Photobanks and microstocks: passive income or business?! Learn how to make money with photo stocks. Kitchen secrets What are microstocks and photobanks

Do you like taking photos and want to make money by selling your shots? Use the photo bank! It is a special platform with a large number of pictures that can be sold for a variety of purposes.

Who is suitable for this way of earning?

Photo stocks are an ideal part-time job for those who cannot imagine their life without a camera. Importantly, neither the qualifications of the photographer, nor the equipment that he uses, do not play a big role. The main thing is a good picture! Of course, many photo stockers prefer to use professional cameras, but if you know how to take high-quality pictures with the most ordinary “DSLR”, you can safely do without expensive gadgets. By the way, recently photo stocks began to accept images taken on the phone. About a year ago, such a picture even appeared on the cover of Time.

How much can you earn?

A good photo brings $0.5-0.7 per month. Of course, this is not enough, but there are three important points that allow you to increase profits:

  1. You need to post 200-300 pictures on the site at once.
  2. Don't forget to update your portfolio regularly, adding a dozen fresh shots daily.
  3. Register on 5-6 sites at the same time.

By fulfilling these conditions and uploading about 1000 photos, you can earn about $500 per month. By the way, there is a commission on all photo stocks, which "eats" from 30 to 70% of the initial cost of the picture. And one more thing - even the most successful image is able to make a profit only for the first six months. Then it is rarely taken.

Overview of the best photo stocks

On the Internet you will find many different photobanks, but not all of them are successful. In order not to get into trouble, concentrate on the most profitable and popular ones. We have compiled the TOP 10 of the best photo stocks.

1. Shutterstock

Shutterstock is the undisputed leader in the photo agency market. Due to its large client base, it provides photographers, illustrators and videographers with very high profits. To work with a photo bank, you must pass an exam and provide a scan of your passport.

For one download, beginners receive $0.25. Photos on this portal sell very quickly, and the payout increases with the amount of your earnings (once your account grows to $500, the cost of each download will rise to $0.33). The minimum withdrawal amount is $100.


In terms of profitability, this photo bank is slightly inferior to the previous version, but you do not need to pass an exam to work with it. The main difference of this site is the presence of a rating system - the higher the level, the more earnings. For selling photos individually, you can get from 20 to 60%, for selling by subscription - from $0.25 to $0.40. Fotolia has a Russian interface. During registration, you need to upload a scan of your passport or driver's license.

3. Dreamtime

One of the most convenient and popular sites. Not only does it not require passing an exam and uploading documents confirming the identity of the author, but it is also more loyal to the quality of photographs. Payouts on Dreamstime are up to 50% of the cost of photos. The site works with both classic JPG and vector or RAW format. When downloading the last two, you can earn two or even three times more.

4. Depositphotos

Depositphotos is a young, but already quite popular photo stock with a convenient Russian interface. Authors here expect a lot of profitable promotions. By registering on the site, you will have to pass an exam of 5 photographs and upload identification documents.


To register on this site, you only need to fill out a form and sign an agreement that provides legal security. You don't need to take the exam.


Today, is one of the largest and oldest microstock sites with a huge content base. The site accepts both regular and vector images, as well as audio and video files. The quality of work is quite demanding, so you have to pass a small exam. There is an exclusive program for authors.


A very good resource that is owned by Shutterstock and automatically copies images uploaded to the portfolio of its authors. If you have never worked for Shutterstock, then registering with Bigstockphoto will allow you not only to improve your skills, but also to earn some good money. For one shot, you can get from 50 cents to several dollars. The minimum withdrawal is $30. This microstock does not work with nude shots at all and does not allow you to remove photos from your portfolio.


One of the very first photo stocks, which has not only vast experience, but also a high level of profitability. It is good both for additional income and for testing your skills and abilities. You will have to pass the exam, but it is quite easy. A distinctive feature of is a friendly administration that helps in resolving all issues. Payouts start at $50.


A popular photo bank that does not put forward too high requirements for image quality, and therefore is ideal for beginners. To pass the exam, you must submit at least 10 papers. When withdrawing funds, you need a scan of your passport.

10. VectorStock

The only microstock dealing exclusively with vector images. Unfortunately, the site does not have a Russian interface.

You will learn how to make money on photo stocks for a novice photographer, which sites are best for selling photos and how much money such earnings can bring.

15.03.2018 Lyubov Chushenko

Today you will learn how to make money on unique photographs, what skills and abilities are needed for this, and on what resources it is most profitable to post your photographs for maximum benefit.

Amateur and professional photographs are actively used on the Internet. Photography is not only a hobby and a way to capture the passing moment, but also a way to earn extra money.

What are photo stocks

Photostock is an intermediary site between the seller of photos and their buyer. A photographer who has taken an interesting unique shot sells it by putting it on public display. If the buyer likes the work, he buys it.

The advantage of such a service for novice photographers is that there is no assessment of the quality of photographs. The site is not suitable for those who spend several hours creating a unique shot: it is a pity to give your creation for 20 cents.

For those people who take pictures not only for profit, but also for pleasure, photo stocks are a good way to earn extra money on a hobby.

Is it really possible to make money on them?

Some photo stocks do not limit the number of possible purchases of the same image. Therefore, from one picture you can get 100 times more than 20 cents if it attracts the attention of several hundred people.

Not only people who have a professional camera can make money on photo stocks. If you are creative, good at drawing or good at using graphic resources, the result is worth more than a picture taken with a camera.

How to make money - step by step guide

In any activity, the main thing is the order of actions, and this concerns methods of making a profit in the first place.

We offer you a step-by-step guide for beginners.

Step 1. Choose a site and register

Decide on a topic that is closest to you. Based on your skills, decide whether you will take pictures yourself or sell painted pictures. Pay special attention to the choice of photo stock, it should suit you in terms of price category and conditions.

It is necessary to register on the selected stocks and read the agreement and rules for publishing photos.

Step 2. Pass the exam

Some photo stocks have a verification procedure. Usually it is enough to provide a scan of the passport. Administrators of some resources conduct surveys to identify your level of professionalism. This is necessary to confirm that you have the necessary skills.

Not all photobases have a serious selection of sellers, most do not require passing tests and exams. Aystok accepts authors who have successfully passed theoretical testing and sent 3 photos of a certain subject. In Shutterstock, to successfully pass the exam, you need to submit 10 high-quality photographs for verification.

Step 3. Fill out the tax form Form W-8BEN

If you want to receive income from foreign sites, as a citizen of Russia, you must complete the tax documentation on Form W-8BEN. In particular, this applies to American sites. This is done to receive benefits. In other words, you do not have to pay tax deductions to the budget of another country.

Step 4. Upload photos and wait for sales

Profit will be maximum if you upload a large number of works. High demand for photos is observed only in the first six months. Therefore, do not put off adding new photographs to the back burner. Spend the waiting time for profit wisely and profitably.

Collaborate with several photobanks at the same time. Your earnings depend on the number of images published on the Internet.

TOP 5 best photo stocks for making money

Russian-language photo stocks are the most popular in Runet. But there are many accessible and convenient foreign resources that our photographers actively use.

It is more expedient for beginners to promote photos on the simplest services with a minimum cost of images.


Ideal for novice users. This is one of the very first paid photo stocks designed to make money on the Internet. An agency agreement is concluded with the authors, according to which the owner of the material receives up to 50% of the profit from each sale.

Main topics in Lori Bank:

  • people of different sex, age and profession;
  • landscapes (water, rural, city, mountain);
  • objects (still lifes, toys, dishes, vintage and antiquity);
  • cities and countries.

The site also sells photos and videos on topics such as sports, religion, plants, beauty and health, transport, architecture, etc. The service allows users to purchase one new image for free every day.


A large database of photos, pictures, video and audio materials. The site is convenient to subscribe based on the available budget.

The service has more than 20 categories of photos, it is equipped with convenient navigation. When posting photos in Aystok, copyrighted works are subject to strict requirements - publication will be refused if there is already something similar on the site. The main advantage of the service is the high cost of downloading. Owners are not distributed by sales levels, everyone has equal conditions.

Stock income from the sale of one unique image reaches $40. Deductions to the exclusive author are 40%, non-exclusive - 20%.


Shutterstock generates more sales than other microstocks. Every week the database of the Shutterstock service is replenished with a million new illustrations. Photographic materials are allowed to be posted after successfully passing the exam.

The Bank accepts video clips, vector images and professional photographs for publication. The quality characteristics of the content must correspond to the high level of the site. The author's commission from the sale is $28 per download.


DepositPhotos is a young bank, one of the leaders in sales. Registration on the site is free, but you need to attach a scan of your passport. The examination for authors is formal and consists in sending 5 papers. For sale, the service accepts videos, photos and graphics.

Deductions for newcomers are equal to 44% from the sale. The DepositPhotos program provides a temporary subscription for bloggers and site owners.


A popular microstock with a database of 10 million images. Suitable for beginners. After registration, you need to pass an exam. Content requirements are low. According to reviews, most photographers started selling their work from this resource.

You will learn about the requirements and features of popular stocks from the video:

How much can you earn on photo stocks

People who decide to take up photography for the sake of money are interested in the question: how much money can you get from one resource?

On one high-quality photo, they earn about 50 cents a month. By posting 200 unique and attractive images in a month, you will receive an average earnings of $100, which is very tempting. Using simple mathematical calculations, it is easy to calculate the possible profit from 5 such photobases.

Constantly replenish photobanks with pictures, and you will receive a worthy cash reward.

Travelers and artists who post their edited professional content on various sources receive up to $3,000 monthly. So hobbies and hobbies turn into a profitable business.

Be sure, it’s real to make money on stocks, the main thing is not to leave the business you started halfway, constantly develop and improve.

To succeed in creativity, constantly learn and develop.

There are many ways to improve the quality of work.

Sign up for training courses, watch online webinars, read certain literature. Practice more often, photograph what seems unusual, special to you. From the 50 pictures taken, choose a couple of the most successful ones and place them in a photo bank.

Do not stop at one resource, connect several of them, so you will increase your profit by 4-5 times. Russian programs are available to absolutely everyone.

If you know foreign languages ​​(or know how to use translators), nothing prevents you from offering the fruits of your creativity for sale on foreign sites. The pay for 1 job is much higher there, services always require exclusive content.

Finish what you started. By giving up on the idea of ​​developing a photo business, you will deprive yourself of the chances of success. Don't stop even if things don't work out. Take into account the mistakes made and again offer the public your vision of beauty.

Don't expect instant results. Experience will come with time, the main thing is to approach the matter responsibly.

To gain experience and build a professional portfolio, post images regularly. Identify the most bought shots and analyze why they are bought. Try to create similar ones.

Find zest in your creativity. Images should not be copies of existing ones. Take the most popular stock photos as a basis and show them to the public from the other side.

Banks of photographs are overflowing with images of nature, portraits of people. Create your own theme, unlike others.

An interesting undertaking is the transfer of movements to photographic paper. Show the beauty of dance moves, the grace of dancers and skaters. Successfully caught moments will make you the best in your niche.

Like everyone else, I bought a camera for entertainment, without thinking about making money. Then I began to study specialized sites, courses, visit photopleiners. Gradually, praise from friends, and even strangers, began to be heard more often. The skill grew and then I thought: why not make money on what is good at it? Do you have a similar situation? I didn’t plan to shoot weddings: hassle, fuss is not mine. I wanted something calm and with a perspective on the future. I started looking and found out that there are photo stocks for making money, especially for people like us.

What are photo stocks

Photo stock is a platform with a large database of high-quality photos that you can legally buy to use for your own purposes.

How is the process going? The designer needs a photo of a girl in a dress for a banner. He goes to a photo stock, selects a suitable image and buys it for a nominal fee (I’ll tell you why it’s so cheap and why it’s profitable for us below). For each download, the author of the picture receives deductions.

Benefits of making money on photo stocks

5 main advantages:

  1. Passive income - you sleep, your photos are sold;
  2. Low entry threshold - you don't need large investments to start earning. A camera and basic skills are enough;
  3. Income depends only on you, there is no ceiling. It can be $30 or $3000 per month;
  4. Create your own work schedule
  5. Not tied to a place.

The article will be biased if I do not mention the cons:

  1. Long wait for the first money. While the volume of your portfolio will be small, you should not count on tangible income. Start from at least 300 photos. Calculate how much you can shoot so much, and with high quality. For those who want to cut down the dough - pass by;
  2. The second minus follows from the first - the loss of motivation. First you have to work without seeing results. Not getting a quick result, many quit.

Before you start earning, ask yourself the question, can you?

Photo stock rating

The first 3 I think are the best for selling photos on the Internet for beginners.

How to work on photo stocks

I'll tell you on the example of the Shutterstock photo stock, the process is similar to others. The sequence is as follows:

  1. Register;
  2. Pass the exam - to do this, upload your top 10 photos for moderators to check. I will say right away that I did not succeed in passing the exam the first time, but I did not give up, I replaced the rejected frames and passed the second time;
  3. Fill out the tax form Form W-8BEN - relevant for overseas stocks. You should not be afraid, you indicate that you are not a US citizen and the 30% tax will not be removed from you;
  4. Upload photos;
  5. Keep track of income statistics.

What will you be paid for? For each download of a photo, $ 0.25 is charged. It seems that this is minuscule, but the trick of making money on photo stocks is that photos can be downloaded an unlimited number of times. Imagine you have 200 photos in your portfolio. Suppose that 25% downloads per day - 50. 50 times multiply by 0.25 = $ 12.5 per day. In a month it turns out $375. Okay, do you agree?

Photo stocks for beginners

What are your thoughts now? Register on 9 microstocks and receive income from several sources at once. So? Here is the first mistake! At first, especially for beginners, such a step leads to the fact that you dissipate your strength and, as a result, do not get the expected result. Then the motivation will disappear and you will quit this business.

How to make money on photo stocks correctly? Narrow the goal to a minimum and direct all energy to one point. Choose 1-3 stocks and upload, actively upload photos there. By putting all your efforts to one point, you will quickly get the result, and with it the motivation to work further!

Have you heard about the Pareto rule? It says that 20% of effort gives 80% of results. So, of all the services above, 60-70% of the profit comes from Shutterstock. First, gain a foothold on it, get the first profit, experience, and then you will scale to the rest.

The most important advice you read above. Here I will tell you how to earn more:

  1. Pay attention to keywords - most of the works are found by them;
  2. Do not build a composition, shoot simple things - remember that photo stocks buy material for further work. The simpler, the better;
  3. Read the rules before you start. An interpreter will help on English-language resources;
  4. Think not like a photographer, but like a designer or a journalist who is looking for material for a banner or article;
  5. Light, bright, sunny photos are bought up better than gloomy and dark ones;
  6. Popular topics are medicine, office, workers. Worse in demand are flora and fauna, landscapes, abstraction;
  7. Prepare stories for the holidays. March 8, February 23, mother's day - on such days, sales of thematic photos soar to the limit;
  8. Russian photo stocks are easy to learn, but the main income comes from foreign ones.

Understand one more thing, uploading a photo once a month and waiting for money to pour in is stupid. Photo stocks are not for everyone. This is hard work that requires regularity. If you still want to make money by selling your photos, then go for it!

I cite in the article the best photo stocks for making money for beginners and instructions on how to make money on photos on the Internet. Now we are all photographers a little, we like to take beautiful photos and post them on Instagram, Vkontakte, Facebook. But few of us think about the fact that now emotional photos are in trend, and not staged photographs taken by non-professionals. There is a big commercial demand for amateur photos!

Start posting your photos not only on social networks, but also in photo banks (photo stocks) and EARN! The most successful photos can be downloaded from photo stocks more than 10,000 times. For each download you will receive from $0.2! In total it is $2000 and only for ONE (!) photo.

So, where and how to sell photos on the Internet, how to make money on photos?

Need a reflex camera with interchangeable lens. Digital compact cameras (greater than 6 megapixels) or phone with a good camera are also suitable, but it is important to follow the rules of proper shooting and processing.

Need fast internet. Since high-quality photos are large, you will need unlimited high-speed Internet. Plus, the photo will need to be uploaded to several photobanks.

You need to register in several photobanks. The highest earnings are at Shutterstock, but you need to pass an exam. Getting into Dreamstime, Fotolia, Depositphotos is easier, but the earnings are lower. With a Royalty Free license, you can sell the same pictures in different photo stocks. I recommend these MOST PROFITABLE, well-known and popular photobanks for making money for beginners:

It is better to know English, but you can use Google translator. By the way, thanks to the work with photobanks, the vocabulary will be replenished.

Other helpful articles:

2. Registration in photobanks.

How to sell stock photos? To get started, you need to register.

I recommend that you carefully enter your registration data.(in English), because registration in a photobank is actually signing an agreement electronically for the sale of your photos (as well as videos and vector images).

Identification will be required, as photo banks will pay you money. For identification, you will need to send a scan of your passport, international passport or driver's license. In Shutterstock, identification is required upon registration, in other photo banks - upon the first payment of money. Shutterstock requires a scan of your passport.

3. How to pass the exam on Shutterstock and other photo banks?

You must only take the exam at Shutterstock and Depositphotos. I recommend that you take the selection of exam photos seriously. It is better to take new pictures of good quality with an interesting plot. It is almost impossible to pass the exam with a poor quality photo. For the Shutterstock exam, you need to select 10 best photos, while Depositphotos - 5.

Exam at Shutterstock ( shutterstock) .

You will need to upload your top 10 photos(either vector images or 3D graphics) are better than different topics, with different ideas and plots. It is important that the picture has sufficient lighting, good exposure and focus.

If 7 of your pictures are approved - you passed the exam and now you can upload your photos to the site in unlimited quantities for sale. Approved 7 works will be available for sale the next day.

If more than 4 shots do not pass the approval, the exam is failed. The re-examination is only possible after a month.

An illustrator with a good background in vector or 3D graphics programs will find it easier to pass the exam than a photographer who submits their own vector images.

The main reasons for failing the exam.

Noise, artifacts - poor image quality.

Most often, the reason is the high sensitivity of the matrix and strong file compression. To avoid this, it is better to take pictures at the minimum camera sensitivity (ISO). It is important that the image is correctly exposed so that you do not have to increase the brightness (as you increase the brightness, noise and artifacts appear). Please note that some cameras automatically add sharpening, this also leads to increased artifacts.

Conclusion: you need to set the minimum value of sharpness (Sharpen) in your camera. Or shoot in RAW, and during the conversion you will need to remove the sharpness to zero. It will be necessary to increase the sharpness only at the end of photo processing, and then selectively (for example, for a blue sky you cannot add sharpness, but it is desirable to add it for eyes and eyelashes). If the camera is not very good, then you can reduce noise and artifacts by reducing the image to 4 MPx.

The photo has no commercial value.

When choosing a subject, consider whether the photo can be used for commercial purposes. Plus, you should not send the same type of similar photos, pets or trees from different angles for the exam. Focus on the most popular photos on photobanks - these are the pictures that buyers need. Take original and creative photos.

Wrong keywords.

For each picture, you will need to pick up 7-50 keywords (keywords). But for the exam just do not need to write too many keywords. The ten most important ones are enough - words for the main objects in the picture and their description. If the photo is accepted, then add more keywords up to 50 to increase sales.

No Model Release (model release).

If there are people in the photo and their faces are visible, then there must be permission from these people. This release is called "Model Release". There is nothing complicated in its design and the document does not oblige to anything, the photo bank does not check it, but simply wants to protect itself from possible claims. Download the Model Release form from the photo bank, enter the name of the photographer in block letters (photographer name) and the name (names) of the people in the photo (model name), fill in all the data (address, phone number) of the model and photographer, indicate the date (shoot date), put a signature (signature) plus the signature (witness) of the witness (any of your acquaintances). Scan or take a photo and upload in JPG format. If there are children in the photo, permission from their parents is required.

IMPORTANT! You will receive the biggest earnings from the sale of your photos on the Shutterstock PHOTOBANK. I recommend trying and still pass the exam and get on this stock photo! After all, you will receive 50-70% of earnings from photobanks from Shutterstock!

If you did not pass the exam the first time, know that this happens to many. Try again!

ADVICE. Photo editing is best done in Adobe Photoshop. In it you can make color correction, improve exposure, make a white background, remove shadows, and you can also assign keywords and names to your pictures (File -> File Info). To reduce the noise level, use the separately installed Imagenomic Noiseware Professional plug-in in Adobe Photoshop.

4. Requirements for uploading a photo.

Register and upload your photos. Each of the photobanks has several options for downloading. Detailed descriptions are on their websites. When uploading a photo, you must indicate in English:

Photo title (Title, Image name)- specify a few words;
Photo description (Description)- specify a few words;
Keywords for photos (Keywords)- specify up to fifty keywords;
Photo category (Categories)– select a category from the list.

Keywords (keywords) is the most important parameter. Your sales will depend on the correctness of filling it out, because buyers look for photos mainly by keywords. The more keywords you enter, the more likely your photo will be found and bought.

To select keywords, you need to answer the following questions:

  • What is shown in the photo?
  • Who is in the photo?
  • Where, when, how, what?

After uploading the photos, they will be checked by photobank inspectors. The check takes from several hours, but can last several days. If the photo is approved, it will become available for sale and you will be notified by e-mail. If the inspector finds flaws, such as artifacts, noise, or does not see commercial value in the photo, you will receive a letter with the reasons for refusal. You can send the photo again, correcting the shortcomings.

5. How much can you earn on photo stocks?

When buying a photo, customers use keywords and sort photos by popularity, size, vertical or horizontal orientation, etc. The client pays the photo bank, and the authors receive an average of 50% of the cost of each photo download ($0.25 - $2.50) .

If a client buys a photo for commercial use (calendars, mouse pads, posters, postcards, etc.), then you will be deducted many times more for one photo.

For each image, several smaller sizes are generated at a lower cost. Thus, your earnings depend on the size of the image chosen by the client.

The most successful and popular pictures are downloaded (sold) from 5 to 15 thousand times. Plus, people continue to download (buy) them, which brings excellent earnings to their owner.

If you want to make serious money on photo stocks, then you need to upload about 200 photos per month to each of the photo stocks that you work with, about 10 photos per day. You will upload the same photos to all photo stocks. This way you will increase the number of photos in your portfolio. In the first year, you will earn up to $100 per month. In the second year, when there are several thousand photos in your portfolio, your income will be $400-600 per month and more.

You will start earning passive income. Your photos will start working for you.

6. How to get money from photo stocks?

Photobanks start payouts from $50, and some from $100. You can get your money in the following ways:

  • Payment system Moneybookers.
  • Payment system WebMoney.
  • PayPal payment system.
  • Name bank check.

In my opinion, the most convenient ways to receive money are WebMoney and the English money transfer system Moneybookers (Moneybookers). The fact is that the PayPal payment system does not work with the CIS countries.

7. Review of photobanks for earnings.

Now there are several dozens of photostocks (photobanks, microbanks) in the world. They take pictures from photographers and sell them online to their clients. But not all photo stocks are successful, so it is better to focus on the 3-5 most popular and most profitable ones.

Shutterstock is the undisputed world leader among microstock photo agencies. On it, photographers, videographers, illustrators, receive the highest profit due to the large number of clients. Pass the exam, provide a scan of your passport for personal identification and work with this photo bank. As a newbie, you will earn $0.25 per download. But all photos are sold here quickly, as the site focuses more on new photos. The amount of payouts will increase with the amount of your earnings (You will receive $0.33 per download when you earn $500). You can receive your money when the amount of earnings reaches $100.

They are photostocks (they are also commonly called microstocks) special services through which Internet users can sell copyrighted photographs. Initially, the list of possible operations included only the sale of photographs, however, after a certain period of time, photo stocks began to offer the possibility of implementing vector graphics, various illustrations, video and audio clips of various topics. According to the established procedure, sales from a user who decides to register on a photo stock will go directly under a license called “royalty free”, without royalties. In other words, sales will be carried out at a relatively low price, but they can be made quite a large number of times. We can give one example, according to which, the user has photos that have already been sold several hundred times.

Important! Taking advantage of the opportunity to repeatedly sell the same photo, you can secure a constant and stable income.

How much can you earn on photo stocks

It is important for any user to know how much do you earn from photo stocks what efforts need to be made to ensure a consistently high income. In practice, everything depends solely on your own capabilities (primarily creative), a little luck. In order to be able to earn on your own photos and reach a profitability value of 10-15 thousand rubles per month, you will need to regularly upload relevant photos to the service. In fact, the photographer's fee is up to about 30% of the final cost of the material sold. Thus, after selling a photo for $1, the user can expect to receive a reward of 30 cents (maybe even more, depending on the conditions of work at a particular photo bank). In the event that about a hundred photos are posted daily, a substantial amount of funds is obtained per month.

In numbers, the ratio of uploaded photos in the user's asset and income level can be displayed as follows:

  • If your portfolio contains between 10-300 images, you can earn at least $50-$100.
  • When a portfolio contains 300-1000 photos or images, the profitability of one account varies between 100-300 dollars.
  • Make a decision to constantly keep about 1000-3000 images in your portfolio, which means you can count on your own profitability in the range of $ 300-1000.
  • Finally, to get a stable income at the level of 1000-3000 US dollars per month, it is worth keeping at least 3000-10000 photos in your account for placement.

Is it possible to make money on photobanks and what needs to be done for this

But it is important, nevertheless, to understand whether it is realistic to make money on photobanks. This way of earning is quite real, but the user will need the following set of equipment, inventory and fixtures, skills:

  • A quality camera capable of capturing only the highest quality photographs. It is very important that all images are of exceptionally high resolution, the minimum threshold for such a camera should start from six megapixels.
  • You will need a computer with a minimum set of software installed, as well as the skills to work directly with them. It should be installed on a computer or laptop that is relevant when editing posted photos.
  • The user has unlimited access to the Internet, because you will have to upload the necessary images to the resource. If you plan to work for a long period of time on the site, there is a lot of work to be done and all of it will require prompt access to the resource at any time.

And, of course, it will be mandatory to have the skills to fully work with all software products, regardless of their complexity. In addition to the ability to work with raster images, it is necessary to learn how to process source photographs using vector graphics, in which case, the success of the work will increase by several times.

Choosing the best photo bank for making money

Now it is important to determine the important thing, which are the best photobanks for making money - how to choose? In accordance with the services provided, the benefit to the potential user, it is worth highlighting several resources:

  1. ShutterStock offers about 25 cents for subscription downloads, which, with a monthly rate of 2,000 photos uploaded by other users, will earn up to about $ 500. The system provides for alternative ways of earning.
  2. iStockPhoto provides an opportunity to earn 20% from one download, and for VIP account holders, this figure is about 40% of the total.
  3. Dreamstime has a great offer for registered photographers. the service allows you to count on making a profit depending on the number of downloads up to 50% of the final cost.
  4. Fotolia, within the framework of the user agreement, offers the opportunity to earn within 33-64% of the final cost of the photo. The percentage depends on the account hosted on the image resource.

Having dealt with the order of work on photo stocks, it is worth trying this way of earning.