Standard industry standards for workwear. Model industry standards for the free issuance of special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment to employees of organizations of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for State Reserves

What standards for issuing personal protective equipment and sanitary clothing should catering establishments follow?

What should be given to an employee of an enterprise in accordance withbwith current legislation?

In accordance with labor legislation, sanitary standards and rules, employees of public catering establishments must use industrial clothing in their daily work - personal protective equipment, as well as sanitary clothing, sanitary footwear and sanitary supplies. It is sometimes very difficult for the manager of a catering enterprise to navigate the variety of standards for issuing special clothing, so let’s analyze them together.

The employer is obliged to provide employees with personal protective equipment in accordance with standard standards approved in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation (Article 221 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Model standards for the free issuance of certified PPE to employees may be industry-specific (hereinafter referred to as standard standards) or intended for workers in cross-cutting professions and positions.

Our dictionary

Individual protection means(hereinafter referred to as PPE) are technical means used to prevent or reduce the impact of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors on workers, as well as to protect against pollution (Article 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Sanitary clothing, sanitary footwear and sanitary supplies intended for workers and employees who come into contact with food products (clause 1 of the Instructions on the procedure for issuing, storing, using and accounting for sanitary clothing, sanitary footwear and sanitary supplies at enterprises of the USSR Ministry of Trade system, approved by Order of the USSR Ministry of Trade dated December 27, 1983 No. 308 ).

Of all the standard standards in force today, public catering establishments appear in only one document - in the Standard Industry Standards for the free issuance of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment to trade workers, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 29, 1997 No. 68 (as amended on 05.05 .2012; section II of Appendix 7; hereinafter referred to as Model Standards No. 68).

The list of catering professions whose workers are required to wear special clothing is small:

  • manufacturer of semi-finished food products;
  • kitchen worker;
  • dishwasher;
  • worker performing boiler cleaning work.

However, it does not follow from this that special clothing at a catering establishment is issued only to employees of the specified professions.

The names of workers' professions in Standard Standards No. 68 are given in accordance with Issue 51 of the ETKS, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 03/05/2004 No. 30. And according to this ETKS, the professions of workers related to the trade and public catering industries are indicated in one section, which It’s called “Trade and Public Catering”. It includes occupations such as bartender, kitchen worker, milkshake maker, and merchandise picker.

Based on the above, a catering establishment can and should be guided not only by the standards for issuing workwear specified in section. II of Appendix 7 to Model Standards No. 68, but also the corresponding standards for the issuance of special clothing for trade workers given in other sections of Appendix 7. For example, a bartender should be provided with special clothing according to the standards approved in Section. I of Annex 7 to Model Standards No. 68.


The specificity of a catering establishment is such that its employees can perform some work typical of the food production industry (for example, deboning meat and poultry, trimming meat and offal). In such cases, the standards for issuing special clothing to an employee must be selected in accordance with the Standard Industry Standards for the free issuance of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment to employees of organizations in the food, meat and dairy industries, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 1997 No. 66 (as amended. dated 05.05.2012; hereinafter referred to as Standard Standards No. 66) (Appendix 6, in particular, Section XII “Production of meat products”).

The standards for issuing PPE for workers in professions common to all sectors of the economy (janitor, cloakroom attendant, industrial cleaner, etc.) will have to be found in the standards for issuing cross-cutting professions, or more precisely, in two documents. This:

  • Model standards for the free issuance of certified special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment to employees of cross-cutting professions and positions of all types of economic activities, engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, as well as in work performed in special temperature conditions or related with pollution, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2014 No. 997n;
  • Standards for the free provision of warm special clothing and warm special shoes to employees according to climatic zones, common for all sectors of the economy, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 31, 1997 No. 70 (as amended on December 17, 2001; hereinafter referred to as Standard Standards No. 70).

The standards for provision, rules for the use and operation of sanitary clothing are regulated by regulatory documentation that has an industry focus. The standards for issuing sanitary clothing to employees of public catering establishments and the terms for wearing them are approved by a document of advanced age, but still in force - Order of the USSR Ministry of Trade dated December 27, 1983 No. 308 (hereinafter referred to as Sanitary Wear Standards No. 308). A catering establishment must first of all be guided by Section. 2 “Public catering establishments” of the specified Standards, but if this section does not contain information on any profession, you should also use other sections of this document containing standards for issuing sanitary clothing for trade workers.

It’s not easy for the manager of a catering establishment to figure out who should wear what kind of clothing. In this situation, it is worth turning to the Interindustry standard instructions on labor protection for workers in the public catering system, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated May 24, 2002 No. 36. They do not indicate specific standards for issuing clothing, however, from these instructions it follows that:

  • special, and in addition sanitary clothing must be issued to:
  • bartender;
  • storekeeper;
  • manufacturer of semi-finished food products from meat, fish, vegetables;
  • washing machine operator (dishwasher);
  • an employee performing work on deboning meat and poultry, trimming meat and offal;
  • a worker performing work cleaning root crops and potatoes;
  • auxiliary worker (when performing work for which PPE and sanitary clothing are required);
  • an employee performing work collecting dishes from tables;
  • sanitary clothing is issued to: bartender, pastry chef, bakery cook, kitchen worker, baker, cook, store salesperson (cooking department), cleaner of production and office premises, worker performing bread slicing work.

Please note that the bartender and bartender, along with sanitary clothing (jacket, cap, apron, towel), must be given a uniform. As for waiters, hall cashiers and doormen, the Interindustry Standard Instructions on Occupational Safety and Health for Workers of the Public Catering System only speaks of uniforms for these employees. There are no requirements for these workers to wear sanitary clothing, from which we can conclude that the standards for issuing sanitary clothing for waiters and cashiers, given in Sanitary Clothing Standards No. 308, have become optional for catering establishments. But, we believe, it would not be a mistake to issue these workers, along with uniforms, with sanitary clothing to ensure the sanitary hygiene of the establishment, especially since such standards are provided.


In the Inter-industry standard instructions on labor protection for workers in the public catering system, labor protection instructions are given for workers not in all possible professions of a public catering enterprise, but only those specific to this industry. Therefore, when providing clothing for employees of professions common to all sectors of the economy (for example, loader, storekeeper), one should not forget the following: workers who come into contact with food products in the process of working, in addition to PPE, must be issued sanitary clothing in accordance with Sanitary Clothing Standards No. 308.

The appendix to this article contains a table of standards for the issuance of sanitary, special clothing and other PPE for workers in the most specific professions for the catering industry, compiled taking into account Appendix 7 to Model Standards No. 68, Appendix 6 to Model Standards No. 66, Sanitary Clothing Standards No. 308, Standard instructions on labor protection for employees of trade and public catering enterprises (TOI R-95120-(001-033)-95), approved by Order of Roskomtorg dated October 3, 1995 No. 87.


    Based on the regulatory documents discussed in the article, the catering enterprise needs to draw up and approve standards for issuing special and sanitary clothing for internal use. Such a document will facilitate the issuance of clothing and shoes to employees of the enterprise, in addition, its presence will certainly be appreciated by inspectors.

    When drawing up such a document, one must keep in mind that, by virtue of Art. 221 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer has the right, taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization or other representative body of workers and its financial and economic situation, to establish standards for the free issuance of personal protective equipment to employees, which, compared to standard standards, improves the protection of employees from harmful and (or) existing workplace hazards. hazardous factors, as well as special temperature conditions or contamination.


Standards for issuing sanitary and special clothing and other personal protective equipment to employees of positions and professions specific to the catering industry

Position, profession of the employee

Standards for issuing free sanitary and special clothing and PPE

Wearing period, months


Directors (managers) of enterprises, their deputies, hall administrators, production managers, shop managers, and their deputies

Sanitary clothing standards No. 308 (section 2)

white cotton cap

white cotton apron (issued by production managers when working with products)

Chefs, pastry chefs, bakers, dough mixers

Sanitary clothing, sanitary footwear and sanitary supplies:

TOI R-95120-(001-033)-95 (clause 1.6 of Instructions No. 12, 17, 22, 23)

white cotton jacket

light cotton trousers (for women - light cotton skirt)

white cotton apron

white cotton cap or white cotton scarf


slippers, or shoes, or textile or textile-combined boots with non-slip soles GOST 12.4.033-77

cotton mittens (for pastry chefs/bakers/cooks)

6/4/on duty

Bartenders, producers of hot drinks, milkshakes, bartenders

Sanitary clothing, sanitary footwear and sanitary supplies:

Sanitary clothing standards No. 308 (section 2),

Model standards No. 68 (Section I of Annex 7),

TOI R-95120-(001-033)-95 (clause 1.6 of Instruction No. 2)

white cotton jacket

white cotton cap

white cotton apron


Special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment (only for the bartender):

For the sale of meat and fish products:

For the sale of potatoes and vegetables:

rubberized apron GOST 12.4.029-76

rubberized sleeves

On sale of edible ice:

rubberized apron GOST 12.4.029-76

rubberized sleeves

When constantly working in unheated tents, kiosks, stalls or during peddling and distribution trade on outdoor work in winter:

cotton jacket with insulating lining depending on climatic zones*

When directly serving the population in the autumn-winter period in the open air or in unheated rooms at fairs, street markets, exhibitions and sales, in outdoor buffets:

cotton jacket with insulating lining

duty room

felt boots depending on climate zones

rubber galoshes


Sanitary clothing, sanitary footwear and sanitary supplies:

Sanitary clothing standards No. 308 (section 2),

TOI R-95120-(001-033)-95 (clause 1.6 of Instruction No. 21)

For men:

white linen jacket

For women:

white cotton blouse

white cotton apron

white tattoo

Bread cutters

Sanitary clothing, sanitary footwear and sanitary supplies:

Sanitary clothing standards No. 308 (section 2),

TOI R-95120-(001-033)-95 (clause 1.5 of Instruction No. 24)

white cotton robe

white cotton sleeves

Kitchen workers

Sanitary clothing, sanitary footwear and sanitary supplies:

Sanitary clothing standards No. 308 (section 2),

TOI R-95120-(001-033)-95 (clause 1.6 of Instruction No. 18)

white cotton jacket

white cotton cap or white cotton scarf

combined mittens GOST 12.4.010-75

Collecting dishes from tables

Sanitary clothing, sanitary footwear and sanitary supplies:

Sanitary clothing standards No. 308 (section 2),

TOI R-95120-(001-033)-95 (clause 1.6 of Instruction No. 20)

white cotton jacket

white cotton apron

white cotton scarf

Dishwashers, washing machine operators

Sanitary clothing, sanitary footwear and sanitary supplies:

Sanitary clothing standards No. 308 (section 2),

Model standards No. 68 (Section II of Annex 7),

TOI R-95120-(001-033)-95 (clause 1.6 of Instruction No. 19)

white cotton jacket

white cotton cap or white cotton scarf

Special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment:**

rubber gloves (optional when performing boiler cleaning work)

duty officers

Manufacturers of raw starch, starch dryers, grain blasters, breaders, potato fryers, sulfitizers, ice cream makers, manufacturers of semi-finished fish and vegetable products

Sanitary clothing, sanitary footwear and sanitary supplies:

Sanitary clothing standards No. 308 (section 2),

Model standards No. 68 (Section II of Annex 7),

white cotton jacket

cotton apron with water-repellent impregnation

white cotton sleeves

white cotton cap or white cotton scarf

Special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment:

When performing work on cleaning root crops (for manufacturers of semi-finished products):

rubberized apron with bib

When performing potato washing work, additionally:

rubber galoshes

When processing fish:

canvas mittens GOST 12.4.010-75

before wear

Manufacturers of semi-finished meat products, manufacturers of semi-finished meat products

Sanitary clothing, sanitary footwear and sanitary supplies:

TOI R-95120-(001-033)-95 (clause 1.6 of Instruction No. 9)

white cotton robe or white cotton jacket

cotton apron with water-repellent impregnation with bib

cotton sleeves with water-repellent cotton impregnation

white cotton cap

Special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment:

rubber boots

Meat deboners, meat and poultry deboners, trimmers, meat and offal trimmers

Sanitary clothing, sanitary footwear and sanitary supplies:

Sanitary clothing standards No. 308 (section 5),

TOI R-95120-(001-033)-95 (clause 1.6 of Instruction No. 10)

white cotton robe or white cotton jacket

white cotton cap

cotton sleeves with water-repellent impregnation

Special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment:

cotton apron with water-repellent impregnation with bib GOST 12.4.029-76

leather boots GOST 12.4.033-77

metal work apron

before wear

chain mail glove

before wear

Bone sawers

Sanitary clothing, sanitary footwear and sanitary supplies:

Sanitary clothing standards No. 308 (section 5),

TOI R-95120-(001-033)-95 (clause 1.6 of Instruction No. 13)

light cotton jacket

cotton apron with water-repellent impregnation

white cotton sleeves

white cotton cap

Special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment:

rubber boots

Safety glasses GOST R

before wear

combined mittens GOST 12.4.010-75

before wear

Fruit and potato peelers

Sanitary clothing, sanitary footwear and sanitary supplies:

Sanitary clothing standards No. 308 (section 5),

Model standards No. 68 (Section II of Annex 7, “Manufacturer of semi-finished food products”),

TOI R-95120-(001-033)-95 (clause 1.6 of Instruction No. 11)

light cotton jacket

white cotton scarf

Special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment:

When cleaning root vegetables:

rubberized apron with bib GOST 12.4.029-76

When washing potatoes additionally:

rubber galoshes GOST 126-79

* See paragraph 1.44 TOI R-95120-(001-033)-95, as well as TSN No. 70.

** PPE of this type must be issued to all workers when they perform boiler cleaning work in accordance with TON No. 68 (Section II of Appendix 7).

Senchenko V. A.,
occupational safety specialist

Please take into account the new standards for issuing workwear in 2019 by profession. Employees who are engaged in work with harmful and dangerous working conditions must receive special clothing. Its cost is taken into account in expenses. The method depends on the period of use of the clothing. See the article for all regulations in force in 2019.

If employees are not provided with special clothing, they have the right to stop working, and the employer is obligedpay for downtime >>>

To whom is the employer obliged to issue protective clothing?

Workwear is special personal protective equipment for workers from exposure to harmful or dangerous working conditions in the workplace. Work clothes are provided to workers according to standards. The categories of workers who should be provided with personal protective equipment and special clothing are established by Articles 212 and 221 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. These include employees who are engaged in work:

  • with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions;
  • in special temperature conditions;
  • associated with pollution.

Officials approved the rules for providing workers with special clothing, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 1, 2009 No. 290.

Workwear should be distinguished from uniforms that an employer may issue to employees. Uniforms, unlike workwear, do not protect employees from external factors. It is intended to indicate membership in a specific organization or express a corporate identity. For uniforms, the rules established for workwear do not apply.

New requirements for the procedure for reimbursement of expenses for injury prevention

The fund finances the purchase of personal protective equipment manufactured in Russia. Now workwear must be made not only in Russia, but also from Russian fabrics and materials (subparagraph “d”, paragraph 3 of the Rules, approved by order No. 580n).

Standard standards for issuing workwear in 2019 by profession

Workwear must be issued to employees according to the rules approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated June 1, 2009 No. 290n. At the same time, standard industry standards establish professions for which special clothing is required, as well as the types of such clothing and terms of use. We will provide a list of regulations, the requirements of which guide all enterprises in the Russian Federation.

Scope of activity of the organization

Regulatory document

All sectors of the economy (work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, as well as work performed in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution)

Standard standards for the issuance of warm workwear according to climatic zones to employees of all sectors of the economy, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor dated December 31, 1997 No. 70

Standard standards for the issuance of workwear, special footwear and other personal protective equipment to employees of cross-cutting professions and positions of all types of economic activities engaged in work with harmful or dangerous working conditions, as well as work performed in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor dated 09.12.2014 No. 997n

Standard standards for issuing special high-visibility signal clothing to employees of all sectors of the economy, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated April 20, 2006 No. 297

In addition, there are separate standard standards that are established for various industries.

For example, standards for workers in pulp and paper, hydrolysis, wood chemical and wood processing industries were approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 17, 2016 No. 665n. For trading companies - by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 29, 1997 No. 68.

If a company cannot find an employee’s specialty in the standards for specific industries, then it should use the standard standards for issuing PPE in 2019 by profession for all sectors of the economy from Order No. 997 of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia.

The employer has the right to independently develop and establish standards for the free issuance of special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment to employees. But provided that these standards improve the protection of workers compared to standard standards.

Current standard industry standards for the free issuance of workwear in 2019

The wearing period of workwear can be set to any time, taking into account the mode of its operation. And if the standard standards provide for a maximum, then within its limits.

The “to wear out” standard means that personal protective equipment can be worn until it becomes unusable. However, in order to write off PPE evenly in accounting, it is necessary to establish a specific period of use. For example, based on the results of a special assessment of working conditions, as well as taking into account the conditions and characteristics of the work performed.

How to issue special clothing to employees

The employer must establish the procedure for issuing protective clothing to employees in local regulations. What provisions and in what local acts are reflected in the table below.

Types of local acts in which you can establish the procedure for issuing workwear

Provisions that need to be approved in local acts

Collective agreement;

Employment contract;

Labor regulations;

A separate document (for example, Regulations on the issuance of protective clothing to employees of the organization)

List of positions associated with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions and pollution

Standards for issuing workwear by profession

The period of wear after which the employee must be issued a new set of workwear

What are the rules for issuing workwear?

When issuing personal protective equipment and clothing to employees, three rules must be followed.

Rule No. 1. The employer must apply standard standards for issuing PPE in 2019 by profession. For an example of standards for issuing special high-visibility signaling clothing, see below.

If employees are not provided with protective clothing when necessary, they have the right to stop working. In this case, it will not be possible to punish them as part of disciplinary liability. Moreover, the employer is obliged to pay employees for downtime.

Sample standards for issuing signal clothing

Rule No. 2. The employer must purchase workwear at its own expense and issue it to employees free of charge in accordance with the approved issuance standards. In some cases, workwear can be purchased through contributions to insurance against accidents and occupational diseases.

Rule No. 3. Personal protective equipment must be certified, produced in Russia and from Russian fabrics and materials.

Employees must wear special clothing only during working hours. They have no right to take it outside the workplace. An exception is provided for individual cases when, due to operating conditions, the specified procedure cannot be followed. For example, in logging. Then the overalls can remain with the employee during non-working hours. This is stated in paragraph 27 of the Rules, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated June 1, 2009 No. 290n.

To store workwear, equip special rooms - dressing rooms. Such an indication is in paragraphs 30, 31 of the Rules, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated June 1, 2009 No. 290n.

Issue winter workwear with the onset of cold weather. With the onset of the warm season, it needs to be collected and stored until the next season. At the same time, the standard period for wearing seasonal clothing includes its storage time. You can verify this in paragraph 21 of the Rules, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated June 1, 2009 No. 290n.

Responsibility for violating the rules for issuing workwear

If the employer does not provide employees with protective clothing, the organization may be fined. Administrative fines are established by Article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Sanctions for the company are up to 150,000 rubles, for its manager - 30,000 rubles. Let us note that a fine is possible only if personal protective equipment is classified as risk class 2 in accordance with the technical regulations approved by the decision of the Customs Union Commission dated December 9, 2011 No. 878. For example, this could be shoes against punctures and cuts, protective helmets, welder's shields or glasses, etc.

In addition, for repeated violations, instead of a fine, more stringent administrative penalties may be applied in the form of:

  • suspension of activities for up to 90 days – for organizations and entrepreneurs;
  • disqualification for a period of 1 to 3 years – for officials.

In the first quarter, read "Glavbukh" for free!

The employer can provide workers with special clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE) in excess of the established standards. For this purpose, standards for the issuance of workwear in 2020 by profession have been established. The employer has the right to compensate expenses within the norms through contributions for injuries. Look at all the standards in a convenient table in our article.

The standards for issuing PPE are a list that states exactly what equipment and for what cross-cutting professions and positions employers are required to issue. We understand what protective equipment and in what quantity must be issued when performing certain works and what regulations establish the rules.

What will we talk about

Ensuring safe conditions and labor protection are fundamental responsibilities of the employer assigned to him by labor legislation. At the request of Art. 212, 221 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, this includes the obligation to issue workers whose activities are associated with special conditions, purchased at the expense of the organization’s own funds, workwear, shoes and other personal protective equipment. These include:

  • workwear, special footwear and tools for personal use to protect against harmful and dangerous factors and pollution;
  • special flushing and neutralizing substances.

They must be certified or have a declaration of conformity. They are issued in accordance with standard standards (TN) approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The standards for issuing personal protective equipment to employees were approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor dated December 9, 2014 No. 997n. They regulate the allocation of funds to workers of 195 cross-cutting professions working in harmful and dangerous working conditions, special temperature conditions, and work associated with pollution.

Legislative regulation

The approved standards for issuing PPE, reflected in regulations, can be divided into 2 types: PPE standards for general professions or industry-wide (these include Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2014 No. 997n; Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 1122n dated December 17, 2010 and No. 297 dated 04/20/2006, etc.) and adapted to a particular sector of the economy (for example, standards for issuing personal protective equipment in construction, transport, communications, chemical industry, metallurgy, etc.).

Order No. 997n regulates the issuance of PPE for professions, the standard standards for the allocation of safety equipment for which are related to the performance of work under the influence of harmful and dangerous factors, high temperature and pollution.

The rules for flushing and neutralizing agents are established by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated December 17, 2010 No. 1122n. Signal clothing is required according to Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 20, 2006 No. 297.

Protection rules for general professions are regulated by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated June 1, 2009 No. 290n. The procedure for the allocation, use and storage of protective equipment is also established here.

Standard industry standards for the issuance of personal protective equipment are established by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 66 of December 25, 1997. As an example, we can cite Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated October 3, 2008 No. 543n, standard standards for issuing PPE to housing and communal services workers.

Standard standards for issuing personal protective equipment

Order No. 997n is the main document that contains standard standards for issuing PPE 2017 by profession and which employers must follow when choosing protective equipment to this day.

We have compiled an approximate list of main industries in the table:


Legal regulations governing the issuance of personal protective equipment and clothing

Chemical production

  • Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 16, 1997 No. 63 (as amended on May 5, 2012);
  • Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 29, 1997 No. 68 (as amended on May 5, 2012);
  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 22, 2005 No. 799;
  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated August 11, 2011. No. 906n (as amended on February 20, 2014)

Agriculture and forestry

  • Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 29, 1997 No. 68 (as amended on May 5, 2012);
  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated August 12, 2008 No. 416n (as amended on February 20, 2014)

Mining and processing of minerals

  • Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 8, 1997 No. 61 (as amended on May 5, 2012);
  • Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated 04/07/2004 No. 43;
  • Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 2, 2013 No. 341n (as amended on February 20, 2014);
  • Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 22, 2015 No. 1110n


  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated July 16, 2007 No. 477;
  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated December 7, 2010 No. 1077n


  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated October 22, 2008 No. 582n (as amended on February 20, 2014);
  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated June 22, 2009 No. 357n (as amended on February 20, 2014);
  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated June 18, 2010 No. 454n (as amended on February 20, 2014);
  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated December 7, 2010 No. 1078n

Manufacturing industry

  • Resolution of the Ministry of Labor dated December 8, 1997 No. 61 (as amended on May 5, 2012);
  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated December 31, 2010 No. 1247n (as amended on February 20, 2014)


  • Order of the Ministry of Ecology of the Russian Federation dated April 20, 1992 b\n;
  • Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 16, 1997 No. 63 (as amended on May 5, 2012);
  • Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 25, 1997 No. 66 (as amended on August 23, 2016);
  • Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 29, 1997 No. 68 (as amended on May 5, 2012);
  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated October 3, 2008 No. 543n

Metallurgy and mechanical engineering

  • Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 29, 1997 No. 68 (as amended on May 5, 2012);
  • Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated October 12, 2001 No. 73;
  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated July 6, 2005 No. 442;
  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated December 14, 2010 No. 1104n (as amended on February 20, 2014);
  • Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 1, 2013 No. 652n;
  • Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 3, 2015 No. 844n

Education and science

  • Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 16, 1997 No. 63 (as amended on May 5, 2012);
  • Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 25, 1997 No. 66 (as amended on August 23, 2016);
  • Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 29, 1997 No. 68 (as amended on May 5, 2012)

Light industry

  • Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of December 10, 2018 No. 778n

Cross-cutting professions and general criteria for issuance

Cross-cutting professions are those that can be used in various economic sectors. For example, professions such as carpenter, mechanic, janitor, cook and others. These specialists can work in different areas of production. For them, Order 997n establishes general criteria for the transfer of protective equipment:

  • all protections are purchased at the expense of the employer or taken for temporary use under a lease agreement;
  • are issued free of charge;
  • the employer is obliged to inform employees about the personal protective equipment they are entitled to, familiarize them with the rules corresponding to their specialty, technical specifications;
  • the employee, in turn, is obliged to correctly apply the protection issued to him;
  • if the required PPE is not issued, the employee has the right to refuse to perform his work, which will not entail disciplinary action;
  • PPE must correspond to their gender, size, nature and conditions of work performed;
  • the employer must organize accounting and control of the transfer of protective equipment to employees within the established time frame;
  • the terms of use begin to run from the day of their actual transfer to the employee and until the expiration date;
  • receipt is reflected by an entry in the personal accounting card.

Industry rules

In areas of economic activity, each section is regulated by its own separate regulatory legal acts, for example, the principles by which protective equipment is issued in woodworking production are regulated by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 61 of December 8, 1997, and construction, construction and installation and repair work - by Order Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 477 dated July 16, 2007. In addition, the law allows the employer to publish its own regulations regulating the issuance of PPE at the enterprise, provided that these standards will improve the situation of the employee.

The employer must use industry principles for a specific area of ​​activity. And use standard industry standards for the issuance of personal protective equipment for general industries only if the former do not have rules that correspond to the work performed by employees. The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation speaks about this in its Explanation (Letter No. 15-2/OOG-1049 dated March 16, 2016).

For example, among the current labor standards, the issuance of PPE to catering enterprises is regulated by the Standard Industry Standards for the free issuance of workwear, safety footwear, etc. trade workers approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 1997 No. 68.

The list of professions that are required to wear special clothing is small: manufacturer of semi-finished food products, kitchen worker, dishwasher, boiler washing worker, but this does not mean that special clothing in public catering is allocated only to these professions.

The names of professions are indicated in accordance with the ETKS, for example, according to the approval of the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated 03/05/2004 No. 30, professions related to trade and catering are indicated in the section “Trade and catering” and it includes the professions: bartender, kitchen worker, goods picker, etc.

Public catering can and should be guided not only by standard standards No. 68, but also by the standards for issuing trade protection items. For example, provide PPE standards to the bartender and administrator in the canteen.

And we look for the rules for issuing PPE for workers common to all sectors of the economy (janitor, cloakroom attendant, industrial premises cleaner, etc.), even if they work in public catering, in the rules relevant for cross-cutting professions.

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Enterprises need to supply workers with special clothing, safety footwear and personal protective equipment, but the standards for issuing are different for each profession. How do organizations regulate this issue?

Requirements for providing workers with PPE

An employee engaged in labor activity must be provided with all necessary means to protect himself from hazardous factors. First, you need to understand what factors of the labor process we are talking about:

  • harmful factors are factors, when exposed to substances harmful to health (industrial dust, excess gas content in the air and the presence of hazardous substances that a person inhales, electromagnetic radiation, physical overload, etc.);
  • hazardous factors are factors in the presence of which a worker may be injured (open moving parts of machine equipment that cannot be protected by a casing due to the conditions of the technical process).

If an employer has any doubts about what kind of workwear and PPE to issue to an employee, then you can always refer to the certification card; this document contains all the details, so that errors are excluded.

But in addition to SOUT, there are requirements at the legislative level:

  1. The labor legislation states that the employer is obliged to provide the employee with special PPE and RPE clothing in accordance with the standards.
  2. The standards establish what special clothing is required for a certain category of workers and types of production.
  3. The requirements of documents developed at the state level can be recorded in local regulations for the enterprise and organization.

Under any circumstances, the requirements of regulations adopted at the legislative level must not be violated.

On the procedure for providing PPE

How is special clothing, safety footwear, PPE and RPE properly provided at enterprises? The support strategy is developed in a regulatory act, and the requirements of the Rules must be taken into account.

The issuance procedure is fully set out in the intersectoral Rules.

On standard standards for issuing PPE

For convenience, standard standards for issuing PPE have been developed. This document is used by experts when conducting a special assessment of working conditions. They consist of the following columns:

  • names of positions and professions;
  • list of personal protective equipment;
  • standards for issuance (once every 12 months or every 24 months, before wear, once a quarter, etc.);
  • information depending on climate zones and how much is supposed to be issued.

A number of items have notes with information about what is required additionally for certain purposes.

As a clear example, we can consider the following: a turner works on the machine equipment entrusted to him, that is, he is required to wear a cotton suit, boots or sandals, a headdress, and a protective screen. A turner cannot perform work wearing cotton knitted gloves, since he works with constantly moving open mechanisms, and gloves can get into the danger zone and the employee can get injured, but when cleaning chips, a worker cannot do without gloves, he will get hurt.

Then the note states that to clean the workplace it is necessary to provide the employee with gloves. Further, the same turner performs work on removing snow from roofs; therefore, he must be provided with warm special clothing, a safety harness, a helmet and other equipment.

That is, it turns out that the issuance of special clothing, PPE and RPE should be issued specifically to perform immediate tasks, as well as differentiated, based on what additional duties are assigned to the employee. This can be prescribed in standards, determined on the basis of workplaces by expert organizations, but they must be observed.

How is the accounting of workwear and personal protective equipment organized at an enterprise?

Although the availability and accounting of PPE is not the main goal of enterprises and organizations, it should be carefully maintained. Any inspection by government inspectors may test this issue.

If there is no efficiency when taking into account PPE, RPE and workwear, then the following questions may arise:

  • over time, unaccounted for reserves may be unclaimed in the future, since some RPE may lose their operational properties;
  • the required dimensions are not taken into account when purchasing, which ultimately leads to a shortage of the required dimensions;
  • there is no accounting for used workwear and its delivery to the warehouse;
  • no use in accordance with standard issuance standards;
  • there is no way to clearly monitor the use of PPE by workers.

These problems are automatically assigned to the occupational safety specialist.

How is workwear issued?

Organization of distribution of workwear

It is known that the same professions are found in different production sectors, but the standards for issuing are the same for all. It is important to correctly assess which PPE should be chosen for a particular employee.

When issuing workwear, certain rules should be followed, but if the employer additionally provides the employee with PPE, then he does not violate the requirements, but, on the contrary, increases the degree of protection. However, based on some criteria, it is necessary to understand in more detail whether legal requirements are being violated, otherwise the inspection authorities may also show interest in this circumstance.

If for some reason special clothing was purchased from a foreign manufacturer, then it should be checked for compliance with the requirements of Russian standards. In this case, certificates, declarations and other documents must be drawn up, the information in which must comply with the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor.

The timely issuance of PPE must be ensured by the employer in full compliance with the requirements of the regulatory framework. It is also necessary to organize points for the repair and washing of workwear and personal protective equipment at the enterprise.

To record the issue of special clothing to an employee, it is necessary to organize the work as follows:

  • create a special clothing issuance card for each employee;
  • keep records of the issuance of personal protective equipment against signature;
  • control the timely replacement of special clothing and personal protective equipment;
  • when issuing, be guided by the special assessment card for working conditions;
  • replace PPE that has expired ahead of schedule;
  • There must be certificates of conformity for workwear, footwear, PPE and RPE.

Control over the use and issuance of special clothing and personal protective equipment is assigned, as a rule, to an occupational safety engineer or another person appointed by order of the manager.

But in order not to get into trouble before the inspection authorities, the responsible employee is recommended to:

  1. Prepare a list of all working employees, and update it every month, this will make it easier to navigate who was issued what.
  2. Opposite the last name of each employee, you should indicate what exactly he is entitled to, that is, list all workwear and shoes, as well as PPE and RPE.
  3. Opposite each name of PPE it is necessary to indicate which GOST requirements apply to them.
  4. At least once a month, communicate with the supply manager to know the problem of missing personal protective equipment, how they are washed and repaired, and by what rules they are issued.
  5. When checking the issuance of personal protective equipment, you should pay attention to the presence of employee signatures, as well as the timing of issuance and compliance with the requirements of the certificates.
  6. It is also necessary to monitor the washing and repair of workwear.
  7. Monitor how workers use protective clothing when performing work.

The last point can be very difficult: it is not easy to oblige an employee to wear special clothing and PPE, since there are also opinions that not all special clothing is suitable for wearing. In this case, it is recommended to prepare a free form document stating that the employee does not wear PPE.

Initially, another measure of influence can be applied, namely: write a note about the non-use of PPE by the employee at the first stage of control, if he signs in the appropriate column, then part of the blame if an accident occurs due to non-use of PPE will be assigned to him, and if he refuses to sign, then drawing up the act will be the best solution.

An administrative document for the unit must appoint a person responsible for issuing, washing and repairing workwear, this will make it easier to monitor the implementation of this task.

If the employee is not provided with special clothing

Accident due to lack of PPE: consequences

If an employer skimps on the provision of special clothing and personal protective equipment, this may further adversely affect the activities of the enterprise. The following cases may occur:

  1. When conducting inspections, supervisory authorities impose administrative penalties. In any case, both a legal entity and an individual may suffer, namely the manager, occupational safety specialist or farm manager.
  2. If it happens, and it doesn’t matter to what degree of severity the consequences were attributed, then all documents relating to this employee are raised, including the card for issuing special clothing and PPE. Again, depending on the severity of the incident, both administrative and criminal penalties may be imposed.
  3. Inspectors also pay attention to the compliance of the issued workwear with the requirements of the certificates, as well as compliance with the deadlines for issuance and use by employees.

In this video, the engineer will talk about the protective properties of RPE, test methods and rules for selecting RPE in accordance with working conditions at the enterprise:

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Hello everyone, colleagues!

The Russian Ministry of Labor has developed new “Standard standards for the free issuance of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment to workers in cross-cutting professions and positions of all types of economic activity, engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, as well as in work performed in special temperature conditions or related to pollution."

They were approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 9, 2014 No. 997n. The document was registered with the Ministry of Justice on 02/26/2015, officially published on 02/27/2015 and comes into force after 3 months from the date of official publication, that is - 05/28/2015.

In this regard, the Old Standard standards for issuing workwear for cross-cutting professions and positions, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated October 1, 2008 No. 541n, are cancelled.

I recommend that you start studying the new document, look for professions that are available in your organization and bring your local standards for issuing workwear in accordance with the new requirements. It’s good that you can download the document on this site absolutely free.

Download the new Standards for issuing workwear for cross-cutting professions (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 9, 2014 N 997n).

I hope you found this article useful.

In accordance with Article 221 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, workers employed in hazardous industries or production associated with pollution, or associated with special temperature conditions must be provided free of charge with certified work clothing, safety footwear and other personal protective equipment.

Employers, at their own expense, are required to purchase, free and timely issue protective clothing to employees, in accordance with standard standards for issuing protective clothing.

The employer has the right to establish its own standards for the provision of workwear, deviating from the standard standards for issuing workwear and safety footwear that improve the protection of workers.

The standard standards for the free distribution of workwear provide minimum requirements for the composition of personal protective equipment to provide workers with reliable protection from the effects of various adverse factors, pollution and low ambient temperatures.

Standards for issuing workwear for various professions: regulatory framework, procedure and frequency of issuance

In addition to standard standards, in each sector of the national economy there are industry standards for the provision of protective clothing that specify the composition of protective kits for a particular industry. The composition of the protective clothing set, according to the issuance standards, depends on the working conditions, i.e. depending on the employee's specialty.

In the standard standards for the issuance of workwear, in addition to the composition of protective kits for certain professions, the terms of use or wearing periods of products are indicated. Timely replacement of workwear and safety shoes or other personal protective equipment is the responsibility of the employer, and the employer’s responsibilities include organizing the care of workwear, washing and cleaning workwear, and where necessary, organizing dryers for personal protective equipment.

Approximate list of standard standards for the free issuance of workwear

Standard standards for workwear are approved by orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development (until 2005, the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation) by industry and are appendices to such orders. If there are no standard issuance standards for your industry, you need to search among industry standards or use inter-industry standards for the issuance of workwear.

Sector of the economy for which standard standards for workwear have been approved Regulatory document regulating the issuance of workwear
For those employed in the chemical industry Order No. 906N dated August 11, 2011 by the Ministry of Health and Social Development
For workers in the electric power industry Order No. 340N dated April 25, 2011
For workers in the food, meat and dairy industries Order No. 1247N dated December 31, 2010
For metalworking workers Order No. 1104N dated December 14, 2010
For metro workers engaged in maintenance Order No. 1078N dated December 7, 2010
For workers involved in subway construction Orders No. 1077N dated December 7, 2010
For mine workers in the coal and oil shale industry Order No. 722 of November 26, 2007 (as amended on October 28, 2010)
For workers and employees of the fire department, as well as employees engaged in the prevention or elimination of emergency situations Order No. 777N dated September 1, 2010
For employees of enterprises involved in the processing of uranium ore Order No. 1028N dated December 24, 2009
For communication workers Order No. 454N dated June 18, 2010
For oil industry workers Order No. 970N dated December 09, 2009
For investigators Order No. 587N dated August 13, 2009
For workers in road transport, air transport, river transport and sea transport Order No. 357N dated June 22, 2009
For railway workers Order No. 582N ​​dated October 22, 2008
For housing and communal services workers Order No. 543N dated October 3, 2008
For workers in cross-cutting professions from all sectors of the economy Order No. 541N dated October 1, 2008
For agricultural and water workers Order No. 416N dated August 12, 2008
For workers in construction and construction trades Order No. 477 of July 16, 2007
For workers in the mining and metallurgical industries Order No. 873 of December 25, 2006
For potash industry workers Order No. 799 of December 22, 2005
For steel industry workers Order No. 442 dated July 6, 2005
For civilian personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 12 of February 12, 2004

An example of standard standards for issuing workwear for blue-collar occupations by industry

Name of workwear
Ancillary worker, repairman (employed in the denitration and concentration of waste sulfuric acid) Suit for protection against acids and alkalis 1 per year
Underwear 2 sets per year
1 pair per year
2 pairs per year
4 pairs per year
Gloves for protection against acids and alkalis 12 pairs per year
Safety glasses before wear
before wear
2 per year
by the waist
by the waist
by the waist
Repairman (employed at sulfur gas removal installations at thermal power plants) 1 per year
Apron made of polymer materials 2 per year
Leather boots or boots with a protective toe cap 1 pair per year
Rubber boots with protective toe cap 1 pair per year
12 pairs per year
Gloves made of rubber or polymeric materials 6 pairs per year
Protective helmet 1 for 2 years
1 for 2 years
Anti-noise headphones before wear
Suit for protection against alkalis and acids with insulating padding by the waist
Insulated leather boots with protective toe cap by the waist
Felt boots with rubber bottom by the waist
3 pairs per year

An example of standard standards for issuing protective clothing for car drivers by industry

Name of workwear Norm of issue and period of use of workwear
Chemical industry (Order No. 906N dated August 11, 2011)
Car driver Suit for protection against general industrial pollution 1 per year
Waterproof raincoat 1 for 3 years
Leather boots or boots with a protective toe cap 1 pair per year
Rubber boots with protective toe cap 1 pair for 3 years
Polymer coated gloves 12 pairs per year
Protective helmet 1 for 3 years
Balaclava for safety helmet 1 per year
Personal respiratory protection equipment (RPP) before wear
Safety glasses before wear
Anti-noise headphones before wear
Suit with insulating lining for protection against general industrial pollution by the waist
Insulated leather boots with protective toe cap by the waist
Felt boots with rubber bottom by the waist
Frost-resistant gloves with protective coating with insulating liners 6 pairs per year
Electric power industry (Order No. 340N dated April 25, 2011)
Car driver when driving a special vehicle, truck crane, tractor Suit for protection against general industrial pollution 1 per year
Waterproof raincoat 1 for 2 years
1 for 1 year
Leather boots or boots with a protective toe cap 1 pair per year
Rubber boots with protective toe cap 1 pair for 2 years
Polymer coated gloves 12 pairs per year
by the waist
Insulated leather boots with protective toe cap by the waist
Felt boots with rubber bottom by the waist
Frost-resistant gloves with a protective polymer coating with insulating liners 1 pair per year
Car driver when driving a bus and a car Suit for protection against general industrial pollution 1 per year
Waterproof raincoat duty
Signal vest 2nd class of protection 1 for 1 year
Leather boots or boots with a protective toe cap 1 pair per year
Rubber boots with protective toe cap 1 pair for 2 years
Polymer coated gloves 6 pairs per year
Suit with insulating padding by the waist
Insulated leather boots with protective toe cap by the waist
Felt boots with rubber bottom by the waist
Frost-resistant gloves with a protective polymer coating with insulating liners 3 pairs per year
Food industry (Order No. 1247N dated December 31, 2010)
Car driver, vehicle driver, forklift driver, electric and auto trolley driver High visibility signal suit (3rd class of protection) 1 per year
Headdress 1 per year
Insulated signal vest, protection class 2 1 for 1 year
Leather boots with protective toe cap 1 pair per year
Gloves with polymer coating or mittens combined with reinforcing pads 12 pairs per year
High-visibility signal jacket with insulating lining (protection class 3) by the waist

Work clothes in 2018


Today I would like to talk about the timing of wearing workwear in general, and winter clothing in particular.

So, what kind of workwear and to whom issue prescribed in the Model State Regulations. There are quite a lot of them, for different industries. If some professions are not included in industry standards, then most likely you will find them (professions) in “end-to-end” standards (Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 541n dated 10/01/2008).

And here Standards for issuing winter workwear the same for all industries and approved Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 70 of December 31, 1997. These standards provide for the following types winter workwear for employees:

— Jacket with insulating lining;

— Pants with insulating lining;

— Lavsan-viscose jacket with insulating lining;

— Lavsan-viscose trousers with insulating lining;

- Valenki.

The wearing time for winter workwear is determined depending on the climate zone: from 4 years in the 1st belt, up to 1.5 years in the 4th and special belts.

In a special climate zone, in addition to warm workwear, a sheepskin coat is also issued for 4 years, a hat with ear flaps for 3 years, and fur mittens for 2 years.

When constantly working in high mountainous areas warm workwear and warm safety shoes issued: at an altitude of 1000 to 2000 meters above sea level for the wearing periods established for regions of the III climatic zone; at an altitude of 2000 m above sea level and above - for the wearing periods established for regions of the IV climatic zone.

The procedure for issuing workwear, both summer and winter, has been established By Order of the Ministry of Health and Development No. 290n dated June 1, 2009 and stipulates some features of the issuance of winter workwear and the timing of its wearing:

Clause 21 PPE intended for use in special temperature conditions caused by annual seasonal temperature changes are issued to employees at the beginning of the corresponding period of the year, and at its end are handed over to the employer for organized storage until the next season.

The time period for wearing PPE used in special temperature conditions includes the time of their organized storage.

This means that having issued winter workwear for 1.5 years (for example, a special climate zone, like mine), for example in October, having received it for storage from an employee in April, you issue it again in October of the next year, that is The wearing period of winter workwear is 2 seasons.

clause 22 PPE returned by employees after the wear period has expired, but suitable for further use, is used for its intended purpose after taking measures to care for it (washing, cleaning, disinfection, degassing, decontamination, dust removal, neutralization and repair).

The suitability of the specified PPE for further use, the need for and the composition of measures to care for it, as well as the percentage of wear of the PPE are established by an official authorized by the employer or the labor protection commission of the organization (if any) and are recorded in the personal record card for the issuance of PPE.

This is for purposes savings. Naturally, this point cannot be abused, and the condition and suitability for reuse of worn workwear must be objectively assessed.

Let me remind you that the standards for issuing workwear in an organization are drawn up taking into account both the Model State Standards and the results AWS for working conditions.

That's all for today.

Download the standards for issuing winter workwear


In accordance with labor legislation, in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, as well as in work performed in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution, employees are provided with special clothing, shoes and other personal protective equipment (PPE) at the employer’s expense. New rules for such provision have been approved.

The Rules establish mandatory requirements for the acquisition, issuance, use, storage and care of PPE. They apply to all employers.

PPE is provided to employees based on the results of workplace certification and in accordance with standard standards for free issuance. These standards can be improved by local regulations in the organization. An equivalent replacement of PPE is also allowed.

PPE must meet safety requirements. This is confirmed by a declaration of conformity and (or) a certificate of conformity, and in some cases, a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion. Dermatological PPE must have a certificate of state registration.

If the employer has not fulfilled the obligation to provide personal protective equipment established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employee has the right to refuse to perform work duties.

Standard standards for issuing workwear

In this case, disciplinary action will not follow.

The form of a personal registration card for the issuance of personal protective equipment is provided. The period for using PPE is calculated from the date of its actual issue to employees. The employer, at his own expense, carries out dry cleaning, washing, degassing, decontamination, disinfection, neutralization, dust removal, drying, as well as repair and replacement of personal protective equipment.

Previously existing rules have been declared no longer in force.

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated June 1, 2009 N 290n “On approval of intersectoral rules for providing workers with special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment”

Registration No. 14742

This order comes into force 10 days after the day of its official publication


Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of June 1, 2009 N 290n
“On approval of intersectoral rules for providing workers with special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment”

With changes and additions from:

In accordance with paragraph 5.2.70 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004 N 321 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 28, Art. 2898; 2005, N 2, Art. 162; Art. 2008, Art. 1036; Art. 1555; Art. No. 48, Art. 5618; No. 2, Art. 378; No. 12, Art.

1. Approve Intersectoral Rules for Providing Workers with Special Clothing, Special Footwear and Other Personal Protective Equipment in accordance with the Appendix.

2. To recognize as invalid:

Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 18, 1998 N 51 “On approval of the Rules for providing workers with special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 5, 1999, registration N 1700);

Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 29, 1999 N 39 “On introducing amendments and additions to the Rules for providing workers with special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on November 23, 1999, registration N 1984);

Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated February 3, 2004 No. 7 “On introducing amendments and additions to the Rules for providing workers with special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 25, 2004, registration No. 5583).

Terms of wearing winter workwear and nuances

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The employer, at his own expense, provides care for the workwear, i.e. timely dry cleaning, washing, drying, repair, replacement (clause 30 of the Intersectoral Rules for Providing Workers with Work Clothing and PPE, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 290n dated 06/01/2009).

You can organize a centralized workwear service at an enterprise either using your own facilities (equipment for washing, drying, repairing, etc.), or using a contractor (specialized laundry), choosing the option with the best cost/quality of care ratio.

In any case, please note the following:

Firstly, timely washing and repair of workwear is possible if each employee has at least 2 sets of workwear in use.

Secondly, the detergents, stain removers and other preparations used by the laundry must not only effectively remove industrial stains, but also be safe. After washing/dry cleaning, the product must be free of detergent residues.

Thirdly, we need personal labeling of each piece of workwear. Each employee must receive his own suit from the wash, and since the amount of clothing in the enterprise is large, proper personalization is also necessary for quickly sorting and issuing washed clothes. At Interbusiness, for example, workwear is marked on the reverse side with special indelible marks, indicating the customer company and the employee’s full name, as well as the address of the place where the workwear is stored in the customer’s dressing room. If the workers themselves do the marking, then it should be taken into account that: 1. the marking should not be washed off, so ink, etc. not suitable, 2. markings must be made according to one template (location on workwear, format and size of the inscription), 3. markings must be contrasting and clearly visible on the product.

Fourthly, timely repair of workwear should be organized. A specialized dry cleaner/laundry always provides additional services for the repair of workwear. If you use your own facilities to care for workwear, then you cannot do without a sewing area, and this means at least 2 seamstresses (for replacement during vacations, sick leave), sewing equipment and materials for repairs.

Fifthly, it is necessary to ensure temporary storage and safety of clothes after washing, before being issued to employees. For this purpose, the company allocates an equipped room for a pantry/dressing room in accordance with the standards. Recently, special metal cabinets for servicing workwear have proven themselves well. Each such cabinet has 10 individual cells, locked with a key, one cell per employee. For enterprises with up to 200 people, special cabinets for servicing workwear installed in employee locker rooms can be a good alternative to a pantry/dressing room.

Sixth, instruct the storekeeper (wardrobe) to issue special clothing to workers on shift on a daily basis. Also, the cloakroom attendant can carry out incoming quality control of clean workwear,, if necessary, transfer workwear for repair, monitor the timely completion of repairs and prevent the issuance of faulty workwear.

In addition, in cases of damage or wear of workwear, it is necessary to organize the timely replacement of unusable items of workwear with serviceable ones, and also consider the procedure for returning workwear by resigning employees.//