Promotion of goods on the Internet. How to promote your product on the Internet? Optimization of the virtual site

Yes, yes, this may not be news, but it is still a very good, effective and fast way to advertise your business on the Internet. The largest bulletin boards: Avito, From Hand to Hand and... (everyone in the city has their own). Other boards are less effective, but you can still post on even small ones and find your client. I myself have sold, am selling and will continue to sell using boards, which is why I am not writing this paragraph “from a lantern.” People actively search for products on message boards, so your products and services should be there!

Social media

Here you can also advertise for free. On social networks, by creating a group or account, you can also advertise your products and services for free. Most people use social networks and this advertising tool has its place. You can post thematic posts in groups (some groups and public pages will allow you to post information for free, but you need to look for them), you can create an account and add all potential clients as friends (create a human account with First and Last Name, otherwise they will ban you), you can create your group and add people to it and ask friends to send invitations to their friends, etc.

Also, all social networks use hashtags. E that word or phrase preceded by a symbol# . Users can combine a group of messages by topic or type using hashtags - words or phrases starting with #. For example: #how to make money, #business and so on. If you publish posts from your account on a wall or in a group with thematic hashtags, then search users will be able to find you faster when searching for certain information. I myself have used all of the above advertising tools on social networks and continue to use them!

Subscription services

Like Subscribe, Surfingbird. You can post your entries in thematic groups where access is open, and access is open there in many groups. I also post links in groups to my thematic articles and the traffic is active. There are several other similar services, but I don’t use them.

Your blog

A very effective advertising tool, but it will not give you results here and now, but will give you excellent results in the long run. I already wrote once that I don’t understand companies that don’t have their own blog! If every company kept a blog and shared useful tips in its niche with readers, the problem with low quality content on the RuNet would be solved. For example, you sell auto parts, then on your company’s blog you can write interesting articles on how to use these spare parts, that is, how to repair a car or a separate part of it. I can give many examples for almost every type of business and this tool will work everywhere.

Why is it free? Because you write articles yourself, search engines “eat” them and show them in search results to your potential clients. You can also promote your blog and there is an article about this ““. I am sure that if you give really useful advice to your reader on your blog, he will buy a product or service from you. Yes, you need to wait until the blog is indexed, you need to write articles, you need to promote, but it’s cheap or even free and you need to use it. I use it, and you?

Questions and answers

For example, questions and answers Mail. If you find the question: “Where to buy...” and you have the answer, then you can provide a link to your product or service. If the person who asked the question is interested in your offer, then you will get a client. It turns out that you are not spamming, but helping people by answering their questions.

City portals

Each city has its own Internet portals and advertising works in them too. For example, I post my posts and information about my store on the Omsk forum, in the Omsk media, where there are categories for online stores and there is an effect, although not great, but it’s free! Look for portals and media outlets in your city and find out if you can be listed in their directory.


Now you know that free advertising on the Internet exists. I have listed everything that I use myself, but there are also interesting options, which I wrote about in the article about. Of course, you can still spam in groups and on websites in the comments, but I myself don’t like this and I don’t advise you, that’s why I didn’t pay attention to these methods of free advertising on the Internet.

If I missed something or you know your own methods, then write them in the comments and I will add them to the article! Thank you for your attention and take advantage of free advertising on the Internet while you can!

Advertising is a modern way to introduce customers to your product. She talks about the advantages of the product and encourages a person to buy it. However, there are special tools that work more effectively, because they are able to influence the human subconscious. Knowing this, manufacturers are inventing new tricks so that we eventually want to use their services or buy something we need! An example of a product advertisement: probably each of us has already simply learned by heart that Orbit chewing gum maintains Ph at the proper level. And when we are going to buy something similar, we remember this particular brand. This is the effect of promoting a product on the market.

The target audience

Before you start an advertising campaign, you need to decide what category of population your products are intended for. It is this factor that will help you understand where advertising will “work.” There are really many ways, but each person has his own priorities: if it is, for example, a medicine that is suitable for older people, you should not actively advertise it on dating sites! It will be a waste of time. But posting a board or publishing it in a reputable newspaper is the right decision. Attractive flyers, advertising brochures that can be distributed at the clinic will be much more effective and will quickly find your potential customers.

Well, for young people who are looking for sports equipment, it would be correct to post information on social networks or on popular youth sites. In addition, such audiences are attracted by videos or information on the popular radio wave.

Outdoor advertising is a powerful weapon

Many call this one particularly intrusive, but marketers say it is very effective. And it works like this: a person reads advertising brochures against his will and remembers slogans. And our subconscious processes information and draws conclusions. The result will not be long in coming: we already want to purchase this or that item or use this or that service.

  • Shields are common objects that catch our eye throughout the city. They attract attention and force the client to get more detailed information about the company or service. The working side is directed towards the flow of people, but the non-working side is not so effective, because you have to turn around to study what is written.
  • Signs are a simple form of advertising that tells people where to go to find your store or office. An example of a product advertisement: cute prints of small feet on the asphalt or in a supermarket. Such signs may be of interest and lead to the department where the desired products are displayed.
  • Streamers are stretched advertising awnings, which are most often located above highways and local roads. The driver has the opportunity to read the text and remember contact details - this option is considered more effective than shields.
  • Sandwich people are a great publicity stunt: people dress up in eye-catching costumes and interact with potential customers.
  • Advertising on public transport is not very expensive, but it works great. A huge flow of people sees her.
  • Urban designs - creating advertising images on shops, stands, kiosks.

Static advertising

  • Announcements in elevators. Despite the simplicity of presenting a call to action, this method works effectively. A person, being in a confined space, is simply forced to study material that is located right at eye level. So he will definitely remember it, and maybe even become interested.
  • Advertising in the subway and transport. The situation is similar. Only she acts even more actively - there is a lot of free time, plus there is the opportunity not only to read the material, but also to analyze it.

Internet - assistant in product promotion

And, of course, you can’t do anywhere without a global network! Advertising of any product should not only be of high quality, but also accessible to the general public. And the easiest way to achieve this is on the Internet - millions of people search for the information they need every day, and your advertising encourages them to make the right choice. In addition, it is on the network that you can use all available types of information: radio, text brochures, videos. Main types:

It is very actively used on the network and has proven itself to be excellent. Marketers claim that she can sell anything! There are two types of such events:

  • Texts and banners that are placed on pages that coincide in meaning and context with similar advertising. This method has a huge advantage - it does not irritate the reader so much and can be very useful in terms of information content.
  • Advertising placed on search engines. It works simply: you enter a query into a search engine, and as a result a window “pops up” on the right or left with an image or description of the product/service being promoted. An example of a product advertisement: “We will sell cars inexpensively,” “We will make furniture quickly and efficiently.”

Guerrilla Marketing

This type of advertising is perfect for both novice businessmen and real professionals. In addition, you have a chance to save a lot of money - there are almost no cash costs, but you will have to spend a lot of time. What is the method? Everyone knows that the popularity of social networks and various forums and blogs is only increasing, which means you have an excellent platform where you can promote your product. Write reviews, share your impressions, recommend to a wide range of forum users... As a result, people begin to perceive such recommendations as verified and reliable information. Many companies work this way, and there really is a result: in addition to promoting its products, the company also acquires a good business reputation. For example, advertising a new product requires a positive public opinion from the company. With the help of guerrilla marketing, you can constantly build it and fuel interest in your products.

Television and print advertising

This type of advertising is not cheap, but it works great. The thing is that it is able to reach a very wide audience. And everyone can find something just for themselves. So if you are ready to spend a lot of money on promoting goods and services, use the media of any level, besides, visual advertising is perfectly perceived by potential buyers.

Dear readers, all types of advertising are effective to varying degrees. There are many factors to consider so that it really helps you promote your own business. But remember: to increase your sales, you will have to invest in informing potential buyers. Good luck!

The most important thing to avoid when running various advertising campaigns is spam. People don't like it when something is forced on them that they didn't ask for. Intrusive advertising is not welcome on the Internet, is contrary to the rules of netiquette and is repulsive.

The site is powerful. By creating your own web page, you present to the Internet the face of your company, on whose behalf sales are conducted. You have the opportunity to describe all the advantages of the product being offered, present it in the most favorable light, regularly announce various discounts, and, in general, conduct a competent sales policy.

Website content plays an important role. Poorly written text will turn off visitors even if the site is very famous. That is why the content of the site must be approached responsibly.

The better the text on the site is written, the higher the conversion will be - the ratio of the number of site visitors who made a purchase to the total number of people who visited the web resource.

Using search engines

When we create our resource on the Internet, we already resort to the help of search engines. However, there is another type of advertising that is more aggressive - advertisements. When a user makes a request in a search engine, such announcements are always in the first positions.

Using message boards

There are a huge number of bulletin boards on the World Wide Web - this is a kind of page. A high-quality advertisement about your products and services along with contact information will attract message board users. The success of such an ad directly depends on how correctly and competently its text is composed.

Announcements on the notice board are sorted in chronological order, starting with the newest. Over time, the announcement made will move down. It will be difficult for new visitors to find it. There are paid services for raising an ad and highlighting it visually.

On the forums

Your signature is added to every message you leave. The more active you are on the forum, the more potential future buyers will be able to go to the site promoting your product.

Knowing whether a product is online is the basis for successful sales. The success of advertising determines how many website visitors will turn into buyers.

And their implementation. All other functions play a supporting role, accelerating or even slowing down commerce. Production and trade are constantly changing in pace, forms, methods, and so on. In particular, the promotion of goods and services on the Internet has changed greatly.

Internet and trade

The World Wide Web has greatly changed world orders. The space has shrunk significantly. Large amounts of information instantly move anywhere in the world, changing the situation in the economy, politics, and personal life. Of course, the Internet has had a major impact on trade. Data about goods and services can be transferred from your home, distributed to many people at once, transferred to interested clients, neutralized a large number of barriers in the form of borders, financial and tax procedures, differences in laws, and so on.

Online trading is developing at a very active pace. This is evidenced by statistics, where the share increases from year to year. New data is constantly becoming more and more impressive.

Trading via the Internet has become quite profitable, so many people have appeared engaged in different trading methods, and a lot of ways to promote goods on the Internet have appeared. Today, products are sold via the Internet, bought, resold, engaged in dropshipping (trading without a warehouse) or simply advertising, receiving a percentage of sales.


It is necessary to develop the company's brand for the successful sale of goods. It is also necessary to develop methods for promoting goods on the Internet. For marketing, promotion is a method of activity that is aimed at increasing sales performance through specific communicative stimulation of buyers, contractors, partners and employees. Promotion develops the following goals: increasing demand for a product or service among customers and developing a positive attitude towards the company. Product promotion implements such significant functions as:

  • attractive form of the enterprise, positive image: status, innovation, low cost and high quality of goods;
  • the ability to distribute product data, including its characteristics, to wholesale buyers and ordinary customers;
  • existence of a need for a product (service);
  • activation of all participants in the product sales chain;
  • restructuring the process of habitual perception of products;
  • dissemination of information about the reliability of the company;
  • distribution of expensive goods.

A trade development complex is a generalization of marketing capabilities and techniques that make it possible to provide data about a businessman’s products to end consumers. Such a set of actions is formed from various methods of product promotion, including on the Internet.


Uncrate is, first and foremost, a product control site with loyal support. Here it is much easier to promote goods and services on the Internet. Active Uncrate users not only tend to look at interesting products, they also enjoy purchasing them. Promotion of products on the Uncrate platform can help increase sales and provide new ways to publish your information in periodicals.

But selling through Uncrate is not that easy. Officially, there is no selection process, but informally one requirement remains the same: the product must be of high quality. Uncrate decides to talk about individual companies, but the rest need to call, inform, and also send product samples.

Directed trading

Targeted marketing, also known as word of mouth, exists as an analogue of the oldest methods of promoting a new product on the Internet. Such marketing combines everything that may require other people to tell their friends about the product, leading to recognition and trade. Nowadays, the Internet can be used, which makes such marketing have an even greater impact on sales. The World Wide Web makes it possible not only to connect a larger number of users, but also makes it easier for people eager to take content from a company, while allowing owners to track trading results.


The most difficult stage of starting a trade is promoting a product on the Internet in the absence of consumers. If you don't have your own customer base, you need to either pay to increase traffic to your own site or poach other people's customers until your own audience is created. Help from bloggers is a great way to turn your products into prestigious and marketable products. You can find famous bloggers and order an article or review about a product from them. If they have a large audience that relies on the blogger's opinion, this will help activate the site and increase sales.

Advertising on social news sites

Quite a lot of businessmen do not even try to work with advertising on existing social news sites, although such methods can be a very effective system for promoting goods via the Internet. Even the most passive advertising networks can sometimes be very profitable, because their cost is lower and they offer a lot of ways to express themselves.

Try to advertise on the social news site you use to promote your own products. You can order a paid publication on a website similar in topic to your business. Use the platform to discuss your products and announce discounts. The most important thing is that your publication is combined with other materials of the subforum. In other words, you should not publish advertisements for new cosmetics on a car forum or in a group of bikers on a social network.

Pop-Up Shop

A pop-up store is another way to operate and promote products online. If your business distributes products online, you don't need to maintain a retail store to leverage the benefits of brick-and-mortar sales. Use another option - you can make a temporary store. Most likely, there is an empty space nearby (in a city, region, industry - depending on your capabilities), the owners of which will willingly allow you to work for a week or even two or three days.

The operation of a temporary store will give the owner the opportunity to loudly advertise his products, appear in local media, take advantage of seasonal trading, sell the previous collection and learn much more about his consumers by talking with them personally. You just need to emphasize that the store is temporary, sending customers to the online platform and actively distributing your own printed products.


Blogging is a great way to activate your store and promote products online. An effective blog will be a good way to attract customers to your site and build an image associated with your product. It may also arouse the interest of the media and bloggers who decide to write about the new company.

Instagram Features

Instagram has around 400 million regular users, so having a post or business page on this social network is a great way to promote your products online. At least 50% of the content that appears on Instagram every day is business content. Each brand can post various information about its products on this network, which outwardly does not seem to be a product.

There are a number of effective ways to work with Instagram to grow your store. You can inform your followers about the qualities of your products, publish individual photos showing your products in practice, hold competitions, or work with the owners of popular Instagram profiles, inviting them to advertise your product.


Now YouTube is ranked by regular search engines like Google and similar ones. This allows business owners to take advantage of great opportunities to promote products online.

You can develop your own business by publishing interesting and useful videos on your own channel. Many consumers may have already tried to find your product or brand on YouTube. And using a branded channel with video content, you will control all the material.


These days, Vine no longer looks like such a trendy platform, however, the social network continues to be used frequently. In previous years, it had approximately two hundred million users. This original network allows smartphone owners and businessmen to publish and view short videos. Brands are offered a large number of opportunities to promote their own products and services.

In particular, you can publish videos about your own products, hold competitions, or attract consumers in other ways. Or you can reach out to popular Vine users and see if they can promote your products for a while. The cost of advertising depends on the number of subscribers and the popularity of the account owner.


A competition is an easy and relatively inexpensive method to boost product promotion on the Internet. You give away your products and services with the confidence that the right type of consumer is participating in this exciting competition: potential buyers.

However, you still need to take into account that a number of competitions do not live up to the hopes placed on them, and the money is wasted. There are several mistakes that you should avoid when holding competitions with the goal of business development. First, you need to understand that the platform, time, information and actions that potential clients need to implement to participate in the competition must be thought out in detail.

So, products almost never sell themselves on their own. Fortunately, there are a huge number of ways to boost your sales online. Use the one that seems most effective to you and take action.


You need to identify the market segment in which you expect to receive and think your product. If possible, use your strengths, but if you have the finances, hire a research company. What questions should you ask respondents? Who are the competitors? And what can they offer? For what reason are potential consumers of their product?

Now you need to supplement the consumer qualities of your product. Here you need to take two steps. Compare your product with the qualities of competitors' products. And the second step is to try to convince them that you are the best. This trick will allow you not to think about how to promote your product. And the target audience will understand that your products are more profitable than those on the market.

Develop and implement branding. To promote a product, you need to establish frequent contact between your target group and the brand. The contact can also be visual. After all, promoting on the Internet is one thing, but promoting a virtual office is quite another. It is necessary to make your website very informative, fairly easy to navigate and accessible to search engines.

Create information bursts. If possible, appear often on the pages of both electronic and paper media. So you know how to promote your product in order to arouse genuine interest with a press release not only from the end consumer, but even from editors of newspapers and magazines.


High quality releases depending entirely on how quickly you promote


First of all, use the Internet. By betting on the Internet, you affect not only the local market. Order and optimize as much as your budget allows. Remember that it is also important, which should be bright and clear, but not provocative. Use viral to spread the word about you on social media - the more people talk about you, the more famous you will be.

Train your managers. They are your driving force, the locomotive that should lead you to success. Be sure to conduct regular trainings and introduce a bonus sales incentive system. The main activity is searching for clients - you need to supply his clients, which he can either take from the Internet himself, or you transfer them to him. Enter daily to monitor employee activities.

Sales promotion in large companies is carried out by a special marketing department. There are brand managers who plan and organize events aimed at increasing sales. In addition, there are marketing analysts who study the market, PR managers and copywriters.


The next step is with sales managers. Conduct training to teach staff how to properly treat customers. During the classes, the instructor will create various situations that he encounters during his work. As a result of playing several behavioral options, a number of the most optimal ways of communicating with different consumer categories are selected. This will allow you not only to retain customers, but also to attract new ones by learning to work with objections.

The department and sales managers must communicate closely with each other. All planned events must be discussed at joint meetings. In this way, ways will be developed not only to promote sales, but also to retain old customers, increasing the volume of existing profits.

Video on the topic


Having decided on the type of activity and the desired budget, you can begin the direct search. A regular search engine is suitable for this. Enter a general designation of a potential client, for example: mini-hotels in Moscow, restaurants in Moscow, web studios, etc. Next, you will need to view all the results and create a contact database that can be transferred to the sales manager for processing.


  • client search agency
  • How to find 1000 clients for online advertising

You will need

  • - Internet access;
  • - telephone.


Set campaign goals. They can be completely different. For example, for a new product that has just entered the market, this is informing potential buyers; for a product that consumers do not distinguish from competitors, it is image formation; to increase sales, it is stimulating purchases.

Video on the topic