A series of emails sells a specific product. What should the letter series be like? Client series of letters

Well: “Ready-made templates for sales letter series” . Quite useful material for E-mail marketers and entrepreneurs from a famous author. It is forbidden to write the names of the authors, but everyone will recognize the author on their own. The material is not for everyone. Read the description to understand what it is and what it is for. If you don't know what it's for, pass it by. The material can be removed in just a few hours, so be quick! Sent the material WebProwith comment:

Hi all. As usual, there is a lot of savings for the material and in the future it will be drained and resold on bargaining sites and forums. It’s a pity that this useful material went public; soon it will be rubbished everywhere. I’m publishing it here, the material is very cool from a famous author. For many it will be an irreplaceable and valuable gift! In the right hands, huge profits can be generated. Download immediately, do not delay, as the material may be deleted after just a few hours. I set a minimum guide based on the date of registration on the site. It's time to understand that guests are not allowed to download. I set an exclusive tag, since the information is exclusive.

Material may be removed at the request of the copyright holder!

Course Description:

I have prepared one very cool thing for you. This is 160 pages of ready-made templates for selling series of letters and single messages! A real find for an email marketer and infopreneur!

What's included:

  • Templates for a series of sales letters “Benefit-logic-fear”;
  • Templates for an introductory series of letters for a new subscriber;
  • Templates for a series of letters to stir up the interest of a new audience;
  • Templates for a series of letters for customers so that they buy even more from you;
  • Letter series templates for segmenting your subscriber base;
  • Templates for a series of letters to warm up the “cooled reader base”;
  • Templates for a series of letters for new participants in the affiliate program;
  • Templates for a series of letters to increase purchase conversion;
  • Templates for a series of letters to introduce you to your TOP products;
  • Templates for a series of letters with direct advertising of your information products;
  • Templates for a sales series of “useful, but not complete” letters;
  • Templates for a series of 5 letters with special offers;
  • A set of 26 single letters for a different range of tasks;

The download link for this material is available only to registered users of the site. Registration on the site is free and will not take much time. If you already have an account, you can log in.

The material is provided for informational purposes only!

Do you often wonder what emails should be in your newsletter? We analyze all the subtleties and details in this article + video.

Video for the article

Welcome Series

A greeting is 1-2 emails where we introduce ourselves to our audience, join them and show that we understand and know their problems. In this thread, it’s important to show that you understand the pain points and challenges our audience faces.

In these letters we introduce ourselves and say what will be useful in the newsletter. Avoid overt self-promotion. It is important to show your expertise in your first letters. But do it from the point of view of benefit and benefit to the reader. Then your letters will be opened and read with pleasure.

Typically, if you have a sales funnel built, this welcome series consists of 2 emails. The first email is sent immediately after registration. In it you tell about yourself, introduce yourself and say that the requested material will arrive after some time (usually 10-15 minutes). In the second letter, you provide the material for which your readers subscribed (lead magnet).

To summarize, the welcome series includes the following points:

  • what will be in the newsletter
  • who is author
  • what's the benefit
  • why you need to read
  • link to download free material.

Selling series

Selling series are used throughout almost your entire auto funnel. A sales series consists of at least two letters.

Selling series sometimes reach 15-20 letters, i.e. we build interaction and warm up the audience in such a way that we can subsequently sell them a certain product or service.

The selling series involves the inclusion of various triggers, for example:

  • a desire to belong to some community, if this is a group training
  • a logic trigger, when you use numbers, some specific cases and examples to show the results of clients.
  • loss trigger when the offer ends.

Without selling series, there is no financial result for a funnel, no matter how great the entire newsletter is. You can sell not only to a new base, but also to those who have already established themselves as clients. Write sales letters to provide opportunities to buy your other products and materials. Due to this, repeat sales are built.

Content, trust & expertise

These are the letters where you are not selling anything. And if you sell, you do it according to the principle of “selling without sales.” It is important to provide useful content, build trust with the audience and show your expertise.

To do this, you must have a very high-quality design of the target audience’s avatar. As a rule, there should be several of these avatars. For each avatar, you should write down the pain points of the target audience. It is for these pains that you need to prepare content that will help solve problems.

You can publish such a newsletter 1-2 times a week. Content series also work well as a warm-up before the launch of your products or services. How it works? You collect a preliminary list with a certain number of subscribers. Next, you build trust with them through a certain chain of content. This is how you prepare the subscriber for a future purchase.

At the same time, you are not selling “head-on”, but are preparing such a useful series.

You can send this content once a week throughout the database, post it on social networks, etc. When you post useful content like this on social media, be sure to end with a call to action to encourage people to sign up for your free content. This way, you won’t lose an interested audience and will collect a fresh database. A properly built auto funnel will bring you sales.

Client series of letters

The client series is missed by almost the majority of Internet entrepreneurs. You have made a sale and are no longer selling anything to an existing client.

This is a mistake in the marketing system.

In addition to sales, the client series helps bring people to results. If there is a result, there are subsequent sales. If you don't have client results, then you can't prove your expertise in any way.

A customer series is created to help people get results and subsequently make additional purchases within this series.

What kind of letters are these? Imagine you are teaching an 8-week training course. During the first week, a person has a huge charge of motivation. The training has started, there are a lot of emotions, everything is great.

In the third week, as a rule, there is a slight setback and skipping classes begins. Some tasks are not completed or are not completed completely, and work begins carelessly. After a certain amount of time, people begin to participate less actively in the program.

To prevent this from happening, you need a client series.

Perhaps you can record a couple of motivational videos that will tell you how to best get results. Perhaps you will provide some additional materials in the client series.

Throughout the training, several times a week you can give an additional bonus newsletter exclusively to the audience who is undergoing the training.

What to write in such a newsletter? Not necessarily just letters on the topic. Let's say you have traffic training. As soon as your students begin to have clients, the question may arise of how to manage everything, organize projects and not miss anything. A cast about how to manage time or how to get maximum results in minimal time would be very helpful.

Subsequent sales of related materials, trainings, programs, services, products, and so on can be built into the client series.

For example, you are conducting a training course on how to paint with watercolors. You created a client series, told a lot of useful things, and at the end, after completing the training, you can offer the second stage.

Let's say a person has completed your basic program in watercolors or pastels, and then receives an offer to go to the advanced second stage for those who have passed the first stage. The second option is to offer a set of materials for skill courses: brushes, paints, paper, etc. Think about what you can sell as a “trailer” within this series and how you can give the maximum result in this series.

Reanimation series

Over a given period of time, a certain number of people stop opening your letters and reading your newsletter. Every 3 months, it is optimal to send 3-4 letters to this segment of the database to revive the database.

What does it mean to revive subscribers?

This means getting people to start reading your emails and opening your newsletter again. They will be able to move into some new funnel, during which they will become customers again.

What kind of letters are these?

Letters are sent in waves, to those who are not opened each time.

The first letter is sent to everyone. This is a soft format. Topic: “Welcome”, where we remind you what our project is and give some kind of gift (lead magnet for entering a new or old car funnel). Why do we write “Welcome” in the subject? Because the person thinks he has signed up somewhere, and we can interest him.

The second letter is sent to those who did not open the first letter. Topic: “Are you all right?” Inside, we ask the person if they want to continue receiving our newsletter. Here you can recall the benefits and benefits of receiving your letters. In the same letter we repeat the link to the gift. You don’t repeat yourself with gifts and new offers, because you only send the letter to those who didn’t read the first one. Which means I didn’t see your link to the gift.

The third letter is sent to those who did not open the first and second letters. It is tougher and here we can work more assertively. Ask the question: did the person subscribe only because it was free? Or maybe you've lost interest? Say that if the letters are not interesting, you can unsubscribe, or you yourself will remove the reader from the database.

The challenge is that we don't send three emails to everyone. Each time the letters go only to those who have not opened the previous ones. This way you don’t burn out the base.

Over the course of three letters, we work to engage and engage as many people as possible.

A very important aspect is base hygiene.

When people do not read you, you can use any mailing service to filter out those who have not read your letters in the last 3-6 months and do not respond to the resuscitation series. And yes, it will be difficult and you will be sorry to delete them. But this must be done so as not to spoil your statistics.

Before I show you examples of emails for distribution and tell you how to use them, a couple of phrases.

Any person who writes for the purpose of selling has the so-called swipe files. This is something like notes, where the structures of texts, paragraphs and phrases you like are collected.

All this is collected with only one purpose - to speed up and make it easier. Each professional has his own swipe file.

And I want to offer you a similar swipe file (or a checklist of 5 steps) on how to write letters to the mailing list. I use it myself regularly, and I’m sure it will be useful for you too. So let's get started.

In other words, sometimes we send content letters, and sometimes sales ones. Therefore, in this article I will give you examples of both. To be honest, they will differ only in a few elements.

For those who like videos more:

Content emails

The purpose of such letters is to give people some useful content on the topic. For example, if we are preparing a launch (by the way, my report on how I made a launch for 2 million rubles), then such letters can be used for “warming up”.

Important: Just because we share free content with other people does not mean that it does not need to be “sold.”

We need to get people interested and motivated to consume your content. Otherwise, how will people understand that you give them value? “Force” them to consume this value.

Letter header

Its only purpose is to motivate you to open the letter. By the way, you will find templates for the 50 most successful headlines from the world of online business.

Your headline can be related to the story in the letter, or you can build it into a template like:

For the target audience (for bachelors)

For the target audience who wants to benefit (for bachelors who want to have fun on the weekend)

Or you can use other headline templates that I wrote about in the article about the structure of sales text. You can

First sentence/paragraph of the letter

His goal is the same - open the letter and additionally: interest.

In this paragraph, it is best to use any of these triggers: fear, benefit, curiosity.

I'm sure THIS will have a direct impact on you (curiosity)

I just recorded a video for you and it shows you how to get (benefits)

If you don't read this post, but are left alone with your (fear)

By the way, in this paragraph you can highlight some phrase and make it clickable. This will be a link for the quick ones, those who do not want to read the entire letter.

Picture (optional)

If you send people from your letter to watch a video, then it is best to insert a screen of the video into the letter - and make this screen a link so that by clicking on it people can go to the viewing page.

Well, in general, sometimes insert pictures into letters - they increase click-through rates in emails.

History (optional)

Now just write a letter or post using this structure. I hope everything will work out for you 😉

And of course, I can’t rob you of the opportunity to thank me ;).

Over the past two years, the main trend in the information business has been auto funnels. They only talk about them and some even do them.

The effectiveness of the funnel is insignificant - this is a series of letters that sell a specific product and bring in quick income.

Automatic funnel

This is a sales method designed to generate long-term income. A system that turns from a subscriber into a regular customer. Automotive funnels model customer behavior. New product offers are coming in every time. And so on all the time.

It turns out that this is profitable. By attracting a subscriber, you can sell, gradually increasing your income significantly. Detailed step-by-step system for building a funnel

Creation of a product line

Decide on a product, what you will sell immediately and what later.

Perhaps you want to sell yourself and improve your personal effectiveness, money, health, weight loss and delegation. It seems that the products are not compatible with each other.

But this is how you set out to become better. By selling gradually, you develop and upgrade various areas of your business.


Prioritize your ordering and pricing policy in incremental order.

This way you will understand what to sell right away and what to sell last. And in what order?

Make a list of auto funnel niches

Describe your actions to get results for the client. Next, based on them, divide the products into several.


  • creating products, then webinars, seminars and mailings, and only then sales;
  • mass distribution and increasing income, building a company.


The preliminary stage for creating a funnel is forecasting. It is necessary to anticipate the client's behavior and not let the client slip away.

Using a mind map

The main point of forecasting is based on the analysis of the target audience. In order to anticipate the situation, you need to have a good understanding of how customers act.

Writing letters.


  • Lead magnets
  • Landing pages
  • A series of letters to the mailing list
  • Landing Page

Note: for each category of buyers you need to create lead magnets, landing pages and Landing Pages. It’s better to have several, because personal effectiveness training can be sold to businessmen, office workers and idle housewives. Everyone has their own problems and weaknesses.

If the result is unsatisfactory

Automated sales funnels are good because if customers don’t buy one and subsequent products, you provide business training or sell personal effectiveness.

For many info businessmen, a funnel is a large series of letters and products that clarify the needs of clients.

Automotive funnels - systematize and increase sales to a higher level.

What other methods and tools are there to increase profits in the information business?

Reading time: 7 minutes

What is this?

Let's say you are launching a promotion. Send a letter about this. Some won't see the newsletter, some will read it late, and some will simply forget about it on the day of the promotion. One notification is not always effective. People need to be reminded of themselves systematically.

A series of letters is several mailings united by a common topic and purpose. They are sent in stages at certain intervals - after all, each letter has its own task. If this is a promotion, first they notify you about discounts, then they remind you about them, and at the end they invite you to the last day of the sale.

If this is a welcome series, each letter sequentially talks about the brand and introduces products and services.

What series are there?

For each task, you can come up with your own series of letters. I will describe 4 classic scenarios.

Welcome series

Welcome series are the first letters sent to get to know subscribers. 3-8 messages are enough. Welcome emails have the highest open rate, because at the subscription stage they are actively interested in you. These mailings should be thought through thoroughly.

The exact welcome chain plan depends on the specifics of the business. But here are a few universal topics that can be raised in the first letters:

  • Your services, reasons to buy the product
  • Newsletter/site/product guide
  • Handling fears and objections
  • Examples of using
  • Product reviews
  • Meet the team
  • Brand history
  • Gift for subscription

It is not necessary to devote a separate letter to each topic. In the first message you can say hello, tell about your services and give a bonus for signing up. In the second, process objections and include feedback. And in the third, show how to use the product.

Let's see how the famous brand Bonduelle created a welcome series. The first letter is structured according to the following scheme: thank you for subscribing + a guide to the site and Bonduelle newsletter.

The second letter is clearly a continuation of the welcome series. Here is the history of the company and a story about production.


If you are launching a promotion and want to invite as many subscribers as possible, a series of emails is definitely needed. She warms up the audience and regularly reminds about discounts.

Of course, there is no point in warming up your audience for 10 days if you are opening a promotion for a day and are going to sell products with a 5% discount. But if you have a lucrative offer and the promotion lasts for several days, consider a series.

The Austin store launched a clothing sale from March 14 to 17. The brand issued a series of 4 letters - sending reminders every day. It’s easy to see from the headlines how the company attracts subscribers to the promotion. Just don’t confuse the chronology of the mailing: in the mail, the first letter is displayed at the bottom, the last at the top.

The starting letter contains the validity period and conditions of the promotion, as well as a discount promotional code. Nothing extra. The first newsletter was sent on the day of the sale. It was possible to send an additional letter a day before the event. Perhaps more subscribers would pay attention to the offer.

The series is filled with product selections, but not simple ones. Austin offered several looks that can be created from the clothes participating in the promotion. The second letter looks like this.

It's great if you show a little creativity and use examples to explain how your products can be used. The blue Ostin scarf by itself does not look as impressive as when paired with a specific coat, handbag and trousers.

Feel free to add some ambience. Let's say you sell tea sets. Place saucers with tea, sweets and decorative items in the photo, and below describe how great you can have a tea party. Do you agree that this already looks more interesting than just 10 packs of tea placed in a row?


If you have a complex product, use the newsletter for training. Compose several letters in which you show the functionality of the product. Typically, educational series are made to teach a person how to use an online service; these letters are also suitable for information business.

You don’t have to look far for an example of a training series. If you registered with Mailigen, you received 5 educational letters by email.

In these letters, we briefly described how to use the platform and touched on the hottest issues: how to avoid getting into Spam, why segmentation is needed, where to format a letter and what texts to write.

In educational emails, try to include some of the information in graphs, screenshots, or videos. Don't scare people away with long text. By the way, structure it - divide it into points, add lists, highlight the main thing in bold. A person should open the letter, skim through the mailing list and immediately imagine what he will find here.

Reanimation room

Alive or not alive? The purpose of resuscitation is to invigorate the dormant segment and return interest in the newsletter.

If the user has not opened an email for 3 months, a resuscitation chain is started. This is for the B2C segment. Reanimation for B2B is carried out after six months. Terms are conditional. It all depends on the specifics of the business.

Reanimation has its own characteristics. Letters should be sent frequently - make sure there are more of you in the mailbox, become more visible. Use emoticons and CapsLock in your headlines. In the newsletter itself, offer a discount, free shipping or a gift.

The TOPTOP clothing store sent a resuscitation letter by email. By the way, just 2 weeks after I stopped opening letters. It’s too early for a clothing store to start resuscitation – people are simply not ready to buy new dresses and trousers every day.

However, the company noticed that I was not opening the newsletter and collected the most profitable products for me.

The bad thing about this letter is that the bonus is hidden at the end of the letter. If you want to interest a person, start with discounts and individual offers. Ideally, the TOPTOP text would look like this:

Elizaveta, hello!

You haven’t read our letters for a long time, and this saddens us. Perhaps a 20% discount will make shopping in our store more enjoyable. Your individual promotional code XXX. It is valid for the entire new collection for 3 days.

P.S: The body blouse with cranes is cool, right? Only you have a discount on it. Make up your mind!

What else?

Chains are a great way to attract attention. Some series can be configured automatically: that is, letters will arrive when a certain condition is met. For example, a person subscribed to a newsletter. Then the welcome chain or training series is automatically launched. If the user has not opened the newsletter for 3 months, resuscitation will begin.

Promotional series, reminders about an upcoming webinar, festival or concert are usually not automated. Each letter is sent manually, following the intended content plan. Just write in advance what day and time users should receive the newsletter.

If you don't know how to create an email chain for your business, contact us. Call 8 800 770 70 23 or write to team@site.

We will develop letters for your tasks