How to open an apartment cleaning business. Opening a cleaning company

The cleaning business is a new but promising direction for our country. The popularity of the cleaning service is growing every year.

The fact is that such a business is a very profitable investment and, with a skillful approach, can bring a stable profit. Today, the market for such services remains a free niche, giving young companies a chance to thrive in a new field. However, the path to success is not so easy: there is a lot of organizational work ahead, difficulties and failures are possible. However, as in any other business.

Historical reference

The idea of ​​making money from cleaning comes from the USA, where the service made its presence known at the beginning of the 20th century. Today, the Western cleaning industry is a developed structure with billions in turnover. For example, in Germany, which is small in area and population, about 300 thousand cleaning companies operate, and in Poland their number is approaching 60 thousand.

The domestic services market lags noticeably behind its advanced colleagues.

There is a logical explanation for this. In our country, people heard about cleaning only in the early 90s. The first companies had to constantly prove the necessity of their existence. They had to fight for every client, since the majority were very skeptical about the activities of such companies, believing that anyone could handle such a simple task as cleaning, and for a lower price.

Gradually, society began to place higher demands on the quality of the environment in which we work or relax. In this regard, the concept of “cleaning” has become firmly established in our lives, and the service has become relevant, opening a new direction for far-sighted businessmen. Today business is developing dynamically in all regions. However, Moscow remains the leader in the number of cleaning companies.

Opening a cleaning company: first steps

Those who have decided to organize such a business are concerned with the question: how to open your own cleaning company from scratch? What is needed for this?

First, it is worth determining which of two ways the company will develop:

  • Work with one client on a contractual basis and provide specific services that the client needs. At the same time, gradually expand the range of services, attracting potential clients
  • Specialize in any one area of ​​activity. For example, provide services only for wet and general cleaning of premises, post-renovation tidying of apartments or offices. You can work in narrow areas, such as washing windows, cleaning carpets and sofas, and tidying up the surrounding area.

Purchase of equipment: what and how much?

Any business requires investment. As for cleaning, you don’t need a lot of start-up capital. Costs will directly depend on the scale of the upcoming enterprise, as well as income. If you are planning to open a small cleaning company, then at first you can even do without an office. You can receive calls from clients at home and send a team to the right address. But without equipment and personnel, it will not be possible to carry out activities.

The minimum set of cleaning tools and consumables includes:

  • Modern washing vacuum cleaner (1 piece)
  • Chemical detergents (1 type for each specific purpose)
  • A set of special napkins, rags, brushes (minimum 2 sets)
  • Machines for cleaning furniture, carpets, floor coverings (1 piece each)
  • Vehicle for transporting employees (1 piece).

The above list is not final; it can be supplemented with other materials to ensure cleanliness, depending on the specialization of the company and the volume of services provided.

To open a more or less large company, you will need additional highly specialized and sometimes expensive equipment.

A rotary machine, for example, will serve for deep cleaning of stone floors. The more equipment a company has in its arsenal, the more diverse the range of services it provides, and therefore the larger its client base.


A small cleaning company, as well as a large one, cannot do without a staff of specialists. As practice shows, you will need several groups of workers.

Girls do the best job of cleaning, so the team is formed of 3-4 women from 25 to 45 years old and one male foreman, who, if necessary, will help move or move heavy objects and equipment.

To receive orders from clients and distribute employees to sites, an operator-dispatcher is needed, as well as a minibus driver to deliver workers to the site. If the company is large, you will have to hire a director, secretary, lawyer and accountant.

When recruiting staff, you will have to face a problem - staff turnover, since working as a cleaner is not the most presentable in our country. It will also not be easy to find honest workers for a small salary who will not encroach on the material assets of the owners for whom they are cleaning. This is very important, because a self-respecting cleaning company values ​​its reputation and is obliged to guarantee the safety of customers’ property.

You can find decent and undemanding staff in the following ways:

  • submitting advertisements to newspapers and job sites;
  • recruitment agency services – a little expensive, but guaranteed qualified workers;
  • through personal connections - there will always be relatives and friends who know someone who would like to earn extra money.

Search for clients

At first, you will have to continuously search for potential clients and actively earn a reputation, which will later work for you, and orders will “flow like a river” themselves. Therefore, you will have to call organizations, offering your services, and back them up with strong arguments about why you should contact your company. It would be a good idea to send out commercial offers.

In a big city there will be no shortage of clients. First of all, shopping centers, offices, manufacturing plants, warehouses need professional and prompt cleaning, and private cottages and apartments close the list.

It is worth focusing on small office premises, since in the first months it will be difficult for the company to find cleaning products for large enterprises.

For a beginning cleaning company, it would be better to find a potential client in advance, and only then rent an office and hire staff. It is important to attract regular customers, because one-time orders will not cover the costs of maintaining an office, taxes and salaries.

Business plan

The business plan of a cleaning company will depend on the size of the organization and the nature of the services provided. Simply put, it is a step-by-step guide of actions that an entrepreneur must follow to achieve his goal.

A business plan is drawn up based on the financial model of the cleaning company. It is an electronic scheme for the movement of funds, which helps to predict upcoming activities, expressing performance in monetary terms.

Basic expenses

Costs can be divided into two types: cost of services and operating expenses.

  1. In the first case, funds are needed to purchase equipment, work tools and cleaning supplies. You cannot do without office furniture, office equipment, a car, as well as gas and maintenance costs.
  2. The second group includes costs for renting office space, taxes, administrative needs, and paying salaries to employees.

Approximate expenses and income are presented in the table. The average prices in the country for these services are taken as a basis. The prices are approximate, because the cleaning company names the exact amount after clarifying the volume and complexity of the work.

It is impossible to calculate the exact income of the company, since the number of orders and their specifics are unknown. At approximately the first time, revenue will not exceed 100,000 rubles. Thus, the funds spent will be fully returned no earlier than in a year. In the future, profits will increase as new customers appear.

Watch a video about the success story of the owner of a cleaning company


Starting from the first day, you should clearly regulate your pricing policy. Moreover, it is important to understand what price a potential client in your area is willing to pay.

The approximate cost of work is shown in the table:

According to statistics, the profitability of a cleaning business is 20-25%.

Full payback occurs after a year and a half of work. Although some of the most successful companies manage to achieve profitability in 40% , thereby reducing the period during which they fully return the invested funds.

Let's consider an approximate diagram of the development of events. Let's say it works for you 10 cleaning man. This is approximately 2 brigades. Considering that the working day is 8 hours, and cleaning one object requires 1.5 hours plus travel time. In total, each team will be able to work on 5 objects.

Total 2*5= 10 completed orders. If the cost for one order is 2000 rubles, then per day it turns out to be 20,000 rubles.

For a month 30*20000=300000 rubles of income.

Monthly salary expenses will be about 150,000 rubles, plus taxes, utilities, rent and purchase of cleaning supplies 50,000.

It turns out that the net profit, at best, will remain about 100,000 rubles per month.

Provided that you have invested in the business from 500,000 to 1,000,000 rubles, it will take you a year to cover all costs and start working at a profit.

When opening a cleaning company, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the demand for the services provided is not constant - it is seasonal. Therefore, you immediately need to think about possible related types of business. These include the sale of household chemicals, recruitment of personnel to work at home (nanny, nurse, visiting cleaner), garden care, garbage removal, snow removal.

Finding your uniqueness in pure business

If you plan and organize the work correctly, cleaning can turn out to be a very profitable enterprise. Let us note that from the first steps you need to focus on concluding long-term contracts and earning your credibility with the quality of the services provided. But maintaining a top-level reputation is sometimes even more difficult than earning it. It is necessary to constantly develop the service and improve in everything, to find your own zest.

Cleaning premises with special means and equipment

For effective and efficient cleaning of premises, special equipment is needed. Of course, the choice of equipment depends on the types of services provided. A self-respecting company should acquire not only professional household chemicals, but also specialized equipment.

Such as:

  • Vacuum cleaners (for dry cleaning, washing, brush, dry cleaning, carpet washing)
  • Dryer for carpets, furniture, floors
  • Steam generator
  • Floor cleaning machine, rotary machine, disc machine or floor polisher
  • Furniture cleaning device using foam
  • Sweeper

When working, you need to use modern cleaning products that can cope with any contamination. Otherwise, what is the point of a client paying for a service?

Innovative methods of dealing with dirt are professional, high-quality household chemicals.

It can be alkaline, neutral or acid-based. When working with the latter, take care of protective gloves for workers. Cleaning products are designed to specifically remove dirt from specific surfaces.

So, specialized household chemicals are:

  • For bathroom,
  • for kitchen,
  • for floors,
  • for furniture and carpets,
  • for dishes,
  • for windows,
  • universal for all surfaces.

Cleaning company specialists must leave behind not only a perfectly clean room. It is important to take care to eliminate unpleasant odors and destroy all pathogens. Special deodorizing products will help with this. It is better to purchase products from well-known brands in order to protect yourself from counterfeiting and not risk the company’s reputation.

Important! When working, you should use the most safe drugs and products for health.

By focusing on the eco-friendliness of your cleaning, you can win more customers, especially among individuals.

Additional services

In addition to a number of standard services for putting things in order in offices and private homes, which include: daily wet and general cleaning, dry cleaning of upholstered furniture and textiles, washing windows and facades, post-repair cleaning and work on a personal plot, additional services can be provided.

Today, successfully developing companies offer clients services in:

  • waste disposal,
  • disinfection of premises.
  • cleaning interior items, dishes,
  • getting rid of plaque and mold,
  • washing clothes, curtains, bedspreads, removing stains,
  • washing the stove, refrigerator and others.

Cleaning ventilation shafts is not exactly the specialty of a cleaning company, but if you can do it, then why not.

If your company’s specialists can clean huge windows on the 45th floor of a skyscraper, this will only add more clients to you. But keep in mind that the costs for this service will not be small.

Nuances of work

Cleaning, like any other type of business, involves the presence of pitfalls, which, when faced with, the owner of the company must be fully armed.

To succeed in business means not only to perform your work responsibly and efficiently every day, but also to win the respect of clients thanks to a high level of professionalism, punctuality and flexible prices.

In a small town

If you are planning to open a cleaning company in a small provincial town, then be prepared for the fact that you will have to fight for survival. And in the literal sense, because in small towns many people still don’t even know the word “cleaning”.

The positive thing is that there are no competitors; the main thing is that there is a need for your services.

If you are one hundred percent sure that you will definitely find clients, then you can safely start a business. It would be useful to first find a potential customer for long-term cooperation.

Even in small towns there are shopping and entertainment centers, administrative buildings, offices, factories. They will become the clients of the cleaning company. The main thing is to be able to competently attract them. To do this, you need to constantly advertise your services in every possible way: in print media, on television, and also maintain a competent pricing policy.

Alternatively, payment for services to regular customers can be deferred by providing a loan. To promote your business, it’s a good idea to organize a presentation of your services and, as a bonus, the first free cleaning.

In a highly competitive environment

The largest number of cleaning companies is observed in large cities. It is not surprising, since the metropolis is a vast field for conducting such a business. Even in conditions of fierce competition, not a single company (provided that quality services are provided) will be left without work.

In Russia, cleaning is a young business, so making a profit is not difficult. The most developed cities in this regard are Moscow and St. Petersburg. But even there it’s only 15% of the total number of enterprises are serviced by cleaning companies. So the prospects for starting your own business are very bright.

To be fair, it is worth noting that it is very difficult for a small novice cleaning company to survive in such conditions. You must either initially have connections that will ensure at least initial orders, or immediately declare yourself as a cleaning monster with all the attendant costs for purchasing equipment and funds.

Open your own cleaning company and win

However, surviving the competition and taking a place in the sun is a troublesome task that requires some effort. It is not so easy to attract new clients; you need to convince management to seek services from your company.

Business development methods

To successfully promote business, simply offering your services by phone and email is not enough. It is necessary to carry out a whole range of measures to attract customers, focus them on concluding long-term contracts, as well as constantly improve the quality of service, train staff and use modern equipment.

To promote your company in the services market, you must:

  1. Actively use advertising. You can distribute leaflets, booklets, and stick a poster on a company car.
  2. Analyze your activities, determine the future direction of work, keep up with the times.
  3. To meet the client’s wishes as much as possible, to do everything and even more for him.
  4. Always be in touch and open to communication.
  5. Organize free consultations and your employee’s visit to the site for assessment.
  6. Don't skimp on worker uniforms. This will have a positive impact on the company's image.
  7. Conduct regular training and instruction among staff. A person working for you must be able to talk to a client (and this is not only for administrators and dispatchers), and be able to provide minimal information about the progress of work and possible nuances.
  8. Treat your regular customers with care and send them greeting cards. This will not hit your budget, but will leave the most pleasant impressions about your company. This way you will receive a positive recommendation from the client, which is rightfully considered the best advertising.
  9. Carry out promotions and give discounts to regular customers.

To summarize, we can say with confidence that the cleaning business is a great way to start making money in a new, rapidly developing area. Modern society does not accept the image of an eternally dissatisfied cleaning lady in a dirty robe. She is being replaced by active cleaning professionals who do their work quickly and efficiently. If you play this card correctly, you can become a fairly successful businessman.

Just 25 years ago, no one knew what a cleaning company was, but today more than 600 companies operating in this field compete with each other on the market. These companies provide cleaning services for commercial and private premises, washing facades and windows, and cleaning areas after renovations or fires.

Starting in the apartment cleaning niche is low-cost, but such a business does not bring much profit. There are much more opportunities to earn money from those companies that specialize in working with commercial, warehouse, and production spaces, although it is almost impossible to get such an agreement for a newly opened cleaning company - the market has long been divided between large organizations providing a full range of services.

This article describes a step-by-step plan for opening a medium-sized cleaning company, estimates the initial costs and profitability of the enterprise, and also considers the option of starting a franchise business.

1. Analysis of the cleaning services sector

First, you need to assess the capacity of the business within the geographic location of the entrepreneur. Areas in which cleaning services are most in demand:

  • wholesale and retail trade in large areas (indoor warehouses, hyper- and supermarkets, exhibitions and sales in exhibition centers);
  • private medical centers (multidisciplinary commercial clinics, beauty and health centers, bath and spa complexes);
  • class A and B office buildings;
  • premises of workshops and warehouses of “clean” industries (food, processing, light industry);
  • cottage villages within the city with a large number of multi-storey private houses;
  • construction companies and design bureaus delivering ready-made turnkey projects;
  • entertainment sector (children's playgrounds, shopping centers, banquet halls, night clubs).

It is worth thinking about organizing a cleaning business if there are contractual prospects with clients from the listed categories. You should not count on large profits from cleaning apartments or small offices. Despite the significant growth in this area recently, most of the work here is done independently, with the help of a salaried cleaner or a visiting assistant.

The exception is megacities, where the “Maintenance Cleaning” service is gaining popularity. The low price of entry into this niche has generated a high level of competition with constant price dumping, frequent marketing promotions and constant improvement of the website interface for prompt ordering of services. For one-time and seasonal work (window washing, general cleaning, washing the premises after renovation), the customer, as a rule, chooses the most attractive offer in terms of price, without becoming a regular customer of a particular company.

2. Business registration

Work without registering a business can be carried out if the entrepreneur himself single-handedly provides one-time cleaning services. In this case, it is possible to conclude a contract or a contract for the provision of paid services between the customer and the contractor. However, this form of relationship does not exempt the parties from paying taxes. The client organization is obliged to pay income tax and all social payments to the contractor. If the client is an individual, the income tax is paid by the contractor in form 3-NDFL.

An entrepreneur can hire staff and provide services under a contract only after the legal registration of the business.

Choosing a name

One of the most important stages that must be completed before registering a company is deciding on a name. Recognition in the market, degree of trust, difference from competitors and the design of the advertising campaign: logo and slogan depend on this.

You should make sure that the chosen name does not sound similar to the names of competitors. The most common names in this area are derived from the words cleanliness, cleaning, cleaning and their derivatives. Cute names like “Moidodyr”, “Cinderella”, “Domovenok” will not add prestige in the eyes of large customers.

The company logo should be made clear, light, bright: the client should understand what is presented in the picture or in the name at first glance. You can check this by interviewing your acquaintances and friends - if it takes them a lot of time to determine the area for which the logo was created, it is better to change it.

Logo options for cleaning companies

Organizational and legal form

In practice, contract agreements are much more readily concluded with enterprises than with individuals. But to choose a legal form, you need to decide who the client is and what requirements he has for contractors.

Small private firms, entrepreneurs, and the public, as a rule, have nothing against one-time work with individual entrepreneurs. Therefore, it is preferable to choose this form and the simplified tax regime of 6% to optimize payments to the budget.

At the same time, constant interaction with simplified companies is not beneficial for enterprises that work with VAT. Such clients hire outsourced cleaning companies or enter into an agreement based on the results of a competition, and to work with them it is necessary to open an LLC and apply a general tax regime.

The disadvantage of working in general mode is the mandatory maintenance of accounting and personnel records. That is, payment for the services of a professional will be required from the very opening of the company. However, this option allows you to conclude large contracts, participate in tenders and make a profit of a different order than when working with private individuals. Therefore, for business in this area, it is preferable to open an LLC. Next, we will consider all examples specifically for this organizational and legal form.

OKVED codes

In the new OKVED-2 classifier, cleaning activities for premises and territories are included in group 81, the subgroup is selected depending on the types of services that the organization will provide. As the main code, you can specify 81.29.9 “Other cleaning and housekeeping activities,” and when providing additional services for dry cleaning of carpets or furniture at home, you should also indicate code 96.01 “Washing and dry cleaning of textiles.”

81 Maintenance activities for buildings and grounds
81.2 Cleaning and tidying activities
81.21 General building cleaning activities

This grouping includes:

General (non-specialized) cleaning of all types of buildings: office premises, houses or apartments, factories; shops, institutions;

General (non-specialized) cleaning of other business and professional premises and multi-apartment residential buildings.

This type of activity refers primarily to cleaning the interior of buildings, although it may include cleaning adjacent exterior areas such as windows and walkways.

81.22 Other cleaning and tidying activities of residential buildings and non-residential premises

This grouping includes:

Cleaning of interior spaces in buildings of all types, including institutions, offices, factories, factories, shops, institutes and other commercial and professional institutions and multi-apartment residential buildings;

Cleaning of chimneys, fireplaces, stoves, stoves, incinerators, boilers, ventilation shafts, exhaust fans;

Cleaning of production equipment;

Other cleaning activities of buildings and industrial facilities.

81.29 Other cleaning and tidying activities

This grouping includes:

Cleaning and maintenance of swimming pools;

Cleaning and washing of trains, buses, airplanes, etc.;

Cleaning the internal parts of tankers and tankers;

Disinfection and disinfestation of buildings and equipment;

Bottle washing;

Clearing streets and buildings of snow and ice;

Providing other washing and cleaning services.

81.29.2 Street sweeping and snow removal
81.29.9 Other cleaning and tidying activities not included in other categories
96.0 Activities providing other personal services
96.01 Washing and dry cleaning of textiles and fur products

This grouping includes:

Collection of laundry for washing and delivery to clients after washing;

Cleaning and washing carpets, draperies, drapes and drapes in clients' premises or other areas.

Required documents

Cleaning services for premises and territories are not subject to licensing, and therefore a standard package of documents is required to start activities. It includes a passport, an application for opening an LLC, a participant’s decision, a charter and a receipt for payment of a fee. If the founder does not own the premises that provide the address for registering a legal entity, then a letter of guarantee from the owner is also required.

The easiest way to register a company is through the MFC or online on the State Services website. The standard readiness period is 3 working days, in some cases delays of up to two weeks are possible.

After registration, you must complete a number of mandatory actions: order a stamp, open a current account, and officially hire employees. By the 20th, submit a report on the average number of employees, and within 4 months - pay the full amount of the authorized capital.

3. Assortment management

The services provided are divided into external (yard cleaning, swimming pool cleaning, washing windows, sidewalks) and internal (all types of indoor cleaning) work, cleaning with mechanical tools (brooms, mops, rags) and using equipment (high pressure washers, polishing machines, dryers) cars), daily or seasonal. It is necessary to decide on the list of services at the initial stage of opening a business, since the capital costs of purchasing equipment depend on this.

Many companies do not engage in exterior work and facade cleaning, since this niche is often occupied by industrial climbers who are certified to work at heights. These services can be introduced later, with the expansion of the business or at the request of a regular client in need of a complex of works.

An approximate list of work that should be included in the list of services of a newly opened cleaning company is given in the table.

For each position, you must have a list of works or a checklist, as well as a list of additional services that are provided for a fee.

Mandatory and additional services included in apartment cleaning

For large industrial enterprises and retail spaces, checklists are developed based on existing cleanliness standards.

The standard price list also includes additional items that allow you to attract the interest of a new client and create a competitive advantage. For example, cleaning an apartment before leaving the maternity hospital, characterized by using only environmentally friendly, natural cleaning products and treating all surfaces with steam. Customers will also be interested in pool cleaning, parquet polishing, express cleaning after a party and other interesting offers that do not require the company owner to purchase additional equipment or hire additional staff.

Sample checklist for cleaning a production workshop

4. Equipment purchase

Cleaning private apartments and cottages is possible without purchasing expensive equipment. It is enough to buy buckets, mops, brooms. You can even borrow a vacuum cleaner and a stepladder from the client. However, this approach to doing business will not inspire confidence in a large client and will not bring much profit.

For manual cleaning, you will need to spend at least 60 thousand rubles on equipment:

  • universal cleaning carts – from 15 thousand rubles;
  • mops for dry and wet cleaning – from 5 thousand rubles;
  • replacement buckets for carts - from 400 rubles;
  • window cleaning kit – from 10 thousand rubles;
  • scoops, brushes, scrapers - from 200 rubles.

If a cleaning business is created, as recommended, for a large client, then even a minimal set of equipment will have to spend 250 thousand rubles. Cleaning machines are used daily and for a long time, and therefore the quality of work of the cleaning company directly depends on the quality of their assembly, reliability and warranty conditions of the manufacturer.

The first stage of cleaning is to clear the room of large debris and dust. Traditionally, a broom and dustpan are used for this, but to increase productivity in large areas, a sweeper is purchased. This equipment is suitable for cleaning workshops, warehouses, medical and commercial institutions as preparation for floor washing, as well as for outdoor work.

Sweepers are:

  • mechanical (from 10 thousand rubles), the drive shaft of which activates the movement of the wheels, are used in medium-sized rooms;
  • rechargeable batteries (about 100 thousand rubles) are charged from the mains, suitable for working in narrow aisles of medium size;
  • with an internal combustion engine (from 150 thousand rubles), using gasoline or diesel as fuel, used in cleaning large open areas;
  • with a seat for the operator (about 500 thousand rubles), used at large production facilities with a continuous dry cleaning cycle.

It is most convenient to use a machine with a suction mechanism, a waste bin and a dust collector. You should also pay attention to which floor coverings a specific model is recommended for: linoleum and ceramic tiles are easily damaged if improperly cleaned. A neat, environmentally friendly and silent model to start with is the EurekaPicobello 151.

To wet clean the floor, you will need a scrubber dryer. Modern models have a built-in vacuum system, which allows you to dry the surface immediately after washing and avoid purchasing a floor dryer. Additional equipment with special brushes allows the device to work also with carpets. Scrubber dryers are divided into:

  • network (from 60 thousand rubles) require a 220 V or 230 V cable no more than 20 m long for operation, which is suitable for small and medium-sized rooms;
  • battery batteries (from 120 thousand rubles) are distinguished by maneuverability and ease of use in rooms with furniture and warehouse equipment;
  • with a seat or standing place for the operator (from 420 thousand rubles) are used for continuous cleaning of hypermarkets, hospitals, large production workshops;
  • single-disc (about 30 thousand rubles) for washing hard-to-reach places, stairs, window sills and other small-area coverings are necessary for enterprises providing cleaning services for multi-storey buildings or private cottages.

The most versatile of them are battery-powered devices, for which the presence of furniture in the room is not a hindrance, which means they can be used for washing areas for various purposes. For example, the GhibliRolly 7 scrubber dryer can be used in small spaces with a 230 V connection.

To clean carpets and furniture, you need a professional vacuum cleaner. They can perform dry or wet cleaning; there are also models that combine both types of work and are even capable of sucking up liquid dirt. Vacuum cleaners come in different types:

  • construction ones (from 10 thousand rubles) absorb concrete dust, shavings, large fragments of debris and often have increased wear resistance and a stainless steel body;
  • for dry cleaning (from 5 thousand rubles) differs from household models in power, cord length, noiselessness;
  • detergents (from 20 thousand rubles) can be used both dry and wet cleaning, and due to their compact size they are often used in everyday life;
  • water vacuum cleaners (from 7 thousand rubles) suck up large amounts of liquid, which is necessary in production in various fields of industry;
  • backpack (from 15 thousand rubles), convenient shoulder design, used in rooms with narrow passages: airplanes, cinema halls, stairs;
  • brushes (from 25 thousand rubles) cope best with long-pile carpets, which is important for hotels, kindergartens and administrative institutions.

The most functional for small cleaning companies are washing vacuum cleaners with dry cleaning capabilities. For example, the Delvir WDC PLUS model combines both functions and additional dry cleaning.

To eliminate odors, fungi, mold, rust, and greasy stains from surfaces, use a professional steam generator. For this equipment there are various replaceable attachments that expand the scope of use. The BieffeMagicVapor steam generator has an iron-shaped attachment that allows you to iron and steam clothes and bedding.

Since services are provided on the customer’s premises, transport in this type of business is much more important than an office. The car must be well-groomed, clean, ideally a minivan with company advertising on the body. A used PeugeotPartner, for example, on the secondary market costs about 400 thousand rubles. It is better to hire staff for home cleaning without special equipment with personal transport, compensating for the costs of depreciation and fuel.

5. Selection of consumables

Professional cleaning requires special products that differ from household ones in concentration, strength of impact on dirt, safety for others and large packages:

  • universal cleaner for all types of surfaces - 4500 rub./10 l, depending on the concentration, enough to wash 400–1000 sq. m;
  • product for carpets and upholstery fabrics - 2000 rub./10 l, enough to clean 300-600 sq.m.;
  • sanitary area cleaners – RUB 3,000/10 l;
  • air purifiers – 6,000 rub./10 l;
  • stain removers - 1000 rub./l;
  • for glass, mirrors and display cases – 2000 rubles/10 liters for 300–600 sq.m;
  • for wood and parquet – 3000 rub./5 l per 50 sq.m.

In addition to chemicals, you will need cleaning materials (rags, rags, napkins, sponges, microfiber), rubber bands and mops, bottles and spray bottles for detergents, garbage bags, and gloves.

6. Recruitment

The attractiveness of the cleaning services sector for workers is that such employment does not require special skills, is often paid on a piece-rate basis, and can be easily combined with study or main work on a shift schedule. However, like any personnel in the field of personal services, they are required to have a medical book, uniform, and a liability agreement.

Salary depends on the volume of work and frequency of site visits and averages 15 thousand rubles. To maintain accounting, personnel records and pay taxes, an LLC needs an accountant, half-time or visiting. The responsibilities of a customer service manager (visiting the office, concluding contracts, accepting orders, advertising) can be performed by the business owner, but as volumes increase, additional staff will be needed.

7. Do you need your own office to conduct business?

Home office space is one of the hottest trends in small business, suitable for taking calls, solving problems remotely, advertising, and even storing equipment and cleaning supplies. Since meetings and discussions take place on the client’s premises or by telephone, there is no point in renting commercial space.

Of course, a successful company with a well-known name needs office space with a customer reception area, a small warehouse, a place for administrative staff to work, and a laundry room. But at the initial stage, all these functions are assigned to the premises (residential or not) of the business owner.

8. Search for clients and advertising

The overall size of the cleaning services market is huge, and to properly position a company, it is necessary to choose a specific niche. Specialization in cleaning commercial areas or residential cottages, industrial premises or medical centers require completely different platforms for advertising and finding clients.

The next step is to assess the geographic area of ​​the work. It is necessary to decide what distances the team is ready to travel and deliver equipment; this will outline the circle of potential clients and allow you to assess whether there are enough of them for the chosen niche.

Even if you have one or two customers for cleaning large areas, it is worth developing in the field of home services. This does not require the purchase of additional equipment or special consumables, nor does it bring much profit. However, this is an opportunity to earn reviews, fame, be heard and optimize processes within the company. The first clients may be friends, relatives, neighbors, or former colleagues of the entrepreneur.

After this step, you can order advertising placement. In the field of household services, promotion works well with the help of color booklets with detailed working conditions, clear pricing and realistic photographs of the cleaning process. Such materials are placed on laundry counters, in stores, bathhouses, and mailboxes.

For advertising among legal entities, electronic mailing lists, cold calls to offices, and participation in tenders work better. In addition, the company must have a professionally designed website, which details all services, time standards, equipment and cleaning products used, as well as a detailed price list and a form for writing reviews.

You shouldn’t give up on modern methods of promotion. For example, a channel on Youtube will introduce potential customers to the peculiarities of the company’s work, give advice on daily cleaning on your own, show the premises before and after cleaning, as well as reviews from happy customers.

9. Should I open a cleaning company as a franchise or start from scratch?

The businessman himself must decide whether to launch a business on his own or choose one of the ready-made franchises on the market. Each method has its pros and cons.

The franchisor will provide a carefully developed market analysis, business plan, marketing support, and often a ready-made online store for selling services. For this you will have to pay a lump-sum or marketing fee, and/or make monthly royalty payments as a percentage of revenue. However, you will still have to do most of the work yourself: search, hire, train staff, make purchases, interact with the client, place advertising.

You can independently start a cleaning business if you have entrepreneurial experience and preliminary agreements with at least one customer. In this option, the business owner decides what services to provide, what to specialize in, and where to make mistakes.

Popular franchises

In a service business without complex processes, expensive equipment and secret technologies, buying a franchise provides few additional opportunities. Sometimes the franchisor company provides discounts on the purchase of consumables and advertising assistance at the federal level, and then only subject to the presence of a recognizable brand. This is the main difficulty: there are many medium-sized companies on the market that sell franchises, but large players with well-known names do not do this. As a result, a businessman, when purchasing a ready-made business, does not receive anything beyond what he could organize on his own.

This is the reason that many cleaning companies have curtailed their franchising development programs - information in franchise databases has not been updated for several years or leads to sites whose service has been suspended. Of the “live” offers on the Russian market, only two are valid.

Financial calculations

Considering the low start-up costs, the return on investment of a business depends only on the entrepreneur’s activity in finding clients and promoting the services of his company.

How much money do you need to start?

To start work, you will need a sum for registration of an LLC, development of a logo and advertising materials; purchase of equipment; website creation and promotion; purchase of special clothing for personnel.

Monthly expenses

Expenses for the company's monthly operations consist of staff salaries, purchases of consumables and cleaning products, gasoline payments, advertising budget and tax deductions.

How much can you earn?

For cleaning office and retail space, one employee is required per 600 sq. m. m, which means 2 employees using a sweeper and washing machine, as well as manual equipment, can service a small supermarket with an area of ​​less than 1200 sq. m. m. Monthly revenue from servicing such a facility will be 1200 sq. m. m*30 rub./sq. m*30 days=1080 thousand rubles. Net profit 1080-200=880 thousand rubles. However, for non-stop shift cleaning of such an area, it will be necessary to involve all personnel and take into account the purchase of a car for transporting equipment from 400 thousand rubles in the costs.

Revenue from household services is of a different order. Cleaning an apartment requires 2-3 hours of working time and one person, the minimum check is 1800 rubles. This means that during a working day, taking into account travel, one worker cleans 2 apartments, and five workers are able to service 10 apartments per day. This means the monthly revenue will be: 1800 rubles/apartment*10 apartments*30 days=540 thousand rubles. Profit for the month without operating expenses 540-200 = 340 thousand rubles.

Thus, if you open a business for a specific client, the costs will more than pay off in the first month of work, and if you occupy the niche of household cleaning - in the second month of work. However, it should be remembered that these figures were obtained taking into account the full workload of all employees, which in reality is extremely rare.


The scope of cleaning services in the country is close to saturation: the client chooses from many competing companies based on price, reviews, and market position. The niches of commercial and domestic cleaning are firmly occupied by companies with many years of experience and high quality services.

However, if you have a preliminary agreement for cleaning large commercial facilities, you can start your own business with a starting capital of 350 thousand rubles and recoup it in the first month of work. In the niche of cleaning private apartments, the entry point is smaller due to the lack of costs for electronic equipment, but the monthly profit is low, depends on the number of orders and employees, and is also subject to significant seasonal fluctuations.

In this material:

A cleaning company, whose business plan from scratch involves certain investments at the start, is in demand in today's services market. The increasing division of labor and concern for their own health is forcing office plankton to turn to the services provided by a cleaning company. And this is correct, because professional staff, using special tools and devices, will do in a short period of time what office workers will not be able to do.

Why is the demand for these services increasing?

Skeptics will believe that in the office, employees can clean themselves if necessary. But it often happens that there is staff in the room, the management forces them to clean up after themselves, but very quickly the carpet becomes covered with dirt, dust, dirt and cobwebs under the table, cabinet and radiators are not cleaned, and a persistent unpleasant smell appears in the room. It only takes a week of not cleaning a room before it becomes unpleasant to enter.

The management has faced this problem more than once, so it tries to allocate funds for the services provided by the cleaning company. Moreover, a poorly cleaned room becomes a source of pathogenic bacteria, especially if strangers constantly enter the room. Therefore, a regularly cleaned office reduces staff illness and production losses. Finally, when the room smells fresh, it’s pleasant and easy to breathe, the staff’s productivity increases. The agency not only provides services to restore order, but is directly involved in increasing labor efficiency at the enterprise and, as a result, increasing its profitability.

Where to begin?

How to open a cleaning company from scratch? We will have to purchase equipment, equipment, hire and train personnel.

The first thing you need to decide is the need for an office. Potential clients will not go to the company's office. They dial a phone number, inquire about the type of services and their cost, and place an order.

To do this, you can put an operator on your home phone. But you will need a room to dry equipment, a floor scrubber, and store all these products for production. This could be some small office of 15 square meters. m, the rental of which will cost 10-12 thousand rubles. per month.

Organizing a business from scratch is not easy; it will require a lot of effort and financial investment. Reception of personnel can also be carried out on neutral territory.

To do this, you can advertise for a job, collect applications from applicants over the phone, set one day for an interview and conduct it in one of the offices of the business center, which is rented for half a day.

If you can somehow manage without a good office and if you have a good garage, that will be enough, then without professional cleaning equipment for this project it will be impossible to get positive reviews and regular customers.

Office workers can also wipe off the dust with a rag, but it doesn’t make it much cleaner. The cleaning equipment set includes:

  • professional vacuum cleaner - 14-20 thousand rubles;
  • a flat mop, a modern analogue of a mop and broom, costing 1.2-1.7 thousand rubles;
  • a trolley with a wringer, equipped with a net for containers with solutions and a bag for collecting garbage, costing about 6-7 thousand rubles;
  • window cleaning kit - 2.3-2.7 thousand rubles;
  • scraper for removing adhered dirt - 420-480 rubles;
  • napkins for wiping dust - 180-250 rubles.

The cleaning business requires that every cleaner be equipped with this kit, costing 24-32 thousand rubles.

If you plan to clean shopping centers or other large premises, you need to plan in your business plan the purchase of a floor scrubber, which will cost at least 80 thousand rubles. The cost of good models reaches 450-500 thousand rubles. But such equipment replaces the work of several employees of a cleaning agency, speeds up the cleaning process, while improving its quality.

The initial expenses don't end there. The staff still needs to be trained and this must be done without fail. Training is carried out by large cleaning companies, the cost of which ranges from 5 to 20 thousand rubles. Choose a training format in which you would teach:

  • what types of pollution are there;
  • how to select chemicals;
  • cleaning technologies.

Based on the results of the courses, the cleaner must understand the composition of chemicals, the degree of their concentration in order to clean dirt from a particular surface, and clearly determine what is suitable.

In addition to equipped personnel, you will need a vehicle that will deliver personnel to and from sites.

A passenger GAZelle is suitable, which can be purchased with mileage for 250-400 thousand rubles, or leased. You can get by with a car. The main thing is that cleaners with a cleaning kit do not travel on public transport. The company must maintain a certain brand and be reputable.

At first, you can add to the business plan that 3 employees will work simultaneously. Work schedule: week to week. Total you will need:

  • 3 cleaning kits - 72-96 thousand rubles;
  • training for 6 people - 30-120 thousand rubles;
  • scrubber dryer - 80 thousand rubles.

Training can be made diverse. For example, 2 people will take expensive courses for 20 thousand rubles, and 4 - for 5 thousand rubles. As a result, the total training will cost 60 thousand rubles. You can choose the cheapest scrubber dryer, and you need to buy it when you already have a suitable client. For the first time, you can do without it. In this case, the total start-up costs will be 132-156 thousand rubles, excluding a car and office rental. But this is a ready-made enterprise that is ready to provide services and earn money.

Promotion, expenses and income

It is better to promote your cleaning company through the Internet by creating a one-page website and promoting it through contextual and targeted advertising. This is the cheapest, fastest way to get targeted clients for your cleaning business.

The pricing policy for providing services is 25-40 rubles. for cleaning 1 sq. m. At this price, it is cost-effective to clean a room of 5 thousand square meters. m. Finding one such premises can be difficult, but if you take floors with retail outlets or offices for service, then it is quite possible to collect orders in one building at such a price that it would be profitable for the company to deliver cleaners there.

If we are talking about one-time trips, then the cost of cleaning should cover the trip, the expense of funds, the work of staff and also generate profit.

It is believed that the normal gross income of such a company ranges from 140-200 thousand rubles. The costs are:

  • rent - 12 thousand rubles;.
  • telephone expenses - 1 thousand rubles;
  • accounting support - 6-8 thousand rubles;
  • operator's salary - 12 thousand rubles;
  • staff salary - 50-70 thousand rubles;
  • chemicals - 2-3 thousand rubles;
  • delivery costs - 12 thousand. rub.
  • unforeseen expenses - 5 thousand rubles.

Expenses amount to 95-118 thousand rubles. Less taxes - 8.4-12 thousand rubles. — the enterprise’s profit is 36.6-70 thousand rubles. per month.

You can develop a business plan for a project with the purchase of just 2 cleaning kits and training of just 4 employees. This approach will further reduce the required investments at the start of this project. Additionally, you can purchase everything you need as soon as you realize that the hired staff cannot cope with orders.

At first, the project owner himself will have to take on the responsibilities of the operator, driver, and promotion manager. Subsequently, when there are no problems with orders, you will have to work on the business, and not in it.

In this case, the cleaning business will have to expand: hire more staff and increase the number of regular customers.

Order a business plan

no matter Auto Jewelry and accessories Hotels Children's franchises Home business Online stores IT and Internet Cafes and restaurants Inexpensive franchises Shoes Training and education Clothing Leisure and entertainment Food Gifts Manufacturing Miscellaneous Retail Sports, health and beauty Construction Household goods Health products Business services (b2b) Services for the population Financial services

Investments: Investments 220,000 - 289,000 ₽

Mobile dry cleaning “Chisto-Chisto” was founded in 2015. Tyazhev Valery Mikhailovich, in Samara. The main activity and the main profit of the company comes from on-site dry cleaning of upholstered furniture (sofas, carpets, mattresses, chairs, armchairs, etc.) as it is the most marginal and highly profitable service. Additionally, the company provides related cleaning services, dry cleaning of clothes, steaming curtains, etc. Also…

Investments: Investments 550,000 - 2,000,000 ₽

The company's history began in 2016, when one of its founders ordered home cleaning. I found a company, called, found out the price, and met the cleaner. And he received a check several times higher than the initially agreed upon amount. Further analysis of the activities of cleaning companies showed that this situation was not exceptional. Customers did not understand the pricing mechanism and wrote angry reviews. An idea arose -...

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The ChemRussia group of companies (LLC ChemRus Group of Companies) is a manufacturer and supplier of chemical products: car shampoos, car cosmetics, car accessories, household chemicals, cleaning products. The company has been on the market since 2008 and is among the TOP 10 suppliers and manufacturers of automotive chemicals in Russia. Today it produces more than 110 types of various chemicals. The demand for domestic auto chemicals is growing every...

Investments: from RUB 300,000.

Primex is a large cleaning company with a long history, stable reputation and high quality of services, technology, and professionalism. Company advantages: Experience since 1991; Team of professionals; Full range of cleaning services; Individual approach to each client; Trust of our clients; Using the latest modern technologies in the cleaning industry; The quality management system has complied with ISO 9001:2000 since 2003; Franchise…

Investments: 880,000 - 2,875,000 rubles.

SOZH Synthesis is a team of professionals that provides turnkey franchise business opening services and a community of successful businessmen who open their own production facilities around the world. The scientific and production company SOZH Sintez has been working in the chemical industry for more than 10 years. Cooperation with research centers and accredited laboratories has allowed us to significantly increase the range of chemical products. Our company opens...

Investments: 109,000 - 500,000 rubles.

New trends come into our lives, and with them new opportunities for starting a business.

Cleaning companies began to appear quite recently, and so far their implementation is not going at a very fast pace, despite a relatively inexpensive start. There is a lack of understanding of the advantages of the services of these companies over regular cleaning, in which office employees take part.

Benefits of starting a cleaning company

In some cases, offices are cleaned centrally by a full-time cleaner, who is armed with a mop and a broom, even an advanced one. But she has to clean so many rooms per day that thoroughness is out of the question.

The result is superficial cleaning, which over time leads to various illnesses among employees. And there is a way out of this situation - the services of a cleaning company.

This is, or approximately this, and preferably much better, a company representative will have to talk to potential clients when he has to promote its services. And the advantages of creating a cleaning company are obvious:

  1. Inexpensive entry into this business.
  2. An unfilled niche in the market.

You can start in this business with small investments. The main costs will be equipment, and if you take it on credit or lease, or rent it, you can start almost from scratch. As for the unfilled niche, this is most likely due to poor awareness of citizens. There is no awareness among the masses that ordinary cleaning cannot replace thorough cleaning with professional equipment.

How to create a company from scratch, what is needed for this?

To create a cleaning company from scratch, you need to issue all permits, purchase or rent the necessary equipment and hire qualified specialists. We need qualified specialists who can perform the task assigned to them.

That is, you are not selling cleaning services, but trying to make your clients healthier. From this perspective, the activities of a cleaning company look different.

Required permits and documents

No special permits are required to open a company. Register as an individual entrepreneur or limited liability company with some catchy name and take action.

After registration, you can find a premises, enter into a lease agreement, borrow equipment, and start an advertising campaign.

Equipment, specialists

You should immediately discard ordinary equipment for apartments. It is not intended for commercial cleaning, it works much worse and breaks down quickly.

Moreover, your clients who will be watching the cleaning process will not be happy if they see that the cleaning company is using the same or weaker equipment than what they have at home. And their attitude will be completely different if they see a miracle device in the hands of workers. The specialist talks about other important aspects of business in the following video:

The face of a company is not only its employees, but also the equipment they come with. Please take this into account. Therefore, immediately get ready to purchase professional vacuum cleaners and other devices. You will need:

  • a vacuum cleaner that will cost around 35–40 thousand rubles;
  • a machine for washing work clothes and cleaning materials, at the same cost as a vacuum cleaner;
  • a disc-shaped machine used for intensive deep cleaning of carpets; its cost can reach up to 120-150 thousand rubles;
  • a special cart, which has a wringer and a net for containers, where the solution with a garbage bag is placed; its cost is within 10 - 12 thousand rubles;
  • a set for wiping office equipment and washing windows, costing 8–10 thousand rubles;
  • a flat mop instead of a broom and mop, costing 2 thousand rubles.

The presence of such a set of equipment allows for thorough cleaning both in office premises and in apartments of residential buildings and private houses.

But please note that at first, profits should be directed to advertising and the purchase of new, more powerful equipment, the cost of which is several times different from the above. This will not only increase the range of services that the company can provide, but will allow it to noticeably distance itself from its competitors.

When it comes to recruiting specialists, take this very seriously. We need responsible workers who will not be afraid of this work. At the same time, they must be as tactful as possible.

If a woman with the habits of a cleaning lady from the housing office comes into the office and starts ordering everyone around and telling everyone where to go, then this will be her first and last visit to the customer. And with it, the customer says goodbye to the company. Such employees can be recruited through agencies that will bear some financial responsibility for their candidates.

Assessing competition and profitability

How much profit can you expect from the company's activities? To calculate it, you need to start from the prices for the services provided in the cleaning business. Let's look not at the prices in the capital, but at cities like Kazan or Rostov. The cleaning costs there are as follows:

In this case, conditions are set that the minimum cleaned area is no less than 40–60 square meters. And if the cleaning area exceeds 150 square meters, then transport services are at the expense of the company. Otherwise, the customer will have to pay shipping costs as well.

Specialists and owners of cleaning companies estimate the profitability of this activity very high - from 25 to 40%, if we take certain types of cleaning work.

Possible risks

There are also considerable risks in this type of business. Firstly, company owners are faced with pronounced seasonality in demand for their services. The only way out of this situation is that this type of business was conducted in parallel with another.

Secondly, there is a sharp decrease in demand for cleaning services during crises. When entrepreneurs are under pressure, they begin to save on everything they can. They cut bonuses for their employees, optimize their staff, and switch from expensive services to cheaper ones. And they refuse services such as cleaning the premises altogether, entrusting the process itself to their employees.

Where to start?

After registering an enterprise, purchasing equipment and hiring staff, begin to promote your business and acquire regular customers who would cover the current expenses of the newly formed company. Until you develop yourself, you will have to take on a number of functions.

But definitely you need to hire the cleaners and driver themselves, who will have a car to transport staff to fulfill orders. You will have to pay extra for using the car, but it is much cheaper than buying a company car right away.

You can find regular customers not only in office centers. Create a competent commercial proposal and go to the offices of lawyers, notaries, and dentists. As a rule, they do not have a full-time cleaner, so they will be glad to have the opportunity to use the services of professionals.

Place banners and banners in public areas as much as your budget allows. Take a collection of addresses and telephone numbers of enterprises in your city, select certain categories of potential customers and start calling them. You can send a specially prepared SMS message.

Pay special attention to your promotional materials. Spend money on professionals who will prepare good advertising text for you, make an attractive picture and draw up the right commercial offer according to all the rules of a selling text.

Calculation of approximate costs for starting a business

Registration of an enterprise will cost from 1800 to 5000 rubles. The equipment will cost another 200 thousand rubles, but these costs can be reduced at first if you take out the equipment on credit or lease. There are no special requirements for the premises, since it is not the clients who will come to you, but you who will come to them to determine the amount of work on site. Therefore, renting a room can cost 15–20 thousand rubles. The staff salary for the first time will be:

  • driver – 25 thousand rubles;
  • cleaners - 4 people for 18 thousand rubles.

When starting a company, focus on regular customers to eliminate the seasonality of your activities. Pay attention to individuals who need high-quality cleaning in apartments and houses. After all, their asthma caused by indoor dirt costs them more than regular cleaning.

Cleaning is the activity of cleaning premises on a contractual basis. There are three main areas: one-time cleaning (for example, apartments after renovation), regular maintenance of enterprises (office centers, hypermarkets, etc.), specialization in specific services (carpet cleaning, window washing, etc.)

To make the business pay off faster and brought more profit, especially in a small town, it is worth choosing a universal option. This way you will quickly gain a client base and gain fame among customers.

The most popular items in the cleaning market today are glass washing, general cleaning, cleaning after renovation and construction, carpet and upholstered furniture cleaning.


To start clean, you need to open an LLC or individual entrepreneur. Matching codes OKVED: 74.70.1 – “Cleaning and cleaning of residential and industrial premises”, 90.00.3 – “Cleaning up the territory and performing similar activities.”

The quality of services must comply with GOST R 51870-2002 on cleaning of buildings and various structures.


The office of a company that cleans apartments and other premises should be located in a residential area or closer to the outskirts of the city; a location in the center is not necessary. The client rarely comes to the office; usually the assessment of the scope of work and the conclusion of the contract take place on the customer’s premises. Own space is necessary for conducting interviews with employees and storing equipment.

A room of 20-25 square meters consisting of two rooms is sufficient. The first is the manager’s workplace, the second is for equipment and a washing machine. Monthly rent will be $300-350.

Equipment for a cleaning company

For servicing apartments and small offices, a minimum set consisting of manual equipment is sufficient. But to clean commercial premises, industrial and retail areas, you will need special cleaning machines.

Cleaning equipment

To be fully equipped, you will need:

  • Scrubber dryers (3 pieces) – $3000. Good manufacturers - Cleanfix, Karcher, Columbus, Lavor, Fiorentini;
  • Industrial vacuum cleaners (4 pcs.) – $400. Metabo, Karcher, Einhell, Bosh, Enkor;
  • Floor polishers (2 pcs.) – $370. Mint, Karcher;
  • Steam cleaners (2 pcs.) – $200. Sinbo, Rolsen, Endever;
  • Carpet drying machine – $450. Cleanfix, Numatic, Tennant, Truvox, ChaoBao;
  • Special carts on wheels (6 units) – $400. "Vermop", Cleanfix, TTS;
  • Cleaning buckets on wheels with wringer (5 units) – $280. Bol Equipment, Baiyun Cleaning, TTS;
  • Regular buckets (10 pcs.), flat mops (4 pcs.), scrapers, napkins and rags for wiping dust, brushes for washing windows, garbage bags – $250;
  • Washing machine – $250. Beko, Bosh, Ariston;
  • Detergents and household chemicals (cleaners, care products for various surfaces, carpet and upholstery cleaning, etc.) – $800. This is a supply for several months. Popular manufacturing companies: Econom, Anticid, Himitek, Tanu.

Each worker requires a set of workwear: overalls, T-shirt, hat, gloves (cloth and rubber). For six cleaners you will need about $180-200.

Furniture and appliances

That's not all there is to starting a cleaning company. The office requires shelving for storing tools and supplies, cabinets, two tables with chairs for the director and administrator, a computer, telephone, printer, chairs and a sofa for visitors. This will cost approximately $800.

How much money is needed to equip a cleaning company? Taking into account detergents and clothing for employees, we get a starting amount of $7300-7400.


At the initial stage, eight employees are enough. This is the director (who is also the owner of the company), a telephone administrator and 6 cleaners. One cleaner serves an average of 500-900 sq. m of area per working day, if we are talking about office or shopping centers. About 100-200 sq. m. – in the case of residential properties.

Important Tips: It is worth concluding an agreement with cleaners on material value (otherwise, in case of damage to property, the responsibility will fall on the office) and, when focusing on one-time orders, pay not a salary, but a percentage of the fee (25-30%).

Accounting can be done by an outsourcer. Monthly salary fund (excluding the salary of the director-owner) – $2000.

Search for customers

The best channels for finding clients: creating and promoting your website, paid advertisements, direct contact with potential clients. Of course, you can’t call the owners of private apartments, but you can offer your services to various companies and establishments. These are office and business centers, shopping and entertainment centers, warehouses, manufacturing plants, restaurants, shops, post-construction sites.

Costs and profits

How to open your own cleaning company and how much money will you need to invest? Capital expenditures:

  1. Registration – $70;
  2. Equipment – ​​$7400
  3. Office rent for three months in advance – $1000;
  4. Website creation and advertising – $200.

Total– 8700 dollars. Fixed expenses (rent, salaries, consumables, advertising) – $3,000.

Cleaning services cost $0.7-0.9 per square meter of area. On average, general cleaning of an apartment is estimated at $100-200, an office – $150-250, a production workshop – from $300. These are prices for one-time work. By concluding a contract on an ongoing basis, you receive a stable order, but get a good discount.

By regularly serving 2-3 companies and completing 15-20 one-time orders per month, you can earn about $4000-4500, net profit is around $1000-1500 per month.

Build is a promising idea for any city with an active business life, where people do not have time to put things in order on their own. This type of business is good because it is easy to scale by increasing staff and expanding the client base.