Dry car wash as an alternative to a classic car wash. Business plan for opening a car wash in your city

  • Capital investments: 2,400,000 rubles,
  • Average monthly revenue: 352,000 rubles,
  • Net profit: 178,00 rubles,
  • Payback: 14 months!

The article presents a ready-made business plan for opening an autonomous modular car wash. You will find out how much funds are needed to open, the number of employees, potential income, profitability and payback periods.

1. How to open an autonomous mobile car wash

In Russia, the number of cars increases every year. According to the API information portal (link), as of January 1, 2012, more than 35 million passenger cars were registered in Russia.

Most car owners treat their cars like living beings, take good care of them, and try to keep them clean. In this regard, a car wash is a very profitable and promising business in Russia.

Relatively recently, a new direction has appeared on the Russian car wash market: the production of fully autonomous mobile car washes. In this business plan we will try to reveal all the features of the new product.

1.1. Advantages of a mobile car wash

Compared to stationary ones, mobile autonomous car washes have the following advantages:

  • No foundation construction required
  • Fast commissioning time
  • They have all the permits from the SES, as well as a fire certificate.
  • There is no need for sewerage, since the module is equipped with equipment for reverse water purification.
  • There is no need to connect electricity, sewerage, water supply and other infrastructure lines.
  • Easily dismantled and transported to a new location.

1.2. Car wash location

The issue of choosing a location for a car wash must be approached seriously, since the success of the entire enterprise depends on it.

It would be optimal to place the car wash near a busy highway (next to a gas station) or near a large shopping center. It is also worth paying attention to the availability of convenient access and egress for transport. If the territory allows, it is worth providing a small parking lot for waiting cars.

As soon as you decide on the location, you need to resolve the issue of renting a plot of land to install a mobile car wash. To do this, you need to contact the administration of the district in which you plan to open a car wash and find out who owns the land.

If the land plot is owned by the state, then the rental price will not be high, but if it is privately owned, then the rental price can be many times higher.

Important point: When installing a mobile car wash, the presence of electrical networks, water supply and sewerage is not required, so this wash is completely autonomous and has the necessary equipment for operation: water is concentrated in containers and transported and transported, and electricity is generated by a diesel generator.

1.3. Necessary equipment for an autonomous car wash

Currently, there are many offers on the market for the sale of autonomous modular car washes, we settled on the offer of Aquarius LLC.

Aquarius LLC is a developer and manufacturer of autonomous mobile car washes under the AMAR-1 brand.

A mobile car wash is a modular container-type unit that includes an autonomous power supply (diesel generator), equipment for manual washing, containers for clean and waste water, as well as a water purification system for closed-loop water supply.

The washing kit also comes with a complete package of documents necessary for work:

  1. Conclusion of the SES.
  2. Fire report.
  3. Certificate of conformity.
  4. Passport.
  5. Manual

Thus, when purchasing an autonomous modular car wash, you only need to agree on the lease of a plot of land, find personnel and you can start working.

The cost of a module for 2 cars is 2 250 000 rubles

1.4. Staff

To operate a car wash for 2 cars, 4 people are enough. They work in shifts, two every two, for 12 hours. Salary is piecework, 20% of the cost of work, paid daily. All issues related to the purchase of products and administrative issues are the responsibility of the business owner.

2. Financial model

  • Type of activity: mobile car wash for 2 cars
  • Location: within the city limits, near a busy road, there is a gas station nearby. The population of the city is 400,000 people.
  • The average cost of washing is 400 rubles.

2.1. Capital costs for opening a car wash

2.2. Revenue

The activities of the car wash are subject to significant seasonal fluctuations, so revenue growth occurs in March - October, and in the period November-February there is a decrease in revenue.

Revenue per 2 parking spaces located within the city limits and near a busy highway is presented in the table:

Revenue, rub.

average revenue

2.3. Cost price

Naming of expenditures

Daily consumption

Cost, per unit

Consumption per shift, rub.

Monthly output/30 shifts

Diesel fuel costs (2.4 liters per hour)

Generator maintenance costs

Water replacement costs

Costs for replacing filter cartridges

Consumables (Shampoo, rags, etc.)

other expenses

Total cost

2.4. General expenses

2.5. Profitability calculation

2.6. Payback calculation

The payback period for a modular car wash for 2 cars is 13.4 months.

3. Organizational issues

3.1. Organizational form

To start providing washing services to the public, you must register with the Federal Tax Service. The optimal organizational form is Individual Entrepreneur. (With this form of activity, constituent documents and authorized capital are not required)

3.2. Tax system

According to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the activities of a car wash fall under a simplified taxation system: UTII.

For those regions where UTII does not apply, the possible use of the Simplified Taxation System (STS), income minus expenses.

3.3. Accounting

Tax and accounting for a car wash is quite simple and does not take much time; it is not advisable to have an accountant on staff. In this regard, it is best to do all the accounting yourself using the “My Business” online service - this will allow you to save money (you will get full accounting for less than 1,000 rubles per month), as well as your time (the service is fully automated and easy to “control”).

Risk analysis for a mobile car wash business plan

During the implementation of organizational and operational activities, the functioning of the project may be accompanied by a number of negative factors. In general, the threats are given in the analysis of risk factors and opportunities for opening a mobile car wash. To determine the degree of influence of risks and their actual danger to the business, it is necessary to detail the threats through qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Qualitative risk analysis involves an expert assessment of the likelihood of a threat occurring. Quantitative indicators reflect the actual value and the degree of its impact on the main components of the project.

Qualitative risk analysis of the project

Risks are divided into external and internal. Those threats that arise under the influence of general economic influence and are not related to management processes are called macroenvironmental risks. Those threats that directly depend on business organization, project management, and the actual implementation of the business plan are internal risks.

Table 1. Main external risks of the project

Risk nameRisk assessment

Changes in regulatory and regulatory legislation

Risk can lead to tougher business operating conditions and a decrease in its profitability. Risk compensation occurs at the organizational stage when creating a form of management, ownership and taxation.

Opening in city N with a population of 400 thousand people, activation and dumping of direct competitors

The emergence of new market operators leads to a redistribution of profits (demand may increase slightly, while the number of competitors may increase significantly). The risk is mitigated by creating your own client base, active sales and developing a unique selling proposition (USP). Consumer loyalty should be stimulated through effective programs.

Seasonal decline in sales

The risk does not have clear predictable time boundaries (as in other types of business) and is influenced by weather conditions. The threat of a decrease in average annual income significantly increases the expenditure side of the business (efficiency of production equipment, staff maintenance). The risk is mitigated by the development of a competent marketing strategy, a shift in seasonal emphasis in sales and an effective advertising policy.

Vandalism, natural disasters and force majeure

The risk may result in property damage. Which entails expensive repairs and restoration. The risk is compensated by the insurance service.

As a rule, all external threats are neutralized by a competent organizational component. With proper planning and development of anti-crisis strategies, external risks are only a predictable consequence, which is compensated by prepared measures. Internal risks pose a much greater danger to business.

Table 2. Main internal risks of the project

Risk nameRisk assessmentRisk characteristics and response methods

Geomarketing location error

The risk of an error with the placement of a car wash location has a high degree of probability and significant consequences. A high-quality geomarketing analysis of the area, traffic flows, infrastructure, etc., which will provide input data for forecasting sales taking into account the density of potential customers, can eliminate the wrong decision.

Low level of personnel competence, turnover, low probability of financial motivation

The risk is due to the low prestige of the profession, which leads to the filling of the labor market with people with low intellectual abilities (or temporary staff). In turn, such personnel have low financial capacity and are insensitive to financial motivation. Low quality of service, irresponsible attitude towards car wash property, and incompetence lead to lost profits. The risk is mitigated by a system of total control and punishment, and strict standardization of the work of ordinary personnel.

Technological risks

The selected technology and assortment may lead to a number of difficulties due to illiterate or inappropriate use of technical capabilities. Failure of the water supply and disposal system and power units will lead to a halt in business processes and direct losses. The risk is mitigated at the organizational stage by the creation of compensating or redundant emergency support systems, at the functional stage by the introduction of a competent service personnel unit (engineer) and the implementation of scheduled maintenance and repair work.

Quantitative Project Risk Analysis

All risks, both internal and external, have as a common negative result a decrease in profits up to the bankruptcy of the project. Omitting probable causes, real threats to a decrease in business profitability can be:

  • unforeseen technological and technical risks;
  • opening in city N with a population of 400 thousand people, activation and dumping of direct competitors;
  • decrease in consumer demand as a consequence:
    • geomarketing location errors;
    • low quality of service;
    • seasonal fluctuations.

The degree of influence of unforeseen technological and technical risks

Calculated based on the average throughput of a car wash. The average period required for emergency troubleshooting is assumed to be 4.5 hours (taking into account the type of equipment: autonomous power supply (diesel generator), pumps, water purification system for closed-loop water supply, etc.).

With an average car wash load of 30 cars/day (see analysis of risk factors and opportunities for opening a mobile car wash), direct losses can amount to:

(30 / 24) * 4.5 = 5,625 washes * 400 rubles = 2,250 rubles (lost revenue) + 12,000 (repair and restoration work with material) + 2,500 (part of organizational expenses attributable to downtime) = 16,750 rubles - direct losses per breakdown, which is about 4.7% of total monthly income.

As equipment wears out, these costs will increase monthly.

Thus, the possible financial values ​​of risk allow us to consider an increase in staff by 1 unit (equipment operation engineer) as a necessity, which will also reduce compensation costs taking into account the salary of a competent specialist (16.5 thousand / ruble).

Degree of influence of the competitive environment

A relative calculation of the market capacity of city N with a population of 400 thousand people, given in the analysis of risk factors and opportunities for opening a mobile car wash, demonstrates the prevalence of demand over the number of offers (data are given as an example): “with an average washing frequency of 1 time/9 days, turnover one wash can vary within the average maximum of 630 thousand rubles/month with a throughput of 50-55 washes/day.”

Thus, with the overwhelming majority of small manual washes, a large share in the financial capacity is occupied by specialized large washes, which, together with mobile washes and offers at gas stations, constitute a competitive environment. The loss step with a total market share of 1.2% is insignificant.

Decrease in consumer demand due to organizational errors (location, service, lack of seasonal compensation).

The risk is calculated based on average statistical losses and the dependence of demand on additional factors: convenience of location (up to 65%), level of service (up to 48%), promotions and special offers (up to 22%).

Thus, an error in geolocation can lead to a loss of up to 220 thousand rubles (in comparison, geographic marketing analysis costs about 3.5-5 thousand per ruble), poor quality of service can lead to a loss of up to 150 thousand rubles; the absence of seasonal compensation leads to a decrease in average annual indicators by 70 thousand rubles.

On average, the risk threatens losses of up to 70% of profits and is the most significant. This situation requires a detailed analysis of the company’s capabilities, development of a marketing and organizational plan, and creation of a high-quality long-term advertising strategy.

Project risk ranking

The most likely risks are a decrease in demand due to organizational errors and technological risks - these are the most critical threats.

The fundamental point is to determine the location. A mistake in choosing a location can lead to irreparable losses. A low level of service increases the risk of influence from the competitive environment.

The general background of threats for the project is favorable. The market is in the development stage and demand significantly exceeds supply, tending to increase. With a competent organizational approach, the business is promising and allows you to respond very flexibly to the emergence of any risk, for which you should be careful about marketing planning, strict regulation of work and service processes, and active promotion of services.

Editor's Note: An interesting option for opening a car wash is purchasing a successful business model; this option has its advantages (the entrepreneur gains already gained experience, a certain set of knowledge, software developments and much more) and disadvantages (you have to pay for the experience in money (royalties, lump-sum payment)). But it’s definitely worth considering buying a franchise as one of the ways to start.


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We offer the best car wash business plan for beginners. Calculations, tables, useful recommendations.

Starting investment in a car wash: 1,253,000 rubles.
Project payback period: 16 months.
Car wash profitability: 68% (self-service establishment – ​​75%).

Opening a car wash is planned mainly by those people who want to make a profit without having any special knowledge.

This business is profitable and has good development prospects.

Statistically, there is one car for every family in Russia.

Car owners want their cars to be clean and well-maintained. At the same time, the percentage of ownership of expensive imported cars is also increasing. Clients no longer trust their property to simple guys with a bucket and a rag. They want to receive a high level of service with quality equipment and specialized cleaning products. Therefore, the flow of car wash customers is growing.

Consider the standard car wash business plan, which you should focus on when creating your own.

Car wash business plan: planning

Car Wash Project Summary

For example, we will consider a detailed business plan for a car wash in Moscow.

The project aims to:

  1. Satisfying the needs of customers to provide car washing services at affordable prices with adequate quality.
  2. Creation of an enterprise with a high level of profitability.
  3. Receiving profit from activities.

To open a car wash, an initial investment of 1,253,000 rubles is required.

The amount of 1,000,000 will be received from the investments of the project sponsors.

The amount of 253,000 will be compensated from the personal funds of the business initiator.

Marketing of the project “Car Wash Business Plan”

Car wash market overview

Market analysis in a business plan is necessary to identify the niche and competitors. Before opening, you need to carefully study the types of work provided by competitors, prices, and advertising strategy.

The relevance of the services offered can be assessed personally by visiting 3-4 car washes.

The absence of customer queues indicates low demand.

But it is necessary to take into account the time of day, the seasonality of such a business, and special occasions. The flow of customers increases on holidays and weekends and tends to zero during cloudy weather.

The crisis of 2008-2009 had a negative impact on all areas of providing services to the population. However, by 2010, the majority managed to recover to pre-crisis levels. As for car washes, since 2012 there has been an increase in indicators. Currently, 2/3 of car owners use the services. This led to the opening of a large number of new firms. However, there are still free places in this niche.

Competitive advantages of washing

To beat the competition, you need to take advantage of the advantages that will make your car wash stand out from the rest.

In a business plan you can indicate the following points:

  1. 24-hour car wash operating schedule.
  2. The optimum ratio of price and quality.
    It is especially important to focus on this when opening a self-service establishment. After all, low cost of services is their main strong point.
  3. Availability of a comfortable waiting room for clients.
  4. Sale of soft drinks and tea/coffee.

Target group

To estimate the number of potential customers to include in a business plan, it is necessary to study data on the number of car owners in the region of interest. They can be obtained on the official website of the State Statistics Service.

In Moscow, the average statistical indicators of the target audience of car washes are as follows:

  • About 47% of city car owners use car wash services;
  • among clients 57% are men, 43% are women;
  • income is average and above average.

It is better to present such data in a business plan in the form of charts and graphs.

Advertising campaign

A successful opening and subsequent effective development of a business is impossible without advertising.

Car wash promotion includes several options:

This includes, first of all, the sign.
It should be bright and attract attention. If the washing facility is not located directly next to the road, there should be a sign indicating the route to the building.

P.S. To attract the attention of customers, inflatable life-size puppets, flags and additional signs along the road are used.

To start, print 1000 pieces and replenish supplies regularly. They are given to clients and placed in thematic places: auto parts stores, car service centers.

Car wash room

There are two options for placing a sink.

  • Build from scratch.
    Not recommended because the number of required permits from different authorities is huge. There is a risk of receiving a refusal from the administration, then the efforts will be in vain.
  • Rent of finished premises.
    The option is more reasonable and therefore popular.
    A box or garage would be better. The premises can be purchased or rented with the option to purchase.

In addition to the main premises, make sure there is a parking lot and a waiting room.

You will also need a high-quality drain for water or the development of your own sewage pit.

Car wash business plan: equipment

Equipment is purchased depending on the type of washing. In Russia, four varieties are relevant:

    Self-service car washes.

    They require large investments to open, which not every entrepreneur can afford.
    Clients wash their vehicles themselves using the equipment provided.
    Opening a company with a self-service mode is only advisable for large cities with a high population density. They require.

    Mobile car washes.

    Instead of a room, a Gazelle-type vehicle is used. This allows us to provide services to clients in any convenient location.

    Portal car washes.

    They have a number of advantages: high throughput, profitability.
    They are a fully automated washing process.
    The main disadvantage: less gentle on car coverage. In addition, operator negligence can lead to damage to vehicles. Consequently - additional costs.

    The most popular variety.
    Washers serve customers using equipment that supplies water under pressure.

Although you don’t need a lot of equipment for a car wash, the cost of the best quality equipment is far from small. You can't save money on this.

The list depends on the number of services provided, which are also indicated in a separate list in the business plan.

Car wash staff

Car wash employees must perform their duties efficiently, work quickly, and respond promptly to emerging tasks. Technical knowledge is not required. However, you will need to be in good physical shape to operate high-pressure cleaners.

2 employees are enough for one box.

If the car wash operates around the clock, three shifts are organized. The total number of washers is six people.

This data is not relevant for self-service establishments. Car washes of this type require only two or three administrators working in shifts.

A list of job responsibilities is included in the car wash business plan, based on the Labor Code:
  • car wash administrator: resolves conflict situations, monitors the maintenance of cleanliness and inventory, organizes the work of the car wash, monitors compliance with the rules of labor discipline and equipment operation, issues tasks to other employees;
  • washers: clean cars according to technical standards, ensure order in the car wash premises, monitor the correct operation of equipment, inform management about customer complaints and conflict situations.

Car wash business plan: implementation

Car wash project schedule

EventMonth 1Month 2Month 3
Conclusion of a premises rental agreement
Purchase of materials and equipment
Repairs in washing areas
Hiring staff
Opening a car wash

In the car wash business plan, it is necessary to indicate not only the timing of the implementation of the stages, but also who will carry them out. It is necessary to indicate the responsible person and plan the necessary budget for this.

P.S. For a self-service car wash, the staff reception stage is eliminated.

Calculation of costs for opening a car wash

NameQty.price, rub.
Total: RUB 1,012,980
1. Paperwork - 28 000
2. Real estate 240 sq.m.960 000
3. Inventory: 2 600
10 450
Special napkins
10 1 620
2 30
5 500
4. Chemicals: 22 315
Car cleaning shampoo
3 2 880
2 4 630
51 4 080
Active foam
1 3 385
Engine cleaner: 1 2 100
|-| for glass washing
10 2 500
|-| for blackening rubber
1 700
|-| for dry cleaning
1 540
Grain polishing paste

2 1 565

A list of equipment is added here, the list and cost of which is also drawn up in the form of a table in the business plan.

This will cost about 200,000-240,000 rubles.

Financial section of a car wash business plan

Monthly car wash costs

Now let’s calculate the monthly expenses for maintaining the car wash, which also need to be included in the business plan:

  • Rent.
    If the premises are leased, the item is entered here, and not the opening costs.
    Let's take the average cost of 50,000 rubles.
  • Consumables.
    Chemicals, sponges, buckets will cost 10,000 rubles.
  • Taxes and payments for individual entrepreneurs – 10,000 rubles.
  • Advertising.
    Depending on the type of advertising you choose, you will spend about 6 thousand rubles.
  • Salary – on average about 35% of revenue (except for self-service car washes).

In the final part car wash business plan must contain information about the amount of profit and payback of the project. This section is especially important for investors and for obtaining a loan to open a bank account.

A selection of the best advice from an expert,

how to open a successful and profitable car wash:

Revenue and payback of a car wash

The total expenses in the business plan are:

  • opening expenses – 1,253,000 rubles;
  • expenses every month - 76,000 rubles. + employee salaries.

If the salary expense is 35% (126,000 rubles), the monthly amount will be 202,000 rubles.

The costs of maintaining the operation of a self-service car wash do not include the payment of a salary in this amount. However, the profit will be less due to lower prices for services.

Income is calculated according to the following scheme:

  • the average number of cars serviced is 40 per day;
  • The minimum cost of a service from the list of services provided is 300 rubles.

300 rubles*30 days*40 cars = 360,000 rubles/month.

Monthly net profit:

360,000 – 202,000 = 158,000 rubles.

This figure is achievable at least six months after the opening of the car wash.

For the first months, you should count on only half the amount.

The loan repayment period is calculated based on these data and the size of the loan, and must be indicated in the business plan.

Opening a self-service car wash, tunnel or manual, is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Taking into account the state of Russian roads and the growth in the number of cars, the conclusion about the potential success and profitability of the business suggests itself.

To achieve success, you must make a discovery and carefully adhere to it.

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The waterless washing method involves cleaning the car without buckets, hoses, rinsing and drying using modern means. The whole process takes about 15 minutes: just spray the product and wipe the car dry.

Dry washing removes dirt, traces of insects and tree sap just as well as water. The formula contains lubricants that coat dirt to gently remove it from the car's surface without scratching the paint. The product forms a protective film that improves the appearance of the car and protects surfaces from contamination.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments - from 100,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The difficulty of starting a business is 3/10.

The basic idea of ​​a car wash without water

The operating principle of a dry car wash is not very different from a contact car wash. Special dry shampoo is purchased and distributed over all surfaces. To apply the product faster, you can buy a spray bottle. The shampoo dries in a few minutes, then wipes off with a cloth. The remaining product can be rubbed over the body.

Microfiber is used as a rag - it can be used many times, it collects dirt better and eliminates the possibility of damaging the coating. If the microfiber becomes dirty, turn it over and continue cleaning, then wash it.

Dry washing prevents dirt from getting on the car and delays the next wash. Some car owners use a dry car wash on clean cars to polish the surfaces and protect them from dirt. A special concentrate can clean small areas of the car, for example, remove traces of insects or tree sap.

There is an opinion that dry washing spoils the paintwork, but this is not true. Shampoos carefully remove impurities. Moreover, they come with different smells, duration of action and temperature of use. Some products can be used in the cold season, so dry washing in winter is possible.

Pros and cons of business providing dry car washing services

The main advantage of a dry car wash is high demand with minimal investment. To organize this business from scratch or buy a franchise, it is enough to purchase special cleaning products and rags. There is no need to rent premises or buy expensive equipment. Mobile dry washing without water works in any place where there is a large flow of cars.

Water and energy are the main costs for traditional car washing, so the price for the service is approximately the same at all car washes in the city. If you remove these expenses, you can count on higher business profitability.

There is no requirement to conduct any fire inspections, obtain permits from the SES or purchase licenses. It is enough to register an individual entrepreneur and come to an agreement with the managers of shopping centers, parking lots, etc.

A mobile dry car wash is suitable not only for cars, but also for motorcycles, boats, jet skis and trucks. It is possible to quickly serve customers. The sprayed aerosol penetrates between the car's coating and the dirt, and the silicone oils in the spray protect the car from environmental influences. Washing with water does not give such effects.

The product contains environmental components that biodegrade over time. The spray does not cause allergies, is safe for people and animals, and does not harm the environment. Washing cars with chemicals is prohibited in public places, but this rule does not apply to dry washing.

The main disadvantage is the reduced effect of the product in the cold season. Most sprays work at temperatures not lower than 3 C°. There are products that do not depend on temperature, but they are more expensive. The second disadvantage is the low popularity of the technology. Innovation causes mistrust; customers are afraid of damage to the car's paintwork. This disadvantage can be avoided by informing consumers about the method of action of the product.

Dry washing cannot always replace washing a car using water. This method cannot clean wheels, the underbody of the car and the joints between elements. To expand the range of services, you can purchase interior cleaners and tire blackener.

Operating principles of a mobile car wash

Shopping centers are popular places to place a dry mobile car wash. All papers are formalized after discussing the conditions with representatives of the center. An order for a car wash can be placed at the administration counter or directly on site. The service is provided where the client left the car; no special boxes are required. To promote business, the speed of the service and the ability to wash your car less often are indicated.

The second popular way to open a dry car wash business is that employees come wherever the client indicates. The organizer places an ad online or in a newspaper, the client calls the operator and indicates where the car is parked and by what time it needs to be put in order. Payments are usually made in cash.

You can negotiate with the administration of the taxi company or provide services for washing agricultural equipment. The washers arrive at the agreed location and quickly do their job.

How to organize your business?

To open a dry car wash business, you will need:

  1. Buy fast, inexpensive and maneuverable transport to quickly go to addresses. Any scooter will do. If you have your own car or hired workers will travel, no transport is required.
  2. Buy dry car wash product and microfiber cloths. If you buy in bulk, the cost of one shampoo will be about 40 rubles. The approximate cost of a wholesale batch is 50 thousand rubles.
  3. Hire staff. At first, a business owner can provide services independently and master accounting. The documentation can then be outsourced and workers hired.
  4. Advertise your business. The most effective way of advertising is leaflets and business cards, which are placed in places where potential clients appear. Print advertising can be placed in parking lots, gas stations, garage cooperatives and parking lots.

Financial business plan with calculations

For the business to be profitable and for customers to use the service, it is important to set the price correctly. It depends on various factors (for example, prices from competitors, region, average cost of a traditional car wash, costs of detergents). In the Moscow region, the price of washing the “top” of a car is slightly below 300 rubles, so the price of a dry car wash will be 300 rubles.

If you choose a place with a lot of cars, regular customers will appear. On average, you can service 300 cars in a month and receive 90 thousand rubles. This is called revenue. To calculate profit, you need to subtract the cost of washing, taxes and gasoline consumption from revenue. Suppose the cost of one sink is 40 rubles. and gasoline consumption is 300 liters in 30 days, the cost of 1 liter is 30 rubles. Don’t forget to include in the business plan for a dry car wash the tax under the simplified tax system according to the 6% scheme, which will amount to 5.4 thousand rubles. Total costs are approximately 27 thousand rubles.

If a business owner is engaged in washing cars, the net profit will be equal to 63 thousand rubles. per month. If there is an employee with a salary of 30 thousand rubles, then the net profit will be 33 thousand rubles.

Dry car wash franchise as a way of doing business

If you don’t want to figure out how to open a business on your own, you can use a franchise and run the business based on the developments of another company.

A franchise is a way to start your own business, in which the founder of a trademark transfers the rights to conduct business to other citizens for a certain fee (monthly). The franchisor helps you run your business, shares ways to manage your businesses, maintains your customer base, and teaches you how to make a profit.

The franchisor, as a rule, already has an established product supply system, that is, cleaning products can be obtained cheaper and from trusted suppliers.

A car wash without water does not require special knowledge or large initial investments; a business can be opened in any city and even town. It has its disadvantages, but traditional car washes also have disadvantages. With a little effort, you can open a profitable business in a few days.

Every day, with every kilometer, any car becomes dirty to one degree or another. We are all accustomed to seeing car washes for SUVs, minibuses and cars, but there is a catastrophic lack of places where you can wash a 20-meter-long truck. Not every production facility, much less a food warehouse, will allow dirty vehicles into its territory; such requirements for heavy-duty vehicles are more common at food warehouses. While car wash is available in almost every city for passenger cars, in the case of heavy-duty trucks the statistics leave much to be desired.

The main consumers are truck drivers, bus drivers, and subsequently fleets. Since the flight can last 5 or more days (sometimes up to 2-3 weeks), drivers have to live in their cars. There they eat, sleep and live. Naturally, the cabin must be orderly and clean. But they don’t forget about the outside of the truck, which is why they use the services of car washes.

The essence of the business idea is to satisfy the need of drivers and owners of freight transport to wash heavy vehicles, tractors, and buses.

Experts say that a car wash as a business is a very profitable business. And in order for it to generate real income, a number of important points should be taken into account

It is assumed that the funds will be provided by a bank or investors, and so that the costs of starting a business are not high, a portal car wash can be leased.

Capital investments- 2740.8 thousand rubles.

Net profit- 409 thousand rubles.

Payback period- 6-7 months.

Return on sales - 68,2%.

2. Description of the business, product or service

It is planned to start a business with one portal installation costing 2.5 million rubles. After the first installation has paid for itself, it is planned to install a second portal sink.

After the two installations begin to generate stable income, it is planned to install a stationary sink with the same portal installation. It will be possible to expand the range of services, for example, by opening a tire shop, because you always need to develop.

Also open a small store of auto parts and consumables, i.e., motor oils, filters, various liquids such as antifreeze, antifreeze, diesel fuel mixtures, etc. Later, open a car wash for passenger cars.

3. Description of the sales market

This business is just beginning to gain momentum in our country. And it is not developing very quickly at the moment. It is not very developed in our city either.

Truck washing as a business is not only a promising, but also a highly profitable enterprise. Profits from such activities can significantly exceed the income received from car washes for passenger cars.

Just compare the cost of the service:

  • For the owner of a car, washing the car costs 250 rubles. (average price of service).
  • The minimum cost of washing trucks varies from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles.

Therefore, it is worth actively developing this industry, this will bring considerable profit, will enable truck owners to keep their truck clean, and will provide people with jobs.

In our city, according to the 2gis portal, there are 9 car washes for trucks. There are more than 45 car washes for passenger cars. These are the main competitors. Most of them are located on the outskirts of the city, i.e., in places where there is a fairly large flow of cars.

Car wash place

Competitive advantage is expected to be achieved through the choice of location for the car wash and additional services. The car wash site is located along Dachnoe Highway.

Because Since this area is located on the outskirts of the city, the flow of both trucks and cars is ensured, especially in spring, summer and autumn.

4. Sales and marketing

5. Organizational structure

First you need to decide on the form of business organization. There are two options here: either registration as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur), or “opening” a legal entity, for example an LLC. Each of these forms has its own pros and cons, so to make it easier to make a choice, you need to familiarize yourself with each of them in more detail.

Both for registration as an individual entrepreneur and for opening a legal entity, state registration is required, the procedure for which is determined by the Federal Law on the Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs. When applying to the registration authority, it is necessary to draw up an application in the prescribed form, prepare and submit constituent documents, and also pay a state fee.
The next step will be to obtain permits that allow you to engage in a car wash business.

In particular, these are:

  • permission from local authorities who are in charge of the territory where it is planned to open a car wash. To receive it, you must submit a letter of request to the city or district administration for the allocation of a land plot for its construction;
  • car wash project, which is developed by a design organization. Without fail, this project must comply with current sanitary-epidemiological, architectural, environmental and fire standards and be agreed upon with the authorities responsible for compliance with all these standards;
  • permission from the architecture committee, sanitary and epidemiological station, environmental protection, fire and labor protection departments to provide vehicle washing services. If at least one of the conclusions listed here is missing, the project will not be approved;
  • an act of permanent or temporary possession of land, which is drawn up after approval of the project. Only after receiving this document you are allocated land and given a warrant for the construction of your facility.

This is a list of basic documents that are required to open a car wash. There are no special requirements for their composition and form.

6. Financial plan

7. Risk factors

Let's evaluate the possible risks of the project on a 5-point scale.


  • Possible changes in legislation. Risk assessment - 1. This risk can tighten the environment for business development and reduce the level of profitability. Compensation is carried out at the organizational moment when introducing a form of government, type of ownership and form of taxation.
  • War, natural disasters, cataclysms, accidents and emergencies. Risk assessment - 1. The event can objectively lead to large material losses. Property may be severely damaged or destroyed. However, this risk is regulated by the insurance service.
  • Opening of new car washes in a city with a population of 410,000, lowering prices by competitors. Risk assessment - 3. As we have already said, demand exceeds supply, but income may fall slightly. This is regulated by the creation of a personal customer base, active promotions and the development of interesting offers. It is necessary to reward the client for his correct choice.
  • Seasonal reduction in the number of services. Risk assessment - 5. This risk does not have clear time limits. It all depends on the weather. This risk is controlled by marketing policies, promotions, and a reduction in the number of employees.

Every year there are more and more cars. Accordingly, the demand for various services related to them increases. In this article we will look at the possibilities of organizing a car wash business.

Typically, examples of ready-made car wash business plans on the Internet include quite a lot of “water” due to the impossibility of creating a universal business plan for specific conditions. Any such plan would require adaptation to existing conditions. Or order the writing of an individual plan, if this is required to organize production (investment, loan).

“Foam” is also quite common: The washing business is profitable due to the large number of cars. It should be kept in mind that business profitability is not ensured by demand alone. Let us describe the main parameters of car wash enterprises.

Car wash: a look from the inside

Car wash services are in demand. But in order to start writing a business plan for a car wash and implementing the enterprise, you need to get a general idea of ​​the chosen production. First of all, we propose to classify car washes. Classification will allow you to better navigate the existing market, equipment, costs, etc.

Classification of car washes:

  1. Express. Quick wash without additional services. The main difference is the speed of service provision, little waiting. Rather a rare option, but possible.
  2. Standard. Car wash with a full range of services: body wash, wheels, glass, underbody, interior and trunk dry cleaning, polishing, engine washing.
  3. Washing various special equipment. Another area that is often overlooked. This is especially true for transit heavy transport.
  4. Other types of washing. There may be quite “exotic” car wash options here. The most common of them at the moment is dry car wash (wiping the car with preliminary application of special chemicals). It is also possible to have some options for mobile car washes with points of sale on the Internet.
  5. A combined option from those presented above.

Each of these areas requires its own specifics, its own equipment, and marketing. For example, to organize a car wash for special equipment, it is advisable to first study the client base: automobile enterprises, transit traffic flows, etc.


The room is dictated by the choice of car wash implementation option. The most common options are hangars for one or two places. Special equipment will require hangars of appropriate sizes. Small car washes start from 80-100 square meters in size. meters.

General requirements for premises:

  • allocation of zones: work area for car processing, area for clients, office premises (warehouse, equipment room, staff room, etc.);
  • thermal insulation (when used in winter);
  • waterproofing;
  • good lighting of the work area;
  • water supply, sewerage.

The client's room can be furnished with good furniture and equipped with various equipment. It makes sense to organize points of sale of additional services in the client room: coffee bar, souvenirs, consumables for cars, etc.


Depending on the wash you will need:

  • compressor;
  • washing vacuum cleaner;
  • high pressure water supply apparatus;
  • apparatus for supplying high pressure heated water;
  • water purification system.

Download a ready-made car wash business plan, current for 2019, you can from our trusted partners "Biplane". Download link.


No license is required to organize a car wash. To organize an enterprise, a standard set of documents:

  • a set of constituent documents (the most convenient option is individual entrepreneur);
  • a set of agreements with external organizations (lease agreement, contract, outsourcing, etc.);
  • a set of internal documents (mainly developed forms of accounting logs for activity analysis).

In some cases, it is convenient to organize not an individual entrepreneur, but a joint-stock company. For internal reasons: cartel type, organization of business by pooling, etc. Externally: contract agreements with large organizations.


The number of personnel depends on the volume and work schedule. There are no special requirements for key personnel. Washers are low-skilled workers. The administrator must be able to work with clients, ideally engage in various types of sales, increasing the client base. Therefore, the requirements for the administrator are appropriate.

To ensure normal, uninterrupted operation, it is recommended to proceed from the following calculations. There are two washers per sink. If the car wash is 24/7, then one car wash will require 3 shifts, i.e. 6 people. Starting from a certain level, an administrator is required. Small car washes operate without an administrator.

Car wash: outside view

Before opening a car wash from scratch, your business plan will require a good market analysis (demand, competition) and some marketing work. If the first is mainly related to the location of the car wash, then the second is responsible for entering the market, consolidating and developing the business.

Demand and competition

Demand and competition in the car washing services market are not uniform. You can always find a place where, given a sufficiently large forecasted demand, there is practically no competition.

The location of the car wash is of great importance for the forecast. For the demand for the service, the client’s convenience in terms of distance is important. Typically, customers prefer to wash their car at the nearest car wash. But the location on prominent central streets does not play a decisive role. Of course, in this case advertising and directions must be provided.

In addition, if the car wash is large enough, you need to take care of parking spaces next to the car wash and convenient access to the car wash. Otherwise, the institution risks losing customers.

To determine competition and indirect indicators of demand, you can also drive around and get acquainted with the nearest available similar establishments. If there are a lot of car washes, but there are few customers in them, then perhaps the market in this place is oversaturated with supply, it’s worth taking a closer look at other places.


For small car washes, special marketing may not be necessary. Focus on attracting regular customers. Since the car washing service is permanent and renewable, it is partly based on regular customers. Working with regular clients and attracting regular clients should take a significant share of your time.

For larger car washes, attracting regular customers is more important. For these purposes, you can use various promotions, discounts, additional services as a gift, etc. It should be understood that the quality of basic services in a car wash is on average the same. It is hardly possible to increase attractiveness only through high-quality basic services.

Another possible marketing strategy is the Internet. On this site you can arrange a pre-registration, a choice of car washing services, a convenient time, etc.

Costing example

Finishes the car wash business plan with financial plan calculations. The financial plan sums it up when all other parameters of the project have already been determined. If something is not satisfactory, then adjustments can be made to the project. The final calculations depend on many parameters. We will provide a sample of a small calculation for a general idea of ​​business opportunities.

Input data:

Small sink for one washing station. There are two washers working in one shift, there is no other staff. Standard set of services.

It is possible to service 20 – 40 cars per shift. Average cost: 200 – 300 rubles. In total we get 4 – 12 thousand rubles. in a day. Or about 100 - 300 thousand rubles per month. The real profit will be from 30 to 100 thousand rubles. per month.

The fact is that car washes are unevenly loaded by season, by day of the week and by hour of the day. In many ways, everything here is situational, depending on the specific location of the car wash.

As you can see, the ongoing costs of car washes are not so much compared to the initial investment. Payback occurs from one to three years.