Kebab business: how to open a kebab shop. Business plan for a kebab shop: documents and necessary equipment

Many people associate barbecue with relaxation in a friendly company, fun and comfort. Thanks to this association and the huge number of meat lovers, opening a kebab shop can be an excellent way to make money.

Shish kebab is a grilled meat dish. Even though this delicacy is not considered a dietary food, there are a lot of smokey meat lovers. The kebab shop's clients are people of different ages and social status. This democratic establishment can be visited by both students and businessmen. Thanks to this alternative concept, a kebab shop is a very profitable type of business, which is guaranteed to bring you income and, with the right approach, will recoup all investments in one season. Therefore, I will undoubtedly recommend that people who are looking for take a closer look at the idea of ​​opening their own kebab shop.

Features and format of business

The kebab shop is a “one-dish” themed establishment. This cafe exclusively prepares and serves grilled dishes. Basically, this is meat of different types and methods of preparation, from traditional kebab to rare steak. In addition, the barbecue menu often includes sausages and smoky sausages, as well as seasonal grilled vegetables.

Before opening such an establishment, you need to decide on the format. Traditionally, kebab houses are divided into two types: open-type establishments and closed ones.

Summer barbecue on the highway

This place is usually a small portable tent with an outdoor kitchen and outdoor tables for visitors. Here everyone can fully enjoy the atmosphere and experience all the delights of outdoor recreation. As a rule, barbecue and other dishes are prepared right on the street, and every visitor can watch the cooking process.

Most of these establishments are located along the highway, outside the city. Most often, visitors to roadside kebab shops are passing motorists, truckers, as well as people who decide to relax in nature. As a rule, these cafes provide customers with not only the opportunity to purchase barbecue to take away, but also relax in comfortable gazebos or summer tents.

The only disadvantage of a summer kebab shop is the seasonality of this type of income.

Stationary indoor kebab shop

The second option for opening this themed catering establishment involves renting a premises with a specially equipped kitchen for preparing food, as well as a resting place for visitors to the kebab cafe. This option is more profitable, because it is possible to sell grilled meat dishes all year round. But as a rule, the demand for such food in winter drops significantly, and not every novice entrepreneur can afford opening a stationary establishment. Therefore, for beginners on a limited budget, I recommend opening a summer kebab shop on the street.

Business registration

Before you begin to implement the idea of ​​​​opening a catering establishment, you should understand the organizational issues. First of all, you need to submit the relevant documents for registration of activities. You have the opportunity to choose the form of activity: individual entrepreneur or LLC. Naturally, the procedure for registering an individual business is much simpler, faster and less expensive in material terms. But it is only suitable for establishments that do not plan to sell alcoholic beverages. It is worth noting that beer does not require a license, and these are the most popular drinks in the warm season. Therefore, you can safely limit yourself to selling exclusively non-alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks in your establishment.

If you are initially planning an extensive menu for your catering establishment, which involves selling alcohol, then you should register a legal entity (LLC).

Necessary documents for the legal operation of a kebab shop

  • Coordination of the location of the kebab shop with Rospotrebnadzor. You do not have the right to locate a catering establishment or retail outlet in any place convenient for you. This must be agreed upon with local authorities, who will issue appropriate permission to open the establishment.
  • Conclusion of the sanitary-epidemiological service on the compliance of food products, food preparation technology, norms and quality standards.
  • Permits from the fire department. This is another authority, the conclusion of which determines the possibility of opening and operating a retail outlet. The premises of a kebab shop, coffee shop, pizzeria or any other catering establishment must comply with fire safety standards. Namely, a fire alarm must be installed on the territory of the establishment, and there must be both a main and an emergency exit in case of need to evacuate people.
  • Availability of health certificates for establishment employees. Catering workers are required to have proof of health status. To do this, they must provide a health record, which indicates that they have undergone a routine medical examination.

Equipment for barbecue

Depending on the chosen format of the establishment, you will need to purchase the appropriate equipment for preparing barbecue and other dishes presented on the menu of your cafe.

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Necessary equipment for a summer barbecue on the street

  • Barbecue and skewers for cooking meat and vegetables over a fire;
  • Microwave oven for heating food;
  • Refrigerator and freezer;
  • Cutting table;
  • Washbasin, dishwasher, water supply and sewerage, in case you do not use disposable dishes to serve ready-made dishes. But as a rule, roadside kebab shops use disposable dishes and cutlery, so there is no need for unnecessary waste;
  • Kitchen utensils (knives, plates, glasses, cutting boards, dishes, etc.);
  • Furniture for visitors to relax. As an option, most often, roadside cafes use plastic chairs and tables with sun umbrellas. Sometimes kebab houses equip gazebos for guests of the establishment. You can choose any option that is more accessible to you financially.

Menu and food delivery

The main feature of any kebab shop is high-quality grilled meat. Consider customer preferences and try to diversify the menu as much as possible. For example, some religions prohibit eating pork, so in order not to lose customers, you can offer them kebab made from tender chicken fillet.

The establishment's menu should include types of kebabs made from different types of meat. For example, you can offer visitors traditional pork or lamb shish kebab, tender grilled beef, baked chicken drumsticks, and even an exclusive seafood composition of salmon, shrimp or snails. Vegetables must also be served with meat. You can cook them very tasty on the grill and serve them as a side dish for barbecue.

Dessert. In any establishment, even a kebab shop, you can offer visitors the opportunity to try something sweet. Traditional desserts in the warm season include ice cream with various toppings and syrups, fruit salad and chocolate-covered fruit slices.

Don't forget about drinks too. It is advisable to sell both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks so that each visitor can choose the one that suits their taste. The menu should include juices, fruit drinks, coffee, tea, as well as alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks, for example.

I recommend that you don't get too carried away and create an extensive menu. The fact is that meat and vegetables spoil very quickly in the warm season. And the use of frozen foods significantly affects the taste and appearance of food. Therefore, it is better to have main dishes on the menu, but always from fresh products that will be delivered several times a week.

Delivery of products

Opening a kebab shop involves selling home-cooked dishes, for which you need to purchase the appropriate ingredients.

It is quite possible to conclude profitable contracts with vegetable and butcher shops. The only recommendation is, don’t be fooled by the low cost of meat, always ask for certificates confirming its quality. Otherwise, you risk the lives of your visitors, because it is very easy to get poisoned by meat.

Want to save money? Find farmers and buy goods directly without intermediaries. With the same success, you can open a domestic farm, pigs, sheep, and then the problem with the supply of products will be solved.

Search for personnel to work in a kebab shop

It is worth understanding that the attendance of the establishment, and accordingly its profitability, depends on the qualifications of the staff and the quality of service. Therefore, treat the selection of staff with all responsibility.

To work in a kebab shop you will need:

  1. Cook. If the establishment is small, then at the initial stage, one person is enough;
  2. Assistant cook – 1–2 people to work in shifts;
  3. Waiters. Depending on the area and attendance of the establishment, hire qualified waiters. A minimum of 4 people will be needed to work in shifts. There are no special requirements for the position, the main thing is that the person is attentive, friendly towards the visitor, punctual, honest and responsible. It is desirable to have work experience, but it is also possible to accept a person without experience with a probationary period.
  4. Cleaning woman. It doesn’t matter what kind of catering establishment you open, be it an elite coffee shop or a roadside kebab shop, cleanliness in the premises is the key to success. Agree that few people will visit an establishment that smells dirty and tasteless. Hire someone to clean and keep it clean.

Business plan for a kebab shop

To avoid mistakes and to allocate your available start-up capital wisely, I recommend that you draw up and adhere to a clear business plan.

A kebab shop business plan should consist of the following steps:

  1. Choosing the format of the establishment (stationary cafe or mobile tent);
  2. Registering a business, obtaining permits and licenses;
  3. Rent a place for a kebab shop;
  4. Purchase of equipment;
  5. Recruitment;
  6. Calculating the costs of implementing an idea, assessing the profit and payback period of the project;

Kebab business: pros and cons

It is worth noting that starting a business in the food industry is always a profitable business, even despite serious competition. As for the barbecue industry specifically, here, like in any other field of activity, there are advantages and disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the seasonality of the business, in the case of opening a summer kebab shop. As for the advantages, there are many more of them: thematic nature of the establishment, small investments, high demand and the possibility of further development in the chosen direction.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

1.Project summary

Objective of the project– opening of a kebab shop in Rostov-on-Don, operating in the format of a mini-cafe and “takeaway”. The kebab house is a small establishment with an area of ​​30 square meters. meters offering shish kebab as the main dish. The target audience of the establishment is residents of the Aleksandrovka microdistrict and the city of Rostov-on-Don, as well as guests of the city. The main services of the kebab shop are: preparation of kebab for takeaway, mini-cafe and summer cafe services, delivery services. Menu establishments include:

1. Pork kebab;

2. Lamb shish kebab;

3. Beef shish kebab;

4. Chicken kebab;

5. Salads;

6. Snacks;

7. Drinks;

The cost of opening a kebab shop will be 1,101,700 rubles. The main investments will require the construction of a kebab shop building and the purchase of equipment - 811,700 rubles. The project is planned to be launched using our own funds. The payback period for the project from the start of sales will be 14 months.

*during peak months

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The construction and finishing of the premises, as well as the design of the necessary establishments, is planned to be completed within 5 months. The kebab shop is scheduled to open in June 2016.

2.Description of the industry and company

The goal of the project is to open a kebab shop in the city of Rostov-on-Don. At its core, a kebab shop will represent a “one-dish establishment” - shashlik. It was decided to choose two directions as a work format - a self-service mini-cafe format with 12 seats and a take-away format. Between April and early October, it is planned to double the number of seats by adding outdoor tables. Thanks to this, it is planned to make full use of the establishment’s capabilities in the warm season, when barbecue is in greatest demand among Rostovites and city guests.

The kebab shop is located on one of the city’s busiest streets - 40th Anniversary of Victory Avenue (Aleksandrovka microdistrict), on the first line of houses. The distance from the city center (Teatralnaya Square) is 5 km, the distance from the M-4 Don federal highway is 3 km.

An individual entrepreneur with a simplified taxation system (6% of income received) was chosen as the form of ownership. The management structure of the establishment is extremely simple. The project is managed by an individual entrepreneur; the functions of receiving clients and fulfilling orders are performed by two full-time employees working in shifts. In the warm season, due to increased sales and the opening of a summer cafe, it is possible to attract hired personnel. Hired employees are also hired to provide delivery services.

3.Description of goods and services

The main dish of the kebab shop is shish kebab made from various types of meat: pork, beef, lamb, poultry. A detailed price list for kebab shop products can be seen in Table. 1 of this business plan. The main advantage of the kebab shop will be the quality of meat, which is purchased from a local peasant farm, and the actual cooking is done by the individual entrepreneur himself, who has many years of experience in preparing kebab and grilled dishes, as well as two full-time employees. The quality of kebab will also be facilitated by timely delivery of meat and compliance with storage conditions, as well as methods of marinating and frying that have been proven through personal experience. You can order shashlik and other dishes to go with it without visiting the kebab shop: the establishment provides delivery services. At the time of writing this business plan, the project is at the initial stage: the site has been transferred from individual housing construction status to commercial real estate, design and estimate documentation has been developed, and a preliminary agreement has been concluded for the supply of meat with one of the peasant farms.

Table 1. Prices for products sold

To provide the services described above, registration as an individual entrepreneur (IP) with OKVED code 55.30 “Activities of restaurants and cafes” is required. The operation of a kebab shop will require a sanitary and epidemiological report, registration of medical records, permission to locate a catering establishment, confirming that a kebab shop can be equipped in a given location. The following is a complete list of documents that will need to be submitted to Rospotrebnadzor:

1. Evidence of property rights to the premises;

2. Design conclusion for a catering facility (or the project itself, if a conclusion has not been drawn up);

3. Calculation of the amount of food waste depending on the capacity of the enterprise;

4. Permission to accommodate;

5. A copy of the BTI plan with an explanation for the food establishment;

6. A copy of the general plan of the territory;

7. Scheme of communications (ventilation, water supply, sewerage);

8. Layout of technological equipment;

9. A copy of the current agreement with Vodokanal;

10. Certificates for existing ventilation units and air conditioning systems;

11. Certificate of inspection, cleaning and disinfection of ventilation, sewerage systems, testing of heating and refrigeration equipment in the catering department;

12. Contract for maintenance of ventilation and air conditioning systems, incl. disinfection;

13. A copy of the bacteriological and chemical analysis of drinking water;

14. A copy of the certificate of state registration of the kebab shop.

15. A copy of the tax registration certificate;

16. Bank details (in full), certified by the director’s signature and seal;

17. Copies of orders on the appointment of persons responsible for PC (production control);

assortment list of products;

18. Copies of contracts for waste disposal: solid waste, food, mercury-containing and fluorescent lamps;

19. Copies of contracts for the supply of food and food raw materials;

20. A copy of the contract for carrying out deratization, disinfestation and disinfection work (+ license);

21. A copy of the agreement for periodic medical examinations (+ license);

sanitary passport for the facility (issued in the disinfection service);

22. Decorated consumer corner;

23. Journal of accounting and consumption of disinfectants with an approved calculation;

completed medical records of employees.

The customers of the kebab shop are almost all categories of the population who love this dish and are partial to meat. It is worth noting that in recent years, meat consumption in Russia has begun to grow. The recession of the early 1990s, which lasted until the early 2000s, when per capita meat consumption fell by a third, has passed. According to the Federal State Statistics Service, at the end of 2014, meat consumption in Russia amounted to 74 kg per capita. At the same time, meat consumption figures in the Southern Federal District are traditionally higher than the Russian average and today amount to about 78 kg.

The main requirements of shish kebab buyers are the taste of the meat. The kebab should be soft, juicy and preferably come to the table “hot from the heat.” An almost obligatory attribute of barbecue is sauce, fried vegetables, appetizers, and salads. In the south of Russia, shish kebab is most often served with lavash.

In general, in Rostov you can count about a hundred establishments where you can find shish kebab as one of the dishes. At the same time, the kebab shop format is less common - there are about 20-30 kebab shops operating in the city. Basically, such establishments offer take-out services, including hot main courses of Caucasian cuisine and salads. Less common are establishments operating in the format of a mini-cafe or restaurant. Despite the abundance of kebab shops, there are not many truly popular establishments. Only 5-6 establishments in the city can boast of “people's love” and a large share of regular customers. As an additional service, most establishments include free kebab delivery. Among the direct competitors located near the kebab shop, we can highlight two establishments that prepare barbecue for takeaway and have positive customer reviews. One of the common criticisms of kebab shops, in addition to complaints about the quality of the kebab, is the low speed of service and cooking, low level of service, and “weighting” of customers.

Kebabs are sold directly in the establishment (to-go) and through delivery. During the warm season (from April to early October), the kebab shop operates in the format of a summer cafe. The cafe's customers are served shish kebab and salads on disposable dishes. Ready-to-go kebab is packaged in special disposable containers. The client can order salads, drinks and snacks available on the menu. The kebab shop is open daily from 10.00 to 23.00.

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To attract customers, an outdoor sign with three-dimensional letters that glow in the dark is used. Distribution of business cards, leaflets with menus, contacts and kebab delivery phone numbers is also used. Prices for shish kebab are set based on average prices in the city, as well as taking into account the cost of production.

5.Production plan

It was decided to locate the kebab shop in the Proletarsky district of Rostov-on-Don, on 40th Anniversary of Victory Street in the Aleksandrovka microdistrict, in close proximity to the owner’s house. The population of the Proletarsky district, according to 2015 data, is 119 thousand people. At least half of this population lives in the Aleksandrovka microdistrict, and there are many multi-storey residential buildings in the area. Since the kebab shop is located near the roadway, this location could not be more convenient in terms of visibility of the establishment for passing people. The avenue is a key artery of the city, connecting the M-4 Don federal highway with the center of Rostov-on-Don. In this regard, potential clients can be not only residents of a given microdistrict and city, but also guests of the city.

The cost of building a barbecue area of ​​30 square meters. turnkey meters will require 540,000 thousand rubles at the rate of 18,000 rubles. per sq. meter of area. Equipment of the premises will require another 311,700 rubles. A total of 851,700 thousand rubles will be invested in real estate.

Table 2. Equipment costs

The main duties of taking orders and cooking are performed by two kebab shop employees working in shifts (see Table 3). Hired personnel are mainly used to organize delivery, as well as in warmer months for auxiliary work when the flow of customers increases.

Table 3. Staffing and wage fund

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In 1 working day, a mini-cafe kebab maker can fry up to 50 kg of raw meat, that is, the output will be about 37.5 kg. Accordingly, the maximum volume of finished products per month will be 1140 kg. Taking into account sales of other products, the kebab shop’s monthly revenue can reach 1.2 million rubles. The main costs of the main period are the purchase of meat and other products. Meat for barbecue is purchased from one of the peasant farms. The cost of a kilogram of pork is 190 rubles, beef – 210 rubles, lamb – 230 rubles. Chicken wings are purchased at a price of 90 rubles. per kg, chicken fillet for barbecue - for 175 rubles. The production consumables are charcoal and disposable tableware. Other expenses include services of hired personnel (mainly delivery) - 7,000 rubles, costs of utilities and electricity - 5 thousand rubles, printing of business cards and leaflets - 5 thousand rubles, as well as depreciation of fixed assets - 2.6 thousand rubles. taking into account the useful life - 10 years.

6.Organizational plan

The project implementation period, taking into account construction, equipment and registration of necessary documents, will be 5 months. Responsibilities for the general management of the kebab shop remain with the owner. Full-time and hired employees are directly subordinate to him. The process of receiving and serving customers is carried out by two kebab shop employees working in shifts. There are no strict requirements for the qualifications and education of personnel. Training in working and cooking technology is undertaken by an individual entrepreneur.

7.Financial plan

The financial indicators of the project, including revenue, cash flow, variable and fixed costs are presented in Appendix 1. Calculations are made for a five-year period, taking into account seasonality indicators and growing load indicators up to 67% due to the growing recognition of the kebab shop and the increase in the number of regular customers.

8.Evaluation of project effectiveness

The project to open a kebab shop is characterized by low start-up investments and high profitability. The costs of the preparatory period, including construction costs, equipment, decoration, etc., will amount to RUB 1,101,700. When the planned sales figures are reached, the establishment’s payback can be expected within 14 months from the start of operation. The discounted payback period will be 14 months. Project performance indicators are given in Table. 4.

Table 4. Project performance indicators

*during peak months

9.Risks and guarantees

A kebab shop is a low-risk business. Start-up investments are minimal, and the production and sales technology is extremely simple. Since the price segment of the establishment is average, the risks of payback and profitability of the project are minimized. The successful implementation of the idea contributes to the ownership of the property. In Table. Section 5 of this business plan provides an analysis of possible risks for opening and operating an establishment.

In the worst-case scenario, bankruptcy of the enterprise is not possible, since the investments are made in a liquid tangible asset. In particular, the option of selling a ready-made business or leasing it is possible.

Table 5. Assessment of project risks and measures to prevent their occurrence or their consequences



Main financial indicators of the project in a five-year perspective

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The public catering market in our country is now going through a very interesting period. On the one hand, fast food and the products of once trendy sushi bars have already become boring to the consumer. On the other hand, a worthy alternative that can cause a gastronomic frenzy among the average person has not yet been invented. If you have decided to open your own business in the catering industry right now, then when choosing a specific area of ​​activity you should pay attention to the “eternal” values ​​for the Russian consumer. For example, think seriously about opening a kebab shop. Did the idea seem tempting to you? Great! Here are some tips to help you on how to start this wonderful, profitable business in the best traditions of Russian catering.

Business Features

So, a kebab shop is a specialized “one-dish” cafe. Kebab, of course, occupies a priority place on his menu. One of the variations is grilled meat. Contrary to popular belief, running your own kebab shop does not necessarily mean a seasonal business: in large Russian cities it has long been the practice to open kebab shops that operate throughout the year. However, the instructions on how to open a summer barbecue cafe are not too different from the instructions on how to create a business that operates all year round.

In a word, feel free to decide on the time limits for the operation of your kebab shop, and all your other actions in starting your own business will be directly related to the main specific aspect of the “kebab” business. Which one? Of course, with the fact that your own kebab shop is a catering enterprise. And not just any, but Russian. This means that without first collecting numerous documents and certificates, you will not be given permission to feed people. Therefore, it is worth starting your “kebab” enterprise from the bureaucratic stage.

What documents are needed?

Regardless of what business you intend to engage in, you should register as a subject of this very business. If you open a kebab shop, it’s better for you to become an individual entrepreneur (unless, of course, you plan to immediately create an extensive network of establishments). When registering an individual entrepreneur, select item 55.30 “Activities of restaurants and cafes” in the list of OKVED codes.

Once you register, you will need to select a form of taxation and report your decision to the tax office. It is important to do this in a timely manner, because otherwise you will be charged with the OSNO regime by default, and it is extremely unprofitable for small catering establishments. Hurry up and opt for a simplified taxation system, noting that you would very much like to give the state 15% of the difference between income and expenses: this will not allow you to go into the red even in the most unfavorable scenario.

Now all you have to do is come out of the shadows and become legalized as a new player in the public catering market. To do this, you need to obtain the following permits:

  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion (hygienic certificate) of the SES,
  • permission to locate a catering establishment in a specific location,
  • licenses for the right to trade certain categories of goods, for example, wine and vodka products,
  • medical records for each employee of the establishment.

If you intend to independently transport meat for your kebab shop, then for this you will also need a sanitary and epidemiological document for transport.

Perhaps, at the stage of collecting documents, you will not yet know where exactly your kebab shop will be located and how many people will work in it. Don’t wait for inspiration, collect the remaining documents: issuing medical records these days is a fairly quick procedure, but it’s better not to delay obtaining permission to engage in business.

Finding suitable premises and choosing equipment

There are two criteria to follow when choosing a room for a kebab shop. Firstly, this room must fully meet the fire safety requirements. In addition, it must have all the necessary attributes for the operation of the kitchen, in particular, water supply and electricity. Secondly, your kebab shop should be located in a place with good foot traffic. If your aspirations are limited to a business idea about how to open a kebab shop on the highway, then it should be a full-fledged highway with several lanes. If you dream of your own cozy restaurant, then it should be located in the center of the city or neighborhood.

As for the interior, here you should rely only on your imagination and your own ideas about beauty. Sometimes the craziest interior concept of a catering establishment can encourage residents of surrounding cities to come to this particular cafe. And it also happens that a design verified according to all the canons of art will leave most of the guests indifferent. In general, think for yourself.

In any case, you will need the following equipment for a barbecue:

  • maximum power hood,
  • refrigerated cabinets (at least two - for meat, etc., and preferably three),
  • cutting tables,
  • distribution stand,
  • kitchen utensils, including barbecue and skewers,
  • dishes

If we are not talking about how to open a takeaway kebab shop, you will also need furniture for the hall: tables, chairs, a bar counter, bar stools - and a wardrobe.

A little about the products

It is hardly worth reminding once again that the choice of meat supplier for a kebab shop can determine the entire future fate of the business. It’s best to look for a supplier among local farmers, but you can even start with markets. As your business develops and your needs for meat grow, you will be able to reach the level of cooperation with major suppliers.

The most important thing: the meat must comply with all conceivable (sanitary and veterinary) and inconceivable (specifically to your liking) standards. To a lesser extent, but this circumstance also applies to all other products for your kebab shop.

Menu development

The king of the menu in your establishment will, of course, be shish kebab, most likely made from balyk and pork neck.

Kebabs made from chicken, lamb, veal and red fish also enjoy stable success among domestic meat-eaters. But don't forget about the other dishes. Consider the composition of side dishes, salads, desserts.

Separately, think about serving the shish kebab. If, as a bonus, your establishment includes delicious sauces, pita bread, and fresh herbs, then this factor will certainly attract grateful guests.

Take care of the alcohol menu, especially the wine list, because meat with good wine is a classic that will not fade with time. Remember to decorate the table and provide each table with condiments, napkins and toothpicks.

Financial issue

Maybe money doesn’t buy happiness, but when opening your own kebab shop, it is extremely desirable to know what you can count on in the end. Rough calculations show that a kebab shop with an area of ​​100 m² pays for itself in approximately 18-24 months.

The turnover of such an enterprise is about 12 million rubles per year. You can start a business with half a million rubles (of which about 100 thousand will be spent on equipment).

A kebab shop is a compact, specialized cafe where the priority range of dishes is grilled meat and vegetables. Opening a kebab shop timed to coincide with the summer season may well bring considerable income, provided that all the rules for creating and subsequently running this business are followed.

Business plan for a kebab shop

The key to the success of any enterprise depends entirely on the development of a preliminary business plan, and relentless adherence to it in the future. Selling kebabs is one of the types of business in the catering industry, which can bring significant dividends due to the great popularity of this dish. At its core, a kebab shop is a small cafe, equipped with specialized equipment, offering customers a highly specialized menu, in which meat products predominate.

Opening a kebab shop involves following a certain set of points that are mandatory. Step-by-step instructions for implementing the above idea may look like this:

  • collection and preparation of necessary documentation;
  • registration of a public catering outlet;
  • preliminary cost calculation;
  • choosing a suitable location;
  • equipment purchase;
  • personnel selection.

Required documents

The first step in starting a business selling barbecue is to register the future business with the tax authorities. First you need to decide on the type of future enterprise. The priority is given to individual entrepreneurs and LLCs. The first option is the most acceptable due to the relatively low cost of the procedure. But it will help to decide exactly what is better: an individual entrepreneur or an LLC.

Basic documentation required to open a kebab shop:

  • Agreement received from Rospotrebnadzor authorities. This document gives full rights to locate a catering point in a pre-selected location.
  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion. Documents of this kind are valid for five years from the date of receipt. In accordance with the examination, compliance with the sanitary standards of the premises directly in which the production and subsequent sale of kebabs, equipment, products used as raw materials for preparing dishes that make up the main range of cafes, methods of storing semi-finished products and transportation will be determined.
  • Medical books. This document is issued for each employee included in the official staff of the kebab shop. Books are a prerequisite due to the fact that personnel activities involve direct contact with food products, their storage and delivery.

Obtaining each of the above documents entails certain financial costs, the amount of which may vary slightly depending on the method of obtaining the service. For example, obtaining medical records is possible after cafe employees pass the necessary tests. This procedure can be carried out both in a medical institution and outside a cafe. The latter carries a slightly higher price.

Criteria for choosing a location

An important aspect of the profitability of a kebab shop is the choice of location. The most acceptable option directly depends on the type of cafe. The main ones are the following:

  1. Open type– the term refers to a room designed for work exclusively in the summer. Most often, summer terraces equipped with a minimum set of auxiliary equipment are called outdoor cafes.
  2. Closed type– this type provides for the presence of a heated room that meets the needs of the cafe and is designed to operate throughout the year, including in winter.

As already mentioned, one of the determining factors in the profitability of a business based on the sale of barbecue is the location of the point. When choosing a location, you need to consider the following aspects:

  • passage area. The optimal location options include places such as highways, work and industrial zones, and recreation areas. In short, it is best to place a cafe where there is always a possibility of finding potential visitors.
  • If the kebab business considers as a priority not the sale of kebabs directly in the cafe, but the delivery of dishes to your home, the location does not matter much.
  • In summer, it is ideal to place cafes in parks, near various bodies of water, and on beaches. The aroma of meat roasting on flaming coals will be the best advertisement in such cases.

Necessary equipment

The equipment that must be purchased at the initial stage of opening a kebab shop includes the following:

  • skewers, made of high-quality metal and a grill on which the process of cooking meat will take place.
  • If a closed type premises is used as a kebab bar, it is necessary to equip it powerful hood.
  • dishes, which will be used both for preparing products and for serving ready-made dishes. The second option can be excluded if you plan to use disposable tableware.
  • refrigerators and freezers. Ideally, it is necessary to equip a cafe with two units. One of them will be provided for storing semi-finished products and raw meat, and the other for finished products.
  • cutting tables, and lockers, or shelves, necessary for storing cutlery and some products.
  • tables and chairs, intended for visitors.
  • rack, used both for distributing ready-made dishes and for visually separating the kitchen and the hall for visitors.
  • additional accessories necessary to create coziness and comfort in the room.


Depending on the size of the future kebab shop, it is necessary to staff the staff with the required number of labor units. So, for the operation of a small cafe, only three people will be enough:

  • Directly cook or barbecue, who will be engaged in the production of the priority dish - shish kebab. If you plan to prepare additional products, for example, salads, desserts, main courses, you should staff the kitchen with two chefs.
  • Cleaner, whose responsibilities may include both cleaning the premises and washing dishes.
  • Waiter or bartender. As a rule, in small cafes only one person holds this position due to the limited number of seats for visitors.

As additional positions, it is quite possible to name an administrator. However, the activities of a small kebab can be successfully carried out without his participation.

Proper organization of production

Important! Without a pre-thought-out and competent organization of production, a business will not bring the desired results.

For the successful operation of a kebab shop, the following points must be observed:

  • Choice reliable supplier of fresh meat possessing the necessary documentation confirming the quality of the products sold. Often, owners of small cafes purchase marinated meat that is ready for frying. This is not recommended. In order to be sure of the quality and freshness of the products, you should cut and marinate them yourself.
  • Menu development. Despite the fact that the main dish of any kebab shop is kebabs, it is necessary to supplement the menu with bread products, fresh salads, herbs, and drinks. It is also acceptable to prepare second courses. It is unlikely that a cafe that sells exclusively barbecue will be profitable.
  • Pleasant atmosphere, cozy interior, soft music– all these details will help attract more visitors. We should not forget about the cleanliness of the premises; dirty tables with food residues, the floor not washed since the opening day will scare off any, even the most unpretentious client.

Expected income and preliminary cost calculation

When carrying out a preliminary calculation of expected costs, it is necessary to distinguish two main types: monthly and one-time. Monthly investments mean the following:

  • payment of wages to staff;
  • purchase of meat products;
  • purchase of additional products.

As for one-time costs, it includes renovation of the premises, purchase of equipment, furniture, as well as payment of certain amounts for registering the enterprise.

In numerical terms, costs may look like this (it should be noted that prices are approximate and may vary significantly depending on the region):

  • The total amount of one-time expenses, subject to the availability of ready premises, is about 300,000 - 500 - 000 thousand rubles.
  • For each month, taking into account the payment of wages for three people and the purchase of products, the costs will be about 200,000 thousand rubles.

As for income, according to rough estimates, it is at least 500 thousand rubles each month. Of course, this is possible if the cafe is located in a crowded place, and at least 150 - 200 servings of shish kebab, or 50 kg of meat, are sold per day.

In order to visually familiarize yourself with the main stages and rules of opening and subsequently running a business based on the preparation and sale of barbecue, you can watch a video containing information about the features and subtleties of opening a cafe:

Options for kebab business

The success of a kebab shop and the level of popularity of the establishment among visitors directly depends on the location. The most common options for selling shish kebab, as well as other grilled products, are the following:

  • Indoor barbecue. A cafe of this kind usually operates all year round and brings the highest profit. The main disadvantage in this case is the considerable costs associated with preparing the premises, as well as purchasing the necessary equipment.
  • Barbecue shop on the highway. It is also a very profitable investment. At some distance from populated areas, such a kebab shop, if it sells really tasty and high-quality products, will be very popular.
  • Barbecue takeaway. A kebab shop of this type requires minimal investment, since there is no need to prepare a hall for visitors and purchase the necessary furniture. However, the income may not be too high.
  • Shish kebab home delivery. Currently, the popularity of food delivery services directly to your home is gaining momentum. In this case, shish kebab occupies a far from priority place, which implies the opportunity to take a worthy place in this area.

So, preparing and running a business based on the sale of barbecue is a very profitable enterprise that will bring considerable income, provided that all rules and regulations are observed. As a rule, a cafe operating for a year allows you to fully recoup the preliminary costs within one to two years.

This kebab shop business plan is a reference guide for those who are planning to open their own business. From here you will learn all the nuances of organizing such a business and information on how to do it from scratch.

Kebab houses are catering establishments whose menu is dominated by one dish – shashlik. An attractive factor for opening kebab shops is that this will require minimal expenses, which is important for young businessmen.

Preparing to organize a kebab shop

First of all, when organizing any business activity, you need to take care of paying taxes, and for this you need to register with the nearest one. It doesn’t really matter which form of ownership will be chosen, the main thing is to indicate 55.30 in the list of OKVED codes, which of course implies restaurant activities, or the payment of taxes for a cafe. This also includes all kebab shops.

It is more rational to register yourself as, even if you plan to open several points. Firstly, it greatly simplifies the tax registration system. In this case, you will only need a passport and an application for registration. Secondly, a small registration fee. If you still go like this, then you will have to pay the entire 4,000 rubles, and not 800 as in the case of an individual entrepreneur.

It is advisable to immediately decide on the form of taxation and notify the tax office of your decision. Otherwise, according to our legislation, OSNO will appear opposite your name, which is completely unprofitable for small catering establishments. Among the remaining forms, due attention should be paid to the simplified 15%, where the tax base is the income-expense difference. When choosing 6%, there is a high risk of remaining at a loss, because in this case the base is only income.

Necessary documents for opening a kebab shop

We have already talked about registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC. In addition to this, we must take care of permitting documents for business activities:

Conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological station or hygiene certificate. It is issued by Rospotrebnadzor after checking your kebab shop that has not yet opened. Its validity period varies from 1 to 5 years. As for costs, you only have to pay for the examination, and the certificate itself is issued to private entrepreneurs free of charge within 60 days.

Permission to locate a kebab shop in the planned location. It also needs to be obtained from Rospotrebnadzor.

Medical records for all service personnel. Material costs will be small only if your employees independently undergo a medical examination at the SES (about 600 rubles). Calling experts directly to the kebab shop will cost you much more.

We will include all these costs at these stages in the calculation of expenses in the following periods.

Barbecue premises and equipment

Most often, a kebab house means a mobile or stationary summer cafe (see ““). If an open kitchen is planned, then the grill will be placed outside and customers will be able to watch the entire cooking process. It is best to place a kebab shop along the passages to markets, to squares, and in places nearby festivals and holidays.

An important detail is the presence of a toilet nearby. The easiest and most profitable way is to rent a biskabin (2-3 thousand rubles) or buy it by sharing with a neighboring entrepreneur.

Minimum equipment for a kebab shop:

Barbecue and skewers - without them the process of preparing kebabs is impossible;

Refrigerator – marinated meat will be stored in it;

Distribution counter - orders will be accepted at this counter and payment will be made;

Tables and chairs - you can do without it if the barbecue in this establishment is prepared only for takeaway.

This is interesting: read our other articles from the fast food sector - “ “, “ ” and “ “.

We organize the production process

In addition to equipment, we will need products from which the barbecue will be made, and don’t forget about coal. All that remains is to find a supplier of fresh and high-quality meat at a relatively low price. The best option is an agreement with a local farmer, which is best secured on paper, and with good cooperation, you can conclude an agreement for a long period.

Next, the delivered meat needs to be marinated. The easiest way, of course, is to buy already marinated meat, but this is not very profitable. For these purposes, it is better to negotiate with a canteen or with a separate workshop in production, but you can pickle it yourself.

When calculating prices for future products, you need to take into account the fact that when frying shish kebab, the weight of the meat is greatly lost. You also need to take care of the availability of accompanying drinks and additional dishes.

Economic calculations of a kebab shop business plan

One of the sides of such a business is that profit fluctuations are very noticeable and therefore we will divide the year into 2 parts: from May to September and from October to November.

Initial parameters

The basis is the opening of a new enterprise;

Opening hours from 11-00 to 23-00;

The area of ​​the kebab house is 90 sq. m.;

7 tables and 28 seats for visitors;

Equipment (along with additional coffee machine, microwave and cash register) – 90 thousand rubles;

Other one-time expenses (purchase of furniture, dishes, cosmetic repairs) – 110 thousand rubles;

Utilities – 3 thousand/month;

The average salary for 6 employees is 14 thousand rubles. / month

Monthly expenses:

Salary – 90 thousand rubles/month. + Unified Social Tax (35%) –31 thousand rubles;

For rent – ​​45 thousand rubles/month;

Revenue per month in the period from April to September (in other seasons the figures are halved) will be 990 thousand rubles, while costs during this period will total about 208 thousand rubles.

If we take into account seasonality, then for 1 year in total:

Trade turnover – 11,880 thousand rubles;

Gross profit – 6,504 thousand rubles;

Net profit – 2,487 thousand rubles;

Profitability – 21%;

Payback period – 2 years.

Thus, we can say that a kebab shop is an enterprise that can be organized at minimal cost, which will pay off in just a couple of years. Evidence of the promise of this type of business activity is the success of many businessmen. If you don’t have the money to open a kebab shop right away, read our ““, maybe you should start with a similar business, the costs there are quite minimal.