Presentation: Steam turbines as the main engine in thermal power plants. Physics presentation on turbines Steam turbines - disadvantages

“History of the development of heat engines” - External combustion engines 1. Steam engine 2. Steam and gas turbine. The operating principle of heat engines. The heat engine consists of. Questions for the class. Steam turbines. Check the diagram. Technical problem. Methods for eliminating the harmful effects of heat engines. Fill out the diagram. Internal combustion engines 1 Carburetor, diesel 2 Jet.

“Heat pumps” - A heat pump can be combined with almost any circulating heat-conducting system; RELIABILITY. Cross-section of various types of vertical ground heat exchangers. Preparing a double U-shaped probe for a ground borehole. PSP Energy LLC Klimatek LLC 2008 No greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere; VERSATILITY.

“Inventors of perpetual motion machines” - Then the oil that has flowed down rises again through the wicks to the upper vessel. Oil rising up the wicks 11. Magnet and grooves. Oil rising through the wicks. 12. Installation by engineer Potapov. Inventor's idea: The idea is based on the use of a wheel with unbalanced loads. Inventor's idea: Potapov's hydrodynamic thermal installation with an efficiency exceeding 400%.

“Ideal heat engine” - A) i,iv b) ii,iii c) ii,iv d) ii,iv,v e) ii,iii,v. No. 1: The efficiency of an ideal heat engine is 20%. A) 270oc B) -3oc C) -93oc D) 180oc E) -40oc. II. Determine the amount of heat transferred to the refrigerator if the engine efficiency is 20%. The refrigerator temperature remains constant. With an increase in the amount of heat transferred to the refrigerator.

“The principle of operation of a heat engine” - Working fluid. Heat engines are machines that convert the internal energy of fuel into mechanical energy. Fridge. History of the creation of heat engines. Thermal engines and technology development. Efficiency of heat engines. Heater. Steam. T2

“Heat engines physics” - efficiency of a heat engine. Content. For all other cycles. 0. French engineer Sadi Carnot in 1824. What they breathe in Chelyabinsk. Cars are more dangerous than factories. Useful work a. Negative impact on the environment. Physics teacher of MOU VSOSH No. 2 Zaikina N.V. Thermal engine. For the Carnot cycle only, the efficiency is determined by the expression:

There are 31 presentations in total

  • Prepared by Dmitry Andreev,
  • student of 190 TM group.
  • Head L.A. Pleshcheva,
  • teacher
  • Shadrinsk 2015
an external combustion heat engine that converts the energy of heated steam into mechanical work of the reciprocating movement of the piston, and then into the rotational movement of the shaft. In a broader sense, a steam engine is any external combustion engine that converts steam energy into mechanical work.
  • an external combustion heat engine that converts the energy of heated steam into mechanical work of the reciprocating movement of the piston, and then into the rotational movement of the shaft. In a broader sense, a steam engine is any external combustion engine that converts steam energy into mechanical work.
The nineteenth century was not called the century of steam for nothing. With the invention of the steam engine, a real revolution took place in industry, energy, and transport. It became possible to mechanize work that previously required too many human hands. The expansion of industrial production volumes has confronted the energy sector with the task of increasing engine power in every possible way. However, initially it was not high power that brought the steam turbine to life... The hydraulic turbine as a device for converting the potential energy of water into the kinetic energy of a rotating shaft has been known since ancient times. The steam turbine has an equally long history, with one of the first designs known as Heron's turbine and dating back to the first century BC. However, let us immediately note that until the 19th century, turbines driven by steam were more likely technical curiosities, toys, than real industrially applicable devices.
  • The hydraulic turbine as a device for converting the potential energy of water into the kinetic energy of a rotating shaft has been known since ancient times. The steam turbine has an equally long history, with one of the first designs known as Heron's turbine and dating back to the first century BC. However, let us immediately note that until the 19th century, turbines driven by steam were more likely technical curiosities, toys, than real industrially applicable devices.
And only with the beginning of the industrial revolution in Europe, after the widespread practical introduction of D. Watt’s steam engine, inventors began to take a closer look at the steam turbine, so to speak, “closely.” The creation of a steam turbine required a deep knowledge of the physical properties of steam and the laws of its flow. Its manufacture became possible only with a sufficiently high level of technology for working with metals, since the required precision in the manufacture of individual parts and the strength of the elements were significantly higher than in the case of a steam engine. However, time passed, technology improved, and the hour for practical use of the steam turbine struck. Primitive steam turbines were first used in sawmills in the eastern United States in 1883-1885. for driving circular saws.
  • The Laval steam turbine is a wheel with blades. A jet of steam generated in the boiler escapes from the pipe (nozzle), presses on the blades and spins the wheel. Experimenting with different tubes for supplying steam, the designer came to the conclusion that they should have a cone shape. This is how the Laval nozzle, which is still used today, appeared (patent 1889). The inventor made this important discovery rather intuitively; it took several more decades for theorists to prove that a nozzle of this particular shape gives the best effect.
  • He began working on turbines in 1881, and three years later he was given a patent for his own design: Parsons connected a steam turbine with an electrical energy generator. With the help of a turbine, it became possible to generate electricity, and this immediately increased public interest in steam turbines. As a result of 15 years of research, Parsons created the most advanced multi-stage jet turbine at that time. He made several inventions that increased the efficiency of this device (he improved the design of the seals, methods for attaching the blades to the wheel, and the speed control system).
  • Created a comprehensive theory of turbomachines. He developed an original multi-stage turbine, which was successfully demonstrated at the World Exhibition held in the capital of France in 1900. For each stage of the turbine, Rato calculated the optimal pressure drop, which ensured a high overall efficiency of the machine.
In his machine, the rotation speed of the turbine was lower, and the steam energy was used more fully. Therefore, Curtis turbines were smaller and more reliable in design. One of the main areas of application of steam turbines is ship propulsion systems. The first ship with a steam turbine engine, the Turbinia, built by Parsons in 1894, reached speeds of up to 32 knots (about 59 km/h).
  • In his machine, the rotation speed of the turbine was lower, and the steam energy was used more fully. Therefore, Curtis turbines were smaller and more reliable in design. One of the main areas of application of steam turbines is ship propulsion systems. The first ship with a steam turbine engine, the Turbinia, built by Parsons in 1894, reached speeds of up to 32 knots (about 59 km/h).
The American Doble steam engine was produced in extremely limited quantities: from 1923 to 1932, only 42 copies were made. The example in the illustration is dated 1929. Brooks steam cars leaving the assembly line at a factory in Stratford, Ontario, 1926. STEAM TURBINE Steam turbine water steam into mechanical work.
  • Steam turbine primary steam engine with rotational movement of the working body - the rotor and a continuous working process; serves to convert thermal energy water steam into mechanical work.
  • Schematic longitudinal section of an active turbine with three pressure stages: 1 - annular fresh steam chamber; 2 - first stage nozzles; 3 - first stage working blades; 4 - second stage nozzles; 5 - working blades of the second stage; 6 - third stage nozzles; 7 - third stage working blades.
  • Schematic section of a small jet turbine: 1 - annular fresh steam chamber; 2 - unloading piston; 3 - connecting steam line; 4 - rotor drum; 5, 8 - working blades; 6, 9 - guide vanes; 7 - body
  • Double-casing steam turbine (with covers removed): 1 - high-pressure housing; 2 - labyrinth seal; 3 - Curtis wheel; 4 - high pressure rotor; 5 - coupling; 6 - low pressure rotor; 7 - low pressure housing.
  • Steam engines [Electronic resource] - BC%D0%B0%D1%88%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B0 (access time 09/02/2015)

The first predecessor of modern steam turbines can be considered a toy engine, which was invented back in the 2nd century. before. AD Alexandrian scientist Heron. The first predecessor of modern steam turbines can be considered a toy engine, which was invented back in the 2nd century. before. AD Alexandrian scientist Heron.

In 1629, the Italian Branca created a design for a wheel with blades. It was supposed to rotate if a stream of steam hit the wheel blades with force. This was the first design of a steam turbine, which later became known as an active turbine. In 1629, the Italian Branca created a design for a wheel with blades. It was supposed to rotate if a stream of steam hit the wheel blades with force. This was the first design of a steam turbine, which later became known as an active turbine. The steam flow in these early steam turbines was not concentrated and much of its energy was dissipated in all directions, resulting in significant energy losses. The steam flow in these early steam turbines was not concentrated and much of its energy was dissipated in all directions, resulting in significant energy losses.

A steam turbine consists of a series of rotating discs mounted on a single axis, called a turbine rotor, and a series of alternating stationary discs mounted on a base, called a stator. The rotor disks have blades on the outside; steam is supplied to these blades and spins the disks. The stator disks have similar blades mounted at opposite angles, which serve to redirect the flow of steam to the following rotor disks. A steam turbine consists of a series of rotating discs mounted on a single axis, called a turbine rotor, and a series of alternating stationary discs mounted on a base, called a stator. The rotor disks have blades on the outside; steam is supplied to these blades and spins the disks. The stator disks have similar blades mounted at opposite angles, which serve to redirect the flow of steam to the following rotor disks.

Types of steam engines. Steam turbines, formally a type of steam engine, are still widely used to drive electricity generators. Approximately 86% of the world's electricity is generated using steam turbines. Steam turbines, formally a type of steam engine, are still widely used to drive electricity generators. Approximately 86% of the world's electricity is generated using steam turbines.

The energy hidden in fossil fuels such as coal, oil or natural gas cannot be immediately obtained in the form of electricity. The fuel is first burned. The released energy first heats the water and turns it into steam. The steam rotates the turbine, which in turn rotates an electric generator that produces current. The energy hidden in fossil fuels such as coal, oil or natural gas cannot be immediately obtained in the form of electricity. The fuel is first burned. The released energy first heats the water and turns it into steam. The steam rotates the turbine, which in turn rotates an electric generator that produces current.

Ship steam turbines In our country, steam turbines are built with a power ranging from several kilowatts to a kilowatt. Turbines are used in thermal power plants and on ships. Gas turbines, in which gas combustion products are used instead of steam, are gradually becoming more widely used. In our country, steam turbines with power ranging from several kilowatts to kW are built. Turbines are used in thermal power plants and on ships. Gas turbines, in which gas combustion products are used instead of steam, are gradually becoming more widely used.

Steam turbine (French turbine from Latin turbo vortex, rotation) is a continuous heat engine, in the blade apparatus of which the potential energy of compressed and heated water steam is converted into kinetic energy, which in turn performs mechanical work on the shaft. French Latin engine potential energy water parakineticmechanical work

STEAM TURBINE, a turbine that converts the thermal energy of water steam into mechanical work. The flow of water vapor enters through guide vanes onto curved blades fixed around the circumference of the rotor, and, acting on them, causes the rotor to rotate. Unlike a piston steam engine, a steam turbine uses not potential, but kinetic energy of the steam. turbine-steam engine

Attempts to create steam turbines have been made for a very long time. There is a known description of a primitive steam turbine made by Heron of Alexandria (1st century BC). However, it was only at the end of the 19th century, when thermodynamics, mechanical engineering and metallurgy had reached a sufficient level, that Laval (Sweden) and Parsons (Great Britain) independently created industrially suitable steam turbines.

Laval used steam expansion in conical stationary nozzles in one step from the initial to the final pressure and directed the resulting jet (with supersonic exhaust velocity) onto one row of working blades mounted on a disk. Steam turbines operating on this principle are called active turbines.

Parsons created a multi-stage reactive steam turbine in which steam expansion was carried out in a large number of successively located stages not only in the channels of the fixed (guide) blades, but also between the movable (working) blades. The steam turbine turned out to be a very convenient engine for driving rotary mechanisms (electric generators, pumps, blowers) and ship propellers; it was faster, more compact, lighter, more economical and more balanced than a piston steam engine.

  • Introduce students
  • with device and principle
  • operation of a steam turbine.
  • Introduce the concept of thermal efficiency
  • engine.
  • Identify problems
  • environmental protection.
  • Goals:
  • This is a continuous heat engine in which the potential energy of compressed and heated water vapor is converted into kinetic energy, which in turn performs mechanical work on the shaft.
Turbo (lat.) – whirlwind mid-19th century
  • Turbines
  • Steam
  • Gas
Steam turbine design diagram
  • 1 – nozzle
  • 2 – blades
  • 3 – par
  • 4 – disk
  • 5 – shaft
  • It is used as an electric generator drive at thermal, nuclear and hydro power plants, as engines in sea, land and air transport, as an integral part of a hydrodynamic transmission.
  • A device similar to a turbine, but with a drive to rotate the blades from a shaft - a compressor or pump.
  • The most powerful power plant in the world is located in South America, on the Parana River. Its 18 turbines generate 12,600 million watt/hours of electricity.
  • disadvantages of work
  • steam turbine
  • rotation speed cannot vary widely
  • long start and stop times
  • high cost of steam turbines
  • low volume of electricity produced in relation to the volume of thermal energy.
  • advantages
  • work
  • steam turbine
  • rotation occurs in one direction;
  • there are no shocks, as when the piston is working
  • Steam turbines can operate on different types of fuel: gaseous, liquid, solid
  • high unit power
  • Working fluid
  • Heater
  • Fridge
  • A p = Q1-Q2
Efficiency formula
  • Ap - Useful work;
  • Q1 – Amount of heat,
  • received from the heater;
  • Q2 – Quantity of heat
  • given to the refrigerator.
Efficiency factor (efficiency)
  • Cannot be more than 1 (or 100%)
  • Steam engine efficiency ≈ 8–12%
  • Steam or gas turbine > 30%
  • ICE ≈ 20-40%
  • Ways to increase efficiency
  • steam turbine
  • 1) creation of more advanced thermal insulation of the boiler;
  • 2) an increase in temperature in the boiler, as well as an increase in steam pressure
    • Increase in average atmospheric temperature
    • Changing of the climate
    • Formation of the "greenhouse effect"
    • Extinction of certain species of animals, birds, plants
    • Acid rain
Alternative energy sources
  • Heat engines:
  • 25.5 billion tons of carbon oxides
  • 190 million tons of sulfur oxides
  • 65 million tons of nitrogen oxides
  • 1.4 million tons of chlorofluorocarbon
  • Lead, cadmium, copper, nickel, etc.
  • Solar energy
  • Electricity
  • Magnetic field energy
  • Wind energy
Developments by Gustaf de Laval
  • In 1883, the Swede Gustaf de Laval managed to overcome many difficulties and create the first working steam turbine. A few years earlier, Laval received a patent for a milk separator. In order to power it, a very high-speed drive was needed. None of the engines that existed at that time met the task. Laval became convinced that only a steam turbine could give him the required rotation speed. He began to work on its design and eventually achieved what he wanted.
From the history
  • Laval's turbine was a light wheel, onto the blades of which steam was induced through several nozzles placed at an acute angle.
  • In 1889, Laval significantly improved his invention by adding conical expanders to the nozzles. This significantly increased the efficiency of the turbine and turned it into a universal engine.
Developments of Charles Parsons
  • In 1884, English engineer Charles Parsons received a patent for a multi-stage jet turbine, which he invented specifically to drive an electric generator.
  • In 1885, he designed a multi-stage jet turbine, which was later widely used in thermal power plants.
  • § 23, 24;
  • cards,
  • prepare for the test