Your wish is not fulfilled. If your desire is not fulfilled, it means that it has not yet been paid.

"I want" or "I need" - what's the difference? How is desire different from intention? And why - intentions are fulfilled, but desires - often, no?

"I want" or "I need" - what do you think is the difference?

Of course, I'm not talking about the external, imposed "must" now ...

You probably remember how I feel about this.

I'm talking about the internal, exclusively internal "must".

What is the difference?

What is the difference between "I want" and "I need"

"I want" is desire.

The desire to receive ... - nothing, but without investing.

No effort, no action, no time.

Get - without straining.

Well, this is - "at the behest of the pike, at my will ..."

Want, damn it...

Like - let it materialize somehow.

Without my efforts and expenses.

Here's another ... this is not a royal business !!

It's enough that I!! WANTED!!

(Yes, and the books talk about this again!! The main thing is the thought form and the intention to create!

Well, I created it!

Why are you even attached to me??!).

But "I want" is, at the same time, NOT a desire.

Unwillingness - and unwillingness (which is very important!) - for the implementation of their desire to pay.

Actions, efforts, sometimes money...

Not desire...
And NOT readiness ...

Whereas "should", "Me! This!! Must!!" - that is the real intention.

Intention to receive.


Having done EVERYTHING (!!) necessary for this!!

And it feels great even between people.

Do you really think that the Universe is less sensitive?

P.S. At the end of one story - there was a beautiful phrase: "If your desire not executed - it means it has not yet been paid ... "

I would say - a little differently!

If your desire is not fulfilled, then you do NOT WANT to pay for it.

And that means ... - you don’t need it.

What you NEED - you have.
What you don't have, you don't need.

Even if you're trying your best to convince yourself otherwise...

Yourself and... the Universe.

Sergei Muchkin

Have questions - ask them

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

At the back of the universe there is one shop. There has been no sign on the store for a long time, it was once blown away by a space hurricane, and the owner did not begin to nail a new one, because every local resident already knew that the store sells desires. The assortment of the store was huge: you could buy almost everything here.

Huge yachts, apartments, marriage, the post of vice president of a corporation, money, children, a favorite job, big breasts, winning a competition, big cars, football clubs, power, success, diamond rings and much, much more. Only life and death were not sold (this was done by the head office, which was located in another Galaxy).

Everyone who came to the store (and there are, after all, those who wish who have never entered the store, but remained sitting and wishing) first of all found out the price of their desire. The prices were different.

For example, a favorite job was worth giving up stability and predictability, willingness to independently plan and structure your life, faith in your own strengths and permission to work where you like, and not where you need to.

Power cost a little more: you had to give up some of your beliefs, be able to find a rational explanation for everything, be able to refuse others, know your own worth (and it should be high enough), allow yourself to say “I”, declare yourself, despite the approval or disapproval of others.

Some prices seemed strange: marriage could be obtained almost for nothing, but happy life cost a lot: personal responsibility for one’s own happiness, the ability to enjoy life, knowing one’s desires, giving up the desire to fit in with others, a little guilt, the ability to appreciate what one has, allowing oneself to be happy, awareness of one’s own value and significance, refusing bonuses "victims", the risk of losing some friends and acquaintances.

Not everyone who came to the store was ready to immediately buy a wish. Some, seeing the price, immediately turned around and left. Others stood in thought for a long time, counting their cash and wondering where to get more money. Someone started complaining about too high prices and asked the owner for a discount or asked when there would be a sale.

And there were those who took their savings out of their pockets and received their cherished desire wrapped in beautiful, rustling paper. Other buyers looked enviously at the lucky ones, whispering among themselves that, probably, the owner of the store was their friend and they got the desire just like that, without any difficulty.

The store owner was often asked to lower prices in order to increase the number of customers. But he always refused, saying that the quality of desire would suffer from it.

When the owner was asked if he was afraid of going broke, he shook his head and answered that at all times there will be brave souls who are ready to take risks and change their lives, to abandon the usual and predictable life, able to believe in themselves and in their desires, having the strength and means to pay for the fulfillment of their desires.

P.S. There is a sign on the door of the store: "If your wish is not fulfilled, then it has not yet been paid."

There was a shop in the city. There was no sign on the store for a long time, it was once blown away by a hurricane, and the owner did not nail a new one, because every local resident already knew that the store sells desires.

The assortment of the store was huge: you could buy almost everything here.
Huge yachts, apartments, marriage, the post of vice president of a corporation, money, children, a favorite job, a beautiful figure, winning a competition, big cars, football clubs, power, success, diamond rings and much, much more. Only life and death were not for sale. Everyone who came to the store (and there are, after all, those who wish who have never entered the store, but stayed at home and just wish) first of all found out the price of their desire.

The prices were different.
For example, a favorite job was worth giving up stability and predictability, willingness to plan and structure your life on your own, faith in your own strengths and permission to work where you like, and not where you need to.

Power cost a little more.
You had to give up some of your beliefs, be able to find a rational explanation for everything, be able to refuse others, know your own worth (and it should be high enough), allow yourself to say “I”, declare yourself, despite the approval or disapproval of others.

Some prices seemed strange: marriage could be obtained almost for nothing, but a happy life was expensive: personal responsibility for one’s own happiness, the ability to enjoy life, knowing one’s desires, giving up the desire to conform to others, a slight sense of guilt, the ability to appreciate what is, allowing oneself to be happy, awareness of one's own value and significance, rejection of "victim" bonuses, the risk of losing some friends and acquaintances.

Not everyone who came to the store was ready to immediately buy a desire.
Some, seeing the price, immediately turned around and left. Others stood in thought for a long time, counting the cash, and thinking about where to get more money. Someone began to complain about too high prices and asked the owner for a discount or asked when there would be a sale. And there were those who took out their savings from their pockets and received their cherished desire. Other buyers looked enviously at the lucky ones, whispering among themselves that, probably, the owner of the store was their friend and they got the desire just like that, without any difficulty.

The store owner was often asked to lower prices in order to increase the number of customers. But he always refused, saying that the quality of desire would suffer from it. When the owner was asked if he was afraid of going bankrupt, he shook his head and replied that at all times there will be brave souls who are ready to take risks and change their lives, give up the usual and predictable life, able to believe in themselves and their desires, having the strength and means to pay for the fulfillment of their desires.

How much is your wish worth? And are you ready for it?

P.S. And on the door of that store hung a notice: "If your desire is not fulfilled, then it has not yet been paid."

At the back of the universe there was one shop. There was no sign on it for a long time - it was once blown away by a hurricane, and the owner did not begin to nail a new one, because every local resident already knew that the store sells desires.

The assortment of the store was huge, you could buy almost everything here: huge yachts, apartments, marriage, the post of vice president of a corporation, money, children, your favorite job, a beautiful figure, winning a competition, big cars, power, success and much, much more. . Only life and death were not sold - this was done by the head office, which was located in another galaxy.

Everyone who came to the store (and there are, after all, those who wish who have never entered the store, but stayed at home and just wish) first of all found out the price of their desire.

The prices were different. For example, a favorite job was worth giving up stability and predictability, willingness to independently plan and structure your life, faith in your own strengths and permission to work where you like, and not where you need to.

Power cost a little more: you had to give up some of your beliefs, be able to find a rational explanation for everything, be able to refuse others, know your own worth (and it should be high enough), allow yourself to say “I”, declare yourself, despite the approval or disapproval of others.

Some prices seemed strange - marriage could be obtained almost for free, but a happy life was expensive: personal responsibility for one's own happiness, the ability to enjoy life, knowing one's desires, giving up the desire to match others, the ability to appreciate what is, allowing oneself to be happy, awareness of one's own value and significance, rejection of "victim" bonuses, the risk of losing some friends and acquaintances.

Not everyone who came to the store was ready to immediately buy a wish. Some, seeing the price, immediately turned around and left. Others stood in thought for a long time, counting their cash and wondering where to get more money. Someone began to complain about too high prices, asked for a discount or was interested in a sale.

And there were those who took out all their savings and received their cherished desire, wrapped in beautiful rustling paper. Other customers enviously looked at the lucky ones, gossip that the owner of the store is their friend, and they got the desire just like that, without any difficulty.

The store owner was often asked to lower prices in order to increase the number of customers. But he always refused, because the quality of desires would also suffer from this.

When the owner was asked if he was afraid of going broke, he shook his head and answered that at all times there will be brave souls who are ready to take risks and change their lives, to abandon the usual and predictable life, able to believe in themselves, having the strength and means to in order to pay for the fulfillment of their desires.

And on the door of the store for a good hundred years there was an announcement: "If your desire is not fulfilled, it has not yet been paid."

Minakova Julia

PARABLE: Wish Store

At the back of the universe there is one shop. The sign on the store has been gone for a long time, it was once blown away by a space hurricane, and the owner did not nail a new one, because every local resident already knew that the store sells desires.

The assortment of the store is huge: here you can buy almost everything. Huge yachts, houses, marriage, the post of vice president of a corporation, money, children, a favorite job, big breasts, winning a competition, big cars, football clubs, power, success and much, much more. Only life and death were not sold (this was done by the head office, which was located in another galaxy). Everyone who came to the store (and there are, after all, those who wish who have never entered the store, but remained sitting on their butt and only wanting) first of all found out the price of their desire. The prices were different. For example, a favorite job was worth giving up stability and predictability, the willingness to independently plan and structure your life, faith in your own strengths and allow yourself to work where you like, and not where you need to.

Power cost a little more: you had to give up some of your beliefs, be able to find a rational explanation for everything, be able to refuse others, know your own worth (and it should be high enough), allow yourself to say “I”, declare yourself, despite the approval or disapproval of others.

Some prices seemed strange: marriage could be obtained almost for nothing, but a happy life was expensive - personal responsibility for one's own happiness, the ability to enjoy life, knowing one's desires, giving up the desire to conform to others, a slight sense of guilt, the ability to appreciate, then, what it is, allowing yourself to be happy, awareness of your own value and significance, rejection of “victim” bonuses, the risk of losing some friends and acquaintances ...

Not everyone who came to the store was ready to immediately buy a wish. Some, seeing the price, immediately turned around and left. Others stood in thought for a long time, counting the cash, and thinking about where to get more money. Someone began to complain about too high prices and asked the owner for a discount or asked when there would be a sale. And there were those who took out their savings from their pockets and received their cherished desire, wrapped in beautiful, rustling paper. Other buyers looked enviously at the lucky ones, whispering among themselves that, probably, the owner of the store was their friend and they got the desire just like that, without any difficulty.

The store owner was often asked to lower prices in order to increase the number of customers. But he always refused, saying that the quality of desire would suffer from it. When the owner was asked if he was afraid of going broke, he shook his head and answered that at all times there will be brave souls who are ready to take risks and change their lives, to abandon the usual and predictable life, able to believe in themselves and in their desires, having the strength and means to pay for the fulfillment of their desires ...