actually exist.

The word of legislation

As a rule, personnel workers draw up several different journals in which they record orders of different types. For example, one journal may contain orders exclusively for personnel. Another journal may display orders for the activities of the enterprise. There is also a practice of registering journals only for vacations or dismissals.

The generally accepted form of the order log contains all the key columns in personnel practice. There may be empty columns as reserve columns, which, if necessary, will be filled in by responsible persons at their discretion

There is no single form of journal for registering orders that would be approved by law.

In this regard, a sample log of job orders will be shown below in the text. In addition, organizations can develop their own journal form design.

Depending on the current situation, employers, in addition to the generally accepted columns, have the right to add additional columns. For example, “F.I.O. or the position of the employee for whom the order is issued”, “who certifies the order”, “the basis of the order”, “the personnel number of the employee”, “the executor of the order”, “where the order is transmitted”, “position and full name. the person who made the corresponding entry."

Regulatory Policy

According to the order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated August 25, 2010 No. 558, the List of documents that are generated in the process of the enterprise’s activities was approved. One of the key provisions of this regulatory act is the establishment of storage periods. Thus, in relation to the log books, which are associated with administrative documentation in relation to personnel, two different periods were provided for, 5 and 75 years.

The order of numbering of orders is not provided for by law or the List. Whereas, according to the Standard Instructions for Office Work, which was approved by order of the Federal Archive of November 27, 2000 No. 68, orders are numbered sequentially, but within the calendar year. Additionally, the instructions indicate the need for separate numbering of orders for core activities, as well as orders for working personnel.

Is it necessary to lead?

As previously mentioned, by order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated August 25, 2010 No. 558, the period for storing registration logs that are associated with administrative documentation was approved.

It follows that maintaining log books is mandatory.

How about an electronic form?

The legislation does not contain provisions for the mandatory maintenance of journals on paper, including with special conditions for its registration. Special conditions mean numbering, certification with a seal, and binding of magazines.

For this reason, it is permissible to maintain a registration log in electronic form.

In addition, if, according to the procedure, order numbers are assigned automatically during their formation in the 1C program, then maintaining such a journal in paper form is not necessary.

Types of order logs with samples

Today, various HR departments use the following forms of log books:

  • On the reception, transfer, calculation of personnel.
  • About granting vacations.
  • About staff travel.
  • On encouragement and imposition of disciplinary sanctions.

Sample journal for registering orders for employment:


The main stages in organizing office work are:

  • Organization of document flow, i.e., optimal movement of prepared documentation within the enterprise.
  • Documentation of economic and administrative activities.
  • Ensuring the preservation of documentation.

The standard procedure for preparing documents involves the participation of many employees of the enterprise. Office work and its organization are the responsibility of the office work service. In addition, this name is conditional, and depending on the size of the enterprise or the functions assigned to it, it can be either a general department or an office.

In small organizations, this function is usually assigned to the secretary. At the initial stage, it is necessary to establish uniform rules for working with documentation. To solve this problem, an excellent solution would be to include them in the instructions. We should not forget that modern clerical work is largely determined by the enterprise itself, while regulations are more of a recommendatory nature.

Therefore, to establish office work, it is necessary to develop two basic documents:

  1. Instructions for office work. The specified local act should reflect all internal organizational rules for working and handling documentation. In case the enterprise has not yet formed its own rules for conducting clerical work or the development of instructions at this stage seems inappropriate, then you can temporarily use the appropriate provisions.
  2. Nomenclature of cases. The specified systematic list of documents displays their accounting according to storage periods, and is used for the purpose of subsequent transfer to the archive or for destruction.

Watch the video on how to create office work instructions:

It should be noted that all orders related to personnel are recorded in the journal. The title page of the journal is used to write the full title of the document. It should be noted that the name is written in capital letters. After this, the name of the company is indicated.

In large organizations, it is preferable to create a number of journals commensurate with the number of relevant services or departments.

The title page also indicates the date of actual execution of the document. The magazine is numbered and stitched, after which it is sealed with the signature of the director and the seal of the enterprise. Ideally, the registration log will be sealed with a number seal. But in this case, its number must be entered in the journal, otherwise without this it is impossible to consider the journal sealed.

Responsible persons

In relation to the main activities of the enterprise, orders are prepared on behalf of the director by the heads of departments of the divisions. If there is a question about solving a complex problem, then the manager can create a special commission, which will consist of multidisciplinary specialists. But, since tasks are not only basic, but also operational, orders must be classified.

You can offer this option:

  1. Orders for core activities. Such orders are issued as part of the implementation of organizational tasks.
  2. Orders on administrative activities.

Orders in the above areas are subject to separate registration. In other words, it is necessary to store this documentation separately. This is due to the fact that the storage period for documentation related to administrative tasks is 5 years. Whereas documents on main activities must be preserved permanently. The registration log belongs to the category of documents intended exclusively for internal use.

The procedure for familiarizing yourself with the registration log takes place exclusively in the presence of the person who is responsible for its preparation. In addition, the logs should be provided to the department head on a regular basis. This is necessary to conduct a review of decisions made, as well as to evaluate the personnel performance of the department.

During the registration period, the registration log is kept by the person who is responsible for its maintenance. If the magazine runs out, a note about this is made on the title side.

Mandatory columns

As previously mentioned, there is no legally approved form of log book, which allows the organization to develop it independently. Therefore, it is permissible to use graphs recommended by experts.

In particular:

  • No. (record number),
  • date of order;
  • order number;
  • type of order, its brief content;
  • FULL NAME. employee;
  • Personnel Number;
  • basis for issuing the order.

Additional columns include, in particular:

  • who signed the order,
  • who is the executor of the order;
  • where the order was sent;
  • receipt of receipt (signature, date);
  • note about referral to the case;
  • position, full name the person making the entry (registering the order);
  • note.

It happens that the “Note” column is not provided in the journal. In this case, you need to make a note similar to the one displayed in the work book (“entry No. ___ in column No. ___ is invalid”), and then indicate new data.

Filling example

Let's look at a sample for filling out the main section of the journal using the example of orders for personnel:


Date of order

Order number

Type of order

FULL NAME. employee

Tab. number



Polozova Tatyana Viktorovna

Labor agreement No. 14 dated July 13, 2014


118 hp


Kuzin Andrey Sergevich

Add. Agreement No. 2 dated July 12, 2014 to employment contract No. 11 dated March 10, 2012


119 hp

Transfer to another job

Sorokina Maria Alexandrovna

Application, add. Agreement No. 2 dated July 12, 2014 to employment contract No. 11 dated March 10, 2012

Shelf life

It should be recalled that by virtue of the order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated August 25, 2010 No. 558, the period of preservation of the registration log is determined to be 75 years.

This type of journal typically displays the following orders:

  • about hiring;
  • about translation;
  • about duty;
  • about wages;
  • about combining professions;
  • about the dismissal of an employee;
  • about advanced training;
  • on personnel incentives;
  • about all types of vacations;
  • about changing the employee's surname;
  • about long business trips.

Another log book, which has a retention period of 5 years, typically displays the following orders:

  • about disciplinary sanctions;
  • on annual and educational leaves;
  • about duty;
  • about short business trips.

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Retroactive orders: registration methods

Due to the fact that the registration journal is stitched and numbered, after which it is signed by the director and sealed with the seal of the enterprise, retroactive entry of an order into such a journal is excluded. But, as practice shows, various situations arise, the resolution of which is often of interest to both parties, i.e. the employer and the employee of the enterprise. On this basis, sometimes there is a forced violation of the registration procedure.

Let's consider several possible options.

  1. If there is no further registration of orders at the enterprise, then the order can be made retroactively.
  2. If the company has further registration, then you can make a memo addressed to the manager explaining the reasons and register the order with the current date. The second option is good because in the event of an inspection, the explanatory note will justify the current situation to the regulatory authorities. Therefore, if it is necessary to place an order in the “past period,” in practice they use the issuance of an order under a fraction (11/1-P) or any other index.

The letter of the order index alphabet has no legal significance. But, its use simplifies the work of the personnel officer. In addition, in case of possible demand by regulatory authorities for orders issued by the enterprise, it is desirable that the dates of issuance of orders coincide with real events. This approach will avoid increased interest on the part of inspection officials.

Regarding the artificial correction of errors, the only thing that can be recommended here is to replace only those documents that do not overlap with other orders, especially those that cannot be replaced.

The chronology of events is, first of all, needed for the employer himself. For example, in case an accident occurs with an employee who is outside the territory of the enterprise. In such circumstances, a “Sequential Order” with the employee's signature indicating that he is familiar with the order is a fundamental way to eliminate problems. In the event of an accident investigation, there is no better preventative measure, especially when it concerns hazardous activities.


Registration of orders and instructions from management in a single journal is a convenient way to maintain a list of internal documentation of an enterprise. The main purpose of maintaining this journal is to systematize information about issued orders, simplify control of their execution and quickly find the necessary document if necessary.

The development of a form for registering orders for personnel is carried out at each enterprise individually. As an example for its preparation, you can use samples offered for use by other companies.

As a rule, the organization provides for the registration and systematization of not only orders, but also other documents. For example, accounting of work books, registration of travel certificates and payment orders is carried out in journal forms specially designed for them.

How to draw up a journal for registering orders for personnel

A mandatory element of the order is a number, which must be unique and recorded in the journal. The number can contain not only numbers, but also letters. As a rule, letter designations indicate the type of order or specify whether the order belongs to one of the company’s structural divisions. Each enterprise can come up with its own coding, which will help quickly navigate the documentation. For example, for orders that are drawn up when sending employees on vacation, the letter “O” may appear first, the letter “B” may mean orders containing a disciplinary sanction, and the combination of letters “KM” may indicate orders to send employees on a business trip.

An employee of the personnel department or office work (office manager, secretary) can develop and maintain a log of orders.

The standard columns in the form of the logbook for registering orders for personnel are:

  • Order number and date of its approval;
  • The essence of the order (its content);
  • Full name of the person who signed the document;
  • Full name of the person who is the performer;
  • List of persons who must familiarize themselves with the order;
  • Signature of the responsible person confirming receipt of the order;
  • A mark certifying that the order has been sent to the case.

Any sample taken as a basis for the development of a logbook for registering orders for personnel can be modified in accordance with the needs of the enterprise.

Personnel orders are used to document the work activities of each employee in an organization with any legal status. Depending on their content, the accounting department calculates bonuses, wages, vacation accruals, and compensation. If an employee wants to take out a loan from a bank, then, among other documents, he will be required to provide documents about his work activity, which includes a copy of the employment order.

Orders on personnel reflect the labor path of the organization’s employees, and in various legal proceedings they have legal force, confirming one of the versions of the dispute.

Orders with a shelf life of up to seventy-five years include the following:

  • About hiring at the main place, part-time, part-time, on a rotational basis, etc.
  • On bonuses for employees for good performance of duties or high performance at work, on the occasion of a professional holiday.
  • On the movement of employees (transfer of employees to work in another area, in another department, changes in the salaries of employees, their promotion, etc.).
  • On the dismissal of employees, on termination of a contract at the request of the employee or by agreement of the parties, or for other reasons.
  • On sending employees on a business trip (foreign, long-term).
  • About vacations or business trips related to working conditions that are harmful or dangerous to the health or life of workers.
  • On granting employees leave without pay.
  • On granting an employee parental leave for up to one and a half, three years.
  • On the early departure of an employee from parental leave for up to one and a half, three years.
  • On changing the employee's first name, surname, patronymic.
  • On encouraging an employee (awarding a certificate of honor, a gift, a bonus, an announcement of gratitude, etc.).

Personnel orders with a shelf life of up to five years can also be classified as a separate group:

  • About disciplinary sanctions.
  • About short-term business trips.
  • About annual paid holidays.
  • About holidays, etc.

In any organization, over time, a large volume of documents intended for daily use accumulates. They are contacted in the event of an inspection, audit, or if it is necessary to provide an employee with a certain certificate.

It is also necessary to indicate the letters assigned to orders that are subject to recording in the journal:

  • This is a drug for documents with a shelf life of seventy-five years.
  • K – for other documents, if they are registered in the book.

The log itself contains the following columns:

  • Record number. Each entry is assigned its own number.
  • Order date.
  • Personnel order number.
  • Type of order (reception of an employee, his relocation, dismissal, etc.). Brief content of the order (destination, deadline for sending on a business trip, etc.).
  • Full name of the employee or employees to whom the order was issued.
  • Grounds (number of letter or employment contract, or additional agreement, etc.).

Also, each page of the journal may bear the signature of the person responsible for filling it out. Sheets cannot be removed from the journal; if any correction is required, it must be made under the next serial number, and the reason why it was made must also be indicated.

Where can I download a sample form and document form?

Download sample fillinglog of orders for personnelYou can But here is the document form.

Electronic form of the logbook for registering orders for personnel

With high staff turnover in the company and with large document flow It is very difficult to track the movement of all documents using a paper journal.

Therefore, it is advisable for a company to have an electronic journal form for recording personnel documents, which will significantly speed up the process of searching for the required information for each individual employee: when he was on a business trip, how many days he spent on vacation, whether he took leave without pay, etc.

Logbook for recording and maintenance of protective equipment: sample filling and step-by-step instructions can be found

With the help of an electronic document form it will be quite simple to collect this information. The paper version will need to be reviewed for a long time and carefully, and if you need to study the employee’s activities, for example, for four years, then the process will take a very long time.

If management document flow in a company is carried out using the 1C program, then all orders are registered in it automatically.

It is also possible to create an electronic version of the journal in Excel for internal use. If a company's journal is initially kept in electronic form, then all sheets that were subsequently printed are numbered, stitched, and then sealed for filing in the archive.

Management theory states that three-quarters of the efficiency of an enterprise depends on the quality of administration, which includes work, firstly, with personnel, and secondly, with documents. These two sides of nomenklatura activity are largely intertwined and interact with each other. They include not only the ability to give orders, but also the ability to verify their execution.

A well-written order, like a good literary work, should consist of three main points:

  1. The subject of the order is the basis for its issuance and the list of measures to be carried out.
  2. Execution time - the period for executing the entire order or the periods for executing each item separately.
  3. The executor is the person responsible for execution and the one who exercises overall control over the implementation of the order.

And if at least one of the points is missing, then both the meaning of issuing the order itself and control over its effectiveness and efficiency are lost.

What is it needed for?

In order to keep the entire document flow of an enterprise under control in its daily business and economic activities, registration books are used. Of them The main ones for any organization are journals for recording orders and instructions administration:

  • by personnel;
  • on administrative and economic issues;
  • by main activity.

Managers of small businesses often believe that it is not necessary for them to prepare a bunch of documents that, in their opinion, are unnecessary. This may be true for enterprises with fewer than three employees. But in any other cases, at the first inspection by the tax inspectorate, the bodies of the Ministry of Social Labor, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Pension Fund inspectors may request documents justifying and confirming the implementation of business transactions and expenses for them.

And often the results of inspections directly depend on the accuracy and thoroughness of maintaining internal documentation of the enterprise. When inspection bodies see the legal and economic culture of the enterprise administration, high-quality and timely documentation, they usually take a more lenient approach to other issues of activity that are being inspected.

Moreover, the basic rules for maintaining documentation are enshrined in laws and regulations and are mandatory regardless of the form of ownership of the enterprise.

What orders are recorded?

If everything is more or less clear about what kind of orders should be registered in the first two books listed above, then the third - “Logbook of registration of orders for core activities” raises the most questions and misunderstandings among the managers of small enterprises: what kind of orders should be recorded? should she get carried away? But the orders that are recorded in it are fundamental for all orders placed in the other two books.

Of course, the main subject of these orders determined by the organizational and legal form of the enterprise and the nature of its economic activities, therefore, it is impossible to give specific answers and recommendations for each particular case. But according to the prevailing types of orders characteristic of any organization, all their types according to the main activity can be defined as:

  1. Appointment of the General Director, Chief Accountant.
  2. Approval of a logo, brand book, advertising slogan, etc.
  3. Ensuring the protection of trade secrets.
  4. Approval or change of the organization's structure, creation and liquidation of divisions.
  5. Approval of regulations, instructions, rules and other internal regulatory documents.
  6. Approval of staffing.
  7. Establishing the operating mode and internal regulations of the organization.
  8. Conducting internal audits and certifications.
  9. Planning and monitoring of core activities.
  10. Financing issues.
  11. Material and technical base.
  12. Information and documentary support.

But what about the appointment of the director and chief accountant - these are personnel issues? However, the appointments of the enterprise's key management persons are also subjects of the main activity and must be recorded in this journal.

Why is registration necessary?

Registration is a form of recording the facts of the creation, receipt or sending of certain documents at a specific time. As the law says, any administrative act, including an order, comes into force from the moment of its publication or registration.

Undoubtedly, streamlining this accounting helps not only in proper control of document flow, but is also a major factor in resolving any issues, disputes or disagreements that arise during the daily activities of the organization.

Interaction with counterparties in economic and financial activities is also largely regulated by orders and regulations of the administration and can serve as the basis for conducting cases in arbitration or court. Of course, all orders must be given in strict accordance with the law, and those that contradict it will not have legal force.

Orders on the appointment of governing bodies give them the right to engage in economic and legal activities, sign legal and accounting documents. Orders on the structure of the organization and staffing determine the responsibilities of each department and specific employee.

Internal regulatory documents regulate the basic rules of internal regulations and control. Orders on financing, material and other support are the basis for maintaining correct accounting and taxation.

Even seemingly unusual orders such as Orders on a uniform uniform, on the financing of non-profit activities, on charity and others like them, entered in this journal, will serve as justification during checks to justify various additional expenses. And the Order on Actions in Emergency Situations, for example, will help to avoid material and human losses in cases of fire, flood, earthquake, etc.

Laws on archiving in the Russian Federation determine different storage periods for enterprise documentation. And this reason is one of those that determine the division of various types of documents into different registration books.

Thus, orders for administrative and economic activities have the shortest shelf life - 5 years. And the orders for personnel are already 75 years old. Orders for the main activities must be kept continuously throughout the existence of the enterprise.

Filling rules

The legislation does not define a unified form for maintaining a Journal of orders for the main activities of an enterprise. Even there is no single name: in some organizations it is called a Journal, in others - a Book.

However, a certain practice has developed of filling out a log of orders for the main activity of the form, establishing the following order of columns:

  1. Registration number is a serial number within the current calendar year.
  2. The date of the order is the calendar date when the document was signed.
  3. The name or brief content defining the subject of the order.
  4. Responsible for execution - full name of the person who is entrusted with control over the execution of the order.
  5. Notes - various information on the topic and execution of the order.
  6. In addition to these, there may be other columns that are necessary, in the opinion of the administration, in this particular organization.

As a rule, the journal is kept for one calendar year, and at the beginning of the next, a new one is opened and numbering begins again. However, a different accounting procedure may be determined by internal order of the manager. It is advisable that notes be made in one color of ink: blue or black. The magazine must be numbered and stitched.

On the cover you must indicate the period during which it is being maintained and information about the person responsible for filling it out. On the last page is the total number of sheets. A person in charge must be appointed to maintain the journal, usually a secretary-referent.

If every employee of an enterprise firmly knows the range of his responsibilities, has clear ideas about the internal interaction of departments and employees, and acts without hesitation in accordance with the requirements of the administration in any foreseeable and unforeseen situation, such a work procedure established by the management of the organization will serve both its financial and commercial success.

How to create a log of HR orders in the 1C program is described in the video.

Personnel orders are necessary to formalize the labor activity of each employee in an organization of any legal status. In accordance with their content, the accounting department calculates wages, bonuses, compensation, and vacation accruals. If an employee wants to take out a loan from a bank, along with other documents they are required to provide documents on their work activities, including a copy of the employment order.

Thus, personnel orders formally reflect the career path of the organization’s employees. In legal proceedings regarding labor disputes, they have legal force confirming one or another version of the dispute.

Types of orders for personnel movement

Orders for personnel that have a permanent shelf life include the following:

  • About hiring at the main place, part-time, part-time, on a rotational basis, etc.
  • On the movement of employees, that is, their promotion, transfer to another department or to work in another area, changes in wages, etc.
  • On bonuses to employees for high performance at work or good performance of job duties on the occasion of a professional holiday.
  • On dismissal or termination of an employment contract by agreement of the parties or at the employee’s own request, or for other reasons.
  • About going on a long business trip abroad.
  • On granting parental leave.
  • About business trips or vacations associated with harmful, dangerous working conditions.

A separate group includes personnel orders that have a shelf life of up to five years:

  • on annual paid leave;
  • about short-term business trips;
  • about disciplinary sanctions;
  • about holidays, etc.

Thus, the organization accumulates a large array of documents for daily use. They are also contacted in the event of an audit, inspection or provision of a certain certificate to an employee. To systematize and optimize work with documents, quickly search them and confirm their availability, the organization creates document logs, including those for personnel.

What is this magazine for?

If a document is registered in an organization, then its legality and its productive power are recognized. Registration is carried out by assigning a unique number to the document. A journal for registering orders for personnel allows you to organize this type of documentation in an organization, protect the company’s activities from forgery of orders or the approval of untimely orders, or the issuance of orders retroactively.

In order for the magazine to fulfill its function, it must be numbered and laced. The documents approved by the head of the organization must be recorded in order in the journal.

Its pages may not be removed or added to, or replaced, or destroyed in any way. For this purpose, the magazine must be laced before filling it, having numbered each page first.

The lacing is secured with a special form, which indicates the number of pages in numerical and alphabetic designations, the signature of the responsible person is affixed - most often, the head of the company and a seal of the appropriate level. That is, the signature of the responsible person is secured with a seal for documents, the signature of the general director or head of the organization - with an official seal.

When is the log compiled and released into the production process?

Since personnel accounting orders are formed from the first day of the company’s operation, they must be registered in a certain way. To date there are no uniform requirements for the preparation of this document approved at the state level, therefore, this format can be approved by a local regulatory act of the organization, for example, in the “Regulations on the Company’s Office Work.”

There are requirements for maintaining the orders themselves for personnel, but the format of their registration log can be developed by enterprise specialists independently.

On the other hand, you can buy a ready-to-use journal from online or bookstores. HR consultants, based on their own experience, have developed a convenient format for this management document and distribute it in various ways. It all depends on the needs and capabilities of the company.

You can buy a ready-made magazine:

  • laced;
  • numbered;
  • sealed;

You can familiarize yourself with the recommended examples of creating a magazine on the Internet pages of websites on personnel records management and, based on them, develop your own format. The main requirement is the fact that it must be started upon the start of the organization’s activities.

Who should keep this journal?

Since the journal for recording personnel orders is one of the main archival documents, the organization must have an employee who is responsible for filling it out. The responsible employee can be appointed by a separate order for the main activity, assigning him the responsibility for maintaining this journal. But most often, this functional responsibility is presented in the job description HR specialist, which he must familiarize himself with upon signature when applying for a job.

If a personnel officer who keeps a log of personnel documents in accordance with functional responsibilities goes on long leave for any reason, it is necessary to assign the performance of this work function to another employee using an appropriate order.

Registration requirements

As noted above, there are no uniform legislative requirements for the design of a journal for recording personnel documents, but it is necessary to rely on the general rules for designing journals for registering various documents.

The title page contains the details of the organization, the start and end dates of maintaining the journal, the document number in accordance with the nomenclature of affairs in the company, information about the employee responsible for maintaining the journal and the storage period (75 or 5 years). It is also necessary to indicate the letters that are assigned to the orders to be recorded in this journal:

  • this is a drug for documents that are stored for 75 years;
  • K - for other personnel documents, if they are registered in the same book.

The journal itself is formatted with the following columns:

  • Number in order. Each individual entry is assigned its own number.
  • Date of issue of the order.
  • Personnel order number.
  • Type of order (hiring, dismissal, relocation, etc.). Brief content of the order (date of sending on a business trip, destination, etc.).
  • Full name of the employee or employees to whom the order was issued.
  • Grounds (no. of the employment contract or letter, or additional agreement, etc.).

Each page may also bear the signature of the responsible person who completed it. It is impossible to remove sheets from the journal; if some correction needs to be made, it is made under the next sequential number and the reason why it was made is indicated.

Electronic journal form

With a large document flow in the company and with a high turnover of personnel, it is very difficult to track their movement using such a paper journal.

Therefore, it is advisable to have an electronic form of this document, which speeds up the process of searching for the necessary information for each individual employee: how many days of vacation he took, what days he was on a business trip, when he took leave without pay, etc.

Using an electronic document form, collecting this information will be quite simple. The paper version will have to be reviewed for a long time and very carefully, and if the employee’s activities are studied, for example, for three years, this process will take a very long time.

If in an organization management document flow is carried out using 1C programs, then all orders are automatically registered in it. You can also create an electronic version in Excel for internal use. If in an organization the journal is initially kept in electronic form, which is then printed, then all printed sheets are numbered, stitched and sealed for filing in the archive.