Mother's Day in the nursery group. Events for the holiday

Summary of leisure entertainment "Mother's Day"

Fun with moms for children 2-3 years old on Mother's Day

The progress of the holiday

Educator: Good evening, our dear mothers and grandmothers! It is no coincidence that we have all gathered together today. After all, it is in November that such a holiday as Mother's Day is celebrated. The most beautiful word on earth is mom! Close all your eyes for a minute and remember your mother. Now gently say the word “MOM”. (Children and adults pronounce the word “Mom”). Did you feel it getting warmer? To keep this warmth with us throughout the evening, we will play and have fun together.
Playback: Everyone in childhood has probably heard a fairy tale about a white-sided magpie who cooked porridge. Let's remember together.
Reading the nursery rhyme “The White-sided Magpie”
Guys, do you know what you can cook porridge from? Do mothers know? Let's check: if I name a product that is needed to make porridge, you should say “yes,” and if the product is not needed, then “no.”
A white-sided magpie decided to cook porridge to feed the children.
I went to the market and this is what I took...
New milk? Yes!
Egg? - No!
Semolina? - Yes.
Head cabbage? - No!
Pickle? - No!
Jellied meat? - No!
Sugar and salt? - Yes!
White beans? - No!
Ghee butter? - Yes!
Is the fish salted? - No!
Bay leaf? - No!
Chinese rice? - Yes!

Prunes and raisins? - Yes!
Chocolate delight? - No!
Bulgarian pepper? - No!
Tartar sauce? - No!
Strawberry jam? - Yes!
Biscuit cookies? - No!
Yes, it turned out to be a nice porridge!
Playback: We cooked the porridge, and now we’ll play. And our game is called “Winders” (who can wind the ribbon on a stick faster).
Playback: The next competition is called "The most reading family." Puzzles:
1. She is the most important mystery of all, even though she lived in the cellar:
She helped my grandparents pull the turnips out of the garden. (mouse)
2. They were waiting for mother with milk, but they let the wolf into the house.
Who were these little children? (seven kids)
3. They ran away from dirty cups, spoons and pots.
She looks for them, calls them, and sheds tears along the way. (Fedora)
4. Both the little hare and the she-wolf—
Everyone runs to him for treatment. (Aibolit)
Play: Now we’ll warm up a little, show our mothers how we play with rattles.
"Dance with rattles"»
Vosp.: Now, let's remember who cooks delicious pies for our kids? (Children: grandmother.) Let us also bake delicious pies for our grandmothers and our mothers.
Song "Pies".
Singing: And now our mothers will sing with us.
Game “Mom hummed a song”
Mom sang a song, mom dressed the baby: Imitation of dressing
She put a white shirt on her daughter. They run their hands along the back, along the tummy.
I put a red shirt on my son.
Nice shirt, fun for my daughter!
Nice shirt, fun son!
Mom sang a song, mom put shoes on the baby:
I put a shoe on my right leg and run my hand along the leg.
She put a shoe on her left foot.
Knock, knock, heel!
This is how mom pleased -
Dressed up our baby!
That's what a mother is - truly golden!
Vosp.: Well done! And now kids, it’s time to dance. Invite your moms!
Dance "Gopachok" (children dance with mothers)
Vosp: Thank you mom for your activity and cheerful mood. We wish you to always be as young, beautiful, healthy and cheerful! And now, and now – we’re having a tea party! Tea party.

Scenario for the Mother's Day holiday in the first junior group

Target: Involve parents and children in sharing emotionally significant family holidays.


1. Happy holiday, give joy to children.

2. Cultivate love and a tender, respectful feeling for mom.

3. To form a positive image of the kindergarten’s activities in the minds of parents.

Parents enter the hall and the children get up to dance with toys.

Background sounds: Song "Dancing with toys" . Children and their teacher stand in a circle.


Guys, who is the cutest in the world?

And it will warm you with its warmth,

Loves more than himself?

This is my MOMMY.

I'm walking along the path

But my legs are tired.

Jump over the hole

Who will help? I know - MOM.

Leading: Guys, today we have an unusual holiday - the holiday of mothers. Do you love your mothers, answer loudly and loudly?

Children: Yes!

Leading: Our dear mothers and grandmothers!

We sincerely congratulate you on Mother's Day! Mom is the most beautiful word on earth. This is the first word a person utters. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most loyal and sensitive heart; the love in it never fades.

Congratulations to our mother,

We wish her good health.

We will love mom

We will cherish our mother.

There is no better mother in the world,

Children are talking about it!

Children recite poems.

Leading: Guys, let's sing a song for mom.

Song "Radiant Sun"

Leading: And now, dear parents, let's listen to our children, they will read poetry for you!

Leading: Let's play with our mothers now.

Game "Dress up mom." Sounds background "Children's fun."

Enters the hall to the musicautumn.

Host: Guys, Golden Autumn has come to visit us.(Children get to know Autumn).

Autumn: Hello guys! Hello, dear adults!

I came today, children,

Celebrate the holiday with you.

Every year I come to you,

I always find you cheerful.

I am preparing my outfits for you,

Are you happy about my arrival?

Children: Yes.

Autumn: I came with a basket,

It brought surprises!

Autumn: And first, let's clap, stomp our feet, wave our arms and dance with our legs!

"YES YES YES!" , Yu. Ostrovsky, E. Tilicheeva

Autumn: Look how beautiful the autumn leaves are in my basket. They are yellow and red.

With autumn leaves

We will play.

With autumn leaves

Let's dance.


Leading: The guys come to us on a long wet leg

The rain is bouncing along the path.

Dance "Rain"

Autumn: Guys, we're not afraid of rain, are we? Let's play with you.

A game"SUN AND RAIN" . A. Barto, M. Rauchwerger

Leading: Our dear mothers and grandmothers, please accept a dance with rattles as a gift from your children and grandchildren.

Well, take the rattles

Have fun dancing with them.

Dance “With Rattles”

Autumn: Guys, I know a very funny game. It's called: "Find your baby."

Leading: Guys, get up in a circle quickly, let's check if mothers know their babies! Will they be found blindfolded?

Game with mothers “Find your baby” (blindfolded). Background “My mom is the best in the world.”

A common dance with mothers: “Locomotive with stops.”

Leading: Guys, let's now tell our mothers what we can do ourselves.

Can we dance?
Can we sing?
Do we know how to clean up toys? Look, Mishka has scattered his toys!

Game "Collect toys". Background song "Friends".

Leading : Do you, mommies, know the fairy tale about the Ryaba Hen? Who told this fairy tale to their child? I propose now to show the fairy tale to our children!

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” (parents are actors).

Autumn: I had a lot of fun!
But the time has come to say goodbye.

I will give the cheerful children some very tasty sweets. (Hands out candy to the kids and leaves).

Goodbye! See you again!

Leading: Guys, it's time to give moms gifts.

Mommy, your mommy

I love you very much

I'll give her a flower.

Gifts “Flowers for Mom.” Background – song: "Mom is the first word."

Leading: Our dear mothers, did you enjoy visiting the children? We would like to meet more often in such a warm and friendly environment!

Today is the best holiday

Today is Mother's Day.

And the sun smiled at us.

Leading: Thank you for spending today's holiday with your children!

1. My dear mother,

I congratulate you,

and with all my heart I wish

happiness, peace and goodness!

2.Listen to our song

Mommy's beloved.

Always be healthy

Be always happy.

3. Mom is heaven!

Mom is the light!

Mom is happiness!

There is no better mom!

4. Mom is a fairy tale!

Mom is laughter!

Mom is a caress!

Moms love everyone!

5. Mom will smile

Mom will be sad

Mom will regret it

Mom will forgive you.

6. I will stretch out my hands to my mother,
I'll hug my dear one.
I love you alone -
I'm so cute.

7. Mom, my mommy,

Kind, beautiful,

You are the best for me

You are the most beloved.

8. Mom is the sun, a flower,

Mom is a breath of air,

Mom is joy, mom is laughter,

Our mothers are the best!

Chug - chuk, chuk - chuk - little train,
He runs, he swings,
He groans and tries...

Stop! Stop Khlopotushkino (children clap)

Chug - chuk, chuk - chuk - little train,
Chug - chuk, chuk - chuk - little train,
He runs, he swings,
He groans and tries...
Ohhh, Shhh, Well, well, well,
Ohhh, Shhh, Well, well, well.

Stop! Poprygaikino stop (children jumping)

Chug - chuk, chuk - chuk - little train,
Chug - chuk, chuk - chuk - little train,
He runs, he swings,
He groans and tries...
Ohhh, Shhh, Well, well, well,
Ohhh, Shhh, Well, well, well.

Stop! Stop Tantsevalkino (children dance freely)

Chug - chuk, chuk - chuk - little train,
Chug - chuk, chuk - chuk - little train,
He runs, he swings,
He groans and tries...
Ohhh, Shhh, Well, well, well,
Ohhh, Shhh, Well, well, well.
Stop! Stop Krichalkino (you can shout something)
Chug - chuk, chuk - chuk - little train,
Chug - chuk, chuk - chuk - little train,
He runs, he swings,
He groans and tries...
Ohhh, Shhh, Well, well, well,
Ohhh, Shhh, Well, well, well.

Children enter the hall behind the teacher to the music, make a semicircle and stop.

Educator: Hello my dears! Today we have gathered in this hall to congratulate our wonderful mothers. This is the most tender and most touching holiday for everyone.

Child: If it hurts me,

Mom with a kind hand

Soothes pain

And brings with it peace.

Child: And when the toy is new

I rejoice loudly

Smiles with me

My dear mother.

Educator: We are all someone’s children, for everyone sitting in this room, the word mother is the most important, the most beautiful. So let's warm the hearts of our mothers with our love. From the bottom of our hearts, in simple words, let’s talk about mom, friends.

Child: let the wind carry you

What I will reveal to everyone:

In the whole world, in the whole world

My mom is the best.

Child: Our mother is no better,

There is no one kinder, more gentle,

Let us become obedient forever,

And congratulations to the mothers.

Child: We wish them only happiness,

For peace of mind,

So that bad weather leaves the soul,

Get younger and prettier.

All the children in chorus: We give our mothers our love,

We sing songs for them today.

Song "The trees don't make noise"

The children went to their chairs.

Educator: dear mothers, now we will check how you know your children, we will ask you questions, and you will answer them.

1. What does your child like to do most?

2. What does your child's name mean?

3. Favorite cartoon?

Well done to our mothers, they know everything about their children. And now we will switch roles and check how children know their mothers. Guys, you will also need to answer questions, ready.

1. What does mom like to do most?

2. Where does your mother work?

3. What is your mom's favorite clothes?

Well done, children also know a lot about their mothers. And now we give the floor... (the parent reads a poem about her child).

Child: Only mom understands

Even if you're wrong

Only mom hugs

Becoming relatives to everyone in the world.

And now we invite our mothers to dance. (children make a circle, mothers come out to them).

Educator: I’m sure that every day mothers read bedtime stories to their children, so let’s check how carefully you read them. I will read

You have a quatrain from a fairy tale, and you have to guess which fairy tale it is from. (10 quatrains). Well done moms, you coped with this task.

Song "Oh, what a mother."

Now we’ll have a little rest and play:

1. “Dress mommy.”

2. “Get to know the child.”

Child: I’ll get up early in the morning,

After all, today is mother's day,

Wish you happiness, congratulate

I need mom quickly.

Game: "Who can bake pancakes faster."

Educator: Well, now we give the floor to our mothers (mothers read poems about their children).

Song "About Mom".

We give mothers handmade gifts and cards.

Educator: Today is a wonderful day, and our holiday is coming to an end, I hope that we gave each other only positive emotions and our smiles. Now I suggest taking a balloon and a felt-tip pen and drawing your smiles there. Look at the smiles you got, let them accompany you always and everywhere. May you have only a joyful mood. Thank you everyone for coming, the holiday is over, goodbye.

Entertainment scenario for Mother's Day, with the participation of parents for children of primary preschool age

Joint activities between parents and children.
Holiday-entertainment for children of primary preschool age
“Mommy, darling, my mother - it’s so good that I have you!”

Melnikova Valentina Nikolaevna, teacher of the first qualification category, Moscow, ZAO, GBOU School No. 1238 with in-depth study of the English language, preschool department.
Description: This material will be useful for educators, music workers, parents in order to involve children and adults in joint holidays, as well as in organizing events with children of primary preschool age.
Purpose: A holiday for mothers and grandmothers, prepared by children with the help of adults.
A little history: The initiative to create the Mother's Day holiday in Russia came from the State Duma Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs. The order establishing Mother's Day in Russia was signed on January 30, 1988. The date of celebration was set for the last Sunday in November. Since 1999, this touching holiday has become one of the most adored in every Russian family. On this day, heartfelt congratulations are addressed to beloved mothers. Children of all ages are preparing surprises for the holiday. Kids make gifts with their own hands and draw beautiful cards. Grown-up children visit their parents with gifts, flowers and useful gifts. On this day, festive concerts, competitions, festivals, and exhibitions dedicated to mothers are held everywhere. Schools and preschool organizations host entertainment and theme nights.

Preliminary work:
-design of a wall newspaper, together with parents, for Mother’s Day;
-design of the photo exhibition “My mother, the most beautiful!”;
-preparing gifts for mothers with children (“hearts” on ribbons);
-decorating an exhibition of handicrafts with the help of parents “Mother’s Golden Hands”;
-learning poems by heart for holiday entertainment;
-decoration of the music hall with balloons and flowers.
Target: developing children's interest in family traditions, attachment to the closest person - their mother, helping families create warm relationships.
teach children to express their feelings for their mother;
cultivate a respectful attitude towards mother;
contribute to the creation of a festive, trusting atmosphere at the holiday;
encourage the creative abilities of mothers and children;
develop coherent speech in younger preschoolers,
develop motor skills.

Progress of the event:

(Parents with children enter the music room holding hands to cheerful music)
Dance of pupils and mothers “Mommy, dear, my mother!”
Music by V. Kanishchev, lyrics by L. Aflyatunova
1. Zorenki are more beautiful and miles away from the sun
The one who is called my mother.
Mommy, dear, my mother,

2. The wind will howl, there’s a thunderstorm outside the window,
Mommy in the house - no fear.
Mommy, dear, my mother,
It's so good that I have you!

3. The matter is in dispute, the fun is in abundance -
Mommy, that means, is next to me.
I love you very much, mommy,
I'll give you this song.

Educator: Hello, dear women, mothers and grandmothers! It is no coincidence that we have gathered today, because today we celebrate Mother’s Day. We dedicate this holiday to the dearest, most caring, most beloved and, of course, the most beautiful - our mothers!

I’m busy doing good deeds at home,
Kindness walks quietly around the apartment.
Good morning here!
Good afternoon and good hour!
Good evening, good night,
It was a good day yesterday!
And where, you ask,
There is so much kindness in the house,
What comes from this kindness
Flowers are taking root
Fish, hedgehogs, chicks?
I'll answer you straight:
This is MOM, MOM, MOM!

Educator: And now, dear parents, let's listen to our children, they will read poetry for you!
"Gift for Mom"

I'll cut a piece out of colored paper,
I will make a small flower out of it.
I'll prepare a gift for mommy,
I have the most beautiful mother!


Who will sing me a song?
Who will sew my shirt?
Who will feed me delicious food?
Who laughs the loudest
Mine, hearing a ringing laugh?
Who's sad when I'm sad? Mother!


I'll fall asleep next to my mother,
I will cling to her with my eyelashes.
You eyelashes, don't blink,
Don't wake up mommy.


Who is the cutest in the world?
And who is more beautiful in the world?
Children's best friend -
This is our mother!


I told my mother:
- Don't go far!
Tears will flow on their own,
If you're far away...
Suddenly you are in a dense forest
And far from me!
It's better, just in case,
Don't go far.

Educator: Guys, now, let's tell and show how much we love our mothers! (Children stand in front of the guests in a semicircle and recite the poem together with the teacher, showing characteristic movements with gestures)
Physical education minute:
Mom is heaven! (hands up)
Mom is the light! (we show flashlights with our hands above)
Mom is happiness! (put hands to chest)
Moms - there is no better way! (lean forward slightly and move our head to the sides)
Mom is a fairy tale! (thumbs up)
Mom is laughter! (smiling, we spread our arms wide to the sides)
Mom is a caress! (children hug themselves by the shoulders)
Moms love everyone! (I send a kiss to moms)

Educator: Competition No. 1, for mothers. People have many proverbs and sayings about mothers, and our mothers, of course, know them. Dear mothers, you need to finish the proverb, I will start, and you will continue!
There is no dearer friend than dear mother.
Without a father - half an orphan, and without a mother all orphans.
Warm in the sun, warm in mother's presence good.
The maternal caress of the end does not know.
The bird is happy about spring, and the baby mother.
There are many relatives, but most dearest of all - mother.
When you grow up like your mother, that's how you'll be know.
- I’m glad to amuse you with a song, our cheerful children’s choir!

Children perform the song “Pies”
Music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by N. Kuklovskaya
1. I bake, bake, bake
The kids all have a pie.
And for dear mother
I'll bake two gingerbread cookies.

2. Eat, eat, mommy,
Delicious two gingerbread cookies.
I'll call the guys
I'll treat you to some pies.

Educator: Competition No. 2, for mothers “Visiting a fairy tale!”
- And now we’ll check how often you, dear mothers, read fairy tales to your children, and the guys will help you!
He rolled out of the house
On an unfamiliar road...
Did you recognize him, my friend?
This is the most naughty one
Talkative, simple-minded
And rosy... (Kolobok)

Who didn't want to work
Did you play and sing songs?
To the third brother later
We ran to a new house.
We escaped from the cunning wolf,
But they shook their tails for a long time.
The fairy tale is known to every child
And it's called... ("Three piglets")

The girl is sleeping and doesn’t know yet
What awaits her in this fairy tale:
The toad will steal it in the morning,
An unscrupulous mole will hide you in a hole...
Anyway, enough! Do you need a hint?
Who is that girl? Whose fairy tale is this?
(“Thumbelina” by H.-H. Andersen)

Walking to school with an ABC book
Wooden boy.
Gets to school instead
In a linen booth.
What is the name of this book?
What is the boy's name?
(“Golden Key”, Pinocchio)

A girl is sitting in a basket with a bear behind her.
He himself, without knowing it, carries her home.
Well, you guessed the riddle, then answer quickly?!
Title of this book ("Masha and the Bear")

And now about someone's house
We'll start a conversation...
It contains a rich mistress
Lived happily
But trouble came unexpectedly:
This house burned down! ("Cat house")

Smile quickly, mom, I'm going on stage,
Appreciate my efforts - I’m dancing for you!

Dance "Chok-chok, heel"
(parents paired with their child dance a funny dance)

Educator:- And now the guys will give their beloved grandmothers and mothers cards that they made with their own hands. (Children hand cards to mothers).

There is an eternal word in our world,
Short, but most heartfelt.
It's beautiful and kind
It is simple and convenient,
It is sincere, beloved,
Incomparable to anything in the world,

Educator: And now, dear guests, I invite you and your children to join the “Friendship” round dance, (everyone joins hands and moves in a circle, then, if desired, you can use any dance elements, as well as any musical accompaniment.)

The song “Oh, what a mother!”
Music and lyrics by Irina Ponomareva
1. I’ll wake up mom in the morning,
“Hello, mommy!” - I’ll tell you.
Oh, what a mother!
A sight for sore eyes!
2. I love you very much
My beloved.
3. Sing a song with me,
After all, today is your holiday.

Galina Polenok

HOLIDAY« Mothers Day» V junior group MBDOU kindergarten"Teremok"


Formation in children junior preschool age respectful attitude towards mother, the ability to express her love in words and actions.


1. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards mother, a desire to please her.

2. Continue to develop and maintain children’s interest in theatrical activities.

Preliminary work:

1. Conversations about mom, writing stories from personal experience.

2. Memorizing poems and songs for the matinee.

Progress of entertainment:

Educator. Hello, our dear mothers! Today we have gathered here on a very important occasion - Mother's Day celebration. This the holiday appeared recently, but has already firmly entered our lives because mother is the most necessary and beloved person in our lives, and we always want to please her.

Mom means tenderness

This is affection, kindness,

Mom is serenity

This is joy, beauty!

Mom is a bedtime story,

This is the morning dawn

Mom is a hint in difficult times,

This is wisdom and advice,

Mom is the green of summer,

This is snow, an autumn leaf.

Mom is a ray of light

Mom means life!

We decided on holiday we invite you,

At least you can do it more often, of course.

We wish you not to get sick, not to be sad,

And we love you endlessly!

Educator. Today your children have prepared a concert for you. It will begin, of course, with poems about mom.

1. You are the most beautiful

You are the best!

To the gentle sun

And she looks like me

2. Mom, my dear!

Oh, I love you!

Gave you trouble

I'm probably full of mouth

3. A hundred paths, roads around

Go around the world

Mom is the best friend

There is no better mother!

4. I don’t want to argue with you.

Believe me.

My mom is the best

The best in the world!

5. Mom caresses us

The sun warms

The sun, like mom,

Only one thing happens!

6. Both cooks and washes

Reads a bedtime story

And in the morning with great desire

Mom goes to work

And then - shopping.

No! We can't live without mom!

7. Let the wind carry you

What I will reveal to everyone I:

In the whole world, in the whole world

My mother is the best.

8. Mommy, mommy

I love you

A funny song

I'll sing for you.

Educator: Let's sing a song to mothers "Pies" (Music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by N. Kuklovskaya). (Performance of the song)

Educator: Now let’s all tell our mothers a poem together.

Mom is heaven! (hands up)

Mom is the light! (we show flashlights with our hands above)

Mom is happiness! (hands to chest)

Moms - there is no better (lean forward and wave our heads no, no)

Mom is a fairy tale! (thumbs up)

Mom is laughter! (laugh, smile)

Mom is a caress! (pat ourselves on the head)

Moms love everyone! (blow a kiss)

Educator. And now the fun begins - games with mothers.

1. "Find your baby"(One mother, children around. A blindfolded mother is looking for her child).

2. "Riddles for moms." Let's check how you are attentively read fairy tales to children.

We were waiting for mother with milk,

And they let the wolf into the house.

Who were these

Small children? (Seven kids)

Gobbling up rolls,

A guy was riding on a stove.

Rode around the village

And he married the princess. (Emelya from the fairy tale "At the behest of the pike")

Like Baba Yaga

There's no leg at all

But there is a wonderful one


Which? (Mortar)

Escaped from the dirty

Cups, spoons and pans.

She is looking for them, calling them

And she sheds tears on the way. (Fedora)

And the little hare and the she-wolf -

Everyone runs to him for treatment. (Aibolit)

She is the most important mystery of all,

Even though she lived in the cellar:

Pull the turnip out of the garden

Helped my grandparents. (Mouse)

Educator. And now the guys will show their surprise to their mothers. They have prepared a fairy tale for you - "Turnip". Now look how artistic, cheerful and talented your children are.

(Children put on attributes and stage a fairy tale "Turnip")

Educator: Did you like the fairy tale? Let's thank our children for such a wonderful gift.

1 child We are ours We're finishing the holiday,

We wish dear mothers

So that mothers do not grow old,

Younger, prettier.

2 reb. Goodbye, goodbye

Come visit us again.

Goodbye, goodbye

We'll play together.

Children give mothers gifts.

Publications on the topic:

Mother's Day and autumn holiday in the second junior group Autumn: Look, guys, how beautiful it is in our hall, how many colorful leaves there are all around. I am Golden Autumn, I came to you for the holiday.

How many stars are there in the clear sky! How many ears of corn are there in the fields! How many songs does the bird have! How many leaves are on the branches! There is only one sun in the world.

Summary of an integrated lesson in the younger group “Gift for Mother’s Day” Purpose: to introduce children to the holiday of Mother’s Day, to teach reception.

Mother's Day is one of the most touching holidays, because we all carry the only one in our souls from childhood until our last days.

Scenario for the holiday “Mother’s Day” in junior group “B” Prepared by Educator of GBDOU No. 38: Yu. A. Kolosova Goal: development of play and creativity.